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[Applause] whoa you clicked a two-hour youtube video either you already know us or you are very brave here's what's going on we're tim and finn and in this video we're taking you all around the best of maui once we land we're headed out on a west coast road trip over a hundred of you responded with things that we should go do and see and great places to eat you'll then wake up with us for sunrise at haleakala national park hike yao valley and head out on a whale watching tour dead on towards this whale in the distance then hop in the car with us as we take a camper top jeep along the road to hana as we hike through the bamboo forest scope out shots from jurassic park walk the black sand beach and take you to some of maui's most beautiful waterfalls throw this up on your big screen make sure you're watching in 4k click the like to say woo free content and welcome to tript maui [Music] cheers [Music] when you arrive in hawaii you'll present your test results and qr code and you're good to go got that thanks she read it [Music] all right we did it okay cool thank you inner island travel is possible as general knowledge it's easier to travel to let's call it an outside island then go back into oahu on your way out but we're not going to cover that in this video here because we're just here in maui and let's go on an adventure together [Music] aloha [Music] today we're going on a west maui road trip and what's way better than trip advisor is asking all of you what to do i put an instagram question and over a hundred of you responded with things that we should go do and see and great places to eat so come with us now as we visit lahaina kanapali and kapalua and if you're watching this video to plan your trip to maui and you want this list of over 100 recommendations just send me a dm on instagram and i'll just send it over to you but until then enjoy these three cute little towns [Music] [Music] m [Applause] in my head i cannot let you go [Applause] [Music] the first day we were here we spent the afternoon watching whales do full body breeches out of the water at geostyle so now anything but that feels like a little bit of a letdown that's not going to stop us from trying to get it on film though alison finney whale videographer researching across the oceans [Music] thank you this is second breakfast hobbit style because this is literally what i made for myself about two hours ago at home before we got in the garden [Music] so [Music] that is why we're here we're doing a lot of this today but stay tuned in future episodes where we head up there i'm so i'm so excited this is the throwback to seventh grade i think i'm gonna we're gonna i'm gonna bring it back it's two is it can i come back well i think jeans are getting bigger right james are getting bigger like the 90s are so in like why not i think one of each maybe okay don't make fun of me in the comments [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that's where all the big boy resorts are we haven't seen any of these yet oh they're up there whoa where are we this is amazing [Music] that is where we're hoping to get over to at the end of the week on a helicopter it's been so crazy windy though i don't know if that's gonna affect it one of the most important things if you want to be professional about having a youtube channel is never have batteries for your camera so that you have to take a break midway through the day and just charge wherever you're eating okay so i take all the recommendations and then i put them all in google maps so whenever we need a break and we're hungry we just see what's close and what have you recommended joey's kitchen and so here we are oh my gosh mahi tacos and tim coconut shrimp also looking amazing thank you for the recommendation fun fact when i was studying abroad in mexico my new mexican friends down there were asking why all americans like lean your head down to eat a taco and they were like you just eat a taco like this and i'm like we never thought of that you can shove more of it in your mouth though if you go sideways [Music] if you're new here this is why we get to live this awesome lifestyle it's because we own a small business and we sell travel gear on amazon so i'm going to talk about it right now because we're here in hawaii launching our two new backpack colors island blue which looks beautiful with this beautiful watercolor and another color that you're going to see in an upcoming video that we're going to launch up in the mountains and in the jungle and look at all the stuff that i can fit two big towels mask and snorkel and i've got a big water bottle and a water bottle holder two sunscreens on the other side there is a sunglass pouch with felt extra protection here and a whole front pocket what is even more exciting about our backpack is that it's all compressible and it folds up into a little pouch now we just need to sit and enjoy watching all of the cliff jumpers here at blackrock [Music] we're kind of doing maui on a budget by chance really we got an awesome cheap flight alert 300 from florida so if you're on the west coast it's probably even cheaper our airbnb coveted special 125 dollars a night what that shakes out to be though is much cheaper than the people who are paying 400 a night here at the sheraton and guess what we're on the same beach we're enjoying the same view we're gonna go jump off the same rocks it's a good deal [Music] i really should have worn sandals out here this is really sharp come on [Music] hello [Music] [Music] oh [Music] wow perfect thank you my flip-flop just had critical fit so i'm down to one click on one barefoot it couldn't be salvaged i just have to leave it here in hawaii it's where it belongs now we're just steps off the beach over 10 of you told us we must come to monkey pod and get a mai tai it's a little bit corporate for our vibe for more of the shack off the side of the road now that mai tai has been delivered we completely understand why the waiter recommended sipping the foamy top because the whole bottom is rum then stirring it in kind of choose your own adventure [Music] oh drinks fun good great recommendation [Music] guys there's not a lot of reasons to get off the beach early but that is happy hour [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i hold on to this dorm [Music] there's [Music] we're driving north to try to hit a blowhole before sunset today and just saw this forest grove off to the side of the road this is major new zealand vibes where you're just driving and every three minutes there's something that is catching your eye and you've got to pull over and check out and it was the first time we saw a rainforest jungle so far and we're so excited for what the rest of the trip brings it's so impossibly green here it's so green [Music] oh there's another whale hey here these people are all seeing the waterfall is this the blowhole crowd excuse me is this the blowhole i'm underdressed for the blowhole i'm going to be reading how was the blowhole everybody breathing do you want to hear about the chevy spark [Music] do you want to talk about your wardrobe change or just do a