[Full stream] - Classic Arcade Games #6 (w/Lark!)

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[Music] do do [Music] do do do [Music] so [Music] it's grandpa's leftovers we're not playing that today though i shouldn't get i shouldn't get all the rabid fans of that game hyped up folks we're gonna play some arcade games today this is like classic arcade games stream number seven or some [ __ ] like that nice andrew's on the ball i'm on the ball we've got our we're playing with snes controllers today because uh they're honestly more fun than using a big stick for some of these old games the sticks i think we'll use for fighting games more and also they're hella loud and these ones the most you'll ever hear is like that it's kind of like racy noise isn't it you know what snes controllers do like other gamecube controllers clack snes controllers groan they do groan they kind of weirdly there's a little there's a little squeak when you when you and it's just these old controllers you know when you press down the button i was noting that uh mine is the kind of snes controller that has like the yellowed plastic oh just think about the yellow plastic and yours doesn't i i remember hearing somewhere that like certain editions of the snes they like they figured out that the plastic was yellowing over time so they just like fixed it changed what oh that's interesting but then i looked at the model numbers and both of them say sns005 in year 1991 so i don't know i'd be in the sun or something i think like the yellowed plastic is like such a hallmark of like that's it's had a good long life so you can turn in yellow yeah but look at this [ __ ] goddamn cable oh nice that's that's had a good long life we don't have webcam on the cable's [ __ ] he bit it yeah no these are these are bite free there's something that almost looks like a bite i think on yours and i was looking at it and i was like i hope he doesn't think those are teeth marks i swear it's just like bumps and these are not mine either i mean oh none of my controllers are mine i bought them used that means they're yours anyway sorry we're getting off topic we're going to play some arcade games today speaking of 1991 these are games mostly from the 90s this is i i went through a lot of the ones from like the classics from the 80s and some of them were kind of crusty some of them they had they have like better editions these are like 90s like adhd versions nice they were like hey kids you like arcades right arcades aren't dying and then uh they made these incredible games that nobody played because arcades were in fact dying sad so sad do they all have like weird drug messages before them uh one of them tells you to recycle also this art is uh by jg jackpot thank you for that cool little animation muchos gracias um yeah we don't there was one i forget which game i played that had winners don't do drugs before it but one of them did i think that's turtles in time actually thanks reagan thanks ronald reagan his legacy is if you play old arcade games sometimes they tell you not to do drugs anyway um you guys uh let me know if the uh if everything's if like the sound and everything is okay audio i mean there's there's no sound right now and you probably can't see it either in fact on my uh computer screen it says that stream is offline give us just a moment here folks so these are the namco classic collections there's two of these and they're a series each one has three games and they have like a classic version and a new version that's cool and the new versions are all called arrangement for some reason this is something that probably didn't like translate super well or something like that and so uh they're they're basically it's just pac-man but better or galaga but better i think i had one of these like namco collections on my game boy yeah there i think there's several different like versions of it uh twitch is now just a black screen by the way which is really cool nice and comforting this is really cool we're alone in the universe i like that 288 by 224p yeah i'm sorry guys for some reason my laptop has decided to [ __ ] itself and die just like me i have also decided that goodbye wow wow this is awesome this is so awesome really should get something like it's like google chrome has decided to just like not even work and i it's you saw it working right before the stream no longer well it's fine we won't be able to read chat though and i'm holding our stars andrew's opening up oh you can get it open on your phone i'll try and get it open on my phone thank you wow this is the [ __ ] worst i hate technology so much i'm watching a bob odenkirk or he's getting punched ad you're too late give me money right now oh you're you want the royalties from bob odenkirch this looks like a weird movie nobody and it looks gimmicky yeah i like bob odenkirk but okay okay we can almost see everything pertinent to us thank you so much there we go we're here my laptop remembered how to [ __ ] be a laptop chat we're gonna play namco classic collection volume one we're only gonna play nice we're only going to play one of these games though okay because the other two are they're not terrible but they're just yeah classic collection gallagher zevus and mappy yeah i was gonna say have you ever heard of xevious or mappy like the names sound familiar i know zappy because you you pac-man had one of a mappy thing yeah mouse or some [ __ ] exactly yep so i know you talked about it once uh but we're not even gonna play that we're gonna play gallica i think i've heard of zebus too yeah z z is kind of sucks honestly i'm or at least i'm not but galaga [ __ ] rocks uh chat let us know if the if the audio is at a good level i guess we can probably yeah it's good test today it's good the game's good uh i've never played this version but i played like five different other versions of galaga and i think you'll be able to join uh soon enough yeah there you go oh classic boom oh we'll turn it up the next time but yeah so we're shooting these [ __ ] space bees that's about it dodge the bullets hit the bees this is space bees there are probably some things you're gonna recognize from here like uh you know in smash the item that goes i like that you instantly recommend it i know exactly what you're talking about it even gives you like kill ratio that's cool uh and there's some [ __ ] insane [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i blew up yeah you lost a wife sorry i gotta pay attention to myself rather than bees yeah sometimes they always like the way it works is they come out they do some insane [ __ ] formation and then they turn into like the like standard like sort of space invader z like moving back and forth okay and i often find that i die during the flashy opening thing because it's so distracting oh beautiful wow and they did kind of do that in the original but in this one it's like turned up to 11. so did you play spy fox like you played humongous entertainment games yeah one of those i think in dry cereal oh [ __ ] oh we both died one of them had at my ass i don't know what that means but one of them had a little like mini game that was gallagher essentially like on his like spy watch and i used to play the [ __ ] out of that it's like space honeycombs there also whoa uh there's a lot of [ __ ] going on right now this is the challenging stage it's just a little like bonus segment i guess uh but yeah it's flipping all around the place um those like those tractor beam guys if you uh that's really challenging uh if you get hit by the tractor beam they like kidnap you but then if you shoot the guy that kidnapped you then it like your ship comes back and you get like a power up okay so i want to get kidnapped a little bit yeah but only if you have a life despair i see because if you get kidnapped on your last life then it just goes dead oh i see wait lose you lost are we not teammates here we're competing to get the better score oh my god you died of the space bees wow there's some we're gonna play something later that uh i have no [ __ ] idea if it's cooperative or not and i think the game actually what the hell it's like you're whipping your own space bees around it reminds me of a boston contra oh my god ah see ya the bees go around in a loop sometimes [ __ ] can i just enter a coin and then join back in yeah yeah we can we're rich kids at the arcade we can just cheese this oh my god they're going ape [ __ ] jesus christ oh god this is the spinning lotus okay i'm gonna get kidnapped and then i'm gonna come back goodbye and try to try to get my power up dude that's actually in real life too if you get kidnapped stop the kidnapping you get a power up hell yeah in this one you just become like a fat ship and the other one it was just that you have two ships oh cool oh damn you got the list oh [ __ ] and i instantly lost it you don't have the lives to spare yes i do we neither of us do we are both dead this is a game over i think right yep anyway we can continue it's fine oh [ __ ] oh yeah what let's go i guess we can it carries over from continues all right so it ended up [ __ ] god they didn't go nearly this ape [ __ ] in the old one this game's wild this is insane [ __ ] stage nine pretty really pretty backgrounds too yeah the galaga's awesome even the original just has this very simple like rainbow background that actually looks really nice for what it is for the hardware time the original one has [ __ ] like pac-man sounds too because it's on the same hardware as pac-man it's reused them so when you shoot enemies sometimes they go oh god i was like oh [ __ ] i'm going goodbye what the i lived i don't know how you survived that that was like a special claw it's like a different type of tractor being in hi oh i sacrificed myself to kill it oh no and the bee got me we're gonna end up just brute forcing our way through this okay i see other kidnapping force bricks now yeah it's an interesting mechanic i i can't think of any other game that has something like that where it's like sacrifice a life now to get the power up in the moment jesus [ __ ] christ it's a little challenging oh my god this is just like b traffic what about what's happening i'm going i'm gonna get seasick i am for real though i like that sometimes when you shoot them they like spin out and blow up in the stars yeah i think certain ones will do that and then they like hit other enemies what the [ __ ] was that we're leaving some there was some glitchy [ __ ] happening there oh my god this little hud reminds me of mario bros oh it does little scores at the top and stuff like the pipes oh asteroids this is a different arcade game so did you ever play uh oh there's space frogs you ever play arcade games besides just like at the bowling alley ah not really not very seriously you and i both grew up right after the age of arcades yeah we were probably born after these games came out like like very soon after i've been to arcades before yeah i've been to well there's like there's different types of arcades because there's like an arcade where you play [ __ ] galaga yeah and then there's the claw yeah oh do i get to have you oh [ __ ] i had was that alive nice okay oh you're there that's