[Full stream] - GNOG

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[Music] foreign [Music] do [Music] so [Music] that's a track from monster rally who whom i like whomst i love even but i wish their songs weren't quite so repetitive aren't you a little sick of this chime already i'm a little sick of this chime i thought it would go well because it's it matches the bell on this thing i don't even know what to call this is actually hold on can i zoom in on it [Music] it's still going by the way this is the this is the whole song shenangle adventure something ball something ball scramble screwball scramble that's what it is screwball scramble it was hard to see but i managed to read it uh so yeah you remember these things did anyone else go whoa because when i saw a picture this i went whoa and this might not even be representative of the game very much i know very little about this game i got this in the black lives matter bundle uh it's apparently a double fine game i had no idea it existed i don't know how much involvement they had or if they just like published it or something but it looks like a weird little uh kind of reminds me again of like windowsill and uh islands it's like little puzzle boxes i think maybe so uh uh it should be fun it looks neat i've seen like the intro cutscene hold on i always do this i should just do this when i'm off camera but i need to like i need to like snort a bunch of phlegm out i'm going to mute my mic i need to like cough it up it's a gross noise i don't want you guys to hear it okay oh i got into moat thank you so much chat uh gnaw pog i i think you just say nog i think it's i think it's not gnog oh i feel a sneeze coming on now god damn it i should have like waited to get hold on [Music] my mouse moved i wanted to get rid of the text right as i sneezed and then i was like no i moved because i tensed up to sneeze and then i lost the sneeze i wanted to like get rid of it now i have to blow my nose this is a disaster this is a disaster i'm going to gnelf [Music] and you've been grogged okay i'm not a gray fruit i'm not going to try anymore just generally all right uh hold on hold on one moment i just need to be able to see chat that's all there we go perfect it is simply perfect so co-op i assumed they did a lot of the development of this because i don't know this wasn't on my radar and i'm kind of a big like double fine fan i'm not like a huge fanboy or anything but we we have some we have some cool birds [Music] so yeah i've only seen like the intro cutscene to this and there's like a little puzzle here that you have to do open quotes puzzle just hit all the buttons uh is that a good volume for you guys play more meat boy i played the original meat boy and i got golden god in super meat boy i i think i've done enough so i think this is my character and the plot of this game is that i'm unboxing all of these boxes so i saw this is it weird that this reminded me of majora's mask when you fall anyone else know what i'm talking about like right at the beginning of the game made by the windowsill people i don't think that's a thing vector park i didn't see their name froggy okay so i think yeah i have all these packages and they all have different themes feel sure okay so i'm opening my lunch bags so i have not seen this point this is all new to me it looks like cyborg eat so i again i i really don't know what's up with this game so give me a minute flip it around butterflies in the corners ooh hello oh i see um fishies love fish in the water it looks like the hypno toad okay yeah he wants to eat yeah i know he's a frog i get it is there one unique butterfly that i need to get i'm not sure what i'm doing i'm lighting things up and it indicates on the map there uh okay he's got like a he's got a sore tooth maybe that's the moonlight this is uh that may be too silver for this the the sky is hearts okay oh oh excuse me sir okay howdy i got an idea to intrude sir okay can you move your bed please mister oh hello oh hello oh i suppose there's all manner of goofy guys in here nice i'm liking it so far it's weird um now light switch maybe oh i have to screw them in jokes jokes jokes my landlord came by the other day to replace a light bulb in our house and he had the ladder set up on the stairs in such an unsafe looking way and he was like standing on the side of it and that thing just looked like it was gonna slide out from underneath it was terrible i was so stressed but he changed the light bulb and i was thinking in my head i was like how many landlords does it take to change a light bulb i applaud it everyone clapped in my head uh eat the thing oh i see see what i must do oh is this just permafucked now oh come on no i can't i thought i had to like while it was swapping make the move okay oh should eat frog eat the boy he's dancing he's gonna end with him eating it or becoming friends okay he's gonna eat it cool war warts he gave him warts this is very bizarre yeah there's a lot of bugs in the background it's very true all right what happens now it's been pretty straightforward so far oh well so much for that i did it i guess i hope that his teeth move when you move across them it's so weird oh definitely too sober for this it's singing oh absolutely yep this is very weird thanos beatbox don't ruin this for me don't ruin this for me that was my frog lunch box i like the soundtrack of just sure let's do this one there was another one but i want to do purple music world oh yeah it's dj subatomic supernova it's the ox bro give me the ox huh [Music] what [Music] jesus i like the sounds okay grab this dial it up what else could i have possibly been referencing is sorry if i'm rude are there other things that have supe a guy named that no yeah that's that's no straight roads i i i think about that game a lot definitely going to return to it because it was cool there were a lot of things to love about it uh let's try it while they're down here i guess [Music] i like that sound not the dush but the one maybe like hold it or maybe i need to flip it around there we go going nuts i'm going absolutely nuts oh god oh god is it gonna be actual puzzles now no you know what this feels like there's a game called mirror moon where you're like operating an alien machine and you have to just sort of figure it out like with your intuition even though it's like super alien technology oh hello my friend it's all these people's rooms we are all just people in our rooms are we not [Music] what happened his nips lit up his eyes bugged out his eyes pop out um i don't know how i'm controlling this okay it's like side to side [Music] swing i don't know what i'm doing that's as far as i can turn both of them [Music] oh maybe the other way no that's where they started out hmm come on go all the way up i i i'm not exactly certain what direction is causing those to move okay maybe it changed something back here here we go no that's nothing well let me just let me just figure it out all right i'm not going to get everything straight away chat we got three music