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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you in for today's video we have the generation 8 themed teams I'm so hyped about this I've been looking for it all week to do this if you're hype drop a like on the video now tonight we're going to be doing a final evolution scene for generation 8 now what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be throwing three of the novel's and three of the shinies and obviously all the sets are going to be different as usual in the RPM I think is if you are new to this make sure you check me out on Twitter patreon and twitch that's where I do all my other stuff a very important stuff there and let's get into it so I've got two battles today this one is going to miss them mysterious if you want to check me out and discord that's where I do all my battles and that's where I'm taking these battles as well at a random time every day okay so we've got a some new assets in this video I'll explain there I go and are hopefully guys that will like them so we've got in our extended sort of gameplay here this time we've got the layouts actually coming over the top this time something a little bit different we thought to actually give a little bit more um you know room for actual gameplay rather than being cramped in a small space now I did actually think about doing the cuts after every turn but it's sort of like it didn't really flow very well and that Plus this way and actually can tell you what I'm doing in between my turns and what I'm thinking alright so we've got a big colossal enemy at the moment but it's not going to be very colossal after that earthquake it's giving us an early lead now this is a very physical real of boom here we've got solar blade sunny day earthquake and facade so you can get that sunny day up then you can go for the big solar blade obviously you've got some earthquakes for any fire type Pokemon and if you get burned you can go for a site and also I know sunny day well that sets the Sun up alright so now we've got our meta coming in it which is the Korver night now corporate it's going to cause me a lot of problems because you know solar blase not very effective earthquakes not very effective and facade so this thing is really gonna be bad so I'm looking through my team I think okay well my other rillo booms not going to do too well you know should I swap into my aunt Ellie on should I go into my sin days I've got a couple of meme sets in this one and I've got a couple of our you know a little bit more stronger sets too now some of the battles that I had they were pretty one-sided then someone who were like what they weren't one-sided like I come across some movies and stuff so I decided to go for the sunny day and said I didn't really want to swap anything into Korver night I'm guessing like a brave Berbers coming away or something along those lines all right so now we've got a home clause that setting up home clause on my swap there now I will say I actually have our little friends popping up there sometimes that won't be a thing in the next battle I've turned off all my notifications I didn't realize that what happened okay I so what should I do it's like it's got a plus-one at now what should I sack my ruler boom like what should I do I so I just go for solar Bay to get some damage on it if I went for a bird then it would get some recall damage in here that would be better than nothing right so while going for solar blade there solavei looks really cool it sort of looks like it did in Gen 7 but like super super like more HD I'm really loving the crowds and everything that the crowds actually move and you know the stadiums all shows all right so we've got a rare brave bird there and a man my real a boom gets real erect and that one is gonna go down now I've got to go strategy to take this up met a Pokemon out and I see okay send race is pretty good because if you remember I deliberately put the Sun up but not only to put the Sun up for the solar white actually put it off my next incoming pokéblock so now we're going to go into cinder race now let me bring up on my switch what set this actually was ah this was the probably the best set on my team it was a little bit of me but actually worked really well so I've got counter protect a reversal and parable parable is a very very strong attack max attack and max speed so I was thinking okay let's go for County er what I want to do is I want to get myself on one HP I'm not trying to plug a murderer actually want to get myself on one HP but merchants in description so I've got I can't to protect a reversal right so what I want to do right is I want to go for counter I want to get myself a one health council actually take out the opposing Pokemon as well and then I'll be on one health of able to fire off those really powerful reversals so reversal is also based on your health so the lower the health and more powerful it is right so we got the korbinite going down there a lot of people actually had korbinite on their team too which is you know pretty oh the question of the day are what yeah what does started you like the best or the final evolution after seeing all three evolutions what one did you