The LOX On Showmanship, Brotherhood, Dipset Verzuz + More

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The way these dudes aged is a great advertisement for their juice bar in itself

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/AlexToThe 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/gulfside13 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Its a group of friends. Love their comradeship and showmanship. I dont know how many times i replayed that versus. Each player played his part and they al went home with a championship ring.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Kool2021 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TRiskProduction 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
wake that ass up in the morning the breakfast club morning everybody it's dj mv angela yee charlemagne the guy we are the breakfast club we got a special some special guests in the building legends some icons some legends yeah we got the locks [Applause] first of all i got to apologize to you all for ever fronting on y'all yeah in a versus it's all good and thinking dipstick had a chance yo he wasn't alone no dog the whole everybody thought the set was going to win it had nothing to do with lyrical ability we all know lyrically the locks are superior it was about the anthems i just thought they had bigger records bigger records just for the record i said that i felt like the lox was going to be more prepared and organized radio records let's say that more tries i'm in atlanta right with my my god coke right and coke's playing every locks record yeah right so he started playing me all the records then i go to eat i run into your cousin bought bought yeah i'm eating bart says he asked me a question i tell him i don't know i think the dip saved my habit he sits down with me i don't even i don't even invite him down it says let me explain something to you i go what he goes you know these guys have been take they take this serious i said what you mean seriously he says no no no this is life or death for them they're not playing they are rehearsing they are going right now i'm driving right now he says i guarantee you envy the locks will win and with his confidence i said you know what the locks are going to take this and that's what made me think that then when y'all started going through the records because you know sometimes when you listen to verses people play their big records but you forget that some of your biggest records are freestyles or album cuts that's when i knew things were different that's when i knew things were different when i saw the who shot your ring off i was like yeah this is about to be bad my boy got loose so did y'all did you well first of all did they approach you to do the dip set battle or was it somebody else at first they called the they caught i think swiss coast and then and then cam i started calling was there any like you know what maybe we shouldn't do it because at one time it was getting so disrespectful i seen the old the old ghost coming back out was coming yo i'm not gonna lie we were never we said that that we said we said i said before we seen cam you know rehearsals earlier in the garden no frank standing no wait wait don't don't don't swing in my face oh now we're gonna get you what and throwing it on the ground society always sees and remembers the last most impactful thing now if he didn't throw the bandana kiss and jewels would have just pushed through both of us yeah rock like we were all having fun we let them do it but it's you end up it's like a game dog like you got to make sure you counter everything you deserve you could have pushed them back he took that now the slam the bandanas nineties talk she show your flag on the floor i've never seen anything like i saw at that versus man i don't know what it said i think it was the energy in new york city i think what y'all was saying earlier um dipset has had more of a their few years not camp kim's our draft class right maybe a year later but jules and jimmy are years a few years behind correct so their cultural impact to the young people as far as you know we may have gave you more cultural impact bar wise like all right here's the bars yes here's what they're saying they remember them jeff hamilton the skulls the videos the flag that's more in their minds probably then so that's why you feel like that that's why when you feel you hear that it's going to ring off because it's we're in the age of everything pops but you we also in the age of where you don't really see um craftsmanship we we consider ourselves craftsman did you guys also put up a picture of jim jones crying crying yeah okay when we came out that was on it yeah that was awesome yeah i didn't even see that he was laughing though i was like you feel me i sat on the chair the beach shed broke he blacked out somebody called a look at the footage all i want you to do cam repeat okay repeat see the guy what did you see you he kicked you you grabbed his foot and then you flexed and laughed because when he kicked me if you notice when he kicked me i was in the middle of my verse he hit me again you know he caught me he only kicked me in my hip he didn't kick my butt he kicked my hand i'm glad you seen it thank god i sat on the chair the chair broke poof he went to nudge me i didn't move did he went to do it again then i grabbed his foot because i was performing then when i finished with my verse i was a little in the mix what about me he came out calling him the vagina word i told him to chill nobody say that everybody has to tell him i'm the bad guy even kids when kids said you know you're a [ __ ] here dick y'all neighbors even though that's the 05 verse people thought that was new just for that battle and you were just disrespecting this [ __ ] it wasn't 05 dub dumb now what did you think recently they just cleared it last night oh my god what did you think when cam tried to freestyle no i felt bad when they take that they have killers nice we rattled them up when we start going live and doing freestyles he got that in them but he probably didn't prepare to do that and he was about to do one that he had and probably was a little turbulence you