bars here [Music] i see but what what do i need to accomplish here maybe just have it in the middle there we go there we go that i bet you that's it yeah yeah it's very like mirror moon where it's like seems unintuitive but then you like fiddle with it for a little bit and you're like okay that actually makes sense [Music] i like this a lot this is actually way better than i was imagining it would be bop it creative mode i love how the background particles change as well [Music] um i keep thinking these are gonna do something it's just like the frog teeth okay i don't suppose this will do anything again no probably not maybe click him again oh i see oh uh i see what's happening here i get it oh what i thought i wanted to make that one orange [Music] it seems like they can only be certain colors okay i'm back to being confused [Music] like that one should be yellow like i'm thinking the little color that's coming off of them is the color it should be but i don't get it let's just make them all purple i don't know is that it [Music] i don't understand at all [Music] uh there's hold on there's something up there [Music] let me i don't know moving these things [Music] i don't know is that different no it's also the color that's like no the color in the center is also different find the romans find the romans i'm putting these back here i'm i am very confused as to what to do it seems like these all are just binary switches so i don't get what to do [Music] i i i seriously like i have zero percent of a clue make them all the same color i did that purple is the only color they can all be the same right that's the only one have only the red ones on [Music] sure i don't sure it's something to try [Music] okay i don't know why that is that but sure i don't know what was indicating red there was like one of the things said like there was red up there but all right oh yeah oh my god spin he's singing okay i think the goal is to hit this button right here the music coming out of the speakers was red okay sure i forget which ones are yellow so i'm sorry i'm just doing this through painstaking trial and error no nothing about this is painstaking this is still cool and i see there's like the the little modules on the bottom are lighting up as i do that spin [Music] getting some coffee is that just we're checking in on this guy i guess no it's still yellow um oh i see look at this okay one two three it's the bars it's hard to put a lot of these puzzles into words so i'm gonna be i'm gonna be talking like baby okay and that's red so is there any other way to like connect these cables to make it a different color maybe the knobs [Music] i have no idea oh that just closes the lid there's a middle point do they need to like okay i think it's just they need to be in the same position oh oh that's that's sneaky and cheeky lads okay i love how the the background elements change i i really would have been stuck on that for so long had someone not pointed it out i yeah in terms of back seating i know it's a puzzle game uh streaming these sorts of games is always a bit of a demon but i i think we can all handle it i'm not looking at chat a huge amount uh though because i know there's gonna be a lot of that sort of thing but i will look to chat if i'm stuck because i don't wanna just sit here going um for ages spin the man all right hell yeah now can i hit the button yeah now it's gonna sing love how they just like serenade you that's your reward for beating it it's like a weird singing box this is some uh this is some what color is the sky in your world eater it's me they're making that dinosaur game on ps5 what is this game sorry i'm actually doing something else uh well what was the other one there was another one i unlocked right sub 01 might be like a bonus level type thing i don't know let's do eater it's it's wet it is a moist level okay almost any do or a specific one no uh maybe the one that this is do any of them actually [Music] maybe this blue one i don't know none of them seem to exactly match up with the thing maybe i need to flip it around maybe the goal of this is to find out the combination oh excuse the out of me there they are okay for instance when i don't instantly get something going trees that's obnoxious backseating i saw it this time but you know uh so okay we got like give me some time to at least like click on everything you know this one's spooky and and the lock part this feels like weird and kinky it's like oh god am i hurting you what's happening cheese or dials okay oh turning the dials in in this game is it just feels kind of weird oh that turns up to like spray i bet crank this again okay i don't get what's happening quite yet um oh i see pipe dream i compare a lot of these types of games to windowsill but it's just uh you know maybe i'll compare future ones to gnog okay oh i don't know what that means it's yeah the knob the knob controls are weird they feel like unintuitive oh here we go it's two lads and they're both hungry cheese um for some reason clicking on left cheese summoned right mouse i don't know why that happened fruits am i like cooking i'm cooking um oh oh oh i up oh god i spilled whatever this is everywhere all right look at that see i'm figuring it out oh my god this just makes me think of taking a i'm sorry i'm not exactly sure what kind of food this is table pizza with left cheese left beef what did we do to deserve left beef we don't deserve it um excuse me is there anything else i can do what just click on it no i'm dragging it every which way okay um give me a second here oh i guess i just need to like get all the oh oh those are like pages of the cookbook [Music] all right yeah i'm just gonna like mute some people i'm sorry uh you know how it is people really some people just do not get the like don't like instantly just tell me what to do every time i come up to a new puzzle you just gotta block some people it actually blocking and ignoring are very similar things on twitch because some a plus student decided that when you hit the slash ignore command it should make it so they can't follow you for some reason that's dumb you should just ignore them just like shadow ban it's like just peaceful solution okay so these are all the steps in the process time berries so oh i need to set the like cooking timer there we go and i'm still i'm still confused on what these drawers are they must do something all right and then uh oh wait they vanished they went away i up clearly uh maybe i need to like set the timer first i need to like do them in this order i guess that's that's all i can think of so i need to do it in a certain amount of time oh uh oh what wait i don't know what okay uh so i need to do the these things first i'm not gonna have enough time to do this yeah that wasn't like nearly enough time even if i knew exactly what i was doing okay then that thing than those things and that thing okay this thing these things i mean it right i don't know uh okay do i really just need to do them like insanely fast uh maybe just does the mouse i still