[Full stream] - Wack Games

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] a lot of people asking is that Obama this is actually if you look closely a computer-generated image it does not tell the truth also you probably just heard my voice a little bit through my headphones shape I've got my I've got the stream open on my laptop here because I'm gonna need to read chat on there so today is for 2020 and I mean I'll be damned if I'm not gonna slightly capitalise on that just a little bit so today I'm aware that there going to be some people at at watching at home that are inebriated actually I think that is now that I think about it that's just the term for that's like specifically alcohol it might be a bit of stoner Oney going on so I'm gonna play some kind of trippy or weird games today I've got like a big folder of them I don't even know how many I'm gonna play can we get FaceCam [Music] there you go I've got a lot of these games I don't know how many I'm gonna play today but if I don't get to some of them today I will play them eventually I was like that was a little worried about like twitch Terms of Service I thought I was like no we don't we don't got no snitches on board I'll just in case I have the sensor before this to get ready to get a little bit of that action going this is a magical image I've I don't know how I found this I've not been able to find it on the internet I guess I haven't done a reverse google image search mmm that's a great song that's from hotline Miami second stream in two days I said okay not lately but I typically stream like every day I stream all the damn time maybe that's just how many they were able to arrive at but Yuri [ __ ] go what am I gonna start with actually I've got a game made by MIT here mr. MIT himself some of you may have seen this it's called a slower speed of light I'm assuming you ain't snitches yeah I am if you could see me I'd be flacking like I'd be holding like a club in my hand and like beating it into one hand menacingly hold on I need I don't really have any sort of appropriate object for that Oh you I'm assuming all right I'm assuming I got no snitches here it was like seal that's my intimidation tactic also this game wants to open in a really weird aspect ratio and I'm just not going to let it 1680 by 1050 [ __ ] is that MIT by 720 graphics quality simple I'm sorry you guys aren't getting it these unity graphics quality options there's not like any ironically unified way of like doing it there's not a standardized form so this one just has fastest fast simple good beautiful fantastic it's like the they went fastest and fast but then as they go down the scale they're not willing to say slow it becomes beautiful and fantastic oh yes MIT so yeah this whole stream big epilepsy warning this one shouldn't be too bad but it's still got some sort of wacky [ __ ] but epilepsy warning all you is that what I really look like yeah no don't worry I've already had all the comments I somebody said the old young Tom Hanks thing somebody said I looked like Drake got surgery to look like Josh I've heard it all you know me and Toby's do your time so here we got a slower speed of light this was again made by MIT which is the very smart people probably talking to my collar once upon a time in a quiet village let me know if you can see in here everything all right once upon a time give me the gray thumb remote once upon a time in a quiet village there was a little child sadly the little child fell into the hands of aku the villain from Samurai Jack far too soon the little child's spirit began the journey to become one with light but the speed of light was too fast for the small and clumsy little spirit I guess I have my my laptop open so I can just look at it and listen it I everything looks great thanks for the thumbs guys love the thumbs luckily the spirited world is full of magical orbs that slow down light collect orbs just slowed it's in a different font collect my thoughts to slow down light to walking speed so you can finally move on do you have any would you like to compare your speed to the speed of light that's like it's slower you will start to see beyond what humans can typically see move look options okay I already need a drink of water hmm it said not responding for a second and I was worried okay well it's like weed and there's like mushrooms Brown that's I think weed comes from a mushroom rule adoptions so here we are you can see the scale of visible light on the bottom there and I'm picking up these weird like alien watermelons with a little sumac on them and I it's really slippery I don't know if I don't know if this is because I'm like a magic angel child or whatever but I'm it feels like I'm on [ __ ] ice right now that was a German joke what the weed on mushrooms think I've got it super slippery is there a way to how do I get like walking sensitivity turned up okay whatever that's part of the challenge I'm a clumsy child does the bird divine beast in breath of the wild trust me I'm gonna blow your mind what are you talking about is it really like wall-e warbles dad or something also there's the Epilepsy like like try to clip into that block so as i'm collecting these the range of visible light is becoming hiring hiring right now it's just kind of like any other color they're slightly shifting around but it's gonna get [ __ ] insane at a certain point I played this a while ago I think I got this recommended to me by Vsauce who's in like a dumb video or something now it's really hard to control these slick flatwoods monster looking [ __ ] okay I think those are grownups so now it's starting to get a little reading greenie well god it's disorienting controls don't really help I wish it was just like a normal like if I can just make this in the source engine MIT what are you doing it's like do I need to is that part of the challenge I need to like swoop around in these big balletic motions I'll try doing that oh my god all right it's getting pretty [ __ ] intense so can I just say I have no idea like I understand the concept of like light is super super super fast and it reflects off our eyes and that's how we see things so if it was slower this is that this is how we'd see the world like if it was comparable to our speed but I don't know exactly what's going on here like I don't know why we're seeing a lot of like red and green Oh God and when I move backward things just become invisible because we're running away from the light I think don't run away from the light it sounds like something that the Lord of the Rings I like I don't know exactly how realistic this is of course I don't think they programmed like light photons and [ __ ] into the game but like clearly they some effort was put into simulating the effects of what it might look like it's like Ken Lee really simulate colors that we can't see like infrared ultraviolet I think we can only approximate right Oh God it doesn't make it any easier ooh ooh okay I'm just gonna get the rest of these orbs there's a hundred of them I'm at 81 yo yo yo it's super super disorienting hold on I gotta get all these in ones for sure in one hole I got to do all these in one fell off so when we stand completely still it's totally normal though everything looks fine all right let's get them all in one foosh Oh God I can't like see what's in front of me sometimes I'm trying to like step on the brakes [Music] it's starting to get like a dolly zoom effect too because of like the rate at which the light is hitting our eyes I guess Oh God Oh God maybe maybe people might throw up if they watch this stream when there's stone around 99 y oi I did it or the wacky colors gonna go away oh that's kind of sad you still got a dolly zoom no really this feels like when you turn up the fov that's probably how they did it they just you know all the grounds freaking out they probably just adjusted the fov like crazy like in game play yeah someone says gonna throw up a lot of cheese Wow yeah this is this is kind of badass though like I wish it was a little more polished but the the general concept is is well portrayed I think he's this [ __ ] Christ [Music] it's got like a speedrun timer - I just noticed I just want to dick around with this a little more a lot of these are gonna be yeah that was the whole game a lot of these are gonna be pretty short oh God Oh what wait what's happening what's that oh maybe there's more themed I was going backwards sometimes there ya speedrunning that game would not be fun although it's gonna it's a quick game world time I beat this faster than the entire world what happened is this gonna be like a oh hell yeah I think there's gonna be like an explanation make everything as simple as possible but not simpler okay I see he look at the world toaster like behaves like a wave all right now we're gonna have Professor Oak come in and explain what the [ __ ] just happened light behaves like a wave ash and different wavelengths appear as different colors as you and other objects move around the wavelength of light changes appearing redder or bluer to your eyes some Pokemon I mean light becomes infrared or ultraviolet which your eyes cannot usually see is the sensoric sound yeah yeah the other invisible swiss flight will become visible okay so we were seeing that's why it's red and green and actually I don't know why greens in there if it's infrared and ultraviolet but again it's like the the approximations moving left the objects on the left are brighter than the objects on the right so there's like a small sliver here of space where it looks totally normal and then everything else is all [ __ ] air is there an infrared Pokemon I would believe it might also be aims like a stream of particles called photons I've heard about this I have like some like vague science concepts in my head from school still I know photons or light acts like a it's like a wave and a particle or something and we've spent much dispute on this when you run towards a stream of photons more photons hits you and the objects becomes brighter it's like a sonic boom with light I guess relativistic aberration sorry I didn't know this was