[Full Session] Big U and Wack 100 on #CannonsClass

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen class is in session and man this is a historical moment uh on so many different levels two brothers that uh i i truly admire respect and look to for wisdom and guidance and so much of this stuff that's going on but i don't i don't know if it's ever been done before on a podcast i don't know if it's ever been uh such two strong mogul-like forces in one area to talk coming face-to-face a true standoff for the streets the one and only big u and whack 100 man bloods and crips and cannons class that's how i don't know if that's that's ever uh well he's not a blood [Applause] [Laughter] so you know what honestly let's start there let's start in a space of of origin and education for so many because truly you guys are leaders in your community and have been for for quite some time and you know people utilize that word leader uh loosely but uh you're not leading unless you really have to go through something and and walk through the trenches and and come from something and you guys have both done that so first let's talk about your names because i've always wanted to know this uh he has three names i know he does i mean i don't know three i know two i don't know the government i know three but let's turn to government let's talk about your names and where they came from because you don't even know you got an interesting name people always be coming at you for your name being whack so it's a different era see yes break all that down whack 100 and our area miss whack with something different yeah so tell us why is your name whack 100 i mean well you know man how do i answer that one without incriminating yeah um you know what i i was saying you know it was kind of like when i was in prison i thought about my name and it really wasn't uh government name is actually a dope ass no the problem the problem i had with my name is that it's about money no no the origin of where it came from came from really the italian mobster movie it really wasn't our thing right right you know what i'm saying yeah yeah remember because that's the terminology and the good fellas you could whack somebody yeah right oh that was they turned it really wasn't the more i thought about it but it was it was already too late so i had to roll with it see i thought you was cause you was crazy you know i'm not crazy you definitely know i'm not crazy you i'm not the one that got a man cave with minnesota viking stuff i think that's crazy that was a part of the hustle win i'm just saying california had no teams yeah exactly whack one hundred and even what's the 100 yeah you know you know even though 100 was i'm gonna keep it real case late told me i need to be on social media right i told him you crazy i don't know what social media was so you're like well let's set up instagram account so i put in whack it wasn't available i put in whack one it wasn't available so i went to whack 100 it did it said available if that wasn't available i probably would have been whacked one thousand i don't know that should be the next thing the game file was wack whack 100 is a straight social media driven and not now you ceo of 100 entertainment definitely i'm saying i'm the vp of cash money west yeah we also got another ceo i mean that's the thing to be to come from where y'all come from and to be leaders entrepreneurs and ceos and for philanthropists it says a lot man but we still got we got to talk about these origins so big you where where are oh my not elaborate i just didn't want to be named after nobody else i didn't handle respectful so my daddy was uh eugene so cut it down real simple then you okay but [Laughter] that was more violence in it like you know then he goes a whole bunch of nights hannibal's changed my philosophy and started studying islam the time when olive bc got killed so and that's right when i was coming to coming into next to the nation i was born into the united states live through miracles and but that's when that's right when i started back studying right and so under captain malek muhammad it was me khalid you know recipes callie was running on um temple number 27 right question so it was that time it was at the end and he's originally from out here or was he from i followed that i had a lot of respect for that dude they tried to they they got that in in the riverside or somewhere at the school right he was shot out there yeah he did something to him yeah yeah but i wasn't out of respect yeah i was at that time i was like um 89 90 89 90. yeah right around that time and then that's when i started studying so there was a lot going on yeah basically when i came in that's why they love me today well hey hey as they should so i mean even wanting to talk to that uh too because even you know i'm kind of reading a bunch of books still i got my degree in criminology just recently i spent a lot of time on the inside with these guys and i feel like they're some of the most brilliant minds that are incarcerated and some of the really these are dudes who were out of the box thinkers and figured out yo i need to go figure out how to get it not by society's forms and not by their constructs and my two brothers are clearly brilliant and and but have been through the hard knocks and have been on the inside i i gotta ask what and we talked about this before about even the right right of passage within our community i want to just dive directly into that conversation about what that experience on the inside in your younger days how did that mold you to be the man that you are now for me i was real young you know i went to prison um i was 16 years old yeah when i hit solidarity yard actually it's crazy because one of his big homeboys rest in peace big fish um it's weird how things work because he kind of like saved me because uh what i i was picked up from the prison bus from juvenile hall right so from there we go to delano state penitentiary right so you know tried as an adult yeah i was tried as an adult right so i went i'd already did the youth authority i'd already did all that young and early yeah they didn't want me back in the system so they sentenced me to stay prisoners so when i get to delano to the reception i barely got a mustache i got no goatee nothing right but everybody asking everybody where they from right so at that point in time you know blood is outnumbered everywhere you go right but i you know i'm a why baby so i'm a firecracker right right right so i jump up tell them where i'm from i'm the only one in there from the red side right right so you know at that point they go to i got we got us one right right out of nowhere i seen this ball head short stocky do we jump up he say y'all ain't got nothing he said he claimed he said y'all can get my head up or ain't gonna be nothing at all on rolling 60's [ __ ] first when i'm hearing all this i'm like okay it's a big homie in here and it hit me with the rolling 60's [ __ ] right yeah this was really my first seed right of what i was to become later on when it came to the division of crippling blood right was that going to continue to be my enemy or was i going to see it a different way and i really didn't know at that time right now i mean that that was that first seed it was crazy because right before fish passed yeah i got a chance to talk to him like he remembered me right because you know i had all the physique i had everything to come with it i just had the baby face he respected the fact that i represented my neighborhood i didn't i wasn't scared to say it be solid so he stood up he could have been part of the problem but he stood up for me i mean so i would that was even like even some of the first lessons inside and i didn't know it i didn't know it i didn't know it my next lesson came inside of that it was a war with to with the hispanics and i i broke down the remember the bread racks i broke red rocks down i passed out like 13 knives all homies right so we go out there because this is black hispanic so we all out there together right so while we doing our thing i hear somebody whack watch out it's a dude named three finger louis from harlem crib right saved my life hispanic dude was on my blonde i just seen saved my life right long story short people go to the hole some of us make it back to ourselves about three days later you know the drill jones rolled it up for what we got confidential information you passed out weapons for the war so i asked myself that day who's my enemy this crypt that saved my life or one of these bloods he told on me because i ain't getting nobody knives but bloods right so that day i told myself i would never in prison greet another black man where you from but see right before that it was another seed planted by fish i didn't know it you know what i'm saying so it's like certain events is happening and it's watering my mentality and it's changing it yeah so that day forward i'd never asked nobody where they from i greet them they come in i asked them if they needed some things i'd hit them off with it if they wanted to tell me they was from that's cool i let their homeboys know and then we roll with it like that if you want the gang bang we was good at that if not we could just be one love and and do what we had to do on the yard that's solid and the same thing i mean like with with you kind of going on the inside it was different i got to prison my mind was already in a different place so i when i went like i said i just already was already making transition i ended up getting in prison i was already studying so i looked at prison like well this is going to be my opportunity to to this is going to be my education until they let me out so my fl my walk was different coming in prison day one day one i was more on a unity more we got to move together so i really and then my my issue was different than here is my eyes was more [ __ ] [ __ ] led yeah so my issues was dealing with more crips i don't think i ever really had a i never really had like no beef with blood but that's the thing too yeah i think people got to understand even the way the infrastructure that's l.a a lot of y'all vngs and yeah in the 60s that many blood sets in l.a when you think i mean you see the movies you hear the stuff glorified in the music but it's far more crisp crips in los angeles it's definitely more [ __ ] sets in los angeles county and and in his section they got direct blood enemies but with him because of where he was at he had the bngs and the six deuces and he was right englewood was kind of behind y'all i know that might be the ones around us yeah right yeah more problems with tim's than we did with anybody because those dudes from vng and six deuce a lot of them probably went to crazy school together yeah we found where we from but we know each other yeah inglewood factory was a totally different situation he was cmgs yeah so we said it's like this like it's our hood is this map so if you're going down slauson you've got vng signatures brims you've got englewood family a trades and hoovers and then the only thing that really kind of goes west is nothing down slauson but if you kind of go it's you got to go down christopher and get to the 20s right yeah wayne is far down so so for the people that ain't from out here let's even break it down like you watching boys in the hood because that's a lot of most people okay so that was that's us in the vng so the 60s and the vng yeah so and and that idea of um because even you you touched on something pretty powerful because i mean i remember growing up uh you know in southeast daigo just even based off of when somebody said hey where you from or what sets you clean it that that that wasn't like it was on from that point like it wasn't like oh okay straight up like the hat what i said it wasn't like okay it was it was like you knew that it was however you