Full Procedure ILS | Mena, Arkansas | Cessna 172

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a full-on IFR flight to Mena Arkansas to get some paint touched up on the airplane Hidden Valley traffic this Cherokee three two one nine eight four miles west for runway one seven okay so we're gonna depart here runway three five depart runway three five and go north and I'm gonna climb out we're gonna contact regional departure and get our I of our clearance I've already done the read up flaps bring them down to ten a little additional lift for this short runway now let's go in our country traffic Skyhawk November 8 0 9 9 1 is taking runway 3 5 going to be a VFR departure to the North arrow country transponder - I'll see you coffee cold mixture is rich flops bill selectors on both terms have to take off but give her full power McKinney was reporting winds calm we're off the ground axillary through about 70 in that little climb out let's go it up Eric after traffic Skyhawk number eight zero five nine one just off runway three five climbing through 1200 departed to the north last call Eric country honey eyelash my one five or French I was horrified at the three stop regional departure Scott Holcomb number eight zero nine nine eleven ten nine on water friends HR about that one's just off arrow country 1400 northbound climbing clear of the Bravo like to pick up I of our clearance to Mike echo Zulu Mina Intermountain rain tonight on one squad three six four four and ident three six four four and identify dead one all right well sign on one runner contact key north of arrow country Airport Cana maintain 4000 and stand by for your routing and you fell 10 meters T 9 9 8 I show you climbing 317 notices 7,500 checks out I'll maintain 4000 can I get that altimeter setting against altimeter to 909 or 7 200 under 7 Fraser on that I won right gemenon 1 is cleared to the Mike echo Zulu Airport your enter vectors to join the Mavericks arrow 74 to join the Texican a 240 for the Texarkana and then direct maintain 4000 expect 7,000 10 minutes okay radar victors to join the maverick 0 74 and then the tech sarcana to 4/4 detects Arkana the direct maintain 4000 xx seven thousand and ten minutes four nine nine eleven Southwest 1191 left Terra 123 settles in over the tower so that you won't see it exact at 365 to Center maintain four thousand four thousand through 6 November 9 9 1 just maintain 4000 what's trying to get you direct action cam but they may need you to stay at 4 for a while you happy with that yes or whatever it takes eight zero nine ten eleven nine on one fighting steroids zero and I'll get right back to you is you're at zero up ahead 1809 I appreciate all right 61 degrees Fahrenheit temperature that's just shy of 20 degrees Celsius and we're starting to get into the clouds here all right so we're on our way going up to 4,000 feet four nine nine eleven clear direct to my Capo's hey Lou okay direct destination ain't zero not at all off thank you all right in the clouds eyes on the instruments were kinda pitch for an N roof climb here we're doing about 600 feet of minute 365 turn 10 left this will be a fairly tight downwind trying to keep you out of there's some precipitation area just to the east of the localizer out there 10 left 365 all right Rick like a kazoo Lou 9 9 1 what is here heading direct heading direct is gonna be about 0 5 5 4 9 10 11 we're not 9 1 climbing chain 7 though what maintain 7,000 8:05 Medellin all right up to settle up to 7 direct destination I've got a tailwind we thank Ted 365 Center maintain 3000 3000 it says the 3 version of a raid zero nada what does tops reports out here about 3,800 I think I'm a similar higher layers above yeah the first overcast layer is 3840 mic pop and country jump road for one a plum one getting 18 longer they buy them in the clear here all right passing through 4300 up to 7000 and one headache direct to bina November 89 on one kind of over center one 24.87 using what to 4.87 fraser about that long ago that Jet 365 released to be to 174 the turn in the 44 was Center sky Hawk November 8 0 9 9 1 climbing through 4500 up to 7000 another parade $0.99 1/4 oz deals I've got some 1800 under 7 a direct meaning out to 907 that's affirmative raise your own that one showdown another one areas of moderate precipitation building about 40 miles island near fort still having applause and scattered for about 80 miles to the northeast advise if you deviate Roger will let you know a journal on what where to six Niner take off the 2-0 district sound a sellout before through Roger rough finger has maintained 9,000 deal figure out some is united under step 2 Niner Niner seven figure I think taint Niner thousand nothing off six understand La Motta having extreme precipitation your 11 o'clock in about 2 0 miles 6/10 40 miles in diameter news TV a let me know not tank off pointing Center over 37 18 flood level 2 4 0 alright there's 7,000 to pull the power back a little bit are we doing a temperature reading this iceberg fever we all bicicleta my story 37:18 American 1074 I'm showing a small area my precipitations your loving a flawed one still mouth and five miles and airman 1074 II always feel affection now we're not direct zebra or 3784 3718 Reisman fallen American 1351 level i-240 13514 sinirage sevilla silver three row with the ffvi senator you Niner seven sit down a 7% on the Syrah 3 of our come on 2013 51 America 1351 maintain 3 one throw announcer gradient to advice was preached in until you say stuff like America third thing is if you want are your bench automated weather observation mm over camp so 0.13 altimeter three zero zero seven elevated level observation 1 4 3 3 in lieu rather number seven seven to zero method alright see tap is twenty to eight doesn't stand by here Bravo Hochberg they want to you thick so basically there's somebody coming in to be no on the ILS right now and he can't let he can't clear be for the ILS until he verifies that that guy is down and his flight plan is closed or if he has to go missed it he comes back and gets on frequency then he knows that he's not only approach anymore here Bravo Roger the ILS approach to go inbound from stance sets up de but if you want to you can do the full approach our Roger you bet I'm raised on nine nine one maintains 5,200 and direct sense you just set up for the eye lift and we'll get you lower sampling get this citation down below but he's on the islands produce as well I've rolled maintain 5200 direct pinch currently a jar on my melon 1:08 seventh 1:08 seventh I'm starting to pick up the ILS and I've gone to be loathe not GPS it's all good gyros looking good Polina that's gonna Roger number we successfully mill reset transponders