FULL REBUILD: Abandoned Truck Rescued From Woods | Locked Up To Running After 50 Years | Turnin Rust

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[Applause] small town business owners Wyatt and Lance Bush team together to form Craven customs a father and son Duo Scavenging the web along with the Northeast Texas Woods in search of Rusty relics while buying and building on a budget they recreate and preserve hidden patina giving each one a story of its own chasing their passion they're giving the past a future saving Lost Dreams one vehicle at a time with help from God these guys [Music] um I think such a cool Ultra yeah looks like it's dyed back a little bit since last time we've been here because this was all it's like green and vinyl all them Vines died off ain't they not to not say it ain't gonna be a chore though oh no it's I can't tell if that's growing into the bumper bumper looks like maybe a small limb may have grown in between it but yeah maybe not even then you tell it's been sitting out here a long time I think there's like little shrubs going in the bed of the thing [Music] you think just try to get it trimmed out from behind the truck yeah I think so get get this one that's leaning over it I think most of that that's above it's fine but [Music] in a while got the key in the ignition [Music] slower excuse me come out to meet us didn't they yeah there's one right there we just go ahead and leave y'all inside all right yeah I figured this start thanks like let me check it out back here I think there's an old four wheeler or something we might have to rescue in the process yeah I don't know if you can rescue it but move it at least yeah I ain't got no motor on it that's probably good a big old tree growing into there though I don't know we'll say he's definitely cut through this we could try to miss it but I bet you it's going to need to be moved out of the way yeah because there's quite a bit right there that I got plenty of room back up to this one now so we'll grab some saws I guess and just start cutting at it and maybe just pile it up behind that old Ford there all right I'm somewhere in the way first later yeah see if I can get it out for him so you guys probably remember this old International truck just sitting in the background of the peanut van we cut out from here a really cool truck we wanted to buy it so bad unfortunately the owners just weren't ready to turn loose of this one yet so we did offer to go ahead and cut it out of the woods for them get it pulled out of here where it's just not going downhill any longer hopefully see maybe this thing has a motor in it I don't know why it was parked we know nothing about this truck so we're just going to go ahead and try to do them a little favor get it cut out see exactly what kind of bones we've got here and just move on from there wow [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] stupid Vines again that old tailgate say Dodge on it [Music] I wonder if that's a Dodge bed or just a they put a Dodge tailgate on it I don't know I can get that pole saw and start getting some of this stuff out and help you get a laser oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] watch for fallen limbs foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've never been to a rainforest but I would think it kind of looks like that right there yeah 38. [Music] thank you don't have the truck yeah how's that side of the truck look can't tell a whole lot yet foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is that train growing through the bed right there I don't know yeah that might be fun looks like you got it I don't know what there can't be much of a floor left in this [Music] [Music] one uh I think I got it okay maybe go ahead wow what is it oh I see him up there rat yeah he's up in that tree probably one of the biggest ones we've seen out here there he goes I probably couldn't see it on this girl bro all the rats out here want to be movie stars yeah [Music] I think there's gonna be a motor in it in fact there'll be a motor in it I think so you make that happen oh man you can see the logo is good on this side oh yeah sure can I hadn't paid attention to it PlayStations are kind of dead yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't think we're gonna have to mess with that front one now it looks like it's fine unfortunately there's a ton of old brush back here we'll have to move from a previous right clean up [Music] I don't know if we'll be able to move this or it's going to have to be cut first yeah it's solid come on I'm gonna say this right one's gonna have to come off for sure to be able to even move it forward and that one's I don't know what that one's going to do I don't know skip this one out of the way I guess already maybe it'll allow us to twist the front end over maybe that one's gonna be fine [Music] [Music] [Music] I ain't say it anyways it looks like it's grown all around that frame down there oh yeah out of there it's gonna be fun to get through yeah we may not be able to give it a try [Applause] thank you I feel like I'm cutting this tree's hair it actually just fell off where it was grown onto it so that's good so it's probably a good thing it ain't got a motor in it it'll be a little it's a lighter yeah I don't think that one's gonna run though no that's stressed up I have no clue where to go with it I was gonna go up that way maybe uh yeah we probably could kind of hide it again let's stirring though there we go it's like it was never never moved they'll appreciate it I think we're getting pretty close to the point of trying to get the trailer over here where you think cut that down a little more I think yeah I like if we can get it down some more that way because we're going to be wrapping them yeah way of it that should work I think we've got most of everything cleared out around the truck that's going to allow us to be able to get to it and pull it out of here so now we're just going to kind of back the trailer up here we're going to try to shoot some area to these old tires sometimes they'll air up a lot of times they surprise us but I highly doubt this thing's going to roll I'm sure the brakes are locked up solid but once we get it pulled out make sure nothing's hanging on that front tree we didn't trim off there and try to see if the thing's got a motor in it but if the tires are air up that'll help us a lot on getting it on the trailer foreign thanks so once again we're kind of on high ground so I hope this trailer will let down all the way level right I guess I'll see you real quick I'm just trying to make sure we didn't land on this stuff pretty close huh yeah we got about a two inch Gap here but you might have to put a board down or something I'm gonna try to shoot air to them tires yeah I think I think it's I mean everything else is aired up for us so far use this new gauge Sam gave us go wrong in huh should reach try it out look like they have tubes in them or article coming up it's hard to tell I don't know how much to put in it that's probably there's enough to make it round yeah here a little bit of movement up here but try this back one [Applause] stands up underneath the dirt or something [Music] this wheel's rusted out around the you must have a tube in it this one may actually already be holding there on a big old good old tighter Digger on the back of this thing so one of them's got air that front one I think does back when we may not it looks like it's off the B but if it's got a tube in it it won't matter that one had a tube in it because it started squirting water it's rusted out around the valve stem about stem underground yep probably gonna be rusted on that one too surely that front one ain't got air in it I