Light It Up | 1962 Chevy C10 Patina Shop Truck | Turnin Rust Episode 6

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[Applause] small-town business owners Wyatt and Lance Busch team together to fool Craven customs a father and son duo scavenging the web along with the North East Texas woods in search of rusty relics while buying and building on the budget they recreate and preserve hidden patina giving each one a story of its own chasing their passion they're giving the past a future saving lost dreams one vehicle at a time with help from God nature in Blaylock media these guys brought to you in part by maxed trailers next on turn in Russ Lance receives word to the whereabouts of three possible vehicles being left behind with lots of memories a family decides it's time to turn loose of their late father's resting rides in hopes to see them on the road again while closing the deal they find out some ignited information that would lead up to a living legacy for fire ball floor directing their attention to revive the heartbeat of the 62 fleetside seat in rubber hits the road as this 500 big blob Cadillac and what says Cadillac more than the king of all fins between busted knuckles and bad timing heavenly gears aligned with the purchase of a highly sought-after 59 Cadillac back at the shop things get heated as they alter the attitude of this one-of-a-kind ruckus racing shop truck after all nothing screams fab shop more than a fireball breathing hot rod follow along as the guys press through obstacles and dilemmas in hopes to honor the former passions of fireball Floyd giving hope to another while serving God and building rods we're about to go in a little road trip I had a friend of mine contact me the other day and he was out mowing the yard found about three trucks he said in a guy's yard contacted the gentleman and apparently the story that he got was it was these trucks belong to his father who had passed away not too long ago he wasn't for sure if he wanted to sell them yet or not but he was definitely a willing to let us at least come out there and check them out so we're gonna meet up with the guy max got us this big trailer so I know I can fit at least two vehicles on there if he's willing to sell anything we got the winch mounted on it so we're just gonna head that way kind of check out what he's got and hopefully we can close do [Music] howdy how're you doing all pretty good are you Danny yes sir I'm Lance Lance nice matching Dean Hall my name is Danny Hall and I live up in the Dallas area kind of got interesting vehicles with my dad I guess the first one I remember was uh I guess he's 62 he had I do remember a few before that but the 62 always stood out they'd had me polish these chrome wheels I throw a fit about it but he'd give me like a quarter and that way I was pretty cheating back then but he was tight on some stuff that's just like I always kind of liked this besson with the colors right now I'm working on a 70 Camaro that we had been working on it still needs a lot of work but it's a good starting point and we're going to continue that that tradition with the rest of the family and you know it's just something that we've always found kind of interesting where's all the ladies like riding in and our family and he's had a 46 mercury he was real proud of a lot of times he had find a lot of things that has just rusted up and most people would just say junk he didn't see it that way build it up and slowly my taking ten 15 years but it made a nice vehicle when he got done with him no it wasn't showroom and but it was a good solid truck when he got done playing so yeah I had a friend Keith had told me you had some old trucks over here you might be interested in getting rid of possibly yeah some stuff me and my dad worked on but if you're interested yes sir take a look see what you think is this one I've owned yeah actually got three of them here I need to unfortunately you know get somebody take care of right oh yeah this one here is a 62 pretty much all original stuff off and except this one little piece in here that's 500 cattle oh yeah that's there's a little little light from originally when you give the gas to this this ain't at oh boy he's going somewhere oh yeah she lots of tires up for you the end of that kind of thing well is that I mean obviously it was running at one point at they've been setting up for them yeah for a couple years now but it's a 500 Cadillac as so it's you know what you're doing right she ain't you know my mad they're seals don't have to be replace but if you want to take a look on the inside show the rest of it we did it put a tilt off in it though mm-hmm a little - a little different I noticed it's the big back one yeah yeah it gives it cuts down that blind spot yeah when you're around yeah yeah I love these trucks in the in the short fleetside bags you don't see them whole oh I see a lot of those steps I bet y'all ready often but the plate sides yeah this Bay is pretty stout course like with most year models you got this rust dealing here with leaves and stuff collected and then all fair in the door but yeah you know that's easily fixed right places you know whichever way you want to go with that some of the second so much park thank you babe yeah I've had a lot of these trucks and you write that spot right there every time it's gonna gonna be rusted out just about looks like he knew what he was doing on everything's some of the stuff we go out and look at this it's a little questionable at who's been working on it but it looks like he done good work with what he had yeah I mean he didn't have the newest nicest stuff but he bartered and traded stuff all the time you know trying to get it won't make a ride like something you know his he isn't it mm-hmm there was this one of them yeah that was actually two vehicles Jim Wayne Smith over time he had two GMCs and born out of it I said all original pretty much I was wanting to try to keep this was originally a I'd like to change things up I mean the bumper of course a little different but as you can see we got the tailgates in good shape taillights inside is really good yeah so it looks like this one's been sitting here a little bit longer yeah it's one of those things where you run out of funds on something they suck okay got a pick one oh yeah 305 high-performance out I believe it's an 82 Monte Carlo look