can't boot camp i ain't going to get bulldo that's you know um i really was going into like they they really small businessman like you know what i mean especially with jimmy how he was using the internet i'm like damn they're gonna internet win before we even get there and then you know the minds of the people when you do that yeah that's why i didn't partake in that if you noticed that so what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean i didn't part i didn't once p figured it out that he was going to be to go back and forth with jimmy i stayed me and luke stayed down got you guys pulling up old footage of you you know people made stuff but no i was working now that's regular i work out every day that wasn't for that though you seen p was shooting back at jones man luch was quiet now kids how did you plan this out because after the fad battle right people thought you were gonna lose the fat battle right that's not i i said kiss was going to watch that but i said that two and no a lot of people somebody better do something put me somewhere i'm the only person to do versus twice you missed the verses 106 in park you missed the verse that's fitting now at the after the fab uh battle right that was dj you you came to the side he was like that was my plan i planned this out it was like i was i was gonna push him where he didn't want to do the lady records no more and then you you said i got him now how did you plan this one out what was your mind set on the planned on going live going off the instrumentals giving them live things and doing the freestyles we know they didn't plan on doing that and we had for me doing it first and sitting with my brothers for the group verses i already had a little bit of what i wanted to do with what they wanted to do it was new to all of us because it was a live audience and it's people there too you know i mean you got to rock the camera and you got to rock for the crowd but being that it was in the mecca of new york i knew we had it we had a we can go live that they wasn't going to do that and we can do some freestyles that they wasn't going to do that so i knew that was going to be good counting that was going to be building shakers right there you know i was going to wrap up tv tracks did y'all know that how did y'all know that everybody's just giving out money people are doing that at i heart shows every the biggest platforming shows is if unless it's a certain caliber artist tv tracks is what they're giving you is it just became a thing like we came from that's no bueno and actually they switched that around because the tree tv track used to just kind of have the hypes and lights on it whole verse and a lot of artists don't know it's not to shoot them shoot them down i mean if you got a crafting a skill you're supposed to rehearse at it and know it and you're going to feel better and the audience is going to feel better when you when you get that energy off one thing about trying to rhyme over the song being played you're distorting the listener's ears you can't you sound like noise out there yo let's give it up for technician to dj's somebody said it was like wrestling i couldn't believe he said well i don't like to let you i don't know why shout out to um danny osteller said my wife they was in the back like i better the day before y'all got to hold the ladies down too tech we got to do that so everybody our whole team bart kisses son our son everybody was more like the town mm-hmm juices for life pharmacy everywhere you went with the mayor everybody let's go i love how she goes okay let's go i love how she edited himself too you said the b-word one time but then you caught yourself because you realize you're in 2021 and you said ladies now do you think that there were songs dipstick should have done that they didn't because i felt like they were definitely they much they most definitely left some joints out there i'm so worried i'm so happy i'm so happy i don't even know this record did you write horse and carriage that's been an internet rumor since the verses okay okay i was i never was even in the studio session for that i just heard that when he came up okay what happened with mace i heard you guys were supposed to bring out mace if we was going to bring up he's going to bring mason dilly out and and make mango to i'm glad we did yeah yeah i was against it from the beginning but i was like that's the whole time i really wanted to show yeah you know what i mean because at first it was like a just the new york thing he married versus harlem versus yonkers we in the garden got more loving harlow and we got a lot of that's what i was gonna say is we got a lot of love in harlem of course stand-up dudes is gonna go where you know you're gonna always go for the home team but it's like this is actually in the garden the garden is the place you're gonna be on another team you come in and you drop them you drop you're gonna get that love so maze from harlem along with yonkers that would have been nasty they would have tried to attack me they would definitely would have no we would have protected them it's not a fight guys skeletons though they would have been excited early and rough friday what do you think about who went first because that was also when you guys always great to go first i'm not something that i learned from going with fab too you could set the tone yeah because some people think you have an advantage when you go after nope not me y'all go first y'all not even home i feel like cam you live in miami do you think not being from one of the girls has impacted how people view y'all in any way yeah because they sleep on you and then when you yeah that's our chip in the game we came in the game with that chip on our shoulders from where even when y'all mm-hmm sometimes y'all do it sometimes y'all don't the barrel is getting shot out and they skip right over us like straight to mount vernon i mean why ought to have a record to come out a mixtape seven songs nothing yeah just because just relax you sit back it's so overwhelming it's all typing and then today we was gonna go make the record we got called to go do the kanye record mm-hmm then we had things to do to what busy man you've