wouldn't think so but I mean probably the tire is probably just as hard as can be but let's do something shooting water out that's a good thing about a lot of these they did have tubes in them so they'd there's no way you'd ever had that tire up without that tube that sounded a little scary didn't it yeah you wanna call that good I'm call that good check the front one or we can check it let me put this back on it's down in the ground so much that you can't really yeah we may have to jack it up even to get it to start to pull who knows all right I'm gonna check see if it's in gear okay not that I really think it's Gonna Roll But it's in Deer it's stuck in gear I ain't getting no air uh it might come unplugged oh it can't hang on okay I don't say something right well that door opened from your side you think uh I will check it took air hit it yep I can't really get it to feel like from that angle it might be easier get it to try to go in neutral and we may just have to drag it in gear like I said I'm sure the brakes are locked up probably won't make no difference anyways you're like me looking everywhere there we go cool that's good I don't know if it's got a motor it's got a transmission we want to grab that snatch block hook to the something back here yeah we should be able to find something back there it's a old truck bed surely it's got something they don't look too bad it's not all rusted out it's a bunch of surface rust if you want me to I think I can get up underneath there and reach that uh axle the thing here yeah if you can just Loop it around it then I can get this out here yeah which you think come over that side's better because I see a brake hose coming off this side I am trying to make sure though there ain't nothing I curled up I'll let you know right after about you yeah I'm sure you'll let me know well the wood on the floor actually looks pretty good shape underneath here oh you've already got the cable back in I didn't even realize it I'm earning my keep on this one trying to here anyways foreign just run that if that'll fit if the chain will go through it it may not know and that's the smallest did we grab that yeah it should be probably land up underneath me [Applause] [Music] cool I thought about the dirt on your eyes easy enough I'm gonna take this off uh it should just kind of ride probably slide it up with the front or take it off I'm surprised they're still I figured we'd have to shoot air to them again before we started pulling [Music] we want to try to see if it moves yeah you should move that's how we might have to we'll move easy that would be a different question you may have to jack it up and put some boards under the tires depending on how big of a hole the front one that one over there might be in a pretty big hole it wasn't bad it was uh it was kind of shallow I'm gonna give this back one and that front one over there wow they're rolling oh they were that one is it's a Maser Island I'd have never I'd have I'd never guessed that doesn't have a floorboard over on this side I don't know if that's what I saw it looks like maybe a panel went over there oh yeah does the steering wheel try to turn probably hard to tell yeah I'll keep going coming pretty good right there [Music] yeah this one wants to live it wants to leave for sure yeah trying to see if I can see a motor we're good [Music] all right let's see if we can get this hood open real quick I'm just curious you pop the hood latch I thought that was it I thought that's simple enough to see I don't know right there I don't know which way it goes maybe lock solid let me get that uh PV blaster just trying to see if I had something to kind of pry it with on that thing I might have to find it I don't know what that is but oh what is it oh nasty Mouse latrine I have to move that way that way it's out in the pry it with I didn't want you to have it very big fingers already there's a motor in there serious yeah wow this I mean it wasn't nowhere for them to build a big nest but you know Flathead six cylinder huh yeah some of the wires ate up a little bit but other than that I'm just going to be curious yeah that's taking the same thing I am will it turn over yeah I just want to make sure that there's nothing come on yeah man hard to say tell you what let me put it in gear try to pull it and see if it looks like it's going to move okay yeah I didn't think of that a little better [Music] we're just sliding there we done made it too far up on the trailer yeah oh well we'll figure that out now my head's pulled it in gear the good news is the part that's gotta right it's already up on there oh no we're gonna have to try to get it because it's trying to slide this way there we go from this side all right do I need a push or you think you can clear it I'm clearing it okay as long as I'm okay on your side yeah we got plenty of room over here [Music] can you turn the wheels towards the driver's side oh yeah I just barely made it up on the trailer on this side you ready yeah I think our cables it sounds like we're binding up there in the same spot got something you can put in I got a block if not ouch that noise you heard a while ago and just wondering what it was I think it was that tire finally popping on like I'm supposed to yeah four or five more foot to go it's probably good get some straps put on it I guess then we'll put it in gear then all right thank you well guys I think it's safe to say that we can mark this old girl as another successful Rescue out here at the Hudson Farm we really appreciate the family allowing us to come out here and try to retrieve this thing it actually went pretty smooth I mean we cut out the trees that were surrounding it I don't know how long this truck's been sitting here but it's been here a long time I was really shocked that the brakes weren't even locked up on it most of the time that's given that's they're always locked up so we're not really sure on the motor of this thing if it's locked up or not but we'd love to get it back to the shop kind of dig into it a little bit more if we can get it up and running for them as well that'll be super cool too so we're just going to go ahead and head back to the shop and hopefully see if we can get this thing alive and back on the road again man [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] golly that is some black hole I said I think she's probably locked up just one that's just slipping on that belt I bet we're gonna have to go ahead and clean the top of this off to get them plugs out that one's been up a little bit at the end of it so get them plugs pulled out and get something down in them cylinders I don't know we might try to throw it in gear and rock it back and forth so if that'll help to turn worth a try I don't know I guess probably old six volt system on this thing I bet it is yeah oh yeah it's still got the battery in it does it yeah barely hanging on by the wires on it but that's that's encouraging to know that yeah it was parked with the battery on it let me go get some air and try to clean the top of this with the battery on it it seems like maybe they plan on maybe coming back out and yeah because usually once you take the battery off that's it oh those are bad rusting I don't know if we're going to be able to even get them out look at that one and get on that side okay yeah that's looking a little scary on them plugs I just see them things breaking off and you're having to drill them out that wouldn't be no fun dirt job is trying to help hold stuff in there too so foreign [Laughter] a shape to the base of them plugs anymore they even get a socket on it no not that one for sure I don't know how we'll get them out of there and this one here is still got a I'm gonna get a socket