this is sitting on the s10 frame so I give you a whole lot better ride right yeah we never did fire this one up so it's never been inspected or anything like that never got drunk but we did turn it over it you know but that was like three or four years ago so I don't know nope help yourself now the carburetor our nose not going to be any good on it because I just found out that somebody had taken the breather off of it so it's not in good shape we never did get a radiator for it and the drive line needs to be about 62 inches and it's got a hour seven hour for opening this is a cool truck I love the jam save grills on these oh yeah I mean a lot of people like to chevy to but i always favored GMC for this year model i'm not sure why maybe just because it was a little bit different yeah i wasn't expecting this one to be on the modern s10 frame and stuff kind of everything that I'd want to do - it's already been it's in that direction headed that way so it's a good shape I've been being so good fenders on it good dough with both the doors in good shape so then you said there's three that I guess that 46 yeah there is yep that was my dad unfortunately he caught fire on him one day and he was really working it again he's having a tough time with it the last thing he was working with was trying to get the firing or write it on strippers but it's also sitting on the edge 10 frame and I believe that's a 82 bit or 85 I've got like I said I got some paperwork on it so yeah I'd be able to help you out you know if you need it you know saying okay I don't want to mess with this bad I better just right now this but I think the bad still in good shape you know of course it needs to be cleaned up sitting on now motor wise on this I know you said it caught fire what what exactly is it well my dad didn't really have like a fuel pressure gauge the way he tested that he would cut the fuel line and if it's spray too far enough across the yard yeah yeah so and it's not just plain Jane but like I said I got some paperwork on it was kind of secret of what he did off of yours it's been so I know it's it was definitely a good truck we had good taste I'm really very really cool yeah I'm really a shame they ain't washed up for you you got a good red Wolf's nest up in there for you throw that out well do you have any idea of where you need to be at price-wise on these things or well you know the talk to Keith he wasn't for sure you know you know if you were wanting to sell them all or sell one or sale any and I thought I'd you know I appreciate you letting us lease come out here and look at them but if he was - he was the one selling them you know where you'd need to be out on them y'all being if you think you could take all of them I'll give you a good deal on this it's not something I really want to do but they need to be fixed up back on the road again yeah yeah it's kind of tough with the sentimental value but up what do you think about six seems pretty fair I always like to have a little little wiggle room in the yeah I like to say you know I you know I've kind of looked on the website and seeing what you guys do and they're going to a good home then I go out you know the pasture and being salvaged sitting right taking all the good parts or what parts you need that day and then the rest of it throwing away their intentions Woods needs to be fixed back up and write a girl yeah what kind of number you looking at with would you consider five grand on it cash I'll tell you what if you want all three of them will do fifty to a good I'm happy with it that you know they're going somewhere they're gonna get rebuilt yeah my whole day off so yeah well a lot of times we like to take on these old trucks we'll try to get what story we can and sometimes we'll logo I'm up like that and I don't know I just feel like the maybe those 62 needs beer floyd truck now someone the logos for kind of well he had a nickname fireball but you didn't hear that for me oh yeah and over in this country he's known my bud so thank you Pete yeah all righty then well I'm gonna get a game plan get some cash get a game plan on loading this stuff up I don't know how much time you got is well I'll give you some help with getting some tires aired up and I said I kind of busy these days and I should have been down here and had all this stuff taken care of and that's why they're being sold because I just write little overwhelming mm-hm alright I'm gonna grab you some cash real quick through the dirty stuff all right sounds good I'll be here but we're gonna get to loading these trucks up when we come out here I wasn't for sure if he was gonna sell any of these way my buddy at talked it was pretty attached to these things sentimental wise lots of good memories from his dad with them but man I'm really happy to buy all three of these trucks this truck I love the the short fleetside bad the big back window just you know just closes the deal on it that 53 GMC pretty popular truck we mess with them a lot we definitely be able to do something with it as well and I'm not sure I think dad's been looking for a project so the 46 maybe something right up his alley trying to get a little bit of this stuff moving around it's kind of a small yard here so we can't fit the trailer in here like we need to so the plan is we're just going to pull some of this out by chains get it out here on the road where we can get straight with it on the trailer winch this stuff up get it back to the shop and just see what we got [Music] [Music] [Music] this one here looks like it's not going to pull as it as well as that 62 did you can tell this trucks been sitting here for a little while most the tires are flat that that wheel over there is done sunk in the ground but I'm gonna hook a chain to it pull it out where we can even get around on it see if he's got some extra wheels he said we can put on here in case we need a retirement hold there at all but right now the plan is just to get it out of here where we can look at it and see what we what we need to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] baby don't you cry maybe gonna be alright [Music] [Music] Oh well hold it up it looks like two of them fit on there it was close yeah ah really nice tutorial though yeah sure come in handy on this thing worked well so on that other 46 obviously I'll just have to come back and grab it I'll get with