Boosie Clarifies Comments About The Gay Community, Lil Nas X, Insta Bans + More

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wake that ass up in the morning the breakfast club morning everybody it's dj envy and julie charlemagne the guy we are the breakfast club we got a special guest in the building the goddamn legend himself boosts a badass right boosie boo how you feeling this morning busy i'm feeling great uh i woke up early smoked me a good one and i liked the scene of new york went early in the morning with the trash cans and all that and it made me get higher actually it make you feel like coming to america when eddie was coming out in queens yeah yeah yeah they love me in new york i can't like going everywhere i go they've been [ __ ] you standing up for us and you know like like they got some real i got a lit i got some love out here i tried to get your instagram back booty i tried man i'm glad you did because you saw you so you you saw that discrimination now they made fun of me for flagging kim kardashian but i said when i post my flies when i dj the strip club they take it down flag and take it down bro it was just me i was doing too much i'm glad you get in the world i woke up when the world was sleeping when the world was asleep i woke them up you know what i'm saying and people i think they just got tired of seeing me because you know like bro like how my instagram was never taken i never been i've never been suspended to be expelled forever you know so i wasn't feeling that so i know it's a you know but i you know i got my opinions i can you know i can say what i want you know not on them people platform right and they show me they show me they show me you know why you don't go to fan on fan fan fan fan base uh i got all kind of people trying to do trying to i got chineses i got everybody trying to you know create me uh you got what kind of chineses what's chinese chinese people oh you know i got people you know everywhere trying to make me an uncensored app you know and that's what i'm working on right now because fan base is black owned you know what i'm saying is the third you can go over there and turn up yeah i i talked to uh i talked to isaac okay okay talk to the son or whatever but i ain't making no decision no i won't i won't take everything you got a bunch of indoors miss hunters even when you sat down you was like i don't want to sit sit with envy water because you got your own water what he said you say all right you can leave it yeah man i got i got water cologne chips noodles you name it i do it that's what i do none of them get offended by the stuff you do uh well once it's 50 50 uh hey what you what what can you get offended about you know you you're invested in [ __ ] and uh i mean we we doing good as i do good as an independent i got a call following like i do real good you know like in the corona i was getting checked six seven checks that ain't got nothing to do with rap do you think you do take it too far sometimes because you said i said i think i said it the wrong way sometimes i mean everything i say and i say what i mean but sometimes i feel like i say it the wrong way sometimes but i mean what i say and i say what i mean and people need to understand that you know the world has an opinion and then i got opinion and i'm just one who expressed my opinion but last time we spoke you said that your mama even told you you stopped volunteering your opinion for things that ain't got nothing about that dwyane wade and you sat down with mike tyson and told mike tyson you should mind your business sometime too why why can't you just mind you because i'm really i'm realer than what i'm supposed to do what you mean i'm really like i like if if it's in my heart you know just because i'm negotiating with him uh like that that doesn't mean i won't say it because i pay me you know you can't blackball me i pay me you know uh even even with my music you know like my last at my driveway connect music group you know that i'm part owner so you know like you you it's hard to blackball me you know just like they got people like they think they they got millions of people love what i'm doing i'm a voice for people who can't speak you know i'm just the only one who got the nurse to speak in this in this industry because everybody else is ran by you know the industry what about even saying like you would beat his ass and i saw a little nuds x responding to that you think that's too far oh no because uh i just be feeling like sometimes i gotta speak up because you know as far as straight people in the world you don't have an opinion on more sexuality everything is harm if you say anything i'm straight i like women it's vulgar too i don't know that that's that ain't true yes yes you can't brag you can't brag on i just think i i think that ain't you sexuality i know it's a different day now you can't just like the baby like bro like you know like how many how many times you been on set oh y'all dj and you heard somebody say if you ain't got a's make noise in the whole club i know you're right that's true that's true but it's a different time no it's a different time and because he's one of the biggest you know so they you know they try to make examples of people you know so the next person who blow like this you're gonna go with this and i feel you know they're attacking our children you know you make all the other you make everybody support this who love these rappers the kids the kids yeah but you know you make no you make every rapper go with it if every rapper go with it i heard you grabbed you grabbed that generation i know i loved every rapper when i was little i loved every rapper you know what i'm saying i try to copy what they did you know i'm saying it's a new day now and i just feel like you know they they pushing it on our our younger job listen i love rap i love hip-hop i love our culture but you know i saw you say that you know you feel like he was a negative influence why are we acting like rappers haven't been negative influences for years whether it's talking about murder celebrating the drug culture the gang culture violence against women like we just as negative so how is he the person that you decide to point at and say oh you're ruining it for the kids what are street rappers done to the kids i really get offended when when when when it was like he was saying that he would go up there and perform naked in front you know all this [ __ ] all the people and i was like damn you know all these straight people in the world all these millions of kids gonna watch this and no straight rapper ain't gonna say hey nah nah [ __ ] [ __ ] we don't want you on that tv nobody's not gonna you know yeah i don't understand that logic boost i saw you say that uh people be trying to be straight how you trying to be