on it probably that one there too [Applause] and I don't know I'm not even chip enough up right there that little spot get that one something you know I think I just took off a little bit of habitat there's nothing there left to grab and there's nothing I'm down to the porcelain right there all the way down where it goes into the head foreign I don't know if a person I don't know if a person made would need to pull this this head off here and you could maybe get them out that way or you can actually get to both sides of it at least get at the base of it and let them soak probably yeah you might because I bet you're not going to get them out from up here they're just going to break off and then you're going to have to fight getting them out and then at least with that with that off you can keep the pieces from dropping down in the cylinder right I bet that's what we're going to have to do is pull that off so at first glance it looked like this engine might be fairly simple to get to run other than we thought it might be locked up in order to find that out we needed to get the spark plugs out to go ahead and get some kind of a lubrication down in there in the cylinders problem is they've held water up here on the tops of them and there's just they're just completely rusted out where you can't even get a socket on them so they're just going to break off when we try to get them out so we're going to go ahead and get this Hood out of the way because it's already aggravating me get this head this this is a flat head so it's a completely different than a regular style engine the valves are actually down below in the block so we're going to pull this head off and see if we can get these spark plugs worked out of there and we'll be able to see what kind of shape the Pistons and cylinders are in as well once we get that off yeah on that one it's got a nut I'll see where it went so I'm sitting in the back yeah so much better I guess I'll go ahead and go grab that impact we can soak those bolts down best we can okay coming out all right though switching crossbar kind of makes it hard to get at them what size is that 11 16 that one there looks a little smaller okay yeah you might have to get a wrench on that side yeah I don't know if we'll be able to salvage that hose or not I'm gonna take a guess and see have you tried to get it on that hose yeah oh this one yeah and I took it loose but I didn't I should have went ahead and already wrestled that but lifting the head up here maybe easier taking himself [Music] I mean the good thing is it's just a straight shot so yeah if we have to cut it I've seen a flex hose in there little work on it I think about ready to come on I'm just going to cut it Lance all right yeah only good thing about doing it like this is we're right there to kind of see why it stuck or how bad it stuck right it may not take much [Music] foreign [Music] this one and this one back here I think that it's got all these I'm like the only ones we got left these there's still a little in there yeah we'll probably have to come up and then I don't know or get something Unwritten I don't know how it's going to come out with these it'll have to come out probably my side okay here we go there we go that ain't too bad in there foreign try not to mess up that gasket oh it's all there set it over here on this table yeah there ain't nothing on the bottom side of these to grab on them plugs hardly gasket looks good though yeah oh wait that don't no that don't really look great but it's mainly going to be possibly them too yeah let's try to clean it up best we can and start putting some stuff in it to sew yeah I mean that's clean yeah antifreeze watch it yeah let me try to Softly let me kind of softly hit it with 600 pounds of pressure yeah hey they don't look near as intimidating as I thought they did once we kind of blew them out I'm gonna go get some uh I thought that was full coolant minutes I'm gonna go get some Marvel Mistral and squirt down in them I'll try to get what water I can out of them or antifreeze that one has got some Rust has it oh yeah sure does the top of the Piston there I wonder I might spray it with a little PB Blaster too yeah I don't know that the fight will be so much getting this one to turn over more so of just fighting getting those plugs out of that I don't know if you want to spray down any open valves maybe yeah all of them definitely ain't gonna hurt it none now it's going down through some of them just a piece of a leaf thing just let it slow for a little while yeah I mean it looks a lot better than that Rambler did so oh yeah I'm more confident in this one than I am that other one let's let it sit and we'll come back like I said we can put it in gear and try to rock it back and forth or heck may try that starter out and see if it'll do it right I bet she'll turn it over you can't just go ahead and break that I think yeah I mean because they're just in the way now anyways so [Music] break off guard everyone [Music] that one I need safety glasses [Music] [Music] yeah I don't care what it looks like as long as I might have to come from the back side and try to I'm gonna try this one out yeah let's try that one [Music] [Music] let's see [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Riley Maybe [Music] yes guy that's good it's like when they give it's yeah there's no problem it's just getting them to give well two more to go let's see if I can get the rest of that plug out of that one there but [Music] probably [Music] I think [Music] thank you which one we just did it was a it's that one so yeah [Music] yeah 21 try next whichever one you think that one's got a smaller hole inside I hope that he's out [Music] get up first or let's go for it now let's go make sure that pig in there so yeah we can heat it up [Music] no matter me which one they all gotta go that's good I really didn't want to have to try to re-tap the threads but which we can run that that tap to it anyways just clean them up but they're already there so we don't have to worry about being off [Music] [Music] let me set it down or yeah let's set it down if you can just let you drive that in there all right [Music] okay still extremely tied in there though [Music] [Music] [Music] there it goes is it yep it's Darkside are you about to give up we'll have to give up [Music] I could tell by that last tap of the feet there [Music] probably would have gave up if I wouldn't have seen it moving just a hair there I thought it starts slipped again yeah [Music] well that's got all six of them man yeah like I said we can go ahead and run a yeah that's right there run the tap through them or whatever well he's got this it's a six cylinder again yeah I guess we'll check back on that and see see how it's doing so we've let this truck set for a while now and we've tried just about every kind of concoction up in these cylinders as we can think of we started out with some PB Blaster it's a Marvel Mystery Oil we've used evapo rust we've used a 50 50 uh 50 transmission fluid 50 acetone in it and not really sure if any of these things have worked some of them have allowed it to seep out on the cylinders and some cylinders are just still holding the fluid now so what we're going to go ahead and do is we've got the truck in gear that's going to watch up front here I'm going to try to rock it back and forth in gear just to see if that'll allow this stuff to break free and then turn on its own so we're hoping that the spark plugs was going to be the hardest of this project but you never know until we see how this turns over or don't turn over [Music] ready yeah ready anything nothing I think we're just dragging over here I'm gonna try backwards okay out nothing I'm guessing nothing