we built a business to move into an RV. (FULL SEASON 1)

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[Music] we have been home in home in the United States for six months after traveling for a year around the world hopefully you already know that because you're watching us on trip we have nine hundred and thirty four subscribers and we couldn't be more ecstatic about that and watch every single name come in to our email inbox yeah so a little about us we got home first thing to do of course line up full-time job so we just moved into our apartment three weeks ago and finally got things set up and the last thing of course we had to get a puppy actually not know her name's pepper okay so now that we are established in our life we are starting to ask ourselves what's next like the only thing that made sense was a bigger trip the pan-american highway you can literally drive from Alaska down to it is our longest drivable road in the world there's not really one you're driving right yeah and I'm like in the middle you can't drive from Panama to Colombia because there's it's like okay marshy so that's what we know about it so far we know it's a road we know you can drive from north to south and that that's kind of it we also know we need to do it so we're kind of just calling our own Bluff on this thing we're planning 2018 summer to be in Alaska that's a good starting time up there we have over a year now to build towards that that's gonna require a lot of work it's gonna require getting a couple business ventures in place to fund ourselves while we're gone because what we don't want to do is save up to then just go on a trip and then feel like we have to come back to get jobs that was a money was a stressful point in our last trip we want to set ourselves up so that we can work from the road that's kind of the purpose all right so since we got home this is kind of what not kind of what this is what Saturday night's look like we're not out boozing unfortunately we're working we're trying to figure out how and what we can do so we can get on the road again this is the studio Alison just finished shooting in here it's a huge mass but everything that you'd actually see on screen looks like it's really clean in here meanwhile Alison is in the office area Abidine Hey oh can i plug my Vietnam video go back and watch how to motorbike Vietnam itinerary it's happening right now and then I am working on some Amazon stuff and that's our exciting Saturday it's another exciting day of pre trip prep here and instead of being outside playing in the Sun maybe enjoying the pool here we are what are we talking about what are you doing right now oh my gosh I'm trying to build those website searching from Squarespace to WordPress and I didn't realize that you actually have to know you're doing on WordPress so it's like a massive learning curve and I thought that like over a weekend I was just gonna be able to like recreate our website and then I was like oh I should I probably need like three months so over on my side I just got our second Amazon product up finally which is the compression bags but it's all baby steps and hopefully building towards believing into something [Music] are you ready one of the things that we know we're going to need for this upcoming trip is a scooter so we can deploy it off the back of the RV and we finally found it only two hours away from Fisher's in Dayton Ohio we saw it on Craigslist and we're driving we go look at it that's Allison over there you might not recognize her because she's driving for us and I'm just sitting shotgun so the timeline here is actually pretty important because it's mid-july 2017 and we're going so far as to drive two hours to go buy a scooter that we wouldn't be buying unless they were like going on this trip however we haven't even told our families yet they were doing this a lot of our friends know by this point and it's not like we're harboring some big secret or anything it's more so calling yourselves out on it and when you start kind of spreading it around then you're really committed to it so we finally settled down we got our jobs back going again as we've said a million times and now no we're not doing this anymore in six months to a year at the most were we're leaving again didn't go be crazy in it's uncomfortable talking about yourself I mean how often do you ask your friends like what's your what's your two-year plan or something and so for our friends they kind of like get it and they're like so what's the next trip then we just openly like say that's them and it's kind of but if it doesn't come up then we feel weird being like we have something to tell you strange [Music] all right the eggnog girl pullout all right there we go except I'm not with him so I better get in the car and go with it this big girl right here it's a 2005 Winnebago sights here she's got a big old Chevy Vortech 8.1 liter gets about 30 miles per gallon but that's a complete lie she's gonna get about 7 miles per gallon welcome to the rest of the interior tour there's nothing wrong with what we have right now we are taking it upon ourselves to renovate the RV a little bit we're gonna document the whole renovation process we have big plans but we also have a big itinerary we have to balance what we can get done in the time that we have to do it because we will also want to get out on the road and taking away first night in the RV [Music] nice oh my gosh this is gonna be like drive to the values and stuff you can see our Ohio kind of feel like you're like outside a little bit so that was in first $100 gas fella that moved the needle way more than I thought it would in the RV for the second time in Amish we're going to Ikea to pick up a big sofa that's going to be replacing this jackknife sofa we're lowering the RV right now and figuring out like how you drive it it feels like you made one of those rides at Disney World or used to the chair and your chair moves and like a screen and it's like a virtual reality just like panorama big news we are trying to pack up and be out of here in five there's something anyway in the first part of the week from today so we're not only moving at the old place we're moving into an RV there's a lot to do the apartment is an absolute disaster right now it's torn off and to complicate the move and make things easier looks like some of the stuff is it going in the RV someone's going to my parents someone's going to Vinny's parents something's going to the nation so it's just like it's hard to keep track of where everything's going here's our closet this is all of Tim's clothes except for that backpack of everything that he'll have in the RV I'm a little bit more stocked up this is everything that I have that's not summer this pile is donations as of last night this fills up every few days and then we take it over this behind the scenes is the entire workings of trip travel gear just a bunch of prototype stuff and samples and that's what that looks like and then this is the closet with the RV stuff it's going in the shelves that's a bag of my summer clothes that's a basket of like beach towels and beach stuff that is a pile of all of our camping stuff this is my summer clothes part too [Music] and then this is what the inside obviously looks like when you use your brand-new Winnebago you're new to us Winnebago as your you home we have a king-sized bed almost screen size in the back we have sleeping up it I mean just everybody can sleep in here everybody can all right off goes Tim I stay here [Music] [Music] so of course doing anything like this involves communicating the storyline to the family so right now we're here right before Christmas