you and see what time works best for you I'm picking it out for whatever could we all need to make yeah it's a really nice and humid out here today so well they're probably all maybe gets a little bit of fluids put back in aspect but don't hesitate to call me or emailing me you have any questions about the vehicles if I can help you out in any way please give me a call okay and hopefully you'll kind of follow us on the show you'll see it's doing some stuff with this and say what what we can get going right home so be nice alrighty well we're gonna head back to the gota so that's get naughty like how you feel [Music] [Music] well we made it back to the shop safely with the trucks honestly the 46 wasn't going to fit on this trailer so I head back later with the drop and load and pick it up as well right now I'm going to try to unload these things I'm really crazy about this 62 truck I love that it has the big back window the fact that he put this big Cadillac motor in it I just want to hear the thing running it looks like it's not going to take a whole lot to get it going so we're going to drop these things off put a hot battery on it I'd love to kind of paint this thing up put some different wheels on it maybe throw some logos on it to kind of just do a little memory thing for Floyd everybody's gonna lose their minds when they see what you're gonna do back like a million times because they knew each other yeah [Music] [Music] everybody's gonna stand in line they wanna touch a little solid gold when you're classic when you start at all you ain't never never getting no [Music] [Music] the gentleman that we bought these trucks from told us to kind of take a break and go cool off grab something to eat but I'm really just intrigued to see about if this motors going to turn over or what it's going to do so right now I'm just going to go ahead and throw a hot battery on there while he's cooling off just it'd be really cool if this thing would fire up and it looks like it should but we'll put a battery on it I'm gonna go ahead and pull the plugs out of it the motor that set this long you kind of need to get some old moving in it again so we'll pull the plugs let it turn over just get the hole everywhere put them back in it put a little fuel in it and see what we got we're about ten minutes into this we pulled the plugs out turned it over a little bit made sure it was spinning real good got everything rolled up now we're fixing to take this breather off put a little car cleaner in here see if we can't get this beast rolling all right fifteen minutes into this thing and that's the sound we were looking for I knew this motor would run I didn't think it cranked up that easy obviously there's probably no gas in that tank so we're gonna run to the store and put some gas in it the brakes feel like they're probably gonna work so I'm gonna put some gas in it make sure the fuel pumps pumping it up there crank it up maybe we can get it going down the road maybe make it to the car wash and wash some of this old dust off of it touch a little solid gold when you're classic when you start at all all right well we've got some gas in the tank and Pixlr promit a little bit with this and hopefully we'll be going [Music] [Applause] you ready yeah when we started working on this truck the fuel pump wouldn't pump up any fuel from the tank so we assumed there was no gas in it put about three gallons in it we got about a gallon on the ground here now Wesley felt it trickling across his feet there and we probably should only try just a little bit of gas just to make sure it was solid but we'll have to figure this out there's obviously a rust hole there may be a bad hose where it's leaking from still got to figure out why it's not pumping up to the motor but right now we have a problem here at the tank that we need to address and go ahead and get this gas to stop dripping all right we're having a little trouble with the pump fuel pump priming up so I made this little bottle here with a hole in time we'll run this line through it we kind of use that as a reservoir to hold gas in and we're gonna prime that fuel pump from the top side okay that ought to be good [Applause] thirty minutes into this thing and we've already got it running and idling on its own I'm gonna just jump the gun on this thing and tarting rush style we're gonna try to put this thing on the road not sure about the brakes of transmission but we're just gonna say with this angle day [Applause] [Music] well that was interesting this thing probably should have never been drove on these old tires that time back there was bouncing all over the place as I was driving it but it seems to run pretty good need some power steering fluid the steering was really hard to turn on it but the transmission shifts good seems to have plenty of power now this motor would really come alive with the right exhaust so I'm pretty sure I'm going to run some dual 3-inch exhaust with flowmasters on it but but super happy that we got this thing running right now now I just need to head back over there and pick up the 46 well we got the 46 forward back to the shop and to me this truck has a lot of potential it's already set up on the s10 frame which gives it the modern suspension up front it's got a big v8 motor in it the story we got is that this truck had caught on fire I'm I'm not really sure if maybe that's how Floyd got the nickname of fireball or not but we're going to dig into it see maybe what might have happened to it cause that issue there when we got it back to the shop dad kind of got a liking to the truck and I think he wants to keep this one around for his own project so right now we're going to dig into this thing see what the issue may have been a white was catching on fire and just go from there tried to survive [Applause] [Music] in a boy [Music] we're looking this thing over and it we see that it has a brand new distributor in it now as we looked in the truck a little bit more we found this burnt up distributor so it's pretty obvious that this is where the fire had started I'm not really sure if there was just a wiring issue somewhere something maybe grounded out or what the deal was but he's already got this new distributor in there he has wiring ran to it but for right now we're just going to kind of bypass that wiring just run it straight to the battery so we know we're safe know