don't understand that mouse interaction i don't suppose there's anything else to like click on there's also the cheese buttons i don't know what the cheese buttons are maybe uh maybe the other timer okay you know what no it's it you really can't do that right no maybe i need to to just turn up the water i don't know what that would do but that's like a thing to do so maybe make it so the timer goes longer or something god that are the flames higher now oh shite no i'm trying to ratatouille this oh this is fire oh yeah is there something i'm missing about the book i don't know what this page is meant to indicate i guess oh like have the water half on oh i thought for some reason i thought that meant like it was the first half of the instructions and that there was going to be more but i see oh come on yeah turning the dials there's something weird about it i can't i'm moving it the exact same way i was moving it the entire rest of the time what there's something like weird going on with the dials okay um and that will somehow give me enough time i guess look i i i swear there's something weird going on here why sometimes it just doesn't let you do it yeah sorry if i said it was water oh i did it in the wrong order sorry if i said it was water because it's literally a drop of water like it's blue droplet of water i didn't do it i pressed the cheese button i can't press the cheese buttons at all i can activate the mouse i am absolutely moving it from side to side i am 100 doing that it just stops it just stops halfway through i i have not been moving it in a circle the entire time it just like stops halfway through randomly sometimes um i still don't get how i have enough time to do this that's the one thing like it just stops [Music] oh what so i just set it for less time i i seriously like it i'm just moving it in a straight line i don't know what i'm doing wrong i think i need to move it in a circle actually no i think i literally need to move it in a circle somebody said don't move it side to side move it in a circle i think when the skulls appear that means it was bad right did i not just do it right there did i not just do it like that exact place no i definitely need to move it in a circle or something no it's so awkward what the no it isn't this is the dials are so infuriating actually i don't get it like is this not the exact thing but that that gives me less time and it makes skulls i don't understand what's the button at the bottom it doesn't do anything yet i don't have to do it in the order of the book oh sure let's try that it's just it showed them in like a weird specific order so i assumed that that was important so i don't know just put them in they're sparkling that means good okay now time to like seriously like i have to sell my soul to like satan for this to work okay clearly that did not do it okay i need three of the plums i see what i did wrong there and one two three four five of those one two three one two three i think the sparkle just indicates that they have been spiced okay god damn it please work this time it seriously every single time stops right there and it sucks it sucks turning a dial should just be move the dial and that's it we've figured out turning dials that one took a while i don't know with like the dream like logic i was assuming that every little detail mattered but i was picking up on like every wrong detail now you eat it oh it's like a clear cake all the sounds are so great moose oh now the mouse can get the cheese was that the goal the entire time whoa okay [Music] people really need to relax it it really did not take me long to figure out to click the one interactable thing left in the room like i was going um for like a second and i already saw like six messages from the same person saying ah relax relax relax [Music] relax i i like it was like literally before i even had time to like think about it because like before i even had the opportunity it was like while i was still feeding the guy that was preventing the mouse from getting the cheese somebody was telling me to click on the cheese like annoyedly relax candy so that last one that last one was eater and it was just i guess just all food themed hold on so these are like they have all of these boxes have what do you call that little thing at the top that lets you like hang on a store shelf there's got to be a name for it it's like the little you know what i'm talking about i swear to god turning things in a circle in this game is like the worst thing everything else is delightful but i seriously like oh maybe it just only goes to those two positions i i was like i swear to god if these dial controls are gonna be like in the entire rest of the video game i'm gonna i'm gonna get so mad [Music] oh i am trying absolutely everything i mean that wasn't that's not actually a dial i was trying absolutely everything i have played many of these like little tactile games now don't worry i tried moving it straight up and down straight side to side in a circle like tank controls in a circle i tried everything tell me your wares [Music] all these faces sorry chad do you want to do you want wanna scream at me for not having solved the puzzle that's coming up in a few minutes you should get on that um so these all go away just yeah i just wanna see some yelling in chat one of these is a skull also the brown ice cream cone it just makes it look like a big coiled poop oh hello wait this is a different face than it was before also i'm getting just free money there's a lot there's a lot happening is that okay is it is that good that you guys are doing that am i hurting you these guys are gonna like throw up they're in like the vomitorium get this off of you you get like bubbles on you okay i see uh let's maybe do these again i like to just in the background oh they're going nuts there was a it looked like i could click the lollipop for a second there maybe these switches oh god that doesn't seem to physically make sense but okay uh maybe [Music] i want to go oh wait wait wait oh i see i gotta slow it down jen um i guess match up with the thing at the top doesn't seem like anything does match up with those like the thing under the eyelids does that work it's like the same shapes uh maybe then hit the rainbow hit the dab like wizkid leaf uh or whatever did i do it i don't think i did it oh oh it keeps changing boobs what is this money for oh good spinning okay i'm just moving it in a circle that one worked just fine lad oh my god the candyman oh the candyman can who can make a sunrise we're in the planning stages uh i can't really do anything here spin oh weird oh god oh god i thought i was solving these things no i have to do something that switches between all of them anything i can do with that i can just just make him do that that's cool um oh something came out of his mouth anything [Music] dragging these doesn't do anything um this is the sounds that this guy makes um i guess let's just check this one again i don't know what to do here oh wait uh uh okay i i did i do it i don't