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okay we are recording welcome back to KYT one-handed banned this is a classic episode of this or that you know like those videos like Coke versus Pepsi iPhone versus Android Mac or PC well it turns out that our viewers have a fair amount of this or that decisions also so we have 10 of the top this or that's that we get asked all the time all the time and so we thought this is the perfect opportunity before we hit the road to address this isn't not necessarily like a Q&A but when we get these questions we can fire on this video so we're gonna talk about this or that like part-time or full-time RV park or State Park jet pack or weboost mm-hmm how about fire pit versus propane pit Blackstone versus Camp Chef hmm huge question online school versus home school and then we have gas or diesel Auto level versus Anderson blocks towable versed motorized and then of course the grand finale travel trailer or fifth wheel I like this it's gonna be good and so we've got lots of stuff to cover in this video and also we are preparing to hit the road roll on next Sunday we're gonna do just a few little modifications to the Airstream before we go and then and then we thought on our first video that we actually like making sure a video again shove off good uncle under way yeah that we would share the process of getting out of the house and like what do we pack and worse all this stuff gonna go and how do we handle clothes on the road and stuff like that but this is a much smaller rig than we are used to and I think we have some answers for people that have been emailing in yes like where do your clothes go yeah what do you bring in your kitchen like we have answers so that's what's to come with KY D but for right now let's get to this or that [Music] so the first one was part time verse full-time and I'm going to start a clock because we've got ten things to cover so each one has to be under two minutes I'm part time I think the most important thing is to make time oh that was good thank you because if you don't make time then the memories can't happen so we get text messages not text messages Instagram messages emails and it will go like this I've spent 19 years looking for the perfect RV my kids are all grown now wish I would have done something yeah yeah so um and that we've been us that would have been us yeah I mean I could totally see that we did not if we just didn't start with the truck that we had yeah we would have gone into looking for the perfect rig and the window might have shut and the kids might have got involved in some sports something and we would have missed the window and then a decade goes by brats life okay but number one um we could have also made those memories on the weekends that's true okay we didn't have to go full-time that's true but we decided because we like to do everything just like so anyway but I want to ask you how did you feel when we first started I'm nervous overwhelm scared yes okay yes and so I just want people to know that are contemplating this question full-time part-time because maybe you've gone out on a few weekends you're like I want to do this full-time but I feel so sad yeah you're gonna feel scared yes so here's what I think when you come home because we have the kyt cabin now and it's kind of where we regroup in the winter in between seasons and so when we're home oh the dishwasher and the shower and the fast Wi-Fi not searching for fast Wi-Fi is amazing but here's the deal you'll take it for granted and just like two to four months you'll take it for granted and then you'll start be with like yearning for the things you miss about the road so the yin and the yang of the home home base is really been kind of cool a lot of fun for us yeah well the view is spectacular Wow but this is like our nestled in the would like this is some sort of cabin look it's got a side deck and has grass 1:28 [Music] grass sites picnic tables 50 amp might be the nicest RV park or state park is the question now we're partial to the RV park and we're partial to the RV park because full hookups equals productivity that's right and I know it looks like putting together a 20 to 30 minute video is easy but it takes a fair amount of time and we have found that when the waters flowing and going out efficiency is a lot higher when I'm in a state park and we're looking for like not conserving water or wi-fi's not as fast everything kind of slows down right and that's why that is the single reason why we're partial Darvey parks yes if we were on true vacation and not full timing in our rig and working full-time then we'd probably enjoy state parks because there's more space they're usually a little more remote sometimes they're hosing water they're cozy if they're built by the core engineers y'all are smart yeah okay so you know how to put rigs and no perfect spot where we all just kind of her mm-hmm not in each other yeah there's usually full hookups Guntersville State Park full hookups big wears off of the lake which is beautiful so there are many many many amazing state parks but not just mention price oh yeah and they're typically like $35 in ice so that's why we're partial to RV parks but we'd like to state more