straight if you straight you ain't got to try to be i don't get it run it back again on the video you said people trying to be straight you said you said lord neither dance in front of the men and this you know these little boys trying to be straight i'm like how you trying to be straight no i'm just saying as far as if you got your kids watching tv [Music] would you want if you trying to straight raise strong young black men would you want would you be cool with your kids sitting there watching it strong black men would you be cool yo if you trying to raise that and you would you be cool and sitting there watching isaac's go up there and take his clothes off what age are we talking about you're part of the problem what age we talking about cause i don't want my kids looking at anything sexual at a certain age at a certain age but once they get to a certain age nothing wrong with that girl man man girl girl i want my kids cause by the way this is a national stage this is a national stage man we grew up seeing worst images on tv man we seen dudes on tv holding guns like i said you know celebrating violence celebrating violence against women the drug culture the gang coaching like and all this leads to my opinion i don't know like like i can if i feel that way i'ma say it i respect and i mean it you know like you may not feel that way they may not feel that way but i feel that do you feel like you've ever been a negative influence because yes i've been a negative influence yeah but but at the time i was you know i was so you know i'm just rapping my life you know i'm just you know i didn't i didn't i wasn't the rapper who wrapped the movies you know i couldn't go in and rap the movies i went and went in there and rap about what happened that day to me rap about what happened that night to me you know so i never thought i was affecting the culture until i came home and damn now all my friends was in dead in jail you know what i'm saying so you know i i wasn't trying to affect the culture like that as far as negativity i was just writing my life stories now what about when you see an artist you talk about rappers like when you see like birdman a little wayne kissing each other on on the lips so you see you know turk talking about some of the stuff that they did because it's the same thing why not uh how them [ __ ] rocking that city you know uh they really own some like some old mafia [ __ ] you know like like you know like the [ __ ] you know [ __ ] get on them them drugs you know like them [ __ ] be [ __ ] different out there you know what i'm saying like baton rouge you ain't kissing nobody you know they ain't no they ain't never been down there but i haven't seen [ __ ] on in the city they different new orleans they on some they like on some mafia [ __ ] they come from you know thinking they mafia made like the marcelos and all that [ __ ] you know like they you know so i i understand that i under i understand that you know because under the same thing if a kid sees that they might not understand it and see their favorite rappers kissing each other and be like okay right right you know i just want you to lead in people alone with nobody hey look hey look bro like the people who so-called hate me in the lbgt community like i don't know them like everybody who gay who in my life my my other assistant a family member like all gay people i have good relationships with them they're great but you're not going to i know they tell you to stop you know but they tell you to stop do they tell you to stop nah you lying nah real [ __ ] they understand all right so let me ask you this they understand like they understand you do have gay they they be like i want i wish people really knew that you don't you know have you know yeah we were talking all downstairs right so i want to ask you this because you do have gay people in your life do you feel like it is important to have that representation though because there are people who are just gay in this world that's who they are and that's how they identify and so to be able to see yourself represented on tv because for a child who knows that they're gay it is difficult when anybody makes it seem like it's wrong or they can't see themselves in movies in music you don't think that's important too uh i think that's important but it goes the same way for the straight people but there's plenty of straight representations i think there's a lot this world is different it's not even true man it's way more strange it's it's probably more it's probably like like the raffle is like just thinking we look at the rappers hey what am i cause why gay people like like this gay stuff is bigger than you think why gay people don't turn straight out of gay rappers probably you know like they what about women and women do you mind that oh not i don't mind it as far as marriage i don't mind like i'm not gonna support if my my child one of my child was to marry a woman i'm not gonna support that you wouldn't go to the wedding you wouldn't say i love you anyway i would tell i love her but i wouldn't i wouldn't go to the wedding but you like watching girls regardless because you know we built my family is built on legacy you know if i let that slide that [ __ ] gonna slide from my son from my grandson and i'ma lay it down to where they gonna know that you know we it you know life is a lot harder for people who are gay people don't just you you pretty much disowning them i can't no hell no i'm gonna love them to deal but i won't support marriage i'm not giving my child away to another woman you know i would love her to death you know but i'm not i don't i don't want to start that you know as me i have the right to do that as parents we have the right to do that you know everybody parent different but as parents once that child come out you you make those decisions and that's what the world need to need to know like you know you're in you're right you're entitled to your opinion only thing i disagree with is the fact that you you say little nazix is a super negative influence on the kids and you said something earlier you talked about you know when you came home a lot of your fans was in jail are dead so when you say things like you know you want to beat up lord nazix you could possibly be encouraging violence against gay people man so that's what i would tell you to watch yeah i wouldn't incur because they are four times more likely but that's what i'm saying so i just told you like gay people like gay people not after me in the real world like you know like this is just social media the world did this gay people don't in the real world you know they even have gay people at my concerts like all like bro like in the real world you know people respect me for you know standing up and they go and they gonna take me a long way in life you