know what i can move this like a centimeter maybe get this brick out of the way no like i can move this like an inch that's all i am able to do [Music] anything here that i recognize i mean it's all just like candy stuff click your eyes maybe is there someone to like put the money maybe i need to just do this again no stop no uh yeah i don't i don't know what to do um it's gotta be something here i feel like i didn't uh mods you don't need to be like deleting stuff and and making it emote only don't don't feel the need i'm usually with backseating it's like there's like two or three people that just don't get it and just like can't stop themselves from being obnoxious and i just ignore those people and then it's fine uh i must feed the lad like especially when i'm stuck i'm fine with i'm fine with taking some hints i have fed the lad to his heart's content uh just like the constant sound of them spinning uh it's like that moves to like it moves those things without resetting this oh look at that just figured it out there we go boom that's that's got to be something right did i do it maybe ah huh no no i i don't think i did it quite properly wait no oh i see what this one is though i see what this is this one is brainwave now we can feed this to the lad or something i solved the nose dial guy well she just yeets gumballs oh and we're like building one it's very abstract [Music] sounds that they make oh my god stop that so now i [Music] i don't know what's up with this i feel like i nailed it um and i feel like i've tried all the combinations of oh no he blinks but then what i don't know i really don't know slide the knobs well that changes these and i i feel like it's got to be right because these because these it's it's got to be that because these it's the cone i made grabbable no try doing the oh and i i just now understand like what this is what this means wow okay like it's it's colors and shapes i like just put that together i feel like that's it it's as close as it can get to there i think that's it is it reversed oh it might be like i should do like the other one no because this is exclusively bottoms and the other one is exclusively tops yeah i know oh piss off oh what now am i a very very very sober individual or was that a little bit of everybody too sober for that one [Music] nice weird i guess that we were building the candy store i i love this this is it's so weird this would be a perfect wack games contender but it's definitely long enough for its own stream um gnog gaming so chat someone take a poll pronunciation nog or gnog this is like when i played connet underground money oh my god there's a bandit here oh i have a feeling they're only going to get more complicated oh i see and that one's missing an eye because there's no way to go up any further oh man i can just tell some of these are going to take a while this might be a multi-part stream how long to beat said two hours but that's not in streamer time all right um doesn't look like there's much to click on it's not because it's all heads what hmm um not seeing a whole lot to do it's like a weird target on this guy's head it's not really much to click i want to like crank it maybe flip it around oh oh like noggin nog oh man you know what probably true and and the the intro thing when the guy went no he didn't really go good now with connet underground you're supposed to say it like that commit i looked up an interview with with niflas um are we gonna see princess peach changing her dress that's what the scene reminds me of is thousand-year door what is happening there's a squeaky oh here we go a scene where princess peach gets naked in a thousand-year tour which by the way incidentally i've been thinking about playing thousand-year door soon not just for that um he needs water the boy needs water so this is a nice picture of fire right chat this is a nice fire picture i'm just kidding around uh it doesn't seem like i can do much with this maybe uh maybe another floor give me this snow can't close those either can't unplug that no i love the dynamic music too so are we are we hacking the bandit okay this this binary must be something the way it was lit up reminded me of the chocolate guy puzzle in the last one huh i'm back in the mainframe sometimes it's kind of hard to tell like what i'm doing like okay i just click on it red then blue there i can't get it to like stay there and there's different shapes on the screen oh look at that oh okay oh i need to okay i need to go to hypno mode come on no i swear the dial controls suck i don't know i don't know i do have my like carpal tunnel mouse but i swear i like i i've never had this issue with any other game with this mouse um alright is that it i guess uh okay uh oh i see um so where do we see some dots and dashes oh it's not this on the side here is it feel like i'm gonna miss something that's like right in front of my eyes here i feel like i might be already doing that oh i turned off his pc if it was the binary code that he was saying then that's up because i didn't write that down maybe i'll check another floor i already did that one i i just love i you guys know this i can't get enough of weird imaginative like this okay he's sleepy secret bookshelf ooh wait you gonna do something about that bro he's got like a vacuum in there you're not gonna do anything about that oh i'm helping the robber oh i think i'm helping the robber rob all the layers here this is what i'm doing i'm gonna clean his clock oh my god i sucked the money out of his head okay now what take his lamp oh okay is that it is that is that what i needed to do oh okay uh maybe hold on it's like towel no i thought i could maybe tug that hmm maybe i need to like hook up a pipe to this maybe a pipeline comes in uh i feel like i didn't actually solve this one though like he's still here right and nothing has happened oh there's a little wallet there i thought he just sucked it out of his head i guess i can do that but that doesn't really do anything i don't know let's try making it night time again it like i see the poster on the back there's like up down up down up down just take more money no we've already done this maybe try this so he catches him no okay i don't know what to do um yeah mods we don't need to be uh like deleting stuff yeah i can't unplug the lamp there's a lot of the other one i thought i would be able to unplug too because there's like so much emphasis like look at this side bit this is the lever that i used to like open the thing it really seems like there's nothing else i can click on there i can just make it night and make the robber just like awkwardly show up and put his like thing out vacuum cleaner or whatever okay let's see what's here oh shut that alarm off there's a lad in here oh my god okay can we stop this how do i turn this off it's the msnbc logo i don't stop i don't know what i'm doing there um all right i'm seeing some dots and and lines here this guy's just like vibrating uh there's in like there's such emphasis on the on the plugs but i can't unplug