wardrobe change sure this wardrobe change is sponsored by trip travel gear a wonderful way to keep your clothes organized in your chevy spark oh i'm gonna fall over that's the blowiest blowhouse that's jack's blowhole man [Music] hello [Music] we're tim and finn and you're watching tripped maui today is particularly special because it's our sixth wedding anniversary welcome back to maui we've come a long way today we're doing something we've never done before wow and just like that the next tour group is off [Music] one of these all the time i know okay just yes [Music] feel safer you love being safe and then this is dude this is like the full with the mask don't need paintball guns all right that'd be awesome that's when the doors are upright you're a little safety ninja right now i know oh my god [Music] helicopter you probably can't hear anything from us yet but ironically all of the women are on the outside of the aircraft or is it ironic i guess we'll see it sounds like there's a bunch of gentlemen on this flight [Music] great we got timothy we got allison we got us a party on board although offense i'm kirk welcome aboard are you guys ready at the fun i mean obviously you're the door's off frickin helicopter it's gonna be windy you're gonna have stuff a little slow keep yourself secure do you have any problems let me know i'll give you sympathy that's it you ready to go okay we'll see if we give this contraption applause three powerful wins tower hawaii 34 every time good afternoon [Music] [Music] thank you very much for your patience how are we doing okay yeah let me tell you what's going on right now we're cruising the older of the two volcanoes that make up mallets about a million and a half year old one of the wettest places are in the meantime my friends are gonna cruise this beautiful coastline as we make our way to the island of holocaust off your left uh 10 o'clock position moving towards the knight of compositions a lot of white water spot differently [Music] there's a blowhole game flapping his happy hair doing some tail [Music] slapping oh my god [Music] about 65 degrees it's not too cold you're digging this yeah are you rocking there brother [Music] we're going ahead i'm gonna break through the top of the ride you guys look straight down [Music] oh you guys are great you're handling this beautifully you know since you're apparently so very comfortable with this brother tell y'all what am i gonna do i'm now gonna take it to the tallest secrets of the world so i can drop you start off the time [Music] welcome my friends to the secrets [Music] again you are now viewing the speakers in the world over two thousand footers according to the geologist there was a fault line the whole northern half of this island which was here and off the right it all fell out flying to the ocean floor generating a tsunami that went all the way to alaska the ocean floor is more than 20 000 feet beneath the ocean surface so really deep here guys today just a gorgeous day as we're missing most of the trade wind rain showers we might encounter a few of them get a little bit wet rainwater's giving us a beautiful waterfall [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you i know i was losing my stomach so much and then he did like this this was absolutely something special to do today uh besides our anniversary this is just this was one really unique thing that when we did our first trip around the world we could not afford to do we just couldn't in new zealand we wanted to do it didn't have the wallet for it and if you're watching at home and sometimes it just looks like people on youtube or instagram get to do cool things like that's how when we look at instagram and youtube we see things but this is not you know a partnership this is not because we're youtubing this is because you guys support our small business trip travel gear and you know we pay for these things along the way so we're not promoting this company or anything i am promoting helicopter tours just because this is the first time ever going up and oh my gosh that was just so cool he like took off the crowd and i was like this is happening i was screaming a lot of that nobody was just doing that we just wanted to say thank you guys and um everything from like just clicking that little like button to buying back pass a trip make all this stuff possible so without you guys we once have been up there today tim this is the first anniversary of several that we haven't woken up in a car almost did missed it by two days we still woke up in a cow pasture two days ago we've had some anniversaries let's jump down memory lane for a bit in 2015 we were married in milwaukee surrounded by our favorite people in the world at this point we already had the plan in motion to quit our jobs to travel and we were at the end of saving money for two years to do so so by the time our first anniversary rolled around we were on the other side of the world waking up in our second night of van life in new zealand in the rain then last year on our special fifth anniversary 2020 really 2020 itself days before the official pandemic at one of our worst airbnb experiences in taos new mexico which brings us back to the year 2021 okay that really was so cool we were so pumped about just the ride in general and the whale i saw full whale tails out of the water just okay now we've seen whales from the airplane whales from a boat whales from shore whales from when we came okay so it was whale tail going there and when we came back it looked like all nervous white water like they were doing maybe that bubble or like feeding yeah i know you saw the bubble thing yeah yeah i thought it was all white water i probably didn't see the bubble bubbles okay but it was just so many ways like and then he's like oh there's a baby and then he got excited that we were excited because he's like he was like oh and there's a whale and we were like and he was like oh okay i'll circle back like okay we like whales it's maui you have to see a whale every day oh my gosh and then like the waterfall and cliff thing what are you saying it was like the highest seaside cliff in the world it goes so deep okay i was on the zoom out of the iphone and i still couldn't even get all of the mountain like it was 2 000 feet of sheer that's just like what i put a picture of exactly when i picture hawaii you know i mean yeah just those green cliffs and it's waterfall waterfall beautiful water oh but the fact that you could see it because like you can send out the drone like on road to hana you can get that cool shot but like you not seeing it in person is different you're like oh that's out there i had no idea i have so much more sympathy now for like when i send champion the drone up because we were doing so and just this is terrifying this is absolutely terrible we were the drone right now chappie does a great job he's very brave my gosh it was just like so okay and then to have to like be taking off and then they started playing jurassic park or like wait they were playing back to yeah it was awesome it was perfect why not play a movie soundtrack when you do that and then i was like wait this is like very well