we have no issues there just make sure that he got this thing put in time when you put the distributor in turn it over and just see if we're getting fire see if we got the firing order the way it needs to be and it should crank up [Music] [Music] we've got a Hotwire ran straight from the battery to the distributor here so I know we're getting fired too at the distributor it could be possible since this is a new part he could have installed it 180 degrees off it is possible that we are getting fired just not at the right time when we need it so what we'll do now is go ahead and pull this cap off get the motor on top dead center make sure that we're in time the way we need to be and and just see if we're not will pull the distributor out turn it a complete 180 degrees and hopefully that'll be where it needs to be and this thing will fire up the way it needs to [Music] [Music] [Music] we've got this motor turned over and put on top dead center it needs to be on top dead center on the compression stroke it's going to land on top dead center on two different areas of the motor right now we can you can see the rotor cat or the rotor button here it's pointing in the wrong direction the number one cylinder would be right across from that so it's a really simple mistake it's easy to make that you know just to get this thing off 180 degrees it's also a really simple thing just to fix so we'll pull the distributor out rotate it a complete 180 degrees stick it back in there and we should be where we need to be then [Music] [Applause] [Music] my life [Music] [Music] sounds like that's got the timing really close I mean it fired up almost instantly we'll go ahead and put a timing light on this thing to get it adjusted just right where it needs to be but it's hanging up it's idling now should be able to put this thing in gear and take off a header down the road when we get this thing back here to the shop in that I told Lance I thought that I might really like to take this on as my own project in there I like the area it was at as far as the build it was already had the suspension the new frame engine all that changed automatically has the new updated version of everything the cab I love the bed I'll probably change I'll change the wheels I'll probably go with a different color and do some patina on it and turn it into a turning rust type vehicle but that I'll enjoy [Music] [Music] this is the first time this thing's moved under its own power in several years I know now the brakes are really spongy and kind of questionable but I'm gonna shoot a little air in these tires and send it down the road see what she's got maybe not yeah looks like you got a problem that's a lot of food transmission food this is a lot of transmission fluid to be losing so obviously we have a pretty big problem it could be as simple as just an old hose that's dry rotted and it's leaking out or a clamp just coming off but we're gonna have to dig into this see why it's leaking where it's leaking from add some more fluid to it we're going to get this truck back on the road but it just doesn't look like it's gonna be today [Music] Hey Oh you both out pretty good are you high I brought a truck up here I didn't know what you had going on I was first I got a 62 Chevrolet we bought it's got a 500 Cadillac well that's what we like yeah we got it running pretty easy but it's got like two and a half inch exhaust on it's not how well we need three exactly what I was thinking but I was gonna say if maybe if you could maybe look at it see what you think I what I really would like to do is normally I would typically dump it at the rear axle but I got a kind of got a little idea on this truck we're going we're gonna go with a fireball fluid theme on it all right so I was gonna see if we can maybe turn the exhaust maybe right out in front of the the back wheel there on the bed side okay have you ever done oh yeah we love doing that those are our drag cars we've done like that yeah yeah and on the street would really show everything right okay great so yeah great thing I got out here if you want to check it out yes please yeah here's the truck it's a pretty straight old truck fleetside big back when the trucks 50 to 60 62 yeah yeah and just kind of my thoughts on it as I'd love to be able to have it come out right here I don't know what size pipes come out there four inches gonna look good for us yeah I want something bigger air bike you see I think we can do that and I've seen it you know where they'll have like that little trim rings around it there I'd like to kind of gives it character yeah correct I'd like to kind of do something like that but said it'll hit a fire up and we can pull it inside out like I don't know what you got going on today for Sunday one mess with let's check it out all right do it see what this thing sounds like we'll get it unloaded you let me know where you want it all right we'll be Rover here at the muffler Bay okay [Music] [Music] [Music] the old truck actually doesn't sound too bad given a three inch exhaust with the dual flowmasters on this thing is really gonna make that Cadillac motor come to life though when we bought this truck from the gentleman here Toto said his dad had the nickname of fireball well we thought it'd be pretty cool to throw a flamethrower kid on this exhaust we're going to have it coming out the side of the bedside there it's just going to give this truck a really cool sound a really cool look and really just set it off [Music] all right Lance so well running wanting to run this out this side right I like the way they've done that but we want to come out here somewhere so we don't intrude on you lowering the truck later right what we'll do is run it old-school come out the side tuck it up in here put our muffler up in there and then wrap our stuff our 3-inch out the side okay yeah that was an issue to me because I knew how they had the exhaust ran here for me to turn at a 90 there I knew I was going to be in between this control arm which was going to give me an issue when I go to lower in the truck so I don't work great if we can just keep it on this side keep everything up as high as possible I don't know how well I'll go with this thing but yeah and I've got so I've already got the trim rings here so I got them from monkey fab college okay they hooked us up with some really cool trim rings so once you