gonna be a like knowledge stream science is that the new grab hold on wait that's totally the Newgrounds angry face look at that tell me that's not a reference tell me that [ __ ] ain't a reference right there it's so specific light always moves at the same speed so if the speed of light is constant then the distances in times of the world around you have to warp your time is different from the time in this in the world time dilation dilation and your distances are different from the distances in the world Lorentz transformation that's a Pokemon you have to be much closer to the speed of light to notice the more dramatic effects of Lorentz transformation compared to the Doppler and search that fence which we all know at the end of the game the Doppler and searchlight effects are removed to make the Lorentz transformation easier for you to see how beautiful I wonder if they're dead so this is talking about how far away stars maybe it's just cuz of the shape of the little kid's head I don't know it's talking about how stars that are far away we're seeing them how they were in the past because they're light-years away which is pretty [ __ ] awesome and also kind of spooky this is easily noticeable when you look at objects moving relative to yourself objects normally beyond your field of view become it can become visible when you move near the full speed of light or when you move near the speed of light as you see them as they were in the past yayaya botan for something so bright you sure are slow Lincoln's been shot what a great example for that nice and of course the credited Albert Einstein all right let's kind of sir I think that's it well that was me it's sort of it's like a tech demo almost all right moving on I don't yet know my my PC is gonna be chugging for some of these you all right you know what [ __ ] it let's do Mall quest this one's like a it's like a vapor wave meme game some of you may have seen this before some of you may have seen the speed of light one you someone says if the Sun exploded right now it would take eight minutes for us to see it explode and I've heard what's worrying to me is I've heard that fact before but it was when I heard it it was nine minutes so that was when I was a kid so is it like getting lower the Sun is just getting closer to us because of course we're the center of the solar system obviously [Music] while quest powered by unity you might be kind of loud yep it is kind of loud hold on give me a sec yeah [ __ ] we're getting into some just classic vaporwave trash now I don't know if I've talked about this before but vapor wave vapor wave is kind of my jam it's like my guilty pleasure except minus the guilt it's just my pleasure but there is a lot of schlock vapor wave out there but I even listen to some of that I have a vapor wave cassette in this room right now I can see it from across the room if I come oh god I have the webcam I I guess I know even before I look at shy I know people are gonna demand to see it so I got it hold on hold on to the box hold on let's get this proof that I'm an absolutely married and I'm gonna cover there's there's some titty in that but that is in fact a vaporwave cassette this is this is my life I own like I have like in my like shitty car it's like almost as old as I am it has like a cassette holder thing in the middle and it's literally just full of vapor wave releases that they make like cassette releases on on Bandcamp it's the guy that hit Oprah wait who's the hold on guys hit Oprah set with that thing Josh runs into Oprah it's just Josh from Drake and Josh oh my god wait is it really Oprah in the show what the [ __ ] I've never watched Drake and Josh I didn't know it was Oprah I've seen that like memed okay I'm getting sidetracked here this way damn ugly face so up there okay thank God it's Mall quest basically I like vaporwave and this this game is kind of trashed but I kind of love it how to win look down at your shopping list buy everything on it so we're doing capitalism guys we're doing that old shtick comic sans find the exit don't run out of cash not responsible for money lost to slipping on trash or theft oh you slip on theft this full Earthbound sprites everywhere these are all earthbound sprites all right click the interact hell yeah oh this is my jam you know I I remember I'm not exactly know I'm not exactly like a textbook millennial but I do remember when like of course the world never looked like this but I went to malls when I was younger like with my parents and stuff and I do have a memory of them feeling similarly weird yeah we got like a two and a half D thing here so the sprites are all 2d what I want for myself is more important than what others want from me I think is what he said all right so hey so how do I get my I already forget how to get my list up they need to find my grocery list [ __ ] I should have paid closer attention oh [ __ ] oh I slipped I slipped and I clicked out of the window at the same time [ __ ] oh here we are thank you chat $248 post slippage I need to buy Pocahontas the 7th guest Donkey Kong Country to which I literally considered playing today I'm not even kidding that's hilarious a Honey I Shrunk the Kids infer be alright is it just okay alright so these are all like old products but I remember I remember well in the world looked exactly like this Koosh ball I gotta say guys it's only gonna be for 20-20-20 once in a lifetime you know okay stretch arms strong yak back none of these are what I need I need a Furby this is like a toy store I need a Furby Furby oh I keep clicking out of the window if these unity games are kind of janky in that regard all right got him uh gak slippin sweet was stuck inside one of them no seventh guess I think that's the all the toys right I don't know what the 7th guest is but I'm gonna assume that's a movie look at that is that the that's from Drive I'm pretty sure that's like but not that's not like actually a screenshot out of the movie drive oh hello you abandoned oh [ __ ] just happened what though okay it's like they went on Amazon and it was like the Amazon page for like a bootleg version of the jacket from Drive also the texture for it is like a half on the side of its - oh look it's og ro from Jojo lien oh what that counts that's unbelievable honey I show up the kids okay I [ __ ] the [ __ ] kids got it got it seventh guess Pocahontas Oh [ __ ] all right any more trash god damn it sorry you're not sorry game that man forever I remember those big clamshell package VHS cases those were the [ __ ] Link's Awakening that's clearly Tetris actually can identify like all the things some of them are identifiable actually I immediately don't know what that is but that's clearly Tetris on the Gameboy you good men Forrest Gump twister movie what's that thing I was reading to the Lost Ark 1 no this just reminds me of actual shopping because I'm so forgetful what's happening but stop bothering me missed well that's sonic clearly on the Genesis that looks like Donkey Kong Country for the Famicom oh hey oh yeah it was also Duncan country to phantasmagoria two copies of it that's an interesting reference stop stop what's the 7th guest I don't know what the 7th guest is does anybody know someone google it they've already been in here I think I have yeah movie it's an old video game Star Fox punch-out that's Mario um I passed Pocahontas I bet I have video game damn these guys suck oh oh oh that's not I I was like Pinocchio no I'm looking for Pocahontas different p-word hey these guys really suck hey cop get these guys they're throwing trash they're hooligans do something about this you're responsible for the [ __ ] law sir I'd love the store that says a baby and it's got the bee butterfly hummingbird rather these guys like to teleport you around I'm gonna lose my goddamn mind there's so many of them well c'mon is Pocahontas oh it's on a bargain oh my [ __ ] god yes I got pickpocketed [ __ ] you alright alright I just need the 7th guest let's see sounds guess oh yes forty four point nine nine one what okay and now I gotta get out I got everything right yeah Oh congratulations you won I don't think I've ever beaten this game okay downloaded this like ages ago and like tried it for a bit that's the cover to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein uh anybody else recognizing the cover to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein here am I crazy hold on it literally is it's literally that it is literally that let me put it up I I can't believe I spotted that straightaway but it's because I had to read that [ __ ] book in in high school of course anyway you can't attain the level of shopping others can only dream of care to play again no but it was fine many thanks to shall a magical shallot for providing music some sprites were taken from earthbound thanks for playing layman in winter would travel in a little pink carriage with cushions of blue will be find a nest of mad kisses waits in each corner - this is like this is like a sex poem about wolves a little kiss like a maddened spider excuse the [ __ ] out of you I don't know what that's from is that also from Frankenstein alright well that was an exit game bye bye mall quest Hyrule is spinning around the divine beast as a developer trick that's pretty cool it's kind of like the smash bros stages in the in boundary break all right well that was Mary Shelley's Frankenstein by vaporwave every kiss begins with spider all right now what do I want to do okay this one is gonna be the bit rate killer I honestly part of the reason I want to stream 'less is just to see exactly how [ __ ] up the bit rate becomes on the stream because this is like like the theoretical like worst bit rate conditions you could ever have - but Oh Buddha Oh Buddha pop go boom that's fake Oprah from community sorry I'm looking back in the messages really now I don't a fake Oprah community we talk about surely I'm mad come on there's a sneeze like in my nose it's in my nose and it won't get out would I smooches spider no no I wouldn't make be Muffet from undertale why would I say that anyway catacombs it's gonna take me a sec