been writing on kanye projects for a minute though right stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't know if any of the records came i just i just always use his thousands okay so was that pre-planned before the verses that you guys were going to atlanta nah no not at all nothing i don't think i ate noodle on monday let's talk about that who's somebody that's been fronting on y'all for years but they kind of on you you're frank now after the verses i'm kind of like a change reformed person now yeah it's a some of these plethora and dms and meetings and i mean it's beautiful just changed his number on me i had kids to say congratulations nah never changed my numbers he just didn't respond you gotta give me a pass on that president everybody my second grade teacher i still didn't check obama hit you not i'm impressed the other president no no i'm saying it's just it's crazy it's a beautiful thing and it is a little weird but it's cool what did envy want good luck congratulations you know i heard sheik on sway show and you were saying that diddy uh told y'all to do the freestyles that day yeah was there any hesitation to do them when you hurt no no no like seven in the morning yeah you say yo you got 20. i said you know we got more than 20. let's go but i got an idea i got to do them free steps i wanted to do way more records way more freestyle stuff even he told me a rhyme that he had but it was so kiss was catching every pass and throwing them bombs like don't take him out the game let's go i think a lot of a lot of groups you need to understand and especially you you got to know where to place your ego on how to move like a vehicle and who's the machine like you know what i'm saying and when to be the machine and how to do it and be for the cause of the time as long as we win i always want the mvp so does he still does he but if he he come in and he's hitting keep hitting bro we ain't gonna throw our ego on pride let's stick to it stick to the plan plus that's what we said i was trying to get them high i was playing dip set videos the disses i was trying to get them hyped let's go let's get in here i was popping crap from the jump side but you know it was more than just let's go and especially if cam would have came out if jim and i think jews would have kept that in mind with cam it would have been a different it would have been a different day if you didn't feel you know they didn't have the energy yeah if you came out with that cam energy and or something it would have been it could have the venue probably would have went a lot different like was cam really about to leave i don't know i don't know what he was on he was on we went out we said we're going out we don't really know we heard that though yeah they said that um some of his entourage couldn't get in so when he first pulled one in the mind did they get it and then swears got everybody in we was out we was kind of crappy when we heard that get us to the stage now oh so you all hurricane might be leaving i heard that i told him we're going now we're going out yeah let's get the you know that's the morale you had to squash the beef what was that [ __ ] up the money because i seen y'all y'all do the live yeah yeah yeah yeah man all the promoters across the world man i think we want that money yeah so when it was some gang they got scared of some gang when jones tapped me and said whatever he said about the gang thing they said a futile motors pulled out from that but he said about the gang thing oh cause you sh yeah yeah you shouted out something before you certified it with that little yeah right there i guess that was some game you know it's the sad part about it regardless they should look how big that knight was in hip-hop all the companies involved madison square garden bloods crips everybody no altercations and that no matter how chippy it was we left there together saying peace hugging chilling laughing and smiling with each other's brothers calling each other later and they such gentlemen and i took my hat to um all of them because they all reached out hit us personally as gentlemen of of this game like yo yeah yeah i had a good night those are my bros like those are brothers shout out to kim is an impeccable businessman i don't know if people really understand how much research and how he digs and how he's for the audience he's he's he's he's tired of us people making more money off us and he's creating ways to get the the best revenue for the artist and and he really pulls some strings and yeah you know and he always look for credit he'll run around looking give us whatever he said whatever he's gonna say yeah ride with what he's saying tell them to give us exactly what he's getting right and you're not gonna be good and we're gonna be good you guys like he's a very int jim too jim's a i don't know about santana too but i just see how jimmy can move out here on the business that's why doing the pop and crap it was about saying things to get under their skin and kind of kind of throw them off like you know what i mean what about the versus effect as far as after right what have their results falling like crazy that bag is crazy my knees hurt i can't say that who closes the show now dip said they could close it they can still want i'm not going after the four tops of hip-hop y'all so precise i think so you know voice is right i'm not doing that and the state property is on it too right yes yeah i just saw the frida of the night chilling and failing man i love you free love you seagull you know i wonder because y'all perform so much together like when you see kiss put on the performance he put on in the garden we've heard everybody else rave about it how did y'all feel like y'all he's in the zone let him go he's beautiful i go back to what i'm saying let them run you know i mean that's the good thing about having a three-man group some nights is luch at the helm me and p is just ad-libbing and holding them down something you can't fake chemistry man it's like you it's it's if it's his knight let it be his name i created a mode called battery i came in here the next day asking him that's our producer dan cause he's done adderall i thought about getting one but