showing the fam showing the fam the plan and there's lots of question marks also it's just full of like storage and boxes right now so it's hard to see the full vision like how the booze cabinets already stock cabinets important my brother is doing the test-drive [Music] this is not exactly how I pictured leaving for the birds that well it's crap everywhere but we had to bring everything inside because it's zero degrees and it has been for the past several days and everything was gonna freeze and we didn't want to run the propane that long now I'm trying to put some things away so that we can actually pull out of the driveway today is the day we're leaving the day after Christmas and it's zero degrees outside [Music] the situation is we got a ton of snow over the past 24 hours and as you can see he has not been cleared from the roads but it's not icy or anything the big deal is of course in the first two minutes of driving we have a big hill to get out of the subdivision as long as we make it through the next two minutes of Michigan we're gonna be able to make it the 30 hours to Florida this is gonna be really cute when this audio is put over us stuck in a ditch oh god don't say that this is it isn't it [Music] I'm run about eight o'clock at well the Michelin xrv is just really cooking on blocks easy this was [Music] it's probably the most epic time of year to make this drive from Michigan to Florida because in the next two days we're going to go zero degrees to 80 degrees and overnight tonight and Nashville should be about 40 so it's funny that a day's drive is going to increase 40 degrees every time the end of fishers indiana fishers indiana fissures in the well we forgot a bunch of stuff in a junk drawer when we moved out but conveniently we live like the first Street off of the highway exit on the way that we're going anyways so it's kind of just like stopping for gas she's gonna think that we came home from Christmas but trip began South even though in Fishers the other going south from Indianapolis where we lived all years this feels more like the start before this is like the same route of going back for them to my parents outside just felt like coming home for Christmas but even after five minutes now we're going to South we're going to like Kentucky and stuff like that is new like I've just glad that after driving for five hours now we're starving so another five hours there Joe [Music] [Applause] we have no idea where we're going right now we're headed towards Nashville but we think we might be getting in so late that it might not even be worth like trying to go have dinner in Nashville only time will tell judo before a late 4 o'clock lunch and life is good [Music] howdy stompin Chattanooga Tennessee all right off we go on to the next state 3:45 in the morning making the bed pick rifle barrel so that we can sleep shuffled in between all of our stuff back here but despite everything it looks super cozy 8:30 a.m. Lana Georgia back on the road it was comfy back there like comfy even though we're south of Atlanta we still have like nine hours very far forget last night and of course rain we were camping this is the best way to camp in the rain it's still rain yes we have found all of the precipitation in the United States along this entire route it like the coldness has ever been in any of these locations it was like you know 20 overnight in Atlanta which I would think is good for them even in the winter and now it's like 37 and raining which feels balmy after the zero yesterday morning [Music] I'm almost done I feel it I feel this side Oh we're like Gainesville and it's like sixty degrees [Music] this is our first camp spot it's next to my parents old house in Florida this is where we're gonna work on the RV the next two months we really locked up we have electric and water here and some very patient neighbors but it's really nice today is January 1st 2018 we begin the new adventure today we started taking off the cabinets to paint them white as you do when you're a millennial in a car we're just starting it looks like a tremendous amount of work man I wish we hadn't ripped the couch and died not out of here already but we already started we made a mark and now begins countless hours of do my favorite thing which is painting we're here at aunt Donna's garage workshop it's kind of like we bought a Groupon for how to do this Pinterest project and we're getting paint now that the practice drive we're putting our first code Oh No now that the primer is dry we're putting on our first coat of paint and aunt Donna says nope Boogie's so I'm just trying to make sure there's no movies see this is a new [Music] we just had at Donna here which just I don't know the elusive and Donna I can't get her on camera she she runs away at night but we're so lucky to have her because we brought her over here just to like get some insight on like how to treat the walls and how to prime them and this feels gross we're going in we're painting the walls of the RV today we have now again taken everything that we own out of the RV so that doesn't get dusty and dirty and paint covered so we're super motivated today cuz it's a Sunday and some noodles have work and it's finally like 75 degrees in Florida and here we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the painting always looks more fun on camera because it's usually edited with a fun montage or something it's just really time-consuming but I really like painting it's just kind of relaxing to be over here I feel like I'm the kid paint-by-numbers and Tim is adding the finesse just like rolling this around and he doesn't trust me to be careful with the lines hey today I'm painting the kitchen and guess what color were painting it because we're painting the cabinets black not because we're creative geniuses but because basically we saw the mountain Modern Life did it and it looks gorgeous this is what you want to see this is what you want to see oh my Oh zebra oh let's leave it oh no now let's oh oh I hate it you guys are we doing your kitchen like how are you doing it black oh my god that's amazing [Music] these are exciting times most of the painting is done not all of the painting though gotta let it dry plenty but we can finally start taking stuff like this microwave it's been sitting here stuffing toes for the past two weeks maybe we should wipe off that dust on the top it's good it's seasoned I've already told Allison but I'm never painting anything again in my life I'm just in the most positive way ever I'm done with painting it's nice it actually kind of does doesn't it and then here are the lower cabinets here is two coats of black paint and it's looking good the camera how we can't pick up oh yeah you can see a little bit just how it's like you need a little bit meaning one more coat always one more coat always one more we're excited about the black come with me into the restroom oh this looks nice on camera um here is the second layer of tsunami Wow stop I say Olson earlier if she wanted me to record her during this paint she said no cuz I'm gonna get too stressed because it's gonna be very messy so because you're doing paint [Music] today's episode brought to you by milk got milk on your countertops [Music] oh my gosh it's this huge rush and like we've just given ourselves an arbitrary deadline so there's not a rush but the rush is that we're ready to leave tomorrow morning and this just in um we just remove the bolts from the slide out and now we finally put in the sofa that we've been carrying around for four months Tim just hung this really cool butcher block for our cutting board and Tim's been like doing like sewing and I have been