answered that question even i banged jesus christ that ain't even work they're not gonna say where you live yeah yeah yeah it's gonna break down yeah so where you live so let's talk about the importance of that and is that even i feel like because even as we sit here today where you're from doesn't necessarily matter anymore especially it's like it's almost that i kind of said i don't want to get corny but it was like where you're going or what you're building from from this point in perspective because now you guys are working together coming to the table to work together to lead this next generation where you from doesn't represent the same thing as it did before because did it even get to a space where we realized that the places that we claimed we were from we didn't even really have any ownership no no i bet definitely back in those days what we had was controlling the block the spots on the block that burger stand that park that we didn't own none of it yeah but we that wasn't that wasn't the topic of the conversation it was just like this is our territory right at the dinner table and even now it's where we get 75 of the neighborhoods are nowhere near what they were back in right now you can drive through neighborhoods now at a time now that you better not get caught at that street like a stoplight yeah right so it's very few neighborhoods that still and how did it get today well let me go back to what you asked yeah because we're in a different we're in a different time where we're more educated now definitely especially with the politics of la and growing like because you got to remember if you go back to when equipment started it was direct poverty you could see it uh it was a time where we couldn't buy houses like we we grew up on the east side there like damn in the east side yeah and so we started moving west and then as you move west you start moving into european areas you start moving into different different parts that you weren't welcome into right so it was a real struggle like you see right now today that's coming back yeah the red black men are murdered and we can't claim an identity we're being accustomed by different religious and different people with different backgrounds so we're being told to stay in our place in a round of our way so that's the era you were seeing in the 60s right so this is where there was a birth for different unity so it was a cry for organizations and protection protection right protecting your own right so we've seen a we've seen a need it was it was supposed to be met by a need but because of j edgar hoover in them corn tail pro you see uh um you've seen negative energy be interjected in the organization you turn this on each other chosen same way they did with the black panther same would deal with the move movement somebody with all these different organizations we weren't we we weren't we weren't um negro unity is the most dangerous thing in the world we got to get better at though bro letting opposition turn us on us yeah right it still happens yeah you know what i'm saying like because it should be really identifying who the opposition actually is because as we say i'm not your enemy i'm not your enemy but they've told us that we're well no well like when he said j edgar hoover right yeah like what we do it today issue arise we don't just act on it we put it on the table right and a lot of stuff we put on the table we find other elements in this situation that may make this mean something else to a point that we deal with it in a different way you know what i find is this this is what i find to be difficult because if i'm in the mindset of trying to help or i try to help all organizations that are on the same path so we're moving the same train of thought but the problem is when you get brothers who just don't understand where it's going all right i had a conversation from an nba player who called me because i talked to a lot of them his thing was uh why are we stopping to play basketball and everybody else was not stopping and my point to him was because you have the biggest voice right now and and sometimes when you have the biggest voice you have to carry the biggest burden and and i was explaining well see you guys sat down when football was going you didn't have to you didn't fight when football was going you guys were actually in in in the background and his thing was but we ain't making our money we can't i said we got struggles i'm like yeah but i don't think you overstand what's happening you have the biggest podium even if football and basketball was going football is a one-time game playing the super bowl but you guys just played over over a month yeah so you galvanized the world because so and it goes to what you were saying so what what we are saying is that i could be moving in the direction you not see why i'm moving and then in your you make a statement on instagram facebook or twitter that that derails a little bit of the energy that could help me even though you don't need it so what we need is responsible people with voices to continue to put the energy in even if you don't understand or this is where the train is going i don't understand why but i'm gonna put the energy out there even if i'm not getting known so i used to find myself in that spot right to where maybe i don't like somebody for some reason i ain't [ __ ] up right but we that's the step that's what takes us back you know what i mean facts yeah nah that that's when you put it that way just even based off of the idea it goes back to what we've both discussed before is is code in like the code of conduct the idea of which one has to i feel like that's that's the substance in which our organizations are built on and even the hierarchy of an og and the homies underneath them um i don't think people really understand that i mean especially the outsiders the people watching this they don't understand that you guys operate amongst the code you guys operate them onto hierarchy and can't nothing just happen without somebody calling the shots it can though it can but and it does it does and it's depending on how serious it is and who was with then his repercussions which refused the same thing so that's what that's probably ultimately how the inner circles get broken up because when there's there's always going to be feuds amongst the wolves and amongst the lions when you're trying to eat let me go there you can separate you separate exactly right because now he'll tell you when i first walked into a prison yard i was 23 22-23 but when i got to prison i didn't understand no prison so my education i had to sit down watch out how prison function watch who was moving here cco blue note blue line i mean uh uh bloodline you know um and pdl uh um ubn so i had them so those are all different organizations those are right who are lobbying for bodies so when i got to to my first prison after the reception center they meet you at the door wow you know what i mean like either you're falling with this you're following with that or you're gonna stand on your own or your set is big enough for you ain't got to deal with that so 90 of the smaller sets who come in falling under something right right you know i'm like that so this is what we call prison politics right right you got cco blue then you got this is the [ __ ] side of the prison games you got bl and ubn which is bloodline united blood nation which is the blood side of prison gate these are prison gangs yeah yeah which are different from the outside game totally different like so is it safe to say that the prison gangs dictate to the gangs outside on this only on a small small level depending on because my idea for that is because they say like the big homies especially the solid ones are usually the ones that are locked up who are still ultimately sometimes calling shots i never like i i got some homies that did but i just kind of like you seems like you always did y'all because this is where i saw it bro we didn't did all that we did we already who we are by the time we get there right right and we was totally different individuals even at our age but i don't think it was a strong one you was there though cause you left them where are you no it was what you mean 1993 oh yeah yeah it was just it was strong that's right when we went to the racing the racial situation right so so i just looked at it like the dudes i felt that was calling they dogs right i don't know how that happened but i was smarter than this dude i thought i was motivating this dude too so all i did was got my little click together all the youngsters that came in didn't know nothing brain watched him a little bit he was at your hats me right no i didn't know my first fight he was solid oh he's a southerner which which was lucky for me cause i was at that time blood headquarters majority a lot of you want to run to a lot of solidarity okay right so that was a great experience for me it was really like a a relief and i didn't know it right so now i'm like when his heart actually me a fish caught the chain the solid dad together right but you know he went crazy on the he's on the hoover trip right yeah that was yang main yeah he didn't but even that i'll go ahead see like and and kudos to them brother a lot of the intentions with it was good right because you got to remember their influence was the black panther party right so you had because you remember the mindset bgf as well too yeah bgf that's a black gorilla fan right yeah yeah so a lot of that a lot of that mindset to organize and to be more unified was coming because it was a lot of brothers who was being locked up at that time right when they was catching them locking them up giving them charges ending up in prison so then they started educating young brothers in prison right and starting to give a different mindset like okay you're here now you got to know how to read and all that stuff so that was a strong strong point and then the cco's the blue note that was a thing too about learning how to read learn how to do all other stuff and that's really what i want to focus on because i feel like and it's it's a dangerous line to walk because when we see what these prisons have produced i mean obviously now we know mass incarceration we don't went from plantations to penitentiary penitentiaries but when you look at individuals per se like a malcolm x or even what the nation has done when you see a brother who go in straight stone cold criminal come out eloquent ready to ready for action ready to change and provide for its people is there a level of institutionalism that can go one way or another when we heard oh he's been institutionalized that uses all he gonna come back crazier and more wild but brothers like yourself through that and came back wiser focused and ready to get to it and provide for the community and that right of passage that you talk about really some stripes to be like oh no he went in there did his time sit down the right way held his head high and stayed quiet and now we look at him as right that's solid like i think i i think i think the big the biggest misconception is people come home and expect they expect everybody to give it to you and we can both speak for this people did open a few doors up for us right but we still had to have our other things going on you ought to be like for instance i would have not had not survived if i wouldn't have my own trucking business going on right right even though i was trying to do music a lot of people we were trying to do music with we'll bring huge deals to the table right and then other politics to kick in and to get weird so constantly had to time i looked up if it wasn't the t-shirt business he had this going on or this going or this going but we were still doing our music on the side so i think a lot of them need to come home and they need to have a plan a few plans because one may