get that cut out we should be able to screw those things around the pipe and get a really good look well I'm ready get started then okay [Music] you can see does where I stand you know I am [Music] kiss [Music] all right what we did here considering that you can't weld from the top you can't get a welder in there I'm gonna take a piece of pop two and a half and we're going to swell it on one end so our three inch will fit in in it we'll slide it up on here weld it from the inside by the way we're able to take our pop and slide it and weld it from the bottom [Music] I'm trying to be your hero it's the only way this battle never every still Isaac every Mon stop me can't stop me [Music] [Music] well that made a world of difference that three in chicken sauce really lift this thing up man the things sounding a whole lot better it looks a whole lot better the truck out obviously has a really bad stance to it right now so we plan on lowering it as well I've got some 18-inch wheels some staggered wheels they've got ten and a half's on the back and some eight and a half's going to go up front but right now I'm super happy with the way this thing turned out sounds great looks great couldn't be happier with product [Music] [Music] now that we got the truck back from the exhaust shop it sounds great next step we need to do something with these old tires on this truck we tried to stick to a budget I found some 18-inch wheels or staggered wheels ten and a half's on the back eight and a half's on the front I've also found some use tires to throw on them but when we get these wheels put on this truck it's really going to modernize it a lot and a really cool wheel is going to change the look of it then we'll lower the thing plan on going with a different color on the truck but first thing we're going to get these old tires off the thing when you're trying to save a little money and looking for used parts like we bought with these used wheels I was having a hard time finding this lug pattern which is a big 5 lug chevy pattern to five-on-five what I found was a smaller pattern of 5 on 4 and 3/4 so what we're going to use here is just a wheel adapter it will just go on this 5 on 5 reduce it down to the 5 on 4 and 3/4 you can get these in different widths we measured everything the offset of the wheels we're using so this is just going to space the wheel exactly like we need to so we'll just bolt this thing on the wheels about to that we'll be good to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I had a guy stopped by the house yesterday when we were unloading another truck and he had he told me about having this 59 Cadillac and was just curious if we might be interested in buying it of course a 59 I'm always interested in this is my first time to lay eyes on it he had some kind of pictures I weren't the greatest pictures but I'm loving it so far I love the big fins on these cars that's what they were known for but we'll get this thing unloaded to the interior is pretty clean on the car of what he showed me still has a motor in it it hid caught fire as well but I think we can probably get it going [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] maintain rest style if we don't have to drag it off with both Clea [Music] these old Cadillacs have a really cool front end on them but what they're known for is these crazy spaceship looking fins on the back only the 59 model had these big old fins back here when the guy told me that's what he had I was so interested in it unfortunately we couldn't break away from the shop and we bought this one side unsane I had a little few pictures to go by but sometimes you just got to bite the bullet and just go for it and just hope for the best now this thing's better than I expected and so I'm really happy with it we sent our buddy with Whitaker towing up there to pick it up I mean sometimes if we need to get something picked up fast we'll call him up he's always faithful to get it to us oh yeah you can tell this thing got nice and crispy up underneath there the story told me like said it backfired and caught on fire you can see here even on this little a fuel filter here it's melted and I can only imagine when this thing blew up with a flame it melted this steel filter and it's spraying some fuel in there that probably caused a lot more damage there's a lot of wiring up here I wasn't really sure how much worried a wiring damage we were going to have but you can tell there's there's quite a bit on this to get this motor up and running it shouldn't be too hard well you know have a wire to the cool and stuff but to get everything else working we'll probably have to rewire this car but super cool super happy this guy stopped by to see if we were interested in the thing and we'll just kind of do the same thing on this big into it see what went wrong and see how we can fix it sometimes I feel like I could have been born in a totally different era I mean I can only imagine driving this thing around when it was new I don't know a whole lot about these model of cars but this one has all the bells and whistles it's got the power windows it's got the power seat AC I mean it looks top-of-the-line to me the seats have been recovered in it the headliners knew the carpet shot but other than that it looks like the inside of this thing would really clean up well so hopefully we can get it running hopefully we can clean it up maybe throw some carpet in this thing and maybe keep it around the shop for a while so before you guys may start jumping to conclusions I'm thinking maybe the wheels and tires are too small on this truck keep in mind that we're still going to be lowering in this gap that you see right here will be gone we're going to put a three inch drop spindle on the front which is going to slam this thing and allow the fender to be about three-quarters of an inch above the tire there it'll still give us plenty of room to steer so we won't have no problem there on the back we're going to do a four inch lowering spring which will allow that wheel and tire to tuck up inside the bed side it's also going to allow this truck to be a lot more level than it sets right now we're waiting for the parts to come in on that so right now we're going to move to the next step of prepping this thing for paint we kind of got a really cool paint scheme in mind but right now we're just going to go over