to get this working yeah the screen is black right now small enemies spider all right here we are hopefully this works I hope I'm seeing it on my screen so this is the bit rate killer this this game is going to absolutely [ __ ] demolish the bit remember looking at it on my laptop it's truly [ __ ] some scientists would term this texture clown vomit so you may be wondering hey grapefruit what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] trash you've put before me why am I looking at this garbage and I will tell you why it's because this game is trippy as [ __ ] and has this [ __ ] crazy effect where if you stop to look at anything and then you move again it like takes that texture and puts it on the walls but like it changes the walls around but keeps your perspective it's very hard to sum up but you can kind of I mean it's pretty easy to see happening it's really really strange it's really hard to put into words you know but your move and all of a sudden everything's all different and you're like where oh you can get these cool patterns and the full name of this game is catacombs of Solaris yay we did it we did it Oh God Oh God that's the eye of Sauron actually the goal of the game as expressed in the readme that's awesome looking is to find your favorite room in the catacombs and I think I've found it right here whoa so the the goal you win the game when you find your favorite room in the catacombs and I gotta say I'm not disappointed although now it looks like a bunch of [ __ ] vaginas that's great just a big vagina wall pattern every once in a while the clown vomit like shows up again but you can get some really cool [ __ ] so yeah it's it's gonna look pretty stanky on the stream and on the bottom but I would encourage you to check it out if if this looks interesting to you this is the whole thing there's no music you just [ __ ] around I think it's really cool is simple yet effective you can get stuck in like one color which is kind of distressing and sometimes lupito stuck in one color oh god I'm looking into infinity look at that [ __ ] alright there's a little bit of purple still all green oh no sometimes you clip through the wall and it actually paints that so that little bit of black is one of the like wall clips that somehow got rendered in you know I don't want more clowns on it no stop doing that all right here we go pure green oh I got a little glimpse of clown vomit though all right now I'm just moving around in just an empty void oh oh oh I mean hold on wait wait wait well just like take this footage and just make it into like any bit oh no never mind never mind never mind look Nolan we got to do it again we got to do again I've got an amazing idea you alright alright alright now I gotta walk backwards until I find more clown vomit here we go so I'm gonna I'm gonna go in there and I'm gonna turn the corner and then you can just edit anything you want in this room anything at all no I'm just having a normal lovely stroll in the [ __ ] no it resets no no I can't even do my funny meme I can't even do my funny meme it's I've ruined it I ruined it this is just hell forever bitrate hell I was trying to you know it's trying to replicate the joke from the Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban or there was like a room that was green and I was like wow look at all the crazy [ __ ] going on I guess you can just hit reset hold on real epilepsy warning like Jesus Christ close your eyes right now if you have epilepsy oh [ __ ] I think I froze it Oh God is it is it fine no not resetting anymore what the [ __ ] I can't move either oh god oh god oh man I think I [ __ ] up I'm getting out of here oh oh no I can't alt-tab I'm gonna control-alt-delete [Music] control-alt-delete is not working escape does not work it really is hell guys I might need to turn my computer off nothing works the control delete all of four I've tried everything hey I got [ __ ] up I can't even change the perspective because I can't move that sucks I hit reload over and over again like it froze the game yeah escape alt f4 alt enter I don't know alt tab Control Alt Delete alt is really involved in all of these so hang tight chat I'll be right back with my [ __ ] computer restarts I am in hell and I'm gonna have to go ahead and the button on my computer right now there's a version of this that I'm looking at it's Hammoud habibi HD 60 frames per second HD 60 frames-per-second and they just used that like upscaling software so it still looks like a [ __ ] fever dream it just has the upscaling effects applied to it and is in 60 frames per se it's no good oh it's no good by the way I'm also back back back back back so that's Josh runs into Oprah I had to I had to reload everything we're back at Obama saltybet I'm gonna go Obama and there's a timeout it would say thanks Obama that's good [ __ ] so yeah that last game was that was catacombs of Solaris don't press are over and over again or your computer might die and you might be trapped in the irrevocable hell a [ __ ] know what's happening at the Sitwell it's computer computer is freaking out anyway what am I gonna play now I'm sorry I gotta open the folder and everything we didn't Mall quest we did [ __ ] catacombs okay you know what let's let's do burn band when you guys might know as well some of you at least hold on give me a second oh it's so loud okay here we go so let me know if that's a good volume this is burn band I got weird hands and I go like when I move around can I move though there we go oh I'm tapping sounds good alright just the grab use of hands that's very true so this I've played this before this is sort of a game without a goal it's just sort of a little atmospheric exploration game it's kind of a it's like a Blade Runner II sci-fi world oh [ __ ] you guys can probably see my mouse I'm gonna get rid of my mouse hello not captured cursor Oh what the [ __ ] why'd you get rid of the game show me the game what I just told you to stop capturing the cursor what are you [Music] why'd you do that let's do that hold on I just told it to stop capturing my [ __ ] mouse cursor and then it just killed the entire capture scrote right here so this is earn banned not Josh runs into Oprah I want burn banned now don't show me the [ __ ] Mouse you piece of [ __ ] I hate you thank you so much okay I don't know why that happened I don't know why that happened but now you guys should be able to see the game and not see the mouse yes okay I can see the mouse but I'm a big boy in big boy pants who can handle such things yeah lots of sounds lots of sights and sounds in fact this is really loud in my headphones there we go here we are this whole game is kind of a pixelated mess but I like it oh god the audio is just like a solid bar so depressed yet is it this is kind of Star Wars Cantina s okay okay I drink anything I don't think I can do anything in this game there's like no actions you just walk around and see your little hands I think the creator of this game actually made like a or is working on like a different version where maybe there's like stuff to do which would be kinda awesome one dragon just fall off no ponies cows are going feast I kind of love my little skull hands I like they're so they're fuzzy I look like a [ __ ] Muppet and I like all the exotic walks of life that we can see metal sensitivity is very high I probably should have changed that I don't know where I'm going but I'm going there quick I think this person has another game that we're gonna play today that has sort of a similar filter over it where everything looks kind of pixely it kind of makes you want to fall a little bit oh my god I can't look all the way down oh my god I'm walking on the Sun right now all right well I'm down here [ __ ] happening I don't know if I've ever I'm in the catacombs again I'm gonna turn the corner and it's gonna be green screen oh this guy's pissing I'm saying to click the heads I don't think they do anything well he's pissing though he really do be pissing though we may have seen a little bit of pixelated alien Weiner that I don't know maybe it's aliens they don't have that wieners oh God I'm falling well I'm falling really far this fall through the world wait did I just fall through the world oh [ __ ] I think I just clipped out of bounds guys I think that was not supposed to happen oh [ __ ] I think it's because I was is it because I bothered that guy while he was peeing I think I just clipped out of bounds Oh God all right well that's cool it changed the input and sadly okay well yes yes indeed let's go the other way this time [ __ ] it just I guess my little house you know I love settings like this I'm not even the hugest fan of Blade Runner as a movie but I just love that kind of setting I you know I would love to live in a bleak sci-fi world like this even if it was bleak as [ __ ] maybe that's like only if I was like me as I am now teleported into this time though see this like I just phase through things it's not a huge amount of effort put into these creds and like what are they doing they're just walking to places and then they're like moving randomly all right well I don't want to fall out of the world again but also I kind of do at the same time a slow step ease oh never mind yeah they've all got these like black dots on them is that like their character location immunity the center of their characters that little black dot yes but I dig this kind of world totally all right no crazy clippies please let's not be too hasty there's a little black dot again they're everywhere but not hasty this is a bad sound add noise oh man I hope everyone's staying safe out there hearing some tales of spooky things it's as a person with anxiety whole situation has not been conducive to my mental health so I hope you guys are staying sane out there this music stink everything has a black dot on it and I'm pretty sure that's like a developer I'm pretty sure that it kind of feels like an oversight like every object has a black dot there's one reason sick music though oh thanks that's a lot of bits I appreciate that right don't typically call stuff out that much but you