working on a thank-you gift because we've been like staying at this Paris for two months and that's important to you you came just like blowing and blow out so today's the day can you believe it we cannot and it's so nice because all of our friends in the neighborhood here have been helping us and coming over to say goodbye and it's kind of emotional because we've had quite a journey here with everybody we got a really beautiful piece of art from our neighbor that we've been parked next to and just all the help from Tim's family that we have gotten like just I mean everything the caulking the cabinet's the painting the curtains that just so thank you guys for everything it was certainly a group effort to get to this point and we are just so excited we don't know anything about our being we've only slept in the RV like four nights so there's gonna be quite a learning curve we are certainly not the experts I just remember when we first got to Germany on the last trip we couldn't pay for the taxi we didn't have local currency the credit card didn't work in the taxi we had like go to two different banks to try to just like pay him so that all happened you know within like the first few hours of the first leg of the journey so who knows what is about to happen we embarked on trips - no tripped RV [Music] okay compare your feelings today with when we were leaving your parents house in Wisconsin to go to Germany this is wait we're just it's easy we're we're going to Alaska but we're just gonna be in Florida today we're just driving up the road the same it's gonna be much different in a year when we're like finally crossing the border of Mexico we've made so many friends here sad thirsty we did everything that we could to plan and prep for the trip because it's just more challenging on the road to buy things or good things ordered and we have been using this new camera I'll put what it is here the video quality when we were doing our like how-to and tutorial videos in Indianapolis the quality is just like night and day it's so much better so we've been so excited about this new camera and here we are come the first day ready to go well we dropped the camera fishing in the live well on the boat like where all of the bait is into the saltwater so the camera was fully submerged in salt water and it's been in rice for the past 2 or 3 days so I'm filming all of this on my iPhone if you're wondering what it takes to make a YouTube video and publish it out it's really mostly all about editing because the next several days it's just gonna be from the iPhone and a lot of stuff we did on the first trip was just from a GoPro we saw the GoPro so the only anything fancy you just need to film good content and edit it well alright iPhone you're up what were the lows the last items normal thing - achoo - pepper and a phone that's all you need pepper what do you think this is you're out now pepper inside come on good girl good where is your sofa where's your bed the transformation is going well you're ready to pull out the stairs won't go in [Music] - okay well it's up enough to drive yeah you'll have that it gives us something to fix down the road which is fun because we thought we were done but we're not it's not [Music] don't drop your camera in lab all those kids doesn't work out this is an expensive day expensive and to top things off I get to fix these steps which I'm sure I can be free to fix either very expensive day [Music] how can we just stay up we're pulling into our first boondocking spot and this doesn't look like wound I think this looks like a real nice place to stay so yeah I don't get it like every stop sign both ensign in okay we can do that please register okay we can do that too if it rains what's the date activity see squirrels boondocking is when you can for free on government land and in this place he apparently had to register and that's all we know so far cuz we haven't done it so let's go figure it out this seems a little too good to be true right now there's nothing expressly saying like where to park RV is not that I'd necessarily need that but I just feel like somebody's gonna come knock at our door and say like you can't stay here it's free when we pulled out today in our first full day of RV this lamp from up here and that's sort of my fault because I didn't screw it in properly are you keeping a tally at home this needs to get fixed we have the cigarette lighter that has a fuse blown maybe but I checked the fuse so that's not blown so for some reason that's not working our steps are completely broke and look like they're gonna be about four hundred dollars to fix we have a rope on them right now oh yeah we took the door off to fix that because it was a little bit wet at the bottom now it doesn't close quite right so that's something I didn't play with after a guest stop today we're driving down the highway and I look back and the doors just like barely opening huh so that needs to get fixed tonight we dine by candlelight [Music] day two this is so easy we went for a nice run this morning and then we took a shower and it's so different than when we were living in the van in New Zealand this is like way too luxurious you can obviously tell because I look well showered every got my Instagram hat on I don't know isn't this what you wear when you like put yourself online plus day two we're super ready to go Tim fix Scottie things last night the light fixture is back up and we're using our new camera good job Tim handy yeah Tim tell us your thoughts on this alligator farm for today well I don't know what's expected actually tell me also your thoughts on my Instagram hat it's the most basic thing I've seen on camera it's like you have a travel vlog so you have to have this hat and she's still got the tag on it I have a very special surprise for Alison this morning yeah I'm gonna back the RV out and since her on this one lane road and we haven't seen any cars somebody is learning to drive the RV this no no we can do this later we don't need to do this right now great 24 hours into the trip if I can learn how to drive a motorcycle in rural Vietnam with an hour practice and then driving for eight hours how hard can this be in the middle of the woods wait your parking brake is your lower right hand you push that here you go oh my god see how heavy it is that is slow you could like flora and it's still like couldn't hardly like take off can we mention that this is a one lane road and if somebody is coming this is like a bike path I'm pretty far off from this and I don't if these trees coming around statewide whoops slow it just okay cute like road trip music [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we just have skater place that we were planning on sending tonight Gulf Coast Gator go Cougars it's like on this busy road I'll show you I mean it's like too late it's like right off of the road okay so we could go do the Gator stuff it's really enough to not have to sleep here or maybe we stay here by my fuzzy okay so I look keep looking over here because that's the way have the slip out panel so helpful first tricked it's like terribly framed shots it's tough because that's you I'm just like holding the phone I didn't know where I was holding it this is so nice because I couldn't see and then I saw that I was out of focus so if you're looking for a camera for your trip I recommend one where you can see what you're doing or some of them slip up on top but we have a mic on top rode microphone on with a fuzzy cat thing and then it flips on the side so this is a great setup its usability compared to what we were using on the other trip all right yours Gulf Coast Gators this is gonna be