Will it run after 50 plus years 1916 federal motors truck

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we have a 1916 Federal Motors truck and this old girl has not ran at least 50 or 60 years she's got the wood wheels and well she's missing the rear axle sadly we're going to get her driving once we get her running the motor is locked up in this thing it has a little old four cylinder right there she is this is just like the 1917 Cadillac V8 the head and cylinder wall are one piece so there's no way to take the head off and look at the Pistons you'd have to take the whole cylinder wall off and then you have then you can service the Pistons and stuff to service the valves they have these little deals right here these come out you can get to the valves adjust them and stuff like that and right here's basically your valve covers for your valve springs and you can take the valves out of it these right here to let compression off and also you fill these with gas and you can prime this motor to make it a lot easier to crank start because this old girl doesn't have a starter you can see it has newer plugs on it I'm gonna say these from from the 50s or 60s so she has ran in the past 50 years or so [Music] we're missing the steering wheel the cab used to be wood and we're missing one front wheel the front wheel that's on here was just put on here to move it around and luckily it didn't fall off on the way home but unloading that she about fell off and we're missing a fender running board and the cab used to be wood so that's why there's no cab left on it she runs off a Magneto so as long as the Magneto is good she should fire right off once we clean the points and stuff she is locked up no big deal though 90 of the ones we get are and here you can see that's the oil deal to check the oil and there's no oil in the old girl it looks like so we're gonna put some PB Blaster in the cylinders let it soak and fill this old girl up with some new oil and get her rolling over and right here on the little hand crank you can see that there ain't no turning her so we're gonna go ahead get to it and get this old growing up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so we don't get it down in there we're gonna go ahead and give each of these a generous amount of PB Blaster put the motor soaked for a little while with them plug soaked for a bit and go ahead and try to pull these plugs out of here well figure it's gonna be harder than that I guess not not too bad there's a little bit of carbon on there and down in there don't look too bad that valve does have some pitting in it or it looks like where yeah that's pitting in that valve but the cylinders are pretty pretty oily down in there she shouldn't be stuck too bad there's no out of there we're gonna see what it looks like down in there this one don't look too bad this one you can see there's a little bit of pitting on the top of the valve or maybe a dent in it this one's got a different vibe well this one has a different valve in it this one's the same as this one because they have that divot in the middle and this one's a different valve I'm going to say sometime in the 50s or 60s like I said because this thing was painted somebody had this motor apart because this one here is different than all these I'm going to save this one's the original style and these were put on or it may be vice versa gonna go ahead and spray that full of PV Blaster and better set for a day a day or so and that should get her loose it's the next day we let this old girl sit overnight so hopefully hopefully can break her loose where should we go ahead and stand on that I think she moved come on there we go let's see if we can get it good Lord there we go we got her loose is it in gear or something not being gear too well no it spins that shaft anyway see if you're spinning the rear drive here no okay give her a we got crankage now we need to see if we have validation if you Blaster out the intake okay all the valves that were closed when we first took the plugs out are still closed so we're gonna spin it a little bit see still closed still closed steel plug waiting out open closed flow I listen to them we got one elephant two open exhaust valve open exhaust valve open so at least four of the valves are working foreign it seems that all the valves are working so that's pretty good sign at least we don't have to take that valve cover off there and beat on them you guys can see down in there through the camera or not but this valve is open this one here is closed this one's coming open this one's closed and that exhaust valve Road over there is open so all of them are opening and closing next thing we got to do is put them plugs back in there see if we're getting compression and we'll go ahead and clean up the points in Magneto and throw a carb on it and she should fire right off this may be one of the easiest wheel it runs we've got in a long time all the plugs are back in there now and we're going to go ahead and see how much compression she's got then we'll go ahead and change the oil enter or at least put some in there y'all watch that and see if any compression comes out of there oh yeah good Lord this thing's got compression foreign but most of the time they don't if this old girl don't work we can always bypass it and put a coil on here but we're gonna give her a shot honestly it looks good in there that's crazy the difference in something sudden for 60 70 years here in Arkansas and somewhere in the desert where it don't rain all the time and it ain't humid so I don't see the points in this thing I swear they have points I don't know I may be wrong on that one well they may be in here I thought a Magneto had points slap that back together and uh just for fun we're gonna see if it's gonna work I thought I really did think they had points they may be somewhere in there pedal tractors that have magnetos and head points but this one doesn't seem to have any we're gonna go ahead put some gas in these and just see if it gets sparked I doubt it but