like the best and why any feedback on the video as well if you're liking the new your little sort of like it's a little bit more simple than the other layer but it's a lot cleaner and a lot easy to see so just give me some my feedback on there if you like it and stuff like that very much appreciate that like you know always take you guys you know thoughts into account there and we've also got the ax fainted as well I know you guys like clearly liked it to say fainted as well so we kept that we sort of shrunk it down a little bit because it's out of the battle now all right so we've got the Scotty getting shrek by that our reversal there which was really really good now the thing about pourable it does have a chance of missing so say if I was you know if I was dressing that scruffy right where for the pyro board a Miss then I could have easily gone down then so reversal was really really good I do like this um I do like this I think about going for that the counter probably not straight away but in that case I did go for it cuz I wanted to get there real slimy alright so we got the had it had a read it now you guys are gonna probably roast me for it the rest of the year for me you know pronouncing these names wrong but I'll do my paragraphs we got the Henry coming in and of course we were talking about pyrovile missing and I got rekt by magical leaf which was a a very magical experience so down goes my are that are cinder syndrome I nearly called that cinder roar then cinder ace I had a Mick nose as its new Pokemon that's in sinner or and cinder races at the same time man I'll make it up new gen9 Pokemon already it's only the first battle alright so now we're gonna go into in tele on so this Intel Leon and out of I must say out of all the Pokemon our last final evolutions this isn't my favorite shiny like it's the coolest looking shiny out of all I don't know about I've sinned race I'm sort of on the fence about that one how it looks what do you guys think Jim which shiny do you like it out of all three is well alright so we're gonna be running our feels that going for that are banded you turn there so this set I'll probably I'll explain in a little bit as we gonna go back into the other sinned race we got now this sinned race is a special one I'm gonna be running a focus energy mud shot overheat and electro ball set since it's a fairly fast Pokemon I thought I could you know make use that alright so how do run is gonna give me a little kiss there and it's gonna heal a little bit of hole off this thing is actually very bulky on the special side so I was thinking I need to get like definitely critical it with this one so I throw use focus energy right and I've got the scope lenses the item I'll be 100% critic every time so I'll be able to bypass the you know the special attack drops of the overheat so we're gonna get our pump they're getting real pumped up and now how to ring is gonna go for the psychic here on my sin trace that does a lot of damage I'm actually able to live that one which is really really good there so now I could go for a overheat or electro ball I've got to go for overheat because that's my most powerful attack this thing has got like big big going you know special defense to now primary this pokemon is a physical attacker I just want to make a special say you know you know how I am if you are usually the channel I do like to make different sort of set you know I normally try to steer clear of mainstream sets and make up sort of like like my own words alright so we got the Hat irini hats off to Hannah Rainey it's gonna go down there and we've got a nice sizable lead at the you know at this point in time so the sunlight also actually helped them to like hide that boost from the crit I had the Sun up at the same time too which is really really good so we've got four Pokemon arm you know two in my team and we've got two more Pokemon to deal with so they're sort of like thinking what do they the best pokemon to come out against this and of course we got an intelligence so we've got some starter versus starter actually yeah most people had starters in their team which we go which is understandable you know they want to breed up their starter and stuff like that so I was thinking okay well the problem about this one is electro boss is going to be super effective but even though faster intelligent is actually a fast Pokemon too so even with the critically it doesn't take it out because it's quite fast if it was a slower Pokemon I would have had like no worries at all and now until it's gonna go for the Shadow Ball sonic looks really cool too it's like it's slower but it's like super like more like HD okay so my second send race is down but I still got my intel on that and I've still got I've got two Intelli ons and a real a boom left so things are still pretty good so I've got two speedy Pokemon and that real a boon that other one is like more of like a like a super tank we'll get to that one in a second anyway you guys got to see like what what my moves are and is this sort of thing to do you like being able to see like what my moves are in between the battles in like how I'm feeling like I don't know like this let me know I can eat I could easily cut out