Full send Ft. NELK

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all right welcome back to the podcasts sorry I haven't this is kind of loud - sorry I haven't had an episode in like four [ __ ] weeks but we're back and today we're joined by the number one youtube pranksters a in my minds at least connait fellow Canadians oh yeah the boys the boys kings of the full send oh yeah you like that one there's my I just came up with kings of the full send our you go I'll take it this [ __ ] is like you can adjust that [ __ ] if you like it's turning yeah there we go okay there we go yeah that better yeah Cheers nelq it's Ronis kale thanks for having thanks for coming on fellow Canadians how's it feel being in LA it's sick man yeah it's dope yeah how you guys were here like pretty recently weren't you what have you guys been doing it's been traveling all over the [ __ ] place like what is your what is your life traveling is that yeah back at home back and forth spend some time in the States a lot when we see you as VidCon VidCon you're pounding vodka waters vodka water yeah that was a messy night but yeah just traveling a lot we'd like to roadie a lot just cuz it makes like exciting footage yeah but you're like you gotta like be careful about the visa like regulations alright oh yeah like isn't it like a certain um to the border pretty hard this time no way really oh yeah would they say well we got this whole like like court [ __ ] going on back home and yeah yeah done yet okay so in there to criminal charges so do you like they popped up and we're laughing though we're good but yeah they're it's not technically done with yet so it pulled up when we cross the border okay and they were like really sketch about it like asking us about it and [ __ ] so it was literally up to this guy's one decision whether to like I cried man if he didn't let us across the border Hardman's so mad and had you already driven yeah we drove like two hours away from home but they decided to let us through so when they search your name it popped up on their like computer whatever they're like yo these guys are criminals they're like not a minute sounds like you pending it said pending or something or like whatever that side like cuz it's like we're not we're accused yeah we're Keys you just have it okay yeah given beating the case yet no yeah can you talk about her now we cannot I wish because off camera we will yeah yeah for sure yeah but it's something involving like a prank or whatever you can't talk about that either we have to do it if you don't want to I'm just like yeah honestly we just shouldn't yeah that's crazy man this [ __ ] you guys did at Google yes sir yeah was it was that sorry so the what I'm talking about is they did like a prank video you guys post prank videos yeah yeah and they're great the reason why I like them is because they're not like shitty over-the-top like [ __ ] with people that you know like I don't know like ruining their day and yeah you know to me yeah it's like being funny of them yeah which is some [ __ ] that's just like it's it's not hard to watch yeah for me it like I'm sensitive that [ __ ] I'm like yeah like supreme paddy can't watch my kids videos because he's like making messes in public and [ __ ] I'm just like I don't [ __ ] with that but you guys just like talk to people and it's hilarious it's more about like us being like improv and funny yeah yeah yeah trying to like get a gaff we play that same character that like degenerate idiot that like lives with his mom I like yeah stoic back yes doner yeah just yeah head so you guys went to Google headquarters mm-hmm or I guess I should start by saying what's what's the thing like people send you guys at work outfits yeah how did that whole thing start explain that actually we used to just get them from friends and [ __ ] like McDonald's Starbucks what else Walmart tons but now people send them to us like we opened up a p.o box so they just like dishes uniforms and then what do you do with them throw them on go into stores pretend to work there [ __ ] with the customers the employees and then sometimes we quit like you jump up say I quit yeah yeah dude that's all it has it's like it has it's gotten easier the more you do it cuz you guys are like pretty good I thought were to do that I feel like my first time I'd be like yeah looks nervous like stuttering and [ __ ] you get used to like how to approach the like situation now how to like not get arrested how do I like do it properly yeah what no it's always the same not get arrested yeah seriously like that's like I have now that's a major concern yeah I was thinking I was like dude how like they you guys snuck into the Google headquarters I was like this is some serious [ __ ] there's like a public company there's like yeah there's like what we do well for them to it's a thing that's yeah I know I know I was like this sort of delete your [ __ ] channel and that's what we were thinking with it was our hoods we wanted to do an office shot so bad somewhere we wanted to do like fake businessman employee yeah we tried to pull it off in Chicago but we couldn't get into any offices so we wanted that thumbnail of like a cubicle like just [ __ ] being an idiot the office so what happened in Chicago that you couldn't get into this you had to like scan in yeah yeah like this kid marked like yeah this kid in San Fran had us up and he had an old Google Pass and it didn't scan and [ __ ] but you just like I just put it on and then you're just like super confident follow this lady in and then like Google is so chill like you walk in there's like a bar there with like tequila yeah like so it's so chill but that's what we don't take it too far though we don't like to use it to like cuz we could have got free food free drinks free what yeah yeah yeah like we literally went there to shoot and that's it yeah yeah yeah you departed I want to push it right you're already like because I eat like one meal and all of a sudden like they're suing you for like a grand or something yeah like the pasta was expensive or something yeah yeah or you got to be careful with like the white boards and [ __ ] because there's like you know that's like proprietary info [ __ ] things we film that did you guys blur all much what did you blur after what do you mean I thought when I watched it for the first time it wasn't blurred and then do you guys like burn it on you tonight no if I we nine if I was on blur duty and yeah little slipped up that was that must have been a nightmare [ __ ] about luring that whole thing yeah yeah it was a lot of blurring it was a long day that's why but yeah dude it turned out [ __ ] funny man yeah thanks man that [ __ ] was so funny is it good when those fun um what's like that so have you been arrested before I guess like for this [ __ ] but anything else other than those like um I've never been charged before no I've been like arrested and then released that's it though just for like back in the day like grade 10 just [ __ ] around and [ __ ] really for what would like some Nicki Nicki 9 door like yeah yes I'm like drinking in public or something yeah rest you know where you guys from again just outside Toronto I'm from Mississauga oh do my sister lives there no really yeah well that's what everyone is from this side or now what is what I don't know what area yeah a lot of people yeah yeah her she used to live in Toronto I just was there like in November or October yeah Toronto's [ __ ] awesome yeah it's pretty dope it's so dope it's like a better and what's not better but it's like a cleaner New York yeah exactly it's so sick