timed and great we love helicopters now that's that's not a cheap tour guide i'm in a helicopter oh my god i love i like i loved literally everything i could cry i could cry it was so so cool and then the doors off what it's hard to compare it without doing the other one but it was so incredibly windy doing i've been really scared of the height stuff like when we were ziplining in costa rica or anything but like when we took off i was like oh you would not you would not like this like i was kind of i was like holding on to you because it was crazy it was all right that i wasn't on the outside that was fine oh yeah really no it didn't was like and then i had to keep leaning forward so it's so windy oh my gosh well i'm not tired anymore how about you how are you doing is something busy now it's actually picked up a and that was probably so weird it was like shut off and then that was it right like tim i didn't know i was sharing good thing i got medium hey it's me for the future i'm trying to shave ice but the two steps we've taken it's not that hot outside but it's just one of those like the syrup is melting it you haven't even taken a spoonful oh is it like a snow cone no it's not like a snow cone that's what i keep thinking it's gonna be it's like um oh it's smooth texture i thought it was just a snow cone and i'm like what's the big deal it doesn't taste so like um chemically like a snow cone it tastes like nice nice blue flavor you are eating a rainbow i'm sure there's like some cancer causing red 40 in this but like it tastes nice and natural not like chemicals on water shaved ice contents chemicals [Music] well after five years on the road maui is just been blowing us away is this the most beautiful place we've ever been maybe there have been humpback whales jumping and breaching out in the distance we've been waking up to incredible ocean mountain views we're here at one of the best restaurants on the island mama's fish house is reservation only they're way booked out but i've just been checking every couple hours to see if there's availability and yesterday i snagged a late dinner reservation tonight let's go see what all the hype is about [Music] that must be mama [Music] you didn't even see this when we sat down awesome yeah that's hot what was this again asparagus fist that's awesome really your new asparagus bisque would be that [Music] good one of the ways maui has already been blowing us away is with the food and one of the first things we did when we touched down from the airport is go to a food truck for poke of course it was apparently the first time i'd ever had fresh tuna and just even think that i've tried tuna before it does not even compare the texture is so different it melts in your mouth almost like candy so here at mama's fish house of course we needed to try some ahi it's a tahitian ahi and it's an almost ceviche style and even just picking it up with the chopsticks all of a sudden i'm like oh yes this is fresh just like when we first touched down is it a little spicy if you're a subscriber you know that we don't usually talk about food on the channel but this is what we're talking about what jeff thank you oh is that a ring light you have to film jeff holding the lamb i'm not sure about that thanks jeff appreciate the assist jeff nailed it it's time for the main event i like curry i like it a lot in fact i had red curry for dinner last night and leftovers for breakfast this morning and here i am this is the first and probably only time i'll be eating a 60 curry dish in my life lots of hype this is their premier flagship dish let's get into it i will hold the lamp you have your first bite we're i need to like flake off some fish here give us the flavor journey it really is that good the fish is flaky it's coconutty it's got a little like spice where it's not overwhelming where i eat when they i like spicy food but i hate when they punch you in the face with like hey this is spicy because then it just kind of kills the dish i'm really excited penang curry is one of the reasons why people come here in the first place and as curry connoisseurs chasing indian and thai curry around the world mostly off camera we're so excited to be here both on camera and trying the penang curry here at mama's fish house just because that's apparently the thing to get and we're gonna have to turn off the camera just to sit here and enjoy this because yeah this is the best curry that we've ever had wow and then to change each taste with the accompanying mango chutney sambal which is an indonesian chili paste and macadamia nuts [Music] now set your alarm and get to bed it's going to be an early morning hello and welcome to your gypsy guide tour if you can hear this then we're off to a great start and we're going to have an excellent day of touring worth trying to pair our device to the car so we can hear through the high quality car speakers thanks dude just a little bit of troubleshooting here [Music] sometimes we'll drive in and out of clouds as we move from the east to the west side of the slope and back again it's an early morning in maui for sunrise at haleakala national park which is the top of the volcano at 10 000 feet we've been climbing since sea level and the narrator on our tour has mentioned that we should have probably gone through a layer of clouds so far and it has been absolutely so clear we've been i've been watching watching sunrises we can see it from our condo every single morning that we've been here like a hawk like a hot every morning the cloudy mornings i'm saying oh gosh look at those people up there they can't see anything and then oh wow what an awesome sunrise those people had a great experience so my fingers have been crossed it's been clear the past two days and it was a clear sunset last night so i have good feelings i'm worried you're jinxing us right now i know that guys are just gonna roll in okay that's true okay don't tell anybody we made it to the summit and this is going to be amazing they said it was going to be cold and they were right all right [Music] okay [Music] what's inside well it's as cold as you said it was going to be really weird packing a jacket to go to hawaii we also packed the hotel dubai don't regret it at all don't regret it it's amazing [Music] this is the one and only time it would be cold in hawaii i always knew what the temp was right behind me is the big island of hawaii and another volcano taking a short break in here to warm up our hands stopped working it's really hard to use the cameras then yeah we have to warm up our fingers just to film we should have been here a half hour earlier than we were i thought to look up first light time as opposed to even just sunrise and we got here a half hour before the listed first light but with the altitude factored in or not factored in we probably should have been here an hour before first light time because there was light when we got up here a half hour before so just a tip if you're coming up sun rise was at 6 30 we got here at six and you could have even gotten here at five if you wanted to see some stars we're so lucky to get here on a beautiful morning um but you can come up here at