state parks and I think now because we've been doing this for four years we are now becoming more partial to state parks dry camping and boondocking except we've got a rig with smaller tank oh no we got it yeah what's our time good 125 this is ready easy 27 28 easy okay Jeff knack verse weboost let's go up here okay let's talk about weboost vers jet pack which is not really a fair comparison because a jetpack and I love how her stream has this little thing right here cuz this just lives up here with the Apple TV HDMI splitter so a jetpack really isn't a booster by any means but it's how we've been using our internet this is a truly unlimited plan it's how we've been using internet all the time we've been on the road like all the videos you see that we're uploading on the road all come from this so what a weboost does is it boosts the signal so it's like an antenna on the outside of the rig and it goes in it boosts the cellular signal and then it brings it in here and then there's usually an antenna inside the rig that broadcasts that to your devices inside and it does help here is the conclusion that we've come up with when Internet is critical and sometimes it is absolutely a hundred percent critical then we need good internet and I don't rely on the weboost for that good internet i'd rather rely on the fact that this is mobile and we can go wherever we want so I use an app that I mentioned a couple weeks ago called open signal and with open signal I can see where I'm gonna have the best 4G coverage or LTE coverage and then when the Internet's critical we relocate to that area we get all of our work done or videos done and listen to music and upload the video and everything's good and then we skidooed then the weboost is kind of a nice to have so for those that are working from home and they're looking to invest in all sorts of fancy and expensive antennas for their work I would suggest that probably when Internet's critical you two are going to rely on just being in a good area and the weboost is nice to have that's just our conclusion of using some of these boosters I know some of them work but like I said when it's critical we have to have it we have to have it so do we go to a national park when we need Wi-Fi so on national parks there are very few national parks that have good internet coverage and so for that we make sure we do our National Park days when we don't need internet at all and we treat it like a black zone and that seems to have worked the best for us [Music] online school versus homeschool we've done it all we've done public private online charter it sounds like we've moved our kids around a lot but anyway we've learned quite a few things it all comes down to the individual kid for us we need a schedule so I found homeschool to be a little too loose for me I needed an online homeschool version that held us accountable so I think you really need to dive in and figure out what your kids need are they more tactile and that way you make their schedule and you say hey we're going to explore science and we're gonna go out and do things or do you need something that's very structured and then for us we also needed to consider college so if we did anything I needed to make sure that the curriculum was accredited and that was our most important line-item when we got to high school so when you dive in figure out what kind of kid you have figure out do you need a structure or Junya it to be looser to fit that child's needs or do you need accreditation or what is the secondary school that your child is aiming for and what does that school want to see from elementary middle and high school we have a school for Caleb he's our youngest he's in ninth grade right now and it's very structured that he knows exactly what he needs to do but it's also he can get through the curriculum really quickly so if he wants to so what we do is we make sure that we focus on what he actually wants to do when he gets older so we're reading books about business we're reading books about things that he absolutely loves and then that way I feel like we're giving him a head start on what he wants to focus on next so it's not just math science and reading one thing I'll note about the home school or online school or let's just say non-traditional school is Episode one after we a flat tire a lot of the comments were nice job ruining your kids education like we said earlier when you're nervous and you're wondering if you've done the right thing you're reading these just terrible cynical comments and because of our travel and because we went through Colorado Springs and exposed Carson to the Air Force Academy he said that he wanted to go there and because we were already doing something a little non-traditional then we found Whitmore Academy to send him online and now he's going to Culver Academy so as a result of doing something different and taking a chance it exposed us and our kids to something new that ended up shifting his entire future which i think is really interesting so all that to say you do you and don't let other people try to get you down or question what you're doing because in the end you will make course corrections until it's right and that's just that that's what we do we just