wait and you're from Calgary yeah yeah yeah fellow Canadian I got to admit you guys accents just you sound like my parents what can I hear it yeah you guys have the thickest accents shut up swear to God that's crazy 100% everything we say are certain things everything what yeah it's also like the the way you say it yeah like for the boys eh like yeah how old are you guys I'm 23 okay 24 okay so how did you guys get into the whole thing just starting out doing it for fun honestly yeah watching like me and my boys always watch pranks like you watch the Franks and [ __ ] yeah just back in the day and then obviously when it was hot on YouTube like we just started doing it for fun mm-hmm kind of thing and then once we started getting views it's just like more encouraging obviously always wanted to do YouTube like watch YouTube and stuff so when you start like getting Jesus off seeing courage and you just keep going and like I don't know how it happened like me and Jesse started like three years ago when we met three years ago yeah a little boy I've been saying three for like the last whatever but I guess it is for in a daddy Wow yeah how do you like like you gotta buy like the lav mic and [ __ ] like that what do you ask you with we got a shitty camera or actually might buy one not today wait today yeah the autofocus sucks so we gotta buy a new one yeah gonna get like a camcorder or like how do you film the longest [ __ ] you want like an action camera for pranks yeah we have like the DSR for yellow and vlogging okay you want like a like a parachute type thing oh it's like the skater camera yeah just use them for like filming their daughters and like yeah pretty lame [ __ ] [ __ ] that doesn't matter so their check yeah that's dough and what's the 905 shooter what's your relationship with him so I know 905 we went to high school together and then he would always like take some photos of us like just randomly like I'm I'd hit him up whenever and I just like want to come like he just come chill and then we started like this style where we actually have a film or following us cuz everyone's like vlogging and we really like that yeah just looks so much better the more like a reality show nothing mm-hmm so then he just started doing it with us like whenever again and then the he quit his job what two months ago or oh okay five months ago he quit his job Walmart and then we just hired him full time now he's with us so you're from Canada too yeah oh nice Oh word you've always been into like photography and shelgon videography nice yeah the style the this style of having like a dedicated she's so much it looks better it's like it allows you as like the improv person or whatever to like get more into the day because you're not focusing on like even just for vlog [ __ ] yeah I'm talking about your like if you're not holding the camera it's like part of your brain that's not focused on angles and show your ass icon or whatever it just so it's taken care of it's so saturated to like the everyone was vlogging and it's just like I don't know I didn't personally now watch too many of them do you guys have separate vlog channels or do be used to but you kind of went through a phase of like trying to do that for a bit yeah then we just decided to way everyone I make does yeah mix the vlog with the prank that's what we kind of do now it's cool yeah it's dope it's just like more fun for us to I mean it works better cuz it's like it seems like now you guys have like you know people get to know you yeah exactly but it's not you're not like sacrificing that format at the same time you need like if you just you pranksmen they'll never like never they'll never subscribe for you yeah they won't know your personality and yeah so yeah it's important so what's it been like like when you guys go to colleges now do you have like fans especially in Canada really oh yeah it's it's crazy in Canada because the humour is just like everyone talks not just cuz of us but just like yeah I don't know they talk like that - it's like the point under knowledge humour like yeah they like talk like that like that's that's what I mean yeah my cousin's exact same way he came hogs I was home for Christmas and he's like yeah just doing it for the boys you know like it's full send like dude you guys just like sound like milk I know it's hilarious dude yeah that came in slang it's so funny it's so [ __ ] funny yeah it's like yeah who edits your [ __ ] we all do actually now yeah really yeah yeah because like the subtitles and sure they're all like a I know is on subtitles he kills it that's great oh yeah what do you boys like font is that you want to reveal your secrets so tell them the fun yeah yeah what is it you know it's like iMovie Fontenot whatever so it's in there it's a star from okay yeah okay oh yeah that's what it is Fox 3d there you go there you go the secret to life for this park is all about revealing trade secrets so how much money do you guys make hey Ron fine so we might as well talk yeah what's your favorite prank you've ever done what's like yeah what's the favorite one I've done a shit-ton the coke pranks obviously just like our like most memorable one I get it started us out like big and stuff did you so explain explain that one oh yeah she did it around the corner yeah we were gonna go there after to go check out the spot we were in Venice Beach and we had a shitload of coke like coca-cola cans and a trunk and then uh basically like we're asking people if they want coke and then uh til cops came and we all like acted sketchy in the car and [ __ ] and then this guy just johnson was like yo we got a bunch of coke in the back and they [ __ ] handcuffed us and everything and then like like open the back and they obviously saw it was just like the pawn on coke but holy [ __ ] dude when we dare again in Mexico I don't even remember me you did that in Mexico at the border yeah yeah look in Tijuana they try to seal our car they like that's gotta be like the dumbest place to do that prank yeah that not insane I know that border is sketchy as [ __ ] oh yeah Tijuana is in general sketchy oh yeah town yeah dude been there yeah good yeah that's crazy so wait wait so okay with the coke prank you you were offering people coca until you got the cops called on you yeah pretty much yeah I mean we didn't really know that they were gonna come they're like the original prank was just like you want some coke and then we'd open up the trunk and be like but then the cop got it God has pulled up and we just like we were just gonna do like another shot with it but like we didn't expect it to go like that at all and what happened what do they do they were like surrounding us right away huff just put me in the car and then cuffed because I guess someone reported it and they were like you know these two kids are selling coke on the boardwalk yeah I guess yeah okay it's really weird yeah would you ever like call the cops on a like a drug dealer I know I never do and they must have been around these aren't kids yeah I guess Venice does have a lot of people walking around like cops wise but Dad but there's also just tons of people selling drug like the Venice Boardwalk cuz sketches and hook in place I think the majority of the people are selling drugs on the boardwalk oh yeah so like what do you do that's great actually we're gonna upload that video which is crazy we shot it we thought we didn't get the right angles or it didn't come out good and we weren't gonna uploaded now it's sitting at like 22 minutes our biggest vid really yeah it's pretty crazy the is that the one that like kinda got