i didn't need one because i already felt like i was already i was already yeah he was on it and that's what i'm so good like that's a great i want to go in there like that he was i remember walking out the room on the thing he was like i'm gonna have a royal warbler [ __ ] go i'm focused i'm over here so he's always ready i've been trying to hype him up for two days it finally hit soon we got to this when it really counted that's right when it comes to clothes right because obviously dipset is known for their gear did you think about that too because they knew they was going to try to use every everything except the elements of hip-hop the demographics of we that we've been from yogas and today in manhattan and harlem so close um they they say our sugar j there with minks and this and we knew there was that's like besides when we we've been performing for 50 million years we never we got all of that theory i love you guys you really don't want to be layered up that was like we're in the ring it was a battle y'all look war ready yeah you want to have gear tired that you can get busy you bragging about your jewelry to like mlp they don't care about that that's that you look like food to me it's like you know what i mean when styles yelled out that's so corny when jim was getting the chain when jim got the chain put on what made you say that what was corny about that though this is hip hop like you know what i'm saying um i wanted to keep it in and out in our field and in our corner and people understanding the i rock with new hip hop and how it'll go i rock with braggadocios and as kish said like we do a lot of fly things we got a lot of flat things but the the main part is i don't got to be flying in you mm-hmm to be dope i just want to be better at you and ryan i want to rhyme fight be better than you and the people say i'm doper than you so you know but hip-hop is a poor people's thing like besides the artists think about all the people that live in i mean the whole world who who really holds it and upholds us and pushes us up it's poor people so i kept that in mind too like because there's some dude who can't afford the chain they're saying it's corny unfortunately i can't or but i'm gonna speak to that guy but when you hear it from somebody who can actually afford it then you know it's not hating yeah that's why definitely not hey yeah you know we got a couple dollars i love the way you all respect each other right the reason i say that is like doing an interview right if she talk and say yo kiss chill get black you don't see but only brothers could do that because there's no ego involved oh no there's no egos but like even when you when you say shut the [ __ ] up at the event i could see it was one of the things like now i'm gonna keep talking and i'm gonna keep talking like it was it was like you controlled it like [ __ ] [ __ ] chill out [ __ ] pay like like you don't really get that like y'all really trust each other when you it's like the studio like you know what i'm saying it's not just shows in studio it's regular life is you know if i'm doing something stupid or i'm wrong hold me back if i say i got it believe me that i got it or i'm saying so that that brotherhood is it really comes with beyond beyond beyond music i think that we said we was going to do before we got here is what kept us here and on the hamster wheel as long don't let the money or the women break up the group look at all the other groups and don't be them how long have you ever been without talking to each other i don't know i'm not alone probably doing covert maybe a little and we should yeah but that probably was covered that's even all the years people ask for the locks album people don't understand we own a studio together like they see each other three times a week or every day or every day like you know what i mean so it's kind of like when everybody else is looking at the group yeah we're a group but the group is beyond music like you know what i'm saying so i think when you have that understanding and that's like you can't be mad at your brother for always being that's like saying i'm mad at luch because the women think he's sexier mm-hmm hold on speaking of that kiss is tyler the creator reached out to you yeah he gave you some high praise it's highly creative but chill out i like tyler yeah he tapped into our frequency and he loved versus so i didn't take it as disrespect but what do you say he expounds it and he was just like crazy yeah but he expounded and said he he said you care he said that's what he got he was like kissing the locks care about the craft of of rap yeah they're very talented very smart and what's wrong with the fat [ __ ] from drew hill man you know i mean that's another time i got caught in the moment [Music] um i had yeah i was booked in the temple okay you just landed i forgot what that is chief was watching the prices right no but i think that's great the work that you guys are also doing in yonkers as well that comes along with that that's important too not just being an artist but also yeah that's that's i mean i think that's a major force for the way we we came up you know um shout out to juices for life pharmacy for life sure um is it you know my wife not leo um busy busy um a kill a kill the twins i mean i think it's a when you want to make a community better i think it takes a group effort and understanding that and i think um we understand where we come from how it is like as i was referring a few minutes ago most of us really know more poor people than rich people when you step outside of the industry so i just try to keep that in mind and how the you know life is going for them and you know sometimes eating better and just working out could give you a little leeway you might duck a felony feel a little better about yourself um operate on a higher frequency get some things done and we've we've lost you know we've lost family members to different issues we lost friends to different issues so the the glittering gold and the flash and pop is all you know exciting we love that but at the end of the day the reality of the community my uncle i don't even know at that point i i wish they would have bounced all the way