Eminem's Philosophy on Diss-Tracks | Full Interview | Friday Night With Jonathan Ross

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oh great to have you here thank you for joining us happy to be here okay now should I call you Eminem or Marshall or slim what do you like to be called I mean there's none Marshall every name is the most a little much you can call me now where have you been what have you been doing it's been what is it been four years five years since the last album and now you've got two unreal EPS coming out but it's been a long period this was a deliberate step away from things I guess yeah I wanted to pull back from the spotlight for a little while you know just I guess kind of reassess my whole career you don't I mean that I ended up in rehab in 2005 and you know just kind of wanted to like I was trying to figure out where I was going you're gonna mean like where I was going in my personal life and career-wise and everything like where I was what I was gonna do so I kind of wanted to I knew that I still wanted to I knew I wanted to take a break from the spotlight but at the same time I still wanted to do music you know cuz I'd go crazy if I didn't do music you know I guess you were still creating music lightening music in that period even if you were policing it yeah I was I was writing music too but I don't know I kind of took the producers room even more so and you know stepped away from the mic even though I mean I was I was still right now still making songs but it just wasn't I wasn't making anything that I felt like was good enough to put out at that time and so and then and then what happened it just clicked again oh you just thought the time was right well I got sober for first of all you're gonna mean so I had it how quick he was up he was that difficult journey was that a tough thing to do oh yeah definitely it was pretty rough you know there were a couple of years who were pretty pretty bad for me but you know I'm little over a year sober now so I'm welcome Gretchen happy yeah okay I've got I've been ugly I've got the new album yet it's not quite out yet I've been given a few tracks I've been enjoying them very much they're great from the singles terrific but I love you know I'm a bigger Mario I think you're just such a talented why that what was the song you did about performing that was an eight-mile lose yourself yeah that's got some of the best things just such an incredible captures the kind of the fear of performing and the needs of a form and the design I just thought that was a remarkable piece of work if you weren't doing now if you weren't whining where would you be were you writing beforehand was it rap that got you into writing the first place or were you already expressing yourself in that way no I mean I didn't I didn't actually like start right it was definitely hip-hop you know I didn't know I didn't pick up a pen and realize that I could write anything until you know rap got me into doing that you know I mean I heard ice-t reckless was one of the first songs I ever heard once I heard Run DMC LL Cool J I was like this is what I want this is the first way for the big rappers this is really that one big see those because did you like a Houdini and those guys as well oh yeah The Fat Boys remember The Fat Boys yeah buddy oh you could do you let me write something and I'm sure people who rap Garces how do you sing ever say you at home and the mood takes you well because in your rapping it's wrapping it's kind of talk to you if you're in the shower a little bit of Frank Sinatra baby yeah a lot of Frank Sinatra really you got a good voice no I mean I I sing on my records I can't really I'm not a singer but it's not singing singing it's not like oh the summer breeze you know that is officially singing what regardless of what you think but you ever get tempted to cut loose on a record I mean I've done some things you know here and there like as far as like singing but you know I'll tell the world I can't sing that's not mine you don't I mean what I feel like my forte is but I do you know some hooks if you listen to him this nobody's in them yeah there's a melody well the way you use the voice is melodic as well yeah as long as you can hold a key you know I mean or a note or whatever like you can do it yeah I guess okay well he's I try how was it when you were starting out because I know when before you came along there was only one rap white rap I was familiar with and that was vanilla ice okay he was great he was a Miss amazing Vaughn Winkle or something no believe it or not believe it or not I interviewed him years ago and I quite liked him he was a nice guy however he was kind of it was a kind of a bit of a novelty act really oh you came along and it's obviously it's the real thing but did you encounter that kind of prejudice did you encounter that attitude early on people saying he can't do it because he's a white guy and it's his essentially black of a music I mean yeah early on I went through like quite a bit of that but I mean I think that at the end of the day I guess if you as long as you if your heart is in it and you you know you just keep persevering you know you're gonna break through I mean I don't know I I mean it was it was certainly it wasn't easy you don't I mean but I just I kept at it you know I got booed off stage it was you know many times like you know as I did in the movie like certain you know how long did it take you think before you got good enough