[Full stream] - The Powder Toy [Part 1]

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[Music] Shalom everyone so recently at this dream with my friend Mitchell and we we did some games that we used to play that were just kind of just little things to dick around with and this was one that I kind of wanted to show but it this almost just deserves its own stream and by almost I mean I'm doing I'm doing this in its own stream I and this might who knows this might be a very short stream it might be like an hour and a half who cares but there is something awfully cathartic about this kind of Zen almost but this is just a toy where they give you a bunch of different materials like this that was sawdust this is what clay dust these are kind of the boring ones these are just dust but they all have kind of different gravity in ways that they interact with other things broken electronics let's see anti-air okay well that's good oh oh this was a really good one yeah the rainbow movement dust I think I remember I used to make little contraptions on ceramic oh you guys like this no music - you probably just heard a door slam and a loud motor in the background good stuff Oh plant yo I remember this was super cool I used to play with this all the time where's water plant is awesome it's the best one so a lot of these things have sort of unique interactions and thankfully the game tells you what those interactions are so you can grow a little Beanstalk fella yeah there's something very very satisfying about this game it's kind of bizarre let's burn burn this [ __ ] to the ground thankfully it's such a simple game that it runs pretty damn well and it's not causing my computer any duress let's just drench this in lava I'm just kind of [ __ ] around right now maybe I'll make I'm not great at like games where you make things I found in that aspect I'm not terribly creative but let's see shield spark it to grow what does that mean this is a spark [ __ ] make a fuse Oh Oh interesting so like insulates metal when you send a charge through it oh right and metal heats up when you send a charge through it I forgot about that it's all coming back to me now let's see if I can just melt this [ __ ] I don't know it seems like the temperature is pretty consistent now weird vine I'm a man of simple pleasures I like to see [ __ ] burn I think I hear one of my housemates clipping their toenails in the other room I hope you guys are picking up on that because that is crucial stuff okay now we got to explode this right you say explosives can break through virtually anything don't mind if I do there's probably a way to clear the playing field but I like this just as much just destroy this is weird actually the the explosives are sticking around way too much if I can get out of here explode more do I need to add different kinds of bomb I remember fireworks is another good one they just make cool effects right yeah it's rainbow oh that's what I used to build little contraptions out of I'm gonna try that once this [ __ ] clears out of here people are saying in chat that there's like various versions of this there's like a mobile one that a lot of people played apparently I'm glad it's a cool cool thing I'm trying to get something that won't okay here titanium I'm gonna try to make one of my famous incredibly complex contraptions what's the one in special clone yes this this is what I used to do everything is coming zooming back into my mind well I should have just used diamond to create this and then you imprint the cloned things oh wait no pause I want to get gravity dust in one of these I think it's cloning it yeah okay and then oh [ __ ] I've left out a crucial the crucial thing fire right is this gonna work I hope this works oh it's not gonna go through the titanium though let me hold on where's erase yeah yeah boy oh yeah this worked out so well oh no it's destroying the titanium it kind of works this is the sloppiest thing I've ever made and I've made some [ __ ] things in my time okay so clearly titanium not strong enough not good let's how big can I get this this is a way better way to clear the playing field okay okay is there an element called gun yes man Barry and gun okay I'm gonna make it something a little more a little more complex a system of ventricles that will spew stuff okay I'm gonna I'm gonna utilize pausing here and let's see shut put on music this feels weird streaming with zero music or is it fun let me know okay so those will clone fire and these will clone firework juice oh god where it right there and then one of them the one at the front will disgorge gravity powder six hours of this let me know if it's at a good volume [Music] all right beautiful and now let the masterpiece flow yes yes booze from the ventricles it's really not I mean there's a big fireworks show inside the thing can I make like a wind like a fan that blows out all the all the [ __ ] it almost seems like it needs more fire air scarecrow this is gonna get real annoying this music real fast alright see now what happens it's like jazz you know you gotta experiment make some holes I'm an expert at making omelets and I'll be damned if I'm not gonna break a few eggs alright alright wipe that away we're gonna try one more iteration of this oh there's vacuum and there's vent that's the one I want is this gonna like be a physical thing [Music] don't laugh [Music] this is how some people's penises look all