know I appreciate it guys so there's been some subs this stream - thank you objects have a soul dot alright hey I'm still in the game world this time I like the detail I'm you know a lot of people diss on games that have no objective and I feel like if it if a game has no objective and also doesn't suck you in in any way doesn't entertain you then it's kind of pointless like this I'm getting pointing out of this right now this is like a club that's like specific to this like bartender race they're all the squiggly arm dudes the speakeasy it doesn't seem like there's anywhere to go though there's this [ __ ] dude is he oh he's pissing oh [ __ ] this is the say this is the pissing guy I literally thought this guy was like sweeping with a broom that's a stream of piss yes piss Bruce piss piss piss piss piss is kissing chi is my favorite character so far Oh glad to hear it glad to hear it look at them all walking sink alright take me somewhere new oh yeah the like alien voice coming over the loudspeaker about a trains gonna come by yeah that's sick see I love [ __ ] like that as long as it's like a cool place to be that I'm enjoying being in I don't mind if there's no objective oh here we go what is this a toilet oh no that is a hole okay it's just like this is in a world where falling doesn't hurt you back here just came back here through a hole in the goddamn ceiling yeah I couldn't I couldn't go jump in front of train sorry I know how sad that must must make some people it's like a saturn planet because that's the only planet with rings most scientists you know the rings around Saturn are actually bones there's skulls that's not a joke that's real you can look it up look it up on Google alright I gotta go down here again this is intimidating especially to a man with vertigo alright I'm not gonna try to clip out though in fact I'm going to actively try to stay in bounds it's wait is that is that piss I thought that was just the sound of like a drain earlier but I'm pretty sure that's the sound of the pissing guy do I even have to eat since I'm so smart that's a good question the answer of course is no that's literally the sound of the guy pissing it's literally the sound of a guy pissing and penetrating through like ten walls look at that wide leg the stance what an absolute [ __ ] Chad isn't that like a Chad thing peeing loudly for some reason okay this is where I clipped out of the world I'm pretty sure whoa all right we made it [Music] all right oh that's another one of the missing dudes they just love to piss whoa oh my god I got like Mirror's Edge vibes whenever I'm in like a tunnel with things going by fast like this whoa whoa secret tunnel this the way to go I'm just gonna explore a little bit more and then I'm gonna leave eight well this doesn't appear to be anything although it has a black dot in the center that an object every wall have a black dot I don't know let's go deeper don't [ __ ] yeah this MGMT playing I believe that's MGMT [Music] this game's called burn band and if you're watching the vaad in the future I have the list of the games in the description its BER NBA nd I hear I heard a deaths any Japanese people in the audience know what he's saying japanese thanks thanks anyway this is the thomas was alone reference room cool cubes clean cube clean cute that it so any like illusory walls around here now i'm on the look at I don't know if it's reversed it isn't sound reversed human speech reverse it sounds pretty [ __ ] up and I heard like a clear desk at a certain point they got the mouse sensitivity so high look at that these black dots are everywhere there's one just in the middle of the ground there's nothing it's just into the air it's good they don't show up because it's so I mean they do show up but it's they're not obvious cuz it's so pixely new service in Shibuya I mean yeah it sounded like guy oh god it's the parking garage from Seinfeld oh this is awesome I love big empty spaces like this this might creep some people out but I I dig on this aesthetic what is back rooms everybody everybody was saying that during the catacombs and then whenever I go into somewhere creepy like a creepypasta it's gonna be a big-ass empty room the old creepypasta that's gotten hype recently but it's like 10 years old this seems like nothing well if it's anything similar to these then it sounds like my type of thing the door over there I think it'll just take me a million years to get over there I can't hold shift to run or anything not even seeing many actual explanations of like what it is I'll look it up later [Music] like this is like a meme room this is like the rave room infinite underground yeah yeah I'm familiar with the term liminal space that is my jam me and my friends and also just me on my own we used to a lot in like high school and college sort of go to like spooky places at night and it wasn't it wasn't like loitering a lot of like public trails I guess it's technically trespassing after dawn but shush a big fan all right well I guess that's it yeah anybody else see anything else in here I gotta I gotta head out it's a big-ass empty room you know friends not required I did it plenty on my own too the pandemic yeah I mean you're not gonna be seeing many people out at that time at night but it's also it gets kind of sketchy sometimes like you see one time I own it's like a classroom but sometimes you see like sketchy people sometimes you feel a little unsafe but I've never been actually harmed or what it's worth oh yeah oh my gosh yes I'd like it easy yes this this is my room this is my room damn I love the music very minimal but I love it a lapid ated looking office space with yellowing wallpaper the constant hum of fluorescent lights constantly changing labyrinths look at that thing in it it looks like the mouth of the bad guy in Toy Story 2 hold on it wasn't illegal act on I mean bad guy is is really you know if you've watched the movie you know it's stinky Pete Zurg you it looks like it looks like zergs mouth you see it you see it I'm like it's lined up perfectly it's exactly their mouth the scowl that's a trumpet biggest Arctic Monkeys am logo and this little guy I love him oh this is my favorite [Music] [Music] that is good [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it's a movie theater oh it's a big concert hall this is awesome I don't think I ever explored this far in this game it's got the black dot all aliens have a soul dot of course excuse me excuse me excuse me sir excuse me I thought this was the new Star Wars black dots are weirding me out but trying to be racist I like the hum there's always like a hum my weird noise is going on I just love that kind of [ __ ] he's like oh you won't believe these fish oh I'm back here isn't this where I already was at one point I might oh that old man okay alright I think I'm I think I've looped around it's like the catacombs trapped in the yellow room oh no the lights blinding me ah that's what his hands are doing alright guys well that I think that's it for this one that was burn band pull stuff I like that one a lot as it happens press are debated all right Oh [Music] where we got now how long have I been going its these strange with like multiple games oh and it's because I [ __ ] Oh God hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I need to start downloading the previous stream of Avadh calm I'll give you just a second I need to download the past stream okay so I've been going for like an hour and a half fish because I had to reset because of [ __ ] catacombs goddamn catacombs okay what are we doing now Oh God here's a really [ __ ] weird one I don't even know if this is going to capture properly give me just one moment here guys I just got it you disgusting for a second capture this is called what Linus bruckman sees when his eyes are closed that's the full name gam yeah I don't know if this is gonna be too loud or too quiet or what seems a little quiet a true story remember this is a true story guys it cropped properly yeah I remember this is a true story all right are you still on board all right so here we are there's me I guess in two different dimensions or something so I played a little bit of this and never got very far I have no [ __ ] clue what this game is there was like a puzzle having to do with these like the pills dad where is he I don't I don't I can't read Japanese I really can't so I had it all right I can't understand it I don't know what they're saying at the top there why isn't the service bot running the fly through windows it's so hard to program good help these days dad must be in his office like both moving in sync if she's like a floaties she moves exactly like the sound when dad who's that dock mcvaugh new face burger Esquire [Music] it's jr. Oh son good news we're going to be rich like bowing like cross-strait it's really something but dad your DAC McMunn space burger burger owner of stock machlin space burgers the most successful speed sustenance restaurant in the galaxy we already are rich we were rich son we were was a online poker he's been playing poker night - he gambled away the [ __ ] business I feel a hot streak coming on RI of Winston's left down the neural interface is like that episode of Star Trek where everybody gets obsessed the game they got they all got that weird thing on their head it's like a game [Music] service bot broke the prices we charge for these space burgers we'll be back on our feet oh oh [ __ ] look download just started hold on just might get crappy frames for a second actually so you pay but the prices we charge for these space burgers we'd be back on our feet in no time thanks son okay everyone has the right capsule then talk to me and send them their food got it anybody know what the [ __ ] is happening with the top scream I mean I barely know what the [ __ ] happening with the bottom screen okay fix it this thing is [ __ ] creepy Hey but Oh face face oh god yo I was talking about Star Trek that's literally locution what the [ __ ] its Picard Borga fied and they took his mouth and they made a little puppet out of it I didn't even read we said we are the barky