everything started I was there yeah our first you're second viral probably yeah cut it was like an image thing like if I being a fan or anyone everyone just like normally brings that up you know you have that one video that you're recognized for like did you guys make up that joke like didn't other people had like the coca-cola coke yeah I know I can make that up no everyone's doing that like the pot and like a pot okay okay so we kind of just did it on cops though I which I guess yeah yeah yeah and then what else what souther raisi prank stories crazy jail thing was funny too when we went to jail tell them that story like in jail so we're in the cell we're awaiting our bail like hearing okay and we're in like a room like a big room with all like the criminals and [ __ ] and there's like it's literally like a movie man like you had every guy there like oh yeah every typical care everything that movie like the big black guy he's like yelling through the wall to his like girlfriend other side of the wall the face baby he's a babe and [ __ ] like he's talking her through the wall he knows the exact spot on the wall but anyways yeah when the cop called us in he's like yo nelq boys cuz I guess one of the cops like knew us no way yeah so when we came we went to the bail hearing we came back in the room and then everyone's looking at us like 20 guys and they're like why'd they call you know boys thought it was a gang yeah so we just do pranks we had to tell them why we're in there and then we told them about the coke prank and they all saw it and they started dying they're like we saw it on Facebook cuz like someone posted it on Facebook yeah that's should probably are ripped yeah oh yeah [ __ ] ton of money off that yeah does that happen to your videos a lot do they get ready yeah do you guys do a facebook so Flo used to shred us oh really so [ __ ] that kid man we gotta find we almost [ __ ] hate him once the post our video like we've nothing back in the day I would tell I get it promoted or what like I mean it was good cuz now everyone's seen it so it's like it's a good thing but yeah yeah damn got like 130 million on Facebook imagine you got a dollar CPM on that cheese 130 million Facebook these are just like fake like 1 billion so mom see it's like someone's aunt scrolling down last book he's just like just totally passes your video but it starts playing the account that is a view it's like now she didn't watch two seconds of that [ __ ] checking up on our nephews you know time up literally the one you did with the the Patriots fans or whatever like here have you ever gotten like almost knocked out have you ever gotten like a physical fight no that's a difference I think with us I mean really like once that's it yeah like way back cuz we don't what have you don't be from like too hard you know what I mean yeah I'm or just act like an idiot I think they're more like get me the [ __ ] away from this guy yeah kind of tell them the idea we always got stuff because it was something you'd probably I don't even remember what it was was it the plastic oh it was back in the day I was like some weird one we went up the guys and said like want to get plastic surgery like a paper like you're not you're kind of ugly and [ __ ] and then like some guys got so offended actually tried to punch us really yeah that reminds me of the Danny Duncan one where he like it's like he's wearing gigantic shoes he won like he just tells guys they have small feet oh now he's wearing these like clown shoes they're huge like size 30 or some [ __ ] like they're like comically large yes he's like why your feets are small and the dudes get so offended that's a good idea they're like [ __ ] you why you feet so [ __ ] big that's so funny so what so what else like where else you gonna go on this road trip what's the plan this was our last stop yeah LA yeah so now you're just here for a while yep and you're gonna just shoot just shoot grind out yeah we've got a place till the end of March so it's been good like a lot of people hitting this up and just lights you know with the LA it's just good to be yeah she's like everyone's here yeah we want to try it was like crank do some pranks with celebrities or something maybe try to like make that happen like like who I don't know her like what I mean like my honks [ __ ] like Seth Rogen like pretending to work at Walmart oh yeah that'd be hilarious yeah you ever watched Danny on this earth not Danny Billy on the street oh yeah yeah so [ __ ] funny and they do that [ __ ] so well yeah like Andy Samberg Seth Rogen they're all like a cameraman remember those guys imagine them you're gonna Walmart vest and like so they'll be so funny they'd be so goddamn funny yeah what's the best like place that you've pretended to work at or pretended to quit I guess no we done Apple what you did Apple yeah you were on like the Apple oh the Apple store yeah Apple store okay yeah yeah yeah what happened there um I don't know what we do call that video got deleted actually yeah why I don't know I think I think someone reporters over because they were in it yeah that that like ever a concern what like people being in the videos cuz like oh yeah we they have the right to be like yeah I'm in this everyone sees it now it's sucks like like some random we did a car salesman one in Miami like low-balling Miami car salesman yes and like the guy saw it and he's like dude he's rallying guy from like he reported it like Sweden blur his face okay and then we had to blur it so what you just got going afterwards and blur it yeah and you can keep it we do it like we're starting to now yeah because we know that that's probably the next thing we'll get [ __ ] with we're gonna like ruin some girls like she's gonna get bullied because we post it or something yeah so we got to be careful now yeah it's probably that dudes daughter or something that watch the Internet's crazy man I didn't know you're so liable for the [ __ ] you do on it kind of thing but I mean like it's [ __ ] like going through the whole chord thing like everything you do if you tweet if you like like it's all like really right in the corner they can just use out any that shadow idea like I'm careful now yeah that's kind of scary it is you're posting dickpics and [ __ ] yeah exactly when you're publicly posting dick pics on the story and everything at a watch yeah you see that how's it so what's the live prank thing all that um we just thought it would be kind of fun to like do just cuz what you're doing you're doing pranks on your Instagram how'd you get the mic like hooked up to that we're figuring out I feel like that's possible but right now what we're doing is we have the cameraman in the car filming and then we hook it up through the aux so the sound so say if I go up to someone's door or something everyone can hear it in the car everybody just turn volume up oh you can hear it's and then you on the phone you just zoom in on the door whatever you're doing like oh that's genius yeah so it's gonna be sick have you done one yet no we didn't we've done it before but yeah yeah we're gonna do something this week ask guys like you go up to the door and be like can I use your [ __ ] just random people yeah actually yeah oh us yeah what's the other one UCLA UCLA yeah we good have you were [ __ ] with like frat dude frat days before oh yeah I feel like they're pretty good we the one do a prank on them yeah I know and put it in the title yeah that's what that's what [ __ ] I think Danny did that actually really he like [ __ ] with them they were like like he like tried to get to their party or something oh