know regardless if ain't nobody other rappers spoke about it you know like what i'm saying you could be encouraging violence against gay people he even said i didn't cry never said i know you said you wanted to beat him up no for going up there and and you know you want to say you want to get naked and if i was there at the awards on the front row and he got naked right there i would dress i don't think anybody should get naked on the stage naked you would do the same thing a straight person if he wasn't gay you're saying a straight person got on stage you would yeah [ __ ] right if he got [ __ ] i will [ __ ] him up you know it's not about being gay don't get naked on an award you don't get naked don't know what with children you want your children to see [ __ ] come on bro so you feel like that about the women who go up there and do that too then who get naked on the uh yeah uh who do get naked dance sexually do sexual stuff on stage you ain't gonna turn this around on those strippers you're gonna have all the strippers i need my strippers have they tried to with you uh nah you know uh my shows are even packing them ever like you know you can't ban me like you know like i'm not i'm not part of those festivals that you can take me off you know i do my own festivals i do a birthday bash in mississippi i'm doing this yeah i do my my my boozy bass you know that's august 28 coming up and you know i make i make crazy you remember you we all remember that coke can in the video the coke can in the shower video remember you did that yeah did did the little nyx video make you think of that situation no no no no that was just a situation with me you know coming to the pen and not knowing the rules you know i'm sorry i got i got i got my eyes booked just not knowing the rules i just don't like to see brothers causing their self unnecessary stress and i don't like us causing unnecessary stress to people that's all man you know what i'm saying yeah people are free to be who they are because like you have people in your life who are gay people who work with you you have family members right and you have no problem taking pictures with people if they're gay so what so the thing that bothers you is the representation on television is that what it is yeah television really television bothers me when i came home from jail it bothered me you know i was like god you know i was like you know it was new to my eyes you know like you know like if you don't if you don't protect your kids you know they gonna be stirred that way in this day and age they gonna really be stirred that way you know if we i just feel like we gotta we gotta i just went gay before you know where everybody wanna be everybody everybody got the right to what they wanna be if you wanna have your kids gay you can have your kids gay if you want to protect your kids from being gay you have that right well i don't know that you want to have your kids gay it's just that if your kids are gay they're just gay because i do think life is harder for you if you are gay because there's a lot of four times the chance of violence more than the average person and there's a lot of attacks on lgbtq communities so i do think you make your life hardest i don't think anybody's like i just want to be gay because i've seen it on tv is how you feel cause i've seen i've never kissed a woman i've never done any of those things and i see it all the time but that doesn't mean i want to do it because i think you have to feel like that's who you are to be able to relate to that i don't think was you raised not to do it i wasn't raised anyway because i've been around i'm from new york so i've seen it all and i have friends who are gay i have friends who are trans but it's never made me say that's what i want to be okay okay do you think people are born gay or you think they i don't know he has no idea i don't know i don't know what about the wii tv show i heard you had a we tv show but they they pulled it uh now i was i was doing um i was you know i was doing a reality show and uh yeah i love that stuff with dwyane wade came out uh and they said because you uh you tried to pay a woman to sleep with your son or something nah it was just everywhere i went after that to shop the reality show it was straight about that so i knew that this this industry right here is ran by those you know what i'm saying so uh i turned the films man and i'm directing film i got my biopic best bout pick you ever saw dropping september 24th on fire streaming service so uh man i'm just you know i know i know i know how the wheel going you know no you do have me against the world out so you really feel like it is you against the world the song uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because people that's what social media did you know the gay people the gay people on social media you know they seem to hate me you know they seem but you brought all that on yourself but the real people and the gay people a lot of gay people in atlanta you know like they love me like they you know so i don't know if it's a real side and a in another side angry side but the gay people i know got the best hearts it feels like it's probably i trust gay people more than so if you're an ally if you're an ally and you got to support the because it feels like you feel like there's something personal against you from the gay community but at the same time you feel like they support you yeah so it's it's weird it's just a whole yeah the gay community like they they support me like you know like in real life i i never met the gays who see me in [ __ ] if i never met those you know like all the gay people i know enjoy my company and i enjoy that company well how do we figure out how boozy can support them let's let's do that cause you're saying you're an ally but an ally comes with support how can we mend these bridges uh we just need to have all we need we need to have our as straight people as you know we need to have our point we need to have our voice to if you if you if you never let her have a voice we're gonna get ran down everything that comes from our voice gonna get shut up with with you know with negative and ignorance so you know we as straight people you know we we gotta have a voice too if you keep taking the way out voice hey what if somebody said hey man every rapper that get on stage and rap about guns and drugs i'm gonna pull them off the stage and beat their ass i don't i don't know you steady trying to tie those two in charlemagne but no yes you are cause when i'm saying they're trying to tie it up no don't say i don't want us to be hypocrites because we all can put out negative images at times you know what i'm saying i don't think one of us is is in a position to judge the other because you know i don't think but you but but you you as a