will be assimilated really oh my god right so did you want something we will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own no I meant like food oh right two cheeseburgers in a space shake Thanks okay what is this pill analyzing the chemical components of the sustenance of sustenance supplement to grain three spoiling God is this gonna be a whole [ __ ] thing I might not finish this game it this is gonna be like an actual puzzle I have to solve Oh God choose your fashion color alright purple orb and pill I don't know what the [ __ ] happening oh man I actually somebody mentioned armed and delirious I actually [ __ ] you not I have a folder of that in my games folder but I've never got it to work I have the ISO like right here though I saw that game on like Maya fandom where net or something so look at this on the top it's horizontal but on the bottom it's there on the bottom towards on the top it's vertical split which is kind of interesting even though I don't know what the [ __ ] that does [Music] but make for a compelling puzzle if I knew what was happening I see they've got they've all got different colors so I just need to change the pill to the color that they are top ones don't have colors these bottom ones do new fashionable colors let's try that I don't like my guys a little like thong okay go so I turned the top one purple though hold on hold on hold on hold on I gotta make sure they're all right everything's gonna be all right well this is very bizarre I again have no [ __ ] clue what's going on though it's just hope that I'm doing the right thing I don't know the food is like the sustenance I thought the guy ordered our burgers out for group also it literally used like I don't know if any of you watch the next generation it's literally like when Captain Picard gets turned into a board just like used that in the video game see if picard had asked for like a blue pill or something he'd been like oh you know give me that but he asked for like a burger and a shake I don't know what the [ __ ] going on all right last one there's a better damn do something whoo [Music] Annalise I mean it told me like the components but I need I might need to understand Japanese to be able to do this talk to dad I'll try that let's talk today beep I think I've got it sorted dad I need some help his nose is [ __ ] weird solitaire [Music] Oh oh this is gonna be a whole [ __ ] thing guys this is gonna be a whole [ __ ] thing do I really want to do this is anybody super interested in seeing how this goes or can we just go oh what a weird thing and then move on cuz this is gonna be a whole [ __ ] puzzle I see it this makes it all come together [Music] it's kind of funny whenever I ask a question like back who's always a mix in the chat I'm gonna move on though I don't want to do this if anybody is super curious that is allow me to remind you that is what Linus bruckman sees when his eyes are closed that one's just too weird to not at least take a look at those let's just see ask me if you want to see it again you should just be a thing you can pull up in the HUD at any time okay well it looks weird and cool I just don't know what the [ __ ] I mean I guess that again it all fell into place there but I still don't want to do it anyway what do I do now zero [ __ ] this might not be unity [ __ ] hold on I can't believe you've done this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] back back back back for [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] a bit oh the application is crashed that's fun can you just one second guys [ __ ] like frog fractions I already did nerds oh look at this oh it crashed again crashed again come on oh this game might not work unless I do display capture and it keeps crashing whenever I alt-tab out of it it only shows when I alt tad out of it what the [ __ ] is I put that sucks okay well wonderful how about Alt alt enter what if I alt enter No but there with my trusty steed you know what it looks like it's actually capturing now hold on this game apparently there's no victory as I'm told yes it is capturing I have no idea if it's gonna be loud or quiet or one oh [ __ ] what's happening oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay this this this drums happening in this rockets and I guess I'm a plane I have not played this one so I don't know what the [ __ ] happening guys shoot their way for me to shoot oh yes yes yes thanks at least a wildcat this is kind of awesome they're shooting image this is weird it's getting kind of difficult to go and help oh I just need to survive until the end of the like drumming like Kabuki theater drumming in fact I think I see the Rising Sun back there oh yeah okay fat man oh god oh Jesus okay that's manageable [ __ ] me okay okay okay okay this is it somebody says this gives me anxiety and like the drums really do they really [ __ ] do even worth shooting these maybe but not shooting them be this bad Superfortress oh [ __ ] you Yui I need to shoot his little like components that I just need to wait I just needed to wait oh it seems like waiting broke one of his components okay this is wonderful [ __ ] this is actually kind of Awesome look at this [ __ ] I've never seen that pattern in a bullet hell maybe that's a common thing but what else she's a skin intense it's gonna stay as far away as possible [ __ ] I switch over every once in a while switch the swoosh yeah [ __ ] that's that's interest oh I did it I think I did it I think that's it I think that's actually it is that just it I think that's I think that's it yeah the end didn't say there's no victory I kind of figured it would just be like endless like it would loop around it literally said there's no victory I'll play undertale now right now though well I did it that was good that you know that was that was cool that was a nice little quick fun game it's called zero downloaded it off the good ol internets right it was a you know I'm not one to complain the games are too short but I was a pretty short game considering the amount of effort that seemed to have gone into it but there you go tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu people to do all right what do we got next I think just just a few more this one is by I think the same guy who made burn band I might be wrong on that he's bipolar II soul and I think burn band is by a different guy so what looking at the read meas yes burn band is by Tom van den Bogart hey that's a good name also it says on the burn band read me it says no there is no end just explore the city of the poof and feel alive it says PFF influences Star Wars Jake clovers 3d game telephone poles nice all right better okay so now we're gonna play the nightmare of a city it's not made by the burn band guy but it certainly looks similar and the name is all [ __ ] up but I think it's supposed to say the nightmare of a city window yeah I wouldn't I want it windowed but bad at Borobudur dude DEP do better it back to the metro to exit Oh God oh it just crashed okay hey all right then that's cool oh [ __ ] no no no no it's all [ __ ] up it's in a weird it's with no no no no no no no no no no I can't move it I can't move the window windows all in the corner [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] oh this is the worst oh wait but this is the worst why is it in the shitty corner it wasn't doing that before it just decided to just [ __ ] off to the shitty little corner for idiots okay the nightmare of a city here we [ __ ] go we're playing the feud okay okay um SCP containment breach is actually the one that I have I think actually I might have secret lab oh here we are this is very similar with dr. fix Salinas I played this for a bit a while ago and it gave me the impression that this is just it's like you're drunk also I just got hit by a [ __ ] car like everything he stands still everything kind of comes into focus and you can see like the water droplets hitting the screen but then when you move everything gets all [ __ ] but this was made for like a series bot of games that was scary well the ambient mixtape number like sixteen or something like that I don't know if there's a bunch of other ambien mixtapes but maybe there are and they're just games where you just make an environment basically maybe some of them have more gameplay than this but I like this [ __ ] again it's very simple this one I think is even more simple than the burn ban but I like this sort of thing going on here that like a bus station trusty bus station oh it's the metro oh I'm in that I'm at the exit I don't want to go quite yet which would you prefer a busty crustacean or a crusty bus station get hit by a [ __ ] car again epileptics probably not having a great time this stream sorry about that it's like everything's actually kind of detailed this says Metro as well it's like a metro building if you have to sit there and stand still and get your bearings before you can actually [ __ ] see anything but here we are that's this is basically it I think oh my god I just got it hit head-on by a car there's no collision though that was actually kind of a pun as we call collision when things interact in video games we also call getting hit by a car a collision whoa whoa door is haunted there's some weird [ __ ] going on there any okay just close the game and thank God face well that's a cool one too I like it I like it even though it's pretty basic that was the nightmare of a city good stuff anything else in the readme a recreation this is a simple mood piece without progression or advanced interactions a recreation or a nightmare to wander into thank God Paul Claudia sue okay here's a weird one so I played this a little bit before the stream and it had a tutorial and I sort of [ __ ] around a little bit and I was unable to delete my save data on it so you guys aren't gonna get to see the tutorial basically but it's not that big a deal I'm trying to open it right now and it's not opening though so you guys might not be able to see it oh [ __ ] i just opened like the ten windows of it just came open at once just took a while I guess but this is called a red desert render and