stuff in between but I don't know like it's really gonna be up to what you people think like I'll keep her like this if you think this is good I'll keep like this okay so thinking in watch oh dude let's go for you to know I've got the choice bands it should be enough to take it out and that was Karm or a right taking my pokemon out now it doesn't have a very good defenses so i thought i do make use of that too I'm not going for like a um I couldn't go for a liquidation but if it live for some bad reason you know that wouldn't have been good so now we're gonna go back into what we're gonna go into real abou haven't been back into it and this big boy is it looks pretty cool a shiny sort of actually how I know how I thought it would be like okay what would you call that like a dark east sort of yellow weak like a greeny yellow kind of color I don't know what you call that anyway so now we got we got top tricity coming here this poco I did a sweep of this Pokemon it so it's pretty cool and it's gonna definitely be going for stuff like boom bursts and things are data thar it's a very very decent poke but it's speed however isn't it yeah it's not that great shape so I can go for a bordo see this is more of a support rail of boom let me tell you what this is a very very tanky we've got on this one let me just bring enough on my switch we've got a drain punch drum beating you turn and bulldoze so I've got soot sort of like support moose there that still it really hard to bulldoze and drum beating I can get like a speed drop for them also but you turn to get out of a battle if I need to that also works in the Intel in with a little bit of scouting and I've got drain punch as well for a little bit of sustain against some steel types okay so we got a do the bigger the big toss tricity he's eating he's eating a couple of cans of weet-bix and he's gonna be a grown really big so now we got this I think that's like um I think that's been a shock and yeah after using our Max and Max toxin boost right I think that's what it was called it actually gets a special attack rays it's gonna take me a while to get all these names right people so just bear with me you know for a couple of weeks and that sort of thing okay so now we're gonna go for another board oh it's super effective but as isn't enough they could add the good thing is is actually dropping its speed so it's not gonna be very very fast here max is my problem okay I'm my bad so we're gonna go for another I actually went for another Bordeaux's but I didn't think I'd be able to live that one and I don't so down goes my real a boom now this thing has got two special attack please the only good thing is I've got a intelligent ball I can tell it on times to to come in and take this thing out so you may have noticed right you may have noticed I had to bring one mean people had to bring run wheels like salt II mean this one has got the move metronome so I was like okay I'm gonna out speed this can I take this out with a metronome still got one entirely on like can we take this out with a metro it will be awesome so we've got snapshot where the ball in there / yes / won't take it out so I went for the metro man hope for a tacky room just as far as like is this gonna work and I get boom fest what were the chances of me getting a sound bass with this Pokemon uses all the time I can't believe that and my friends that is the first battle hope you had to find that thank you for the battle mr. mysterious I'd be solely to about me getting our boobas that was crazy alright let's get into the second battle this one was against inactive on my discord once again you guys know our discord is link is in the description I need to get one of those you know I need to change my card thingy - I've still got that basic sword and shield background I think you just picked them in the game okay so firstly we've got a blue bed which is Corvin right so a lot of people like Corvin art I see it like all the time in the battles that I've done online okay so anyway we've got a ruler boom lady I like to relieve with my real a boom like my sweep in mine but I'm fortunate I had this same sort of matchup against Corbin I was like yeah I can't do anything guess this thing like should I swap then I was thinking maybe I should have gone to my center ice like straight away activate my focus ash and then I could go for like a full powered reversal there nice thinking maybe it won't actually take me down to my sash you may sort of like put me into odd health range with a bugger in the end let's risk it I can easily swap in then go for a five time move anyway you know if all stuff goes back so now we're gonna go into the sim grace er I think I've explained on my Pokemon anyway so we got a whole claw so they are way for the home clause like okay that's fine I could pretty much do a pyro ball here or go for a full counter to take out the core I'd sort of like beige our booth alone I actually need a drink okay and a nice drink there that's a good thing I can take a little break and take a tiny drink break when I'm actually are picking my moves or waiting for the opponent actually make news all right so we've got a brave bird here brave brave looks really cool sort of stays true