right this is just how life is for certain individuals I can't play a game where you draw things because I will inevitably just draw [ __ ] so here now this is where it gets a little tricky I think I'm gonna make one I'm gonna make like an ignition thing this is like designing a fire thrower flame fire you know flame fire thrower and then let's get some fear whoo feel what [Music] and in one of these can still I still like the gravity dust even though it's kind of indistinguishable alright alright here we go the optimal version as a hot tank right there taint nothing wrong with that let's get a little more then though fireworks [Music] I believe this is anatomically correct right this is how P is produced [Music] see the P the P starts right here from your P ventricles and then it goes past the flame gland and comes out your your taint axles also your dick is made out of diamonds filter for photons changes the color oh oh yes I see well I don't want that it was only a matter of time now we're gonna see how long gold can resist the taint flame did I already say taint misbehavin cuz that that was a that was a god-like joke it almost bears repeating so this this is not going so well though I feel like we need to move on to pastures new goodbye [ __ ] it was it was nice while you were here kind of a little bit okay what's what's something else stupid stickman oh my god yo I forgot entirely about this feature um is this no wait I was gonna say there's a way to make a big rectangle right I'm going to make a gauntlet for the stickman [Music] all right so they'll come through here little hurdle little hurdle for them to get over and then let's see [Music] we're gonna hit them with some very light radiation oh wait did the clone oh no it got covered in diamond because I touched it with the diamond okay give me some hmm all photons oh we got play around with that too this is such a cool game highly radioactive violent explosions oh right exotic matter this was another one that was really really fun to [ __ ] around with alright alright yes yes that is what I wanted yeah oh there's a lot there's just a lot going on though let's see let's try drop dropping a stickman in your second stickman whoa wait fighter white hole black hole oh portal boom Oh guys this is a god-like game this might be a long stream even though it's late at night breakable clone stickman here we are only took me ten years there he there you go Oh is he gonna walk though [ __ ] no I want I want stickman - stickman sled here we are so I have to control them so this really was a test for myself all right let's erase these erase the stickman I kind of I kind of remember them walking on their own this fighter are these no how about this put a stickman over here and then put the fighter here will the fighter go to the stickman oh yes he will okay okay so what we got to do oh you got stuck in the ceiling uh we gotta we gotta get rid of the fighter we got to get rid of the stickman there are just so many photons stop producing so I need to put the I'm gonna make a little maze alright [Music] a little gauntlet this will be a lava pit this will be the main challenge a [Music] little bit of lava tiny bit Oh oh [ __ ] I forgot lava eventually cools down so let me let me do a clone with a little fire scarecrow no I keep oh not quite used to it yet that's good that is a classic pit maybe I should make the hole slightly smaller [Music] you know give him a fighting chance oh yeah nice and gross you can't overwrite smoke particles so that's just gonna have to be a thing so far this is an insanely lame obstacle course it needs more radiation plutonium yes the pit of plutonium that's what I wanted okay so we'll have to deal with that I think I am gonna make a little clone thing and then put photons it'll react with the plutonium okay okay [Music] and then in here will be a nice a nice sexy stickman in fact let's put two stick men in here okay fighter do your worst [Music] are they gonna get decimated oh [ __ ] it looks like they're getting pretty decimated many of them are stuck in the ceiling alright alright let's tone down the radiation slightly for this next guy let's see if oh no he bursts oh but more have fallen from the ceiling all right a lot of those photons have cleared out now it should be Oh Oh you have one [ __ ] job he clipped into the ceiling and then [ __ ] evaporated okay this just this one hurdle is way too much for the fighters [Music] they instantly are killed when they walk through here could it be the plutonium that is causing this to happen I don't think oh my god that guy just walked into the wall [ __ ] get down there these guys are the chumps they suck all right listen I'll go real easy on him I'll delete all the plutonium right a baby could do this these guys are like Oh platform 9 and 3/4 [ __ ] [Music] they gain they get too much momentum this is this is a disaster it started out with me making a fun ops to a course and now I have to neuter my own obstacle course for it to be like doable this is a terrible idea these guys are idiots they just jump into the ceiling or just dissolve I think they're just roasting a lot because this is a room that has nothing but something constantly generating fire inside it they're like turning blue and spazzing out my little geyser does have a whole party down here okay this was a disaster this did not deserve to exist oh I'll put that out there okay okay my [Music] now I remember I [ __ ] with these so much the very basic principle of this being of course dropping a bunch of [ __ ] stick men in here oh oh right the stickman freak out I remember this their legs splay out across like several dimensions sometimes when they're teleporting between portals nature sure is beautiful I'm probably gonna switch out this music pretty soon [Music] [Music] okay somebody was saying making arena for them to fight in it's a pretty good idea pretty good [Music] let's see breakable clone converts everything so that's kind of like a clone but it does different things oh wait I I used to do I used to make like waves of plant nice plant I'm trying to remember how I did this you can make like perpetual-motion plant I wonder if portals affected this might just be nothing any of the things that I try on this stream might just end up being nothing [Music] yeah this is this is gonna be basically nothing I have another idea after this [Music] now clamp and then put another clone its cloning fire in the red one it's the perfect plan right except that it seems like the fire comes out the other end of this portal sadly oh yes something's happening so this clone thing is constantly growing new plant [Music] so one same fine is the really cool one I think them you might be right oh never mind oh is it because it's is it because you're burning plants [ __ ] [ __ ] can't even can't even grow when there's massive amounts of heat hey never mind this is good this is good we're getting a lot of nothing done warp okay so this yeah this was the this was that crazy stuff it acts really weird and it looks really cool indestructible you say unbreakable in a word it like blows [Music] tiny clone alright get some [ __ ] dark matter in there pop some lads in as well just just a bit of suffering yes oh my god that is so optimal every time a stickman dies it is replaced by a new one from the clone okay but this exotic matter is not being nearly exotic enough anymore ah take a closer look at that snow I remember I'm trying to remember what exactly it is that you have to do to the exotic matter to make it be all weird the fighters are fine with this they're like yeah whatever they're not gonna be like whatever for long yeah there they go oh no I've created a constant cycle of death and rebirth I thought reacted we would do like temperature oh good now it's snowing unintentionally look at him go there's dying on Moss [Music] give them photons that's maybe no oh I got to play with the photons next though Oh God oh it's lagging 18 frames per second this is what happens when you clone the dudes oh no oh the clone its cloning photons now this is bad I got to stop I got putting into this warp will this displace diamond no diamond is unbreakable there was something you could do to make the exotic matter [ __ ] like explode but it would like implode it was really weird ice I tried fire no I guess I tried snow [Music] electrons oh pretty this is something can it [ __ ] do the thing oh oh it's too bright oh man oh look at that oh that might be what I was looking for look at that rainbow effect I'm talking trippin balls man I saw God and he was a cloud of rainbow dust where's the who's the one that like refract this glass here [Music] [Music] best triangle anyone's ever made all right hopefully this works yeah come on I need to rethink this slightly right there and then I'm gonna put you're gonna put a vacuum around the rest of it [Music] just for posterity oh no wait [Music] there it is nature sure is beautiful I really didn't think photons were this random it seems like they're moving but changing or is it melting the glass that's entirely possible this [ __ ] did not last long okay now more glass let's just see what happens here oh yeah it's totally oh wait now that's let's all just take stock here and remember what's really important now okay we gotta angle it yeah refract refract yeah rainbows all over town I have no [ __ ] clue what I'm doing pretty fun pretty fun stuff let me see oh hold on I can do this better tiny tiny little clone thing surrounded by a become [Music] [ __ ] it's going out the wrong side I did this all wrong [Music] drop some exotic ism in there see what goes on now hold on oh [ __ ] we need to rethink the design of the triangle yes oh this is what I was looking for a pair of tits spewing white light that is then refracted into a beautiful rainbow that's the goal 34 rule 34 Stan Oh what the hell oh this is a game of life stuff what the hell wait game of life I forgot this was in here that's pretty fun I am NOT a Conway's Game of Life a aficionado so I have no idea how any of that [ __ ] works it's stuff that like grows using algorithms and it is slowly taking over the boobs there's probably a there's probably a hotkey to just destroy everything oh oh the glass is getting melted by the evil particles oh yeah nice and slow nice and slow Hey whoa am I ever gonna be able to get rid of these [ __ ] howdy there are they gonna start multiplying again you're gonna start some [ __ ] okay good that's what I thought okay let's [ __ ] with the electronics oh god oh man insulator the basic conductor [Music] use sparingly well you know what that means kids big old thing now we're gonna put a spark through this see what it does oh yeah oh that's real nice and laggy let's see if we can get to one frame per second use sparingly say so how sparingly are we talking here