and we're kind of just dragging there but yeah you want to try the starter just to see what it does real quick that way we know we've got at least a something right there on the flywheel right ain't losing it in the between the rear end and the transmission right I mean it's worth a try and then I guess if that don't work we'll probably have to pull the radiator off get down there on the on the crank or on the flywheel yeah I'll go grab a battery and we can stick it on there and see if that starter even works or not yeah six volt system so it should turn over better with that 12 volt battery anyways double up on it it does seem like the starters trying to work anyways yeah foreign I don't even think it's even trying I don't think so that's it's just so stuck that starters just able to just basically hit the Fly Away well let's pull the radiator off I guess I hate to but at least try to get down there on the crank see what it does I'm gonna disconnect this okay well that's a pretty good PB Blaster I mean it's yeah I missed the plan not much in it it's two of them that's all I seen on this side so yeah that's good it's probably pretty heavy that's hanging on this let me turn this fan just a hair all right it should come out yeah it's all there get rid of this beavers Den here that'll be good for the lawnmower has there even anything on the crank pulley you can get on oh yeah there's a big it's actually got a like a nut that's designed to have like the old old style crank oh yeah yeah you can tell where it went around there's a Groove in there [Music] it was set up to have some oomph put on it maybe yeah I'm gonna see if I'm pound socket what's that you think that is hard to say I guess I'll just started okay it's an inch and a half or maybe even bigger an inch and a half all right [Music] something's turning and I don't know did the socket fit real good and tight yeah so it may just be tightened in the air man that always scares me when they're yep I mean you'd think though with it being that big but you never know right see the belt is that that's the belt loosening off of it and try back the other way I'm sure it's just gonna loosen off though oh yeah loosen off real easy yeah Let's uh suck that stuff out yeah they suck it out and then try to get on it with the rubber mallet or something and bang on it while it's getting a little bit of yeah otherwise we're going to be splashing it all over the place but I look a lot better though foreign I still think it's probably going to be that that back one though that's what you know that's what it was on the it looked the worst wasn't it the one on the Rambler was the last one also uh I don't remember anyways it don't matter I can't tell that one sounds different than which one this one sounds like it's stuck no I mean this one that one sounds solid that one does that one's got a little Hollow yeah like that one that one sounds loose for sure and I can't get these other two so I don't know if heat would do any good I don't know I mean they worked on the plugs yeah grabbing those it's up to you when you either try some heat or we can try to see if we can grab that flywheel somehow let's go ahead and try the flywheel real okay I tried to tell you when we're I'll get it jacked up where we have a little bit more room and try to figure out something that'll get on it you can definitely see the flywheel but there's a a hole in the clutch there but I don't want to I don't know if I can get anything up inside that oh yeah I don't want to mess the clutch up might get a block of pipe wrench or something on that although exhaust is broke loose well everything else breaking less except for what we need huh yeah yeah here's the exhaust wow coming out through them valves dust on one end liquid on the other we try to put a bore inside this see if I can get where that clutch is that this old pipe wrench might work too I'm gonna get another bite okay what's up pulleys now oh wait man at least with the Rambler some of them are moving yeah ain't nothing moving on that I'll try from the other side I don't know be grabbing it different or not [Music] it ain't budging wearing me out huh all I know to do is try heat before we pull the pan off and do basically what we did on the Rambler but I don't know how hard that's going to be with it in the truck right I really don't care to pull this one out yeah I don't either let's go ahead and drop it back down try to heat them up right again I guess [Music] they don't look bad around the edges like they did when we started I'm afraid we're going to end up having to pull that pan and just check it off check it from the bottom side to see at least that way we'll know which way they're they're going as we're turning it you know you'll know which ones are going up which ones are on their way down you might just have to pull them loose from the crank and try to hammer up the rods and pistons up through the cylinders or if we can break one loose that's that we know is locked up and turn it maybe hammer it down that way right so after several hours of fighting with the heat and break over bars and in just various places we decided that it just weren't making any Headway we're going to go ahead and try to get the truck inside get it on the lift we really don't want to have to pull the motor out of this truck so if we can get it up or we can pull the pan off the bottom of it kind of see what we've got know what kind of Direction these Pistons are going anyways maybe have to just disconnect one of the rods or a couple of the rods that are rusted see if we can get it to turn over and make a little Headway that way really don't look bad up underneath here no crank's not all rusted and stuff I said I bet you it's going to be that number six and number four piston though giving us the problem yeah it's looking at it we're returning it what clockwise so yeah that was going up that one was going up the back when we were trying to go down on the two middle ones would have been going down yeah that would have been down you want to try to pull off that number four and see if it'll try to turn over and if not we can go ahead and come back to number six but since how it's it's going up it's going to be hard yeah we have to completely go backwards on that one so yeah I think that'd be the best bet because let's pull that one off and just see if we can try to turn it over and then if it will we know that one's not only one stuck and we can try to hammer it down through there right yep I think that's a plan about a 5 8 or so yeah it looks practically brand new from down to this side and all that Diesel and everything else we've had in the cylinders and yeah block has helped to clean it bearing don't look bad so with the little groove thing goes towards the passenger side of the truck already let's lower it down where I can get back on that breaker bar up top there and maybe you can get on that flywheel somehow I'm not moving much but I am moving some again well too much of a bat again yeah yeah I'm getting ready yeah there it goes for sure I built a good one on that one so hang on just okay yeah so that's got I wonder that's got these these outside ones almost back up to the top so once they go back down that should clear out most of the rust on them huh so definitely that number four was stuck yeah it was stuck so where how far do we need to go to try to hammer down on it or I guess we could try now but should we try to turn the crank a little bit more get that out of the way some or yeah I mean we're we're about three quarters we'll try to get that crank to where it's kind of straight down right now okay that'll work oh wow that was easy oh it's getting easy now hang on now these these last Pistons ain't