great mrs. Lippett worm is a little bit there good state today Florida Alabama Mississippi if you look on the map if you're not from this region that goes pretty quick Alabama is just like a fish doesn't have a lot of coastline Alabama [Music] well this is quick we just want them to do it there right away it's no big deal you petting kitty but that must drink so much they won't grow a full year for six years overcoming don't slow down on your one two three [Music] who's warmer temperatures is confusion the males thinkin it's make the season we'll see the females know better they know it's not mating season I am keeping my head oh we did it we did the Gators it was awesome Tim almost lost his hand the first five seconds trying to get this shot but it was probably an epic shot we can wash your benefit we're not gonna stay here that because I don't feel safe it's just like I'd rather sleep in a camping area than in a parking lot and we have that option and then we'll be an hour closer to New Orleans and since we can check-in starting at noon tomorrow we want to get as close as possible so that we can just like be ready to go in the morning and have an awesome day tomorrow I can't believe it like this is all happening so fast we just left we just left we just left we left Wednesday today is Friday and Saturday is New Orleans bada-bing bada-boom the excitement starts we haven't even like finished putting things away there's still laundry baskets no time there's no time for just getting ready there's still a laundry basket of miscellaneous items that we haven't even put away yet but we've saw alligator it's perfect you get to see America we're having another banana Tim love bananas it ends are the best fruit surprise didn't know that okay asked you after the woods again somewhere in between Mississippi and nor Norland Alabama no he's been an hour in Alabama which I never saw I was editing tripped but we've just a servant shouting all day random boomer after a permit what how's that Oh Bama okay so this is great Tim looks up the top ten things to do in New Orleans outside of drinking which we'll probably do too New Orleans has a Vietnamese food market that's every Saturday and has one of the largest Vietnamese communities what outside of Vietnam is already just Red Roof gosh if we haven't said it enough and if you saw the Vietnam videos like Vietnam is very close to our hearts and the two months on the motorbike trip we just like we just love Vietnamese food oh my gosh is gonna be so cool this is gonna be like a Vietnamese New Orleans Vietnam it's gonna be like great [Music] it runs from 6:00 in the morning but really wraps up by like 8:30 so it is quarter after 6:00 right now Oh Oh a fountain it's just like a couple ladies on this sidewalk better just like selling some vegetables it's like 60 [Music] which is gonna be awesome and it's price indeed maybe Oh ginger garlic we were walking around and you're just kind of looking for something to buy I don't know and we don't really need any vegetables or fish hmm okay now you can eat well it's 7:30 we're done with the market none of the Vietnamese restaurants open until 8:00 to go like eat and then we can't pull into our V site here in downtown New Orleans until noon you know what still crops us for motivating early like you don't know unless you go we would have felt silly to like stroll in late and been like why didn't we go we missed it yeah then we would run the bomb that we missed always go always we go but now we have four hours we came over here just a little ways from the market try to salvage the morning get some breakfast I don't think this place is gonna be open in the next 10 minutes like it says it is so we're gonna continue on to find a place that is open here's where a lot of our adventures come from which I'm having always like flashbacks to our other trip and but we just didn't do a great job of like documenting the process of getting where we were going okay so like the Vietnamese market it was kind of a bust now we have four hours to kill we still want Vietnamese food all these places are closed and maybe not in a great area of town so just finding a place to go brought us to this neighborhood where we know we can park and then I just like looked on Google Maps and saw a green space next to the Mississippi River and I just zoomed in and I'm like oh the Charlemont battlefield what is that and so instead of just like waiting in the parking lot for two hours for the Vietnamese restaurant to open we're gonna go see what this battlefield is just downriver from New Orleans it's a Charlemont charlemagne probably shall Chalmette ha I speak Spanish not French okay oh my gosh look at this bridge oh this is gonna be sweet wait I'll read this and you guys can look at the bridge okay just downriver from New Orleans as Sharla made mashaallah man the site of the January 8 1815 Battle of New Orleans took great pride in the victory and for decades celebrated January 8th as a national holiday just like the fourth of July I bet if you know what anything about history you know about this battle we don't it's not open until 9:00 so won't be very early new plans it's also kind of in a sketchy area town and there's nowhere to park and it's all like gated off and closed so we're just driving down the street some more and then it's on another green thing and it's like cool park and then it looks like probably the Saturday morning like people will be out like walking by the river and stuff I'm sure and then we can go like see more of like a more populated area we are not in Kansas anymore it was cool it was very different from anywhere I've ever been human I'm free sure we're at the end of some like big marathon or something there's like thousands of people running [Music] [Music] [Applause] trying to get a great shot into the city as soon as I got out over the water I got a low-voltage warning I'm sure we'll throw the footage over this and so I was landing immediately so all I did was like pull back to get away from the water and I had video of it just crashing like it went over buildings and then the last thing I saw was in a tree so luckily I could see the clip and figure out like what we're houses it was crashing by and then I was running there so like and King I don't know just to check what happened I was sprinting there and some lady walked by she say did you crash your drone oh yeah alright I sent it under the tree also chappy is hanging by a thread here oh come on we have a broken propeller he went into a tree we have a broken propeller even broken camera and a drone in the same week Tim okay I don't know what to tell you what can you do well that's one thing for the drone I just can't believe it happen in the same four days as the camera I know we literally spent $700 at Best Buy two days ago for the camera that I'm holding I don't know what to tell you he'll fly again if Austria can kill him he'll be okay I'm so hot though I just went for an impromptu let's go eat some fall let's go eat some hot soup [Music] food is so awesome and the bonus is there's so much food that we have breakfast tomorrow this is like two full fust this is the Vietnamese version of like for our first evil hangover we're going to be super excited to have this in the fridge [Music] okay so like do all our bees have the door on the same side you know where the grass Oh cuz like we have our yard here and then they would have the next yard yeah I think it's designed so that all the sewer like all the dumps are on one side and doors are someone thought of that good job guys [Music] so excited to be almost done driving for the day lots of navigating in the city not fun oh thank