person as a man and a lot of these rappers ain't real men to speak about you know how they feel a lot of rappers feel like me you know but they call me you know they can't they can't dang dang dang they did these bowling balls you know they called me boosted man i'm so glad you said you know they called me you know what i'm saying so uh you know i'm doing what a lot of people in the world you know see as positive even though social media make it look as negative you got a whole nother generation who older than us 40s and 50s who absolutely love what i'm doing absolutely feel i'm the last one left you got og raffles call me ain't gonna say their name but like boosie [ __ ] you the last one left you know what i'm saying and realness is everything to me you know what i'm saying because i'm not i'm not i'm not pinpointed i'm not a puppet i'm not i can't feel a certain way and sitting and sitting and sit in the room and not say nothing because you gave me 300 000 you know and that's me and i'm i'm gonna keep speaking up as far as you know how i feel you know you like you know boosie do you think that there's people who scared or intimidated that are gay but don't want to come out and let the world know because of how they'll be treated or how people will talk about them of course right so yeah so i i that's what i'm saying i don't think it's a world yet where gay people have taken over i feel like it's still what you think is percentage wow i have no idea because i think there's a lot of people who haven't come out and who won't just because they're nervous that's why people are dl that's why people are doing things on the low and not telling anyone because they don't want to be judged and they don't want to be looked at a certain way i'm just a fan of letting you do your thing i'm gonna do my thing and that's it you know and i and i do want kids to have somebody to look up to so if they're having feelings they're not feeling like i'm a bad person because i'm gay or i'm suicidal i don't want to live here because people are judging me for that so i do feel like as role models as representation is just important but you know i do want to move on yeah it's important with the straight kids too just think of two straight kids in a pack of four gay people but i do think that there is plenty of representation for it everybody in this room we got to fight for those too well you don't know of everybody in this room well you're right we you'd write i don't yeah you just said yeah you don't know that but i i got eight people in this room but nobody here has come out so as far as i know everybody in here everybody in this room is about to show you have an openly gay man jody over there you just ignore the openly gay man you came to new york and you were yelling bobby schmurder yeah i'm trying to get them and take them back on the plane the booster bag august 22 august 27 through the 29th but his date is august 28th and he gave me his word that he was going to do it so right here though i figured you'd be yelling rihanna when you got to new york nah man i told y'all that's a fantasy bro y'all kill that bro everybody in this room if you've been in the industry you had a fantasy of somebody right everybody that had a fantasy of you saying boy they can get it if if if if he came about give him something everybody hey yeah everybody something in there [Laughter] you got me drinking somebody else get rich or die trying it's better than tupac it's the best bowel pick ever give it out give us september 24th directed by me assisted directed by joe spike and you know i wanted to take it to all the big big people but everybody was trying to take it from me and you know it was just like when i first went got a record deal you know by me being my first time directing my first time in new york they was trying to just take my film via streaming service black owned mm-hmm is it somebody playing you as like a young boy yeah my son plays me uh when i'm little i got another dude play me then i play me when i get older mm-hmm so then i got another film dropping on christmas day too where does it start so where did this flavor play okay grove hero yeah where did this young gossip where does this biopic it starts from my mama pregnant mm-hmm yeah my mom are pregnant that's when it starts it starts from birth okay and what was so what was that like like while your mom was pregnant when you were first born as well oh my daddy come in you know action wears effing money at woo she tell them you know i spent it on the bills because i know you're gonna spend it on that [ __ ] so uh that's how i come on and it it go into my life and you know it's called my struggle it's a great bowel pit you talk about your your kids in there like in your parenting because i see the way your parents one time i seen your kids cutting all the grass because i guess they didn't do the chores they were supposed to so you you know it wasn't the chores it was them out of throwing water on all my my engineer you know people people can't sleep you know just just you know these kids are pranking terrorizing yeah grown men like got grown me and you know these people work for me you know these people come to me scared to go to sleep and you know like hell nah it's got to stop so you know you walk the line i said they pranked you and i said they pranked you like they had um messed up your laptop or something like that yeah they all but i'd be having to stand up to my kids because sometimes my kids get too little you may stand up to your kids yeah sometimes okay okay yeah they get too loose they you know like my son he he think you could try your holy spirit it's been two days of school oh you know uh he's 10 or 11. oh yeah so he had that age where he might he might try to try that second day of school so he up here with me and i'm i'm that's my suspension he's not going to sit at the state right so he will be going he's going to carry the bags he's going to carry three bags through the airport you know he's going to work every time like you know you got are your kids celebrities in school are they like young celebrities yeah something is that the reason why you get in the fight cause somebody making fun of them because of what what would that be because you know he's the star on this movie and he's the star on the next movie too where's mj so i just think he's gonna have problems as far as i just think he's gonna have problems and he you know he he ain't high temper but he he just really ain't gonna let nobody play with him like like the child services anybody try to [ __ ] with you when you um was had the girl on him oh no no no no no no that was my other son that was my 16 year old 16 year old girl yeah he's 18 no and when you do those parties at your house and you invite everybody to land and they got kids how