up the wall cloud phrase the knicks need to hang the locks jersey up in the uh madison you know what i mean hey that one was aaron in them really mayweather promotions they wanted they may want another one what would y'all do next if if there was an opportunity who would y'all love to see that man we don't pick the opponents we just prepared for whoever they act as the goldens we take no no group of men we underestimate nobody and prepare yeah we're going to overestimate this point i can only see g-unit i knew he was going to say that that's the only one i could really see that'd be kind of uh that'd be kind of bad but i was listening to uh i was listening to problem child freestyle all week that would be kind of bad probably because you know why because like everybody after the verses that's all you heard was locks everywhere right the barber shop that was i went to my guide studio who's a white guy six white guys in there listening to the locks and so problem shot freestyle just came on randomly and i was like yo that was that's that was bad like y'all really was disrespectful how much did this dream you know we knew speaking on that we knew a lot of the youth don't didn't know our history right and going to work when it's time to go to work like we we're going to go to work like you know what i mean so it was important for us to show that you you got to think this was a fight on a different stage it was like now the internet's involved now it's youth involved it's memes involved all like it's a different this is before they said something we'll listen to it and within the hour mm-hmm go right there we write in the studio we're like we listening to the dish smoking laughing at it oh it's good this is fun and within an hour or two we're literally in the studio getting to work but this was this was kind of different so it's kind of just show the youth we're glad they're diving into history because it won't just be our history it's just right it's the culture's history and maybe it'll be a little more um balanced now and kids are focused on skills when we look at how prepared y'all were we always hear about the motown era of artists that had to go through like boot camps did bad boy have something like that more rough riding rough riding right now on friday we would be in the pit we met mace battling on 125 of them then once we be formed one like unit we would be in up in powerhouse and different sacks of dude rappers would come through but bad boy they told us how to rock the stage yeah that'd be a 50 50 split we got preparation and all that from puff yeah and we got veracity preparation from puff facts because that's what it was it was the performance y'all like y'all just out performed dip set yeah you know what i mean like kiss i said that was like krs one level of crowd control emceeing i haven't i've never seen a rapper do no [ __ ] like sick i had much left how did y'all transition from streets to saying okay this is internet right because remember the state property beef right it got to the point where they had to stop because somebody was gonna die right yeah that was when it that's when it was that was that was more that was a that was personal yeah everybody had guns on them and it was great we were we were we were younger and dumber and more egotistical and prideful so yeah definitely you're smarter i should draw the mitchell [Applause] we squashed it in riverside park i know i had a gun on me that i know seagull brought it probably was wow guns it was state police there was the stupidest [ __ ] i ever did in my life how bad did you want a jersey i know in the height of the beast it was some type of event going on in riverside park i think it was a nike hip-hop something something i don't remember but dia called me this yo come down they all there so you know ripped up i know they was gripped up and me and she just walked off somewhere in the park and kicked it and i mean but that that's just like you said the times was different somebody could have really got hurt back then opposed it now and then p was the one like yo i figured it out he watched a couple he watched super villain and he watched something else he said jim shout out to nikki yeah mickey james hit me too i did y'all i want to learn spanish to do a reggaeton feature with nikki's big i took three years of spanish at school watched every netflix drug thing yeah but nicki james i watched that a little bit we had them on the bench what's tranquility yeah i know how to cover everybody takes another cop work well used to work from downtown but after watching nikki jam i knew like four percent five percent since then versus battle with the internet thing p was the one who came to us and said yo i know i see what jim is doing on i got this we got to you know what i mean and we and we let him be out here i can't believe she don't know spanish all the spanish women he done been with at least you rap about it yeah that was all lies let's clear up some of this internet stuff though they said okay we know you didn't write horse and cash you just said that because they ended up going crazy they said jada wrote biggie's verse on last day i'm serious i've never heard that one i never heard that they said jada wrote oh gosh biggie's verse on only you so you wrote big even no big deal they said you wrote biggie and diddy's verse on more money more problems no but i did have a verse on there that they never used you probably hear when i'm dead and they said you wrote uh the whole jenny from the block thing jenny from the blog that's why i said the internet goes crazy after things like this happen because then they start having these wild discussions they start making ups they'll be making ups and and for the record i didn't see jim fall he he didn't fall off the stage she dropped his ring and jumped off the head he didn't fall okay what about this one they said that biggie made you rewrite your verse for the last day yeah definitely okay i added another verse he's like nah you could come harder and when i gave him the one i came with he loved it i thought cam was gonna do crush on you i thought he was gonna play crush on youtube i think kim he might add some plans or something