moving I guess are they in that point to where they're just side to side they're at the top yeah okay I'll say because those ones ain't moving yeah I think they're in the top yeah they are at the very top but I figured they'd start going down by now keep going away yeah that's good that's fine getting easier huh well it was now it's kind of we may be going over unchartered territory now right oh still ain't got down to where that one we can have it it's it's almost at the very well I'm gonna keep banging my head here till I knock myself out or wow I think what I was I think that socket was slipping off the head of that thing is what it was okay well we're almost at the bottom but I'm kind of let's try to get that first because we may have to go on this other side and work it back the other way so you want to try to hammer that piston down I think so yeah and uh we'll have to get that that bearing off but it's it's really tight now and I hate to get us into a spot where we're tied again if we can go back up maybe and spray something sounds solid don't it yeah yeah I don't believe so foreign [Applause] like I'm hitting it pretty hard I think I rubber end on it absorbing too much of it I need something good and solid back up a good piece of Oak yeah it's harder than Pine I mean we've we tried the pine on it that didn't work thank you that we have any there's I don't know if there'd be anything that other shed or not probably I mean there should be something out of metal two by four or something maybe that's old old wood out there maybe there's a Cross Beam or something I just wish he'd move a little bit yeah let's see a little just I think that was stuff yeah and the problem is I don't think a lot of our liquid is ever penetrating down far enough it just yeah I don't know what crystallizes on those things but they just like they no I think your Metal's absorbing I'm not going to see if I can find any board or something cut it down maybe if we get something that'll even fit because I'm hitting right in the center of it right now I think we get something that's close to the edge because that's where it's home yeah so we have been able to get this motor to at least turn over now but we had to disconnect our number four cylinder there so we're hitting it from the top and it's just locked up solid now this thing's been soaking for weeks now but a lot of that penetrant just hasn't got down to the rust obviously so we've using this little rubber block a rubber Hammer nothing seems to work so we're going to go see if we can maybe find a piece of Oak something that fits a little bit more to the size of the cylinder give it a good whack with this old Thor sledge hammer and maybe she'll move then [Applause] wow I seen it there it goes something fell off was that a bushing boating whatever there it is it in a safe spot or something yeah I'm gonna grab it we're gonna have to clean it up even though our cardboard was down there we done knocked a lot it looks like it went about an eighth of an inch but it went according to what that looks like right in there oh we still got to go quite a ways yeah let me make sure though up underneath here we're not that Rod's not up against anything [Applause] no we're good I should allowed just to come straight down no more clean nails bearings out you feel a little rust Ridge there so yeah it's oh man you think once it break it'd be a lot easier Rock [Applause] they're scared that that Rod is hitting up against something underneath there but it's not oh that's it I don't think [Music] there it is nice going figuring out the torque of my head yeah we've moved at least a quarter of an inch and spray it just a little bit more you can see it was rusty though yeah it was Rusty rusted gotta be getting close I don't want to be able where we can't get that bearing in there yeah like I said that's a let's get something try to clean that cylinder up get that bearing in place get it all back to connected then try to see if we can work it again I guess so we got the inside of these cylinders cleaned up the best we can there was a lot of rust on that one cylinder that we just tried to sand off a little bit we've got the rod connected back down on the crank as well so now we're just going to work it back and forth with Dad down there on the flywheel I'm going to get back up here on the crankshaft pulley just try to work it back until it gets a lot easier then hopefully we should be able to just turn it over just about here on the crankshaft pulley then get the starter on there and see how it turns over with that well [Applause] then still tight huh yeah so as tight as that one piston was just to drive that with the hammer I imagine [Music] get a little easier I'm just going one Cog at a time but yeah they are number one and number six Pistons are at the very top again so okay well maybe once they start back down maybe it'll get a little easier [Music] hey I'm going to go ahead and mix some uh I'm gonna put some transmission fluid down in there too something to give it a little bit better anything that'll give me some kind of lubrication ah all right oh trying to I about got past the point to where it originally started feels like it's getting a little easier yeah steel won't turn up here very well though I'm slipping off this all right foreign it's going to take a lot of revolutions on this thing yeah especially one tooth at a time down here yeah let me go ahead and clean out this number four cylinder it's starting to look pretty nasty in there I think it's breaking up some of that rust on those rings and stuff okay I don't want a bunch of grime just working it back and forth and then cylinders this is going to take a while of just back and forth I think right but I believe she'll finally turn over well I sure should [Music] I think that's pretty much got mine finally drop it down get some oil put in it and I think just try that starter out now okay oh my gosh you see the frame here oh wow no that's scary there I mean there's pretty well gone the whole bottom ends rusted out almost there foot of just missing and then another foot of I we may have to find a different place for the battery you know if I can get out from underneath this thing okay I'm ready dirty rough yeah I don't like those so once we discovered the condition of the frame or the battery tray there we went ahead and got the truck off the lift and back outside here dad's topping it off with some fresh oil I'm just going to go in here and put the battery on it we're going to try it with this starter uh that we could tell the starter was trying to work earlier but this will be the the sign of whether or not we're gonna have to pull it off and try to get it to working as well but I think we've got the motor turning over well enough by hand where the starter should turn it over we'll check our valve valve train here make sure everything's working on that then go back to putting the head on it sparring gas maybe she'll fire up for us so on this truck it's actually just a six volt system with a positive ground so we're running a 12 volt battery here but everything's backward where the negative runs to the starter and the positive actually runs to the frame per ground so the work it'll allow these six volt starters to actually turn over a little faster than a six volt battery how's it looking just fishing the chicken right on the full it should work you can check it again once it turns over it gets oil and all the right places make sure we are in neutral it should be but make a difference this time yeah hopefully go ahead I guess come on let the turnover good a lot faster than I thought it was going to go I don't know what that last little noise was unless there was a starter when you