fine goodbye but there's like physical arcades you know yeah where it's like you go there and it's like a whack-a-mole machine i i went to one of those when i was younger but uh actual video game arcades no yeah i had the [ __ ] cheese i had the [ __ ] thing where you stop the ring of light you know as it's going around oh yeah well those ones are always tough because you had to either play either one a fun game or be a game that gave you rewards yeah this is insanity by the way it's going so nuts they're like spawning more enemies their numbers aren't even diminishing i like that you're like slightly more forward than me too like on the plane yeah jesus um yeah does it sound good for you guys oh [ __ ] oh god all i know about chuck e cheese now is that he does bloggers that is terrifying that's one of those things that sounds like fake news and then it's real and you're like oh not like this goodbye oh you oh bye see you oh you leaving me to deal with this wait i got the fairy you got it yeah instantly lost it why do i always have port priority 20xx yeah i like how let me win i like when the background zooms out at the end of these challenging levels it's like repeated textures like over and over again yeah it's like just when games were getting high fidelity enough to have repeating textures like it's really pretty for like what'd you say 94 91 something like that these controllers are from 91. i think people were saying oh maybe just like the background really nice yeah there was a there was a version of this called there was uh so it starts out with galaxian actually this series is technically called galaxian and nobody gives a [ __ ] about galaxy because it's like the shittiest [ __ ] game wow beautiful so many games obviously review textures it's about repeating it's about parallel universes of course oh [ __ ] what was i saying galaxian they thank you it uh galaxian which nobody gives a [ __ ] about which had sort of similar mechanics and gameplay uh and then galaga and then goplus and then there's galaga 88 which is like another sort of cracked out version of galaga and they're all pretty dank but galaga 88 has those pretty backgrounds too whoa that was a weird one i should've let myself get taken [Music] yeah i guess these beams have like different effects i really don't know what's going on i'm just pushing button yeah i'm not even pushing buttons just button i feel you there's there's one button to press here i guess there's left and right oh push button in my brain get happy i get the [ __ ] you see killer clowns from outer space i'm getting lost on which ones are mine sorry uh that one that's a good movie he goes what are you gonna do knock my block off and he opens his head off i have seen that in his head lanes in the trash yeah good movie uh i need to holy moly i need you to show my life i shouldn't be alive yeah you're dodging this against all odds let's see what happens here should i like save you before you like i could probably like shoot the thing oh [Music] that sucks in the original galaga you could also shoot your own captured ship and instantly destroy it oh that sucks yeah this is i'm just killing so many bugs it's literally a plant like there's plants everywhere cool it's like some metroid fusion looking [ __ ] ah damn like i'm just picturing those bugs that those other bugs are like whipping [Music] they're used to being attack drone bugs also your ship your powered up ship is different from mine i get like a wave beam you get like a fast like gatling gun beam i think my guess is it's the type of beam that you get captured by someone's saying that we can just fire our own ship in this one too i haven't seen it happen yet i should have been destroying your ass yeah that that is brutal a brutal tactic oh i think these games have like an end too so eventually there's it's not like it loops the levels like old ones i used an arcade game that i used to play that was kind of like this was like you were like tanks or like your planes shooting down at tanks and stuff but similar like there's tons of enemies and you shoot forward yeah that one's when i played a lot big ant big [ __ ] big [Music] lives oh i see i i think i'm not sure i'm gonna get kidnapped yeah i don't think it works now maybe not save you god damn it oh it gives it to you sorry i need to give you when you have it so sad yeah actually it was cool though oh look these are galaxies those things those are from galaxies uh pac-man has one of those issues yeah yeah that's cool i didn't know those were in this game that's a cheeky little red yes that was cute and those are basically in in galaxy and they do the same thing as like yeah yeah they they're the tractor beam [ __ ] in that one oh my god what the hair is [Music] golden shower ship [Music] no sometimes one final enemy will like be [ __ ] impossible to hit if the last enemy is a b then you're [ __ ] not really the last enemy like goes ape [ __ ] though look it's like carnivorous flowers at least space plant zone i didn't really i thought i was joking when i said that i thought it was like plant like power plants yeah well that's what i kind of thought it was actually going to be but i was joking by saying it was they're going so fast it's hurting my brain i honestly have no idea how long this game is so at any point if we get like bored we can just call it stage 23. it's like side scrolling but we're still going up and go plus you can move up and down i keep i keep like feeling like i should it's because we're on different planes like oh [ __ ] all right i'm out alive so you just get a freebie there [Music] oh there it is just keep putting coins to the [ __ ] cows come home oh i got like spreadshot oh that's cool oh they bounce neat what did i tell you about bumbles my bounce yes i had a friend and his parents would always just like not want to deal with us whenever we went to red robin or whatever massive amounts of quarters [Music] video games that's we one time we went and got the ball like a little bouncy ball machine yeah and we spent like oh probably ten fifteen dollars on corners and we were throwing them we were picking them apart like it was a disaster oh god this is getting harder and harder as as games tend to do [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm also just blatantly allowing myself to get hit sometimes yeah i'm not very good it's hard to like keep track of everything going on ah there's one time i went to like a see a oh an arcade bar like pretty recently yeah like maybe even two years ago a year and a half ago and we were like we're gonna like find new like our goal today is we're gonna like find somebody new and i'm like deal and i met a dude he's like yeah i'm like the reigning like the washington state champion of the house of the dead and i was like what and he's like we're gonna beat it you and me and i was like okay and he paid for me to like i sucked so much he never died and i saw so much ass he's just cranking the quarters in for me and i was like okay and i beat house of the dead with this dude that's amazing yeah i followed him on instagram it was instagram all house of the deadpool you just like a normal guy actually that was fun that was one day that was also it was quinton and sid and we're like we played dota we're good at teamwork and we played killer queen which is actually a really fun arcade game like a team based one yeah and these like freaking literally just come back me that's incredible get that greaser it's like uh indiana jones four my favorite movie i love that movie and when he swings at the wall that's the only other part of that movie worth even thinking about is when he swings like a monkey oh my goodness oh you can't do this this is illegal you can't do this we're kind of forming the shape of a giant dick on the screen too with our bullets don't look at these asteroids just saying oh oh shut up this is just the [Music] which is like look out gordon there's a massive [ __ ] thing you have to blast a giant thing out of the way with the gravity gun is it dog no when you're in the combine or when you're in the uh citadel and it's like collapsing there's just like chunks of it falling off falling on you yeah look how gordon it's me dr kleiner these guys shoot projectiles they're not they're enemy goombas they're not allowed to do that but actually why am i saying that they all shoot bullets those literally are carrots yeah i don't even know little floundery things ah yeah highly though flounders [Music] he didn't say that to himself so i don't know why i said the flounder wow you had a lot of hits straight we're in the beehive okay okay bye i instantly died uh okay i instantly died again i went over to my parents house the other day and they had like a they're like oh yeah the beehive like fell out of it free and they had it on the porch it was like it was like one of those ones that's been like abandoned for a while cool it was really awesome actually i was like beehives spiderwebs other such things through these streams i have learned what like some like golden arcade games are though like have you ever heard of tapper no it's one it's one where you uh you play as this like old-timey bartender guy with a mustache and there's these bars that customers like angry thirsty customers are coming down the bar like we're like [Music] and you have to slide the drinks down the bar to them and like slide them out of the bar that's cool it's actually really fun but uh and there's well there's a version of it that they played in uh bars that was uh it was like budweiser themed they had like a budweiser logo but then they made like a kid-friendly version called root beer attacker cute of course yeah oh yo you powered up i went up oh but i instantly lost it because this is a nightmare it was straight at nightmare how can you [ __ ] play it oh they're pouring out of space if they could just learn how to spawn directly on top of us they would just win simply i'm gonna go in there oh my god sometimes the bullets just like force you into a corner and you don't really have much to do yeah because you can't go up or down yeah get this [ __ ] oh my god it's out of the space cone i don't know how much more of this i can handle stage 29 chat how many stages are there in galaga arrangements someone look it up [ __ ] somehow alive there this is just psycho mode oh my god 30 stages okay well we're almost there completion thank you chad oh oh that's like i guess the interesting people like about arcade games too is they're literally designed to be like groovy hearts and well this was in an era when they started to be a little more forgiving too like weirdly enough as strange as it sounds to say as we're getting deleted but uh some arcade games are just stupid like some of that [ __ ] is just like straight up like actually [ __ ] yeah whereas this is is just merely like it is challenging it's not quite [ __ ] they're not about the level that some arcade games like some of the the only reason they're fun wow the only reason they made them fun at all king gallus park uh is is just so people would play them again that makes sense you know it's like it's just fun [Music] ah this must be king dallas park the [ __ ] arthur park is the gals park in the dark oh [ __ ] we are dying a lot i think we're rich you think we're snobby like shitty little rich kids at the arcade spread around the corner we got infinite [Music] can you give me money quarter this is crazy you killed me you literally murdered me no can this guy [ __ ] become dead please jesus it's just what i wanted to do it's just a slaughter no no no barely dodging that [ __ ] there's too many things i'm going no i missed this is what we call a quarter sucker i'm a quarter sucker i'm going to put them in my mouth a quarter muncher ooh god should have got the power up got king gallagher he's getting red that means he's about to die we got to get one of these boss galagas to eat us so we can foam [ __ ] [Applause] is getting slaughtered uh you know what cows part you're mine you're mine my pac-man arrangement isn't gonna be as hard as this man these are some fast bullet patterns we're not leading our shots well enough okay okay sweet baby jay somebody like i want a count of how many coins we put in in order to do that how many times did it say you got a little shield you got like the hyrule shield damn one win one hit oh that catchy yeah stock bonus is just gonna loop now if it loops we're out of here yeah yeah no bonus wow suck timer command lrlr1212 weird congratulations you have cleared all zones yes [Music] there's always some nice engrish in this good sweet goddess amazing that was fun i can't believe there's credits in an arcade game which is weird this is weird i want to see what happens after this it's a cool cut scene see you next time in gal gadot [Music] design is like the sex planet in star trek that's like where they go to bang devil nakamura damn what if your name was devil i like charlie spelled just blatantly wrong ooh that those rainbow stars are reminiscent of the original that's gorgeous yeah thanks namco your logo is off center namco damn go so our friend it uses the call sign awk man and he just saw namco one day and just turned it backwards i never knew yes i thought he was oc man yeah awkman oh my god oh [ __ ] uh enter in ddd ass no i wasn't gonna do ass i wasn't gonna do ass i've actually talked before about how ass is one of the most common ones because you accidentally hit a and then you go well what's a rude three-letter word that i can make with this you know all right nice and we're not gonna we're not gonna fuss around with the rest of the class i gotta take another peep all right go take it i drink some freaking coffee all right i'm gonna take a big sip of the monkey mug right mic [Music] that so now we're going to open up the namco classic collection 2 uh chat has the audio been good i know i've been asking about that a lot but now i'm really looking at chat andrew's taking a p it's it's been all right yeah i need to change i need to change the volume for uh for pacman just uh let us know if we're ever like getting drowned out you know because because all these games are at different volumes and i have it like written down on a sheet here where to like change them all to but some of them it's an inexact science and sometimes [ __ ] goes wrong i threw up [Music] i threw up in this vomit shelf what the like the p drawer oh you puked on the vomit shell this is the vomit shell for all the puke i mean i'd say that's my brother i built the harry potter castle at a lego and i was just chilling like admiring it and he like walks downstairs wanders over to it grows up right behind it because it kind of like unfolds so i had it like in a corner and i was like uh and he goes don't tell mom i don't think bro i'm gonna tell mom you just threw up behind harry potter castles that's amazing that's like some that's a situation like out of a meme it was so weird i was like like straight out of a green text i think uh the last one was 1995. this one's 1996. okay by the way we were talking about that uh so this is nancy classic collection i don't know how i'm even going to list these on the spreadsheet i think i'm just going to list it as uh like galaga you can play a game out of six i think i'm just gonna say galaga arrangement and pac-man arrangement rather than namco classic collection volume one and two might as well look at these cute characters yeah oh yeah so we've got ghosts yeah and then you got dig dug and then you got dude on the left from rally x which is a game that nobody gives a [ __ ] about okay anyway that dude's section is p huh he's touching his pee oh yeah have you played dig dug before i i've never have actually it's a really it's very sus you uh you inflate the enemies to destroy them yeah and you pump them up with that little pump yeah it's not the most fun game but it's neat anyway urchin romps stylist and crybaby what aka pinky and and i don't know why clyde is the red one all of a sudden blinky is the orange one and they introduced kinky what you know how in miss pacman clyde was renamed to sue that's a thing oh weird and then in [ __ ] pac-man junior clyde was renamed to tim it was insane they just can't decide what these characters are names why do they have two names here well it's because it's their real name and then their nickname i see so that red's real name is urchin yes and romp and stylist and crybaby and kinky nobody knows who kinky is in real life no his name is a nerd he pushes his glasses up and i shine i think that guy actually like he's he's a power up like he can turn blue and you can collect him oh exactly yeah damn likes getting eaten so you're telling me he's into it this game's got banger music oh yeah and hit your start button to join hell yeah i want green you're like you're mr yuck you're mr ick the [ __ ] like don't eat this [ __ ] shampoo oh my god you're totally right it's amazing so uh yeah this game is lit as [ __ ] oh that was awesome i love pac-man yeah it's just like smooth like feels good oh my god damn freaking front pac-man oh he's got a long-ass nose man yeah that's like from classic pac-man heart dash yes if you if you go through these from the back then it like stuns the ghosts but it doesn't kill them okay cool yeah but it doesn't actually kill them so you got to be careful i mean the mushroom there's some weird items one of them looks like a butter knife or something it's really weird okay i want to look at his weird nose so long if he's looking right at the camera it's like oh it's normal but then he turns to the side so this one the pellets like they like do that [ __ ] where they turn big in like a big wave they're actually you go through them slower when they're big like that seriously yeah so it affects game play interesting even though even though it does kind of feels like a uh like whoa the pellets can't just sit still they gotta be crazy what is this a pill oh it's just an actual whoa what happened i cloned myself rip it out i just shadow clone jutsu that's amazing that's amazing oh i should have eaten freaking kinky that's awesome wow because the level is symmetrical you can exploit it like that that's cool me that was fun i like the freaking pale i never knew that was a thing yeah boy i gotta like stretch in their mouth out yeah they have like weird hippo teeth too they just hippo teeth originally they were just called monsters by the way in in classic pac-man that's what they like say on like the side of the cabinet or whatever but everybody knows they're [ __ ] ghosts everybody knows yeah oh and one of them's got like a lumpy head i think we let kinky uh live for too long oh [ __ ] he's big now and he turned into like this big demon thing yeah there's a delicious looking peach down oh shh get a peach oh i was i was fighting for my life you were just enjoying the pills having your big time your life out down there fighting i'm sorry and i hate to say it but i've been consistently winning too oh [ __ ] that's not true i think i have one ever since you're literally a lying son of a [ __ ] i'm just saying i hate you it's unfortunate it's all right get it yeah i like this one has like verticality to it yeah it's cool oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah i had pac-man adventures in time on my pc which is like a way updated version i played the [ __ ] out of that like 3d like he's walking around yeah game was probably terrible why did you win i had more pets whoa it's just like celeste where you get strawberries we're fine that's fun game yeah batman is fun game this is good i watched ferris bueller's day off yesterday in the theater which is fun my friend like rented out a whole theater wow but like you i like how there's so many charming like elements of the time because like something like somebody fell or something and it played a little like pac-man death sound and i was like oh cute like obviously that was like yeah i i've never noticed that just like yeah wow damn there's a lot of guys around here oh okay pac-man you go to the right you son of a [ __ ] you go to the right yay let's go six to one nice you make a comeback who looked thick pills we just didn't play the lady in the [ __ ] but with pac-man pedals uh all right shit's starting to get real apparently there are two games named pac-man arrangements by the way i don't know much about the other one but it's like a similar type of thing mark is winning by golf rules someone says that's true and those are the only rules until i start to lose someone like tiger woods like fell off a cliff in his car what like like a month ago really he's like i think he just like [ __ ] himself up but he didn't die damn yeah kind of wild damn tiger woods he's really good at [ __ ] up his life no offense talking with i'm sorry i don't mean good at [ __ ] up his life ah yeah these ghosts are going absolutely ham oh i almost said there's a buddy ghost yeah what the [ __ ] it's a bunny girl there's a [ __ ] cat girl boo in paper mario the thousand-year door it's like they run and they run the like the shop that's a front for the mafia too what the hell yeah it's a great game for birds of a feather we flock together i think that kinky seems to be just randomly blue sometimes too i don't know i don't know what the issue is of kinky he's kinky he wants to get eaten where am i [Music] dead ghosts can jump around too apparently this is a good version of pac-man oh i've forgotten you've passed you've passed on from this life in the hedge maze nice delicious ghosts so we gotta eat like the big ones we i guess if we eat them when they're big do they like get smaller i don't know actually nice wow i just did the lady and the [ __ ] thing with my own shadow clone that's the dream is that is that masturbation or i don't know that's all sorts of weird [ __ ] that's incest yeah who knows it could be anything is [ __ ] your own damn self incest disgust oh two of the ghosts just jumped into each other and became a big ghost oh [ __ ] i think oh thank god thank god for kinky thank god for kinky he didn't get there oh it's a massacre oh okay so they didn't shrink oh [ __ ] what is he doing oh he split himself holy [ __ ] he did the pill what the [ __ ] oh i touched his ass that was scary he went and split mitosis asexual reproduction for the wind oh so now there's just they're just big big balls that was so [ __ ] hard for me to say have a stroke over here it's because you realized that you were saying they have big balls they got big balls it's an eggplant around the big balls am i invincible no what the [ __ ] i think i was like faster or something i picked up a power up and it was like i was like oh so i can touch them now no i'm a speed thank you guys your pac-man really does look sickly he does it's not a good color why did they choose green and like all the colors to choose did you hear it just the other day actually there was pac-man 99 it was announced i saw that i i guess a uh something you might expect a company like that to do at this point yeah after we've had like [ __ ] every other 99 i played tetris 99 but that was it and it was fun like you know it's tetris it's playing tetris against people who play tetris all the [ __ ] time though yeah i never did very well yeah didn't really care why the world's green the music is going weird too oh a gal again um that's a galaxian you look like such a fool oh [ __ ] just like the original they turn blue for a less and less long period of time shorter and shorter period of time oh in the level like the more powerful you get i think so wasn't there like now this is like deep pac-man lore but wasn't there like a hard like there was a spot where you were not supposed to get past like yeah something like that the kill screen the kill screen yeah so when you get to a certain level i'm not sure which level it is uh half the presents oh my god on me what the hell is this you had like a wizard staff and you turned them into gifts and i collected them all okay what the what the [ __ ] were we just talking about the kill screen oh yeah it like it basically just glitches out the game so that uh i got it covered nice uh half the screen is covered in like this glitchy nonsense and you can barely play it but it was playable at that point weird yeah cause like god gamers could just keep going it is it is level 256 nice the classic max integer like weird fun pac-man fun fact is sufian stevens actually is like a good pac-man player he loves christmas and he loves pac-man's two favorite things [ __ ] oh what the pill turned me around i think the hill just like reversed my control or something that was weird [ __ ] yeah big trick you got like a mega tricked while you clutched it out though you can shrimp i don't think that's what happened though i can't imagine there would be a power up that turns your controls around it's weird i think i just [ __ ] up oh my god you're bringing it back in a major way here green pacman it's time to start it's time to stop goofing [ __ ] around here get your head in the game yeah seriously oh what is this pot like when you like you hit the ground whoa they're all in the pot okay we're in the pot when you jump and you hit the ground you go like oh yeah i hurt your tailbone andrew was really well able to like demonstrate that because he's on the exercise ball he was like i literally bounced damn this looks like level six of celeste oh [ __ ] the key no the pills change colors oh the key oh i ate kinky just just the right time they are going so [ __ ] fast oh my god yeah boy i got the key i don't like that little dance he does god damn i don't know why i want that go for it the key is got more score all right well it's [ __ ] on now you understand this right yes i got the key now what are you gonna do about it right i got the oh you get the pot i guess last time i picked up a pot and then it did that that that time i picked up i picked up a pill and it did that so i don't know what the [ __ ] happening as soon as they go in the pot honestly they're gonna holy [ __ ] you in so many points nice cool orange one blinky you mean [ __ ] stain or whatever his real name was cry baby double man cry baby god damn it he's getting close i think i think there's a final thought how dare you there's a final boss i think there is a final boss yeah sorry give me some juice after you jump you're like invincible for a little bit dude it's true you do bounce and go and pac-man is perfectly equipped to express that emotion [Music] i'll let you win this one as in i can't stop you from winning this one actually i don't know how the freaking points work i don't know if i won definitely what see what i mean you got the pot and [ __ ] that those that's the money those are the money shots what is this cut scene damn [Music] nice how do we combat it we just eat the pills i guess kill the kinkies they're all kinkies but they're uh oh they're so fat they're not blue [ __ ] up big time super pill oh what how pink the super pill didn't even do anything they're so fast i think it hurts the boss oh they changes their like colors good no honestly good so what i couldn't turn up yeah that was weird oh man i tried to turn up like two lanes ago oh this is insanity that was just a phase that was a [ __ ] tf2 metal clamps yeah oh there we go damn he's chasing that that phase with the little like toadies that was insane this is like less insane it's just hard to keep track of that many things look they're spinning around they're blue oh [ __ ] pog oh what the [ __ ] was that you have like hammers okay did we do it i picked up a pill that was shaped like pac-man oh yeah you like brought me back to life or something all right well we did it that was fun final round 10 10 10 10. oh my god i guess oh how did you get zero you finished the game but the game never really ends yes it does it ends right now someone somewhere is being chased by monsters holy [ __ ] kind of brutal what an interesting rhetoric to leave you with come and play again that was awesome damn just a cute fun little thing you know the game's not over now you have to be chased by your inner monsters you must fight yourself that was a great time yeah nice i don't want to i don't want to see pacman's weird hard long nose too bad we're watching the whole credits we're going to learn about kiyoshi minami the credits were behind it look it's the same guy oh because i guess of course it's going to be the same credits from the same series [Music] sorry we're not playing rally x arrangement i'll play rally x original on stream at some point it's kind of like the after pac-man was really successful they were like oh [ __ ] make another game that's really similar to pac-man so rally x's you play as a little car and you drive around in a maze being chased by other cars sure charlie e and creepy 82. yeah what the [ __ ] here's my friend charlie needs my friend booty beat 82 it's like pseudo51 roger roger fed we learned but there's like there's a guy our good friend devil there's a guy there's like a composer named roger roger yeah and they were like what year did he die did was he alive when the prequels existed no died in 1995 gamer ass oh [ __ ] oh you could go many routes you go execute you [ __ ] what a terrible decision [ __ ] all right well that was fun that was fun good game [ __ ] you you ask god to [ __ ] you um okay so now on my little sheet that says how like loud to have all these things oh there are a different volume first one was negative 20. that next one's negative 27. this one just says crank it so we're gonna [ __ ] i got my list right oh i see i was like where on the screen do you see this so for some of these some of these the audio is going to be a little quiet this is going to be bubble symphony this is the sequel to bubble bobble which born oh god which i played the original bubble bobble on stream and it's fun as hell and this is just like an updated version of it it's the bubble bubble read the frog it's a little like dinosaur i see yeah it's you'll you'll definitely like recognize it but this one's a little quiet uh we haven't cranked as loud as possible but it's probably still going to be kind of quiet unfortunately bubble symphony yeah rather than bubble bobble too it's bubble symphony 94 from tito all right yeah 94. let's just wait and see okay wait a moment just wait a moment chad just wait a moment uh and don't watch this part this has nothing to do with anything okay oh wow you started without me oh there you go oops all right we're gonna need to crank it on our audio too oh one bubbles float the first one supposed to fly the fastest yeah i'm gonna go with the speed coronavirus dinosaur you hit b to select sorry bless the hell out of you damn bubbles let's try and challenge the new adventure of bubble bobble the next generation whoa yeah so burp the bubbles you jump around you you burp out the bubbles and you put them in the bubble and then you pop it with your head spikes oh okay and then they turn into fruit [Music] where you pop little tiles there was like a glitchy screen there for a second the key where is it what is up with that key let us know if the audio is good for you guys it's again probably a little quiet but i can't really do much about that we got so much ice queen god this is very cute yeah it's adorable but the one thing i don't like your dinosaurs guy like the he has one tooth in the center of his mouth this has always unsettled me about the bubble bobble dinosaur i don't know why it's cute oh and also there's like tom cruise like teddy roosevelt also there's screen wrap so if you go down the bottom of the screen okay then you come out the top and if enemies do that i think they get enraged kind of like mario bros oh i [ __ ] died oh yeah these ones that are full of water these are fun shits look like they're from kirby whoa yeah so that takes care of the enemies too yeah they do look like curvy enemies and then oh and if a corpse falls through that thing they turn into a diamond oh [ __ ] so we want corpses to fall in yeah and we also have xed i think we're collecting letters it smells sexy i think we're spelling oh [ __ ] extend actually which is kind of a sexual words i i don't even know what it actually does i've never actually got all the letters [ __ ] you can jump through the platforms oh okay i think not thick ones though oh my god what is with this amethyst damn we're rich hell yeah whoa the enemies are weird man yeah these look like earthbound enemies there's like evil dinosaur bubble bobbles what the [ __ ] rotten hell you're bastard there's all these lightning ones too oh i hit i died or something a shoe oh yeah one of the items is a shoe in the first game there's like a [ __ ] cross too uh you can also love that biblical imagery you can jump on the bubbles too it's an advanced strat how do we get in there i don't know actually hold on let me in there no i don't know we need to shoot in there maybe with like the lightning but oh i totally did it i should shred it up wow you did shred them it's shaped like a skull oh they're ominous the skull the bubble jesus christ it's link it is link do we injure this thing with bubbles no we got to use electricity i guess it's like making a zipper oh that's his health bar oh i gotta insert coin to continue oh goodness gracious me what shall i there we go the controls for how to like start the game are different across all different like arcade lots of different arcade games oh [ __ ] it's kind of just like floating around there bubbling just like make a [ __ ] ton of those bubbles yeah is that even injuring it