need to support the other until the other gets off the ground when they come home and they try something they get discouraged and then they fall back into the same thing right and place them into the system so i think what you talking about is is is is um mindset while in prison because now that they're letting a lot of brothers out for example who who never thought they was going to come home once you got life 25 to life because life meant life right back then so you got brothers for 30 40 years myself i did 13 right right but i always seen the light of the tunnel so when i was in prison i studied i used to hold class i just teach brothers try to get them to catch on to where we were where we know what's going to be going on the streets so the difference is and you talk to you take the michael mex the michael mess phenomenal right yeah he knew he was coming home so he was either i'm going to use this like i said earlier to be an education or two for myself or you got a lot of brothers you were in jail they smoking they just they still can't get to this dream and it's not really you can see it right so a lot of people come home who had that mentality and don't never give back nothing back to the community right but then you got the brothers who come home and they're in jail and they get around some brothers whose mentality is to change we're looking for change right you got to go do something when you get to the streets so that's the that's the difference in the the malcolm x phenomena into what we see today because you got brothers who will come home and they'll realize that they they needed to do some studies and to go back and try to get that right you got brothers who get a good job right and stay with that right you know what i mean yeah but for somebody to be able to come home and give back to our community and take on a burden and become somebody who can speak out and address issues and and and lead us in another direction that person i feel would have had to give in giving some to themselves while they were incarcerated and you guys have the stripes to be leaders like even like myself like i've never like i always say man i'm not a leader i'm i have leaders that i look to because a leader has to have really gone through something to be able to blaze that trail they got to be the front liners that can say look we respect you because we know what you've been through and and i feel like a lot of the whether it's prison whether it's the streets one thing i would love to speak to and if you guys could just uh elaborate on is where we are today now we're sitting there we're talking about building we talking about moving forward we see where 2020 is where we see who the opposition is how do you all as leaders convince the people who look up to you that we're not each other's enemies well first of all let me i want to go back to something you just said leaders need resources and i think big you are second me on this you've been a great resource to what we need to do in the things that we need to have asset access to when it comes to us and what we're doing so even though you say well i'm not man i see people around you that's just like us right you've employed gay situations so it's like you've been a great great great resource for us and you've always been there and you made yourself available so you know that's part of being that leader yeah i think people lose the concept of what leader means though yeah i say this all the time because i read it in the book and i can't remember exactly where i read it from but leaders are not chosen they're grown right but a leader and if you ask a person with a leader mean they're gonna think the [ __ ] upfront but the leader is actually the person that's picking up the trash the hardest worker first one up last one sleep because the leader is the one who has to be responsible for making sure the weakest chain is not weak and the wink is linking the chain it's not weak and and i think what happens is when we see what we have as leaders today that's leading our communities they missed the concept and we have our leaders are chosen to represent us through entertainment and not through work yeah so that's what i'm talking about you don't look at any other community and see entertainers as the leaders you ain't looking to see with the comedian or the singer and that's what the player has to say yeah so so so when people when people ask me and it goes to whack so it's two things i'm just gonna round them together yeah i don't have the finances to take the chances to speak the voice i would love to speak right right personally because i know to go to war or to put yourself out there everything about you got to be got to be right right and and i think people don't under people don't overstand that right right and they see when they see black men they say well you don't do this you don't do that you don't do that well there's only certain things i can do or i feel i can extend myself to for to a certain extent i can't fight everybody i can't fight every battle because i'm not in shape to do that you know what i mean and i'm talking personally from big u's point of view yeah you know because i don't go look for i don't go looking for certain checks because i don't want to be controlled by certain things facts you know what i mean like i kind of live my life in a bubble to where i can go on this i can go on that because i'm not controlled by right the establishment i read this book um when i was in prison destroying leaders right and it was a small it was it was um it was a leaflet yeah and this just talked about all the different leaders and how they have trained black men to recognize the killing of other black men who are so-called leaders malcolm x getting killed martin luther king getting killed yeah or or john the truth all our leaders who have been knocked down they kill them and they kill them all up so that goes and pushes the mindset of any next generation of leaders yeah look if you don't get hit by this you're gonna be here with with uh um the brother detroit was tonight barry um um the mayor or the governor oh man so it's all kind of ways they use to destroy our leaders so that puts the fear in you in fact to when you step back i don't want to be there i don't want to be there no that's the thing i tell i told minister fair khan like since everyone was like man i don't want to be a leader he's like you don't have no choice right he said he's like you think i i wanted to thrust him on you right yeah well your actions are that of a leader right so that's why what he's telling you you're not even trying to be that right you're that right so it's there yeah my but then the things that you speak of it's like it's it's the pressure and even when you're talking about like even you can't win for losing a lot of time you said you can't win every battle when you talking and you're trying to rep and do what's right and what you believe is solid and your character's strong and then somebody that you respect of great character has opposition to what you did then you like it it confuses you in your in your leadership path so even you know even my myself included when it's like even i say like i made a vow i'll never all right from this point on like you know i've learned to to never speak ill or down of another black person in the media because they'll again like that's that's that's cold they'll that's divide and conquer so even if we got we got issues we can go talk about this elsewhere but now we get so fascinated with social media and that's where i lead it to your conversation because you said he don't want that controversy which you welcome all controversy and conversation and how you approach yours my big bro he understands me you know we fight all the time right right and i've seen y'all y'all been on live getting at each other and you know having real conversations we fight all the time we fight more than people know that we fight right but it's just the love because i got a kid because see nobody knew stuff that he shouldn't be saying no no hold on hold on it's just so just this is truth though yeah and it's kind of hard because it is true you it's almost like you like controversial don't it's not about lacking controversy i'm just gonna say that i'm gonna say what i feel right he's a little more he play chess he can say what he feel yeah but sometimes he'll just lay back and not say nothing at all he played chess she played dominoes cause my mother told me a long time ago sometimes if you don't have something good to say yeah don't say it at all at all the truth is isn't is it is it bad sometimes the truth is bad and the truth hurts the truth truth though this is why i get on but you never have to defend the truth oh people we don't have the truth because it's the truth well he got my philosophy because in my mind i be really feeling like i'm gonna take it serious hmm you ain't playing with it yeah so i i'll be here here he'll be playing with these people you know what i mean because he's people threatening him in his comments like in my mind i really take it seriously like i like okay there's certain things you can say and do i'm a i'm gonna feel like okay if i you're not gonna entertain the people in the comments i don't do that like if you in the comments i'm gonna leave that i'm gonna let social media be social media because if i see you i'ma step on you right and then i feel like for instance certain people doing certain things because we got a different philosophy not me we got the same philosophy i'm talking about and me and him when i say different i'm not talking about different me and him i'm saying we got a philosophy where these streets i'm not gonna knock down you right i'm gonna hurt something that you love um that's that's true that that's how street [ __ ] i want you to know i want you to feel it you know what i mean so i think that what happens as you me and him he he they don't bother him all right he'd be [ __ ] with me though yeah and i'd be like this is my thing about this i want to know because i'm secretly trying to find out who you are your head the ones i can respect is the one that okay you showing me who you are right the other ones where you go is this the fake page it kind of feels good because you just stopped because you that scared of me that you took the time to go well he don't understand i'd be telling him listen you are a voice in l.a facts you you you can't keep voicing your opinion i tell them all the time bro what i'ma say i said damn my job ain't never done all right like if i stop being a little brother your job as a big brother don't be born i gotta give you something to do but but now right because see what happens is people don't realize how intelligent he is very intelligent you know businessman and they don't realize the strides he has made and he is continuing to make so this is who i know right this is who i know the person who has built and is coming from yeah yeah created for his family in a real way so why he don't put that out all the time who listen i did a test when i post that the positive stuff i get ten percent response that's me playing the game social media you know what they call it to entertain people i'm trying to help people you're right right my good stuff you put up then i'll respond no that's how i just said all this good stuff for me he was doing a grocery giveaway yeah he was doing the grocery giveaway they're not going to respond now billy said big you slaps a million followers but but then she like like i remember i i i remember when i came out of prison we started study classes and we just sit down and we should talk about where we was going to take our neighborhood i used to be jealous right or my energy come from of compton right because compton is compton america they got them we're not gonna make a music it's just they got their