let back I think it was ready yeah wow [Music] extremely fast so hard to tell it's turning over so fast whether if the valves are working all right go again yeah [Music] okay that one's not going back down is it not and I don't know about that one but yeah that one and that one are you I wonder why they're not going back down spray some stuff up in them I guess I don't really know how these ones work I don't either which one not this one that's that's turning over probably easier just to turn it like this so from taking a sledgehammer to it yeah won't do nothing to turn it over that easy that one's all the way up in the middle yeah go ahead yeah I can go back to that one [Music] don't like hitting on these but it's going down but I don't know why huh not enough yeah that was it that one yep no not going back down oh there it went it popped it just yeah I bet that did it there so let me try to do this one too I think so it's getting a little better though yeah I don't know there's a side plate on this motor I believe you probably have to take off to get down there to spray that better I hate to go through all that for yeah I'll probably have to take that intake or exhaust off both of them got to come off and we may just have to let that stuff sit there a little longer and creep down so I believe we've got these two valves that were sticking on us working now we just had to get a little PB Blaster down there on the bottoms of the the valve stem there so now when we turn it over here you can see everything's moving extremely fast but all the valves are opening and closing the way they need to which is good so we're going to go ahead and grab that head put that head on there put some spark plugs in this thing and try to get a little bit of firing probably gonna have to do some points condenser wires everything on the firing side so get this head put on here and just go from there to see what problems arise next still got one bolt in here that wouldn't come out yeah we have to be careful with that one that one oops just a piece of trash fell off I got it got it something lined up going on where it needs to go yeah it's in the hole there yes yep okay I'll grab the bolts [Music] ah that should have them all I guess we'll grab some spark plugs start putting those in so we went ahead and got all the firing on the ignition side pretty much replaced uh new spark plugs new spark plug wires points condenser a rotor button we had ordered a new distributor cap but it come in wrong we'd ordered on the wires that come in wrong as well so we've kind of stole stole from different things around here we've got a wiring system on here so we can go ahead and check out the fire on this one we're trying to be a little bit more optimistic than normal we normally try to fight at getting gas once it does try to crank up so we've just got a regular old uh our little cheapy gas tank back there rigged into the factory line that we blew out goes up here to the factory fuel pump on the motor the mechanical one so hopefully that still works if it does but right now we're just going to check see if this thing's getting sparked anyways add a little feel to it see if it tries to pop off if it does get the radiator on it try to send it on down the road uh oh I want to try to put a little gas in it I think so and now that we still got some PB Blaster and transmission fluid and stuff down in there that's going to take a little bit to burn off if it happens to crank up watch that belt I don't know so much about it's going to be scary yeah yeah you ready I think so [Music] it might bring it on fire here yep we probably need to push this backwards or something I don't think we're gonna be able to what they're caught far I think that's probably what was up in that exhaust probably so because I couldn't reach all of it I still don't think though that where it sounds like we're off somewhere yeah push it back up where it was a good I think that's good ready yep I'm like it's gonna try ain't it huh can you give it a little gas I think the linkages yeah let me let me get this up here where I can figure out which way I don't know if I could try that quick I don't either ready yep I said watch that Bell cause it's got a bad spot right there all right crazy [Music] I'm hoping it'll eventually pump up that gas there look okay over there yeah everything no fires no fires I thought I hit it too soon my apps start cranking it inside the starter wires get a little warm foreign I thought all right ready yep [Music] pumping anything yet not yet um we're gonna have to get that carburetor squirting yeah I bet that flowers just start now let's try it one more time and then we'll pull that carburetor off and see what's going on in it well over the last little bit uh things haven't progressed too well we left off with pulling the carburetor off to clean it once we got it pulled off we had found out that it was completely flooded and that intake there it was just holding gas so Dad got the carburetor all pulled apart got it cleaned up and everything seems to be pumping the way it needs to but now that we've got it all put back together where you fought this starter now I told you we were running 12 volts to it so we started having a little bit of starter issues from that so we switched on over to the six volt battery and even switched out this starter with another old International starter we had but unfortunately we're just not having luck with starters either another issue we've come across here is we were hearing a little bit of a hiss up front of this engine we sprayed something just to show a little bit of air movement and whenever I hit this over all right we're losing compression out of these spark plugs here so I don't know if that's from we've cleaned down at the base of them where they were a little rusty but they should be sealing off we've torqued them down that's factory specs of what they're supposed to be torqued to so at this point I don't know if this head would need to come back off drill them out and go ahead and put a heli coil in there something to allow those seal off but anyways we're at that point to where we're just going to go ahead and try to see if we can we wanted to drive the truck on this episode but if we can at least let y'all hear it run just a second that's the goal now but we don't even know if we'll meet that so we're just going to try to see if we can get it to crank up and just make a decision from there I guess ready yep just about had it foreign that's running but not enough to I want it to kind of just at least yeah at least run off the fluid just a little bit ready I don't know I guess oh started pumping gas out that could have been dangerous too popping that gas out well I've got the tank flipped up where right I guess it's just what was in the pump well it ran uh it pumped out some fuel that was still in the fuel pump there so uh since it did crank up I'm going to try to see if we can crank it up again that may be the only Crank that we got but we're going to at least see if we can try to get it to crank up and run a little bit longer but uh it did run so we've made a lot of Headway from this stuck motor that we're hammering out a piston with a big old block of wood and everything else we could try so let's give it one more shot I guess foreign I don't know that starter is going to last much longer like that or maybe the battery's starting to uh I'm pretty sure it's that story both of these starters are old yeah and it's hot try it one more time that sounds like the battery though doesn't it either that or the starter just completely completely went out see ready yeah I think that's a starter I think it's starter too well I'm wondering if that clutch if I push