RV Living Full Time (Money, Safety, Health, Mistakes) & 101 Q & A's!

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bunch of squad showed up and that's like a several hour sitting around whether they search the RV why don't you get a job and return to the real world are we homeless what if I don't like full-time RVing are too many people going full-time RVing what if the whole world RV will we run out of campsites we have never done this before I don't think it's ever been done before we've got 101 top RV living questions on so many topics YES on health relationships money mistakes and more and so much more and if you're brand new to our Channel I'm Tom and I'm Cherie and we're enjoy the journey dot life and stick around till the end because we cover some of our biggest RV regrets and mistakes and if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you hit that button and ring that Bell that way you'll get notified when we release a new video our first topic is health on the road our first question is from Duncan and he asked how do you get regular doctor visits when you're on the road well the answer is actually we don't I am a type 1 diabetic like I've shared in the past and I'm from Minnesota so when I visit each year I just plan my regular visits then and get my lab work done a 1 see all of that good stuff and it works for me now other people that may need more regular visits may need to find another doctor that they can Skype wait with yep technology has to where you can be remote and still talk to your doctor it really does so I hope there's a solution out there for you on that and let's get to the next question the next question is can i RV part-time or full-time when I have health challenges well I think that really depends on what kind of challenge you have I think a lot of people do have some kind of health challenge so you're gonna have to work around that maybe you can't travel quite as far from your doctor or your home state for example it takes shorter trips maybe yes and I think there's people in wheelchairs yeah that make this work so there's lots of people that have disabilities and health challenges that do this for sure and we've had some of them comment on our videos in the past so don't let a limitation stop you of course we can't speak for all limitations but it is possible to still get out there and enjoy all there is to see yes the third question is how do you get your prescriptions well I need to get them filled monthly and it's really easy through Walmart or other pharmacies like Walgreens etc everywhere and they just transfer your prescription when you drive around and if you have a favorite pharmacy you can also get mail order I have done that as well but you do have to worry about certain kinds of medication getting too hot or too cold so whatever insurance you have make sure that you can do that yeah and I don't think it's a big deal the next question is what should I do for health insurance well there's all kinds of different and it's different for everyone what I personally do is use a health share and it cost me $150 a month and I really like the plan there's a link below in the description and you can check that out if you'd like more information the next question is how do you stay fit while traveling well it can be a challenge when you travel around a lot but we don't like to travel quite as much we find one spot stay for quite a while and I think what we're doing right now we are hiking hiking every day in the Red Rocks of Sedona and I still try to get a run in when I can and there's enough room for you to do yoga in the RV we also have Planet Fitness membership that we can use it's unlimited for both of us right and you can join a national gym or fitness center like that that's got many locations and just stop at those places along the way and they're everywhere how do you get your dental work done well what did we do last month we actually were on a trip over to San Diego and on our way back we stayed in Yuma and went over the Mexican border and went to Moeller City Los Algodones yes Mexico yeah and I had a cavity filled and a cleaning offer how much was it $90 and state-of-the-art equipment it was super fun we did we have a great time yes and very professional very friendly I think the first dentists I've seen that kind of joke around with you and yet they even let us film the whole time which we'll be doing a video right and we're gonna be going back going back next month but have we ever had such a great time getting dental we're never we experience authentic Mexican food we got some cheap tequila not cheap inexpensive tequila and had fun shopping with the street vendors and you don't have to drive across the border you can actually park on the US side and just walk across which is what we did yeah what we recommend because the car line getting back to the US was a little bit long it was and the next category is RV so we've had the question who empties the black tank who do you think and because the black tank of course I empty the black tank and Cherie what do you think about the black time not a big head actually we recorded a video and you emptying the black tank and I started gagging I need a face mask for this I don't think I could do it I'm just a little bit sensitive in the smell of Department it's not that bad well I guess if you are queasy maybe a face mask would work I don't know it's got a try if you've got a way to get around that odor from the black tank definitely comment below no yeah so Kenneth asked what is a good fifth wheel manufacturer well there are so many different kinds out there and each year the manufacturers bring out a new design and it may be better or worse than the previous one and we couldn't even begin to tell you which one to go with and I would have to say you're gonna need to do your own research on that right yeah and they're all gonna have issues there is no perfect RV even some of the companies we've heard that are really great we see that they have problems as well yeah so I think you're get the RV that you want the one that works for you and just do your research on that another question we get is will you be getting a composting toilet I guess we've considered the idea they are quite expensive to add and I guess it's there's mixed reviews maybe mostly positive but not probably in this RV yeah no I don't think that yeah so we'll see yeah well not dumping that black tank right I know next question is do you have a solar setup we really do not we have one solar panel which doesn't equal a solar setup another thing that we've thought about adding possibly in the future right the next question is what type of RV are you planning to get next oh wow we get asked this so many times and I think the biggest need we have right now is your office space so we're looking at toy haulers but we do want to go smaller so we're looking at yeah there's a smaller with a toy hauler yeah that's kind of like how do you do both yeah we have seen a few shorter toy haulers but I'm sure you're giving up a lot of living space and once you go over 40 feet which a lot of those toy haulers are it really limits where you can go we're just gonna have to shop around and try to figure it out because we are in the market for a different RV yes and if you have suggestions on what you think would work for us having separate office space but still a nice living area we appreciate you making those suggestions in the comments below so James asked why a fifth wheel over a Motorhome well we are not RV experts and there are advantages and cons I think disadvantages on both sides yeah one of the things we like about the fifth wheel is you can disconnect and still have a drivable vehicle without taking your RV with you right and it seems as if you get a lot more living space for the dollar that you spend for the RV yeah motor home can be a pricey investment for sure and then if it if you have vehicle issues that the Motorhome part you've lost your entire living space there's pros and cons of both ways it depends on what your needs are I would say again do your own research and decide for you what is gonna work yeah Michele asks have you weighed the RV yet and do you have a TPMS we have weigh the RV once but the operator did it wrong so we did not get an accurate weight sure it wasn't user error no absolutely not so either way we did not get the right weight for the RV and a TPMS system is at the top of our wish list those can be a little pricey as well but I do check the tire pressure regularly and so far the new tires that we have are doing great and you can actually check out our tire video we'll put a link below in the description for that if you want to know more about that where is it on our wish list we have quite the wish list we do the next question is our sly stoppers worth it well I've heard of advantages and disadvantages on both sides we have slide toppers and one did get torn in a windstorm and was a costly replacement like five hundred dollars but I do like the fact that it keeps leaves and debris from getting in that top part of the slide which you'd have to get there with the ladder and clear that off or if you got some snow and so I really like ours and so they look nice too yeah I think they do that's one side benefit and you know if you've got a different opinion definitely share that with us in the comments below the next question is should I buy a used RV I vote yes well I was totally against that when I first got into RV living but as I see what's out there and here's some other opinions I am really kind of torn between that if you buy used you're gonna pay a lot less money right as an advantage you are going to get something hopefully that has been well taken care of and that the previous owner has maybe done all the repairs to and maybe some really cool upgrades like solar and whatnot and there are some things that might be hidden that you wouldn't know that at least if you bought like a brand new RV you know nobody else's lived in it you've probably got some kind of warranties so if you find some issues those will hopefully mostly be covered and so I guess you're another thing where you have to do your own research and decide for yourself on that one yes I look for gently-used I like that term yeah if you're buying a Motorhome for example I have heard of some people getting some great deals on used motorhomes that are really nice and a Motorhome can be a very crossly yeah next question is should I pay cash or finance my RV Wow if you've got the cash I would say definitely pay cash you are gonna save a lot of money on