any time of day including sunset which we hear is quite nice through came from somebody's happy she warmed up in the [Music] car [Music] all right packing two come up here if you're coming from a cold your cold home you can just bring your winter coat we were coming from florida tim brought this just for the hike this down coat but i'm making do with um i wanted more room for cute clothes and i'm making i'm making do with just hiking clothes i have hiking boots and tall wool socks i have leggings on under jeans a raincoat a hoodie sweatshirt a long sleeve shirt a t-shirt uh another and like a camisole like a like a tank top so in summary so somebody's sitting in the cold and not moving around it's really cold and everybody around us up here was going like this but even just little things in our experience make a big difference like having a buff down here and a buff for your ears and a hat like those are the little things that are small and that you can pack easily to make it all easy and then if you need more space in your luggage you can always use travel gear compression cubes whoa oh i thought what an organic plug i thought i had one right here in the backpack to just whip out and show you but i'm sure our editor will pop one on the screen here all right this is gonna be a beautiful ride down the volcano because we came up in the dark and we haven't even seen it yet [Music] oh that's just ocean i bet you can see i'm sure it's not exactly a cliff but that looks so cool well i hope you've enjoyed visiting this spectacular place it's a difficult place to explain to people who haven't seen it for themselves so one of the big questions is whether haleakala will ever erupt again it's believed the last lava flows from haleakala occurred in 1790 but new evidence is suggesting it may have been 150 years earlier than that well this is pretty cool having gypsy guides right here on our phone to just kind of turn our brains off and not have to constantly be looking down the phone or doing research and in national parks frequently you don't even have service so this is just playing through the speakers and on the way down it's different audio than on the way up and it's letting us know that there's this great viewpoint right here that gives a different perspective than what we saw at the summit and nobody's here so nobody had the insider information with the guide [Music] so more facts oh whoa wait we didn't see any of this look at those things do you think they're called cinder cones i was picturing a cinder cone to be like some little kind of like rock structure not a whole volcano looking thing that is cool oh my gosh this looks like mars wow welcome to our new series tripped mars i think because it's specifically a volcano and we have the little tour guide going in the car i feel very much like this is a elementary school trip and you're out here learning about geology and volcanoes we've never really i've never really been to volcano it makes me want to see some magma i really want to see some hot glowing magma yeah all right next trip [Music] you can hike here there's a few big trails one of them is about a 2.5 in and out and then another is an 11 mile hike that goes all through the cinder cones all right back down the volcano if you've been watching this morning you're thinking these guys are babies how cool could it be in maui this is how cold it is it's cold sleepy boy sleepy driving down a volcano makes you tired sleepy he's sleepy he must trust me because the last time i really did any driving was on the other side of the road the virgin islands i didn't drive much at home shoot i scared him that is the hawaiian state bird the nae nae it's a goose but it's probably good i scared him because he was walking on the road and somebody just came bombing up the hill so um okay hawaiian state bird check [Music] we're listening to an audio guide of some of the hawaiian words and while many of you watching probably know of aloha both hello and goodbye it's interesting to hear the meaning because the english definitions are so linguistic but in hawaiian the meaning has so much more than just the linguistic meaning of hello and goodbye it's about you know seeing somebody and seeing and feeling their spirit and then mahalo for thank you is so much more than just the words like how we would say it in english it's about respecting the culture taking interest in the person and you know just a lot deeper than just the words um why i'm bringing this up is hey that's interesting because i love languages i love language when we travel but then we would love to show more of local culture when we travel we do experience more culture off-camera just because of the nature of how you're interacting with people one thing that we've really struggled with on our channel is how to show that because we don't unless you've figured out a better way that you can let us know know how to respectfully film locals when or if you're seeing that somewhere else on youtube i don't know if people are just sticking the camera in people's faces or like on a zoom lens and like in the distance without asking their permission i i i honestly don't know and then when you see something like that on a professional documentary or you know national geographic that of course is all set up right there's filming permits and it's all it's set up so um i'm providing some insight behind the scenes on how this works we do actually get a lot of comments like oh you guys should share more of that and it's really hard to manufacture when you're just filming your vacation anyways that's a little bit of insight on that we're so excited to be experiencing the hawaiian culture and no we're not going to a tourist luau or anything but we're doing our best to see and experience what we can while we're here and showing you what we can [Music] [Music] this is yao valley's state monument st monument and you'll see why pronunciation on pointer thank you the spanish speaking is helping with the hawaiian pronunciation i'm doing my best but it might not be perfect there's not a lot of times where you could just get so much reward right in the parking lot but look at how incredible this is from right here we don't have to do anything yet usually you have to hike at least like four miles but this is insane [Music] alison finney plant expert here she is with the random fact along this trail you'll see planets both native to hawaii and brought in by other planets [Music] [Music] this is why we're here [Music] [Music] i've tried really hard this hike not to say it just major vietnam vibes [Music] [Music] hi cutie hi hi have fun bye so thank you so much for joining us [Music] we are now boarding for whale watching in maui and we've been here almost a week every single day we've seen whales breaching off the coast just from standing on the shore so this is my number one thing to do i'm so excited to hopefully get up and close with some whales it's incredibly windy today and she said that sometimes that means more action so fingers crossed let's go [Music] a rain jacket is usually the number one thing to pack for a tour like this it's a nice windbreaker [Music] i see it yeah he's