many people come to that to your house uh if i do a uh i see one time you said if you got about today's i guess your daughter's birthday birthday was like oh my my my four-year-old my four-year-old yeah you know i just sent a send a van to the ghetto spots like old national you know tell people to pull up you know they'll go to thug of them hood ted where's ratchet tell people to pull up and you know bring them to bring them to the house and let them play and let them enjoy themselves yeah big dog stuff yeah yeah so what's that movie coming out christmas for in december where's mj it's something like that where's mj it's so it's a film about uh it's something like the home alone mm-hmm but it's it's it's way better uh desert banks and grove hero you know they the crooks flavor flav in the movie i can't tell you his role so y'all got tight now huh after yeah yeah that's my boy now did you ever think y'all look alike before people started saying it started flowing through my head how many people was telling me you know i've been telling me that since i started rapping so i looked at the picture a couple of times like nah man you know i think on certain pictures you know they can put it together you know i don't look good on pictures but you know when i get in front of a [ __ ] i'm gonna make a wit no i'm nice looking in person i'm ugly on camera my eyes all but when i get up on you you know i'm pretty handsome that's what my mom was saying i heard somebody say that this morning man you know who said that who flame oh flying hey flying flame said that just running it down she i feel like she understand me like she she said oh i love busy flame different though flame you understand boozy i do flame also didn't know you were so small she said i know he was so small but i knew he was smart isn't your mother like a teacher or something yeah i knew you were smart you i know just some of your rhetoric i hear the intelligence we were just talking about what kind of dad he represents that we need to see that from different capacities from black men because all black men don't raise their children the same you know that don't mean that there's love missing or that there is time missing he just does it a different way but you know i'm a fan of boost when i was a girl way back that was my type right there but that was way back see why when that was disrespectful are you [Laughter] yeah yeah because when i come here i don't make me feel uncomfortable whatever you want to play you want to play me and play but that's on them i would never push up on somebody else but see i'm sitting next to you i'm not pushing up on him plus he too likes getting him on this real ass [ __ ] how do we how do we mend the bridge between boosie and lgbtq we just have to talk to each other and listen and not listen to hear the four or five words that make you the trigger words you have to listen to respond to teach the other person i'm not i don't think that he's out of source of what he says and i don't i don't disagree with completely with what he said about uh little nas x but little na's x is gay so the hypocrisy would be if he was on the bet awards and he was kissing on a woman and he's openly gay then people would be offended and say well why are you kissing that woman y'all know he gay then he goes to the dl you cannot win for losing because everybody is all everywhere everybody's so displaced what he was saying was not i don't want my kids to see inappropriate things that they watch on tv but i don't agree with what he said about you you are you around gay i'm completely transgender my son is completely straight he goes to tsu he's straight and that's not because i raised him to live like me i told him you live your life and be whoever you know if he would have turned out to be gay he would have just been gay i wasn't going to love him no less because you have to like even with angela standing with her daughter with the trans or you have to put in a place as a parent do i love my child more than i hate what they have become because you have no control over what your kid is gonna become they had no control over your mom had no control over what you were gonna become so you have to remove all of what you want your kid to be and just see the love that you have like so like when you say if your daughter married another woman right i think you feel like that now busy but i think if your daughter did fall in love with a woman and i know she's straight but if she actually did i think that you would realize but i still as a parent have the right to even if there i have the right to describe them the way that i want you you can't change you i can try as a every parent every parent is different like you can't tell a parent another parent who's pairing the child to how he can parent that child you can just tell them only from your experience mm-hmm the flames don't get flame not saying you wrong she's just saying that your daughter if that's what your daughter's into your daughter's into and you're not going to lose the love for your daughter but i wouldn't want that to be a ongoing thing in my mind you're a genuine person and i'm gonna say this i believe you would still go to that wedding if she came to you and was like daddy i need you there flame just said i wouldn't want my children to be getting i wouldn't want my children it's the heart of life tough life yeah i live this life i'm 56 i've lived this life 12 times i would not want my children to be but you have nothing right so as a parent we can protect our children but you can't change their mind or their heart you just said you wouldn't want your child nobody would like but i'm just saying like as a parent we can fight we have the pain as a parent you have the choice to fight am i right you know what i feel like this better as a parent do you have the choice to make your child want a man and a woman you know him you know you don't have that too you don't have that choice you got a preference yeah but you can't you say i don't want that to happen but you can tell your child i don't want that to happen like you you just a child you just just because she's a child as a child you just can't say if she say something you got to go with it hey what do you think about you hey think about it you're a parent and that's what's happening but think about all the things we're losing the parent and the child but listen think about putting the child before the parents think about all the things that your parents told you not to do as a kid i bet you did every single one of them i'm just saying bro we putting a child opinion means more than a parent it's not an opinion is an opinion and you can say just like flame said i don't want my child to be just like you said but you can't you don't have an opinion but you can't control it man parents