there's always a chance because it looks like brand new in there we know the valves and everything are valve Laden and that she'll crank over we're gonna go ahead and uh change the oil in this old girl I'm not sure if there's any in there or not but what it looks like there is Lord we almost had a mess there some we'll let this drain for a little while yeah all the choice is a VR1 20w50 oil it's a little thicker than what I'd normally use but this has all the vitamins and minerals for this truck the zinc in it which is a lot better on the motor it helps protect the Babbitt bearings in these things and we've had this stuff laying around so we're gonna use it use it that does not wait I think that is where the oil goes in we'll find out shortly that is in fact where the oil goes in I'm gonna whirl this old girl over and just see I don't expect it to fire off but always worth a shot and you pull on these hand cranks you never want to wrap your thumb around them because take your finger off I think it just hit foreign [Music] still works didn't have to do anything to it just seems to be hidden so yes little Magneto's good short one plug wire so we're gonna have to grab one of them in a minute but she wants to live I just closed a little uh compression releases and kicked her over and she fired right off we're gonna go ahead and fix that carburetor put another plug wire on this thing I bet she's gonna run went ahead and tightened the screws up in this old carburetor the mosquitoes are trying to carry me off today for some reason there's still a gasket on this surprising land hopefully these bolt threads line up that one Line's up there where's that can we get so lucky oh boy lines right up perfectly and this carburetor was one that was laying around not really sure where it came from I know it probably didn't come on one of these probably old tractor or something like that but it seems like it's gonna bolt in there pretty easy we got it pretty good and tight we're gonna go find another spark plug wire to throw on the other side so we have four cylinders hidden and I think she'll run probably on the first cranks we'll probably fire right off and keep on hot dog as it got to this cap and plugged up the spark plug wire hole but [Music] there we go and we should be ready to go ah get her where she's primed and fill this carburetor up if we can you might not be able to fill this little carburetor up there I think that'll do it well turn these bad boys closed we'll see what this old girl wants to do okay she runs oh crap that's a lot of wasp oh apparently there was more wasp in this thing than I thought it's a the flywheel in this thing is just full of them with a crank case or somewhere might be the exhaust we have to dial the throttle on this thing a little we can't have it doing that at all let's see here so the reason she tried to run away is because someone had put the wrong needle and seat in that carburetor sadly we don't have one laying around so we're just going to run it like this and bottle feed it and we should be able to keep the old girl running and hopefully it'll idle and not trying to run away with us things got some compression a lot more than when we first started cranking on her okay she gonna run you gotta choke too much yeah probably a bit of gas somewhere a little bit of throttle a little bit there see what we get well then okay one more joke [Music] oh she's a runner she runs pretty good but you got a bottle feeder and that gas evaporating off of there sure will burn your eyes out yeah she's exhaust manifold gets hot quick block ain't warm yet we can't put no water in there because the radiator's got 20 holes we got we got a letter cool down we'll probably start her up again well I gotta say she runs pretty good for 107 year old motor so we should be able to fill her up with some luck foreign there we go now there's a whole bunch of nasty stuff in this radiator rust and things but he's holding up we'll go ahead fire up again and see if we can get her to take that water down in there well maybe not foreign foreign foreign I gotta say she runs real good for being 107 years old and sudden for 50 years it's crazy how good these things will run once you get them started and once you fight with them and get it where they'll run and idle and you can feed them off a bottle and keep them running they'll run really good and they'll start just about on the first or second try every time after that we are going to order a kit to rebuild this carburetor and you guys will be seeing this later on hopefully Wing finds a kit to rebuild that water pump because it's not really working this water is a little warm but I think it's just from the heat pushing it up out of the block and our main problem is going to be trying to find axle shafts for this old girl because they're not back there if they were we would have tried the driver the steering wheel and stuff like that it's easy to find but if anyone has a set of axle shafts I need a front wheel and I need at least a passenger side fender I like to have them both because this is pretty well beat up but if you guys got that let me know or if you know someone that has it the cabin stuff is made out of wood so it'd be pretty easy to remake but thank you guys for watching we got the old girl running after 50 years she runs good she kind of idles and well you guys will see Cuda content here pretty soon we've been way behind on it I'm sorry about that but here in the next week well probably two or three weeks we'll see a video on it and we have another Cuda you guys will be seeing another AAR we're doing something a little different with but thank you guys for watching please consider leaving a like and maybe subscribing because we've got a lot more cool will it runs coming and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Jennings Motor sports
Views: 655,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CMCZP_-nydU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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