any of them do i just have to match this up with like the posters but there's only i think i think i see what i need to do there's that with two circles nope okay never mind it's i had them mixed up i thought maybe this line here was indicating like which side they were on but i see what i need to do i over thunk it yeah okay i was on the right track um oh that just made the alarm go off we're right back where i started i don't know i don't know what these doing these drawers does and my guy just does nothing he just sits there i love the way this house is laid out um i i don't no i don't i don't know i don't know the ringing really irritates me um let's just see what's in here this whole like floor structure is reminding me of luigi's mansion three okay is that good did i do it this one is very unclear what even the goal is okay i feel like i've possibly done everything i can here oh how did that help what hold on i'm not going back up there until i understand what i just did because because i was like maybe this leads up to like the guy who needed the water for the shower but there's no pipe here and it also unfroze the guy i don't get why that happened okay i'm just moving on one of the pipes was power pipe i see that was meant to that's meant to be electricity i thought that was just like stylish that's actually the second time that's happened it happened to enter the spider verse i didn't know the main character had electric abilities until the very last like fight because i think he only used it one other time and i just thought it was like a stylish like oh it was like a high impact so it was like a shock you know and i i didn't it didn't like register with me that he had electronic abilities until like the very end and i was like what why where when did he get that um so i guess i sucked all the money out of his jar so that's it then these buildings are not up to code no i keep thinking those things on the side are gonna do something and then oh what is this one oh i turned off the power um all right turn it on off oh oh turn it on chaos chaos chaos chaos okay no let's go to the shower guy ah a nice relaxing shower i'll give you your privacy um wait do i need to stop it there we go um no the the guy below downstairs is it's no worries is that it i don't know what else oh wait the thing appeared what the oh he's like in the i didn't even notice that it showed up i was like there's no place for the guy to show up is he in there i don't see him in there all right so the goal of the stage is just distract everyone while you steal their possessions okay so turn off the water okay and now everything's fine um i still don't get what to do for this one not it right yeah uh wait oh the sound happened also where is the i need to like power up the bandit here that's what we're doing we're not hacking him we're like powering him up wake up the lad but that's how i got the code to where it is yeah right right oh that dude none of these are the oh wait wait wait wait oh i see him there that's at least one of them i don't even remember what they looked like i'm just gonna take a picture with my phone cheating cheater cheat fruit perhaps perhaps it's so weird it like it's very dreamlike logic okay come on with the dials i'm not a fan of that okay he falls asleep because the hypnosis is happening but the hypnosis is also required to do these so now i'm going to look at my phone um only one of the buttons is one of these so just that one a bunch no right i am still at a loss i guess one of them does have a no okay i don't get what the order is though um i'm thinking like the color of the pipes i'm just looking at a picture on my phone right now a hint on each floor um i don't know it is i guess the number of buttons one two three four five six in there how many floors one two three four five there's only five i don't i still don't get it um i don't know uh only one of them is here only one of the buttons is on the screens and there there's like other ones that have circles in them i guess but they're just like all over the place there's just like a ton of them uh color of floor teeth no because that's five is it the sounds but somebody was saying it's the monitors oh god oh it oh no man i hate turning these tiles it's the worst i i really think there's like not anything else it's just those oh oh i found one i still don't oh but they have they have dots underneath them that's what it is i figured it out so now i just need to like write it down i hate turning these dials i swear to god i cannot properly communicate enough they up just move straight in a line to turn the dial please there's like some like do the hokey pokey that you have to do to navigate these and it's it's driving me up the wall especially when you need to do like persis [Applause] okay so it's it's just awful like maybe it's maybe it's because i'm using a mouse i don't know am i supposed to use a controller for this it's just miserable with mouse okay i'm taking a photograph because i don't want to i don't know like write down a bunch of glyphs okay so we got one two is that all that there is there i guess that's all there is there i don't know it's hard to tell because the dials don't work okay okay come on stay at it there you go there you go i am moving the mouse so gingerly chat don't you worry your pretty little head i am moving it as slowly as possible it's such a pain um okay i think that's all the informations that i need so now i need to like do my taxes again to get to the please stay at it thank you so much okay um so hit that once this once then um which one's three there we go sorry i'm going through pictures on my phone three four five and six there you go god that one took a while that was another one that really i would have bet i would have just looked up the solution because i i with the scrolling the way it is they go by so fast even when you're going so slowly it would have taken me ages to figure that out oh my god oh and now we get the theft song game theory all the buildings all the all the boxes in nog symbolize a deadly sin all right uh how many of these are there i've got so i've done a few i've got one three four left okay that's really not too bad i'll do this this should be one stream and somebody was asking if this is gonna be edited into a video probably not we all live there we go oh my god it's like especially with the dial thing i can't tell if what i'm clicking on is a dial or not by just clicking on it and moving the mouse a little bit it's like i need to move the mouse around for like five hours when i touch a dial like thing now because i can't be sure another fire this this must be the fire valve right um did that flush a toilet fish fish no more cool very cool right there maybe uh hold on is there like mouse sensitivity no it just generally feels really sensitive um i'm learning so many things oh hello treasure you've come here for the treasure um what is this okay oh i thought it was already full of water we're underwater and the like lid came off oh and that drains it