right there this is the closest we've had [Music] back up at the surface at our 10 o'clock [Music] position [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god [Music] we definitely saw plenty of whales today not like you can be disappointed that you didn't see a full breach oh my gosh there were so many we got nice awful breech did you get it on camera okay i still didn't get a breach on camera but everyone was pointing shouting out whales i saw the breach and then the captain turned the boat and then started following it and that happened in monterey and california on camera it doesn't count it was like breech and then they were like you're hired and i was like i just feel like i care the most and they said that on the boat they're like allison finney's well if you go out every day you're like kind of looking i was like we're gonna see a whale and i and one of the reasons why we chose this company over other whale watching tours as you guys know we don't typically like work with brands we just kind of take you on our vacation so we chose this company because this is a non-profit and they give back to the whales as opposed to just some of the other whale watching tours here and so this is pacific coast foundation they don't give the money to the whales but they they do good stuff is that what i said they give back to the whales yeah through education through education and um conservation conservation a lot of adrenaline so much whale excitement all right well there's so much more to see on maui let's do more go charge the camera battery and then go off and see maui our youtube channel was born five years ago just because i love making videos of our travels and that was always something i was passionate about and so i was thinking about that on the whale watching tour because i cared so much about getting the shot just because i i like want this beautiful national geographic whale breeching moment and i'm so fulfilled after that trip because it was so windy and at the very front of the boat it was incredibly hard to stand there because of the wind and the waves and but it was the best viewpoint for this one whale that we saw so i saw the breach i shouted it the captain turned and started heading dead on towards this whale in the distance there was no one around because of how hard it was to stand i had both hands on the one on the the long lens because it's so heavy and the camera body i'm so tall that the railing was only up to my mid thigh and so i was squatting down and this was for like over 10 minutes going through the wind and the waves with only and i had both eyes i had one looking through my right eye one looking through my left eye and then after so long my legs started to shake because i couldn't stand there any longer but then that's finally when we had maui in the background the sun at the right angle and the whale came up showed its fluke beautifully went down it probably looks like this seamless easy shot but that was 15 minutes of me shaking from standing there and trying to balance and hold on but that's when i felt like i was a professional videographer to get i can't wait to see this shot well i haven't seen it either maybe it's no good um but it felt good when i did it i was like and i was like ah how rewarding says a little behind the scenes my good friend jamie aka the songbird of vietnamese karaoke said that if i didn't eat a blackened mahi mahi burger every single day while i was here at this fish market that i was a stupid idiot i have not had i have not had a blackened mahi mahi burger yet so we are going to fix that right now here we are and what is this place called uh is it fish market it's not the one in hey uh i'm sure it's the salsa it's it's a brand i'm sure we're doing it wrong no matter what we're doing [Music] [Music] the deal here this is all freshy fresh well jamie's right for once i'm kind of a stupid idiot for not having eaten this already like that's finney that's really good [Music] it's just gorgeous i just love it new digs oh granite okay no pressure for me since i picked up both airbnb as this trip you did so good um i will be publishing a hawaii on a budget video and how this place at the last place are 125 a night i think this is a buck 50 in case we like it this is more than another place which still good view but not right on the water right but look it's got a wavestorm this is great we're not going to be here tomorrow night but this is awesome but you'll have to stay tuned for that episode this is so funny tim was just checking out oh you're here look at what's here [Music] come look is it boogie boards to use perfect these have really been the best airbnbs there's so many towels there's oh there's a cooler and there's those green chairs sick i know it's almost like they're set up to be used we just stay in so many airbnbs and we're always blown away i mean we're always saying more on the budget side so it's kind of like you get what you pay for but we just can't believe that people don't include some easy stuff i mean even the last place we stand for eight nights and there was only one beach towel a person which was fine you know we just like did laundry but i mean how much easier is it to just throw in two more beach showers and then it's like wow blown away by the hospitality so to just have extra things like extra pillows and blankets and stuff uh it's so nice i guess but uh tips if you own your own airbnb it's just those real little little tiny things that cost almost nothing that make a huge difference like this cart look at this we're on the second story i might have things as a visitor here wow making life easy [Music] amazing [Music] oh oh maybe i'll buy one that works mantis we're on the hunt for mantis today not literally hunting we just want to go swim with them if you go way back on the channel five years ago we tried to go snorkeling with mantas and bali that didn't happen we're hoping to turn our fortunes around today here in maui it's seriously insane how many epic things there are to do on just one island unfortunately there's something we would recommend not to do if you're new here we afford to travel through our amazon fba business and don't do much sponsored travel that affords us the opportunity to share with you some negative experiences from our trips this one in particular had us so frustrated and upset we spent the rest of the day pouting in our airbnb swimming with manta rays is a bucket list experience we've been seeking to find all over the world we were out of season in bali and not cold enough water really anywhere else anyways we had one day to dedicate to diving in maui diving the molokini crater is the thing to do and what we would recommend you do if you just have one day you can snorkel there too because we've been looking for a man to dive every place we travel we were elated to find hmm just one dive shop on the island who offered a man to dive finding this dive was even one of the reasons we picked maui over other islands anyways you probably know where this is going there were no mantas but before you all think i'm a crazy person let me just say i understand what a wild animal is and i'm not just