really and he's like we're not having it oh [ __ ] ignore your bro he was like like he was just like making fun of another face cuz they're like pretty cookie cutter frat dudes you know I'm saying like just a giant cliche yeah I think we had a one idea to go to a frat house and a play kind of nerdy or some [ __ ] like ask to get in and they say no you walk out and you and then you're like you're like all right girls like they don't want us to come in and then you have like [ __ ] 20 models more fifth like Nick yeah in the book do role aki-nee's kind of like a gold-digger prank police yeah dude we show that is genius that is someone's gonna [ __ ] take that now we got a shoot you got to do it ASAP yeah we gotta get it got a bunch of girls for that it helped me so easy Tony we'll just go through nine O's gems or do you guys like cat watch casting you guys like cast people for no I don't even know we had I think we've done a few yeah yeah it's pretty cheap you can get people to do yeah not not like no like right people you prank well like if you wanted like actors like to know you know like that that's she down here but yes need a sexy chick yeah oh yeah who was the girl in the the pizza videos which one she's cute oh this thing the one at the the mansion the one that she gets naked yeah Oh is there - I think yeah girl or no longer Lea yeah her name's Ashley yeah she's a she's from Canada she's like she's like an Instagram girl - yeah we just met her at a club or something huh what's it like like coming from doing this whole thing coming from Canada like is it weird now like being in LA I mean we've been here a couple times so like we kind of know it is two different worlds oh yeah so easy yeah hardest part is like trying to keep a world or a life going on back home and then like being here like back when we used to come here for six months at a time yeah but yeah kind of got to build a life here you know yeah I was just saying um was that the goal to be here full-time I think in LA I get some visas and that's where you gotta be yeah I mean at least have a place here like if we had the money yeah why don't you just go home whenever yeah ever that'd be dope to the visa is just not easy I know to get you happy I do it was [ __ ] I'm on my fifth one fifth visa that's different type - yeah so would you do it as like talent or how do you like approach that like yeah it's a it's like a oh one visa okay which is like a called Inc collie like an actor's yeah yeah basically although like it's like all my on on it I think it says like social media or YouTube or something like that so every time I go through there like you know those dudes are like the biggest dicks ever and they're like they're like what do you do look would you know one for this is what the guy mr. Eason I just was I just was in Whistler yeah and coming back through he's like he's like you have no one what for and I was like it's for YouTube you can get those seeks for YouTube I was like man I don't know man shooting you [ __ ] know this you're I know every time every [ __ ] time a lot of visas just like you're no no they like make sure the visas legit like you're not faking in all this [ __ ] cuz even like fake a visa really yeah they're like they're like use like so how many how many subscribers do you have then and I like told them and use like oh must be a pretty decent income and I like your [ __ ] ass cuz they want to actually know to know I feel like it's just personal yeah that's what I feel - yeah every time they're late are you worth you're lying do you make videos you think I got it tell me honestly just without imagine me without this [ __ ] Border Patrol suit can i vlog you know mike do maybe I'll just start doing custom agents vlog no-one's tapping that market yeah it's really interesting the people you see actually it's not a [ __ ] show now Border Patrol yeah in Vancouver they do that [ __ ] I can't watch it that show scares the [ __ ] out of me I've never seen it is it like yeah people just like bring bad [ __ ] it's like it's like filmed in a week and then they like make one episode but like it feels like every person comes through he's got like a shotgun and they're like luggage or something it's crazy people are bringing like like alligator skin is like that can't [ __ ] bring this like why did you think you could bring this Google it one time before you show up with a border can I bring a million dollars in cash or the class probably not one job brings like a bunch of nuts and seeds from like another country or like oh my god remember we crossed the border once in this lady open a pursuit case and she literally had all this like fruit yeah corn on the cob like like man trying to cook on the plane yeah it's like what are you [ __ ] doing save save some money you know buy a bunch of meat at duty-free there's no meat there you could write a whole stand up on that right now yeah good like that that's funny you ever you guys ever gonna watch comedy while you're here no I go to the comedy store yeah it's great it's [ __ ] great what about like the beach here um yeah we literally just when we get here like Thursday yeah we have them in here long but we'll definitely be here oh yeah yeah maybe we'll go surfing do it you know surfing yeah what is that you guys surf never surfed oh nevermind I want to be sick that day then you have to hold my board yeah brutal paddle for me me wearing water wings you skate though right I used to skate oh yeah I used to I had it every time I try to pick it back up I hurt myself yeah so just like I'm like at the point where it's like all right I'm gonna he's not gonna try it and ya gotta walk around with like a roller in cool yeah I do I [ __ ] rolled my ankle like last year and I couldn't walk for like I had to go to the hospital I thought I was broken you can walk for I was on crutches for like a month no yeah [ __ ] sucks it was like a serious sprained ankle I guess so why broken I was like it's like seriously impaired my life and they're just like this is so not worth it you don't want to do a big spin dude you guys skate I don't Jesse though yeah really yeah he's pretty good grub skating no yeah I grew up like I've been skating since I was like 10 really yeah he's no war too oh yeah yeah grew up next to a mountain wait which one like not a real man but it's called Blue Mountain okay like Ontario and uh yeah well that [ __ ] just not surfing that's why I want to live in Cali and get learning on it yeah is there sharks and [ __ ] though dude there was um there was like a news report like there's not usually sharks like in Venice I don't know if it's just like warmer it's like close to the city or something but there's never really sharks up here in Orange County there's sharks all the time like I'm going wait yeah that's [ __ ] I know so the other day there was a news report that there was like an eight foot great white right by the Venice pier which is like right where we serve that's so [ __ ] you set it up to go yeah I mean like yeah I don't even think about it anymore when you're in the water you just like don't think about it but it's like after that I said that out to all the people that we surf with here and they're all like dude what the [ __ ] man why'd you send that out I'm like cuz I we should know right like they were like of course they're there you just like don't want to know about it you know and it's kind of true they are there but it's like this time like a like a helicopter spotted it or something and rewarded it you know but like you know that happens people still like you could be in the water and like a shark