I think okay this is working it how many times we did you have bad onstage experiences maybe a couple very awesome okay let me talk about your new single because you know what I love about your work and I'm sure many food news is there's a sense of human it's funny a lot of the time it's funny not always sometimes it's dark and you know other things but sometimes he's very funny the new single he's very funny and it you have a firm grasp of popular culture you kind of I think the word that young people use is this you dish some people in the new single some yeah now do you have any feedback you ever meet those people you never contact you and it you know what they think about it or no I mean here's the thing this is this is the kind of the way that I see the way that I've always said it is it's kind of like these aren't personal attacks on people these I've never met these people you don't I mean so these aren't like personal attacks on their character or anything like that you know it's kind of like it's kind of like picking names out of a hat and if your name rhymes with something good or if you're you know a pop figure you know what I mean like in this world like now in a man sooner you do it Jessica Simpson and Sarah Palin I guess she's but you can see why if you do say we're planning people might think oh he wants to make a statement about soap alien or Merc and probably I want to nail it but if anyone's good on it you got a good chance hey you're looking at good shape I'll one of the rumors I heard that went your way that you'd balloon up but you'd got really big did you put on a lot of weight did you f weren't quite a few clowns had chunky do you get I think I probably tipped the scales a little over 200 almost it's just this was just eating everything it was eating it was taking pills that I had no business taking you know I mean doing things that I just wasn't taking care of myself one taking care of my body I kind of felt like I mean it was you know like every times I wanted to just give it up you know I mean it was you know I was in a pretty dark place keeping shut Elise now you must be working out a lot I guess and you're keeping you got a fitness regime you stick to yeah I run a lot I run quite a bit I get up in the morning I was running twice a day for a little while and how far do you want when you say well it's a half an hour ten minutes what is it I was running I was I was there was one point where I was running like it was a little too much it was a little extreme it was a total of 17 miles you know that so that's you filling the gap you had in your life when you've given up the other stuff in there it's kind of addictive yeah it's gotta go from one addiction to the next Naumann addict you know what I mean so I'm I guess it extremists like one extreme to the next well now am i why I'm thinking one of the things you did you two right now and I'm very excited bout this is American comic books oh yeah I kind of I had that hobby when I was a kid like I used to collect comics a lot and I kind of I guess it when i as i started to get sober I kind of like fell back in love with you know comic books again like oh this is dope why did I ever leave this alone there you go there's Eminem on the cover of the Punisher one of the punishments at least one that's gotta be you've got to know you've arrived when you're on the cover of The Punisher oh yeah that's how you know you made it yeah the happy weighing in that particular session so these ready looks rather like my wife has someone that she wears in the shower sometimes giving but you do like the headgear don't you yeah I do yeah and what's the name of the guys you perform with the group d12 d12 now here's a photograph they all look very splendid but the fella to the bottom line he appears to be wearing his grandmother's shower cap do you have any is there any quality control that goes on with the gang around you Dee when they come in they file in do you ever say good good good oh absolutely not or you just didn't come as it and fall as it does no when he put that thing on I was like good good good great it's a it's it's a ball look there's no two ways about it good are you gonna come by can you do some more tours um I haven't got that far as far as like touring I even like got that far today to really figure it out yet I haven't got that part figured out so I'm kind of you know I'm kind of a new album cycle right now promoting and things like that but we'll see how it goes do you have any need this evening over a human big box maybe we should just do the whole thing acapella and you should beatbox innocence you might be we want to beat out the mister I am old school I'm old school really old school I'm so old school I don't even know what old school [Music] me neither it's hard to Buster one to Buster women keeping time it's tricky tricky tricky and I can do it Wow [Music]
Channel: Friday Night With Jonathan Ross
Views: 4,319,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: british talk show, british tv, jonathan ross interviews, jonathan ross funny moments, the jonathan ross show, Chat show, comedy, friday night with jonathan ross, eminem, 8 mile, D12, Royce Da 5'9, film producer, and actor, American rapper, songwriter, record producer, record executive, Marshall Bruce Mathers, Revival and Kamikaze, infinite, Mekhi Phifer, rapper, hiphop
Id: bVnOGYiPj2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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