because he left some records but they didn't never they just played it and now he was supposed to become now let me ask you this there were people that i'm sure you all are cool with that know you guys personally and you might have seen people talking ish online about who was going to win did you uh confront any of those people whom i decided what dip said only one p is mad at is kevin durant and dj drama i can't drama i did against the grills his ears is a little messed up because for him i wasn't mad but it was like my man yo when he said that my son said lebron would have never said that i was hurt by that for him to say that to me it hurt me when he left oklahoma i was saying he deserved the leaf that boy's a star westbrook shooting too much he should be the first option though or i've been uh when he won the chip he was when he went to golden state won the chip man he deserved that ship he's heard of i see now listen the cream freestyle that's another one y'all could do you can't get right why are you letting out on this we got priceless memories and moments with b.i love y'all forever that's another thing people should immediately y'all should have just said these are the guys who rock with god bless both of my brothers bi and x but somebody should have been immediately off rip but somebody could say that's the guy that big sign the big sound cam he was dead though and that was at first he was gonna sign the big big was gonna sign mace bought cam the big mm-hmm unfortunately he had the passion unjust held you know he got the money entertainment and he knew you know i mean he was big's partner so that but you know i never knew that what was the conversation like right after they wrote crush on you what was the conversation like with you guys right after verses with dibset oh love all the love oh love they call this they individually each call this person you know what they call them they gave it a stand-up man because he was still keeping it going and respecting the time of it he wasn't no sucker he was coming communicating like so when y'all thought you see them air whispers he's like saying the time how many he was talking business and friendly friendly banner i was like were they ever going to end the show because at one time looked like they were going to end it too many people on stage get out of control that you know i couldn't be regular pee usually i'm good at that i couldn't do that on tv it felt like business like this it felt like when the russian win against apollo creed right like and apollo thought it was an exhibition but the russian came for blood absolutely that's what it felt like that's why i wanted it to feel it now that we gonna make it be that was another conversation that happened online they said ross cox had that beat i knew that but they said it was a confrontation over that beat back in the day he was he he felt some kind of way in the beginning when he called that a confrontation it was never a confrontation they definitely he just that's my brother too i love him kept us going first but if he was mad at anybody it should have been alchemist yeah because he played it and sold it and we i i paid for the beat so it wasn't like i didn't take his song and take the words off it and none of that i don't think he had definitely business properly as far as you know the paperwork and purchasing the production i did and then i think once the song was so big it made them feel uh but we couldn't we was always good yeah is def jam opening the budget for another kiss album yeah they that fgm's always waiting for me to work i just like to be on the same page with the you know they're switching staffs there's a lot of oh yeah i just got on the ceo yeah yesterday right you see what i'm saying how long is it going to be lunch how long is a kiss out i'm going to take how long is the locks out i'm going to take how long the way the game is now you you just got to push stuff out they don't got it it's different and we see that now and versus fortunately made people want to hear rap again hopefully for short minutes just dropping out yeah yeah people never perform one song off ignatius yet yeah that's true and you wanted another i mean no way we was we suffered the most from the pandemic [Laughter] music going on here that's crazy oh that's your second album yeah second album yeah so y'all be on your third album what y'all locks yeah no no no i mean money powers shrek's is the first let's get this [ __ ] right money power respect i want y'all to go down low go to you um what do you call it dsp mm-hmm yeah we have money power respect we already have we are the streets we have the trinity trinity project and i forget about that it's about three of those then we have living off experience then i think we're missing one filthy america the american feel the americans it's a lot of times it's a lot of locks work out there for you but the last one make sure you get living off experience and you can see what you got out there you got a new project i just i dropped all the time i got ghost in the solo album um ghosting yeah that's what i just said i think right man i got ghostin let's go to stop speed i don't know i dropped so much i dropped those guys 13 and 12. styles had 29 and 11. she had 18 rebounds six blocks zero points this but hard on defense big defensive player yeah yeah yeah yeah big defensive presence you know that's that's that's the the good thing when you're in a group we all have different formulas different like different lanes different things we work and that's one lane works it works for all the other lanes like you know what i'm saying i've never seen no [ __ ] like that i'm not even joking like that was one of the greatest performances i've ever seen in the garden of any any any industry sports saying that we we're very appreciative and humble that's what's standing on the ferris wheel since bad boy this is what about being on that hamster wheel and ferris wheel is about you ain't gonna always be the hottest you ain't gonna always be on top but if you stick to your skills your craft love your brotherhood love what you stand for you will always find a way to survive somebody always going to call you always get a big