creating an entire youtube segment on the fact that we didn't spot specific wildlife on a tour you see this webpage is all about diving with mantas similar to what we've seen when booking a whale watching tour seeing grizzlies in alaska or swimming with whale sharks typically when going out on a wildlife viewing trip guides talk about how to interact with the animal how to keep yourself and the animal safe and other educational information when i say this tour had almost no discussion of mantas we were talking with other divers on the boat we shared dive stories and all of our excitement about the day to see these mantas then quickly talking with the crew in a very politically correct way we started realizing that with the exception of maybe one or two on the boat no one had ever seen a manta in maui we discussed various fish we would see along the way but there was nothing about the reason we spent this four hundred dollars and six hours of our trip at this dive site for another with doing so many tours around the world and being scammed on some for example a cambodian spearfishing tour with no spear before we even got in the water tim and i looked at each other shaking our heads and said oh it's one of those not only that but the gear was inappropriate for the cold water temperatures our guide was shaking and lips were blue as well as me and other passengers on the boat it was actually kind of scary it was just a bad tour okay the staff was super fun and nice and this company goes out to good dive sites which i'm sure are great but this whole false advertising thing had all of the divers on the boat pretty confused about what they just spent 200 a person on anyways i'm not trying to use my voice on here to bash anyone and this doesn't happen very often tim and i just always go back after these experience lit up in frustration we get to travel all the time but what if this was your honeymoon or your big trip you've been saving vacation days and money for two years to take it's just so unfair and that's why we couldn't even do anything the rest of the day but to end on a positive note during whale season here in maui you can hear the whales from underwater that's right you can hear them you can even do this from shore by sticking your head underwater [Music] hearing this for the first time was absolutely what i'll be taking out of these two dives freezing foot number two talk to me about his whales oh my god that was so cool [Music] that was really cool oh i get that whales you're shaking to the camera i was so excited and just kept closing my eyes and picturing the humpbacks that were all swimming in the distance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's hit the road [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the beautiful hawaiian island of maui today we've rented a camper jeep to tackle one of the most beautiful road trips in the united states the road to hana is known as the top thing to do in maui there's over 600 turns along the hana highway on the northeast coast of the island through lush rainforests and seaside cliffs the journey is the destination for this out and back road trip and today and tomorrow are all about pulling off the road and enjoying some of the most beautiful sights in all of hawaii the unofficial start of rodahana is in that cute little town of paella but the first stop that we're making here is in hokipa park we are just down from the famous jaws surf break to check out some world class surfing right here we're borderline but we'll leave it to the [Music] pros [Applause] [Music] oh there's a whale right next to the surfers but of course i didn't get him on camera [Music] looks like we're ready to go join the tour by driving to a recommended start location or anywhere along the set route once you're on the tour commentary will play automatically as you drive through the audio points the arrow icons on the map if we take our time and stop at the places that i suggest then we'll arrive in hana in about three hours or so some people get to hana and then turn around and come back i strongly recommend that if we have time we should continue past hana and visit the ohio pools at kipahulu which are about another 45 minutes further down the road first stop for many on the road to hana is twin falls if you're short on time on your road to hana day this location is only at mile marker 2 so you could come enjoy the falls on a different day of your trip too the pet friendly sign made us miss pepper at home the falls are on private land so the owners are nice enough to allow visitors to come enjoy the natural beauty and ask for donations to maintain facilities and even provide porta-potties on site this is definitely a gorgeous place to take photos and do one of tim's favorite activities first couple miles of the drive and i already got to jump off a cliff into the waterfall pools it's off to a good start [Music] here's our travel strategy for the road to hana we booked this camper top jeep through an airbnb listing and even though we have an airbnb on the island we're using this almost like a car rental so that we can camp overnight tonight that's going to allow us two days here on the road you can squeeze a lot of sights into one day but we wanted to take more time and of course you could spend you know a whole week doing this our travel strategy for day one is here on the later side it's already noon and we've only been to kind of this first stop at twin falls we're hoping that we're behind a lot of the traffic on this one windy road with most people starting earlier this morning now of course you could leave super early and tackle the same strategy that's usually what we're doing but we couldn't grab this until 7am and then we felt like that was a little late to start by the time we got out here there is not service out here so we have been saving things on google maps like we normally do and then download the area of the map and there's so many things to do on this road trip that you kind of have to pick and choose what you want to do we also have been asking all of you on instagram thank you for recommendations one of the best recommendations that we got that we used yesterday which you have seen in a different video in our haleakala sunrise trip is this gypsy guides it's a gps led audio guide that you can bluetooth in with your phone and we've never heard of this but because it's all downloaded it's and gps tracked on your map because our phone's traveling with us it's giving us these audio tips along the way as we pass them so not only is it travel tips but then it's also just fun information about the local plants or the culture and the you know hawaiian mythology the story of of maui and everything so anyway so we're having so much fun listening to that and being entertained with that but then also having the travel tips like okay you're coming up on your right-hand turn get ready to turn right and it's just so funny that like it knows it knows right where you are i don't know what to do it's not it's all pretty i just keep turning on the camera it's it's too green my eyeballs are starting to hurt [Music] oh [Music] here we go [Music] rainbow eucalyptus