it in if the truck I don't even know if the pedal works I mean just the part that the external part more or less the clutch and pressure plate and all that stuff uh I might have to have the forklift even now we ain't about to roll this thing just put it in a gear and I'm gonna try to pull it backwards see if it'll you want in a higher low gear I don't care but you'll have to push in on the clutch once you do it ready it's working right I've got the clutch in laid off of it okay yeah push again it's working ain't it I think it is I can't hear you over there yeah best I can tell okay well it's just not springing back real good but oh well that ain't good I think we can work it back and forth I think so I mean it's springing some it just it just needs to be worked I just why do we want to try to pull start it I'd figure out where to put that battery it's out of the way I think it's worth the shot I think so I mean it might crank up that way kind of the point where we ain't got no choice we're wanting it to run a little longer than what it did already look at there I'm trying to turn I need to get it back because we don't have a radiator hooked up praise God [Music] it's an overheat and I'd rather pull it in and put that stuff back together praise God so push starting the thing was a success but we have no Radiator on here I wasn't expecting it to crank up that easy so I just went ahead and killed it we're going to pull it back with the forklift pop that radiator and them hoses on there so we've got some coolant running through the system we may just have to push start it again I think our starters gave up on us but I still think we're going to be able to successfully make a run in this old truck enough foreign got the radiator and everything put back on it so [Music] I ain't got to worry about it overheat now but I cannot see of course someone would pull right out come on if I can just get up here and stop because the truck is flying [Music] there we go [Music] well how about that crazy [Music] so this is a pretty cool old truck and apparently at some point in its life it was an old service truck so you can still see the door logos here some sort of machine shop in Hope Arkansas so as we're going to clean this up we want to try to preserve that the best we can it's awfully flaky there so we're gonna have to be really careful in that spot on the inside of the truck you may have seen on the last video Pretty Dirty inside here A bunch of stick and debris and mouse poop from from rats got a bunch of cobwebs up top here we'll have to clean up but we'll probably just try to scoop all this out the best we can and then maybe go ahead and pressure wash it on the bed back here we've literally got a vegetation growing in the dirt and stuff that's been uh just set up in time so we'll just have to shovel all that out best we can put it in trash cans and then go ahead and take a pressure washer to it not really sure how well this truck's going to actually clean up on the outside it's got a really cool patina to it and that's what we kind of want to preserve with it not exactly sure what the owner if they're going to want to keep the patina to it or if they're wanting to go back and paint this truck but for right now we're just going to kind of see what it is up underneath this dust and rust and see how she turns out from there all right I see back here but I don't see a whole lot of anything worth keeping maybe a couple things but I know this can is so pretty valuable I don't know what was in these cans he's got a lot of them back here kind of an odd shape yeah they're in there kind of remind me of like a little soup big pans but I doubt that that's what that is I have no idea what that is I'm kind of a strap or something ain't it I think once we get all the little I mean the bigger stuff out then we can just kind of scoop it into the wheelbarrow on their own so yeah and I think most of it is most of it's this is dirt good dirt yeah really good dirt it may not be as deep as in dirt as I thought it was yeah it really isn't there's no cans and stuffer hello man this whatever this strap or tape is it is everywhere [Applause] so to start you just want to take it yeah well I've got that shovels right there and we'll just scoop it up put it in the wheelbarrow it somewhere else put that out there all right I'm coming over here don't throw it at my head okay I think it's getting just about all the the bigger stuff yeah I think we can use that shoveling that now [Music] may have a metal metal bed there don't sound like wood well with all that dirt on it you would think they'd just be holding in that moisture it might be rusted but hopefully not hopefully it's just pretty good shape it's gonna be better than if it was wood I'm sure it'd be oh yeah for sure it would be gone yeah what in the world is that I don't know if it's I don't know you can have that though oh thanks yeah I'm coming across a little bit of rust right here all along the way where it's welded together right now oh that's actually old all the way down I think it's safe for me to stand back here you can hold me or no if you don't hold you then you'll just go through I'll tell you afterwards I'll get the majority of it the rest of it should rinse out foreign not too bad I mean oh well you got some you got some pretty bad left over in here yeah but I mean other than that I've been like the edges it's not oh well as long as it's as bad as some cars would come across as long as it's been setting us oh yeah anything left there oh yeah that's what I said shocking because so much water and stuff just being held in here and I was expecting to be way worse I think we could call that good I don't think so well that right there is the work of a true hard-working packer at it's a shame when he's got it packed full of most is well it had been something pretty big because there's some pretty big sticks over here so that ain't sticks over here so yeah I don't know what that is I'm not gonna worry with it I got a couple pieces of trim I'm gonna lay up here on the fender for right now for the grill and we may end up having to pull this seat out of here oh there's the panels to the I guess the battery tray there yeah Miami all right bigger just get what we can and then get a vacuum or pressure washer I might have to get a vacuum after that big old pile of turds there yeah well this seat don't fold down just probably pull forward but it's probably so rusted it don't even do that do anything man there's a lever but it doesn't feel very good [Music] foreign I think they have this old tar paper I don't know what the floor is going to look like yeah it ain't terrible oh it's a big old mud flap like the 18 wheeler oh yeah [Applause] I don't know if I'm pulling out Mouse house or seat stuffing yeah I think it might be one in the same one in the same well the doors ought to shut a lot better once we yeah I'll grab the vacuum see if I can't get these look loose tires up top here well they're not fresh because they're tasted them they're just dry that is a lot of paint there's some Rust yeah but there's some floor too yeah all right it's a parable thank you we're out to pull that seat out to get all that yeah there's on there there's a bunch of potato see if we can get slide forward if it even will so now that we pretty much got the bed of the truck cleaned out the inside of the cab the best we can we'll end up pressure washing those down just to get some of that dirt and loose paint debris cobwebs out of the way we pretty much cleaned up the engine compartment pretty well when we were getting it running so just a pressure washer will do the trick on that now we're going to try the exterior of this truck with the pressure washer going