it is a Unity game inspired by I guess out-of-bounds shenanigans in in Red Dead Redemption - from what I understand press space to start so here we are this is me this is my little character understood [ __ ] amalgam oh can you guys even see it you guys can't even see it what the [ __ ] happening wait I don't understand what's happening wait it showed for a second and then stopped capturing I literally don't understand hold on you crusty bus station it still wants me to [ __ ] run burn band come on what the [ __ ] was that it like started capturing for a second and then stopped instantly it literally ran for like a millisecond and then stopped capturing the same caption like nothing changed and it was just like no no no I don't want to do that No Here I am hopefully the game will [ __ ] like work I don't know the stream labs just refuse to catch it but here I am here's my guy any questions that's not looking very red right now that's cuz it's like the twilight hour yeah yeah everybody was saying some real funny jokes about how I'm the unity logo but I bet you're all pretty [ __ ] slack-jawed now I also don't know what the [ __ ] I'm looking at I found a polystyrene Cup well that's good now you guys may want to know that this game has many interesting controls and features only some of which it told me about and one of them is that you can roll at any given time you can basically just ragdoll yourself and you don't have control over where you roll you have to let go to the top of a hill and then roll down I have not played within a deep forest but it's on my game list I played a commit underground which features the ball from it and it's by the same guy but it's just a big-ass empty desert and every once in a while there's something you can interact with and like that's it but it's really weird some of the things you interact with are very very strange and I would love to find them things that are not a polystyrene Cup but there is a day and night cycle as we can see it's starting to warm up here in the left South Pacific I'll be seeing a little drop in temperature so yeah I kind of look like what is that Pokemon Ludicolo Lucido low oh look I see a bath hold on I got to get to the bath we got a role here role it's kind of breath of the wild almost yeah [ __ ] optimal movement in this game [ __ ] where'd the bath go the bath was also like floating in the sky so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get it haha my only way to scale this is by jumping over and over oh I might be [ __ ] come on that sucks that'll be a way out of here so I don't know if this is like randomly generated or what my character there is actually a way to change how my character looks and I want to find one of those because it's [ __ ] amazing this is by the same guy who made catacombs by the way so I don't want to mash too hard or else he might kill my computer in my stream again alright alright alright where's that bat the BA all the way over there and it's it's up in the air I won't be able to get to it wait wait I'm not rolling Oh cuz I was bouncing this game is directly ripped from another game that's true sorry I know my spacebar is very loud oh [ __ ] it's it's accessible the bath is accessible I just need to get up there I just need to access it alright journey this is journey guys come on oh is that even a bath yes bathe so when you bathe this is what I learned off stream you start swimming but then you just you can go anywhere I can just fly now like what the [ __ ] is up with this they're not gonna go anyway just take a look it's in a book it's Reading Rainbow I can do anything [Music] place to go and ways to grow it's Reading Rainbow I love how the character has like an actual swimming animation as though they have human limbs but then it's it's it's not true not real oh is that no basis you know I have a checklist of things to do isn't fine a note swim under an open sky that must be one of the things I need to do so something I neglected to mention some of the controls actually I guess I didn't mention this the game doesn't tell you some of the controls so when you hit Q that happens don't know what that's all about but you just get this [ __ ] thing and then wait just wait till you see what happens when I hit X like what what so this this is what I was [ __ ] around with right before the stream happened and I was like oh I got a stream now like what the [ __ ] is that it made me like infinitely long the longest man okay so the way to get out of flying mode cause it's a little bit jank is you have to roll on the ground so now I'm here oh there's like the invisible ground and so these buildings are shops oh yeah everything's gonna grow back around me good [ __ ] there's a tree in the building so this is how I change my outfit oh I'm underground oh this is jank is [ __ ] I'm gonna change my outfit guys you ready again by the same guy who made catacombs can you tell so I can I can just move and just like randomly generate my body basically how I'm gonna beat a [ __ ] like purple goon I just be an absolute [ __ ] purple goon all right I'm what are you grimace I'm grimace now this this is grimace so there was a bath around here I want to get to the bath again so I can fly let's go to the beach bucket what is this the man behind the slaughter meme is that is that fanat everybody instantly started saying it right as soon as I turned purple and like clicked in my head that that must be a fanatic thing I don't know what specifically here's my guess markiplier said it and that's the meme that's my guess I I I am like 95% sure that that's the origin of the mean that's how depressing this whole scenario is game theory oh wait it's a fan song oh people don't actually know living tombstone song for finaiiy and or game theory and or both people having trouble deciding I'm aware of the Phenom or I'm just saying the specific line the man behind the slaughter is clearly a meme because people started like regurgitating it so there's like an oasis around here I'm having trouble finding it now I think when you when you fly in the bath and I don't even know if that's like supposed to happen or not this whole game feels like is it like supposed to be Jake like this or is it designed to be but the characters look the costume select thing makes me think it's by design but like why is it that when you get in a bath all of a sudden you can [ __ ] like fly and then I guess it makes it so it's kind of like in Fallout New Vegas when I froze time and it it stopped rendering things it stopped like culling so that's why all the trees came back when I when I hit the ground again was because then it was like oh [ __ ] oh we got to do all this culling oh [ __ ] oh gameplay great graphics great gameplay happens if I roll while tube oh I can't Oh powerful oh my god this is an amazing walk holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that is incredible simply marvelous simply epic I see the bat let's see so X and Q are the two buttons that I know this makes an arrow oh [ __ ] look on the ground it's an arrow is that like always pointing to it no it just points towards where you're going okay cool all right all right all right all right all right let's try the other keys though oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what eating tea made me go up in the air alright OH yeah okay it's like a big jump I guess why you I owe P Oh online [ __ ] really is online in this game Oh what are you it's like six to five sandwich stacker abomination it's like your nightmares after you place 6 to 5 sandwich stacker for like a day is this multiplayer like local I'm trying to do I'm trying to do all sorts I'm using like the arrow keys and everything it's not working wow just wow alright now let's try Oh f his first person G hjkl : ' there we dream I think that's it a mute M is mute the like lamest of the controls well so I did I just don't know what is the [ __ ] reason why you turn into like a pillar it must be a reference so the the page said something about how it's inspired by events that happened out of bounds in Red Dead Redemption - it's all I know it's like this feels like a glitch like you instantly start swimming but it's like it's not even yeah you don't even have to do it in like a specific way you just start flying see what that is there's the Oasis I want to see what this is there's like a white cube okay it really is a white cube wait what the [ __ ] what is this [ __ ] sugar cube here it's part of it part of the game hold on I can squid your squid you're a kid you're a squid you're a kid it's cute oh it made me swim again okay Oh what the [ __ ] but I can only swim up and down hey oh [ __ ] binoculars I can only swim up or down guys so I got to go all the way up clearly that's my only option I think there's like the little huts where you can change your appearance there's the there's the baths where you can swim in the air and there's [ __ ] this I don't even know ain't get it ain't real tube holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that's powerful that is powerful oh no that's the wrong image wait no way that's hold on where's ain't get it ain't real cube ain't dead it ain't real cube [ __ ] you I actually unfortunately learned the origin of that quote recently which kind of ruined the joke for me it's it's a lyric from an IceCube song where he says ain't get it ain't real and it's like that's a quote from cube it's still like it's funny like the image is still funny it's not quite as funny now that I know it's actually a coherent sentence or like an attempt at a coherent sentence you know hmm even going higher up look there's more cubes wait there's like sky cubes I think I am going higher up still yeah let's see I'll go out of bounds and then I'll get respawn back at the [ __ ] you holy [ __ ] that's impressive that is impressive right there oh god I think this is just gonna go forever isn't it it's just gonna go forever there's no end to my suffering I'm in [ __ ] the void of darkness now this is crazy my arrows pointing down point zero right point this is really [ __ ] I don't like this I'm gonna start falling