yeah just the two of us so it's 15 and on the inside we've got about two and a half miles of walking trails about a thousand labeled plants and tree species there's a waterfall overload restrooms awesome sick [Music] excuse me we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty [Music] [Music] this is one of those moments where it's just either one of two things one you just say wow planet earth like how does stuff like this even exist it's so incredible or two it's definitely confirmation that we're living in a simulation [Music] [Music] [Music] nailed it got it got it we're done here it's a wrap this one's called the [Music] sad crimson i can do better than that the crimson sorrow the crim that one's that are you calling it that just because it hangs down so it's sad yeah yeah come on i have more to show you oh this one is called dragon's breath the tongued bouquet it looks like a bunch of tongues pink lemur's tail north american leaf blower you'll you'll see it featured in many of our episodes [Music] [Music] you can't smell it it's so so cool i've never seen anything like that did the plaque say you could smell it i thought maybe i don't know you can't smell it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is wow managing our time is going to be a bit of a struggle because it is now 2 30 and there's a lot to see before the sun goes down off we go [Music] well there's a reason things are so green here that's it that's the reason sweetie that's three bears it's three bears one two three [Music] [Music] the further east we drove the more beautiful it got and the rain only made this insane landscape more dramatic [Music] and uh it is so crazy all the different spots on the island that this is going on you're in the rain forest it's cooler but it's 3 30 over on the other side of the island where people are you know having happy hour at monkey pod like we did the other day and all of it's simultaneously going people are up in haleakala up at ten thousand feet it could be snowing up there or something it is pretty incredible all on one small island oh mr gypsy was just talking about i'm not sure how much exploring we've done around maui so far telling us about candy areas and there's treats up here let's go check it out this isn't it we got to keep he's across traffic oh no i think i'm going to park closer yeah let's park closer maybe there's normally more shops open here yeah uncle bill's on vacation no camarones maybe there's candy in there the standard right [Applause] yes i may have read too many travel blogs but apparently the road to hana doesn't count unless you get banana bread my banana bread happens to have macadamia nuts and chocolate chips in it so it's cheating and i made a good choice [Music] me this has been pretty by allison vinnie pretty whoa it knew all those places were going to be closed with covet that's so interesting who's hungry the nahiku marketplace is coming up just around the corner that's amazing just look at it no we're not here it said we're here i look so pretty oh that's a restaurant please don't let any feast up it is one of the most magical places on maui okay you got it we're going there [Music] this state park is the home of maui's famous black sand beach okay to the left of the stop sign parking and service make your reservation all right all right cool sure right now reservations are required so at the entrance they directed us to go to the state park website and we grabbed a reservation for tomorrow morning [Music] sleeping no company welcome to hana we did it we made it this is really pretty i think i have to toss up the drum [Music] the road's namesake hana is a beautiful small town still enjoying the beauty of maui local life because of that there are many airbnb permit restrictions and very few hotels in the area with camping at the state park closed we found a way to stay overnight at private camping [Music] [Music] used nearby know [Music] okay whoa [Laughter] we're gonna sleep here with these cows oh my god remember new zealand wait was that new zealand we slept with all the sheep oh yeah and then this looks like um the pacific coast highway okay we're going to sleep right here this is beautiful i should be the last [Applause] [Music] oh no don't be scared it's okay baby get careful wait slow don't stop right there no baby excuse me um they probably he probably wants food beep [Music] hi hi ma'am wow how cool is this zach just bought 28 acres of land right here and is uh air being being it out for camping at the moment and what a beautiful plot of land uh this is the forecast and i'm feeling the cold breeze now all of a sudden so i think we're gonna just oh here it comes here here it comes oh no um yeah we're gonna sit this out in the car this is camping so when it stops raining we're gonna go up take that tent cover off i think the tent pops up it's not like putting a tent on the ground together it should have a couple poles in it like flip flip-flop wait there was a uh binder we should study the binder and then if we only have a short window then we'll like jump out and then that will we at least know what it looks like everybody who sets this up is dodging cow pies as they're going around oh is there poop i didn't even see it what it's all the stuff that looks like dirt it's cow pie oh gosh okay good it says something about the ladder helping push like pull that down next oh it goes on the other side [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa wow should i get the directions and read them out loud okay slide out the ladder until locking pins engage the ladder should be on an angle not straight up oh you're already in there okay you're not listening to any of this are you after this i got it you're done wait a minute let me get the camera oh my goodness this is like oh my this is actually working it all comes beautifully we're gonna sleep like angels in here no wait till it looks like an instagram perfect no yes the chances what in the world oh it's perfect oh my gosh so there's a maid bed in there already and we were worried about pillows this is so cute [Applause] [Music] [Music] whoa this is kind of spacious let's see here oh my god this is better than my ring light i should just film all of my youtube tutorials with this slime in this tent in this tent this is crazy this is a wonderful time to talk about our trip travel gear packing cubes trip travel gear is the reason that we're able to live a life on the road like this and um it's a great way to pack your stuff when you need to quickly pull it out of a car and get up onto your rooftop tent i've got my uh especially a field of cows and cup hives yeah if you don't want to get out and step in cow pie trip travel gear that is a unique selling proposition right cheers happy camping what's on the menu tonight tim well since we are camping i'm roughing it a little bit and since we are in maui maui i'm so maui right now uh your i have some grocery store spicy poke food land because that's like the spot to go for poking yeah they had much nicer looking poke then and for dessert um some local rotahana banana bread great success [Music] oh thank you good morning i'd say let's go