own land base yeah that's the city you know you got city in long beach you got all these different places but it was nothing crunchy um so when i came home my whole mentality was like i'm gonna make chris y'all just like kind of christian yeah like when you say christian i want them to say us yeah yeah i want them to say you know we in our own you know so when i pushed when i started with nipsey that was my mindset yeah to make us to build our brand right right you know what i mean come on rather than even go to crenshaw he didn't go to crenshaw nobody's family with the crenshaw it was us in the community right i wanted to build that and people understand that 10 mile from florence and crenshaw to to vernon and and and and and then the 43rd i mean to really the king so i wanted to make us a mecca so that's what i did and he used to always because people when i my second life i know him right has a brother yeah yeah my second life meaning that when i came home in 2004 i met him we had the same cards in the same corners you know what i mean so this is people understand the relationship i got with him like from from parolin yeah yeah his daughter my daughter writing the same made same name everything chairs and cheers oh wow that's crazy you know what i mean like we've been through all of it right well i didn't pull it up on him and it's a thousand blood yeah yeah it's just me i'm like god damn it okay hey who's that was crazy because we both did it right yeah he'd pull up it'd be a hundred bloods right and they'd be looking i'd be like yo that's big you from six oh he with us yeah whatever going with us going with him and we just keep moving like it's nothing yeah did i go over there i didn't build it over there with him to where he had to stop maybe i'll be all crips something happened and he got to stop me from going further like that's him because it's a different politics and i've been trying to tell him though yeah it's like you got to elevate to teach right um you know what yeah like you got it you gotta be on that high five man come on that's what he like to do yo they all get on me like maybe you should be talking me him steve or you want to be a preacher i don't want to be no goddamn preacher i'm just trying to really to elevate help people reach another level and i still get [ __ ] on yeah because i get [ __ ] on more than he do in the industry for being him uh he don't he don't he don't get to he don't get a lot of credit i get [ __ ] on regardless in this thing really man i'm gonna be big you forever but i mean like i see the respect level just based off of as because both of you do a lot a building right now true for being white yeah i would never get it i still don't have a deal well no the difference is helen grumble guys like birdman guys like mike kaiser um gabby paluso uh kevin lyle people like that shot callers in the music gave me opportunity to show them something i can do right none of the buildings for whatever weird reason and and he the one got nipsy started with his career mainstream right has given him the opportunity to say okay here goes a budget he goes a team you got to work with let's see what you but you know how that worked the music industry was watching people before i was dealing with but that's what i'm saying you put points on the board in the music industry and those people gave it up to you of like yo this my god this is how we ride you you broke down certain doors and then it worked there are certain times where i say this about myself man there's so many artists that i put on and gave opportunities to that the world don't even know because they don't give it up no they don't know it's really tough i found out a couple months ago because i was like who was she ty is it her oh yeah yeah that's nick i'm like yeah we signed it we sound like gabby when she's like no 10 11 years yeah right so like it's her boss and i grew up in both his south he's dagor grow up [ __ ] yeah so it's crazy and and that's really bad i would agree with you to a certain extent but but no cause music is different from the streets because when i walk in the building they see a hundred crips [Laughter] cause they see some [ __ ] with me too no that's different though it's difficult but you came in with games yeah but see that's the thing like you came here you got one first of all you got to talk and it's like what you what he said no i can't do that can't take that for a little brother raise your hand i came in with ray j oh yeah you were the underdog and made success with ray j like people were like goddamn but even still to this day even still running my name is more threatening than this negro name and he cuts everybody out but this thing about gonna snap on [ __ ] every week but that's it because see and let's okay let's talk about it so i don't even know hold on something you do know i gotta call you on something let me something you do do that you should correct what's that you isolate yourself to what artist you gonna work with if dang from no crenshaw ain't you what all your artists is from where hey from everywhere whoa i got to watch this always i got an artist what's up mickey always be critter cali criticality from the valley i mean from san bernardino out there somewhere osb yeah right right i i don't i don't know i don't know who those people are hey i know but you will know who they are i don't know but you're dope and they go and you got them on records with everybody like they got records with little baby they got records like and and they stuff is hot two chains like all of it pop off but i'm gonna say this i'm gonna be [ __ ] excited about this industry [ __ ] as we all know the industry is some [ __ ] it's a facade that's a facade so poker mirror so you ain't about the facade you about the real [ __ ] if somebody say i'm gonna give you this you're expecting to get what they said they gonna get somebody tell you show up at this time you expect the [ __ ] to be there he know how to play the game and you're somebody who's changed but you know the game's changed it like remember you remember we were chasing down all the pds of the dj overnight no they're tick-tockers overnight that i got through my marketing guy aj and my daughter hey taking it to number one i look at my studio it it be a bunch of weird looking ghouls but they tick tocker so they going with the artists when they come out the booth they take them over there to their little you know how to play the industry game and you're i mean developing options and all like and not to say there's one or the other because you're you're getting money through the industry and you not getting no money but you're trying to build futures that kind of mean to me like they're both respectable like what i did like like with me right i'm i just had a major zoom with my kids right the ones in college my son was about to graduate so my first class since the groups are raised up because what we do is in coaching you get a kid you get a group of kids and you coach them all the way out so i started my son's class at five and now they're in college one is at reno one is at ucla one is in in the u.s navy one is uh um dixie state yeah and then we got the other one was just freelancing and doing stuff so and i was turning them and it goes what we talk about here yeah about how do you build without them going to prison so we were on the zone and it's going to come out on the documentary and we were talking about their next step and i was telling them that i already got your next step set up you know your next step is into politics in the california i already got their credit set up i already gonna fix all their credits that's pretty good and and and i'm already teaching them how to buy but the thing is either y'all gonna join the police force two of y'all can join the police force some of y'all gotta see the council immediately so i'm already structuring wow where these group of black men are going to go so nigel wants to study law my my other two sons were studying criminal law david wants to go immediately into real estate and so um um ish you know um um you gotta have a father noel are actually doing their clothing business right now right so what i'm doing for them is i give everything and all my tools to them to be successful so when they reach the next level it's not i don't want them to have to go to become malcolm x by going to prison yeah so they can become malcolm x now you went to school one of the questions that the producers asked them on the document was a real question and i had to ponder it myself was what's the difference coming from l.a and going to college and they all said the same thing was that trying to communicate with white people who had never seen black people before no that's crazy it was a major culture shock and then all of them were saying it differently the same thing it was like because you know no disrespect they had never been around none of us so they only know from what they see on tv and what they hear in music and not knowing like we don't all get down like that especially when they come and say i'm from the crenshaw area yeah well you know yeah so it's about raising our kids and putting them in another level and and being having them had an onus in their mind that you got to come back and take care of our community you got to come back and get involved in the politics right so i'm already dropping them seeds in their head on how this thing works yeah right now that's that's an uphill struggle because you know like i know bro google and everybody else is buying up all our neighborhoods a lot of these neighborhoods yeah that's what we're saying right so it's kind of like to come in and when you get your vacation find something yeah you know what i mean you got to definitely jump on it now your organization is going up against the government and you make a a interesting point which i i would love to elaborate on you talked about being okay with your your sons becoming law enforcement oh definitely i've been saying i've been saying that let's clear that because we know we talk defund the police [ __ ] the police all of that now i always talk about the autonomy of us being law enforcement within our own community right and protecting our own and you you putting that into practice with your own yes would you not want listen would you not want big you a whack 100 son y'all remember one thing about our kids no matter how we raise them yeah they know who their daddies are they know exactly what it is with us right all right would you not want one of our sons that understands us pulling you over if it was a simple traffic stop he's not going to approach you the way to do from who ain't from our community is going to approach you you understand i mean so if we don't put our own in place to service our own it'll never be a change anyway that's wisdom well you know it's too prone with me is exactly what he just said so i don't elaborate on that but it's also about you know uh establishing a connection with a system that's been so detrimental to us and somebody going in who can fight for us right and fight and putting that justice there i've always been uh understanding i was committing crimes right i never felt i don't feel like i went to prison because i was dead wrong i went to prison because i didn't i did wrong than i've ever been anti-police and the fact that i know this [ __ ] man i mean [ __ ] i did what i did right right you know what i mean and um i i've always looked at it like that i feel like a snitch should be had to be cut off dead more orally wounded yeah period but we got to identify what that is that's the [ __ ] who got up with you to go do a crime right got caught [ __ ] told on you yeah he knew he didn't know what he was doing ladies and gentlemen he's going to do a crime if you're a civilian no it ain't just telling the truth the