I'm gonna start falling let's go alright boys let's get rolling I'm rolling oh it's like we're getting like smacked in the face with it like ah it's like when it's like the comedy bit where like people are like unraveling like a roll of hose and the guy gets hit in the face over and over again it's like that's what this is as the POV all right I did it I did it well [ __ ] now it's nighttime I don't have the ability to fly oh but I'm still right next to this weird cube I'm gonna go back to the bath that's where it was the like Oasis was here to beat Baba I can't tell if these like things these like clouds of smoke or like steam from a bath or what I don't know how much longer I want to [ __ ] around in this it is somewhat lost its luster but it's this is still cool I love weird experimental games like this the whole like change your costume thing is so goofy to me I kind of love it just want to poke around a little bit more I wish you moved faster but at the same time the game literally lets you know clip we had certain things so let's go like one more unique object oh the Oasis is right here we got a swim under the open sky well this looks about as open as it'll ever get yeah [ __ ] oh but now we're actually swimming now I'm like actually relegated like stay in the water delegated I don't know what [ __ ] this relegated even mean I don't even know all right well I did it I don't know what happens if you complete all the checkmark things but I don't think I'm gonna do it roll two kilometers without standing up get back haha alright zoom where are we zoom in boys should I do should I try to roll as my final act just I can't see anything it's all foggy probably not good for the bit right either I gotta go high up and roll let's just see it said another bath looks like it like nothing out here nothing's rendered away what is that [Music] like a campfire well that has nothing to do with any of my missions so I'm not gonna I'm not going to check it out it seems like it still spawns like there's a shop up there or a store so it still spawns those things like special objects but I think it calls out the trees and [ __ ] there's another cube the cubes unsettle me alright alright yeah yeah yeah I don't know what the venture underground is I don't know like grow a pumpkin is I'm sure it's some [ __ ] let's go right up to the tippy top and [ __ ] okay roll oh this is not good I'm venturing underground right now it's not good I mean it's gonna I'm definitely not gonna go past that well well I'm venturing very far underground look at the land changing around me that's awesome actually whoa the trees are gonna start going in pretty soon I wonder if I'll be able to see them coming over the horizon are they here maybe there's no trees up here whoa this is weird where are the trees and the bushes and [ __ ] oh god well I'm like rolling and getting the roll thing to happen might be a lot harder than expected where are the trees did the Lorax fail these mountains are very jagged they're like modeled in such a way where I'm like are you sure this is I mean it can't be procedurally generated right it's gotta be modelled but it's crazy cuz it's huge - so it might be modelled or it might be procedurally generated okay you know what just gonna jump off here and roll I'm just gonna roll with a boys where are we rolling no Jesus yeah [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] I got that velocity come on oh that wasn't 2 kilometers though [ __ ] hell did I just see like 10 cubes underground what I like clip the camera under there there's still like a thousand [ __ ] cubes well [ __ ] well [ __ ] I didn't get the thing it almost looks like my character has like normal legs and is wearing like a shitty cosplay of the seventh boss from fury you know like a really shitty cosplay alright alright alright alright one more role for old times sake yeah some a'my see mama oh here are the plants oh no I got cooked by the mountain and I bet you're underground here look at that there's water underground water flowing underground that's awesome we got to remove the water from the bottom of the ocean the rocks and stones ooh okay well hmm any other like landmarks around that I could [ __ ] with it seems like so off stream I there was like that sparkle at the very beginning actually it's that one right there no it was like that glimmer and I like picked up an item it was like you got a polystyrene Cup before the stream I picked one up and it was like you got half an apple or something I think sometimes it'll be a beautiful feather and that's all that is see here whoa whoa spikey lad whoa this is awesome this is just a crazy trippy thing to look at whoa this honestly it's just like take this concept and like form a game about it you know this is way cooler than like the actual gameplay look at that I got like cool robes damn son I want to be the weird crane please it's beef weird crane all right there you go it's the new and improved me Zerg all right um hmm I don't see any bats anywhere nearby I feel like we got the general gist to this so this was people were asking what the name of this is I don't remember myself it's red desert render or something like that I'll say it when I'm done but it's by the same guy who made catacombs of Solaris he's got a website that's got like a million [ __ ] weird games on it I have not checked nearly all of them out but they look pretty cool I mean we saw catacombs [ __ ] just reading the stream night ruined okay you know what I think that's it but it's like a game that sort of embraces the jank feels like almost like that math thing was like a programming error but then they were like yeah [ __ ] it leave it in it's fun to noclip around now this game has something fun in it we said the green bit in the front looks like Kermit that is true it looks like Italy under view of Kermit it's like Kermit is swimming on a lake and you're a shark underneath him like POV about to like go up and him I keep saying I'm gonna stop and then I keep playing but Baba bought about it battle into the wagon there's the four it's a grapefruit stream you know there's got to be more I guess that's my thing I don't know I didn't know that'd be cool swimming anywhere gave you the bath ability but I don't think it does it's just a what could be there could be anything over that next hill its exploration for a lifetime let's just get the coast alright well that was cool now I'm gonna roll into the water water rolling under oh [ __ ] wait I can roll under the water wait wait I have to keep playing the [ __ ] and I just go find like a [ __ ] Leviathan down here oh the ground is changing like crazy that actually might just be the like water work effect oh this is very philosophically the last phobia inducing very spooky and I do not like it thanks I think the ground actually is warping I take back what I said I don't think that's a visual effect I think the ground is undulating down here so maybe I can get the two kilometers roll achievement oh no come on undulate a little more push me push me in the water I'm nailing the [ __ ] water themed aquatic David Byrn references and ok I think it is a visual effect I think it is a visual effect cuz it wasn't actually moving me around after I stopped moving this is crazy it keeps jeah what site yeah just what I thought I was out they pulled me back in although there's there's really not a lot to do down here I'm just wondering if we can find like the edge of the world you know like there's got to be all these like unity games there's always a certain point where you like reach the edge and it's like it's revealed that the entire world is a big square let's just see like I feel like I see the edge oh wait is that a school of fish or is that an object to pick up I think it's a thing to pick up here we go a beautiful nether yeah [ __ ] I did it it was underwater on a mountain in the ocean this is it's okay it's gotta be procedurally generated because like look how look how far I've gone it must be I think it just goes forever I think it just goes forever cuz it just keeps making more there's just more mountains over there this looks like a fan-made Ben 10 alien kinda it's like true clown vomit though it's like they wouldn't put this much detail there wouldn't be [ __ ] down a million miles under the ocean right I mean I think of the beautiful feather I guess let's go to the top can I even go up I can it's spooky I have like a feeling of like like drowning I feel like maybe I can roll 2 kilometers just by falling underground or underwater you know like get right up the surface of the water take a deep breath Oh God look how far I am from the land Oh No oh but it just again it I think it just keeps making more and now Oh God Boing oh [ __ ] I got the velocity Oh No oh okay well [ __ ] yeah I don't know if it's horizontal or vertical distance mm well folks now I'm out of here I really am adding you venture underground rolled 2 kilometers without standing up girl pumpkin [ __ ] it you can do that on your own time if you want to do it please it saves your progress it saves your progress I know this because I couldn't delete my progress but that was red desert render I was right saying he couldn't even remember I could remember I remembered Oh cute no I'm just kidding let's do a few more just a couple more two more exactly two more is this did this just immediately show up one I don't think it did No ain't get it ain't real cube - you ain't get it ain't real cute cute goop cube I think for a couple of these I'm going to have to do a display capture get a little display capture going oh my computer's really chugging for this one too [Music] boom badda bodda botta boom badda boom you guys are getting lovely sounds I know alright hopefully this should capture you mean just a second this is also gonna be maybe a bit rate nightmare but here we are so this is actually I don't remember the name of this one either I'll read it at the end the exe was just called forest but here we are in a weird Kingdom forest where the trees Oh trees aren't real and the points don't matter Oh what the [ __ ] what is happening