interest yeah and especially if you're buying used it'll hopefully be a little less of an investment if you've got if you're buying a Motorhome and you've got $500,000 lying around then I get all right go ahead and pay cash for your RV it's another thing where you need to do your own research and really watch out for scams in the RV financing area we have seen some videos and heard some stories about some really crazy schemes that some finance places do to really dupe you out of pain a much higher interest rate so definitely watch for that and if you can't pay cash for it and you do need to finance it don't let that hold you back from going full-time RV if that's what you want to do yeah if you can make the payment get out here and do it now next question is how do I pick the right truck to tow with well that is going to depend totally on what RV that you get and this is kind of a joke going around in the RV industry that a half-ton truck can tow anything and that's not the truth no I actually started our v-nand pulling our fifth will our big 40-foot fifth wheel with a 3/4 ton gas and it was not near enough truck and I was totally embarrassed driving around and absolutely looked for a another truck and got one as soon as we could afford it and so there are a lot of technical calculations and that is not something I'm an expert in but definitely do your research get someone that knows do not rely on the truck salesperson like I did where they told me basically oh yeah that truck can pull anything well you know and even your RV dealer you know didn't warn me about seeing that truck you know is not enough and I could have actually returned the truck yeah at that point so again do your own research on our truck and learn from our mistakes and don't rush into buying something too quickly the next question is what kind of tires should I have on my RV well what we would recommend is to definitely get a higher load rating than what you need and this is going to involve weighing your RV and our RV came with load range e which was not enough and so we upgraded to load range G our sailin tires and wow those have been great and there's a lot of videos out there and a lot of people recommend salyanz' I will recommend them but other people recommend just make sure you get a really great American tire and don't go cheap on RV tires because wow again I've talked about our tire video and you will see why RV tires have been one of our biggest RV mistakes yes it's somebody even commented it's a joke in the RV world that when you buy an RV when you're driving it off a lot the tires that are on there are just to get you from the lot to the tire dealership to upgrade your tires yes and we we've also heard that like Columbus RV for example is putting the proper they have upgraded gyrated tires on all of their RV I think that they're learning - yeah but that may not affect you if you're buying a used RV the next question is do I need to winterize my RV well hopefully you're not Aravena in really cold weather but you might be and this is mostly a storage question so if your RV is going into storage and you're gonna get below freezing temperatures in the winter yes you need to winterize your RV and you can do it yourself I have done it myself I have also hired that to be done and just by that pink stuff the RV and marine stuff that you can find at Walmart Mart and you basically pour that into the proper tanks and get all of the remaining water out of there and that's procedure is going to vary depending on the RV that you have now if you are actually our Avene and you're gonna keep heat in your RV then you can maybe get a little bit colder I will take our RV down into maybe 20 degrees maybe upper teens I think we're okay we'll keep the water faucet on just a little bit and we open the cabinet so where the pipes are so they can get the warmth from the inside of the RV - right we make sure we keep the furnace on because in our RV that actually heats underneath where the pipes are as well because you don't want a pipe freezing up or your hos freezing up outside or your sewer pipe freezing up that would not be a good situation and I've actually heard of people are avene all winter long in my home state of Minnesota so there are ways to make it work and so there are some actually some videos out there on YouTube on how to do that so check that out the next question is what kind of RV insurance should I get well we did a video on how we got robbed I will put a link down below on that and I am still shopping for RV insurance and we are actually gonna have another video out on that hopefully very soon because I got a lot of recommendations on that video a lot so if you go through the comments on that video you will see a ton of recommendations and just really pay attention to the coverage and look at the questions that got asked and answered we had actually some insurance experts comment on that video and that is just another area that you don't want to make a mistake on so definitely check into getting the right RV insurance for you the next question is do I need an extended warranty well that can go a lot of different ways I did get an extended warranty on the columbus RV and i am very happy that we had that because when i went back and I looked at what repairs were needed and what the warranty covered and didn't cover which it actually didn't cover a lot so it's maybe not quite as cool as you would think that it would cover everything but it did save me money in the long run in the end it was worth it definitely so I would recommend it and that but again do your own research and see what's gonna work good for you the next question is should I get my RV inspected before purchasing it well I would absolutely recommend that whether it is of new RV or used you can hire an inspector there's actually an association we'll have to find the link and maybe put that in the description below of people that are certified to inspect RVs I think it's around five hundred dollars but when you look at the issues that an RV can have even right off the lot a brand new RV can still have a lot of issues I mean if you're buying a new home you're going to get it inspected and this is like a home just make sure you find somebody that is independent of the RV dealership or the private party that you are buying from that is an expert that can tell you what things need to be done and if even if your RV has some issues that they discover you can use that to negotiate with the seller so you can maybe get a lower price on that RV next question how much maintenance does an RV have well I would say a lot and in doing some research on this I did see another RV expert say you should plan for a thousand dollars per year for maintenance and I'm actually gonna say that's low that's a low end yeah I think that's on the low end I would actually and it's good again depend on what RV you get if it's new or used if it's had a lot of issues already taken care of how often you travel in it right because being on the road will definitely cause more wear and tear and of course if your RV is sitting in one spot that can cause issues as well next question is how hard is it to drive or tow an RV well I would say the bigger the more challenging it's going to be and if you are in a travel trailer as opposed to a Motorhome pulling a trailer I think is definitely more challenging in class I did have some previous experience towing a construction trailer when I was younger that really helped me and so what I would say is if you definitely go to an RV dealer and say you'd like to take one for a test they will definitely work with you on doing that so you can see if it's something that you are prepared for and actually heard of a story where someone got a really nice long RV and pulling out of the RV lot making that right handed turn they totally scraped the side of their RV brand-new RV along the fence going out because they didn't realize how wide you have to see yeah yeah and you don't really realize like when you're making that turn that tail end can go out a lot further and I think you've made that a little bit of a mistake yeah yeah I did actually clip another trailer at one time not a camper it was a business trailer yeah not not uncle's yeah sorry Uncle Pete the inside did get shaken up too much yeah that was yeah all right next question should I rent an RV before purchasing one I think that's a great idea totally totally now I didn't do that and it's worked out great for us but we have heard stories of people jumping in and spending a lot of money and sometimes going full time and not realizing what the challenge is going to be and six months a year later they hate it yeah and they are regretting that so totally if you can if you have not had any RV experience just rent one there's all kinds of places you can rent rvs from we see them all the time yeah the cruise America and El Montay RV I think is another one there's also RV share where other RVs rent their personal RVs out and I believe there's also a site that's like an Airbnb for RVs I'll see if I can find us right so whatever you can do to maybe borrow a friend's RV even maybe wouldn't cost you anything except maybe a case of beer something like that yeah go out as long as you can if it's only for a weekend I mean you'll get a little bit of an experience but a couple of weeks to a month would be ideal because then you can really start to picture what it's going to be like to be in that for longer periods of time or full time the next section is RV lifestyle and our first question is from Liz we got an email from her with several questions so we're going to go through those one at a time the first one is can I solo RV at the age of 71 I think the answer is absolutely it's certainly going to depend on your own individual situation we are not that age right now so it's really hard for us to say that and I do think you can do it when you're older a lot of people do write and if you're not sure about driving when you're older you can actually hire a transport company to take your RV where you want to you could stay longer in certain locations and even if you need help taking care of yourself in your RV at a later age there's services for that housekeeping nursing whatever that looks like and there are some great channels out there on solo RV living I think a great one creativity RV is one you can check out and just definitely do a search on YouTube for that Liz also says I'm a recent widow my husband passed in August of 2018 and I recall him saying some years back that if he went first I should sell everything and hit