dude they could be like get out of the water and surfers was like stay really cuz they're just like whatever like see to me that don't [ __ ] with them they're gonna that's so [ __ ] we're like sitting on your board with your feet if I saw a shark in the water I'd be like it'd take me a while to go back in man I think Florida is scarier though like for shark wise I hear like ya hooked it up so scared one day and I [ __ ] like Florida seems like a lotta bites like Florida yeah for it is like pretty pretty Sharky yeah because of the warmer water I don't know I'm not a biologist I'm not gonna pretend I know that yeah yeah it's Turkey yeah I don't know yeah folks with me sometimes but it's just serving so much fun not too doesn't know yeah you know so you can asked you know I'm not good can you hit the record button on the back of that that's a [ __ ] hey huh does that it's annoying every ten minutes or some [ __ ] half an hour oh really for half an hour yeah I was half an hour oh yeah oh yeah I just have to yeah we're good thanks bro I just have to get like a capture card or some [ __ ] I don't know if I spent five minutes don't do it and now people are like people like I missed the the gap like people have like gotten used to it cuz every when people aren't here I fly get up and go and do it they're like I just get used to you doing that so now when you don't do it I like miss it I like tell you through the you through your little logo and yeah that's good yeah yeah make that effect so do you guys like listen to podcasts or now I don't mind it I watch like some hit like I watch a lot of like rap interviews and stuff like that how jumpers ya know jumper everyday struggle I used to watch yeah here's was a rap oh yeah hip-hop rap who's your favorite I don't know I don't want to be that guy inside Drake but he's probably one of my favorites not getting hit exactly when that guy wow you're that guy Drake hunk who are you from Toronto yeah oh yeah I got a warm I have I had this is six on it that I bought in Toronto see I wouldn't wear that you know now I'm that guy was it spelled six or just a six it's just a six it's from that [ __ ] store was it called no no not the ovo it's not like a Drake hat yeah it's from a store called like buckets or like lids or so let's not let's not let's it's like a more like boutique woods lids is like in every single mall it's like yeah right yeah oh yeah it's like on whatever Street has all the stores on I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about Toronto is sick though yeah that's great city what's your favorite place you've been like on your road trip I feel like H mm and is it like an Diego dude San Diego is Arizona's cool yeah I like Arizona why just cuz the girls are really hot I mean both yeah it's like it's just sick like yeah we have hearty they're so hard with your big does oh yeah I went to our first college football game how jets and [ __ ] up when they win like he's insane man it's [ __ ] crazy that's like I remember like my first college sports game I was like this is another world yeah like how did we not know this existed tailgating and like he was he didn't say can they didn't say they party so hard to but I feel like no they do we don't do anything absolutely don't know why they actually don't yeah we want to bring it to Canada yeah like that the whole scent yeah that was it brings a scent that was a big day send yeah barbecue and [ __ ] so good so yes San Diego is though I think one of the best cities I think it's one of the best like kept secrets yeah in the United States is San Diego like no one knows it's [ __ ] on and he'll on it and I do yeah oh God did you guys were you were you in San Diego and you went down to is that when you did that prank no no we were just partying so what what exactly happened with the Tijuana border Frank we did it in Tijuana he's did it in Tijuana yeah yeah so what do we do I am kind of just like wanted to get pulled over it's not hard oh oh okay oh that's everything yeah so this time we like we wanted to recreate the situation yeah so we saw losing after we parked in a no-parking zone to get them to come to the car and then when they came to the car they started asking for ID and we did the same thing we did the flip out but then it went totally different because they brought me into like the office and then she's like so we told them we had coke and before they saw that it was actually coca-cola they said pay us 300 and you can go they so they thought we had cocaine and then I said three dollars but we're taking half yeah that's how corrupt it is now yeah and then I was like oh I was like do you want to just take it and then she's like I was like going to just take the coke instead of like us paying you she's like oh no we're gonna take it too and [ __ ] why and then they open saw it was coke and I'm there like they couldn't do anything and then so what they're speaking in Spanish to each other and the one guy cop was telling the girl cop like let me drive the car and stuff it like because I want you ii tell them not drive them to the border he's like tell them I'll Drive him to the border and [ __ ] and it's [ __ ] like keep everyone from San Diego said like dude that happen a lot they would have took your car took you like drove you out to like the desert and like took you out of the car and wanted why did he want to drive army we could see the border it wasn't far and he was like no no I'm gonna drive your car get in the back and what what did you guys do were like no no there's really whales on that happen know how they didn't they have a guns and [ __ ] on them yeah you didn't get the point where they're like get in the back but like but it could have yeah and it could happen this guy's still scary man oh my god yeah that was [ __ ] that is scary he didn't realize what we were doing until now I kind of know hey I kind of woke up but is that one on youtube - yeah yeah long ago was that what you say nine mil now nine million views that's our second biggest I guess now damn yeah you gotta you gotta go - gonna do it against my Colombia you can sketch here ya go Frank in Colombia cops on Colombian call Jesus featuring Escobar some [ __ ] I'm gonna have to leave you I like actually like Mexican like pranking the Mexican cartel hey we're from a rival gang how to get killed in two seconds holy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] sketchy I can't believe you guys actually detta [ __ ] one you want to be in that one walk to a club yeah well yeah you're cool let's do it yeah I'll go down prank the cartel no thank you dude so what's what's in store like what what pranks you got lined up for I guess you don't have to reveal them we just did hitting bongs and lecture okay so we got like a huge bong like a two-foot bong like three foot yeah nope didn't lectures where we shouldn't say yeah it was on the road trip okay wait can you not say can you not like talkies don't wanna like I don't know yeah yeah that's true yeah yeah what's that so what's it like when they catch you like this it's not the most nerve-wracking situation ever in a gigantic lecture hall yeah yeah it's also honestly more when you like upload when you upload it now that we get this mountain views yeah we're [ __ ] with like these names if we got a lot of emails now I'm getting email and it's or you get like a report from a lawyer you that's what gets scary it's like but I just mean like like prank wise like when you're actually in the prank you don't get nervous at all like standing up in a lecture hall like people like now the lecture letters aren't always they'll