to its animation - and it doesn't take me down to my stash it was very very close there I'm gonna go for the counter kick that bird in the head and that one is gonna go them actually kicking that would actually really hurt because that birds made out of steel okay so we've got the early lead here which is good one of my Pokemon is down low health but that doesn't really matter too much now the next poker we're coming out is the arcanine so my extreme speed detectors would just know what they were going off I was like okay I'm just gonna see if they do have it I do have protect on the set because with a counter set or if in a mirror coat set you're always running around protect right because you want to scout out the move you don't want to like and stuff like fake out that's also really bad too I'm those time to move so you want to scout out the Moose and make sure like you're gonna make doubly sure you know that counter is gonna work obviously in this case I wouldn't news account I'm sort of just explaining like if they say I had full health right and I was bursting these are kind that would do sudden like leave the option to take that okay so go from protect err sorry out to sort of like explain myself a I go for a tech and the are corrode obviously is gonna go go for the extreme speed which I thought it would like it was sort of an obvious play there but they could have gone for a flare blitz on the swap which would have been really bad I probably would have gone into my I could have gone into my real a boom here expecting that like the worst-case scenario would be there is it loses a lot of health from flare video assuming that it's got so I can't do much it's it's got the extremes it at I'm actually sort of stopped because I've got a real a boom my bulky want or take a lot of damage I've got cinder ace you know I've gotten tally on like but they're gonna still like they're gonna get hit really hard because that's on a bulky pug quad um either a might really don't want to blackburn this off like i was seeking like which pokemon here is sort of like me oh my disposal one as you can see - it actually reminds you after you've got like half a minute to go it's only 30 seconds left and stuff like that so it does give you a little reminder okay so i finally decided to go into centre a say it's going to go for the crunch crunch doing a lot of damage and then it drops my defense is like that's not good cuz the next one's probably going to take me out and it's got a life orb at the same time so this there's no way i'm going to outlive the next one so i thought okay I've just got to attack get some sort of like damage off of the thing you know off of this thing and take it out right also we didn't want to say there's nothing I want to say there's only 20 minute limit on these battles - so if anyone's you it hasn't seen my channel for hasn't seen these wiper battles we only had 20 minutes to battle and that's sort of well so that's not very long like when you think about literally 20 minutes so and he sort of stalling strategies yeah that they spend up most of the bow so you probably see less stall in my videos now max you need to go for less stalling sort of battles okay so instead of going Froyo like Oh like this the neutral move it just went straight up for the flare bit and our body to my center I send races and defenses aren't too hot either so a pardon the pun and go down there so take it a little bit of recoil damage and it's got the light bulb so since this thing has both of them it's not gonna be around for too long so I've got my sind race on seven health which I can't swap him I've got my intelligent and I've got my other and telly on I thought okay I can't swap in real a boom because it'll body it with the flare bit so even if I got into an telling here right they could go for the extreme speed sure I'll lose a bit of danger but I'll be able to take that because this pokemon is actually a pretty big threat to my team like when I'm looking at like both my real brooms are gonna get wrecked by it even sind race is gonna take a lot of damage just like it was not very effective you guys got said then okay so now we got it with unfortunate to go for extreme speakers and tell her it's a very fast pokemon and you know you only had like a week move it still does like half my health time alright so going James bond-style on this stock ID and that is gonna go down that's so good what's up a base off isn't it okay so we've got the arcanine out of the picture finally and I thought that took a bit of work to get that one out the way okay so I was thinking what are they gonna bring next in all so when you um see the teams at the start you can obviously can still see your opponent's team and stuff like that if you're wondering try think of anything else new not really but the Aztecs have beautiful MIFA battles also the stadiums do swap around all the time so it's really really cool all right so now we've got our I cut veggies coming up guys where do you cut veggies you get a board you go chop chop chop chop and choppity chopping that's it that's how you carve a geez that pit mutts cooking show guys here you go this is how you learn cooking alright so I can go for an air slash