the road her fear is if she sells the house she's not gonna be able to afford to go back but she can't afford to RV unless she sells the house well we are so sorry to hear about your loss Liz we can't imagine what that must be like and and our heart just reaches out to you and and hope that you're getting through that difficult situation well one of the things like we mentioned before is you could always rent an RV first and try it out and make sure that it's something that you really want to do before you sell your house right you could also rent your house out temporarily while you try it out so that you have that income still for your house payment and you can decide if it is something for you and then if it's not you always have your house to go back to right and if you do decide to sell your house and then down the road you decide you don't want to RV and you are concerned about getting back into California that you wouldn't be able to afford something maybe you want to look into another part of the country part of the world that you want to check out and again you can take an RV and park it for permanent actually and just live in it and hire someone else maybe once every six months or once a year once every several years if you want a change of scenery so there are so many different ways to make this work at any age right and downsizing is an option if you want to go back to California maybe you don't want to go back to a large house and you know downsizing it's easier to take care of as you age and is there so many options and it's just it depends on what's right for you it's very individual right and thank you so much for your questions Liz and I think we'll be answering a few more of them more in this and keep us up to date on what you decide to do the next question is how long did it take to go full-time after deciding to go full-time well actually when I bought the RV I knew it was going to be several years down the road when I would be going full-time after my youngest son went to college and so I would say it was years for me and but some people do it in a lot less time yep and when it came down to selling stuff I think two to three months is about the time when we got serious like we got to clear the house out and get this stuff sold so that would be you know yeah that two to three-month range right when I downsized to move out of state I sold my entire household within a couple of weeks it can be done if that is your intention yeah you can make it happen set a goal and just keep working at it okay that sounds pretty basic yeah did you say something else have you heard of it you should set a goal and work at it I know it's a brand new concept first time trendsetters though we're coming up this great idea is that a goal and work towards it yeah brilliant we can just we can just stop the video right now and here's a question are we homeless well absolutely not our home is on wheels that's right it just happens to be on wheels and in a different place whenever you want I think there's a lot of non RV people out there and somebody suggested maybe even the government defines us as homeless but if you don't understand this lifestyle you might be called homeless and it absolutely is not the case so yeah don't listen to those people ah next question what do you think of boondocking well I think that's going to depend on which one of us answers that yes I think it is very cool from what you can do where you can get out maybe away from RV parks and campgrounds where you can be alone or a lot less people and see some really amazing scenery but what is on the downside three I like water and electricity it's kind of a thing I like showers I like to wash dishes I like to have heat and air conditioning if needed yeah and you are definitely limited on those things when you boondock and it's going to depend on the RV that you have I think if we push it we can maybe do about a week right six days with a it's getting tight yeah yeah scrimp on resources you can definitely make it happen so should you boondock I would yeah try it out and let us know what you think of boondocking in the comments yes some people love it some people don't yeah and if you are doing this lifestyle you don't have to boondock know it is not something you have to do this lifestyle is so individual it looks different for everyone it really does none of them are wrong right all right for you or they're all right for each person or whatever okay something like that do you have to travel full-time to enjoy this lifestyle absolutely not I mean we talked a lot about full time on this channel but we have a lot of half time people that watch some people that only travel for vacations in their RV and you can do this any way you want and I think we've heard some chatter in the RV community about like you're not like doing it correctly if you're not full-time or you're not certain you're not really enjoying the lifestyle and we can totally see where if you had another place to stay at sometimes like when the RV is getting serviced or you just want to be on solid ground for a while back home I think it's totally fine yeah to keep your house or your apartment if you can afford it and go back any amount of time that you want and there is again as we just mentioned there is no one right way to do this and you can make it work however works for you the perfect way is your way whatever it looks like for you we advocate you doing what makes you happy right Melvyn asked do you wish you had gone full-time earlier oh yeah yeah if I had known about this lifestyle absolutely you would have wanted to do it earlier it certainly would have been challenging with my family dynamic because I was divorced with from the kids mom and we had split custody we have heard that from other parents that are divorced and have kids and have split custody and trying to figure out how to make that work and that is a very unique challenging situation I can't see that I have great advice so would I have been able to do it earlier probably not given my situation but wow we see so many people out there that are doing it at right out of high school or right out of college so you can do it younger for sure I admire the younger ones that get out there earlier absolutely yeah next question is what if I don't like full-time RVing that could happen yeah just like we mentioned it does happen and there's nothing wrong with that yeah some people have this thing that if you make a mistake you're somehow a failure and it's okay life is full of making mistakes yeah and trust me if you jump into this lifestyle are you gonna fail are you gonna make mistake failures you absolutely are and most of those are you can recover from I mean whatever the case may be you can decide to sell your RV you can find a new home it can be where you were it could be a new place you can rent for a while maybe stay with friends you can get yourself a reestablished maybe even in a new career with a new employer there are so many things that you can do after full-time are Veen so even if it's just a six month 12 month couple year experiment think about all of the adventures that you can have in that time and you will always have those memories yes and mistakes aren't a bad thing don't look at it as a bad thing we learned from them there's so many lessons and mistakes and you just move forward and do things differently a mistake is just another thing to happen where you can begin again with new information or new wisdom the next question is how do I talk to my spouse or significant other into this lifestyle idea well we've had a lot of questions along this line where one spouse or significant other is like they are sold on this idea they they're excited and their other person in the relationship is like ah like they're not having it and we actually have some friends that are in this situation and my advice to her was to want you just take short trips by yourself and come back and he can be the home base right and we have had questions and comments from other people that I think one woman goes out like several months at a time and they've got it worked out have a great relationship and some start out that way where one is maybe gonna work a couple more years at their regular job and then they're gonna maybe retire early and join them so it really is whatever works for you and if they are against the lifestyle and have never tried it then just you have them come along when you rent an RV or borrow an RV and see if they maybe change their mind because some people yeah really and I mean just people commenting on Facebook you make a Facebook post about what we're doing and how many friends have you had that are planning to do this lifestyle because right post Oh a few yes and even I have a friend that already bought an RV and habitate been taking it out so yeah maybe something they've never been exposed to and it may be something they find that they really enjoy right some people just the way they respond to change is to initially be resistive or kind of negative about change when the change may actually be pretty awesome right so you just a gentle encouragement to say hey just try this out with me and see if you like it and there's a solution to every challenge I think you can definitely solve this challenge the next question is are too many people going full-time RVing and will we run out of campsites yeah we have actually had comments on here where some people that have camped for a long time they're upset with us for the encouraging yet they think that you're gonna get too many people to go out here and take up all the campsites and there won't be any room for them or anybody else and I just don't think that's the truth I really believe there are actually we can use where we're at right now we heard in the Sedona area or Camp Verde area which is pretty close that there are several 400 plus campsite RV parks being built right now so by the demand increasing yet people are looking at it as an opportunity to start an RV park and they are making the space that's right and not everyone is into this lifestyle so not everyone is gonna go buy an RV and full time RV right that was another comment it's kind of crazy to even think that the whole world is gonna RV nobody will ever live in their homes anymore Wow that would be interesting there should be a science fiction oh man be hilarious what if the whole world RV something like that maybe we shoot a video on that thumbnail the whole world's gonna RV yeah yeah no it's not gonna happen and with that people again that are getting too old where they want to retire from