paperwork is involved as well right and it's some lesser time paperwork it says derek herman identify this one thing it says little d-rock right identify you tell it right that's it so what is that if you're affiliated you snitch it i mean that's the irrational thing listen we got some irrational ass bylaws and guidelines that we got to follow that we follow up under yeah straight up we're not harassing they're rationing but it's it's an organization there's laws and rules to every organization and like even like right now like i went through a situation when my brother was killed man my mother me and my sister-in-law stopped speaking because they couldn't convict the guy they thought killed him right unless i told him what i knew right so quite naturally i refuse to talk to the district attorney right my sister-in-law she mad at me i'm looking at her like she weird yeah you know like we don't work with those kids you know what i'm saying so you know um that's just nah but that's the thing because it goes back to that code again of you guys seek justice the way that you need to seek justice autonomously in that way like we gonna handle ours we gonna protect ours and we don't need that outside blue clucks clan to come in no there's a lady that has a group that called themselves the blue somebody just said oh no they dope too bro i promise you i'm talking about blue blocks playing the blue clan that's different they dope so look you know you know when they talk about defunding like elaborate on that a little bit yeah i am all 4d funding but we need to understand that this city is not going to ever defund the police because the big billion dollars the biggest union is the police union here in united states in california so when we defund the police right let's let's go to the regular civilian right so what what happens when somebody's kid come up kill let me tell you what defunding means let me tell you take care of that [ __ ] but let me elaborate a little bit though let me know what defunding means defunding does not actually mean get rid of getting rid of the police it means that if you're spending a billion dollars on less than 30 less than less than 10 percent of the workforce in the state you know i mean you're spending more money on less people on the police force then all of the different things that's going on in the state of california and so now we spent about we spent about uh 150 million dollars a year on just vehicles or just upgrading vehicles upgrading helicopters and they're violent they militarize police officers helicopters rocket launchers [ __ ] all this stuff for the police what they need that stuff for and we buy it year in and year out yeah so so instead of them having a car one year married need to have a two but that's yeah i mean you already got mechanics to fix this so this is what happens it's not what you're [ __ ] buying military weapons before yeah that's really like so they continue to do the war on drugs that don't exist so what happens is if you go back to crippen and blood when you started seeing the paramilitarizing of the police department you started seeing defunding of community events and community programs yeah that's it this is the opposite of that so now you're saying no we're going to keep the police department we can defund the police take a billion or two from them and still not lose not one officer and still not lose not one officer's pace no they're gonna pump that money back into the community what you don't see is all these police's balls yeah this police is this never seen no that's what the defunding is from yeah you're talking about defunding different programs that doesn't this money that's going to them these um unions and all this other stuff that they have funneled out from themselves to keep it a job yeah they're going to still have jobs and defunding does not mean losing that one police officer keep them all the same but what's that they don't lose they pay our pensions don't over fund the last line of defense but fund the first line of defense which is intervention and prevention what you guys do and that brings up another good point because uh one of the city councilmen told me this personally he said to incarcerate a juvenile it costs three hundred thousand dollars a year that's crazy he's like just imagine you could send him to yale let's get him in a condo for for that amount of money so why don't we put that money into you know the their education early on before they join the game get to school and get the organizations like your organization together to where if you're developing options in in a real real way to now you get to a spot where these kids they look up to you all already but if you offering them a bag right they def they ain't gonna be no criminals they gonna they the reason why they're criminals because they chase in the bag it's already been proven right it's already been proven to be to work and be successful right anytime you get somebody an opportunity to go to school and you give them you pay for that financing these kids will do it i would love to see a system to where the kids are rewarded for what they do throughout the year because see after after the school year comes the summer time right so imagine you had a student that if he did certain things maintain a certain gpa he's awarded at the end of the year now you know what it makes sense because if we pull money from over there on stuff that they don't really need to be doing we could turn around and then we can give other um incentives right to our local communities and even like that continue is that place still open which one the continuation used to go so when the school i had that yeah it's just now it's closed now see them closer why is it close because the funding funding that i mean you guys i mean we're speaking on high-level situations to where like you know whether we're talking to uh garcetti or whether we talking you know the newsom or even all the way to whoever's in the white house this time and and even today i mean you know obviously it's going to air at a different time but there's there was some policy that we were supporting to really hold the law enforcement accountable for the wrongful deaths and the crimes that actual law enforcement uh and then i got i got pushed back from the community where people being like oh man why you why are you even bringing focus to that when we should be focusing on us and i was like nah you got to understand like we got to hold the law enforcement accountable and the policies and the laws are set in place y'all so focused on biden and trump which you know if y'all want to be a part of that popularity that's cool but there's real stuff going on we need to know who the attorney generals are we need to know the district attorneys are we need to know what they're doing yeah and from but again we're sitting here and people who are probably watching this like look at these guys who probably have served time in prison talking about how we could fix the community and all that stuff when they would look to you as sometimes certain people who don't know look at you guys as part of the problem i've been home 20 years i've been home 20 years right so you got to understand like we can see it coming before it gets to us we can see a a young man or a young woman going down a path and we know where that path gonna lead them and we can grab them right because of where we've been and what we've been through right right and he he really practices this i've been in this army it'd be 10 kids running around i'd be like bro all these damn kids say what happened just had to fight and now we've been doing this and now we've been doing that and down with mom we can't find him so you know he pretty much got his own little little detention place like a child care but it's like a given yeah and walking them through this yeah yeah because we all got the post-traumatic slaves and everybody see what people understand that they they're listening to us yeah because to a point they do glorify us they do you know what our conversation is to them right we're talking about education and grades teaching how many times we went to my i didn't win my pocket and asked his god a math question he got it right and i'll break him off and i'll tell him you got that because you knew the answer you knew the answer because you paid attention in school i didn't tell him he got that because he squabbled up yeah he didn't throw the hood up oh yeah i didn't you know what i mean so like we giving it back and then he's saying well it's cool to go to work it's cool to read because the big homie said is cool right like we said it was shifting at one point in time homies was telling them it's cool to go do that lick it's cool to do this it's gonna do that so now we're telling them it's cool to do these positive things and and monitor your own because i think in the time of 2020 and we're seeing this with all the protests and the civil unrest what's being said uh by the opposition and even and when i say the opposition you know because i always get in trouble when i speak uh you know white supremacy but we got to really talk about it when you know we talk about taking care of our own and and they often they always go to well what about black on black crime and then what the places they always use is chicago they always say you know look at how many people are dying in chicago every weekend why are you i don't see anyone protesting you know we'd be out there listen i'm gonna be real chicago is a prime example of the police force it's no way 80 people getting shot in la county without them shutting down freeways checkpoints they shutting some [ __ ] down see but i've been inside cook county i've been in the in the facilities there and i talked to to the guys in there and they they say pretty much a lot what you're saying they're saying like they let it out where did they talk i talked to guys in inca county jail and they said yo dog there was a a bag of guns like that was dropped off in our hood and we just got to it you know what i mean like to where there's something i don't like to talk about conspiracies and stuff but somebody is organizing damn right they want these young people to kill each other so they can gentrify the south side and the west side of chicago i think i think now we're going we're standing there it's exactly what you talked about earlier it's about defunding the police department because what we have done with developing house from our organization is we have shown that if you give these dudes who have influence a job a responsibility some income right some insurance and some more medical medical yeah they're gonna they're gonna heal the community yeah it's been done we've been doing it here in california for the last and you can create that motto in this cattle new york but if you can if you don't if you don't see the need to do it and you and then and i hate to say like donald trump said democrat run cities right you know what i mean yeah because the money is being diverted to other places right the money that should be in places for people to get it is not getting to the people right i'm sorry but you have we have seen look look what me and what could be doing a whole nother energy right right we could have a whole nother energy so it goes to what you're saying people saying we are part of the problem no i could be big you yeah then you would know i'm a problem then you would know i'm advancing yeah cause i come from where i come from i ain't never forgot that i'm not gonna forgive my connection to my people i show them love all the time right right and ain't nothing wrong with that but what is my daily walk right and it's the same way in chicago i lived in chicago yeah you know what i mean i'm about to every other summer every summer with my pops i live 100 second normal i went to harlem high