if it's not right we just we just adjust and I think it's so easy to think that whatever we're doing now is so pivotal no if it's not working adjust well and here's the thing your kids are gonna change the entire time they're crying your asses are gonna change at home even in a tradition they're gonna change we're always adjusting and you're gonna continue to adjust on the road all the time there's gonna be tweaking until it's right [Music] well hello climb on up here hello yes so Trish gas or diesel I don't know I just love this truck I love this truck too but they make this in a 7.3 liter gas called the Godzilla I've heard about this yeah but I don't know really what it means well it's a ten-speed engine and everyone's wondering why I didn't get it has an awesome gear ratio a lot of things about her great but it's not diesel and one thing about diesel is once you go diesel it's hard to ever go away from it go back because of depreciation well for a lot of things for power for towing up the hill and things like this but for us a lot of it has to a depreciation because we drive so many miles yes I mean anyone's gonna go and we drive a lot of miles when you put that many miles on a truck depreciation has to be the first thing right now Diesel's are a little bit more expensive to maintain mm-hm and so there's some additional cost but I personally think you get it all back at the sale yes well the other day I asked on Instagram what do you love most about your truck and one of my favorite answers was my truck has paid off I think that is the best truck it's the best kind of a truck so we don't want you to feel overwhelmed by gas diesel they can get really pricey and the truth is our f-150 got us on the road and it was gas and it was amazing it really is a great truck and no matter how amazing any truck could possibly be in the world nothing could possibly compare to where we went and what we did with that truck yes and so I would say that gas or diesel doesn't even it shouldn't even matter if you're going to your first rig and you're considering just getting going then once you're out there and you're you're doing it then you can decide okay what should be next and things like this um there's one important thing to consider about diesel they're a little bit heavier and as a result they have less payload and so if you get like a 3/4 ton diesel truck like this f250 you want to pull a fifth wheel you might be short on payload we pull the Airstream so it's not a big problem but yeah when you get up into those big triple axle toy haulers and things that have like 2,600 pound or 3,000 pound pin weight that's when you really start you have to start looking into dual wheel we created a video you did is really awesome about payload so you don't need to link it so we'll link that there I'm there I'm so gas or diesel the one that gets you on the road already on the road well then you can decide all right so we're gonna get those nice and hot Trish my seasoned it and then we'll grow some tanks okay so fer talking about grills and talking about fire pits and fires we had to come out into the forest so we got really this is black stone verse Camp chef or or camp chef but we don't have a camp chef anymore I think that Trish can weigh in on this the Camp Chef really is the premier grill I think it has the highest BTU and you like that thing it sounds like a jet plane is starting up it's amazing but over time it got to the point where it was kind of a pain to set up and Tricia said you can you go set up the grill and be like really and and so it kind of changed our behavior a little bit and so over time we ended up going to the Blackstone but I will say if you're the type of camper where you've got the truck and the fifth wheel and then the fifth wheel pulling a boat and then the boats pulling another trailer and the motorcycles are there and you're going camping and you're setting up who cares how long it takes to set up but when you're full-time and you're moving every couple days like we are convenience is the key so the Blackstone is what we ended up deciding was maybe not the best performance but the overall most convenience but I had to do some things to make it work one is this case a fantastic because the Blackstone can be a little messy putting in and out in this case which was half the price of the grill that's the other nice thing about the Blackstone is it's so affordable so the other thing is it's really windy out here right now when you're grilling with a Blackstone all the wind goes underneath the griddle so on their website again kind of pricey and you can make these a lot of people got a Dollar General and they get a metal measuring something or other and that would work too but this is right on the Blackstone website and so I pour these things for windy days and then I got this cover like this so that way when it sits on this table we've got a nice little cover so I think with all the accessories which which increases the price of of everything I think it's still a pretty good pretty good deal so hey not too dirty and then the other accessory that we have for this is a cord that goes into this little guy so we can plug directly into the RV or into a five gallon tank which