don't want their kids to be drug dealers they don't want their kids to be shooters right yes and we have that choice to i'm sure my parents didn't your mama tell you not to be a gangster you have to be a robber and you didn't listen none of us listen you know like i'm sure my parents didn't want me to lose my virginity when i did i'm sure they would have been like don't worry until i had until i get married or something but they didn't really have any control if that's what i wanted to do that's but your parents still tried to steer you the right way right but it won't change though so we're gonna take all the we're gonna take all the strength from the parents in the world no i know that's really gonna make it a new world nobody's saying that yes you are but when your child lives and goes to college you're saying that we're gonna take all the strength from the pain no he's saying a child gonna do it to you and say this and that you just gotta go with it that's what you're basically saying i'm an intelligent person that's what you're basically saying and i'm not with that i got a child i got the right who feels like me has their right you can't take that right away from straight people people who feel their opinions on straight you can't bash us how we feel well no i don't think anybody's bashing like flame if your parents told you we don't yeah but they they only they only come at y'all when y'all say something about them though right i'm free i do what i want to do well i do i don't i don't want to add boozy why how come gay people don't become straight based off all the imagery they see in the world we don't know we don't we don't know what's going on like you just said ain't nobody gay in this room then you look back and you saw somebody gay like we don't know it's it it's not like we don't know if all these people hate me so cause i get the love we don't know if social media [ __ ] this world up yeah we don't know that y'all don't know if they hate me like that that's true that could be one person a billion times right that's true that's right but i you know i just feel like we have a difference in opinion i just feel like you agree to disagree i just want boozy to leave people alone right right i'm a real person i just can't be quiet because you told me be quiet about a situation that i feel that's means to me right but we've heard you speak on it you know like feelings this is this feeling this is how i feel you can't say it anybody think they can come boosie just like y'all speaking for a whole community i'm speaking foreign i'm not speaking for nobody i'm just what about three let's talk about threesomes for a second hold on one second i just think it's hypocrite i just think it's hypocritical for street rappers to do that to somebody else because that used to happen to street rappers forever forever they were saying hip-hop was a negative influence because of the things we rapped about so for you to point that little knives exercise it's just daytime that what you're saying what do you mean you saying like as far as it's just daytime no i'm just saying it's hypocritical for street rappers to point at another rapper and say they being negative yes he would well we don't would have said something so busy let's can we talk about threesomes for a second you and two women pogba to say something let me begin i don't think somebody's sexuality i wouldn't be getting dragged like this by myself i don't think i don't think i feel that in my heart sexuality and crime is two different things to me we got rappers that have been out here promoting straight up crime that i've been getting people locked up and killed him that's what i was saying but we don't point the finger at each other it doesn't matter bro everybody got an opinion you can't shut somebody up on their opinion just cause you don't agree with the opinion and how it was said right but you're gonna but you're gonna get this though he's gonna have people that disagree and you're gonna have to argue your point right right that's all right right right and then i i do i do i do it to a team i face anybody i face breakfast club mike tyson mike anybody let's go let's go because i'm real with me like you know like a lot of people not real with them you can't say you're a real [ __ ] you got 10 20 30 million and you can't speak on how you feel no you're an artist but you trolled by so let's just say this you're people you don't hate gay people no i just told you my assistant is gay gay people out build a whole i can trust a gay person for our trust or anybody before i chose to shoot anybody gay people don't even steal like that like what oh wait god damn [Laughter] i'm the green room we're for us to be testing i said oh i'm fanning out i'm a big boosie fan he you all he knew i wasn't a woman i wasn't even dressed like this i had on my jogging suit and he was like what's up let's take a picture he was very calm very chill i'm not a bad person i've been i did five years in prison around gay people like bro like prison bro you don't understand bro like i don't have nothing against gay people i have problems with what they doing to do you think it's an agenda being pushed yeah it's it's you you know it's an agenda but it's been it was you just can't talk about it because you won't heal just so it was a crime agenda too it was a murder agenda too amongst the black community yeah it was a drug deal okay but now it's now it's more of a uh now it's more of that agenda you know it's not it's not more of a crime agenda now because back you know people rap rappers not really rapping about spinning like they used to it's more about drugs now yeah that's so that's that's an agenda being pushed into the scene culture i come up under cash money whenever all the youngsters wanted money everybody was rapping about money the locks [ __ ] everybody had money you know what i'm saying it's a different culture now most people you know they it's a drug culture that's right and you don't want no violence against gay people either hell no i don't want no violence against gay people you know what i mean bro like like i don't want nothing no violence against gay people i can't be for that i'm boosting i can't be for the gay person i be with real steppers who everybody's scared of i'm the only people i'd like to be with cause i don't know if you saw i saw a little nazak say that you know he felt he didn't want to talk about anything going on in hip-hop because he felt it was like a danger to him so he hired security because of everything that he's seen on social media about him oh okay well what time he can let go of security booster don't want to do you nothing bro you know what i'm saying i don't want to do not just say if i was even if he went on there i know i was i couldn't do nothing if i was at home because