that is flush in the toilet i see and that that brings in the water from the outside okay so now you can go inside my friend right so i sent out the like beacon i sent out the stop freaking call beacon now what um how do i convince you to go in i don't know how to get this guy to go in i can't move that anymore uh wow i'm really stuck again oh sure now that is a thing um did that do much no i can do nothing with this uh i don't know what that did okay and i can no longer do that interesting i'm very confused already like there's a lever here but i can't pull it um and this guy just does not want to come inside whatsoever please i am very lost oh and the teeth the teeth always fake me out it never actually does anything i have no idea what this is i would i would welcome help there's like look this lights up but i don't know what that actually does it didn't seem to do anything hey it's like perfect it's perfect but like now what you know [Music] i don't get it i can't make the diver do anything the diver does nothing when i click on any part of it send the diver down i can't do anything with with him at all i i can't spin this like i really can't do anything like i have to dive with the x people are not giving good advice remove the water bottom of the ocean oh why wait why why doesn't the dial work when it's full of water wait no i want a reason though wait no i want a reason for why that happened no wait normally things have a reason because it's under water you can still still turn things can't get your hand wet that's that must be it you can still turn things under water yeah rotation has no effect underwater rust sure rust yes also i don't get what that did also that did nothing huh does this not drain it what okay am i crazy or is this like what that like the sound i pulled it down several times the sound cue played several times and then that time it just decided to actually happen i don't know i do not know i don't know like this is some cool nothing red cube in a jellyfish that thing oh oh obviously oh obviously yeah that means lever yeah i'm not gonna say this makes the most sense to me right now i'm not i'm not gonna say that oh so what is it cube or diamond that i want that's what i'm assuming does the diver ever come into the thing it's like stressing me out i don't know if i was a diver and i was like right outside a submarine i wouldn't just be like oh i'll just chill here for a while no it's fine i would be like let me in okay clearly i have wow wait what was it not a cube earlier oh no oh i see and that is that is whatever this is it's like a 3d cube okay i see what to do okay what happens now um okay those clear i see the dots and i did i don't know what those actually correspond to though we have seen no such dials but it's good to know that dials are incoming oh i see okay we're bringing in treasure i said okay oh look at that that's fun that's fun we get some nice small precision dials did i do it in like the wrong order or something because these ones are layered vertically but these ones are horizontal i guess it's the the dots so two is this one now that i like it's usually like once i start to grasp the actual like main premise of the level start to get it a little more but i i'm you guys can see that i'm struggling with some of these puzzles and you can only chalk a certain amount of it up to stream or stupid you know but when when actually kind of makes sense it is like basically satisfying solutions oh i got the eye back oh i see because the the eyes got knocked off and i guess they were sealed inside these treasure chests okay so can i like open this top of it is smoking um okay so is there like dots on this one let's see in any other dots in the corners maybe just try the opposite order i don't know i mean i'm not struggling a huge amount but just uh every once in a while i know that was a sarcastic comment but i'm answering it seriously because you um there are lines oh oh lord oh god i'm all for exercises in moon logic but it's a dangerous game you play when you go for the moon logic because sometimes it's just like oh okay i guess that happens yeah is that the last one it's the top one there we go square really the struggles are really with the dials yes i don't know how those got in those treasure chests but i guess they did sing and now finally i can turn this right please no bring our guy back bring the boys back home i know what i need to do oh now it's blue perfectly centered as all things should be [Music] this never fails to make like cheer me up after the puzzles though this is like uh it has vibes of baby game but i i don't know how well a baby would do in this game i don't know why i unlocked that submarine one like early that was weird we got three left i certainly would not have been able to solve all these as a baby or it would have taken you know what i the thing about playing the i played this game as a kid is as a kid you don't remember how many failed attempts you have sometimes this is very mirror moon okay i see what i need to do here see these are fine i'm literally just moving it left to right and the dial works perfectly fine i do not know what was up with that one earlier where it just like stops sometimes um okay clearly i need to do something with this there you go sorry i'll stop complaining about that dial eventually all right looks pretty good [Music] nice oh oh not the milk we're getting the bottles of milk before it all floats away and all our food okay stop freaking out i got the food i got it already stop going ooh okay oh i can't slide these oh i can flip them oh god okay um all right everything's fine we did it these are our different display screens i guess that's the star fox star map are we going to go into cryo sleep nope oh jesus oh my god i see this is not a dial this is a button here we go what kind of thing is this that it fixes a broken glass is that it there's like some spots on there can we get that off there okay uh how do i go back it's very creative though okay we fixed the thing we got all the food back uh we gotta fix this thing i just have to use the guy again i guess uh let me what the is this okay okay i have so how do you think this controls grab it and then pull the mouse directly to the right but it does that but i just need to like do it real quick so it doesn't have time to go back it's weird here we go um is that close enough no there we go this one's been pretty intuitive so far oh look at that i love that okay i love the the saturn that is just appearing and disappearing in the background there at the bottom um get back in there all right spin what am i doing here what do i do with this i swear it it's just like the controls change like every two seconds like i grab the top of this drag it straight down nothing all right i'm going to drag it straight to the right that happened that was like pulling my mouse directly to the right straight left oh oh nope something's almost happening down and like sounds are happening but i don't get what they mean i don't get what it means it's