you have to pop them so like once you do that then you should freaking go up and do it again don't pop them okay oh i did it the wrong way oh [ __ ] oh he's on the [ __ ] rampage why are they going that way go the other way yeah sorry we're not exactly sure what the rules are for these things so excuse me if this is quite painful to watch [Music] ah oh finally going that way i don't know i don't know the rules we're both kind of eating [ __ ] so you take up you drink a [ __ ] potion to make these things oh [ __ ] oh i was like stuck in your bubbles you were born to bubble throwing bottles what the [ __ ] we don't i can just tell this is going to be one i got shoe you just tell this is going to be another one we're going to just be throwing coins in just over and over get it oh he is throwing bottles i'm a weirdo no let me let me in i want to be bubbling what i don't know what direction determines where lightning goes i don't know ah i hit it once yeah i get it yeah he's got a bubble pop and pop him get his ass chest damn it's huge oh my god oh that's a big jump you deserve it nice it had exclamation marks after the number of points racism land [Laughter] now on our next world oh [ __ ] i want to keep she's talking open it up like a [ __ ] chest that was the pac-man face i should have gone to racism okay it says some at the top i can't join back here what is happening oh i need coins the ghosts are dead everyone's just chilling there they're all just chilling i don't know why this is spooky there's garfield around the edge of the stage is there oh my god there is garfield really garfield okay and what's with this key i don't know it just kind of like leaves mummies in a lot of these games there's like there's so much happening at any given moment i don't like the mechanics are weird like i don't i pop it sometimes by getting on top sometimes yeah you can also stomp on them and sometimes you'll bump into them and not pop them let's go it's a little hokey hmm this is a complex stage oh god and your bubbles don't travel at all oh donut donut a jelly donut mochi a double decker bologna sandwich i don't know if these little music notes do either but we sure do get them we sure do do the water yeah oh man i got flushed down the [ __ ] toilet [Music] oh i got swept up by my own current she's gonna steal our end yeah kiwis oh my god there's so many half kiwis it's just like pikmin i love the shoe [ __ ] mr shoe from glee yeah i don't know why that left into my head that was very bizarre okay oh these are the little ghosty goose that we're carrying the keys these bubbles just became clear you know they were opaque like [ __ ] bubbles and then they became clear piss bubbles sometimes i go in the bubbles sometimes they just die right away okay piss bubbles i couldn't get the banana little unicorns they're marching they're [ __ ] stepping around honestly a lot of these enemies look like kirby enemies yeah this whole game has like that cutesy vibe god damn we were getting destroyed though one dude is just getting jostled out of his mind in that one die oh [Music] [Music] we're descending into hell by the way chad do you have any idea does anybody does anybody know how many levels there are in bubble symphony there's rainbows get the rainbow yeah magic imagination now you can say the n-word i can't believe it [ __ ] oh god i'm gonna say something racist these uh oh [ __ ] i should have gone down we're descending into hell oh my god oh my god well we're in hell now this is hell it's a tanooki suit awesome oh god okay oh damn [ __ ] shredding drop they also they drop down and just destroy her damn damn damn this one's so much easier than the other one oh easy wow get absolutely [ __ ] rude hey you gotta choose the door this time okay i'm gonna get the big gem cause [ __ ] you go to racist land sun a's on tv machine machine wait but it's like not even you gotta go the door oh i didn't even see the doors there's something on tv machine oh it's space invaders yo did they make space invaders i didn't actually know that but it's got the logo and it says taito so i'm assuming it it's true maybe it's a little like oh oh i'm drowning goodbye we are both going to [ __ ] die cool the fruit's floating oh it's all the tight though i'm sad we have extend we just need an e when an e shows up we're gonna freak out look at this cute space invaders that's literally like a kirby freaking ufo ufo ufo power there's a game here there's like an indie game called little ufo i think ufo little uffo oh i like knocked him out oh [ __ ] we're like hyper active too i picked up i don't know what shaq and pop is but also i just noticed you have extend i have [ __ ] m i have been doing nothing over here i didn't realize we had different ones for each of us i think you are possibly dominating me in this game ah well it's because i know how to play it [ __ ] you do understand every rule i know how this game works inside and out [ __ ] oh you saved my ass [Music] except the letter n damn we're destroying them climb the ladder these guys make big balls shoo hurtfully done masterfully done artfully dodged that is so weird the rules about like how you can interact with the background yeah it's like well look at also like those one on the left are like not even yeah maybe that's one of the imperfectly emulated features because it did say that this was an imperfectly emulated game oh seriously yeah i like when you shoot a bubble you slip more yeah your mouth unhinges bubble yo who's that dude yeah these guys are like the bosses what the hell they were all unique dudes whoa you just got like every [ __ ] letter again i'm in what i'm [Music] look at that dude over there you know what the [ __ ] you got him it was a little taito logo guy i think it was the little robot they're showing in the back in the screen in the background camel tree this is an attack of the mutant camel's reference yeah what is your attack of the mutant camels video camera i'm sorry i i'm still working on it i had to emulate i have to emulate so many just like crusty old consoles for that it's got 30 000 points damn son what is this what am i looking at i'm the joker baby what am i freaking looking at whatever it is you sure did it you can't go that far damn that sucks we have to get these i can't even like leave there we go it's making weird noises okay well whatever it is we did it perfectly this game makes perfect sense i'm really i'm i'm i understand everything these platforms are misaligned or oh platform with the water yeah i guess i should change my character i don't need a stinky guy anymore wow ah oh i am i'm slowly but surely getting the work done peanut butter baby damn it i love the water it just throws you down yeah it's quite uh it's quite worrying the first time it happens you're like wow yeah nice get the ice cream why did i miss him how that is what is this oh a door i'm going through oh [ __ ] and that's where the enemies come out of i guess a dude he's helping us he's weird-looking he's an he's a little whoa what's your hands hey bobby he and our homies got my color bubbles what the [ __ ] that that guy was awesome oh [ __ ] when does this end by the way oh it's space invaders space invader boss god the power-ups are so weird too tornadoes yeah they're like lightning again but they go up i don't think they go any direction [Music] i think it's like the direction from which you pop them perhaps i don't know i they change a little bit and then they go up okay really right there no not that way shredded him wow and you got shredded yourself freaking oh wait i don't want to be this can anyone and they they have like the simulation of the uh of the cover in space invaders but it's not actually like breaking like the cover actually does in space invaders oh i see what you mean and the music in the background just like space invaders it sounds like oh you gotta shred it again oh i got red fire jesus oh yeah feet [ __ ] [Music] [Music] this is just a clock tower that's where racists live oh my god i'm just gonna fall indefinitely wow that's so sad you just spew out bubbles oh all these pears damn i'm not even sure what's like causing like these mass amounts of fruit either i don't know what the key is i don't know what life is it's just happening so now pairs their gallbladders [ __ ] why don't they come up what the hell what are those dudes it's coming up whatever it is you got a gun that's right i'm gonna die for real it's both gonna die oh god damn you can't the balls don't like fit in the whole yeah it's like where do you shoot the bubbles this game literally has no rules it is flawless it's a lawless land there you go ah kill them get those freaking ice queens it's the queen get the ice queen ice cream if i don't find an e i'm gonna stab someone yeah it's been so long and you got to extend so fast but then the e has eluded you and there was one there was one moment when like 10 letters showed up and you instantly collected all of them i swear i like i i don't know if i was dreaming i just loved the letters there was just bubbles of things in them yeah you thought don't kill us dude i don't know bump on bounce on a bubble and get up there come on oh i popped them there we go ah you got him oh oh what the oh i can't get up there oh what you boosted me cool oh there's another enemy there's another enemy though there is yeah there's a little ghosty guy i cannot get out of here oh what there was a little ghosty dude i swear wrong i sweetly was what is the collision in this game i just like fell through the world for no reason eggplant eggplant i got a crop whoa what the [ __ ] the power of christ come here you got the jesus power nice i love jesus that [ __ ] is so funny okay classic like video games before there were rules about putting religious imagery in it [ __ ] are there rules now separation of game and state well there's uh not so much rules i guess people will be like what the [ __ ] yeah just an idea that there would be some sort of public outcry turnips radish land are radishes and turnips they must be similar types of plant i don't know they taste like they taste so similar oh you got up there yeah i got up there you bounce on the bubbles sometimes they pop simply bounce oh god oh you're going slow get that guy what is that no wow you released the enemy that i [ __ ] trapped only killed him he's still man goldfish crackers delicious the snack that smiles bangle fish music well these guys are shaped like butt plugs nice butt plug enemies melody rooms radishes it's melody time is down there i'm gonna hang out up here this is a good place to be you destroyed him i want the diamond oh [ __ ] we're not gonna get him oh no oh so sad yetis also chat how long is this game how many levels are there i'm circus nightmare there are a ton someone says don't jump yeah yeah try to tell me what to do simply try oh damn i can't done it jumping yeah we're jumping everything's fine enemy propaganda what are you gonna do [ __ ] hit me game oh but we can't get the rewards kill yourself wow rude go back down there how about next time each of us die we just let it happen okay let [Music] but you didn't get it what the hell you got two e's literally two e's there one