game are we talking like just use a couple pixels of it or are we talking like only occupy half the screen with it cuz I think what you meant was for me to occupy the entire screen with it so on one frame per second do it you [ __ ] do it do it we're so close I have to fill up the remaining gaps [ __ ] crash [ __ ] crash I dare you you won't you won't oh there it is point seven seven framerate use sparingly okay I'm done clicking I was gonna say just gonna sit back and wait for the game to catch up okay so we learned why we use that sparingly rime sublimation I know what that is can grow a long wood [Music] [Music] [Music] I had to remember what the what the fill tool was okay now it's time to torture some more stickman fighters oh man you can place them just inside the wood [Music] let's see I want to see if the vine will grow over them nice happy music you know indicative of the subject matter of people getting over growth to death guy stop it that's overgrowth you're being growth this is nice it's peaceful let's get a little transport this to the other side as well come on let's get a little hustle going here all right plant you see some of these little fighter guys struggling a little bit they'll be fine they'll be fine you just need to create more surface area for the the vine to grow in like that exactly like that and [Music] now the true horror begins now that all these men are rooted in place we start the fire oh wow oh wow that guy lost his head holy [ __ ] this is morbid nice happy music for people frozen unable to move stuck in the wood burning to death Oh God oh this feels a little [ __ ] up Mitchell and I were talking the other day about uh it was like interactive buddy ragdoll games do you guys remember rag doll like flash games there's one called interactive buddy and it was really like looking back on it really really weird it just felt like abuse abusing a tiny little like helpless stick figured it was a good outlet for being a shitty little kid though see why would you ever go with c4 when you could go with c5 it's a cold explosive does this exist in the real world actually I bet it does Wow [ __ ] [ __ ] last time I checked snow was cold [Music] um Hey so c5 with the beefy smash dudes what are you doing can we get some explosive going [Music] freeze are you kidding me oh oh wait there it goes there it goes what the [ __ ] was stopping it earlier [Music] now black hole oh wow little-known fact snow does not react to black holes it just doesn't hear okay this is a this is a fun thing trying to think of how to like most tastefully create this [Music] [Music] waitwhat ah yes yes here we are now I read a book once that was about sex and I think this is how it works right this is my diagram of course it's not in real time but this is I think this is getting the general concept across [Music] let's make this a little more more realistic [Music] click Roly polio Lee's joystick penis what a horrendous display this is [Music] you guys know what this size of circle is for it's for really big mistakes [Music] really big mistakes um okay I'm getting annoyed with this related video [Music] original version of fireworks [Music] all right it said explodes all at once and it's not like I didn't believe it but I wanted to see I I partially didn't believe it [Music] my man [Music] I'm synced up with the music and everything I don't know why I did that [Music] yeah there's online stuff for this game as well I remember fiddling around with that a bit I might not [ __ ] with that tonight though gets stronger under pressure me so this guy let's say this is the strongest natural Darwinian selection has proved that this man can survive a lot so let's say let's give them a nice will give them a cool down all right he will slide across [Music] and then let's see here let's make a molten wax like that none of that so this this will create wax [Music] this is a [ __ ] awesome song I've been thinking lately I really need to get some Donkey Kong out of my system I ever need to play tropical freeze I just need to bite the bullet and get it or I'm definitely gonna play the originals at some point on stream [Music] just gonna work out I feel like this is not gonna create a lot of wax this it's going alright oh no this guy lost his head he knocked his hat off all the smoke is really affecting him I think he has a slight shield in the form of the the metal there but his ice slide is gone lunch it no I couldn't save him the music is so good I recently added a song to the grapefruits jams playlist that's I think it's like rock slide Rumble or some [ __ ] and it's from its from the Gameboy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3 and it's just got aggressive harmonicas in it and it's it's a really it's a jam it's a good song and it's only on the remake [Music] hold on oh my god I remember the thing I used to do it's all coming back to me that earlier one helped me remember it's not a boob don't worry oh [ __ ] [Music] how about a little fire fire let's see if this works out I remember I would the fire would like crawl crawl it would crawl through the things through the holes and then it would sort of become like this endless loop of plant being regen and also burning oh yeah just like Google grapefruits jams or go to my channel it's just one of my featured playlists it's it's kind of a long playlist so you know buckle in get chipped [ __ ] Stromboli [Music] this is just