would eliminate the use for this and then this can be used to light the fire which we're going to talk about next so I'll just show you how to network you see that that prevents the wind pretty cool eh all right so that's a bit about the Blackstone so this is kind of like what we ended up going West with a few modifications we've made this work now when we did our video a couple weeks ago Trish was using a Timbo tusk scuttle and oh my gosh hundreds of emails are riding in hey Soph Trish cooking with that scuttle what is it where's a link what do you like it the reason we didn't mention it is because this is what a lot of the over lenders and Jeepers use and I think the reason they use it is because look at how small is look it and then it comes with three aluminum poles that hold it up like a tripod and I think the reason why it's so popular is because its toes down so small the fact is Trisha this isn't cast-iron is it no and so it had some heating spots didn't it like some areas were hotter than the other and so as a result of that plus the fact that it had this little element right here which you know you can attach right to the propane we just didn't find if it's like $350 we thought for $350 we were getting a lot more scuttle and so I think we've come to the conclusion that this is so popular because its toes down next to nothing and not because it's amazing cast iron with even grilling and things like that Trish you should have done this do you think that was a fair assessment yep okay and then of course we're very excited about this so this is the Trager which we actually got from the previous owners of the Airstream when we picked it up and they're actually going overseas and that's why they were selling the Airstream and so he didn't have a use for all this and so you know I got a pretty good deal on a trigger so this is the trigger ptg is as a smoker and it's electric and so we'll just plug it into the side of the Airstream so I just learned how to make smoked salmon on that oh it was so good so good oh good so you know this isn't something that I think we're going to use every single day but it's a pretty nice little treat and we have made room in the bed of the truck for this so long story short blackstone overall BBQ RV winter griddle and really excited about this Tembo tusk may be good for over landing pretty expensive scuttle but we had the camp chef - we had the camp chef to Camp Chef 100% 10-plus amazing very bulky very heavy takes a long time to set yeah yes girl did you guys doing let it slip okay it's lit all right okay oh that's still going propane which you saw was instant versus fire okay I love this is gonna be instant - all right I love fire places or fire pit barf it's for the smell oh the sound and like instantly transport you I'm in camping zone and then the cooking oh yeah yes okay so you can cook you probably know about your cast-iron pans but I don't know if you know about this this great that you put over off to the side you can do some amazing cooking and then this is a traditional Dutch oven so what you would do is actually put it over the fire and you put coals right here you can put wood coals or regular coals but it's that but it's specifically made for that with the little lip so make sure if you get one they make some that don't have the little lips yeah can put the coals on the top Wow what is that like first-timers luck or something I don't know what how is it it's a hot I can't feel my mouth yes oh look at that this is where I was keeping the first starter for that nice to make things easy easy peasy so what do you like do well fire so here's here's what happened here we didn't have a propane fire pit for the longest time and for a very simple reason well they're they're you know they're a hundred bucks yeah and then it's just one more thing to have in your truck yeah and then we're gonna have some friends over at the RV and it was a no burn day you know like well we can't not have the ambiance of a fire and so we thought well let's let's just go get the fire pit and the other day it's convenient to have if you have the space yeah but nothing to Trish's point nothing replaces firewood the sound the smell and the cooking and this is hot but not as hot as a fire pit yeah I'll add one more thing for the reason that I think we ultimately also after the we have friends over we went to this is because firewood can be fairly expensive when you buy an RV park or State Park I think at Big Sur State campground we spent $20 for the bundle okay and then when you cross a border I mean you think oranges and apples and fruit is bad firewood is like all no I know the season and the border you're crossing yeah and then there's also campgrounds that don't want firewood coming in from out outside because you're gonna bring in you know Beatles and the Beatles to buy it there yeah chefs buy there so it's a pain but I think it's a that's a weird noise it's a pain worth worth enduring so that you can get the benefits that Trish described so long story short even right now we're not allowed to have fire it's a no burn internal burn burn right now oh man a few accessories you know because I'd said if you have the cord for your black stone or your your barbecue