on sam earth i don't even understand there are many things i don't understand there are many things that need to be erased like this [ __ ] game no this is fun i like bubble wobble it's cute it is cute oh no so sad i had another life oh wow i can carry this on my back you can [ __ ] extend until the cows come home man i'm gonna go over here and say hi to you i'm just like help me for sure oh what oh the earth is this racism are we beating racism now you know we're uniting the earth god damn it oh oh his head fell off wow you nailed him man oh [ __ ] he's asking questions he's exclaiming nice it really doesn't do a lot of damage to him we gotta kill racism before we end he's got so much help yeah what the hell jesus is this the final boss i mean let's see i think the lightning ones are literally just random yeah we hit this sometimes someone will go that way someone go the other way some people go both ways dang some people do that was a reference there was a large souls episode that came out today where we referenced that very line [Music] i think there's too many bubbles on the screen i can't make any more bubbles yeah there's a there's a maximum bump count he's whooping her ass with a smile on his face i might add i just picked up a shoe thank you game for the shoe [ __ ] we're going to grind our way there he's only now turning red oh that's going to be that's going to be bigger oh that did do some damage jesus it doesn't feel like we're cheating just outright by having a bunch of money yeah like a bunch of persons no challenges yeah but at the same time [ __ ] them for making games like this yeah it's like it's it's kind of cheating that doesn't feel entirely bad egg all right uh let's go to the sky palace and then let's [ __ ] die take a peek [Music] look how the other one just sits there oh that's nice now let's die let's not even [ __ ] fight these enemies so sad that andrew never got the extend i know i got the ease yeah i literally do not know what happened there but all right we did it now we gotta before the timer reaches oh and to you this continue font reminds me of uh super monkey ball the logo where the word monkey ball is in the thing or ball or whatever i love they're in balls and they're hairy they're hairy balls or the slogans that is exactly what this look blue interesting those are the bosses i guess enter your initials sorry you're out of rank whoa you're out of rank holy [ __ ] that's out of order you're out of line i can't do anything right now it's me yeah i'm the one who's out of rank [Music] bji wow hilarious you did even better than bji stands for big jolly infidel whoa look at those those non-dinosaur characters also one of those is literally [ __ ] game did really yeah it said fuk wow well it might have been like fukuda or something like that you know it was [ __ ] okay i guess that's it bubble symphony it's cute and bubble with me you can't you can't say that anymore can i not illegal share is canceled um all right now we're going to stop cranking it [ __ ] sex right now we're going to do puzzle bobble and i can guarantee that you have you'll recognize this game in some form okay this is one of those ones where you'll be like oh let's see if it shows up all right but not instantly oh good that's a good screen let's just go ahead that was a lamp yeah because we have it turned up loud on our speakers here all right oh so this one's only in japanese too so it's this oh it's like oh yeah [ __ ] this is awesome what's what's the version of this that you've played um for me it was neopets yeah neopets are something but i've definitely played like this yeah uh chat let us know if that's a good volume probably getting some feedback from the tv actually but we'll fix that [Music] um good puzzle bubble oh my god yeah it's kind of like uh oh [ __ ] you just like sent a ball over to me i really love an aiming reticle here too yeah my aim kind of sucks i feel like this is the kind of game that i'm not great at oh come on you can bounce him off the wall i was uh i was talking to mitchell about this and he was like oh yeah for me it was snood and i was like that's exactly what i said i was like the [ __ ] smooth and i looked it up it's just this old gba game that like has a similar thing but you destroy like faces oh man right now i'm eating the poo poo oh no no no no no no oh [ __ ] it's coming down oh i lost so fast terribly i played against the ai and it was one of those ones where i just felt like i was getting destroyed by the ai oh and so what is inside these bubbles i was just thinking that like proto-larva bubble bottle dinosaurs i guess yeah sometimes i shoot bubbles like just not even close to where that i meant them to to go good no not like this bro oh [ __ ] it's weird it's kind of like uh where you can send [ __ ] over bro i'm not like this i'm so bad they're like little they got little sacks at the side too when they pull the bubble bubbles at it one one loss lost that's not like this don't look at that yeah we gotta restart huh yeah what the [ __ ] was that oh uh let me let us know if the audio is good now changed it a little bit [Music] uh bubble do you want any good colors and [ __ ] colors oh man it just threw a bunch to me i think that might be because i got like a combo or something also possible but yeah for me it was fairy bubbles nintendo had the fairies fairies it was like f-a-e like fairy buffet yeah oh god i'm getting in here [Music] oh god [Music] damn that was close as [ __ ] though i had it i never get down i'm always freaking way up i never get down or whatever [Music] rapper's delight whoa you just got a podcast in real life oh dude [ __ ] i really don't like how there's like the thing that makes them feel like larva is that they're just like moving ever so slightly yeah they're like babies i think the purple ones are those like ghosty enemies that we are seeing in puzzle during bubble symphony i don't know i'm their expert [ __ ] oh i just screwed myself over here [Music] finally the game recognizes real game recognizes game i'm a game or i'm a video game video game johnson okay oh come on i'm just screwed up the biggest opportunity i think we have the same game board but reversed by the way you just got the combo that i [ __ ] up getting all right please aim there we go on roll [Music] oh [ __ ] i really feel like there should be a reticle i guess there was in like single player actually now that i'm thinking of it all these games i booted up and just made sure they like worked on toaster street old man oh [ __ ] you can probably make it back yo clutch oh [ __ ] did send some [ __ ] over here undertale no not a green any other killer no not this killer either no i'm not like this stop giving me this oh toaster's true i'm toaster strudel yeah again i uh [Music] [Music] tetris and dr mario that's like a hybrid between the two games and then there's a tetris attack and i think that'd make a nice double feature i have played touches that keith loved tetris attack that's uh paneled upon which i was talking about earlier that's what tetris attack is ah it's like the american version that doesn't that has yoshi instead of little girls as the main characters because japan japan [ __ ] stop talking about japan and focus oh [ __ ] ball [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh did i accidentally block you off you shoved the thing in my face i'm sorry i'm not i'm not you're you're a scumbag oh you are sending over me god stop no no you sound like the bad guy in toy story 2 darth vader yes [ __ ] that came out of nowhere okay uh [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] i was trying to finesse it i was puzzle bobbling out of my gourd oh yeah when when you kill lakitu in the single player of tetris attack he says i hate you openly and without regret a damn yeah and he like dissolves he [ __ ] gets thanos snapped and goes away damn i mean if somebody was gonna snap me i'd probably say that too oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ooga stinker [Music] it's a new modification oh you're about to just [ __ ] get a giant salami sausage slap right in your face bro you are just gonna get whacked in the face nice try [ __ ] you are gonna get whacked in the face i actually screwed up the thing that i was talking to you about you see you're saying you missed your child you hit yourself yeah i rolled a natural one in the [ __ ] tabletop rpg of my life [Music] yeah one more one more let's go let's go yeah is fun it's a classic i mean there's a reason this game has been ripped off by 10 trillion other games so this is the lg yep this is the first one of its kind yeah i bet i played the neopets one too i've definitely played this before yeah somewhere [ __ ] yeah it's kind of in zuma had a similar situation where did i already say this there was an old game called on the plate on the playstation that was uh zuma is basically a ripoff of that poison yeah it's it's not an amazing name [Music] oh you know what is an amazing name and then you're gonna put oh [ __ ] what's happening [ __ ] all sorts of shenanigans oh i'm making mistakes oh god i'm making mistakes too this is one of those games where it just stacks up and you're like oh my [ __ ] bleeding out my eyes when i say it like that i'm bleeding out my eyes oh [ __ ] see him damn it i wanted that yeah i wanted that and i didn't get it because i suck [Music] this game teases out our dearest emotions did you see that the video like this one's for you gaming soap game i like usually playing the soap game he's super he's like in the shower and he's kicking shampoo up and he's like super friendly and like happy and then he misses and he goes oh oh i think i have seen that also you're about to [ __ ] i don't even know where are your bobbles dude i don't even need to play anymore what's happening stop it [Music] that's like classic if you've ever played like the versus tetris attack when they get like a massive combo and it goes oh my god did you remove every freaking bobble from your screen i was getting trounced there was there was just like a big line of one color bobble just across the entire thing and i just sniped it right in and it just like cut off the entire thing um anyway like yeah i was gonna say i spent too long it's gonna crash uh next we're gonna play joust i actually i have played jazz you have that's one of the ones i have played nice i love it because there's birds there are birds oh and it's it's crashed right now we need to just take a moment and uh to those of you who might be looking forward to rampage world tour unfortunately i don't know if we're gonna get around to that today yeah i gotta go see my grandma you gotta leave it like five yeah gotta see my stinky grandma hey this one's for you gammy soap game shirt but we were awesome i think i do remember that it's like a vine right i i don't know just some like old classic video no idea so this one all the other ones were from the 90s i guess this is 1982 so this is a pretty old one ancient yeah but this is joust okay that's clown vomit that's like that [ __ ] have you ever seen that [ __ ] where in mario paint uh you can make an image that it's incapable of saving and it shows a little picture