with some scotch brite start taping it up and let you see what we got [Music] well it's day two and we've got the truck completely prepped for paint we've got it all Scotch brought in we began to take off some of these metal rings around the light lenses we took the rings off around the exhaust there anything that you can take off to make the the painting just the taping off a little easier we went ahead and pulled off now we're gonna pull this grill off it doesn't look too hard to come off I think I may be going with just a single headlight set up rather than this dual headlight setup anyways but we're about to pull that off then we'll go ahead and start masking off all the jams on the truck masking off the glass and get some paint on this side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've got everything cleaned and prepped on the truck now we're at the point of just laying down the base coat what we got here is just a little bit of a custom color we've made up here it's kind of a reddish orange that's called Scott salsa we're just going to mix it up now reduce it down put it in the gun I'll probably it'll probably take two to three coats of this color to get coverage with red but once that covers we'll put a flat clear over it we'll get our logos on it and then add our patina Russ don't leave no spots no me much just enough to survive [Music] make a dollar make a dollar make a dollar jumping [Music] we've got the first few steps of this paint job done here I've got the flat clear applied on it now it's still flashing off still going to dry out a little bit more on this paint job this is nowhere near so paint job we never were intending it to be even close to that there's a lot of body work that still needs to be done on this truck for something like that there's a little bit of rust repair you'd want to fix there but what we were going for here is just a cool driver truck we're going to add a little patina to it so it's just going to look like an old paint job this is just kind of the beginning steps of getting it there so now we've got the clear on there we'll take it to shanks we got some cool logos we're going to have him do on there he'll distress I'll make them look aged like they've been there a while and we'll go ahead and add a lot of rust right here on the hood a lot of rust up on the roof of it there along the tops of the bed rails there and it's just going to kind of run down just give it an old aged look like it's just been put to work just going to make a really cool shop truck [Music] you bet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go on man I'm pretty good how are you good looks like you brought a slick one this time yeah it's a little better than most stuff they bring over here it's a 62 Chevrolet we bought from a gentleman I wind up buying three trucks from him this one here the guy was really sentimental it they belonged to his dad who had passed away so we thought it'd be kind of cool to do a kind of a memorial thing for his dad on it he said his dad had a name of fireball Floyd so we thought we'd come up with some logos I sent you that email I'm not sure I got it it's on the screen right now okay I was looking at it yes that's something you think maybe you could I know you can handle it yeah yes no problem all right yeah we're just trying to do it I've got some plans of doing a flamethrower kit on the exhaust there so shoot fireballs outside there oh cool just something cool we can keep around the shop for a shop trick and kind of kind of you know like sad just kind of remembers that with it too oh yeah yeah you like that yeah oh let's go look and say what we got okay I've seen you doing all right today yes sir you're good good good we're all good here I said I don't know if that works well on it was just something kind of threw together there if there's anything that you think might need to be changed or whatever there's kind of thought of some clever stuff to put there on the hood in the bed above the exhaust there I kind of want to put fire in the hole or something that yeah I've been good I think that font that we've been using that just that regular hand-lettered font it right yeah I like that yeah that's cool look right yeah I think I like that better it was just kind of limited oh oh yeah sure what I was putting together their work if maybe just go with some whites and blues and I may try to let it have just a little bit of a patriotic theme on this so the little fireball with the United States flag was pretty cool to me yeah yeah at work but then afterwards if you can just to distress it a little bit we plan on kind of putting a little bit of rust on it as well it kind of make it look like it's just an old shop joke that's been around for at some something I'm not scared to drive there you go so yeah that works that'll work good we can we'll take care of that and be be right up our alley yeah okay so we'll go ahead and unload it I say you got the whole other truck knocked out for us yeah it's great so yep all right we'll unload that thing and I'll get you paid up for the other one will start to load it oh I like the sound of that [Music] [Music] don't tell us to come you guys might remember this truck from our last episode we found it in a little town just up the road called an owner Texas when we put the episode out we quickly got a call from our Denmark friends that have bought the retro Metro off of us they showed some interest in the truck but kind of wanted to put a little bit of their style on it so we had shanks through the logos on the doors that's that's their shop logo we did some logos on the hood and on the bed as well just something they can put out front to to gather a little attention outside their business but now we'll just get it back to Bogota we got the Metro ready for them I've sold them another a hope Ford truck as well so we're going to get everything ready though the trucker will pick them up and we'll send them off to Denmark [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now that we got the truck back from shanks he did an outstanding job on the logos as he always does he's distressed I'm just a little bit just I had a little age look to him what we'll do now is we'll come back and add a little rust on the on the flat panels like the hood in the roof the top of the bed rails there it'll just kind of give this paint