always be like ballsy you got it like you sit in there for like ten minutes and like your heart's pounding really and you gotta like psych yourself up yeah you got to [ __ ] just do it yeah what's the crazies wheel works when you just walk out yeah yeah yeah so you just do it and then have you done that one word like chickened out yeah because it's not the right time or next year yeah we do it every day like you just have an off day you know yeah II like I don't want to yell in front of or watch porn and or if the angles not good too you're like I'm not doing it if it's not getting filmed yeah you know what it means yeah so what do you do when you're in like how do where do you shoot from in the lecture halls dudes like pull up in a seat that's little close how'd it go in a close down here they don't look you know ones they're looking they're looking at what's going on like who the hell is just like you know what I mean yeah like if you're standing there with a bong they're obviously looking at the ball and yeah looking around like where's 9:05 yeah like I just feel like my first inclination would be like oh this is a prank and this has to be not right with look around that's all right too but dude people don't for some reason maybe a little more in in LA but like when we do these like small towns and yeah like people have no idea really yeah Idaho or something they're just like oh this is a weirdo yes like stop talking to me like I remember I was at [ __ ] some one of the video called like a playlist live or something and I forget who this even was but I like we came down and they were dressed in a security vests and they were like they stopped us and they were like hey you can't come in here you don't have your pass or something we were like no we were just like we have our passes we were just in there and some girl had asked us for a picture like like five minutes before and she planted a bag of like fake coke in one of our pockets dad mine and or no sorry my buddies and and so the security guard was like alright I see it pass you down really okay fine and he's passive down he's like what is this then he pulls out the coke from the guy from the guy's pocket and we were all like yo that's not ours at all and immediately we think that we flipped out but then like I don't know like 45 seconds into it I was like this is way too weird to me to not be a prank so then I like started looking for the cameras and sure enough there's like a dude right there holding a camera down here and I was like this is [ __ ] off and they're like oh god damn I just feel like that I'm like what that online I've tried to find it I can't I didn't know who it was yeah I figured they're like if that's the way you get pranked by a small Channel it was a great prank - yeah dude it had me going man I was scared I was scared I was like you know I mean like had a moment of clarity I was like there's no there's no way VidCon security is busting me for Coke right now like this is absolutely no way you know what I mean yeah the guy the one you guys actually had VidCon especially a video and I was like I'll be doing it it would be the worst way to go down at a [ __ ] VidCon you get arrested we're so on guard for getting pranked - oh yeah you're saying is every prankster is there yeah or just in general we meet someone we're like because I feel like everyone would be like oh I want to prank like the pranksters or something yeah someone tried getting us when we were in Texas what happened we're like staring at a staying at an Airbnb and the owner of the Airbnb like does YouTube too so he basically sent Lee no way the family like he hired a dad a mom and the son the sons all do a kid comes to the door and they say like this is our house like what are you doing in the wrong vacation what are you doing and then they had suitcases and we're like that we kind of fell for it for like a bit we're like okay like what's going on we don't know and then we're like I was we're all looking for cameras you can watch it after we're all looking for cameras and then I pick up the suitcase because they said they're on vacation I pick up the suitcase it's empty I'm like oh you guys are packing later and then they're like they got busted in the cop car shows up yeah he tried getting this big he must be so pissed when you realize it like super early he was he came out on his hoverboard wearing Pokemon [ __ ] like I was like we're just good effort just trying to wake up yeah is it is that on YouTube yeah yeah I don't dad so is it funny it's pretty funny yeah it's just us you sent him an email blur our faces yeah we did not condone to this we posted the footage and then the actors like reported it member yeah the actors reported it reported it they're like like yeah the timecode and it's like it's only that guy on the timecode and it's like what the [ __ ] I don't know I can't believe I'm [ __ ] like a business owner essentially tried to prank you guys does he do like pranks on YouTube as well I think he he doesn't know a bit yeah I don't know I didn't really look yeah yeah he does yeah yeah I won't even say I did I didn't think of that that people would want to target you guys I think they would yeah well how was VidCon was it fun yeah really who was fun but yeah his car broke down and [ __ ] oh yeah so was that like a road trip initially that you guys took that was the first one yeah we wrote road trip to LA three times now we live from from Mississauga yeah that's Dana's we stayed up fans house the entire way no way really blew an engine in the car twice how'd he get replaced stuck in the desert for eight days it was like a crazy adventure wait you were let's hear about that you were stuck in the desert for eight days our car broke down in Palm Desert palm springs some springs like the worst place like literally middle of not Palm Springs like no it was like a gas station a hotel in like desert like we just saw eight days so your car broke down like right in front of there like luckily or did it blow on the highway we had to get a tow towed there's a nearest one and then the guy didn't speak English barely like paid him like Donald for granting American I went home and like talked about mechanics I was having problems again and he's just like dude they didn't even like bolt this engine and like I'm surprised you got home so I'd say they've already yeah you need a whole new engine twice yeah what actually three times see the first density what happened we just driving super fast or something I think um the cool hangout is : okay and we were in the desert driving like 15 hours straight so yeah and we almost as VidCon and then we snapchat it out and then a fan came from LA to pick us up and took us Tim drove us there and we stayed and then we just got a like a motel or whatever at VidCon dude so you just stayed in the dope they do every day there so therefore the boys yeah yeah yeah so you say to that place for eight days just in the middle like in a motel yeah waiting for your car to get fixed yeah and they didn't fix it was it that long I thought it was wasn't that it was two engine yeah five days at least dude that's [ __ ] crazy mm-hmm what was a crazy [ __ ] that happened like on the road what's like the best like fan place she liked is that do any of your fans have like super dope houses oh yeah feel like yeah sorry man I'm bringing - so you stayed out a lot of fans houses probably like over 30 really and there's never like weird yeah no I mean we haven't had a long time he's got exhausting that's what it was it was never weird it just got late you don't need like need your own personal