in chicago you have uh immediate problem is when they started tearing down the projects you had people who lived a certain way 3 000 people who had a certain policies under certain influence had certain guidelines followed one different gang and then you tear that down right and you spread them all over the city you're telling this other project you spread them all over the city yeah all of these people yeah yeah trying to establish or re-establish their problems you take all of the og's out and you lock them up you know you got your jeff ford and and you know uh so many other people that you know were were running and really like you guys are leading their uh communities uh in in a real way because this brother's in chicago like joe joe capone and a few other cats that they doing the same thing we're doing out here but it's like it's only so much you can do when you take the leaders out like i said from the from the larry hoover's or to the to the people that one who started at a time when it was about protecting your community and and holding your own and building your area but even when they talk about taking a black father out of the household i mean they talk to them section eight yeah the moynihan report you know from this baby from the 60s they said you can't get a check you can't get your whatever you need if there's a man now they purposely put the man away they purposely locked men up you know slavery takes away from the discipline of the kids the children in the house you know and they say prisons now create more crime than when they used to prevent crime they used to think prisons were prevention now because all of the men that are in prison you know over there the college their crimson's gone they don't have parents now you have to pay for on your own because that's how i took all my college courses you had to pay for them on your own they don't give you no assistance you have to pay for the um professor to come in and test you wow like yeah i did all that while i was in prison so you have to you have to have more than five people that's taking that course on the yards you own wow and you have to pay to do it so all of those people have to pay we've got the money so if it's five of us and we paying for the same course right we can have a professor come in or when it's time to get tested they'll take us to the thing we get tested and you know i'm saying wow so that's how you do it yeah so that i mean like again but let me go back to what you you said about black on black crime but there's that i hate it all the time white on white crime is bigger than black on black crime the numbers definitely you know i mean if you go by the numbers yeah but if we continue to address that black on black crime we continue to fight a horse is dead and been buried already in london and they always said that it's the way that statistics make it yeah crime is you create and commit crime in areas in which you cohabitate you know what i mean is that that they that's a facade that they created we you're going to create where you you where you live at right now so the fact that they try to do that and we know from the three strikes laws to the war on drugs all that stuff it it's perpetuated to turn us against each other like we said they made us think that we are each other's enemies so as we sit here concluding showing that we not each other's enemies what would you guys say ultimately is that message that you know these people listening and watching ultimately need to hear from leaders like yourselves be your brother's keeper and and know how to correct the enemy that's within yourself because that's where it starts yeah that's that's real tough correct the enemy that's within yourself nah let me tell you one thing reed icaru thing that helped me really yeah he read the book he still read like a prison yeah so but no it goes with wax say you can't get you can't do nobody elaborate on that yeah because it's about knowing yourself and i'll say it like this because to that point of reading which i feel like got me in a lot of trouble just recently um you say i i stay reading and i'll be reading mad people and sometimes you know a lot of the people that i read are very radical i mean should even when you think like some of the books here like i only this joint right here is one of the ones dr claude anderson talked that talk about politics and power nomics it really is everything that we talked about but even like you read [ __ ] and you repeat it i repeat it and then see that that's what he's saying to get away with a whole bunch of more stuff and that's crazy like kings like no bro oh some really how come certain people can't just say the truth like he i read it like show me another book but you know what i'm going to say this let me be the devil's advocate i'll be on the other side it's always not it's not really about saying the truth is how you say it and then two it's about when somebody wants to use it against you yeah so my truth can be true for for all year until somebody else wants to use that against me for for their own two it's all documented you know i mean so you know but i say this though cause let me tell you something i read somebody told me a long time ago because i was an avid destroyer of religion like i destroyed oh yeah i destroyed every i didn't care i went up against when i was in prison we used to go against popes which to go against clergymen we should go against us all of them yeah because i studied so i i when i was in prison i was a thief so i um we used to get credit cards yeah and we would order books off the credit card numbers right and i was getting books that was five thousand ten thousand we just had to send the books to get them trained get them translated from um um to english oh wow and yeah we had i had this hebrews so we studied all that arabic yeah aramaic all that stuff we used to come to the table yeah and all our books we all have to take a subject break the subject down come back with it we should take a portion of the bible break it down i studied the bible so much that i just it was just so funny that you know you got to be kind of careful because i studied theology yeah and so i'm still doing that next so in theology they look at it from a perspective of hebrew mythology thank you which is no truth to it yeah so and and if and if you stu because i studied that yeah so when you were talking i knew where you were coming from right right but me myself at one point now you got to remember i did 13 years of studying right so i read books that i didn't forgot i didn't read books to displace plato socrates we went to all of them i went back to how they know all of their concepts from the egyptians allegedly i know allegedly you should go back in but but my point my point was this and and i ran up on um one of the muslim brothers he was like uh look it's all right if you you you you you want to take uh your brother's belief from him he's a christian but if you if you take that from him what are you replacing it with so and i had to think about it like damn that's cold yeah you know what i mean and so then i had to develop the philosophy there as well as african people on this continent i'm gonna let you have whatever makes you whatever makes you not go out and kill nobody not go out whatever discipline you subscribe to you're making your life better that's keeping you hot that's what that's what made me i think i don't know i didn't stop my studies but i cuz i got so far yeah till it was painful right to see how much doctrine and dogmatic because when i started studying martin luther yeah the real the original the original martin luther and only people know that it's crazy you you own that so you know where i'm at when i started studying martin luther then i traced him yeah and i went back to how he came up with his philosophy to leave the church yeah and what was going on with them it was crazy because now i'm like yeah well this is a guy who started your church and he was he was anti-semitic or they had to test yeah they was killing each other like there's no amount there is no amount of deaths between the crips and blood to this day to what would happen with them so when they say that to us definitely i could turn and turn from an intellectual point of view tell them about their own history yeah and they don't like it in the captions alone yeah they killed listen they committed murder in the name of their god and that's what all of the wars are created but like you said the more to the point to clean it up even but one of our more radical historians have told us to dr john henry clark says sometimes my god that's why i was just going to ask you yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what my mom was actually about john haye club you can say you could talk about the raw the you can talk about the right things in the wrong way right and then and so when other people are listening in and we having these conversations about building our community and empowering each other they hear things and there's trigger words and tropes and things that that hurt them because we sit here up here trying to build build up stuff like even i i tweeted something the other day i said new challenge let's try try not thinking saying or doing anything negative to another black person for 24 hours all the black people understood what i was talking about they're like ooh i'm waiting i'm waiting my entire twitter was swung with well why can't you just not say anything negative about anyone why does it have to be about black people because all lives matter [ __ ] i wasn't talking to you because we had issues within our community about speaking negatively i'm telling people i'm like look all lies are all lies black lives aren't all lies but all lives can't matter black lives matter black lives that's our own thing yeah that they don't want to really acknowledge and accept because it's a veterans of us right they still or is it that just they some people just want to be included in the conversation there's that white fragility of that like they do feel bad about the state of america they do know what's wrong so they're saying look i want to be in this with you but if you keep leaving me out how can we grow no you know and and that goes back to what you were saying early in the conversation some things you're just not going to be able to be a part of and and and because i am in a bad situation and you see i'm in a bad situation if you are really my friend you are going to accept the fact that i need to heal myself to be able to know your level that's powerful that's what needs to be said i mean it's like what malcolm x said he said a white girl who followed him love and came up to him after one of his lectures and was like mr mr x what can i do please tell me what can i do to help the movement he said absolutely nothing said that yeah but like he just said because that's what he said i remember that i i i wouldn't remember that continue to continue to follow and teach your people but at that time at that time at that time it was like the honorable mohammed said that he didn't see anything the black man needed to be armed in the united states of america because of the mental condition and mental states we were we were in and i think we've grown from that i don't think we got there just yet personally if you ask me personally right right because i think we're still too the ego is too big or too warm not ego too big we're still too um we're not educated enough enough to be moving around with a bunch of guns educated on the law and how to move around not the law i'm not educating enough on our love for ourselves really because you know you got to remember we only less than 150 years away from being the most hated people on planet earth even by ourselves yeah you know what i mean if you taught us to hate us if you look at harriet tubman