a little less of a flashy look kind of give it more of a patina style look and said but right now we're going to pull it inside and get the altitude lower on this thing we've got some 3-inch drop spindles we're going to use up front some four inch drops rings on the back it's really going to make this thing look a lot more sporty so now we're going to pull it in get it dropped down work on the flame kit see how that works out but right now just get it inside and change the looks of this thing [Music] what we have here is just a three inch drop spindle there's many manufacturers out there producing these things so you can go with all kinds of different price ranges and different qualities of spindles here but what this thing does is it allows you to drop your front end or in a really easy manner and the cool thing about them it's it doesn't change any of your angles on your front end so it doesn't mess with your alignment or anything like that it basically just raises the point of where your wheel mounts on there to lower it so what we'll do now is we'll Jack the truck up we'll break the ball joints loose to allow the control arm which holds this in place to come down we'll install the new the wheel bearings the rotors the brakes back on these put it back together it's going to allow this truck to drop down get a lot closer get rid of this gap here and just give this truck a lot meaner look [Music] got no cash all attributes [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we've got these eyelid spindles off we'll just both these new spindles right in the place of them we'll go ahead and start turning apart the rotors the brakes and all this and transfer them over to the new part here get everything bolted back together and it'll be good to go this is how it's gonna be this is what you think of me it's going down like I told you this is how it's gonna be I'll be the last man standing here I'm not going anywhere it's going down like I told you I'll be the last man standing here I'm gonna wrap you I'm gonna write I have you begging for mercy begging for my seat [Music] now we got the front knocked out it's a lot lower got a good cowboy stance to the choke right now so what we're going to do is move to the back just got some 4-inch drop Springs back there it'll be a lot easier just basically drop the the shocks loose pull the springs off replace them with the new Springs and get that thing a lot lower [Music] this is how we get it done this is how we do it do it this is how a kingdom purse this is how we do it do it [Music] this is how do it do it [Music] [Music] what we're going to do here is install the flamethrower kit on our exhaust we're using that system from a company called hot licks exhaust it's a really plug-and-play system works really well what I'll be able to do is inside the cab I'll just have a push button where I can just basically have flames on demand and it will have a big fireball coming out of the side of the truck here that's gonna work really well with the logos we decided to go with so now we're just going to dig into this start installing everything see if we can't light it up so this is a kit you'll receive when you start to install this flamethrower kit on your truck it's pretty basic what we'll do here is we'll have these spark plugs that will install installing to the end of our exhaust pipe then next we'll install these little ignition modules that will spents in spark to it at a certain point in time what the truck does is when you press the button it'll deactivate the power to your cool sending raw fuel through your exhaust pipe and it'll also spark at these spark plugs at that same time so the raw fuel coming through your exhaust pipe mixed with the spark on these spark plugs it'll send the fire out the exhaust pipe that you're looking for [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think I should warn you history is me will crank it up the light see now so everyone can see right now we're gonna make you believe it's about to get go down again raise crane go down cool down we've got everything wired up looks like everything should be in the position it needs to be and now we're just going to do a little test run on this I'll just press the button make sure we're getting fire at both of the plugs back there then we'll make sure it cranks up and just see what it does from there yeah we got fart well we've got everything looks like it's a way it needs to be when we bought this truck from the gentlemen it belonged to his father had passed away we had the nickname fireball so when we heard that we knew that this truck was going to need a flamethrower kid on it so now we're about to light it up for [Applause] well it's been a day and we got a lot of work done on this old truck we got it lowered got a cool stance to it I was able to hook the flamethrower kid up and very impressed with it it seems to work very well should draw a lot of attention there's still a few things we want to finish up on the truck I'm going to go ahead and redo the interior on it just a little bit recover the seat throw some carpet in it it's not too bad a shape we just kind of want to put our touch on it I'm going to go ahead and paint the inside the bad black and then we'll also be adding our fake patina rust on the outside as well so right now I'm really happy with the product we have so far really happy with the way everything went can't wait to get this thing out on the street we're getting to the point of doing the finishing touch ups on this truck what we've done now just taped off the bed side the inside of the bed here I just the floor has a really cool just kind of aged look to it already but when we painted the truck red it obviously left the inside of the bed primer so I'm just going to take some rattle-can a bedliner spray the bed side so it gives it a good clean look and match the floor up really well so right now we just kind of taped it off we've got a scotch-brite in and we're going to start spraying the product [Music] [Music] [Applause] while we got the whole grill out of this truck we decided to replace the original headlights with a new modern style halo headlight what that is it's just a headlight that has an outside diameter it lights up a different color we went with an amber color it'll kind of match the the amber lights that it has in the hoods as well and the really