space but it was like when you're hanging with a fan they're like let's send it yeah every week we got outages take it back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like I feel like that road trips are like that is partying non-stop right suppose she like and if we have to edit - you know what I mean so it was hard to stay at the fans houses but honestly weirdly enough we never had like a weird experience but I feel like if we kept doing it we would have yeah for sure like it's inevitable something's gonna happen met a lot of cool people man yeah yeah yeah Savage and Mike Showtime whose savage Mike he's just gotten like st. Louis yeah that's like he's a character yeah I shot - Savage Mike he's gonna make Mike on staff yet she's Magic Mike make them famous and notorious Mike on Twitter I think he's got three [ __ ] names Savage Mike Magic Mike and the notorious Mike that's [ __ ] awesome dude that's [ __ ] sick dope yeah so what else what else is uh what do you guys up to today you're gonna get a new camera yeah eh maybe I'm gonna be hit what's um what's the what's the clout house like what are those guys I didn't know what to expect going into it obviously it's a nice house yeah but honestly man like as people whether you like mess with their content or not yeah they're actually they're actually yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good guy yeah I think that's one thing - it's like just cuz you don't like someone's content doesn't mean that you like don't know like you don't I mean yeah yeah people are always different when you meet him in real life yeah so true man everyone was like nice and [ __ ] to us and like it was way different than I expected to be honest I honestly try not to bash anyone until I meet them and have a reason yeah yeah yeah cuz like yeah where if they make PG [ __ ] yeah watch yeah doing his own thing yeah me too no I'm kidding I mean I make fun of people I don't know how all the funniest one was the like the Jake Paul like reading the fans comments which oh yeah yeah so funny yeah see that what's you read like all the comments no yeah cuz I like did a video like bashing him no I saw that yeah yeah yeah and then his fans would like comment you know this stupid [ __ ] that two-year-olds comment because his fans are all two years old you were one of the first to like roast that video too yeah it was nobody else was like weird as [ __ ] and then watch this is the most awkward thing yeah oh wait which one every day bro oh okay I thought your talk about the the one we did with 21 Savage oh oh that was oh I didn't see that one it's bad dude it's gonna matter no they didn't know got in a car together in the whole time 21 yeah like it yeah I can make your merch like [ __ ] like that like weird like I'm saying I think his agent was probably carried and these people this guy's gonna pay this you two we're gonna pay to sit in a car with him for 45 minutes yeah yeah dang yeah so what's it like like I guess like coming up on YouTube like you guys who seem to be working pretty hard like last year you guys like went through a phase where you didn't like did you like not you know what focus as much on the channel or what we're trying to just mimic that typical prank format like not we weren't swearing we would do like those challenge type of kind of pranks later saying cards of humanity lines in public or like just weird [ __ ] like that and then it's like it came to a point where like I would sit with my boys and [ __ ] and like I wouldn't even want them to like watch the videos you know yeah yeah find them funny and then I was like dude we just got to do stuff that like we find funny like and like our boys well you know like yeah make our friends laugh like instead of just trying to mimic this prank format and then it's been that's when it started working and we like made a deal like we're posting three times a week no matter what no excuses like that's the game right now and do you not anymore we just did we like did it yeah you guys already know for a long time crazy how much you guys at it yeah so we're trying one week now just cuz it's getting hard to like shoot a lot of good videos so we're gonna see how one a week works and then yeah I saw biggie longer and then you're talking to Jimmy but that actually you guys are talking about just like like it's just all about people just putting out content even if it's [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah so true like Ryu Tube to like be go back to this like maybe if we do do one a week but they're like so that kept watching a TV show it's like dope and yeah a lot of work went into it like I think that would save YouTube if people started doing that like yeah but I know it was drowning is like like I you know even even me I got this like optimization done on my channel by full screen or whatever and they're like yeah yeah they're like post more like that's that's that's what has the biggest impact on like the growth is posting more doesn't matter is good and there's bad both anymore so it's like it's just weird like balance of like why I want it to be good but it's like but I wonder if they will stay as long because like I don't ya know I agree I agree yeah yeah if they know like it's gonna be a bomb one every time it's up like yeah well not yeah the retention is is better I would actually agree with that I think that's not the right but it's all good [ __ ] people like oh I can make a shitload more money if I just dude yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's tough it would be sick of a lot of people started making yeah like just like content again yeah I know man YouTube's just like gone through a period where it's like I think the money wasn't there anymore so people are like alright well I gotta find something different yeah I know or they just spam their account to like yeah some word exactly post every day just garbage whatever there's got to be like a competitor soon or something no dude we've been talking with that for a while but there's just like Dave they're so ahead of the game with videos [ __ ] I know I mean Facebook it's like Jess trying to figure out their [ __ ] I mean Facebook Facebook's been on video for a few years but it's like YouTube is a ten year head start in the whole thing copyright everything they have all our whole system is built in there yeah you know what I mean there's just like no could like vid me tried for a while they died um you know Vimeo but like yeah almost like a like how there's Netflix Hulu like a subscription-based yeah yeah yeah I feel like like how are you like you guys did the sim Valley thing like yeah yeah I mean like if you got enough producers that you know made good content yeah someone just had like money to throw around yeah we [ __ ] sick to just get a platform going make it $2 a month we get a couple hundred thousand people on it yeah [ __ ] it would be sick who do you guys watch on YouTube I don't really watch like a ton ton of YouTube like right now really yeah I used to watch a lot of like like right yeah like no watch like that oh yeah right just like I don't even know like Jimmy J troll yeah yeah he should it's still great man yeah yeah she's posting is hilarious still he's always gold yeah I watch a lot of Thrasher Magazine too that's why y'all I really your watch Road dogs or no [ __ ] what's the show on Vice land oh wow king of the road can you ever see that dude that show is awesome oh good it's so good it's something anyone if you even have on skate you'd watch it yes like mayhem they like just road trip yeah and they have like a dare you've seen