the full time-traveling lifestyle and stay in a permanent location they won't be taking up those regular RV spaces and like we previously mentioned they just get tired of it or they find out it's not for them so do not worry about not finding a campsite and it actually has been really rare that we've been in an area and have a challenge yeah and the perfect place always presents itself no matter what next question is what will you do after RVing well that is a great question the burning question and we don't know now and you don't have to know either eat you don't have to plan your entire life because you're gonna change as you start this lifestyle if you do and your plans are going to change yep so we make loose plans we enjoy the now right and it could be that we will stop our Veen at some point and find an amazing epic place to stay at for a certain amount of time I mean and then for that do that for a couple years and get back into an RV yeah it could look a lot of different ways I would say don't worry about making hard solid plans that you're gonna RV for so many years then stop because plans are meant to change and just get out there and start it and your plans will unfold as you go forward into this lifestyle Richard asked do you feel safe boondocking yeah absolutely and I think part of the reason for saying that is we would not boondock where we don't feel safe right you kind of get that vibe about a place if it's a little sketchy and you just keep looking for another spot and there are certainly things that can happen out here you may decide you want to have some personal protection and if you're not gonna be at your RV keep it locked maybe have an alarm system leave a light on and if you're like us we have two vehicles so we can leave one vehicle there that helps and I just wouldn't be afraid I mean do what you can and then go out and adventure and have fun and enjoy your life I mean I know the news is full of bad things happening to people in all different ways and and that's life and I don't think you should fear that my family doesn't think I should full-time RV what should I do well why are they deciding for you I think people that don't know this lifestyle will immediately think it's negative or crazy right your family may think this is crazy that it is absolutely not normal to do this so you just shouldn't do it and you shouldn't do something different because people again have sometimes an adverse reaction to change they just don't understand it they think change is bad and because RV lifestyle and what are you gonna be homeless are you gonna be just staying in parking lots and you know panhandling or something like that and that's obviously not the lifestyle so you need to decide for yourself what you want to do if it's important enough to you you will do it now if your family has good advice and is giving is asking you to be cautious about certain things there might be some things you need to listen to like if you have had maybe a terrible relationship with money and run out of money all the time then you may want to figure that out before you go out in full-time because you will have expenses and you do need to manage your money well so make sure any challenges that you've had in the past just having a regular house living in apartment you're still gonna have challenges like that out there as well so be prepared to handle those as well my adult children don't like the idea of us traveling full time well we have heard this one several times that we've got adult children that are living still with their parents and they don't like the idea of the parents selling the house and going out because then they have to find their own place and they are considering waiting because of that and wow they're adults you've done your job yeah and I know there's situations out there where maybe you've got a special needs child that you're helping to take care if we're not saying kick someone out like that so don't hear that but you're I think your job number one job as a parent is to raise your kids to the age of eighteen or twenty-one they could be independent right and they can get out there and experience life and create the life that they want to and if they're staying with you they're not out there maybe getting the full experience of life so let them know with love that this is what you want to do give them some notice a couple of months maybe a couple of years and you can help them to find a solution transition with that yes and being more independent they can move in with a roommate or something and this will be good for them as well as you right and I went full time when my kids went to college they went to a dorm and then in the summer time what they did is they went and stayed with their mom during the summer and it just it worked out they and sometimes they actually I think stayed with a friend yeah during the summer right and my oldest was already out of the house and my youngest it was 22 and we were room 18 and when I decided to go full-time with Tom I told him it's this is the plan and you're gonna have to find a place to go and he did he figured it out I was nervous I was a nervous wreck but he figured it out and he's happy and it's all worked out right so there are all kinds of ways to make this work and if you want to delay this for your children then that's your choice and that's perfectly okay and just whatever works for your situation in your family but I would definitely not let adult children hold you back from doing what you want to do because you deserve it you can create the lifestyle you want right you've done your job raising them and now it's time for you Hey so new location and it got brighter out here yeah magically somehow and you can see camel rock right back there back there behind you and behind us I should say so let's keep going yeah let's do it all right the next section is about YouTube we have some questions about how do you start a YouTube channel wow that's a great question and all I will say is if you have an interest in it whether it's an RV channel or for something else is that there is so much opportunity here and if you want to do it then I would say that's reason enough to do it it's not easy necessarily and but you can do it as a hobby it's certainly cool to document your journeys that way and I would say look around for how do I start a YouTube channel on YouTube and if you're interested in knowing a lot more about how we built our channel comment below we might consider doing a bigger video on this there's some kind of a course yeah my first piece of advice on that is to just start because the first one I think is the hardest one to do because you really don't know what you're doing it's all new you're nervous in front of the camera but really like just tackle the first one it's not gonna be perfect just put it out there and you'll learn as you go along we're still learning we're still new we just do it absolutely and don't listen to negative comments there you go coz there's so many negative Nellie's out there and you can't get away from it you just ignore it and move on great advice next question is how do you decide what videos to make for YouTube wow we actually get them from a lot of different sources we kind of started a list ourselves and we brainstorm often in the evening yep and we add to that list faster than we can make the videos the list is so long it's like there's not enough time to do them all so we just take a tackle them one at a time and we also listen to you guys out there we want to know what kind of videos that you would like to have made and we have made some of those so we get them from a lot of sources and we're always trying to be as helpful as we can with these videos yes next question is do you follow other RV YouTube channels yes in fact we do yeah we do we'll try to mention a few of them so we don't have a whole lot of time to watch youtube videos because we're so busy with our own work but we do have a few that we just you know check in on everyone's policy where they're located what kind of videos you know there we learn from them so we have a list here of a few that we've made do you want me to list those yeah let's do it okay kyt driving in vibin they were actually my very first video that I saw the winds long long honeymoon less junk more journey fate unbound getaway couple I'm not lost I'm RVing changing lanes traveling Tomlinson's and many others that just too many to mention too many to say those are the you know the first ones that we wrote down that were on the top of our head but they're also great and informative and it's just a great community and if you have some favorite RV YouTube channels that you like to follow please comment below on what those are so we can check those out as well yes and the next question is are other RV YouTube channels competition absolutely not no there's enough to go around I mean it's not like two businesses that offer the same thing and somebody gives their business to one over the other they can watch all of them yeah there's so many videos out there and you guys know you're watching all these other other channels and we like to give props when we see another channel do a great job on a video and by watching others we learn ways that we might step up our game or get ideas for other videos and it's really such a small community it really is and we really see a lot of great cooperation out there between other channels so we definitely don't think of it like competition definitely more community right and there's a lot of meetups that happen between the RV channels too right yep the next question is what did you think of RV nomads the movie we really enjoy awesome job those that were a part of that movie great editing it was amazing content and we really look forward to seeing more movies like that the videography the whole concept behind it it was it was really good yeah yeah to you guys yeah if you haven't seen it please you have to go see this there's a whole online community that's a part of that that we look forward to checking more out as well and we'll put a link below where you can find out where you can watch that movie and I don't think it costs anything nope don't cost anything the next question is is there bad advice on YouTube about full-time RVing well I would say yes but I'm gonna say maybe because it's a lot of opinions and it's very well that we will give our opinion but it may be bad advice for you and your particular situations I think you just have to pay attention to who you're listening to and maybe get other opinions and advice and maybe if