freeing slaves that was less than 100 years ago yeah yeah so we were four or five generations away from it but our mentality and our love for ourself is not strong enough yet right right you know what i mean now if we were moving in a unified front moving as a paramilitary group yes right but for everybody overwhelmingly with anger carrying guns no we're going to be we we're not telling you just like these white folks ain't there yet all right and they prove they not to you because they got the gun and they still moving around the world killing up everything yeah their whole philosophy is the gun could take us to success yeah we got it from them we got it from there you know but and i say going back to what you're saying about the white girl they can always help us you know and they can be a part of the organization it's just that we can't lose sight of where we going right that's like whack and have white girls and when the runners run his organs that's day to day working for him but guess what when it's time to make that decision go to kim yeah because i don't want you to take me in a direction that is not meant to go in right we was different we're already moving away from that direction right i'm being told or guided by you so if you want to follow our movement down our path because that's the thing we all want to grow closer together and like you said you guys are leaders within your organizations within your community and there's people on the outside there's even government funding and all that stuff to say hey we want to help what do you say to the communities who do want to help well i have a plan i have a plan in place i have a plan in place a plan of action that's working is you on the front line for real yeah you know we've been we have we have a great deal that's what he does yeah we have a great deal of success we've been successful in raising black men and black boys and is that the goal to take the plan and what you the success you created in l.a to take it nationwide right so this and this is we talked about this offside too and you can speak to this as well we've seen gang banging go global yeah definitely they banging y'all streets and y'all said never step foot on them that's the power of influence damn chuck chuck that's the that's the power of influence and really what has been created from this culture if you shift that narrative with that same energy to what you're talking about with development options we're focusing on really you know being uh autonomous within our communities of protection that seems like a logical answer that you could take to any administration any government to say i did it i i saved my neighborhood so watch this so all of the people who had the energy to come out against you and all the different brothers why aren't they backing it because if you really been for black people and if you've really been an ally and help to us over the years why are we still in the same condition you know what i mean and and i practice islam right but i don't practice islam when i'm walking around with a turban looking acting a certain way doing a certain thing right because i still feel like i told you going back to my my prison days and destroying people i feel like and i and i know it it's gonna come off wrong but sometimes you gotta you gotta punch a person and let them know that you're talking to them everybody got a plan to get punched in the face so so if i'm in this condition and i have continuously been in this condition in this country and you're in dubai you were in africa you and all these places all this wealthy beyond beyond matters it means and we're in a country where a hundred thousand dollars can change the mindset and the condition of a people and you haven't been here to do it then i say you ain't really been my friend i say to my jewish brothers you ain't really being my brother i said to my muslim brother you ain't really being my brother and i say to the white ones who want to help you ain't really being my brother cause i can help whack but only have whack enough to where it looked like i'm helping wack i can say look bro i'm gonna get your man in the studio right to do the song but i'm not gonna give you this radio plug i'm not gonna give you this internet plug we already know where it's gonna leave so i already know i need i helped you just enough just now you need so when i see when i see so they don't really want us to do for ourselves they don't really want us to but they can prove it though right so my point is not that they don't really want to let me tell you what you really should be doing so is it everything to say please help show us the game on the reason why i'm saying and i wish i would i would i would i would fall under using the word please is because for years we have been the stepping to to people's success yeah this country was built on the black backs of the blacks and not just in saying that but it have been there have been bricks walls and [ __ ] put in our place that have prevented us from being successful and asked us to go out and fight from that point of view yeah now here i am i'm doing a documentary on hip-hop and it talks about drug selling and hustling and grinding and that's how a lot of us kind of got in the music got a little success and artist behind the artist and and that's just a fact but that's the same way happening with the kennedys it's the same way it happened with a lot of hey do you remember and i want to say this to you one time when the african in america ex-slave couldn't go buy certain things couldn't get insurance couldn't get you had to go get a jewish guy to do it exactly and guess what he made a profit off of you um that's i think uh martin luther king but martin luther king spoke about that and they actually that was one of the first times they called him uh anti-semitic is when martin luther king was speaking about his community and how who he has to go through in order to get the same things like he was saying he was lived in one area in atlanta and other areas out in stone mountain they didn't have to do that whether it was the the butchers or the the uh the the cleaning ladies and all of that stuff he was like i have to do things extra to get things that aren't even as but quality as the people the white people another thing we gotta stop doing bro neither one of y'all gonna like it but i gotta say it this is 2020. facts not the 50s or the 60s right you're wrong hey wait wait wait wait black people as a whole are more successful and have more money today than we did back then everybody has more money today there was the time of reconstruction it was the time of a lot sports entertainment nick we got some people you know we know a lot you know what that's called successful diversity you can call it cosmetic all the only reason disagree with you what i'm saying is what about this one call it cosmetic why don't we take our situation up to date and build on what we can do today instead of dwelling on what it was today let me go to what you just was talking about just because both [ __ ] got it and no money [ __ ] don't but there's no phone but this is what you're it's a lot of black people they got their money compared to their real money but some of those money can contribute to the very things that y'all said we need to jump start so we'll do it like this the nba boycott when them [ __ ] stepped out because they got a couple hundred million it didn't matter they had to go to the owners thank you listen thank you we're not talking about you but that's what they're doing level of money hold on developing options you guys are a non-profit right you got a 501 3c they said okay we have well ex-offenders is a non-profit i just do business as developing okay so to protect them so let's say we got hundred developments we have these uh uh these uh these schools that have shut down right in chicago detroit uh new york florida whatever whatever yeah right we got people that represent all those places that make real money right yeah these same people we understand taxes this is not this is a 501 right instead of doing other things we should create a situation where they can do these things to help empower these other things through the non-profit they still get their tax break they ain't giving away no money for free i'm saying i think it's a lack of structure when it comes to what we can do and how we should be doing it well let me explain what i deal with so exactly i'm agree with you on this one um because we are a black organization or the things they used to challenge us with was have you ever dealt with money before okay we've proven that we've dealt with the government contracts we've done with the city contracts but it's a good old boys thing so just to talk about the nba the nfl when let's say i don't know if you guys understand how when you get fined in any one of these leagues the fine goes to a non-profit of the nfl's choice yes so when you hear about them getting fined for drinking smoking testing negative mates deposits for marijuana or doing this stuff that goes to a non-profit of the nfl's choice now who were their choice because some of their own people so they got who who started non-profits their mamas their cousins their hunties so they're doing what continually build wealth within their own structure in their own community all for the money that comes from the african americans we're the same thing um educated we because listen we don't have powers just yet we don't have powers yet but going to what you spoke of when you talk about we have more black athletes being millionaires you have more white people being billionaires who are paying these dudes a salary off of the work that they are doing so watch this doing it they call it 40 million instead of focusing about what they had no i'm not i'm saying why are we still we should start our own leagues we should be going to hbcu 1960 if you we got people in place but we can do some real things who yeah it's big you know play it out for yourself who don't you want them to know what i'm saying i'm i'm with him i'm like bro play it out you that's like you know you just went from our like lebron or i'm saying lebron gets paid no listen lebron is not a billionaire unless he gets paid let's see watch this if the masters come together and not give it all but give something they couldn't keep anyway because it was already right right and you create and people like you create another system right that it pours back into our communities to better our youth a better artist okay now you ain't creating another system i like how people always say what do you mean just create another while or not just create it i'm not saying that this is this but i'm saying that you and your own self know that i always hear these people talk about this i let you babble if you go for 30 minutes you're gonna be right for 30 30 minutes but the truth of the matter is it's not as easy as creating it start it only start this time you already know why because they already because they have what they have and on the tv stations the networks so what's that got to do with anything because you can create what another basketball league talking about talking about that you you trying to take basketball no no i'm saying all black people whether whatever professor you're in that are financially stable well off right we created here you understand taxes right we understand that we have our other black people such as yourself hold on that have 501 non-profit organizations right that that fund uh pop water teams or continuation schools or whatever it is that helps our inner city people right why we don't focus on putting that program together amongst ourselves instead of always talking about it you've been talking about no but what happened i'll give you an example i'll give you a perfect example hbcus infrastructures that have