running out of oh yeah we just running out okay yeah so now that you can you know these green bottles are good for the black stone but they're great for starting the fire and they're even better for negotiating with your kids to do things if your kids are of the age how do you like your new fire starting tool honestly yeah you said no hatchet and I was kind of annoyed then you brought this puppy out you were fully forgiven oh yeah I figured it would be and no matter which one you're doing this or that you can still have s'mores that's true doesn't matter but don't you think s'mores taste better on an open fire you can put them in an oven I don't care they're so good you know what with Ronald McDonald House in Nashville we did we did yeah we drink no but we learned we learn the way yes and then Trish very first cramping trip we ever did she put the s'mores inside of a waffle cone she layered the chocolate inside and then she wrapped it in foil and put it on the Camp Chef right yeah or on the fire you know how they have like salsa contest no people could do s'mores contest I've seen people put in like peanut butter cups yeah you know like Heath bars these are these are fun things to do yeah all right on to the next visser event [Music] I'm lowering in right now as slowly as I can Trish is it you realize that our back tire is on three blocks and our front tire is on two blocks and we're still doing this I don't know how we're gonna sleep tonight so Tory is on our way up with a friend and I had to move the rig because it wasn't level like at all well as long as I'm moving the rig let's take it over to the forest to show you how the Andersson levelers work because I've never really done a video and then and combined with a little bit problem super easy and so I wanted to show you that and then let's first have a quick conversation around travel trailer or motorhome no I'm sorry towable RV or motor home yes so let's talk first about some pros and cons of each and then we'll share why we enjoy the travel trailer and then we'll level this thing okay let's first talk about towable RV pros and cons okay Pro towable Pro towable Pro that we enjoy a nice quiet safe riding we enjoy the truck we enjoy the truck second Pro is that it feels a little bit more like home when everything's set up there's no seats inside the living space yes normal class a third is that you get a lot of space for the price huge depending on what rig you purchase yes the prices are fantastic yeah it's a great place to start yeah okay cons you have to my truck yeah there's that did I did I really miss that in the compact okay you could have a truck and then it's a pro yes but if they do tow ball RVs do tend to be a bit more time-consuming to setup and teardown there's no and then lastly you have to back it up but oh you're luck it's not as hard as it seems a little bit of practice and the only thing I wish I would have said in that video is there's a lot of solo travelers and people wrote in and they said oh it looks like you guys really work together and communicate a lot back can you do it by yourself I do it all the time mm-hmm you remember goal get out and look I do goal before I even start and throughout the entire process that's really the only difference we do it all the time the other thing that's really nice for solo travel is what we're about to show you what they intercept oh yeah okay so now let's talk about Motorhome pros and cons and please know that we've only ever had travel trailers so it's biased well right and well we've traveled in one sprinter in New Zealand we did yes let's start with pros easier Senate process completely yes completely and every class a owner will tell you about it okay well they'll pretty much say they hit a button and everything's on everything there may be slight a slight exaggeration in this but it is easier yeah better for more frequent stops and traveling faster so people that like well and we just ran into someone and they said oh we had to get a class aid because we're taking our mom and she needs regular bathroom breaks yes that's just the only way we could do that yes arguably more comfortable and it might depend a little bit on the type of well how many people are in the rig because for us you know the master room and the bunks were like this it was like yes a lot of money to spend it be like that yeah but it's on air ride if you have like a big ol fancy Motorhome you're just like going down the road I just thought of another Pro a lot of people with a big ol fancy Motorhome they love that big windshield yeah and they say when you're going through like the Tetons it's like you're an IMAX movie theater they love the windshield I could see that well and they're gorgeous yes very pretty okay cons tend to be more expensive and I'm not just talking about the RV I mean everything that goes with it from the tires to the repairs to needing to find very specialized mechanics the towing registration total cost of ownership on a motor home is more of course there are exceptions those people that know how to work on rigs and they find a great deal fantastic yes but generally speaking much much more another con is you can't you've heard that backing it up when you have a