to try to wash off some of this old moss and stuff like that going to be real careful in this area of the logos because we want to preserve that the best we can as you can tell on this side it's already about to come off completely anyway so just going to crank up the pressure washer hit it with a little water a little elbow grease see what she looks like after that [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] so Bob got this truck pressure washed and as you can tell some color is starting to come out just a little bit so what we're going to do is we're going to take some CLR scrubbing into it just a little bit and see if we can get this color to enhance just gonna wet it a little bit and then there's some Scotch brats there we'll just take and just start scrubbing on it okay not too hard but enough to go lightly and just see how it does all right and then you'll have to rinse it off as you go okay looks like it was green now [Laughter] [Laughter] and good luck on your side yeah I think I'm starting to say it come off just a little bit [Applause] I take a few scrubs yeah definitely be careful around any Chrome not just use it on the Chrome all right thank you I hit my side see what it does [Music] oh yeah it's taking it off it's gonna take a lot of rubbing oh yeah let me hit yours yeah go ahead yeah that's a pretty green yeah like an old hunter green yeah so we thought 40 years I know I thought it was just I didn't think there was any yeah paint left on it that would even show up I just thought it was all surface for us I don't know that this tough but he's gonna yeah it looks a little iffy yeah foreign 's coming off dirty like it is slowly taking it [Music] wow wow there you can see it's just slowly running off yeah wow pretty cool huh that's pretty neat you never would have thought and try all these fenders yeah see if they start you can kind of see compared to the door a huge huge huge difference oh yeah yeah we'll have to be careful on that door I may just use some Degreaser and a sponge pad or something on that don't mess up the logos none yeah try out these vendors [Music] I feel like I'm seeing a little bit of color on my side but it's going to take a lot a lot a lot of scrubbing well this is coming off easy is it and yeah down lower I mean yeah that's that's coming off really easy how neat yeah I would have definitely guessed it was at least a red or maybe even Orange never would have thought green well you can tell by the grill there it's been painted a little bit of everything [Music] yeah there's some spots you probably won't be able to get up no some of it's just gonna stay it's Surfers for us yep keep scrubbing we'll get there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] so we've been scrubbing quite a bit on this old truck and I'm actually surprised how much of the original color is still on there and showing up now on these doors this side was the worst side of having the logos on there so I need to be most careful on this side I'm just going to use just some super clean Degreaser and hopefully a sponge and just try to be a careful as we can to save these old logos on here just because it tells a little bit of a story about the truck a little bit of history of the truck and I hate to lose that but we won't know until we start scrubbing at it so I'm just going to hit that with a little bit of Degreaser scrub around on it and then we'll just keep going around the truck scrubbing around until we get the look we like we'll come back after that with some bold linseed oil that'll really make these colors pop thank you foreign so there's not going to be a whole lot left here that we're going to be able to save but you can at least see where it says truck repair and then the town that it was located in so we took a lot of before pictures of the other side if a person wanted to recreate these we could definitely have that repainted on there but once again not exactly sure what the owner wants to do so pretty happy that that much stayed on there we'll just keep going around the truck and see how she looks like totally done [Music] thank you so we got this truck pretty much scrubbed down everywhere uh the cab cleaned up really well in comparison of the old bed there it just amazes me how much of this original green color showed up up underneath that surface rust so the CLR worked pretty good on cleaning that off now where this heavy rust is like up on the flat panels like the top of the roof top of the hood that didn't clean up as well but it's got a really cool look to it I love these old door logos here you can actually see this one really good now so that's outlined and just just mothers Nature's paint job here just outlining that natural patina on the inside I pressure washed it out the best we can a lot of paint kind of flaked off the dash and the door jamb areas had to wipe that seat down just a little bit like I said on the bed obviously this truck had been painting it painted at some point in time with like an orange or a red whitish color maybe a couple different paint jobs so the bed just looks a little different than the cab the floor back here uh about as as good as it can be he's got some Rust over here on the front front edge of it there and also took a pretty good uh something with a lot of weight which probably put in here and been been in the top of that bed and the cab as well so uh Wheels cleaned up pretty nice tires look brand new even though they're who knows how old so I guess the next thing we're going to do is just try to wipe this truck down with a bold linseed oil it's really going to bring out a lot of these colors on the truck so it'll make that grain a lot more vibrant as well as the rest of these colors so we'll get some of that mixed up just start applying it around the truck and see how she turns out after that so just a little bit of this stuff really goes a long ways you want to wipe it as thin as possible and in direct sunlight as well it'll help it to dry as you can see already how much more that green shows up just by wiping that on there and literally anybody can do this it's just as easy as wetting your Rag and rubbing down the panels try to do half this hood here to kind of show a little before and after try to stay away from your crumbs and stuff don't wipe it on that just keep it on the on the sheet metal that's looking good so you guys can tell quite a bit of difference here in comparison from where I've wiped this linseed oil to how it was so it just enriches these colors a whole lot it'll last about a couple of months depending on where you're storing the vehicle so after a couple of months you may have to reapply but it'll actually preserve this the sheet metal better than just leaving it exposed like that it kind of protects it from the element some we'll just keep going around the whole truck it's really going to make these colors come alive and give it the look that we're looking for [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Turnin Rust
Views: 314,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, turnin rust, turning rust, classic truck, abandoned, rescued, ratrod, patina, antique, will it run, neglected, woods, parked, forgotten, jungle, vgg, vice grip, nature, land clearing, clean up, international, international kb1, rescued from woods, wrecker, ih, kb1, corn binder, kb3, rat rod, detail, first wash, how to wash car, full rebuild, abandoned truck, transformation, clean up video, pressure washing, first wash in years, first start, complete build, ultimate revival, rebuild
Id: PKa854rNkn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 6sec (7626 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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