just over and over it's just going fu i don't know one of them just says check mark um there's like a there's like an empty battery here oh look at this okay i did it maybe there's a screen here that indicates no uh i'm not really seeing anything here uh [Music] these are both lit up i'm not even exactly sure what these do uh help i don't know what the to do this just goes all the time oh i guess having that twisted to a certain amount did that i don't know what the i just did but okay i guess we just did it um like max speed i don't know it doesn't seem like anything on here like indicates anything that would help me right i'm not seeing anything i guess that just like activates it hmm another thing i would have taken very long to stumble upon very long time okay oh god yeah now what what about it no what do i do with it i just have to find them all oh okay oh weird oh oh god and i can't i can't go back that kind of sucks so this is just slowly scroll through space and find all the things i guess okay sure there's there's that feeling again sure i don't know maybe like a like a one sentence description help the burglar rob all the guys get the eyes back from the bottom of the sea oh no goddamn it went slightly past it still works help the explorers unchar chart all the planets you know food for thought i don't know i'm not a grammar designer okay now i just need saturn this is a good way to do it scrub back and forth oh no i missed it no i missed no oh it's over to the side there i'm gonna speed yeah oh and that charges the battery oh k sure what is this what is this genre it's a troll step log log [Music] oh wow i like this one a lot already okay uh sometimes my controller just or my my cursor like leaves this reminded me of raphael the raven oh now he is dead the bird is dead okay oh good more dials i guess just the phases egg um mostly cracked egg this is making me think of uh yoshi the nes game boom which came first easy egg what okay oh look at this guy he's puking he's poking a bunch of bird guts in here oh god oh i need to aim oh god i need to feed the little baby birds that's adorable that is simply adorable is that that's as high as up as i can go i think i'm feeding it god i would be a terrible parent i i think i'm feeding it hold down on the bird longer oh no it's hard to aim this one am i even getting any of that oh and then oh i need okay okay so this one seems pretty straightforward i just need to like repeat the process a bunch of times right puking god that's so oh just silly just simply silly it's really not a great visual indicator that they are actually being fed there but okay [Music] shoot it's like guacamole i'm waiting for the guy to pop up here there we go get him no gonna be too late oh there we go puke controls are not optimal is this all this one's gonna be just getting drenched oh my god oh i can just do that from this side i don't have to flip it around i just accidentally figured that out i'm using puke controls oh my god oh that one just needed a tiny bit more and now the final bed get that get that puke on an egg new favorite video game have i mentioned i'm not actually touching him with the puke nice oh this is awesome [Music] it's the tiki room they are singing [Music] um i swear to god i swear to god it's so bad i don't know what to do i swear the controls like change every second they were trying to do something and it just i literally don't know how to get it to the other side i literally do not know how to get it to the other side i like i need to like set up my webcam or some this is like a germa moment i need to set up my webcam i'm gonna do it like tiny increments no that's not the way that i dragged it it's not the way oh my god there like i had to do it in tiny segments and it was just i was just curious i was just curious i don't know what to do there's like nothing left ticklish beard nose boy [Music] i assume i have to like [Music] there's like nothing to do there's like absolutely nothing to click um oh wait clicking on its eyes makes a sound i guess like no i'm clicking everything here spin this no in order of the colors on the worm eating places [Music] is it like the color of the branches they're sitting on like just the yellow and blue one maybe i there's like so little to work with here the nose won't turn no uh turn off the birds singing swears oh [Music] oh okay i didn't even pick up on that all right mm-hmm eat those maybe uh oh i guess i did it i don't know what i did there that solved that but sure like his nose has eyes too and they're like the nostrils that seemed like a short one it was like the majority of that one was just doing the same puzzle over and over but it's still cute the little mushrooms are [Music] singing all right oh my god labo wait nintendo labo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right last one is there gonna be a final boss i don't like this guy i like the way he's looking at me [Music] um those light up for just a second but they don't seem to do anything right now the nose doesn't do anything the teeth don't do anything [Music] anything else to like turn on no well i am instantly stuck there's nothing there's not a thing oh i assumed those were disabled too okay you can actually click on these i was like i have zero ideas already um someone says i hated this one cool that means i i'm looking forward to it maybe just all the ones with x's i guess if this doesn't work next thing i'll try is all the ones without x's okay hey yeah oh my god welcome to my laboratory i like all the like do you see like the frowning clown face that's what some of the puzzles in this game make me feel like a sad dumb clown okay well clearly that does that what does it all mean this guy's a bit of a vivid weave it seems happy happy joy joy mm-hmm is is this good or is is it good that you're doing that should you be doing this maybe reverse the polarity so there's there's colors these dials go to colors uh oh look at that laser go all the way over and stay there what the that's that's unsatisfying um so that's that's as far as i can point that laser [Music] so i can only assume it's meant to go in there maybe blue for like the blue laser or like the i don't know i don't know there's also these or these things are throwing me off yeah i don't know don't know what this uh oh wait does it say different oh it's saying different things every single time i still don't get oh here we go uh i i mean i see that that is that symbol but i don't know what that really indicates i guess the oh wait no there's a dial right beneath it so there and then that but but what is this then there's like all the little like unnecessary details are rather not unnecessary but all the details that don't have anything to do with the puzzle i have no idea that they don't have anything to do with the puzzle so all all those like extra markings just throw me off here we go yeah i get it now kind of oh wait i guess that's just the middle one goes there um oh god oh no that's the panel that already came off right and it's like