eight people out of ten say the same thing that maybe that's a good way to go or you listen to everybody's advice and then form your own opinion don't take somebody's advice and sale that has to be right you have to really decide for yourself right and there are a few negative RV channels out there that are kind of beating up on other channels for some reason I don't know why they do that if they can't come up with content on their own I'm not sure but I would think we should keep this a positive community and brought people up and help other creators again like we mentioned a little bit ago it's not a competition right there are so many people out there that enjoy watching these videos so I would just like to see more cooperation out there and more positivity we try to focus on the positive absolutely sure yep next question is can we disagree with you on YouTube of course yeah for sure and we often ask for like we have been in this video for other opinions differing advice and we have learned so much yeah that way let us know and I think when it's done in a respectful manner that it's not like you're stupid or you're an idiot or something like that I think that ends up you know a lot more constructive feedback and helps again your comments that differ from us help other people that are watching to learn and then one of our videos can become a great resource for everybody else that's trying to learn as well right and if you leave a comment and we disagree with you don't get offended with that we just don't happen to agree on the same things so it doesn't mean we don't like you or yeah right and sometimes a differing opinion can plant a seed in someone and they can consider it and over time can change their opinion hopefully for the better that's not always the case but I think that's a great thing about this platform YouTube that we have here is that we get all these differing opinions and we can have this healthy discourse back and forth right so somebody by the handle called nomads Prius gang said or asked what kind of drone ge is and we love that handle because we have a Prius we mostly use DJI spark right now crashed our phantom 3 standard a while back and looking to upgrade as soon as the funds are available to do that we will be making a purchase and upgrading probably to a Mavic air or Mavic pro something like that land more features but the spark does pretty good as you have seen it is pretty good yeah next category is RV living on the road and traveling first question will you be in quartzite in January maybe maybe will you be let us know because we're thinking about doing a meet-up definitely let us know in the comments below hopefully we'll see you there yes next question is where are you going next now I think this is one of our most commonly asked questions where from family friends even people on YouTube where are you going next right and we don't always know exactly where we're going because we don't make don't really plan ahead set plans but I think from forward right now probably southern Arizona for a while and then maybe travel toward the east coast of Florida following along the southern border and maybe checking out some sights yep along the way yeah that sounds good and we'll be ending up in Minnesota yes well for the summer right and we may be going up too we need to get some RV maintenance done up in why can't I go kart yeah yeah yeah so we may be breezing through there as well next question who tries the RV who do you think drives the RV yes I drive the RV exclusively would you like to drive the RV maybe but I do like driving the Prius so yeah it's a lot to handle as we've mentioned previously yeah when that big the smaller the easier to handle for sure yeah I did drive some ambulances back in the day when I was an EMT so I do have a little experience driving something a little larger but of course not as large as our 40 foot 5th wheel so I feel like I could do it ice come on huh I would totally like to be rescued by you how cool would that be you want some mouth-to-mouth there you go maybe not in this vision next question is how do you plan where you're gonna go well I think we look at what other people have suggested we get all kinds of suggestions in the comments and we try to make a list of those and you like to have something that you follow I like to follow the Sun the flip-flop barometer I'm not about this cold weather what is this a beach tribe there's a reason for that right and I am in the mountain tribe as you can tell and you don't like the cold either no not very cold I can tolerate cold a little bit more than you and I think as far as planning as we mentioned many times we don't plan really far in advance we leave a lot of flexibility built in because all sudden some awesome opportunity might yeah present itself to go check something out and then we've got the time to go do that or the freedom to stay longer which is what we do in one place yeah we just decided we there's more we want to do here in Sedona so we're staying an extra month and we like leaving it open like that so we can make last-minute decisions and it's just fun that way totally yeah because when you make plans a lot of times they don't work out and that can be disappointing so yeah I don't I don't like going that route I like going like the more spur-of-the-moment what do we want to do it's more fun it's free it's like freedom yeah some people really schedule their trips very tightly now we get it if you are not full-time or even part-time doing this but it is only two weeks a year four weeks a year you've got a schedule pretty tightly right when we get that we probably would do the same thing if you realize when you get back from some of those trips that are really hurried like that you feel exhausted and you need a vacation from your vacation so maybe ease up on that and don't over schedule yourself yeah on those trips the next question is how do you find campsites oh wow a lot of different ways as we have mentioned before we do have links below in the description to our favorite campsite finders one of them is the all stays out yeah that we highly recommend and there's another one that is half off Camp camping Pass for America yeah that's been great yeah we get that a lot now when we're traveling in between campsites and it requires an overnight stay we use these apps to find a place to stay but if they're booked we happen to use like cracker docking at Cracker Barrel or wall-e docking at Walmart but we've only done that a handful of times maybe in the past maybe five times but it is awful convenient when you can't find a campsite or they're booked out or it's too dark to pull in with a 40-foot RV because that can be complicated right and a lot of those apps will have those parking lots that it's okay yet to be there overnight the next question is what is BLM land and how long can you camp well it's stands for Bureau of Land Management and that is usually kind of in the desert Southwest basically where we are right right now see a lot on the East Coast yeah and it's I don't know all the technical details maybe some people can fill in that below in the comments but it is a special resource set up for people to camp for up to 14 days in general I have seen a few that it's 21 days and then like here in Arizona I believe you have to move at least 25 miles away to another spa to do another fourteen to restart that clock and it's great if you like to boondock and as we've mentioned before we we don't do a lot of that and but it can be gorgeous gorgeous views the next question is how much does it cost per day to camp Wow if you're using BLM land it would be the big goose egg zero yeah but we were just getting quotes at a popular RV resort right here in Sedona that were as high as 70 or 80 dollars a night yeah and there was no weekly or monthly breaks on those sites and we don't stay in places that are that high yeah I think the most we have paid is around $40 a night that's super rare and that would only be for a few nights if we had to our target for that averaged around 20 20 to 30 dollars yes a night and under 20 dollars a night if we can get it and we actually frequently do when we stay for a month yes we usually get the monthly rates which really breaks down nicely so next question is how do you get internet on the road that can be a challenge yeah there are a lot of different ways of getting that and a channel we would recommend is techno media they do a lot of videos and do some blog posts on how to find internet we have a Netgear device yep that is through AT&T and it's it's unlimited it's not the fastest speeds and it's not always the best depending on what campsite we have but it's only $20 a month more to our current plan which is kind of pricey and that works for us so that's what we're using but if you have something you like that works better definitely share it below because you never know when we might be looking to switch yeah sometimes we get to scope out areas beforehand to see if it has good internet access or a good signal on our phone so we can use that device but yeah Internet's a huge thing especially if you're working from the road it is a big deal right uploading a YouTube video can take hours with a slow and not just a few hours it can take overnight hours next question is what is your favorite place to take the RV well gosh we have so many favorites do you have a favorite not a favorite there's up like so many so I think that place in Miramar Beach was really yeah cuz it was so close to the beach was like a block or two from the ocean right blue water white sand was awesome and it was a great price - how much did you pay yeah it was only like 650 a month yeah but electric plus electric and that was ya know do you know if they had seasonal was that a seasonal price rosette year round uh no that was year round but I think the prices have changed and it was kind of a hidden RV park that you had to do some digging to find and so you can check places like Craigslist and things like that to find some of these places that were it was basically where somebody owned the lot personally and when they're not there they would rent it out yeah and you actually found that by looking around and asking in each park do you have a place you recommend and that's a great way to find some secret spots that's how we found the secret spot we're in right now yeah pretty it's pretty new yeah brand new or yeah park only open for and it's great yeah feel that later but we're still there yeah and good price what was the price what are we paying 540 a month plus electric yeah all right hot