tow vehicle is like I mean I'm sure you could back it up a little but you can't really maneuver it like a trailer so it's kind of a full word only situation when you're going and then lastly um we experienced in New Zealand when we were in a kind of a bloated it was like a c-class bloated be classy that it is a little bit noisy me you have all the stuff inside you have the dishes and plates and you got drawers when you finally come to a stop it was like huh okay I don't think we ever really noticed how noisy it was until we got back in this truck and then the yeah bring your little vacuum sealed environment so we are partial to travel trailers and we did go that route I will say that one of the myths I would say about a Motorhome yes is that people tend to say well I like that that everyone can just kind of be around and we could be eating while we're going and and it's like this idea that you're gonna be like making a pizza as you're driving down the freeway and the reality is the slides are in everything's strapped down and it's not really like that drive days $10 something like 2 to 3 hours and so I just think it's important to acknowledge that let me put it this way maybe there are some people that can go down the road in a Motorhome and everyone can be just what doing whatever not a YouTube creator know okay we learned in New Zealand when the boys got out of their seat so we realized that there's no possible way we could we could do a Motorhome for that yeah it would have been a full-time job for us to keep everybody in their seat and seat belts and everything else so okay okay let's get out and let me show you how the level mate Pro works but let me first just show you quickly on my phone let me get it up and we'll see if we're quickly level I know this is good so it's showing the passenger-side needs to come up Oh like a lot four four inches four point seven five inches whoa that's really good okay so you want to use that and be good let's do that okay so Auto level or Anderson blocks now Auto level the first time you experience if we have a rig that has Auto level and that's the device typically made by Lippert and I'm sure there's other ones where you hit the button and and everything just automatically levels it is a glorious thing I remember hitting the button and going wow I mean we really we really liked it but there are some drawbacks one is that you have to be somewhat level for it to like if you're way off the system will malfunction you're gonna have to use boards you're going to get it partially level but I think the biggest drawback if there is one we actually didn't experience this in season 7 with our toy hauler is that if it malfunctions you could end up having a bit of a problem so I would recommend you learning how to override the auto level system to get everything to go back up now while you're at home you're watching YouTube you have the manual because if it happens it's gonna be at 11 o'clock and that check now it's gonna be at noon and you be holding things up so I would say that so if you don't have auto level the next best thing and arguably I don't want to say better because because out a little great but Anderson blocks really do take all the frustration out of leveling out when it's paired with the level mate Pro so let's first get the anderson blocks and then we'll go grab my phone i'll show you how it works alright so we keep our Anderson's levelers here in the bumper like this and I taya I was really reluctant to get these because I didn't want to carry these around and I was really reluctant to get the level maker Pro because I didn't want another app on my phone and I could not have been more wrong about both okay let me show you how that work take these blocks you put them under the tire like this then you reverse back up on them and you go up until you're level and the best way to do that is through this level make Pro and when I install the level make Pro device that it connects your Bluetooth I put it as far forward in the trailer to possible so that I can connect to it from the inside of the cab that's one of the best features of this is that if we're going to go to Walmart we're going to just dry camp somewhere we don't want to disconnect that we can use the app to just drive around until we're level so I can see I need to come up on this side for in four inches four point seven five inches so I'm gonna go do that now one thing to note if you're within like an inch or under an inch or just very something you have to go up very little then I just use one block instead of two that way I can bring that up and chalk it rather than having to use both blocks and go up a little bit plus it's easier when you leave because then this doesn't get stuck between the tires so let's back up and then tell me when to stop well no I'll know when to stop and then when I do I'll put the parking brake on and Trish will put these little wedges it okay so now that we're back on these blocks you put these wedges in like this and it's level and it's providing a little bit of a chalk on the side that's up which i think is pretty cool so this is awesome for solo traveler but it also takes all the guessing work out so now we just need to level the front in