song here and there always get a big check here and there and it just kind of makes sense and then you know it just it's a culture thing i think what we just did was you hear us every time if you go back to any of our interviews we ever deal with y'all we always tell y'all we respect our peers the younger the older but we stick to the craft and just paid off in the garden you didn't do bmf either right you didn't do this good crazy i'm black we was in the zone and tech you know he was back there like you said it was pick and roll we came out it just all clicked i guess it was an adderall war mode let's go luch turned to thanos looch and um ghost hammond randy savage the freestyle did you know the freestyle was coming at that time what was this e that's all was lined up pick and roll babe running the pick and roll the freestyles was definitely gonna make somebody say where's the ladies joints and the other things like like we could have easily went to a couple other songs when you're the same instead of the freestyles but it was more to stick to the crap show them that and that's going to draw them man game plan like you know what i mean so it's kind of two-for-one even when people say like the locks are underrated jadakiss is underrated i don't believe that and the reason i say i don't believe that is cause kid's been saying he top five that are alive forever nobody disputes it it's not like people say ah he bugging i never thought about it you know what i mean i think ain't for everybody translates somebody he might have earned that for a moment but at the time there was a dispute even when tia said i'm king of the south it's a dispute mm-hmm kids say he talked about that a lot people be like hey i can see that you know what i mean i appreciate the love that's why i tried to tell jim when he was going in we got titles man the hardest out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so you got to think these are things [Music] said it was for the title that kind of put it over the top then when it was when we seen this was what was crazy i seen on michael buffer that was if you could go back and pull the tapes in the garden i seen michael buffett he wasn't with me we were you know he was in the back i walked out look at the wrenching michael buffer first thing i did bow down a straight bow yeah that's michael buffer like holy stick i'm talking with michael buff for chilling we kicking it so i'm telling him i watched his documentary with his brother all that michael buffer super cool shout out to him kiss comes by does the same exact thing he was in sync with the guardian brotherhood lewis came by seeing him luke's too big for the bow we good money though so i think with just me and it sync with everything rotterdam everything was even when they were like oh she don't she you rap you don't got nothing yeah so y'all thought through everything absolutely we had all of that play it was like chess seven hours rehearsal on monday i know when he's gonna get out of breath he knows what what word to catch for me or when you go on to get a drink or whatever i'm around i'm gonna talk to the crowd you was expecting that from dipstick you ain't gonna see that with them they don't move like that you know what i mean if you go back and watch this spots where i'm i'm not saying that and then they saying my partner yeah there's a point and he was going at it with kim i was dead yeah flavor and then you can anticipate what they were going to do and what they were going to say used to tell us yo if you over here you need to be on that side of the stage like always occupied at the stage he was playing if he was playing at the camera i should be over there over there the other one walked back off other one engaged with yeah one of the members all of the members like don't try to take out [ __ ] i think a lot of people yeah a lot of artists now you we should give it to them because that's going to keep the culture alive to be honest like learn about your show learn to not just stand on stage looking cool if you let me know your especially the entourages you gotta you gotta hold your people down mm-hmm you gotta always be on a stage ring i always get to come there to get the look i think showmanship come with all of that well being an artist comes with being a businessman being a showman being a gentleman and then being a beast too being a professional also so i think a lot of kids you know especially nowadays where you get these so much money they're getting so much money and he's you know they don't got an rs like bad boy had rough riders had def jam they're not developing these artists and um and i'm gonna give you a example not to kind of throw it out there but you know if you if you're going to be on cancer culture you can't be with mental health culture either who who trained the baby to say all right you in this industry now this is how it's going to go this was going because i'm pretty sure he's been around plenty of gay people he has he's in the industry he's been styled by them he's been dressed by them he's been he's done deals but no one's speaking up on his behalf saying i i'm not not the same speaker i'm saying he did something wrong but who developed them in that building and say young man you get multiple millions now you get around this when you're around corporate this is how it goes around this is this so now nobody's teaching nobody's teaching they're just blind then you want again you then you're going to cancel what i'm saying because if you say something or do something out of line to the world in front of the world that's kind of a mental health issue not saying you all the way out there you might just snap for a minute but you just can't keep canceling everybody and say you're concerned about mental health and not developing them and showing like he was selling probably drugs three years ago in north carolina yeah yeah yeah yeah he got carrying guns selling drugs into things like what makes you think he got all of that money and if you're not there to guide him and he's exacting you know older artists and even parents who's in a good position saying yo bro we can't do this we can't do that and you know help the brother that's