tub yes try that out and a great view and it really isn't that far from Sedona nope about a half-hour drive yeah next question is what if my RV is too old for some RV parks lie lie about the age of your RV no some do take into consideration how good your RV looks so if they ask me well would you mind if I email you a picture because I don't fit in the 10 year category like we're in one right now it can't be over 10 years old but we are clearly seeing RVs that are over 10 years old but they are well kept yeah so if you have a well-kept RV I would definitely send a picture or say that your RV has been renovated and if it's even older than that let's say you bought a used RV for a few thousand dollars and there are still lots of places that do not have an age restriction you just may have to look a little bit more so I think that it was long long honeymoon that they were turned away from a campsite because their Airstream was over 10 years old and they did a video on that so you can find that on YouTube long long honeymoon we haven't seen the video but maybe there's some advice in there that they have when that happens I kind of dig the retro RVs I think they're super cute so I don't understand why they have these age restrictions at these parks well well you've seen Breaking Bad right I don't want the breaking bad RVs mags okay what's next what is your gas mileage towing your RV well it varies probably averaged around eleven to twelve towing and for the size of our RV that is really good good is diesel better than gas for towing well that really depends on how big of an RV that you have and like I mentioned before I did try to pull the RV with a gas truck and that was not a good idea diesel definitely works for the larger RVs there are a lot more technical people than I am so if you comment below that would be awesome to do that diesel gets a little better fuel economy I believe when you're pulling it's better torque if you're going uphill for a while and but diesel is more expensive more expensive truck so smaller RV probably go with gas big RV probably go with diesel next question is how fast do you drive too slow that's how Sheree gets great fuel economy in the Prius yeah I get over 60 sometimes maybe I'm drafting a little bit I don't know I don't intentionally write maybe that does happen unintentionally I try to go around 60 miles per hour on average and I think that's a real safe speed to go when you're pulling not too fast not too slow and a lot of trailer tires are rated around 60 65 miles an hour so you're not supposed to go any faster than that right even on our tires video we had so many people say well you need to slow down but it's like we already go 65 65 an hour so yeah slowing down would be 50 55 but we don't speed with the RV but we do see a lot of RVs why Hill walking me did you see how fast that are yeah some of those weekend warrior oh man they're in a hurry too much in a hurry I get out there to enjoy maybe just a couple of days off so that's you slow down yeah and and and yeah don't get into an accident going too fast yes those RVs don't stop on a dime it's a lot of weight there yeah next question is how do you find water well actually the Allstate app does show locations for that free dump sites dotnet I believe also shows where you can dump as well as water locations some gas stations will allow you to fill up if it's got potable water there don't do non potable because that's not going to be good to drink and even a campground that you're not staying at may allow you to swing in and fill up there maybe for a few dollars or for free if you're gonna go off and you know um BLM or do some boondocking next question is where do you buy your groceries gosh grocery stores yeah there are still plenty of places where we go um usually we try to find just the closest grocery store it depends on where we are a lot of times we like to go to Whole Foods and natural grocers we do get a lot of organics at Walmart you know around there's different you know bashes I think is how you say it the one around here I don't know we've been going there a lot so yeah yeah next question is can I travel and camp with my pets of course you can yes lots of people do it absolutely and I think there are just a few RV parks that do not allow certain kinds of pets like any dogs or cats or anything like that and I don't know why they have those restrictions yeah I think the vast majority just have a breed restriction on maybe some more aggressive breeds but a lot of people like that companionship of traveling with a pet yeah and you have to consider that if you're going to be leaving for a long time is how is your pet gonna be if you're gone all day long right and that's the reason why my mom is babysitting my dog and I'll put a picture up there she's a sweetie I miss her but since we're on other side of the country I haven't seen her in a little while but we are soon to be going back to the East Coast and I the plan was to pick her up but my mom's kind of kidnapped her so so we'll just have like shared custody I don't know what we're gonna do now because they'd fallen in love with her and she's super spoiled but anyway now it's been another question you know if we'll ever get pets so the next question is do you feel safe in campgrounds yeah we definitely do and there's been a few as we're going around checking them out that it's like well I we don't get a good vibe nope and just like you know kind of have to get a good feel for it the most sketch things that we've seen or I've known that campgrounds that we've been in is one in Red Lodge there was a camper next to us they said they were in jail oh right yeah remember that one yeah and they actually somebody came and got the RV so and then actually where we were in Camp Verde yeah actually write a bunch of squad showed up and that's like a several hour sitting around while they search the RV and we imagine it was drugs I don't think it was any kind of violent but we certainly do get concerned about theft as some of you may have seen our robbed video safety and and they ended up taking him to jail and we were there for a couple weeks later and they still I mean he still didn't show back up right he's probably still sitting there yeah yeah I don't know but just like any other neighborhoods I would say there can be bad things happening exactly it could happen anywhere so but that's you know as long as we've been doing it that's the only thing that we've come across and don't be afraid I mean yeah that's if you're afraid worrying about something could happen something could happen anywhere so just go out there and live your life yeah don't worry next question is what is the best state to RV wow I actually I don't know we definitely have our favorites I think Florida and Arizona are probably some of the biggest yes RV states is a ton in California Texas Wow but I think you can pretty much RV in England and we had an awesome time in Montana oh my Tannen was great yes if you have a favorite definitely let us know next question is are there any issues with weight and length and different states I don't know about weight like that and certainly there are some bridges that have some weight limits but we're definitely not doing anything sketchy like that and but length definitely an issue we have seen some actually around Sedona here in Oak Creek Canyon you are limited to 50 foot or less on that so we are definitely not taking the RV through there right and that includes the truck link with the RV of 40 feet right and the triple toe restrictions that you cannot do which is another reason why Sheree drives the Prius rather than Estonian some states allow the triple toe some don't and up with that chart next category for full time RV living is money and RVing and the first question is how do you make money traveling in your RV we get this question a lot we do all the time and we recently made a video that we will link below that you can check that out we also have a QuickStart guide that you can get for free just sign up for our email newsletter and we will send that out to you that goes in detail on how to do that the next question is how can I make money and travel full-time well in addition to checking our video and getting our Quick Start Guide there are so many jobs out there that you can do from the road you have a computer you have internet access you have so many options yeah cell phone and there's work camper jobs and if you have a suggestion or you're already on the road definitely comment down below what that is to help some other people out the next question is my job doesn't easily transfer to online or working on the road what should I do well you may consider changing jobs is it something that you can do as a consultant rather than an employee maybe your employer would be open to do that or you can look for another employer that would be willing to do that yeah and it depends on how bad you want to get on the road yeah really some people take huge pay cuts to be able to do this lifestyle they even retire earlier than they had planned on and lose some of their pension just because they are so ready to get on the road and I say live your life do what makes you happy right when you figure out your budget and you can see maybe you can live on less and that will open up so many other job opportunities and maybe the current job you are in is is kind of stressful so even though you're paid a lot I mean money isn't everything right no in the cubicle life ain't everything next question is is boondocking a way to save money I guess well yes and no yes you're right no it depends I think when we did our 30-day challenge which some of you may have seen we did a lot of back-and-forth had to run the generator a lot into town for showers and that ended up costing us quite a bit when we could have got a long-term camp spot with full hookups for just a little more money and so in that case because we're working so much it probably didn't save money but for some of you doing something different maybe don't need quite as much power as much water you know it might be a big savings so some people do save a lot with it yeah okay next question I am about to retire but still have five or ten years to go and my job is not mobile I would lose substantial retirement benefits if I retire early what should or can I do to travel earlier this is kind of like expanding a little bit on what we were talking about be prepared yeah I think again you have to look at your situation and I would say five to ten years is a long long time that I would probably sacrifice some money for that I can't