of a daily buzzard oh it shows a little picture of a robot going like this error and it's only if it's like a picture like that that has an insanely high bit right here oh no i did not know that i forgot about mario paint yeah i'll have to play that someday josh oh yeah what uh [ __ ] what is the uh oh yeah we can keep the volume the same for this one extra amount every 20 000 points all right this is an old one a classic a2 and this isn't like based on anything right oh my god it's just its own thing it really feels like it's based on like dune or something you know oh god it's so loud how do i show up uh hit your start button insert a coin it isn't working what well i can't do anything all right i can't do anything to help you into the game are you sure you're pressing wow sad uh hold on i'm just gonna let myself die so we can play the game i'm adding credits i'm adding millions of credits i think i accidentally selected player one mode or something kill me um i'm gonna take a risky move whoa [ __ ] i have 99 credits if you hit escape on uh this emulator it sometimes it crashes on some games and sometimes it just goes back to the menu so sorry sorry joe's more we got a rocky start you put in 99 credits though i mean yeah like this as next to the 50s you see those three little dudes they're freaking schmoving dudes yeah they're walking dude is it wait hold on very loud it was a little loud hmm very loud let's turn it down only one person said joust is pretty okay somebody said justice very good and i almost said almost like i said it's loud okay motorola let's wait for it to show up on the thing sorry it's it's hard working with the emulators hmm all right clown puke yeah this is one of the less exciting startup arcade screens sorry my throat just burped without mine without my permission sometimes my like diaphragm gets in like a zone where it's like anytime you swallow we're just gonna put air from oh back up insert additional coins for dual play i did it nice all right okay [Music] prepare to joust are you here come on what the hell play yeah i don't know i don't understand i hate joust i don't understand joust hold on we can't get [ __ ] i tested this beforehand i don't know what you're doing i'm screaming you want to like yeah let me hold on he's on the ball i'm on the ball andrew's technically i'm still on the ball but he has both controllers now i'm sorry this is the whole thing we have to do apparently i'm dancing i'm jousting would you ride an emu in real life if you had the chance an emu an emu probably not probably because it's little legs would buckle underneath my weight um it would collapse yeah ready for dual play all right what did you do i hit the [ __ ] i hit the same exact buttons you did he's a good gamer and i'm a bad i guess anyway so i i was not expecting this to be a co-op game but it's co-op we don't even fight each other but this is the one where we can fight each other if we so choose yeah one could just trounce each and so the way it determines a winner i i played this a little bit beforehand and i could not figure out the [ __ ] rules uh but i guess the way it determines the winner is just whoever spear is like higher up on the screen so literally you just you can bump them with the bottom of your burger and win oh [ __ ] i did kill you i'm sorry look at my cake yeah yeah you get the egg and then i think if you don't pick up the egg and another dude hatches out of it it's not even a bird it's like a guy so you just gotta bump them with your birds like abdomen yeah slightly higher like the effect i think that they were going for is you had him with your sword but oh [ __ ] in practice oh the stage is burning away in practice it just makes it so that if you hit the enemy with your sword you die like because just from the way the sprites are constructed like i just hit that guy dead on in the bird with my sword and it killed me yeah it was gonna be a little higher these eggs look like the [ __ ] bp logo jesus that egg got [ __ ] up this is this is like such classic arcade game crust they're like three noises yeah whoa i just janked through that platform so now you can kill each other you get a bonus then deer come up to my area i'll kill you i'll kill you i do like it's like weird fantasy like 80s fantasy vibe actually but with enus too yeah the fact that you ride on a bird is just very bizarre to me this kind of weird fantasy but it feels like whatever that dudes movies were black cauldron and [ __ ] yeah uh like uh oh dawn blue blue then i guess what i'm thinking of are you dead yeah i'm dead by the way you have one life left ah game is over enter thy name my lord wow i did something well done well done oh that's this is tough buzzard bait yeah it's not easy bump them with your ass ah nice yeah it's like there's physics in the movement yeah the movement is really hard actually and you you press the button to flap your wings in individual time you're not just pressing up and down thanks for the egg sucker by the way oh thanks for the emu sucker don't let you stomp on my brain that's so weird you can like take each other's lives yeah that's like stealing money from the other person basically and one of the levels that's like kill your friend does it say that yeah you get bonus points if you kill him wow gladiator level i thought you were just saying that just to say it yeah i think it's so hard to control i think i heard that there was a segment in ready player one that was like based on gems or something like that really that hey what am i doing you're wave dashing that was way dashing that was weird i wasn't trying to do anything i love when the egg just rockets into the lava just uncontrollably it's like there is a little man in that egg [ __ ] the the dudes hatch from eggs not the birds like huh oh god i think you can still control your steed after you're after your rider is killed like you can still flap the wings crushed in i think if you take too long like [ __ ] sinistar shows up basically there's like a dinosaur or something that shows up to eat you [ __ ] okay i think the different colored guys give you different amounts of points i think the grey ones are harder oh oh yeah they actually the grey ones try and kill you should not be alive nice eggs so much crustier than all the other ones we played today and this one's just like my hand pulls you down oh you got [ __ ] on what the [ __ ] i like barely scraped the surface also these little dudes hatched [ __ ] oh i think i just killed you player one game over my game is over i like that i like that little cheesy touch cheese touch so i think i also found out if if you let the dudes hatch they're worth more money than the eggs oh before the birds come and get them come over here [ __ ] i wish the hand would pull that into what is that platform oh the platform was shimmying and then it left damn and it like burned away the side platforms too i guess you just get less like platforms to work with this honestly makes it easier though because you're like in a big open space wide open spaces that's a song by the chicks the chicks because they used to be the dixie chicks and then they were like that's offensive so that we're gonna say that now we're just the the chicks oh [ __ ] good game good gg gg joust and did i name that lord egg egg it's just like egg egg egg egg are we are we done what's happening what is happening mario that was a mario let me just die let me just die real quick i can't throw myself in the lava room you would really think that like it would be multiplayer like verses though yeah because that's what jousting is but it's fine it's fine it's a unique game with a name like joust i was kind of expecting it to be boring like some of those little demon watch games that are just like boxing you know come on move my ass whoop my ass what my ass days come on we could have just restarted the software at this point okay survival way survival i'm never gonna survive the sound effects really do sound like just computer diarrhea yeah just absolute dress hit me they suck these guys can't even hit me i'm just going up there on merry way i hate them come up here i hate you you just put his stump on me my lord i really do think the animation like doesn't [Music] have you had enough joust or you want to do let's do one more a little more and then i think maybe we have some time to check out rampage we're probably not going to play all of that anyway do whatever you did again to make me show up cause clearly i just don't know how to do it all systems go i do like that it actually says all systems go all systems go ready for blue tail is all this time i think why does it say buzzard bait by the just like that sounds cool let's put in the game yeah i don't know why but i got like a a doom vibe from this even though i've never seen dude it's like weird like alien space fantasy yeah you know team wave bonus it does kind of feel like that routine play you can't even dash dance in this game it sucks do it a little bit in the air oh oh yeah you can [Music] i did eat [ __ ] stash by the way uh what day works for you for streaming hollow night later this week i like tuesday or something all right mark and i are going to do probably our last almost certainly the last yeah all we got to do is the grindy stuff path of pain and one more boss rush i think yeah and then there's there's also a harder boss there's like nightmare king grimm but like all the stuff that we have left is optional content so let me just peek around see what we see shoot a shot you really have to flap quite a lot to get going in this game there's a lot of elbow grease involved yeah [Music] you're wave dashing dashing gentlemen yeah the controls are just like oh i almost killed you nice oh oh oh i bumped into you walking i'm walking that was on me animations are good like this is good looking yeah it's it's good looking considering it's [ __ ] like 82 which is right around the time that like pac-man and [ __ ] were out there at their eyes good i [ __ ] died i'm alive oh you got all your lives though holy [ __ ] death what the hell i can press start to steal a live team battle he's going ham oh my god he's going absolutely ham with this [ __ ] so where did you play this game by the way i think like he had it like he just like had some arcade games like at our house and sometimes they just beat like on the screen [ __ ] eggs oh my god you were saying they are worth more points if you let them have yeah just a little dude standing there get him they're completely helpless like everything about the design of this game indicates that the true power lies in the birds like the dudes are completely like they're marshmallows they're holding the sword and the sword doesn't even do anything though like the bird is what hurts people you hit things with your bird like grundle and then he [ __ ] bumps out of the way oh god my spidey senses are tingling that this might be the part where you start to get a little [ __ ] but we'll see ah i think your bird is just like i'm [ __ ] hiding i'm not gonna get up there oh damn it i gotta get back up there yeah this is a tough scenario oh [ __ ] oh damn it oh i'm up here that's so cool that they can get grabbed by