the back I'm just yeah front to back okay so now it says I need to go down 3.5 inches so I would disconnect go down until I see a green light and I'd be good to go can you use a level 100% this is just pure convenience completely not essential but it does make your life so much easier and it works so well especially when you're by yourself I would say that when this is not working and we do use a level for ourselves there's a lot of it's good enough we put it down we like it's good enough and the problem with that is then we end up staying a week and for like a week and a half Trish and I are just like the door and the drawers or just like going in like this we should just take in some extra time to level that's what happens when we do it manually but that's a us problem not a new problem okay and for the grand finale question travel trailer or fifth wheel and we have this question probably more than because we've had both yes and a lot of people are looking for their first rig and they want to make it right they want to do it right right which I understand so here's what I found when you go into the Facebook groups and you type in hey I'm thinking about getting either a travel trailer or fifth wheel what should I get you're gonna find that people have very strong opinions on why you should get a 5th wheel and there's some valid reasons yes right so let's talk about some of the pros to a 5th wheel they're known to tow better and they do reputation yeah they kind of tow it together a little bit there isn't that little trailer sway where you get sucked over a little bit when a semi truck passes they are a little easier to maneuver because the kingpins directly over the axle of the truck and thus they're a little bit easier to backup they have tall ceilings which is super nice for all those guys out there and some women that are very tall yeah okay your bathroom is gonna be taller your shower all the living spaces you're not going to be coming in through the threshold and bumping your head every single line even in the Airstream Carson is like wow this is ridiculous yeah so even with those advantages of a fifth wheel I would not rule out a travel trailer and we've had both and we came back to a travel trailer I would say travel trailers have the reputation of like white-knuckle driving and that's just not true if you are having a white-knuckle travel trailering experience yes it's because something is out of alignment yes maybe there's the weight and the balance in the rig isn't right or maybe there's something wrong with the tow vehicle and maybe you've got to adjust the height of the hitch or there you have the wrong hitch all together don't give up on the travel trailer try to figure out what is making it not enjoyable to tow before you upgrade and then if you have a travel trailer in mind and a fifth wheel in mind and you have an RV show coming up it is a lot of fun to go to them but stay focused and say these are my main concerns in buying a rig this is what I absolutely need out of my rig and then go there and say these are the things I'm gonna go see and when you stand in a regulate no this isn't for me or oh my gosh I love it I can't believe I love it so much so I'm going and being able to stand inside of one of those two rigs will help you understand like Oh this is gonna work out and then the only other thing I'll add is that when we had a travel trailer and we had a half-ton truck we first upgraded our truck to a 3/4 ton diesel and then later we upgraded to a 5th wheel so we got to experience what it was like to put to tow the same trailer with a half-ton truck and a 3/4 ton diesel and it was a night and day difference and often I feel like sometimes fifth wheels get so much credit for being better because people change everything in one shot they go from like an SUV and a small travel trailer that they never liked to a dually and a 5th wheel and they're like oh this feels so much better it said will you change everything right and so just acknowledge that sometimes just upgrading your tow vehicle with a travel trailer will also make a big difference and then moving to a fifth wheel if you like but I don't know there's a lot of great great travel trailers out there we really enjoy it and we're loving the Airstream and with that in mind we can't wait to get back on the road yes it's coming it's so exciting so as we said at the beginning of this video we're popping back down to Phoenix to get just a few more things done on the Airstream and then we're packing up to get out of here we'll be on the road for seven months and we're glad they were able to share this experience with you and somehow we're gonna be able to pack up that cabin and fit most of the things in here without being overweight somehow someway and in the meantime we will catch you the same time same place next Sunday bye for now
Channel: Keep Your Daydream
Views: 467,854
Rating: 4.9397278 out of 5
Keywords: rv life, rv living, travel trailer vs 5th wheel, best truck to tow a travel trailer, kyd, keep your daydream, airstream, grand design reflection, grand design momentum, youtube rv channels, best rv channels, best rv grill, rv trailer or motorhome
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.