i'm not going to be in norway anyway you know what i'm saying but if i was present at the war that's why i said that but you know i ain't got no knowledge don't need no security especially not for me bro you know that you know i got a reputation and legacy to hold up what i look like beefing with a you do a song with nasa nah nah man boosie you bought money nah i wouldn't do a song with him you know especially i didn't you know i didn't win that dude like i don't know i guess you know like what if y'all made people i do hundreds of features you know i don't know if they're gay or not i can't say i did 100 features with people who ain't gay right in this industry but you do realize like you don't know who buying your water either you don't know who buying your cologne you don't know who buying your chips right right it could be people of all sexuality you know what after all this is said and done i'm gonna stand up victorious you know i'm gonna stand up victorious because i was the only one who gave a gave or gave a [ __ ] you know for a million other people you know uh everywhere i go every when i go in the airport it's the older people you know they boo see i'm boosting i'm watching you now you know like and i'm speaking i'm just speaking how i feel most of older people see it differently that's why hell yeah they see it differently differently they say they feel like like they like boosted you betting that [ __ ] up why they telling me you need to be quiet why y'all you bet not [ __ ] up you know i love what you it's wrong you know they got people who feel like me and it's an opinion across the world and that's their opinion back to the question i've been trying to ask run it about threesomes running so you don't have a problem do you have a problem with being with two women at the same time i haven't been with six women at once okay so it's okay for them to be like kissing each other eating each other out and stuff you know that's gay it's a it's a threesome like it's it's that's gay so it's okay so that's why i just told you if if i just told you before i say if girls want to play it's all god i just told you that when you're assassinated but marriage you know girls gonna play girls gonna play like th that's all the part but marriage i'm not gonna agree with my daughter marrying a woman okay you know i'm not you know even though i have threesomes and things that's part of that's part of what it was two married women who were feliz [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] with married women i actually want me i don't even i don't date but they wanted to bring you away that's the that's because [ __ ] gonna kill you behind they white no no i'm saying we're married to each other married to each no i asked a woman are you married before i even before even if she say i walk away and tell her congratulations i don't play with them man they're gonna kill you about that girl but a wife is different my wife is different i agree you know would you get married are you thinking about that uh i don't want to get married ever nah i don't want to get married why is that because i probably am proud because i'm so torn what i've seen through marriages my whole life and i don't want to be i don't want to be that you know and i mean i got successful by myself you know i didn't get no i ain't nobody giving me nothing right i didn't tag on to a woman i didn't tag on to us nothing you know i got this out the mud you know and i feel a certain way you know that's why when i do get a woman i like her to cater to me i just love a woman to just eye my clothes run my you know because i feel i'm a king and you know and i can have two three women you know like so i don't i'm i'm afraid of marriage i'm gonna say i'm afraid of man because you know you probably couldn't be faithful to one woman yeah i'm not gonna be but a woman might be okay with that some people are some people might be like now if you deal with me you're gonna have to deal with a woman at a certain time so you're gonna make a woman gay you're gonna have to deal with it just say just check this out if we get to a point we rocking two three months you know and i and i want another woman i'm the type don't tell you mm-hmm i'm not gonna say yeah i'm not gonna try to go behind yeah yeah you know cuz this [ __ ] a bad [ __ ] and she got her status up too so uh i'm gonna basically tell you you know i'm saying i'm a [ __ ] we can [ __ ] her together you know and it's it's a better understanding like that between you sneaking and geeking mm-hmm you know what i'm saying so i flame said that's hot well you say because two women hook up without you like can the two women hook up if you're not around yeah yeah cause it's always in my mind i put that together i had two girlfriends for eight nine months damn they're living with me and then what happened what happened uh i just just got got worn out but i just felt like they they love me more than i look then they love each other let me ask you a question busy right they didn't love each other like they love me you got them in the house your daughter's in the house and your daughter sees that so your daughter thinks oh that's nah my daughter ain't never seen this my daughter ain't never see this i keep it i keep everything from my my daughter don't even know i date other women she think i'm still with a mama oh my god she's five years old oh come here exactly you know i like to be a king to my children you know i don't i'm not going to bring different women and my daughter seeing it you know because she gonna think that it's okay it's okay that the [ __ ] she get could do that to her right so you know i my daughters think you know until they get that age where you know they can read and and google but my daughter ain't kindergarten right now she think i'm you know she don't know that she don't she don't know what's going on what if she pull up some old boozy videos later on in life and see two girls kissing and then and then she get influenced and she getting influenced to want to kiss her once they get that phone it's over it's over it's over like my son like you know my son he 11. you know he got a phone i went in this phone the other day porn five out of eight i say [ __ ] you worse than me five out of eight but i was proud of my son he looking at [ __ ] you know i was proud of myself man he was watching some white girls he was watching him a black dude having threesome with two white girls i'm like damn this little [ __ ] here you know i i got on his ass tell them but i was kind of proud do you regret that what the [ __ ] i see you got a [ __ ] problem all you want to do is look at white girl's [ __ ] i got on this airplane after that out you said you got a problem you watching porn you just said you got a problem no too much porn okay if you