see what it's like now but i know you're all smarter than that and you can see that we clearly woke up to go put out the gopro for the time lapse so please enjoy this time lapse we set our alarm [Music] my feeling for [Music] if i could take you back to my you i'll show you what i wish i'd known my will is strong with a place to leave [Music] i'm remembering the words you [Music] hold on we'll be together take me back where i belong i want it all [Music] sleeping down here last night is putting us in the position to be way ahead of everybody else and so we're first in the parking lot and one of the many special things here at this state park is the black sand beach and also their restroom facilities oh my gosh somebody had a bad day no drones are allowed in the park and the ocean ate it up and spit it right back out pick up my piece of garbage for the day [Music] wow so so special to be here so early with nobody here there's a couple people here right now with kovid you need reservations to come here so when we showed up last night around sunset we weren't able to get in but she gave us the website to go and get a reservation and we got one this morning which is a saturday morning so if you are last minute it seems like it's pretty available maybe because most people don't know that you need a reservation but if you have your whole trip to maui planned out make sure that a reservation here is available to you there are also two blow holes here but despite there being pretty big waves out there they are not active they must get so much bigger come all the way up here and look at how far we are away from the water pretty cool and there's another one over here i i just shut the door from changing okay let's just go right there there's 14 spots you're a finney sandwich right now i'm just i'm i'm i'm like losing it here's the camera i got a backup well don't run over this guy i'm not well there's a lot of there's a lot of extra parking lot everywhere else and look at how like close it is to the okay and then look that's those are all spots these are all spots i'm gonna i'm gonna die allison's favorite things in the entire world is when you park in a parking spot in an empty lot and some parks next to you so this morning we had the first spot and the next car in rolled up right next to us not a big deal just maintaining order in the parking lot we were pulling out gear and everything so i moved over there and then right away somebody pulls it right next to us with the rest of the lot open just a little insight into the mind by allison finney it's it's so rational but it it drives me up the wall i so mad this is a huge park you know there's nothing to be mad about it's just i can't even talk about good morning mr gypsy looks like we're ready to go i'm sure you now understand what i meant when i explained how the road to hana is about the journey and not about the destination at the junction turn left to continue outbound towards ohio gulch and i highly recommend doing that we still have two must-do stops ahead of us if we're heading back to central maui then turn right but turning left is better yay we're turning left [Music] it's a 90 gig data dump 90 gig data dump that's a lot of data [Music] wow in just a few minutes we'll be coming up on our second last must-stop location on our tour on the hana highway the wailua falls these are considered by many visitors to be the most attractive of the many many waterfalls encountered on this drive [Music] oh my gosh mr gypsy keeps saying about how busy it's gonna be and there's vendors selling stuff and no but well of course the car is right here i'm sure they'll park right next to us um but no one's here oh my gosh let's go okay well there's a couple here ah cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're back inside the haleakala national park and that is where we watched sunrise on the top of the volcano the other day so make sure that you go check that out because that was one of the coolest things we did on the island um i'm bringing it up here because now that we've looped back around and are back in the park your ticket is valid for three days so if this is the second time you're going back in the park then you don't have to pay the entrance fee again and also plan your trip so that you have a three-day window of doing both these things because otherwise it's 30 dollars [Music] [Music] strategy go up first do the hard part and then enjoy the pool oh yeah we're always trying to avoid the crowds maybe because we if we do this first and then less people here later in the day we'll turn around and leave or maybe people aren't here yet it really could be anything [Music] wow we're nearing the end of our two weeks in maui and we almost didn't come down to the pool because we're so excited to do the ppy trail um but this isn't like top 10 waterfalls i think i've ever seen this place is insane [Music] two miles there two miles back easy peasy end of the trip [Music] we are climbing up this is exactly what i picture when i picture hawaii [Music] i thought the tree at the bottom was my new favorite this is my new new favorite [Music] tree i'm a monkey [Music] [Music] [Music] obviously this is beautiful we spent 15 a person yesterday in garden of eden on this road to hana mostly to see a bamboo forest now it was an incredible experience but if like us you were mostly going for bamboo you might want to just spend your time here wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's go let's go keep going [Music] what an incredible reward at the end of the road to hana a lot of people do this trip in one day i'm so glad even with camping being rough last night that we took two days to do it and we have been here for two weeks if you're just joining us for road to hana then be sure to check out our other maui content including the haleakala sunrise which i think was my favorite point of the trip though it's really beautiful here we got to get going it's going to be a long drive back to our airbnb tonight and we got to make it before dark out of the jungle let's get going well there you are my friends you've done it you've now driven the famous right here's your t-shirt oh shoot i forgot to bring t-shirts well you made it two hours with us if this is your first two hours lucky you you have so much to catch up on a year-long round-the-world honeymoon a year lived in an rv a year living in mexico that's all already on our channel did you make it this far without subscribing you can click that button below because we post a new video every sunday see you next week on tripped [Music] you
Channel: TIM and FIN
Views: 33,803
Rating: 4.9529872 out of 5
Keywords: tripped, tim and fin, maui hawaii, maui travel, things to do in hawaii, maui hawaii vlog, hawaii travel, road to hana, hawaii travel 2021, hawaii travel vlog, maui travel vlog, maui hawaii vacation, maui hawaii 2021, hawaii travel video, how to travel to maui during covid, maui vloggers, maui vlog 2021, hawaii vacation 2021
Id: ZhBxgSnJ1nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 46sec (6706 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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