that too i like the hand and the lava that's awesome i bet that was the joust [ __ ] i bet that was in ready player one the lava hand the lava hand all right joust enter thy name my lord into my ass my lord enter my [ __ ] [ __ ] all right rampage crank kit it says we're gonna do a little bit of rampage world tour uh this is another this is 1997. this is by midway which is the american company that was the distributor for pacman and other such things okay they didn't make pac-man they just distributed that and this is this game is basically what primal rage should have what the heck yeah so we basically play as these like big monsters this really quiet music uh oh oh scum labs and there's a hot babe scientist general public not at risk are we two player right now what did you do i don't know what i did i think we can add in anyway nice oh it's got godzilla versus king kong oh you just hit me oh yeah do we fight each other we know we destroy [ __ ] we like wreck the [ __ ] buildings so you like get on top of them and like pound them into the ground we literally just had to destroy a certain amount of the city oh my foot i'm munching yeah yeah you can just munch a person i don't know why you puked yeah and it's uh why is kick a is punch and that's also just a dedicated pick up any person and eat them this is sick yeah right this is what primal rage should have been is that a trampoline building yeah i guess the girder there's a trampoline a little parachute guy boeing there's a bottle of milk in here [Music] we can go either way it's just the screen scrolls depending on us i just ninja kicked a guy out of his house it was incredible yeah butt slim fiora totally destroyed gun labs from the face of the earth little smile for the camera amazing so i the plot of this game i guess scum labs is in danger whoa that was a surprise we can kick each other somebody's throwing there's a redneck [ __ ] dynamite at us i'm humping the bell oh my god how do you do that it's a kick button while you're on the building that's incredible that is [ __ ] incredible that lady's just chilling with it a [ __ ] i think we need to destroy like a certain number of windows in a building to like knock it down that makes sense yeah boys i can't believe you humped the side of the building that's so like grass this is a total bowling alley it totally is funny i want the money oh sick live girls oh i can't climb up past the sign i think nice you were just destroying it let's [ __ ] go i don't hear helicopters boom boom boom boom oh no random like schmuck civilians like shooting out of their window yeah these these are very uh canocky oh she's ah oh what the she's only wearing a lab coat smokin cook candy we're gonna cook this county i think eating dudes is how you get health back yeah damn munching we are absolutely much of them this is so [ __ ] dumb but i love it yeah let's [ __ ] go there's a bath in there give me the bath oh it sprayed me in the face oh there's a lot of detail too it's it's just yeah it's so cruel it's just like destroy absolutely everything it's like an annihilator hey face we're tripping each other up like crazy cops [ __ ] oh no i'm a normal guy naked man all right excellent help sir you're in absolutely phenomenal help yeah you are the biggest monkey the world has ever seen this is incredible honestly this is like what i want from a game yeah destroying buildings punching dude rolling up off the [ __ ] side kicking down helicopters hell yeah humping the side of the building oh chicken in there give me that guy oh i kicked him and splat him on the ground jesus yeah get [ __ ] i like these very impressionist like art deco buildings in the background though oh let's get these guys oh [ __ ] oh people people oh man i only munched one of them a bunch oh i i now actually move in the background filming i don't even notice that yeah the like colorful rainbow ones you eat the couch yeah hump it pump it the dudes in the building like oh my god this is my dreams i've always wanted this but i only this is one of those ones where i assume the rest of the game is just this yeah probably so we probably don't need to spend more than like 15 minutes on it anyway it's appropriate yeah [ __ ] dab dab dab a bone what is this gasoline i don't even know get out of here [Music] you just oh what the [ __ ] we're just spending each other's money if we were actually in an arcade you know yeah there's like radioactive [ __ ] in there let's [ __ ] go this is incredible actually oh [ __ ] i was drunk again you have not died yet i think yeah and i have died twice probably eating the people damn yeah eating the people you can splat people and then eat them you get like a back air too there's a dude on the balloons what the hell these guys keep in smash they should be in snap they're smashing greasies greasies what the f what is this it's like a weird [ __ ] king guterres statue oh you know oh shrunk you need to punch the sun you're a girl damn hot hot alone oh you're a wolf man now damn all right because the wolf gonna be when he's naked that was the other one on the title screen are you able to control your character right now now interesting but what the [ __ ] did you what the [ __ ] did you do dinosaur what the actual [ __ ] did you do be a wolf that i cannot control oh by the way we're playing this with this we're playing this with snes controllers that i i like bound the controls for so like it shouldn't have any extra controls i literally don't know how andrew did that with the controls that are available to him this is amazing though we're just beating up ralph the wolf also i guess your character's name is lizzy and mine is george okay i saw it top of the screen this is incredible george i get it with the jungle tourist trap eat them ralph you've got it done groggy we are just beating the snot out of him [ __ ] ralph everybody hates robbie hates around oh ralph just accidentally ate a person i think i'm just kicking him down the street while you pump the building i love how the dynamite explosions don't even do anything death breath death breath damn good oh [ __ ] i'm little wobbling he's pogging we're both what is happening that's death breath i think it is well 99 destroyed i can't even do it that was like the weakest puking is painful that was the weakest wolf whistle ever done there you go dance diner hey let me get up french fries i'm in excellent [ __ ] ralph hanging on by the skin of his teeth i here that my hump destroyed a passing helicopter just accidentally [ __ ] probably is a map yeah what the higgity hack one night you just did a [ __ ] you just did the [ __ ] daniel sun kick the hell was that how do i do that that is literally a karate kid reference like legit that's hilarious oh god i'm getting destroyed here man oh this dude take a [ __ ] yeah oh my god what's that noise that was your own guy get the helicopter yeah i'm sorry i had to kick you in the face uh ralph get over here ralph you suck beat him up he's so he's just helpless this is cruel and unusual oh we're building oh i thought this was the edge how wrong we were down from there get down oh wait can i charge up a big punch holy [ __ ] i think i can charge up a literal donkey kong punch oh [ __ ] if i can stay alive he has a penis sprite there's a dick there's a dick sprite by the way you saw it with your own two eyes i set up my own two eyes gary i i get a big wind-up punch with friends like you who needs animals enemas what does that mean i don't know what [Music] to whom do they refer also i can wind up my punch but i can't actually just like deploy the punch just whines you just whined forever and honestly if we can just do this until we're gonna kill this blasphemy right now all right let's kill this last time i bonked your head oh [ __ ] i keep jumping off on accident i help the building full of hot ladies this is what sexy is right is that a hookah oh it's bubble soap oh i messed it up just chilling on the bench that way this way ralph that felt like genuine bullying well i was whoa look at that airplane underwater in the land dude i didn't see it was there some [ __ ] yeah there's some jank okay ralph this sucks i don't even know if i can get him in the water how did you do that i know i don't even know what you did to make ralph go into the water but this might be the end for our heroes whoa oh [ __ ] i'm spinning oh he's spitting facts watch this nice let's go too hot ladies i was chilling in the water with ralph no dying oh nice i love ninja kicking them we do the daniel sun [Music] well i think there might only be there might be a certain amount that we cannot do with ralph here oh that's the end the thing not the thing you gotta get some certain amount of destruction the controls are not amazingly uh snappy by the way no it is fun though [ __ ] yes [ __ ] you can't punch you can't even punch ralph now that he's down there so sad he's dying in the water though is he oh yeah he is going down he's drowning huh he's bring so many extra lives yeah what the [ __ ] just drown already ralph jesus how inconsiderate bad shape i'm looking weak you're at death's door or no i'm on death stallion i'm weak i'm gonna kill you nope all right i'm on death's death i'm gonna go home can i eat you i did michigan city evacuated and you you won i ate you you ate my guy wow we did it there it is that's it big city oh what the [ __ ] wait what's happening does it end oh okay great nice well we did it folks ann arbor no we don't care enough ralph is ruining her life that was fun though that was fun that was a great time all those were neat yeah that was good hell yeah and then some other time we've also got some beat-em-ups to do i want to do that like the simpsons one and the teenage mutant ninja turtles and the michael jackson's moonwalker and then there's also maybe another time we can do smash tv and sunset riders which are some sort of co-op shoot-em-up type things that sounds fun smash tv yeah and yeah smash tv is like uh the running man it's like that movie oh and uh sunset riders is like a cool cowboy thing nice yeah so uh you got that to look forward to i had a nice time that was awesome those are fun games yeah i was like now that i've picked through like all the old ones i can be like okay which which are ones that have some updated versions that are like actually like the good ones yeah i guess there is there's just two that's a thing you never heard of that one there's a joust pinball table and it's so weird it's like a co-op pinball table you know how normally they're just like a ramp you know yeah it's like a hill in the middle and you play there's two one person on either side and when the ball goes over the hill it goes to the other person's playing field it's really that's sick yeah it's a really rare pinball machine but whatever does 99. that was 99. anyway i hope you guys had a nice time watching and we sure had a nice time playing and we'll see you next time bye
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 5,215
Rating: 4.9682541 out of 5
Id: MNt5aQBhMb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 47sec (7607 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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