been around for years it's you still know how hard it is to convince a top number one athlete to go to a hbcu a school built for them by them that if every great athlete went to hbcu then we would have our own we when we could show up to those games then we wouldn't need the mbas and the nfls because there's an infrastructure already there set up but ain't nobody gonna do you not gonna convince all of the athletes because the bag ain't bigger listen that's what i'm saying yeah cause the bag ain't bigger because under the table money oh look those those athletes that went whatever direction they went i'm past that that are in position today that have gone what they have that got hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars and we know they can't keep it all right they'd be running through it though no way we we know that right why don't we create our own situation right it draws you you into it more than me you you as well right you're really a great voice for it because people respect what you know they respect what you say when it comes to finances yeah right why instead are we talking about what they do they got the billion that's paying to do with the millions why we don't focus on what we have [Music] if i can finish yeah but i'm saying like i'm gonna be able to finish and give you that oatmeal beat no meal right yeah i guarantee you're right but don't let me see it now i'm gonna just say this we doing it that's what ice cube did all right that's what i just keep doing we doing it but i'm saying this though i'm i'm right there with you i see the struggle with that with cube when um um espn was gonna show it and then all the other backers who was who was dealing with espn was in the nba was trying to tell him they didn't they weren't gonna be giving them they um their contracts the ad space and all that because you're supporting this program yeah you know what i mean and this is what cube was doing so facts you know and i know and you know that it's it's it has to be somebody to step out there and forage in to be able to do it and you still even after that you still are fighting against a animal you're fighting against an animal you're fighting against dudes who are billionaires who are not trying to see this but even this part but even this part derails the original part of what we was talking about well we weren't talking about creating something was talking about finding a way to be successful and make these things work for us still even the way they are yeah so if you in and i'm saying that you have a league but we didn't understand what happens to athletes once they leave home once they leave the chris our district if they are a top athlete they become they get introduced into these schools they get around these white coaches these white coaches white and jewish coaches introduce them to their cousin who's a manager who's uh who's a sports agent and all that that dude takes him now and then he continues to travel finally and then he introduces him he introduces him to another person who has this so when he makes his donation off his check to his non-profit to help debt he's doing it to what a non-profit of that structure one that's from here you got the violence and now you got me i'm in the hood but you know what they tell them no this big you stay away from the away from him you you want to get in trouble you don't want to do this i hear this all the time right no matter how successful how many successful i am in raising kids and getting kids in the community they can always tell our athletes be careful when you're going in the hood isn't that true though like i mean it is and it isn't dope but you guess what happens when they go broke they come back or when they need protection exactly and guess what happens when they guess what happened when when they when they need to move into a different strategy they come right back to the hood yeah so why don't you heal where you come from that's why why don't you focus on don't make it out the hood make the hood take the out out like look we should just be making the hood and strength and the hood ain't that dangerous bro look for for 99.9 percent of the time the neighborhood is going to celebrate their champions definitely right they're going to sell i've never [Music] telling my everybody you you if you're talking about look let's reference my little brother nip right the situation with nancy from our understanding is dude was already mentally ill he was mentally ill from what i'm understanding if that's the right person who did it and that wouldn't happen to anybody because it has happened everywhere but what they say is and then people tell me this all the time it's like nick you always in these communities man you got to protect yourself i know you want to give back to it but who is are saying man you can't no and that's the unfortunate thing that you know it pains me you know when i i'm in my neighborhood every day facts and when you hear people like especially l.a we can talk about the politics of l.a for a second people that aren't from here are scared to come here because they hear about all of the people that whether there's people associated with rappers or people getting robbed people getting killed people like they're scared of that i hate to say it i hate to say it they give us a bad name but i will say this and i'm gonna stand on it man a lot of things that happened you had that they had that coming that's tell you can't say that right okay yeah you look this little kid i don't say his name but the rainbow dude right he's running around antagonizing going to real everybody i know you're talking about when you say the rainbow so what you're saying so soon as he get so as soon as he get caught playing right right because his little he's not one of us though no i know whatever what i'm saying things like what are you saying things that happen to some people it's just like us when you know when you play with fire you get back it's gonna happen cause you playing yeah no don't nobody see you playing but the people you playing with but this is my point though we talking now we talking about black i see you playing people right right let's not forget what we're talking about they're trying to make us our own enemies and let's not forget that people don't just die in the ghetto or in the hood they die everywhere let's not just forget that [ __ ] are not overdosing in other countries it does not forget that these dudes is not getting killed messing with other [ __ ] wives and girlfriends that [ __ ] ain't happening to people for other reasons let's not forget this sometime if you go offend somebody it'll follow you home let's not forget that let's not forget that 99.9 percent of the problems with wealthy people whose so-called die in a community that that problem didn't start in the community it came from somewhere else and caught them there right because it followed you home and and because you're not dealing with them anyway they're not on your level your problems will follow you off yo i don't understand how if you know the level of wisdom that is right there i mean but it's the truth i live with it we'll follow you home yeah but but i say this though i ain't never gonna stop blessing my people if they if they need it and if i can help them uh um i see a lack of energy because if you want to change it be a part of the change you want to change the police force be a part of the police force be a part of the change you can't just sit on the background tell me oh this is [ __ ] up this is this this and that this and this that's what we do we sit on the sideline and talk about the game i tell a lot of my youth hey listen man you don't got no my homeboys how do you man go join the military or go to join the police force really definitely it's not the 60s it ain't you don't say the military not a place for a black man right they going there you get into you joining a a bigger gang to go oh true that's i wouldn't take it from him because i would want to would you not want a black officer absolutely how did you become that if you don't you know no that's true uh but i understand and it's and specifically law enforcement i feel like we can create our own protection certificate of our youth that come out of the military it's easy for them i want to win the law enforcement military is a powerful thing i come from a military family i was speaking more about law enforcement i mean but even in that sense with you talking about you know i agree with that yeah concept we look nick we gotta infiltrate yeah we have to i mean we subscribe to what this country is and what it represents and it's been that way we i don't i personally wouldn't want to live in any other country i mean i i appreciate being an american even though i don't know we started with him with that yeah well you know why you don't want to live in no other country why because they have 400 years of free slave labor and helping to make this month for the best country in the world that is that you give all these other countries that we not want to live in 400 years of an underclass i could live in jamaica though you know what i mean hell yeah hell yeah another state in jamaica north negril because you know when i post certain stuff i always always end up in these conversations right and i always hear these people talking about going back certain places wouldn't know what even in africa that's the suspicious fire i'm gonna take back all my 400 years of free labor yeah i'm gonna take my 400 years of success ideologies ideas input all that got to go right he's taking oh that's not gonna happen well i'm not going back to africa either but african-americans don't say anything amazing if you say that to me there's a lot of that i'm american he don't like me saying i'm american because i don't say i'm american i'm american but see this is the thing from americans debate we did it prior to carly kaepernick yeah because he'll go places and he's standing up i ain't standing for no flag i never stood up for the flag right i don't stand up for the american flag because i'm a felon in america and i'm not recognizing don't stand up for the flag i'm going with africa i'm grabbing american arms i'm kidding i don't want all of africa man listen man i don't know an american subject to what they got going first of all you don't you do know africa is the most mineral-rich land and 40 percent of it is owned by china it's a whole nother conversation right but what are you saying you're talking about resources africa has more rooms okay you know we some educated thunder yeah everyone has more resources than anywhere i well one dude could have palaces everywhere and there's no running water i'm not i don't want to be subject to that so you need to get you a palace the only reason there's no running water is because who came and damned all the water that's cool colonization that's cool what i'm saying damage been done and we got certain ways these aren't conversations we've been having these conversations so when they have instagram right and he started saying this [ __ ] on instagram this way it's all great healthy conversation man so many gyms have been dropped so much wisdom has been shared like i said it's been a historical moment opportunity we definitely have to do it again because i know we're going to get in trouble for a lot of the [ __ ] that we said [Laughter] it's been real i salute you i appreciate you i love you salute appreciate you i love you candy's class whew
Channel: Nick Cannon
Views: 551,230
Rating: 4.800477 out of 5
Keywords: Nick Cannon, cannons class, cannon, spoken word, class is in session, ncredible, incredible, nickcannon, nickcannon.com
Id: DRhkSqKgEG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 7sec (6367 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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