you sweet number six right hand side and look how nice it is in here such a novelty though like we've never parked at an RV park we've just been like pulling in these like boondocking free campsites and you know this is like the RV park you know we're in like downtown in the city it's really expensive there's like really nice RVs around so this is all people who know what they're doing not people like us who don't know what their daddy today is the first day we dump our sewer so I'm gonna make sure the hose stretches before I like set everything up I did watch a video of that once about that that was important Oh making sure that it reaches yeah just like how many times they like put the slide out got like everything like settled and then like everything just to move it that kids kind of my first rodeo but that was very that was definitely the Tim Deemer ex plumber talking he's a handy guy to have around [Music] dude we filmed yet or do you want to figure out what you're doing in bed yeah spy on something new I I do need to go a spy I don't understand when people are dumping into this isn't see where they're dumping so we're gonna be fine okay I know riveting stuff but literally our first doll [Music] doing this doing it doing it that's blackbird rather than make it transparent from fun okay everybody says give it a shake little shake that was it those entire tank so then the great supposed to like Oh got a little squirrely so first time actually everything works we know what was going on just as much great water as we want go ahead and flush this out and leave it open we use plenty of water for anything that goes in the toilet so that we can give that tank a good rinse then finally we don't even have to fill up the water tank we're on city pressure right now and we have this regulator which I didn't know was necessary until the little while back finally were on 30 amp electric so DC adapter for wants it not put into the generator something I don't know about apparently you can hook up and we do that might be something we look into the future on our own a lot of RV parks are gonna have this we are too because we've never been to one but it's pretty awesome everything we own from the French Quarter I can just put my garbage here apparently just come pick it up that's what they told me oh good there's another thing I'm sorry let's go for a quick to it [Music] walking around singing we have like the latest rigged up anyway that one is serious that is a serious but we also have friends like most people cars heart next we just have scoopy but we really just only need like something like this that's like probably a $300,000 RV this line is who this is a game we can look up the models and stuff later and crazies right I mean million dollars that one so look at ya you got like the grills and stuff with my little gazebo overlooking the city and then on this side right behind me is the pool and it's so super protected that's going to feel like a private little pool area in the heart of the city I totally approve of this entire scene this is very cool it is not dropped below 80 degrees in the past three weeks and we haven't had ice anywhere yeah baby I bought ice trays right before we lasted that I lots of Anton's parents I'm sorry what no worries no worries I'm gonna drop this is gonna sound very stupid for anybody whose full time are Pete or are vide in general it is so comfortable being hooked up to like the sewage line and to 30 amp electric we have the a/c going at 75 inside we take long showers we took normal showers if not short enough all of these features are things that you have just when you live in a house yeah it feels nice to shower though not like just spray yourself with cold water and soap up and then spray yourself down real quick and be worried the whole time about using too much water yeah so now we feel like super ready to go hit New Orleans it's two o'clock already so now it's just like crunch time finding that we have nine bars in 12 restaurants to go to before like 3:00 a.m. here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is gonna help me remember where the night started this is a bacon Bloody Mary and flour time this is drink one right now we've loaded up on lager this is where it's $5 bloody is not exactly the hottest deal around but that was more of a martini than a bloody it was a Bloody Mary in a short glass it was half vodka so it's more like a tomato juice cocktail with a piece of bacon a great start to risiere eeeh because who does stand in the middle of the street here not bad thankfully we've had that one bacon Bloody Mary feeling like we've been in a little bit more but we still have a lot of catching up to do you can definitely tell where we are now [Music] grocery restaurant huge of sandwiches a lot of meat it's she's Tim doesn't know this I'm like telling the gamer I'm telling him - he's gonna really enjoy I think I've read that [Music] reading long line means it's either worth it or just for tourists Oh bali-ba oh we're not ready to go and just like that prepackaged ready to go have a sandwich what we're all the people doing in front of us that was two seconds of checking out and grabbing a prepackaged tip now I had to go find this place to go eat oh do you want to eat it here we're going this way that's neither here food and paper is the best this is the gluten-free version you like meat and you like cheese you're gonna like the muffaletta yes Swiss provolone and provolone [Music] oh look a historical landmark if you saw this photo on Instagram you're like wow beautiful New Orleans has wonderful architecture mess and breakdancing competition going on right across the street like models from out of town off my auto town is big noise again [Music] [Music] that's out show ladies and gentlemen the showcase thank you [Music] [Music] the Sun has set we let pepper out and don't worry we passioned up now we're ready for dinner we're ready for night hunting and there's just so many people everywhere we're literally just like looking for a rescued to so many places that are just like oh wait two hours you're like we're hungry now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the late-night here thanks for a tough morning we have some leftover felt so we're gonna be okay and we'll see you on the Texas coast [Music] what are we gonna go see Timmy Black Panther and gives him every Marvel movie in the feeder starting all the way back with Iron Man which is like 10 years you're going out so that's cool so the summer I mean even when we were traveling last well a year ago we saw a bunch of movies in like Kuala Lumpur and we saw Civil War and Ali it's just school they have like a thing to do together we always go see the Marvel movies and then we were just going to stay anyways at the Cracker Barrel and that's the sign for it and then we just saw a movie theater here and this is so perfect because it's only six o'clock at night and instead of driving through the rain and going like park on a random free spot we are gonna go see a movie and sleep right through here and then drive an hour to go get to the beach this is literally the perfect perfect right I'm so mad at myself we were like running so fast in the rain to go to the movie and I didn't zip up my coat pocket and my phone just flew out and it definitely has gotten run over by a car over multiple cars and we were running around back and forth in the parking lot thinking about somebody like stole it or like what happened to it and Tim was like finding my friends and we were following the circle around the parking lot 9 million times and then we finally found it the good news is we don't own that many more