called five six four six my god she called my landing light there's a citation somewhere out there he's below me but he's office at direction he's down below the clouds I'll go ahead turned on so that's one less thing that's gonna distract me on the approach having to deal with turning it on so he's gonna tell me he's gonna descend me when he's ready he's gonna say let's just say it's down to 4200 like that citation he's gonna say maintain 4200 until established on the localizer cleared ILS runway two-seven in davina and at that point the definition of established is when the Beatles on here come off the stops basically he'll tell me maintain 4200 until established that means I got to stay at 4200 until this needle comes off to stop the localizer until it comes away from you know the full deflection position technically once it does that I generally just wait to up you know pretty much lined up on the course and then I'm gonna start cracking the eyelash away with those attorneys about your group or cancellation away in the airport mostly or through flight service I'll be over talk to you pretty low budget is your Brotherhood okay so at that point and he'll tell me to maintain whatever Alcides helps me - that's all I'm established and once I'm established on the ILS then I'll do my out leg turn laughter 30 degrees and compound for one minute will make my turn it bounced and then once I've established on the final approach course descent thousand three thousand one hundred Reiser resume own navigation along with the final programming until I intercept the glide slope take it down to the redline 53:58 epicenter 16.8 526 85 6350 number nine three Delta contact racetrack approach 10.9 I'm a zero not one to maintain four thousand three hundred now the 4,200 raids on that night one would you like us to start our outbound Lake here went across I get her and set up of your program Roger metal there's the auto market coming over Fitz now there's the ILS or cleanup where I us to 7 fe 9 on that Medellin you're cleared for ILS that means we can start out both legs start the timer for one minute we rapid ascent I'm a380 there Bravo Senate politician maintain 7,000 seats brings out 10 verse 3 0 1 1 and a a snow for centuries Delia Bravo POW expression 7,000 the hot springs after 3 0 1 1 all right I'm gonna pull the car Pete or at a low power setting coming through the clouds don't want car vice to form that's one minute I'm going to continue outbound on this heading for just a little bit until I get down to 4200 feet and I'm gonna start my turn to the left we're gonna go to a heading of 0 for 4 2277 contact that's us 1 3 2 point 4 - okay Hong 5 0 power pressure maintain fourth up to make our left turn here how many good and hot dogs do when you go to make your east and turn they're gonna have a small pocket of moderate precipitation along your route it needs a deviation close enough canoeing the descent here down to 4200 feet we're going to start leveling off at power and start the timer I'll make sure I take my time you get well established no need to rush flying I thought if there's one thing you really don't want to screw up is the approach I guess even more so don't screw up the missed approach if you have to go missed what frequent do that pretty long 26.1 a perfect if not that one okay all right heading up to 44 or 2 to 4 there's a one-minute begin our right-hand turn standard rate we're going to keep the wall centered on the turn coordinator I want to put the wing tip on this second line here and that's a standard rate turn keep the airplane level they'll climb they'll descent maintain 4200 so we are established on the localizer a Bravo apologize to maintain 3,500 look at good 80 knots billet 4,200 coming around all my instruments agree or the when I am doing yes that's the closest Athens the amount I believe alright still at 4200 and we're gonna level off roll out of the turn I'm having a 2 for 2 to 4 rather I 139 do the mine mr. Rogers use hot springs up senator three do one huh eight zero nine nine one change device will get you approved for k-state typewriters three feet in the air all the ground pains or vice versa proof okay switch to adviser AG are not idling are maintaining a heading of two four four until we see this eye let's start creeping in hey there it is it's starting to come in and here comes a glide slope so technically established so we can take her down to 3100 and turn to runway heading which is two six Niner all right boost Cal caught up gas while the fullest tank other carriages down mixture easing it to rich prop power is set when I want it the straps were strapped in and flaps will start pulling claps when I write the light heart alright I get down to 3,100 till we before we get to Finch the localizer is coming in the presenter Skyhawk aids $0.99 one left hands lie apart but and constant sang out time is 12 times if epicenter Skyhawk 8:09 nine one we broke out on the ILS camp Alaia park okay zero nine on one Roger I park in San Cisco ba14 specific tippers I have a good one thank you squawk VFR exchange brief dates here or not that one thank you therefore being a traffic Skyhawk 8:05 9 1 3200 we're on the ILS runway two-seven about seven miles out for a full stop there we go it's not all too often that I have to do a full procedure turn to execute an approach but it's a good practice to do it every now and then Memphis Center couldn't vector me for the approach so it was up to me to line myself up even though I broke out of the basis of the clouds as I intercepted the final approach course it was still a good refresher in practice to execute the approach not to mention shooting approaches is kind of fun too last time I was at this Airport I was picking up nine nine one after it got a full repaint so I have fond memories related with this airport I was scheduled to drop the airplane off this morning for some scheduled touch-ups on the new paint so I'll be leaving the bird here in the hands of the experts and minha aircraft painting for a few days my dad and I have sunk a lot of time and effort into this sky Hawk and even though it's just a little foreplay stranor we loved this airplane to death and we plan to keep it for as long as we can and as long as it's in our hands we want to keep it looking brand new you
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 68,027
Rating: 4.952487 out of 5
Keywords: cessna, 172, skyhawk, audio, intercom, cockpit, gopro, hero, black, edition, flying, ifr, clouds, rain, general, aviation, flight, thunder, storms, imc, full procedure, ils, flight vlog
Id: 3M4ND3Tl7pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2016
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