Famous Rappers On Why Eminem Is The Greatest Of All Time

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50 cent mentioning him being a great friend reminded me of the song "Best Friend" the Eminem/Yelawolf colab. Also check out the second song, if rap is your thing:



👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AnonymousAutonomous 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
I don't have the accolades to connect to the performance of my music I don't have the trophies that match how big the actual records are the one Grammy I have is for crack a bottle I couldn't even have that without him you know that's why I have so much value for him not just in my in my career just in my life because he's a guy that one of my best friends because I can trust that he's gonna be honest with it's constructive criticism when it's time to listen to the music before it goes out he's the only person that did things that wanted to do he had the Marshall Mathers LP with 23 million records so with flags all around actual the plaque and I was like y'all want that I want that kind of success I know I had to go toward the door to get it cuz I'm not MC hip-hop is black music without question and unfortunately for some people is tough to accept you got a white artist that does it better than black artists is what it is you know and you could put either one you get whatever you feel like is the best black artist and stand up face to face in the room with him and he'll eat that alive right now if you hadn't prepared themselves and whatever way they would have to prepare themselves to come to battle and I bet you I bet what I have everything I did that meatloaf we put you right there and and and any other competition that we would put these artists in he's obviously surpassed them you know this points that they'll match like M&J appoint status live nation because he saw was touring career to Live Nation they got to keep him hard enough to go get their money back so they matched him I would even put them together cuz he got momentum connected to his relationship with Beyonce and this record with Alicia it makes sense it makes sense today is the Detroit New York show but it only makes sense to me because of business it makes sense because and so like 60 million records more than you put in there like the equals it's tough for me to say somebody sound like a hater but I don't care have you heard any of Eminem's new project I'm a fan a man in my love you know we already know man you're the baddest white rapper to ever live dog right and great white American oh yeah man you know what I believe he's a [ __ ] now so we I think we drafted here I think we drafted him he's a [ __ ] now we dress it we gave up who do we give up for him who did you write [ __ ] did we give up for him and then we gave up somebody not Michael Rapaport which black person did we sell to the white folks yes get a get a biscuit get yeah we will take him anew what's Morissette Michelle bye-bye-bye we get rid of - we got - that's a - - wait right there - [ __ ] for Eminem I mean Eminem is Eminem he's if you notice in hip-hop Eminem is the only rapper that that nobody ever wants a problem with including myself man Eminem is like the most lyrically insane even when I was going at 50 and you know and you know me and Dre wasn't seeing eye-to-eye man I stayed away from the white dude you know because he a problem yeah I'm saying I understand it you know I'm saying like Eminem I don't think it's a rapper he won't slay and you don't even want a war with him an Emmy you know he crazy he was talking about how he was gonna pick fights if he were to come at you with like a industry beef what would you have done run yeah Eminem is you don't want you don't understand I'm like I'm down I'm a hip-hop artist and I'm one of the biggest ones in the world you don't want a beef with Eminem he shreds he shreds him seeds like for real and I ain't his best friend and nothing I'm just saying I understand that he you know he can't be seen by nobody J know everybody know you know you don't mess with the white boy CM n is more of a lower assistant on rap to me and you know like some of the people you just named like on face face is more like he became a little sis Nami nas is more of a street rapper he's 11 sis Eminem no speak on like a lot of street [ __ ] he there was no personal [ __ ] to happen song or what I'm amazed a.m. is is his his own okay it's right in front there was no people this guy might have brought looks human writing music I was born and I feel with the talents that he had if he would have been black he would have been just as good you know I mean because you know you know some black rappers they got gimmicks woman and get me could get him over more than a rap Namie Em's lyrics speak for itself so if he woulda came you know maybe he wouldn't have sold as many records as he sells but I think he would have still been nasty black 57 no white trash [ __ ] I don't care about the team of the track I just wish it would be more stuff like staying or you know I don't fit him that's not him he's the only one who can dress as a clown with all the respect right and it fits him good you know I'm saying I miss a bit smokey eye mr. Slick Rick I miss a crown in hip hop a serious crime in hip hopera I just wish he would stick to this instead of doing some you know d12 for me that doesn't fit you know i mean the the d12 thing that's that's like you know i look at that like you know that's his crew and he fought them in the door what I mean I mean came in the door with them and stood there with them you know I mean and you know that's people and to me it's like he get a chance to do music that he wouldn't normally do is swim shadier I'm in there you know me but um see it's like like myself man I got I got a love for I got a love of dedication man I mean because even even myself I fight a fight I fight that battle to try to stay dedicated to what I want to saw to be dedicated in office if it's sports of his if it's music if there's anything that when I see somebody that's dedicated a song I mean I my heart go out Swansea because it's hard to stay focused man that a case in there and got dedication bro ok got dedication man you can hit those music he's dedicated to what he do and with me and my brother Chris calico on it already and sending our verses to em and hearing him say man calico killed it you guys killed it that's like the best rapper telling you that man so your head is already inflating like y'all was dancing in the studio back to you b1 name it was like I was it was validation