insanely relaxing music [Music] and now of course we need to make a bunch of doomed fighter men Oh No the clone picked him up and now it's cloning them the framerate is really [ __ ] here it's kind of beautiful a little bit the stickman guys are buried under the ashes of their friends but you know besides fat it's doing great doing great Jimbo Oh God Oh God I opened up the hole too much [Music] this is just like endless fun it's not even like there's no direction to it it's just like try some cool [ __ ] this looks a little bit like the Eye of Sauron it's not cat-like enough okay okay let's let's see here oh that's the erase everything oh I would have to sign in I don't know if I have the thing in fact I'm sure I don't I would need to go register here we go oh my god that is terribly detailed this is just kind of like art [Music] static moving square [Music] um Oh weird I have no idea how this is working okay I have even less idea now for rendus mistakes were made 800 this is game of life [ __ ] is what this is yeah okay big brother is watching you why is that at the top see now this is that [ __ ] that I could never create in a million years self-sustaining what the [ __ ] look at the detail on this they thought of everything I don't even know like can I do anything to this oh oh yeah yeah I understand everything that's going on here mmhmm yeah yeah everything looks like it's in order and this guy is just twerking his thick thighs whoa wait the whole thing just lit up like a Christmas tree [Music] now this is a highly scientific exploration here but what would happen if I don't know someone were to light this entire thing on fire would it still be self-sustaining oh [ __ ] I think it actually would be oh wait wait wait wait how about a little love a scarecrow god damn you really are you're this guy thought of everything I'll tell you what he didn't think of though was me my dumbass putting lava inside the reactor this can only end well stick sticks Maggie is dead I just want to I want to stop it I want to stop the electricity going and it's too well made I can't [ __ ] it up without just erasing it just died damn you salt [Music] I don't want to just blow it up it really works really well so holy [ __ ] come on come on explode damn you [Music] even TNT [ __ ] alright alright alright listen if this does not destroy it then it deserves to live [Music] alright I'm whipping out the exotic matter come on come on warp displaces elements oh yeah oh yeah that's that good [ __ ] time warp again baby can you imagine if this was me like if there was no backup file for this and I was just like destroying somebody's like labor of love that they had spent like years perfecting what is this going on here this there's weird arcs oh what the hell there's stuff that I literally can't erase even the erase button does not solve what the [ __ ] is this made out of all right that's enough that one [Music] it's gotta be like some stupid like meme ones right HD video [Music] Oh a huge screen what the hell this is like a little animation that somebody made all right so we're getting a very very small percentage of the actual HD oh my god is this just gonna be a movie is this gonna be Shrek oh [ __ ] it's one of those little guys they actually animated it pretty well what the [ __ ] the powder time movie [Music] what the [ __ ] so by movie you just mean little demo maybe this is the this is like the logo before you see the movie so anyway to like speed this up I just want to see what happens ah ropey strands of cert these are cool I'll see one more and then I'll move on Oh what the hell Oh what the hell it's a stampede that's pretty cool oh this is pretty awesome actually what the [ __ ] this is like that screensaver except like it honestly a little higher fidelity then that's that old screensaver with the brick textures oh my guys I can't this immediately got dated so hard realistic planet and Moon holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] look at this thing let's say yeah press space free to copy thank God are there any every little fellas what the [ __ ] he made a little city it the building has a flag on it that's Google HQ they have a dungeon that leads all the way down to the mines of moria [Music] look at this [ __ ] there's like an oil rig who the [ __ ] has time for this riddle me this something else to riddle me with is how about a little lava planet [Music] this this is the cathartic experience is downloading a bunch of things that people put like painstaking amounts of time and energy and thought into and just igniting them god bless the internet because this it's like the one place where you can destroy things that people created and not feel bad about it because it's just a copy oh there was a little there was a there was like a helium mine that got [ __ ] Tsar bomb oh they got a little like they had a little signature like a digital signature spark three times okay [Music] one oh [ __ ] I kind of want to see if one will set it off yeah there you go right right oh man oh yes let's see what happens if I do it properly [Music] three sparks maybe it'll explode more violently I wonder if this is like a you know if this is like a faithful representation of the Tsar Bomba [Music] turn off Newtonian I think it is off shot wall what [Music] this is some Conway [ __ ] I don't really care about this cat animation beta holy [ __ ] Jesus and I think there's sparks