my biggest why you don't apologize oh did he did he apologize somebody got to tell people how to apologize too that's right like sometimes like he he probably didn't mean it but his apology probably wasn't homely enough for people who felt the damage so he they don't have enough [ __ ] to teach these kids what's going on all it's about and then look here's what's really [ __ ] up about it you ain't just canceling him you're canceling his kids um his baby [ __ ] team security team and security so we got to start thinking i'm not saying nobody deserves to get canceled i'm just saying when it's kids we got to start thinking about their mental situation that they just overlooked we should we tax counselling we counsel people not cancer coming together i want to just have a conversation with him to make it a teachable thing and they're like look we want to talk to you because there's a lot of people that do feel the way that he does so this is a great opportunity for him to learn and then for other people to learn we got it's a very thin line between counseling and canceling you said she needed more counseling and instead of you just getting mad and dead in these kids and even with y'all that was interesting because like old 90s hip-hop was crazy it was crazy right they were slurs that was said at verses but i could tell somebody caught it it was like yo don't don't let that go again yeah you know what i mean yeah but we also said that you know some of them slurs weren't meant to be slurred no no like some of those words you were saying somebody was soft but yeah yeah i mean yes you know last time uh y'all came up here i did a freestyle friday jd because i think it's only right y'all should start that again like every friday in that yeah [Laughter] [Music] yeah where we showcase not just the hottest emcees but the lyrical there's a bunch of lyrical dudes in the city now they just dead in the water we think we gave them life again and let's start giving them some shine let's highlight it let's find out who it bust that money down who are they who the ny artists now you think could represent and why on a legendary scale like y'all years from now um uh uh we got home a home team [Music] all that snipe word about new york yeah like we got everything speaking of ghosting my son produced like three four joints on there really yeah his son our kids ryan produced they do everything so besides that i mean i think hip-hop is in a in a healthy place i think just media covers whoever is lit and whoever is popping and whoever got the most likes like you know what i mean that's but craftsmanship really always wins because if i ask you who's the best mc right now young mc who are you going to tell me m.c i haven't seen a young mc i mean that's great who's the best right now ryman romney yeah honestly this is my personal opinion just bars i'm gonna say a female her name is rhapsody rhapsody is the best i don't think i think she's the best bar but that's what i'm saying when you say that when you get on you ask any one of us who's the best it's gonna be a a rhapsody a little baby a kendrick a j cole somebody who actually has content yeah it's something that's going to strike you into it too because when little baby first came out it's totally different than this little baby now um totally true that's beautiful but he could rhyme when he first came out because he could but now a lot of that stuff and from he had something that was attractive absolutely from when he first spitting out but when y'all say emceeing i'm you know i'm looking i'm thinking about the verses last week y'all controlled that crowd that was some krs-1 [ __ ] you had the lyrics you had the crowd like i want to see that now that's what i'm demanding from these things these are these individuals now that takes hours that takes hours hours hours to go on that takes time like people everything's microwaved now and instant and then people break up with each other over the slightest things so they don't have a camaraderie and then it's ego too it's ego like you gotta whoever's night it is knight it is like you know what i mean whoever's lane is is his lane like no one man is bigger than the cause of the team there you go well we wanted to show you guys some love this morning give me your flowers that's why we got the balloon and everything i'm trying to get your sizes to buy y'all some tips we gave y'all we gave you all flowers i'm trying to get you our sizes we're gonna get we gonna get you all tim's man yeah we got food out there for y'all we gave y'all flowers in the form of weeds y'all got the weed right y'all got the weed for the whole world and as always i just want to say that y'all always show up for me no matter what it is you know that what i need whether it's birthdays some houses in a minute whatever you need we still got to open the juice bar man monk's corner yes south carolina what's up leaving me seriously no let's go because he got he he got the demographic and he know where to spot it yeah let's do that let's make that happen soon please and thanks for our gift too styles the pharmacy for life no doubt shout out to pharmacy there's some life through that my wife told me make sure i bring that to y'all thank you so much appreciate it soursop leaf this is a capsule yeah yeah dog that's what we do take one of these man we do this yeah he was um you go to pharmacy for life go to the resource center if you want to see how what each one of those things do for you go to pharmacy for life just go to our resource center and give you the exact that's what i had to do when you gave me the last fact yeah break down what's what's happening for you all right well listen it's the lox man no doubt baby yeah yeah make sure you don't get that ghost [ __ ] make sure you get what was their last album new beast mode on yeah well it's the breakfast club it's the locks [Music] you
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 2,559,396
Rating: 4.8740935 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy
Id: a6E2TF8uHOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 22sec (3562 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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