simple two wire ends basically just a hot wire and a ground wire you run it to a toggle switch inside that activates a lot now the headlights are also going to be upgraded to an HID bulb which will give it a cool look so right now we're just going to get all that hooked up get it wired in we'll be good to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is gonna be really cool at not seeing these things coming at you and then the fire shooting out both bed sides should get lots of attention we're cleaning this inside of this truck out it's always a fun thing today you never know what you're gonna find it I found the old windshield wipers it looks like a brand new windshield rubber here which the wind chills got some cracks is just kind of old we'll probably replace that so this will come in handy there it's in good shape but I don't really think it's got the look that I'm wanting to go with it's kind of but kind of got a aged look something back in the 90s for sure so we'll probably go ahead and pull this out get it recover hate that it's this good of shape but sometimes you just got to do with what you like this [Music] I was vacuuming up underneath the seat of this truck and found this and I had to say it might be one of the coolest things I've ever found in a vehicle it looks like the gentleman that we bought this truck from was really passionate about this truck he has a drawing of the truck here he has a list of just everything that he's done to it including the the rear end the front end the motor it even has how many miles were on the motor when he put it in here he even went to the extreme it even has though the wiring diagrams of this thing so that's really going to help us knowing all this information of what's what what parts fit this and everything but this right here is just really cool to me because it just I know this truck meant a lot to this guy and it's really cool I think it's really professional of the guy and really organized for him to keep records like this I don't know a lot of people that does that but to find this and just to know that we're we're able to kind of bring this truck back to life it just means a lot to me and I hope it would mean a lot to him and his children as well but it looks like he also just kept records on all the other two trucks we bought as well we've got the the Chevrolet truck we bought off here in the old 46 Ford he done the same thing on all these trucks so this guy was really particular really took pride in what he did and I just think this is just a really cool find now we're about to move on to the next step of adding a patina to this paint job what we're going to do here is just add a little bit of rust on these flat horizontal panels where the Sun would be baking down on it to get the hood it'll get the top of the roof along the top of the bed rails as well we'll apply it with just a sponge in the spots where we think it's necessary then we'll go back kind of relook at it after the activators flashed off hence begin to rust we'll hit it with another coat and just keep messing with it till we get the look we desire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've got this first step of this two-part rust system put on the truck here I went around the truck just mainly using sponges and rollers some brushes and stuff to apply it on this truck you can use a gun you can use it several different ways but on this the look we wanted this is how we did it so now that we've got this applied we let it flash off overnight and be sure it's good and dry we're just going to hit it with activator and it'll be turning rusts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we got this activator applied over the product it's beginning to flash off really well and as you can tell it's beginning to turn rust for us I'd spoke about possibly adding another coat on top of this to make it a little bit more rust here I believe we'll be able to skip that step as I'm locking the way it's turning out right now so basically what we're going to do is just wait overnight it'll continue to dry it or continue to rust as well so we're getting really close to wrapping up this project it's got every ingredient that's involved in a turning rust vehicle around here I mean we got it running we've got a shooting fire we've got the cool patina paint job with the logos only one last thing to do and that's to hit the road [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] check it out well Floyd this one was for you when we found this old truck it had a lot of cool stuff done to it already including this big-block 500 Cadillac motor we added the custom exhaust which really made this thing come alive next we went ahead and added some really cool wheels lowered the stance of the truck just gave it a really sporty look when we picked up the truck we got a little tidbit of a hint that floyd may have had the nickname of fireball well that led us to the next step of going with the fireball floyd logos on this truck and what's a fireball Floyd fab truck without a flamethrower so that was the next step we added the flamethrower kit to the exhaust we're able to shoot our own fireballs anytime we want gets lots of attention and lastly but not least we finished it off with our patina style turning rust paint job on this truck we wanted just a really rough rugged look of a shot truck that been sitting in a barn for years and that's exactly what we got with this thing if the whole rusty patina thing is just not what you like don't worry this truck was built for someone who does and we love it I mean after all we are a little different around here we've been called to shine we've come to light it up and to God be all the glory [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Turnin Rust Network
Views: 1,239,090
Rating: 4.7838879 out of 5
Keywords: Light it up, turnin rust episode 7, turnin rust chevy c10, turnin rust fireball, fireball floyd, turnin rust fireball floyd, 1962 chevy, 1962 chevy c10 shop truck, 1962 chevy shop truck, 1962 chevy c10 patina shop truck, turnin rust light it up, patina shop truck, patina, shop truck, chevy c10 shop truck, chevy c10, c10, patina truck, 1962 chevy c10
Id: Sey7ZW-CjBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 16sec (4996 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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