controlling this yeah look at that this is like people making functional calculators in Minecraft can i [ __ ] it up oh I can interesting good I added too many sparks and I was like [Music] Mario holy [ __ ] oh man the glowing arrows Jesus and they got this the the your movie sucks face that's good [Music] Oh weird I'm like roasting the image by giving it heat very cool very cool rendition oh it's like one of those mugs that changes color when you pour coffee in it only only it's videogames [Music] okay okay here wait [Music] yes yes rock face rumble this is the one I was talking about oh wow look at the shading on this Jesus Christ wait really [Music] [Music] what this doesn't do I need to spark the buttons oh there you go look at that look at that oh my god people are [ __ ] geniuses and you can deactivate it what the [ __ ] [Music] I don't think Lee I don't think the portals actually like you can't shoot two portals at once which kind of sucks I think but it's still awesome what a cool demo I'll just do a couple more of these and then I will [ __ ] off for the night so I'm getting count tired this song is like ingrained into my brain I don't know why but I always imagine there's like these bouncy like tail enemies that that are bouncing around that level all the time and I always imagined they were the ones playing the harmonica aggressively Terminator type robot holy [ __ ] also this is the part of the song that is howling winds alright I hope you enjoy it holy [ __ ] oh wait Jesus would have his eyes come into like complete lasers um kind of shitty lasers if you if you asked me oh that's that's [ __ ] awesome what is the okay on one hand what is the damn point of this on the other hand this is amazing there should be a million more of these oh poor colored transformation I thought that said lag spikes for a second oh I can grow his legs spikes of course terminators classic move where the spikes come out guys time to take a piss bomb release you knew what you were doing when you made this person I'm about to take a piece god what a delightful thing he art unpause press nine anymore requestor fixer loud okay Jesus this is like an actual look at those clouds this is like actual art and they made a little car look at this the I bet there's like a whole community there's like probably a forum of people who do this [ __ ] okay now I'm gonna hit space I'm gonna unpause it the Sun just dissipates it's gone [Music] cooling it down makes it into a different kind like a nightscape we erased the Sun so now the effect of the Sun has to go away slightly glowing ocean pretty [ __ ] awesome real chameleons oh my god all these like spark activated things unpause holy [ __ ] [Music] look at that of course the famous color light brown that's awesome acid chameleon pink wait this is not pink the invisible okay you're starting to lose me here color waves Oh Oh lad lookit huh look at how contraption they got going here chronometer you mean you mean clock my dude the description for this was just a cool use of soap yeah that's what this is oh wait I can set it to the actual time so this can be an accurate clock there it is 1:27 this is actually displaying the current time or no wait oh that's like 47 I'm an idiot I'm a [ __ ] idiot I like glanced up at my actual clock and I was like wait a minute right [Music] is this thing gonna move no okay it's still kind of cool these little like game of life figurines oh they've got a little computer panels in front of them the detail on this this is such an old thing too I'm so shocked to see like I remember people made some insane [ __ ] I only remember all of this crap though nice explosion okay we'll end it with this and maybe I'll do another stream of this maybe I won't push space you know what that was a nice explosion oh it's still going all right let's get let's get in the on cat that I saw so I need to feel pain nevermind what a way to end it look at Bharti Bart's shirt is ascending into the next dimension same with uh whatever the baby's your pacifier where's the baby's name how do I not know the name of the baby in the Simpsons Maggie right right right oh oh all of a sudden it starts moving you realize that Marge's hair is in fact ice oh god oh god it's burning everything's burning the pacifier carved out a hole gaping hole enlarges chest and Bart is just inflamed oh no Marge Marge not your beautiful luscious locks now this just begs the question what would happen if you set fire to the rest of the Simpsons well let's find out all right well what better way to conclude the stream than the Simpsons in flames this was actually dim it's really late at night for a lot of people it's only like 1:30 for me but I get that for a lot of us which is where most of my viewing audience is it's pretty late at night and we got 43 viewers pretty impressive but thanks for watching guys it's just a fun little [ __ ] around stream I hope you enjoyed it maybe I'll come back to this game maybe I won't it's fun it was nice to play around with it but I feel like I said I'm not great at building games [Music] thanks for tuning in see you guys later [Music]
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 32,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Powder, The Powder Toy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 43sec (4723 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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