this is really the bottom one but it's got that symbol oh oh oh all right now i get it though now i get it whoa that that wasn't superfluous information so the top one needs to i didn't even notice these little dials but then i started looking for him and i i found him um okay oh my god it's bug snacks he's turning into french fry fry worst bender i've ever heard in my life i need oh wait was i on the right one i think i was on the right one is that the one i want yeah is that good did i do it did i do the thing no i think one of these boards had uh no hmm i said i don't even really get what i'm doing here with this guy uh they're both in pain i i do see the dna strand holy just saying the word dna is not an adequate hint i see or or rather if you've all if the word dna has already been said saying it more times isn't going to help is what i meant so i've never quite understood that one um oh so wait what is there any option for a blue line that's in the right spot no okay cool and which one there's the bars there's there's no way to get a blue one in the right spot so i assume that's not something i need to do perfectly how do i get rid of the yellow dots i don't want those oh did i do it wait i i don't even understand what i just did but okay i think i just beat the video game whoa it like glitched out i don't even understand what i just did but i guess i beat it oh nope there's more weird yeah all right i see where this is going no oh god huh this is like the like absolute definition of i don't know what direction i turn the mouse in to do this and also i don't know what i'm trying to [Music] accomplish this is a nightmare to control i'm clicking on it i'm clicking on it uh this this is this is miserable this is miserable if it really is that i just need to like make them all the same how how with these controls oh god oh god i'm never going to beat this i'm never going to beat this video game i am not if that is what i need to do i am never going to beat this like they go like they go back they snap back look it's there hold on it's there i'm releasing the button they snap back they don't they do that and like your guess is as good as mine man as to like where anything is going to go if you do anything the only positions that i can view it from are these two those are the only those are the only ones i'm literally never going to be this by the way fun fact i am literally never going to finish this this is the end of the stream it's over i like you can't control it and also they snap back they snap back into position oh nope it's getting close this is like the fiddliest dumbest puzzle to end the game on oh my god please please just let it be over please i hate this puzzle i hate this puzzle stay stay there like i swear like i'm setting them where they need to be and then they just don't stay so it's like cool i i i did it i don't know [Music] i don't know i don't know what to do congratulations yeah i can't change the colors of them when i select them they change colors but then they just change right back i i i if there's a way for them to change colors i do not know how to do it oh wow thank you chad i didn't try clicking on them thanks oh yeah clicking on them doesn't work stay there right like this is the worst to end your game with this is awful i think like please thank you oh my god that was terrible that was just a miserable one [Music] hey that was like that final level was like all the worst aspects of the game combined into one i'm sorry man that was that was some it was like i don't know what to do and it controls poorly all right do we get like a special finale one now what is the little like d-pad symbol beneath them i don't understand what's happening but okay [Music] [Music] sure hit me um it's all his furnishings [Music] the final noggin oh look all the symbols are coming back so weird yay well that was a weird one that was cool though did i so when those last four buttons did i have to hit those in a certain order and i just accidentally did it or was it just any order [Music] cool game omar dabus that was it was a very cool game uh it was uh i found parts of it to be uh sort of annoying as you can probably tell but uh it was cool i like all the the unique aspects of it it's definitely not like a concept that's been done with a ton of other games so i don't blame them for not having it like super super super polished the look the like look and sound of it was amazing i really didn't find the way that it controlled to be like intuitive a lot a lot of time but there were people in chat saying hey i played this and i didn't have trouble so i don't know i don't know so those dials were really annoying for me though and the fact that the last one was literally just like three dimensional dials all the way down that was that was a pretty interesting decision uh but it but cool cool game not too much else to say about it it's not like a new favorite or anything but it can we can tuck it alongside the other games in this sort of similar genre like the the vector park games and islands and such i guess it'll just loop around [Music] yeah i swear to god like i don't know i don't know what was happening with the dials but i just uh maybe it was just monkey brain but i swear i've i've played a lot of games with a lot of weird control schemes and it just felt like it was seriously one of those things where it's like i'm sure there's a rule to it but the way i was doing it just felt like any direction any direction that i put my mouse it just like randomly changes the controls on me it was real weird my mouse works fine yep i'm waggling the mouse around it's perfect control now oh well but yeah cool game not much else to say about it uh again this won't be a video it won't be a speed run probably won't ever come back to it it's a nice little one-off game that was part of the uh like i said part of the black lives matter bundle i've got i i've been sorting through those games and there's a lot of these that are just kind of like a one-off like two or three hour long stream type situation so uh you can expect probably more of this type of thing in the future maybe i mean of course a different game i i'll probably do whack games again i'll do another wack games installment soon but i can do like a bunch of small ones of these you know what it felt like is like the mushroom in smash when you get it by the mushroom and it like changes your controls on you and you're like you just walk into the blast zone anything special when i quit no absolutely lame i wanted to see every single video game since banjo-kazooie has been a disappointment because that game when you quit out of it it shows either shows you the main villain becoming hot so uh anyway yeah thanks for watching guys you take it easy bye bye
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 8,929
Rating: 4.9300699 out of 5
Id: XpnVz9n0HO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 28sec (7408 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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