expensive things to break so that's the end of the story [Music] got a phone screen fix earlier today we got some unlimited data on Scott it's going to really productive Monday we get the ground riding and we want a cracker girl well we just turn into the beach and then we're just driving around and just started o find a spot to live I guess perfect this is one of the least stressful places we've driven the sand looks like part packed it's going to be fine oh my gosh happy to be here in the past week we broke the camera the drone and my phone we just have almost finished sorting all that out and we did so many miles in the past week that now to be here for four days this is gonna be so amazing I don't feel camera-ready I just got a shower we're not having the best luck this week [Music] we're getting a reduced engine capability warning on the fair screen or whatever but the car is not driving so I forgot when you're traveling like how many just like how much harder everything is and we immediately went into our survival mode like we did on the first trip it was just like okay it's it's 3:30 okay let's look at the nearest mechanic what time is that close let's give them a call let's see if Tim can fix some things we were just starting the car because we were just gonna go into town to fill up the water tank we're out of water now that should be interesting they be stranded on the beach with no water we really want our channel to be like fun videos of all the great cool things we're doing but it really ends up just being you guys watching us get into problems moving whole vehicle we're fine going five miles an hour on this road well yeah now I'm thinking of stopping and restarting the engine okay the matter god this is almost dead flashing red at me also I'm working full-time and it's like a Wednesday night so like I work tomorrow reduced engine power warning on it I want to get a coat checked and hopefully with it this is just what goes on here yes here's the card he said he'll take a look at it but he doesn't know if he can fix it like today I think we should still go to Galveston well we wanted to go into galliston this is not the way we're planning to do it but off we go on the ferry in the RV not the scooter day trip that we thought from the beach that we were going to take we just need to make it across the ferry basically yeah ferries are not good places to break down it sounds like a very expensive frustrating place to break up yeah oh my god like a creepy birds Oh everybody you just chill in here you just hang out in your car no this is like I think it's eerie because it's like it's kind of stormy looking outside and we're here a lot of breaking down yeah it's windy the channels super duper spooky and then there's all these just like freight ships in and out of here great ship whatever that's definitely what's called Birds industrial port of galveston and more ships a peanut butter and jelly this is the moment of truth for literally the second vehicle in a whole huge line of vehicles to get off this and we're pulling up right now so want the car to turn on and then we want this even if it's going a miles an hour again we just we at this point just need to get off the ferry look at that this v limit Tim is seven so we'll be okay eight is too fast we have to get up this ramp though pepper ear but is always so much fun Tavis start your engines are you flooring it yeah this is floor sorry 50 cars behind us coming out of the ferry we're gonna go very we're going the speed limit of seven we're slowing down do you feel that yeah I can't do this is to anything oh it's two lanes except for construction right there great I think this is enough I'm sorry I keep seeing this camera in your face I know this is I think that's enough we made it to the mechanic [Music] just came in he pulled all the codes and he goes you have six warning codes and Tim link sarcastically goes possum he goes no it's not awesome that's really bad I know I thought I know you're being sarcastic he was making sure you understood that it was that awesome we looked out the mechanic made time for us today he is ordering a throttle body off of just like an auto parts store instead of going through the dealership and he's going to be able to turn some wrenches at four o'clock today which means we should be mobile at the end of the day granted it's going to be $600 installed but that's a bargain because otherwise what are we going to do can't live in Galveston but we can live here until four o'clock today which is in like six more hours easy we have work to do anyways we were just gonna probably sit in the RV and work on the end [Music] hey guys welcome my super pinch OC bedroom it's all white look at all these pillows there's a bathroom I gotta do a little bit of caulking in here that's a shower we didn't do anything there bathroom remodels are expensive look this is the work area right up here I painted all these cabinets that took forever look at this kitchen subway tile I did that deal is this real marble no it's not we just painted it Brock dark ham is like Kevin's dark cabinets like canvas IKEA l-khayru with a sweeper pull away look more IKEA right here look at this this used to be a TV I made this cabinet I'm opening up the drone huh bringing it up oh it's all that garbage alright that you to know today we start to fresh let's have no more issues let's not break anything after I think our fourth stay at Cracker Barrel it not that many overall nights we are seen in a winery tonight which means go do some tasting pick up a bottle or two hang out and enjoy for once without anything breaking of course Vinny found these guys on the harpist host app which is just businesses like museums wineries hopefully some distilleries coming up who you are implied to go in enjoy their product and then you're allowed to stay overnight which is awesome I was so great here because driving between Houston and Austin there wasn't that much like free camping anywhere that I could find easily and then Tim reminded me about harvest host and there was like a bunch of wineries to call up so how great is it I'd way rather spend $30 on a two bottles of wine than at an RV park it's kind of like from farm to table and we are gonna go pay some wine [Music] we are on the other side of the wine tasting what's great about harvest host and sainted winery is you don't have to worry too much if you've had too many adult beverages so we bought a bottle you get a Gil hang out right over there they gave us two wine glasses to use and we're gonna grab pepper and just hang out now [Music] some other things that we like you know you can take super instagramming pictures take beautiful b-roll like this awesome experience which it is like there's like this drunk table buying us it's only us in them and they're just like showering about like how big her nieces boobs are and like not wearing bras and then like well it's a health issue they're talking about getting a proper fitting bra so good for them you know they're talking about like when you don't wear a bra how your muscles tightening it's like healthy whatever anyways that's what's going on behind us and then all of their kids are running around screaming like yeah that was a little bit of a break in filming we got deep into this bottle of wine met some new friends pepper ran around like just crazy and you'll notice that the entire block of cheese disappeared to thank you to harvest us and thank you to this Bret Harte winery like this is amazing and now we're gonna be the only people here all night our winery our own winery tonight well look at the car it's terrible how awful how do you do it okay man how do you