have four or five out of eight come on you're supposed to have one two out of eight and so i got on him you know like but he had that age he's 11 years old he fell up does that make you sexist as a dad because you talk about your daughter so you your son is smashing all the little girls in new orleans right yeah what is that yeah yeah you're right you got you you got me right i'm shaking down sex is like that too because i think about my son smashing all the girls in long beach i'm with but yeah i think about my daughter whose birthday is today happy birthday is he passing out then i'm [ __ ] up like the girl don't do that so we i am we i don't even know as dads or black men that we'll ever get across that point because we hold our daughters in such high regard even though we were right [ __ ] we in the girls but we let our son [ __ ] go get it get it get it get it but doesn't it scare you that your son could get a bunch of different women pregnant at once too because that's not a girl talking about she's pregnant with twins now i think they like yeah son i ain't gonna be no damn grandpa yes you are grandpa at some point this [ __ ] been worrying me for the last i don't think she prayed i think they lying hon and mama trying to give him a song yeah i'm gonna tell it how many she is i'm a chill i don't know i think she photos she lying they've been trying to get my son since he was 10. no yeah she did a video way back with him she was 11 years old she had 13 inches weaving out she been trying to get my son she black away black how old is she they the same age 17 18. and she says you pregnant right now man that's what i'm wrong i don't want to talk about it you just saying i'm gonna talk about kill it i get it i get angry i get you i get you but i'm not having it bro you ever thought about going to therapy for what i feel i'm perfectly stable i can talk when i want to talk i can do whatever i want to do i raise my key like i want i'm perfectly stable nobody's remoting me i'm stable if i go to the if i go to therapy what they gonna do remote me they're gonna make me be quiet they're gonna let me remove you buy them and they gonna talk over me i don't let nobody talk over me when i'm in a room where i'm in a business deal nobody gonna talk over me because you know why they're smarter than me you know i don't know these contracts like this i don't let people talk over me because if you talk over you know what they gonna do belittle you well how many how many movies have you directed oh who is the uh sound guy did you get anybody from um a a-lister in the film no so i'm i'ma control the room everywhere i go you're not gonna talk over me if you say i don't got this well why i'm here that's me now busy why did you think that we didn't want to have you up here on a breakfast club no i was i was fishing you know you y'all saw that discrimination on that white boy face man no you you got him right i was so proud of you would you say dj i was running around now i see djing but i'm proud of you but you said you got it but you said instagram you said you'd be willing on instagram no boosie you know they got rules and regulations over there they got rules regulations and discrimination for black and brown a white girl could be up there like this you could take a payday i'll give it to a hundred times how are you popping that she's so good you act like they buck naked they twerking you know why because they're not being seen you know that that's how i feel you know we took over in the corona african americans we took over the social media platform you didn't see nobody caucasian i'm sorry i'm not racist i'm righteous you didn't see nobody we took over and i think he got tired of seeing us you know and you know we capitalizing off it and they know we capitalizing off instagram we making millions off instagram and they just you know they got the power to show you that they can stop you if you can say something to adam right now what would you say give me my instagram back and be fair you know i would tell them be fair how many celebrities instagram took have you gave it back i could not i could name a million you never gave me mine and i posted a girl on the piano with emojis around her you know this shows discrimination you give her her page back three days later you never give me my page back my page wasn't never taken i never been in suspension yeah to i know i'm expelled you take 10.5 million followers from me you know i'm plugged in with caucasian businesses with these kind of numbers you affect me so if people say i ain't got the right to talk they got me [ __ ] up i'ma speak about this do you regret anything you ever did on social media nah but i always say they come at you for putting that woman on your son uh not 16 years old bro like you know like i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm gonna try to lean my son that way at 16 years old you know what i'm saying my son's already but that's what i feel as a father that's what i want to do you know i want to lean my son this way because if he sit from four to four to 13 and watch cartoons he might be stirred the other way you know so i gotta i gotta be you know i i put my kids i raise them from my boys especially my boy i raise them from 8 19. you know they already they really you know like but boosie we appreciate you joining us in having this conversation man i have one more question there was a topic the other day up here on the breakfast club envy and charlemagne were discussing something that turk said about how every guy plays gay games and then they said they were talking about the games that they played did you see that interview that he did with vlad nah what he was talking about he was saying that every guy plays gay games and you know charlemagne and envy have played some gay games up here on the breakfast club is it true that every guy cuz i was hearing things playing with gay games what a gay game he's playing with keep drinking that water you find out do you drink [Applause] oh [ __ ] they're trying to take the street um they get in the door together and they go in their little revolution no he didn't what kind of gay games y'all bought me an ass boosie uh a mold of his ass as a joke he brought me a mold of his ass don't you judge you bought your son's mask you bought a mold of his ass no i didn't leading people alone that's all man i gave it back after you put this thing in it's on video i'll show you the video in the interview over boo badass it's the best oh [Music] you
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 4,971,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy
Id: NZjc8seqXGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 47sec (3407 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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