put a dollar amount on that for you but like the question that we keep asking is how long do you expect to live yeah how long are you going to live right the answer is you don't know next question is do you have a monthly budget yes we do and we actually did detail that at the end of our 30-day challenge yeah and because of traveling it doesn't stay the same now because depend on how much we are actually driving that's gonna affect how much money we spend on fuel the campgrounds that we stay at and there's a lot of varying there's so many variables so but we do recommend making a budget and building in a lot of cushion for potential additional expenses all right let's move on to the next category RV kitchen and cooking oh this sounds like it's gonna be mine there you go question is how do you cook in an RV kitchen well we have a stovetop we have an oven we have a convection oven we have a microwave and my favorites are my instant pot in my airfryer I use those more than anything even the airfryer can act like a small oven I used to use a convection oven for those types of things but they took what two or three times longer than the airfryer I love them use them every day yeah that air fryer is awesome yeah and you can find links to the instant pot in the air fryer in our amazon store down below if you want to check those out yeah in the oven I'm not a fan of the oven I know a lot of people figure it out how to put a pizza stone in there to equalize equal out the heat because it's not like regular electrical heating elements that you have in your home it's a propane with a flame and I just I don't use it ever I use it as storage so yeah one single line of flame right down the middle doesn't cook the outside over cooks the middle and I just can't get it to work so I gave up on it and I don't miss it so next question is how do you eat healthy while on the road well we cook anything that you can cook in your home we eat lots of quinoa and lots of fresh veggies and fruits and write mostly a plant-based diet we do yep plant-based Whole Foods diet next question is our outdoor kitchens worth it we don't have one actually they look kind of cool so I guess if you have one let us know what you think of your outdoor kitchen in the comments below and that will maybe help some others to decide if that's for them and so the person that asked that if you haven't seen the tour of our RV or if anybody else hasn't seen it we have an RV tour video and we'll link to that as well the next topic is personal and relationships and miscellaneous ah first question how long have you been full-time in your RV you want to go first yeah I have been full-time about four and a half years now and but I've had the RV a couple years on top of that and for me it's been a year and a half yeah and then we're having a blast next question is are people in RV parks and campgrounds friendly yeah that has totally been yeah the case yeah very friendly very outgoing these are mostly happy people that are in campgrounds they're on vacation or they're just there living a life and it's just it's totally different than being in a neighborhood where people are scurrying off to work and in a rush and you know or having to do mowing the yard and then they don't have time to do anything else because I got to do you know different right projects around the house or chores and these people are more laid-back and relaxed and happy right so if you're looking to gain more friends as you're traveling definitely this is a way to do it next question is will you be doing meetups in the future yes yeah that is actually the plan yeah so watch for that coming up oh this is a funny question and we've had people comment this before and we're like what right why don't you get a job and return to the real world right well what is the what is the real world what who gets to define that yeah who decides what that is right your parents this is our real world yeah the government you're right I mean we still get to do all the same things that normal people do yeah and it just looks different so some people just they don't think it's real it's really is real it is really positive really love it yeah and so I would say to those people as maybe open your minds a little bit consider other possibilities next question is where are you from well I am from Minnesota and Arizona originally yeah and I am from Destin Florida but before that was Virginia Beach Charleston South Carolina Washington DC Chicago New Orleans and it was born in Tennessee Wow get them all and so I've been many places and I'm used to moving around very often so this was kind of like a natural involvement in my lifestyle is to keep moving a in learning new places I love it yeah next question is Oh from Melvin how old are you guys I'm 36 and I'm 35 now okay really I'm gonna be hitting the big 500 in March and I am gonna be hitting that a little bit later next year yeah you'll be following me pretty soon so yeah and we feel great at this age dude yeah yeah absolutely so the next question is why did you choose to full-time RV hello this amazing views and yeah never getting tired of where you're at yeah and if you do you move you get up and move simple it is really so simple it's not like you moving from one house to another house you have to pack up boxes you don't have to get a moving company you don't have to or hire a truck I mean or rent a truck to move your stuff it's so simple you just move right and because our businesses are mobile we can do them anywhere I like to be inspired by a great view it's one of the goals we have and find the camp's pies can we open the shades in the morning and have an amazing view hopefully water or the mountains or both if we can find it and we occasionally do find that and how cool is it when we wake up in the morning and we open the windows and it's a different view than it was the day before right it's so cool a little weird there's weird grants it because you're in the same house you open the window and it's like oh you're stepping out into a different place it is so cool yeah it really is and I mean there are so many other reasons why we chose this but that has to be some of our yeah top ones next is how did you meet there's this thing called online dating yeah I was living in Destin he was wintering in Pensacola this was 2016 right right and in October we both swiped right we finally met in December why did it take so long I wasn't that active on it I was just wanting to meet new people because I was new down there but yeah so we both swiped right we met for lunch it continued to a beach walk and then continued to dinner and yeah it's been and it's been an awesome two years and and some change yeah so yeah so you can find love on the road yeah absolutely next question is do you miss friends and family while on the road yes we do for sure yep just like if you have family lived somewhere else in another state away you missed them but you find the time to see them and well your family flies in and they get to come do these awesome adventures with us your daughter in fiance just came to Sedona and we had an amazing adventure right and my kids have also joined us when we've been in Florida from Minnesota because it's obviously nice day when we drove through Colorado I was visiting my sister who I haven't seen in so many years I think it was like 10 years I can't even remember what we came up with and then my mom flew out and we just had a great time together and this was a couple of months ago so we do get to see friends and family across the country those we haven't even seen in a long time yeah it's a great way if you have friends and family throughout the country to just work them into your travel plans and you actually get to maybe see more friends and family this way than you would if you're staying in one place yeah it's a great benefit next question Deb asks as a couple and tight corners any fights disagreements how do you remedy that so yeah people coming into a relationship to different perspectives to different life experiences so of course there's going to be some disagreements I think the key is communication and disagree with respect right find a way to get some time away from each other as well that because we work together we adventure together we spent all evening together in a small space basically all the time that we do need to get some time away to just relax you know do something on our own sometimes we watch different shows right we have our own interest and like things we would watch on TV so we'll just use our headphones and watch our own things sometimes and like when you go for a run I'll do yoga and that's our alone time there's shopping for the day into town we find ways to have that alone time so we don't spend 24/7 365 together and I know there's some people watching that probably have some other ideas on how to handle this so definitely comment below yes we'd like to learn from you as well yeah the next question is what did you do before full-time RVing do you want to go first sure I owned a large DJ company in Minnesota and I gosh I owned that for 23 24 years so that was yeah I've always been an entrepreneur yeah yes--it's you're how old gosh 16 and I was working in Destin Florida at Whole Foods Market I was a buyer for the whole body department which was it came a lot of cool perks I got a lot of great lotions and hair products and essential oils and I was good vibe stuff yeah and I went to the beach every day we try anybody say beach tribe I think I hear people out there saying Beach Drive next question is how do you find someone to do your hair yeah there are people that like to go the same person over and we don't have that benefit somewhat I have somebody I'd like to go to in Charleston South Carolina and I have somebody I like to go to in San Diego and we go to San Diego twice a year about six months apart and Charleston about once a year so in between I'll kind of do touch-ups myself but other than that they fix my mess ups right and I obviously have more simple hair to deal with and I just I look for great reviews yep we go online get look at the reviews and then just pick a spot and you've had pretty good success with that yeah just make sure they don't cut too much off yeah I'm trying to keep all the hair I can he wants me to come in and babysit next question is what is the best way to contact you well I would say commenting below is the best if it can be a public thing because we'd like to everybody to see that if it's something you want to share now if you don't want to share it please email is the best way that would be