guys manage living in 200 square feet I don't know I probably all say a different square footage every time I don't know how big it is how do you guys manage that mmm we go outside this is how QB roll [Music] so again this was her first time staying with a harvest oak post it was great we spent two days at a winery we got it they were more than welcoming letting us like hang out in their hangout area which was all set up really cute and interesting I guess but it was awesome it's well worth the cost for Harper's house and we cannot wait to do something like this again hopefully the brewery it's Sunday morning we've spent two days here as lovely Bernhardt winery and we woke up to rain so instead of continuing our streak of kind of bad luck and possibly getting stuck out in this field we're gonna be cheeks this morning headed to Austin [Music] I think I should get out of the left leg that guy it's so hot [Applause] [Music] this is what it looks like to move out of one car and into another everything removing everything from the RV in Delilah's car right now it's really really nice of her to just host us for we keep asking are you sure you know what you're in for just us bringing a dog she's allergic to since we're really inconsiderate yeah we've only been at Lila's for 20 minutes but we've already written down of Austin bucket list purple means food and pink is activities and food and what you do in Austin is eat today we're gonna kick off the top of the mornings that's the st. Patrick's Day over at Gordo's and eat some doughnut based we are starting today with a super light basic or [Music] everything comes with dough it's impossible to keep about everything [Music] this is like a glazed doughnut [Music] [Music] now it'll likely be way too loud to hear us we're heading in the 6th Street which is like the danger zone [Music] [Music] [Applause] you see I know this but the last days in real life [Applause] is breaking up from a life as we know it there and five [Applause] [Music] it was amazing goats are my second new favorite animal next to dogs those were so sweet actually they were kind of just like dogs another successful Hostin food experience although not without some challenges Lila and I came here last night and they were out of milk they were still out of milk until 20 minutes ago so we nailed it another bucket list item we can check off the list [Music] Oh ash welcome to our free night reward in downtown Austin we are at an i hg hotel this is the van zant which is like a boutique hotel ironically enough I'm wearing lucky but I'm not so lucky this is lots of planning and travel hacking and this isn't because like YouTube or Instagram right thing this is all just because I'm down the travel hacking game look at this I told them it was our anniversary which it is and I'm taking this off because we're not gonna go through a bottle champagne thing and we just have like a gorgeous view down the river and I'm not Austin there's a cool little here we're right on Rainey Street and I'm so excited to be here so this is a pet-friendly Hotel and we're so excited that pepper can be here because you've never been before no extra charge for for a little Digby's okay so what is the travel pack here behind the IHG rewards credit card and so with that credit card you get like uber elite status and you get one free night every year so there is a $49 fee for having the car in four years this isn't free this is costing us $49 but she just gave us so many perks when we checked in we got like a $10 coupon off at the bar we got a $30 spa credit we have a bottle of champagne we have chocolates and berries Tim how to be readily rejected bring water and there's no pet feet here so honestly like to me that's worth $49 that's all travel that means we just have a credit card just another day exploring your city [Music] we're eating and eating our favorite part about Rainey Street is that [Music] it's we have the beat here's the deal it's Friday we're finally going to the Salt Lick and Jacob's Well to prepare myself a long run this morning and I haven't eaten anything I am drinking a Coke Zero for sustenance but like I want to devastate this place very very excited if any things I'm so excited she wants to point the camera at me I don't know I'm gonna go for like five pounds of barbecued meats [Music] it's not without that stress here today I've known I was coming here for all but I've been talked down to just the Thurman's choice which is only brisket pork ribs and sausage is Moe's beans potato salad coleslaw but with the caveat that I can order more food and sausage with beans potato salad and coleslaw if that's not enough for Tim he could have entire chicken into the order and that would be the same but that's not the spirit you're supposed to eat until you like just absolutely feels that's all burnt off okay so you got to pick what type of like fatty earlier that was cool we both got burns sausage attentive cherry that's good this is why we're not food fighters I did a good job with my lunch it might not look like it because my lovely wife gave me her nibbled on bones over here but I clean my plate I'm not finishing my big rack because I don't want diabetes there's no ferns left those were by far the Bison covered in this red sauce that was awesome Salt Lake exceeded expectations even though it's a huge tourist destination it is for a reason it's delicioso of course besides the ones you may talk to Jacob's Well [Music] as our full bellies Heather Salt Lick Jacob swell because the whole let's try that again after months of anticipation and seeing several pictures on Google Images finally here finally going to a swim finally gonna freedive 130 feet down this is it careful not to fall hold on a cannonball so bad I think that's what you do for there we'll just swing back by your mother okay do it that is nuts like so many things we planned this exactly wrong just look at it done and out there she was mocking me you're not so much for free night yeah okay awesome often day trip itinerary I would just edit one thing eat the meat after you go to the hike in the 90 degrees done after eating the meat this is harder okay other than that awesome day [Applause] [Music] hi Austin hi everyone [Music] Thank You Austin we knocked you off the bucket list [Music] I'm Rimmel gray Oh confuse you with Tim [Music] [Music] yep these are my friends then like picked up from their port in RV let me turn off the porch light let me thank you well beep beep off the camping in the rain what a relief how do you do in the rain last night it was terrifying am I going in across spring yes Wow look how off this see how that looks how'd you doing your first day in a camper it was great a little loud ok as you can see it says no peppers no booze and no jamming and no drowning so we're really excited for the springs today but there seems to be a lot of rules here [Music] just so you know you can't sit on that you can sit on that one not that one private don't spoke a myth you autumn no boozing no jamming be careful no one authorized vehicles don't put six in the water don't break a leg they won't help you remember to have fun though [Music] that's the money shot Krause springs very Instagram evolved beautiful location intimidating yeah intimidating signage but you can follow all the rules probably a great place to come and swim yeah the political today but we would have loved the gentlemen in the water yeah there's nice scenery with the waterfalls and there's a rope swinging the bat and a bunch of signs everywhere make sure your file on your oh this is actually the film location of Fern Gully [Music] good morning we are at where are we red inks