actually I think when you walk through trees it like changes the color scheme and I think I just walked backwards through a tree and that's what happen there so here we are we're having similar it probably looks about as good as catacombs did maybe a little better but I guess I don't know I didn't [ __ ] around with this one too much it just looks kind of cool this might be it I think this might be it for this game it looks awesome though I don't know what this [ __ ] effect is all the trees just look very very [ __ ] strange and the changes are the colors are changing changes are coloring also I think it keeps making new trees well well Oh God it's weird the trees whoa the trees keep moving oh god it keeps like surrounding me with trees hold on but yeah like a million portals that's how I feel come on going through these might get rid of him or something now they're back oh it's like whenever you turn around trees appear behind you so you can just spin in a circle and just actually this is a probably they're probably great way to kill my computer just like catacombs but I think this is a pretty cool effect I don't know I guess there's nothing else really to it I'm like filtering out all the different trees that like share colors I don't even know I don't even [ __ ] know all right well tree anxiety that's a guess of fun on them it's cool okay you know what I said two more three more because we got to cover the legend that is Luigi floating on an egg over the sea all right this one's a classic hola you here we [ __ ] go folks here we [ __ ] go some of you've been crying for real games this whole stream this is a real game alright this is what real men see when they close their eyes this is the song that I've been humming all stream actually those you have never played Super Mario Bros 2 the greatest game ever made this is a just a delightfully clever and funny and hilarious reference to it and this is it like the game is like I control the camera that's it that's literally it I can just look around I can change nothing about my inevitable fate of watching Luigi yeah I don't know this musics from might be from a Mario game I don't recognize it yeah his feet are just clipping into the egg [ __ ] it right just [ __ ] it I can like move the camera up and down and I think if you stay behind him he just like goes off into the distance it's so stupid I mean you know it's a funny meme but it's like damn this is like somebody put real effort into this but I think this is one of those ones where like once it zooms out a certain amount which I actually can't zoom out I would have to wait but I'm pretty sure this one is also like on a cube oh wait no there you go it's the square sorry I use cube and square interchangeably and sometimes people like Papa and I'm like no but here we are we're on Luigi's ocean cube it looks a lot better with that motion level it looks totally totally natural this way what is that but oh god I've got so many things in my like stream labs Oh God they said you guys see that what is that in the distance over there does anybody know what that thing is I think that it's like a guy over there it's like some dude I'm like an egg oh my [ __ ] god see now you can clip that and take it out of context and people will be like oh grapefruit was playing a totally normal game and then Luigi showed up well what a crazy random moment and nobody will know it can be our little secret Shh [Music] that's it genius game says somebody in chat use the pink as a green screen look at what Luigi's going towards oh that's so offensive oh no wow no Luigi Luigi don't go there nah see now you can you can use that however you want it's free free footage free footage all right let's get out of here escape control-alt-delete get me the [ __ ] out of here Luigi all right now I think one more game a single more and this one's one that I quite like actually this is this is one of my favorites sort of complete unknown games which is I think what a lot of this stream is this one's called brain-dead not to be confused with burn band put his channel on the pink screen oh come on no Luigi no I think this is another one I'm gonna need to the full screen capture or Oh Boober Boober Boober bad it might be loud as [ __ ] - I'm going to turn the volume down preemptively and so I said epilepsy warning at the beginning of this stream this is the most epilepsy warning east of them all this is the the most epilepsy II so be warned [Music] what news of my son I regret to inform you he is brain dead your majesty so let's see if this is a good volume oh it's not even it's it's weird it's all weird it sounds like the sound is good hold on now the display capture is fine though this is really weird why is it doing this Oh guys it might be I might just have to do it in a weird aspect ratio and you livestream folks we're gonna have to just deal with it and then I'll fix it in post for the vod's I'm already editing it together to post it hold on it's it's all up in one corner for like no reason you guys are troopers and I believe in you it sounds like the sound is fine it you know it'll be better because you won't get [ __ ] epilepsy put your face cam you're gonna no I'll just fix it for the body that's a fun idea but I'll just fix it for the bots it's fine this is brain dead you're this little dude and you hit Z to control the world around you some of you may recognize this music I've used it in videos before and actually on my old account my old fruit salad I still use it but that was my original YouTube account I before I did anything great food related I posted the soundtrack to this game because I was a fan it's got cool visuals I I'm kind of speedrunning it right now but it's it gets kind of difficult at a certain point but I can't control my character used auto walks and I control the world around me to to keep him going I don't think this is a flash game no he is walking he do be [ __ ] walking though oh god my malwarebytes premium trial thing just came up oh [ __ ] off malwarebytes get out of here nobody come on oh and it recently Oh reset the game okay that's super cool super cool thank you thank you malwarebytes thank you thank you it's finite speed run it again but it looks great and it's got great music I mean it's just kind of a basic sort of like trip-hop type beat but I posted the soundtrack to this game and I actually contacted doom laser which is the people who made it and I said hey is it okay if I post it I was like do you guys have the audio file for the brain-dead song I was like I want to post that on YouTube and they were kind of like oh you know we haven't got any like any news about this game in a while and they were like you know there's actually I'll give you that and there's actually another song oh [ __ ] am I gonna be able to survive yes they were like there's actually another song that never made it into the game that we can also give you so that's also both of those songs are there just listed as oh god as brain-dead OST one in two on on the fruit salad channel if you want to check them out but there's actually an unused track for this game did you know gaming so yeah it flashes the screen every time i hit the button is it's one button controls this game and i can just flash it over and over oh yeah i'm keepin malwarebytes in the in the bog oh [ __ ] you gotta hold down this section always [ __ ] me up you can't stop these things from moving but you can switch them around oh and you got to hold down to make that thing rotate but i think this is a kind of sick game it's like classic like awesome freeware game it's kinda like that game zero it's just really good and really short Oh God this is part sorry no god I hear a baby crying outside here baby potentially vomiting outside oh god oh god I'm having a [ __ ] stroke what's happening am I going okay I see these backgrounds are just insane though it's just total total virtual insanity as they say I think the second song had like a weird name - it was like 11 erasers - one or some [ __ ] like that it had some really like hipstery name what the [ __ ] is the camera doing camera be going all over the goddamn place I'm gonna get crushed great no this camera is nuts hey camera whoa I don't remember this part you know Genki gonna get crushed that's good go up there no go up there go up there [ __ ] you [ __ ] you so like I said it gets kind of difficult get not there wait what yeah okay I was gonna say can i really not get up there okay no yup there okay oh that is that is close I believe this technique that the game is being rendered with right now is known as masking wall jump wall jump showing my skill with the triangle jump and the camera in this game [ __ ] there you go you have no son died eight times only eight damn all right it's a button 139 thumbs and spent oh oh [Applause] my god it couldn't be more perfect on the 420 day in the for 20 months in the for 20 years I got a 420 literally perfect well played that's it folks you have no son I don't even know what the [ __ ] story is like I mean it's I you know beyond the surface level just like this this guy's son and he's brain dead I don't know but that's it we get no more elaboration on the story I love this game I think braindeads [ __ ] sick unapologetically and I think that's it folks I've got a couple more games here but I'll save them for another stream I had my fun I hope you guys have safe fun today you know if you're celebrating if you're if you're a practicing member if you're a follower or if you're curious about any of the games that I played today I will be posting them in the description as usual kind of like how I do with flash game Friday I'll typically stream a bunch of games in a row you know oh god I'm gonna have to add all these to the spreadsheet too damn but that was it Oh God I hope you guys enjoyed I hope you have a good day goodbye
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 14,859
Rating: 4.9747367 out of 5
Id: CpQG0O90-n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 48sec (8448 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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