great we have about besides YouTube another 12 ways people can comment on our social media and it's hard to keep up with all of it but we appreciate every comment and yeah support you guys give us and in all your questions because these videos come all your questions the next question is can we send you something we actually had somebody offer to send us a new so if you were still offering yes you can send it to the address below in the description it's at the very bottom but yeah if you want to send us someone's gonna send us a Christmas card yeah and somebody offered to send us a bottle of wine I think it was a case of wine Oh was it a case I don't remember where is their cases I know but we'll take a case of wine from anyone yes thank you and then that service will then send that to us yes next question is how do you do laundry we have a washer and dryer right we are very fortunate to have a washer and dryer yeah not all RVs have them so we do feel very fortunate a lot of camp sites have laundry facilities when we did our boondocking experiment we did go to laundromat and that wasn't my favorite but it's an option right actually that some of that was pretty darn disgusting next question is how do you get your mail so this service that collects our mail is I postal comm and it's a new service to us so we are trying it out to see how we like it I chose that one because it does have a Minnesota address which is my home state now there are a lot of services out there and if you have a favorite one you recommend you can definitely put it down below in the comments I actually have a personal assistant and her name is mom so my mail does get sent to my mom and if there's something important she will sport it on to me next question is do you have other social media platforms to follow you yes yes absolutely I think Instagram is our next favorite yes but we do have a Facebook group yes and a Facebook page right all of our social media profiles are actually down below in the description so check them out we'd love for you to see what we post on there as well we'll see you there next question is ah can I be on both the tribes ah so we should probably touch on beach tribe mountain trial we keep referring to this why would you want to be on both Mountain tribe is clearly better no I'm thinking margarita in a hammock and the warm Sun ah not bundled up in coats and sweaters and ah but yes if you would like to be on both tribes absolutely you can order one of each there's a link below if you want to get our printed apparel and thank you so much for doing that we appreciate that and we actually both agree that both tribes are awesome and we would like to find that perfect spot that has both Mountains and the V right yeah we do have a preference for one over the other obviously and if you have a favorite spot like that definitely comment below where we can get both the beach and the mountain next question is how many pairs of shoes can fit is that like a challenge well probably thousands if you filled up the entire sure he used to bug me and tease me about having more shoes than her so I went through and recanted yes yeah how many and I believe you had five more pair yeah we don't really have a lot no it's just basic you got to keep it basic right well I mean there's running shoes hiking shoes flip flop flip flop sandals yeah there you do need different kinds we go out to dinner you want to wear something besides hiking boots and flip-flops so you have to have you know a little something for dress-up but you know it's easy to keep it pretty basic next question is what cell phone carrier do you have we are currently using AT&T right now it works pretty well yeah for us we're on an unlimited plan because Wow do we chew through the data yes we do doing what we do and we're coming to find that AT&T is really great on the East Coast but Verizon is better on the west coast next question it was from my sister Karen she says do you miss having a home base and my answer is no I don't I mean the RV is my home if I feel like I'm in my home and it just happens to be in a different location all the time yeah I don't miss having that I think if if we wanted to in the future a budget allowed having like an apartment or something like that yeah on base to store maybe some a few more items or something like that sure it would be nice to have but missing it no no no not at all next question is do you pay taxes yes actually I was on the phone today with my home state of Minnesota talking about paying taxes so yes we do pay taxes and I think some people think that our viewers are mooching off the government and absolutely that's not the case so funny those comments cracking me up we make a living and therefore have to pay taxes so I I'm not sure where they got that idea right next question Mac or PC well I'm a PC I'm back and is one better than the other I try to help her with her Mac and I get lost yeah I don't touch it usually really testing you next category RV living full-time mistakes and or regrets first question what if I fail or make a big mistake with my RV well I would say that you're gonna fail and make mistakes like we kind of rubbed it a little bit earlier that you're not gonna do this perfectly no and there are so many moving pieces to things things are gonna break and you may think you got the wrong RV so you may need to get a different RV and or if you decide you don't like this lifestyle and or you run out of money and you need to go back to your older lifestyle I mean there's nothing wrong there's absolutely nothing wrong Oh everybody makes mistakes everybody has regrets I mean it's just like that's life right and you just learn you use it as a learning opportunity and you move on right you're not going to necessarily have any more mistakes or failures out here on the road than you would in a home base somewhere right yeah so expect that and don't treat them negative and learn from those and move on yeah and don't let anybody say that you're a failure because I mean we'll ask them have you ever made a mistake or any hope I mean everybody has and sometimes the most judgmental people are the ones that have messed up the most that's right and they're trying to hide something people that comment on our tires video yeah oh wow it was a learning opportunity for us we were you know just figuring it out and but the people that were so judgmental like they've never made a mistake of course they have we all do right and that's one of the reasons we put all of this out there and we want you to know that you know we are learning as well as you and you know we want to be helpful we want to help you learn and we learn from you right we don't want to make this impression that we have this lifestyle down pat and we know everything there is to know because nobody knows everything there is to know yeah this is life you're gonna make mistakes no matter where you are next question is what was your biggest mistake with your RV do I have to pick one I say tires like I've mentioned before and also not checking the reviews for this particular RV but as we've mentioned they all have problems so there's no perfect RV right next question is what is your biggest RV regret I would say not getting something with an office space yeah right a toy hauler and maybe something shorter that still has nice living space yeah perfect RV let us know do we want it right my biggest regrets not doing it sooner this is such an awesome lifestyle I wish I had figured this out a lot earlier in life cute I think we've aged a couple years since we started this video yeah was that a hundred and one felt like 100 yeah we may have over that number by a little bit so if you actually count them up know if you have any other questions please let us know in the comments because we love helping you guys out for sure and if any of these questions you would like to know more detail on let us know that because we can consider making a video just on one particular topic right and if you've made it this long let us know in the end certainly you've learned a lot we hope so yeah thank you again for watching we love you guys and we will see you in the next video don't forget to subscribe and hit that like button bye guys fine and I would say what would you say it was gosh what was it it was something about it so you can join some kind of national gym like that where you can go and stop and workout you can have them go through it my hair is blown in my face sorry like tickling like crazy and I first got into this you just spent a little bit do you think they can see that I don't know I think I've been spitting a lot and my hair looks like it's crooked like it's longer on one side but I keep turning my head and so that ends up being short up here and long right there well there need to stop for a second I've got this white thing on my face the Sun Oh hitting me in the eye oh yeah the next stuff is okay or oh you've got you've got some other stuff going on back oh jeez no okay I'm good no what what about me just get to a spot yep that's good that's good and and I've been called told I look like Woody from Toy Story so I just thought I should say that this is off topic that this is not normal for you to go out there on the road and I feel it hahahaha my jaws tired of smiling all I do say my headers only I don't know but you just kept talking I'm like stop talking for a minute does Cherie have cooties just stop trying to plan your entire life out no just stop the crows would like to add conversation there okay the next question is Kent do you want to start over I was just like oh my god yeah let's just do it with you like that really yeah let's do it like that why I was joking ready we're like you like Rocky yeah okay we advise them that oh my gosh [Music] I I saw them I saw them coming but I figure we would just you just work with it and I totally didn't see them [Music]
Channel: EnjoyTheJourney.Life
Views: 771,493
Rating: 4.7560511 out of 5
Keywords: RV Living, RV Living Full Time, RV, RV Life, full time rv, full time rv living, rv full time, living in an RV, rv living q&a, rv safety, rv tips, rv lifestyle, rv travel, travel full time, fulltime rv living, rv mistakes, full time rv living cost, full time rv living documentary, rv life full time, rv lifestyle full time, rv lifestyle videos, rv life hacks, full time rving, full time rvers, rv living tips, rv lifestyle tips, rv full time living
Id: f48NvZkV-38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 45sec (6345 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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