Lake and it's so cool here and we figured we'd get motivated in the morning by hiking getting some physical activity to a spot to go lay out in the Sun so best of both girly world what do you say Morgan I'm excited to get some sunshine let's do it we hiked all the way down and found the perfect spot to just hang out and lay out we're the only people here right now careful [Applause] [Applause] [Music] are you kidding me okay look at this this beetle is rolling dog crap uphill just like you see on like NatGeo just fascinating but as usual the girls just want to sit over there and suffer I don't want to watch beetles roll dog crap it's their loss we are here at the devil's loitering hall and per usual Satan has to find a cliff dropping spot so here you go look hold for us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're the kind of excited that girls only get when they're about to go to a winery so I'm going to help them pregame with some champagne and then they'll be all bubbly for goodbyes later it's a little spicy wanna apparently in German which doesn't sound it's basically like an arcade but consume a ride or a game you go on a food drive people know how things work also you know you get these tokens when somebody buys you drink in a bar but you don't drink it there have you ever got a wooden token and then you can use it another time man no idea more Wisconsin regional cultural effects this is so fun that all my friends over at my house but we're parked in a winery but their friends are just making so much fun of us so what you friends are here so my two friends hey only two friends are here they won't do it I can run up on what they're saying is like narrating everything so nay ridging my team and now I mean go for examine and I walking my dog and that's the behind the scenes of friends and people who post there is online I've got it oh she's gonna do it no end the scene and this anybody I'm gonna narrate you while you're cooking perfect okay we didn't have a microwave but Tim put it on for us to be the generator and he's one gallon of fuel per hour so that way we could cook the chicken quite full-bodied a bit too woody for shame meanwhile the other ridiculous that's going on here is Morgan isn't on cause she's a bachelorette in Austin this weekend and what she's been doing is hours and crafts project weights bigger in Texas she is making panties mother Brian to be okay Morgan can you talk us through like the Pinterest DIY of like how to make these like custom panties well you want to make sure you have a piece of paper Hilson yeah put in between so that your Sharpie doesn't bleed through what a great idea yeah and then when you're drying make sure you pull the cotton oversized panties John do that uh your letters don't revolve oh my god yeah it's not I'm gonna do just like in an RV or lash anyone anywhere go at any time where is everything bigger in hmm Texas and then like what was your inspiration for drawing the state outline oh well you know it's not just where often we're gonna check that out and see maybe it is there maybe it's not know if you like a template for this DIY project you can just check the description below we're here in San Antonio and we're so excited for all the things we're gonna do today I'm Mercado the Riverwalk the Alamo can't forget that and also there's one surprise for Tim LYLAS here LYLAS here to find the camera this is another surprise for Tim Pepper's tell me lip we're doing this today we're going to caves today yeah we're going to James today right now let's go I'm so excited I should grab a long-sleeve shirt yeah you might need a change yeah are you so excited we're doing the discovery too we're not expecting in Thailand levels of walk across this piece of bamboo and crawl through this hall it's gonna be a little more safety focused the parking lots packed and you wait in like a long line and then you have like wait an hour for your tour to start the good news is there's supposed to be an in-n-out and McDonald's in the case just so people don't get to famish [Music] started mentioning your waiting an hour goes missing to challenge her Texan though [Music] the one that we're doing we won't be able to talk to the other one because we're not doing it we have been the last on every cave tour we've ever gone on it's kind of nice you can take your time sometimes we get lost and stay back too far kudos but today will bring us [Music] just like never you think it's blurry is super dark who knows the missile even in an episode because somewhere we're not photographers we don't know how to do it smelling yeah my iPhone the flash on this is probably the best footage that we have was this one we're going on these really big switch bags and like tell us our tours way down there and that totals going up they're gaining on us right here I was completely wrong it's not as gay parish as I thought this is hands down the best like formations we've seen in caves this is I think there's so many people but that's because it's great [Music] so Kay - Lissy became fantastic it was like it was designed by Disney themselves it slowly escalated in like formation and everything got cooler and spookier super spooky I mean you know it's a good sign when we thought that the cave tour was over and we were all excited we were like reminiscing about the cave to her and then he was like no no we're just stopping for a picture and then we go into the biggest cavern right there's more energy [Music] we came straight from the caves here to market and it is the largest Mexican market outside of Mexico and I'm so excited to be here this is the one thing I wanted to do in San Antonio [Music] I mean it's Mayo butter and a bunch of the good thing is it's really hot out and I like to make it one time [Music] super touristy here but I've been wanting to get these for the front of scooter forever so now we have maybe ricotta awesome so fun that's a long ride [Music] we're doing a drive-by of the owl others like nobler eating some Lionel's living she's gonna drop us off move a right I'm gonna run we're gonna come back we're out of the car we're gonna go see bi-lo and the time gonna take lila to go around the block some how much place this white are always always right across from historic landmark Spencer okay I did do some early research before we came because I was curious what its initial attention was by the Spanish I was like an evangelical thank for Native Americans so is originally trick [Music] okay we did it have a go then all you want to get right there yeah okay yeah this is better about the keep oh yeah like things all right I'm gonna see it [Music] [Music] I didn't know this was it like again man like a be like Chicago on the river there's like a lot of restaurants like this like down on like like inside [Music] the Riverwalk was that pepper was able to come to dinner with us and we even had a puppy friendly so I'd say all in all really good time Santa [Music]
Channel: TIM and FIN
Views: 1,160,625
Rating: 4.7640762 out of 5
Keywords: tripped rv, tim and fin, full time rv living documentary, fulltime rv living documentary, full time rving, rv life full time, rv life documentary, rv full timers blogs, rv full timers, rv fulltime living, living in an rv full time, rv travels youtube, rv travel videos, full time rv living, rv full time living youtube, rv lifestyle, how do full time rvers make money, full time rvers blogs, rv full time living, living in an rv full time with dogs, rv living full time
Id: tdgl5wbyPkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 28sec (6148 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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