now keep in mind that we already knew that we were MCS you know we always known that we just murdering everybody for real lyrically but to hear it from the guy that murders everything you know sin is a smiley thing you know those sizzling is a it's a happiest thing you see that that's why we got first one we did a song called renegade yeah and uh [Applause] and it was really good it was really really good what the the tour is a really good song you become friends yeah it's a it's it's just two dates so far as we know now in September it yeah I wanted to try on in New York which is great you know for you know Detroit and everything everything that's going on yes it's a lot of dress because I'm gonna be hot yeah and why has what happens you guys done something like this earlier M is a notorious notorious non tora notorious non tour oh that's a little bit of wordplay isn't it kuqali is he his name is Marshall I didn't want to call him I didn't know what to call him yeah we call them em I know I know I know but what would I have should I have called him anything in [Applause] [Music] see like I can just call you j MJ ya MJ yeah now tell me that we didn't even think about that what's that to play on MJ like right at his basketball player who played a game oh um what's it like to be invited to be on a tool with him and what's it like to tour Australia with him and be I guess friends with Eminem well uh man for me I'm sure for him too but I speak for myself I'm such it he was eminent fan especially from from his first three albums I was like all the way in yeah I mean I'm still all the way in because he's still amazing but you know that was a point in my life or a very pivotal point in my rap career my rap my first song I ever made was literally just biting Eminem and knives yeah you know what I mean if you don't listen you were here both influences and I feel like when you when you start rapping in the beginning you really just take all your influences yeah and and you just wrapped like them but so eventually you become who you are from audiences yeah Eminem was a main ingredient so to now be on tour him years later they invite us out as like there's a crazy feeling I mean I don't know I was uh I respect Eminem I highly respect him I know like even when we when he first came out we did a record we was going back-to-back you know and it just shows me that you know I did my job put it that way you know I might not appeal to certain amount of audience over here but I do appeal to key to key people in the game like Eminem and Ludacris and they say I'm their favorite rapper and they career is still going on you know they thought they followed my pattern or they listened to me and in any way they was influenced by me or whatever their career is still going on as Moses you know I'm Toma so I appreciate you know Eminem even ranking me to that level because I highly respect Jay big en all of them um for him to say I mean I rel I cuz I say Eminem is in that realm to like I rank him up there with jay-z big in Oz I said that in the major interviews so for me and him to feel the same way it's just a level of respect that we both did I think in the game and uh and and and we take this hip-hop culture serious you know we're not going by how many spins we got on the air or we're not appealing to the new audience we're not grown by that we're going by how long our longevity what we did in the game our cornerstone how did we hold our cornerstone of the rap game down and that's they've been proof right there big up to him I would say it's not rap it's not rat it'sit's uh it's it's a lifestyle as a culture and it's more it's it's for everybody now you know what I mean I feel like back in the day more rap was just for a certain type of person you had to go through certain things you have to know certain words and criteria to be in the rap scene was it originally black yes now it's everybody's everything yeah yeah there's a lot of there's this book man one of the greatest rappers is Eminem and he's white you know what I mean yeah he is right he's like um I mean we went out on a women just put the put it in the air and you know that it would be greatest and would collaborate with us for Pink Friday and I didn't think it was gonna happen I mean I I got I remember we kept talking about it and I kept thinking I really was saying I don't know it's not to happen but you know it doesn't hurt so I sent him one record and he didn't love it and no no because he didn't say you know artists talk to artists differently he didn't say I didn't love it but he just said um could you send me something that's a little bit more me so I understood that because I'm an artist and I've had to say the same thing to people saw it so I remember I sent an email back I said you know I I want to thank him just for saying that just for having enough respect some people like you'll send them and you don't you'll you'll be interview ask them you know they would work with you and sometimes they won't even respond or say anything so it like with em he had the respect at least to treat me like a peer and say you know what it's I think it's dope but I don't think it's me and I could I just like I respect that so much I don't think nas is bigger than him you know obviously Eminem is the biggest rapper of all time statistically you know that I'm saying Eminem is like definitely some of my records but as far as artistry and impact on the culture I think they're in the same category nice Eminem jay-z biggie partial media that uh you try to sound like Eminem and I love the influence of yours is that a compliment or insult because no I want to be considered yeah I've got take it as a compliment because I'm a student at a game first before I jump to any type of booth you don't say I know my history well no from em you know mountains Tupac albums to train to snoop so you know they hear elements and different pieces like that and you know so because is you know one of the greatest of all time and nobody can take that from I can't take it new artists can't take it no nothing that boring wordplay is out of this world excluding effect or whatever racial color hip-hop is hit by Bernie got it you
Channel: Eminem Central Music
Views: 6,751,664
Rating: 4.8550062 out of 5
Keywords: Famous Rappers On Why Eminem Is The Greatest Of All Time, eminem live 2018, eminem mgk diss, eminem caterpillar, eminem coachella 2018, eminem 2018, celebrities reactions to eminem, killshot, eminem
Id: wSL-rpp_SLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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