it no they have like a little bit to do [ __ ] to get points every time you do them it'll be like lick a [ __ ] strippers titty or something like it's crazy and so there's skaters they're just like the craziest people ever it's like don't care about hurting themselves and whatnot that's a generator alright tell me one more good story about a prank a good good story about a prank and we'll wrap it up rank jail you guys done like a ton of [ __ ] oh the one you did at Gold's Gym was hilarious screaming screaming yeah that was really funny we actually just shot that yesterday with Vitaly oh yeah waiting Gold's again we tried goals we got kicked out right away really to like a bunch like Planet Fitness which is I'm a 3-bit of Planet Fitness now dude there's like mad rules in there really can't you can't rap or like work out too much or too fast or you'll get like told like slow down everyone has to be equal and [ __ ] it's [ __ ] one of us like it's like a cult dude yeah [ __ ] weird signs everywhere don't work out too fast I don't know like that's what I was telling us yeah it was pretty strict in there like is that where he works oh no I see some big guys in tanks though did you yeah oh yeah maybe was just hyping it he was saying you can wear tank tops you can't let me [ __ ] gold is like the opposite of that yeah literally do anything in gold as I was like surprised you guys got kicked out I know there's like yesterday I was there and there's this dude with his dog and like someone vlogging him and like yeah people have the dogs in there all the time like what is it what is your I'm gonna do in here yeah dogs doing like what like hitting some guys yeah it's crazy man yeah you guys got kicked out pretty fast out from Gold's yeah yeah I think that's like one of the funniest bring screaming screaming is never not funny I know R yeah one good story about a prank that's another full of stories or something yeah right now we're like a road trip story or something like that let me think oh wait there's got to be a drunken si sorry yo let the [ __ ] when we just got a review on Airbnb oh yeah yeah so we went we went and partied with a we did the Super Bowl prank and then a frat like invited us I guess they all watch the video so they're like come party and [ __ ] so we went there to like watch the Super Bowl we got a [ __ ] trashed there like so where was this uh Minneapolis yeah oh you went to the Super Bowl yeah oh wow like not we didn't go the ticket oh yeah that's where you did that prank where you were like yeah okay so then we went there and then we got trashed there cuz they just made us drink and [ __ ] they iced jesse with like a 1 liter dad a 1 Leo like the big big ones dude and he smashed it and then um what we got home we are air beat I [ __ ] [ __ ] up on Airbnb I booked one and I thought it was an entire place but it was like we're staying in this lady's base no way and there wasn't a private entrance so every time we walked in and out were there for three days like we had to walk by her she's just like some like super boy yeah black no not even she's just like quiet some like older black lady like just watching like motivational speeches on YouTube and [ __ ] and she's like I don't know is awkward like she didn't like yeah I mean I was like hi nice to meet you like thank you for having us but like so we go in the basement and this guy's hammered like yeah I'm blacked out he walks wheel-chaired him out but he goes upstairs into her [ __ ] fridge and like starts taking food like out of her fridge and like I'm trying to tell him like and I'm like sauce tears I was like dude like you can't go up there like it's like [ __ ] you don't come over the barn you're hungry oh yeah yeah yeah of course you'll do any deal she'll make like it you couldn't tell me no butter pickle sandwich and you're like hey [ __ ] it let's do it this guy just grabs like drumsticks and [ __ ] so then we had to stay there for two more days and like she was so awkward too so we didn't know if she was like she knew but then she wrote us a good review she's like oh she did she's like Kyle and his friends were a pleasure really yeah my peanut butter was missing she was happy like that you ate it uh that's Holly not be yeah what about someone like someone that you pranked someone that we pranked oh we pranked anyone what's your like a least favorite prank you've done least favorite yeah probably like an old one I don't know that's probably not on the channel party on cops was like brutal that's such an underrated movie shot easiest thing we've ever done I've seen that shot for a week straight farting on going up the cops and farting on them with like a fake puter oh ok ggressive Lee like do it but they don't know like because it's so real like Kyle was got maced they got a pulled out mace and I chased him an old guy Reese's shoe with like got like a handcuffed like it was like this like farted on cops hated that week and you shot that for a whole week yes I have like millions of views or now only got like a mil dude I thought it should have been a big one did you come up with it I that idea yeah think so yeah I'm scared to say that nowadays cuz I know some you do Ruby like I did that by now I know I know I think though I think we're the first ones to do I don't know though farting on cops holy [ __ ] that's hilarious alright boys yeah wrap it up yep it's been fun man yeah thanks for coming on thanks that was quick how long was that 56 minutes it goes by fast when you're like being interviewed right yeah what about for you was it slow and boring a bit boring is [ __ ] by the most boring one I just tortured kotico I'm kidding it's fine I always liked these things I was like hearing more about what the [ __ ] goes on especially with you guys cuz you're insane yeah fart on cops and everything I Nietzsche making ladies peanut butter okay oh my god you guys finish your beer before me oh yeah that's a full stand right now booty goes full sending a room they sense a full sense of day scent then I got to go work out after this geez you're on the gym grind I'm on the gym grind I'm back on it today was day one for us really I fell off pretty hard for a while now I'm back on it about hitting his new olds every day that's really oh yeah [ __ ] hard to do anything yeah oh oh dude yeah like especially yeah like road tripping like is the last thing you want to do when you like get to a places you don't work out and you're like clothes are all sweaty you don't even like gonna do laundry next and [ __ ] like that like my buddy and I we backpacks for eight months like in Southeast Asia really yeah so we'd like go for what like we like you know to work out we like go for runs yeah in the middle of like these towns in Cambodia we're just like yeah like mud dirt roads and [ __ ] like that we should beautiful there's a beautiful beautiful but like sometimes a little bit sketchy yeah that's so dope yeah damn so yeah back on that grind oh yeah our dudes yep cheers again which is an empty beer thanks for coming on thanks guys follow them nelq on YouTube you know boys on Instagram what's your Instagram Kyle Ford MTV Jesse 9:05 shooter their jobs online follow them watch our videos they're funny as [ __ ] who's Cheers you [Music]
Channel: Insanely Chill
Views: 397,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, cody ko, interview, NELK, long form, conversation, pranks, prank, google, ronas, full send
Id: bw1K3z8ODrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 32sec (3512 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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