here I could I could miss there that's the only problem sort of that thinking or I could get a flim show there's a good and there's a bad right so go for that Filipe set man there's air slash just came out of my finger I just did like I just did like a if you guys haven't watched the anime are my hero Academy it's like that it's like meteora doing is I'm your little or mite thing with this finger anyway so I live on poor health right this thing that definitely doesn't have any sort of like priority other than like like a shadow snake or something like that I was thinking a little bit should I should I swap out no what should I do here should I go back in maybe God - real a boom and tank it if it does have it decide to stand and go for another snapshot and Gallade is gonna go down so that's pretty good now I do ever send a race on only what like a little bit of health and this is only a little bit of health too so even though I've got more Pokemon that could change very very fast if something comes along able to tank that moves and just you know take me out it's not gonna take much okay so we've got three Pokemon down which is really good and we've only lost one now the next Pokemon coming in of course of course this Pokemon is on so many teams are tops Kristi so I could go for a snapshot I was like well snapshots gonna do a lot of damage this thing this thing isn't really bulky at all maybe they've got a item to prevent it from getting cured anyway so I go for that snipe felt there and this snipe shop damn it just bodies in one shot so that was really good there's like just of basically a free ko maybe they thought they'd live it like really really bad I thought it might live like you know just on a little bit of health maybe maybe one health or something like that now we've got two more Pokemon coming out here and the next one is of course a Nutella answer telling iversity to tele on there's not much I can really do here I was like let's go for Metro my I can't really do much here as I went for a sucker punch Metro counters the sucker punch to em guys look at this this is this is this is what you watch my channel 4 and I get stealth pro - can you believe that like that was - our two battles right the first one I got that um I can't believe that happen anyway so we got the first battle going amazing a metro and the second one so see ok this time they're prom and they gotta go for a sucker punch again pre-clear made you go for a you know you know like a different move this time should I go for metronome again like what should I do decided here to go for the metro and now we got it out we got a um I nearly call that digital evolution we've got Cindy it's gonna get thick actually wait Cindy's not gonna get thick Cindy's actually gonna get even they even thinner okay so it's got like there's little wings or it wickets like really big alright so we got the Dynomax cindy healed or Dynomax a children's gonna call it scene ii that's gonna be easier so Cindy's sport is about as big as my whole body we're gonna go for that Metro and we're gonna get shadow punch man shadow punch that's pretty cool that move actually never misses so only does a little bit damage and then it's got rocky helmet why does it have Rafi hell before why does that have property of it anyway so wait for a max darkness now that's one turn left so if you Dynomax in a battle ride your Giga max whatever you only get three turns to you to see when you big guys you got to make use of it I'm telling you that from some personal experience anyway so we got the syndra's coming here I'm SID race is quite a fast Pocoyo now I already know that it's got a rocky helmet so I'm gonna go rip so I thought if I go for a reversal here that should do some ok damage to it I'm gonna go down a rocky helmet but it's all cool now if this thing does have an ice type move I could be in a little bit of trouble but you know I've got to go for it this might be my most powerful move in the moment ok so that's gonna get here by the rocky helmet and see the race is gonna go down so we've got my reel of boom left and I've got I've still got a blizzard left - I'm gonna say lizard - this is like so much easier than in telling on ok so thinking here should I go to my bulky ruler boom you know what should I do here like I don't want to burn that up of the moat cuz that that could be quite handy maybe after it's finished diner maxing like at the moment it's hitting pretty hard so this is what this is what as well as thinking guys like Bhagat let's go through my own real boom and see what this is gonna do so in Tooele boom now real boom I not branch pockets got our drum beat I feel like branch pokes it off like a secondary effect like fleeting like picture this right so I've got a brand tribe and say okay let's let's go from the beginning so I cry up a tree right I grab a branch I like you know I snap in half and there's like a little knobby beard on it then I start poking poking with that branch right that that's that's what make you freak anyway so it's gonna hit me with the having those Fluttershy wouldn't whatever that moves called and that's gonna drop my special attack not that imagine and we're gonna go for the drum beating there and Cindy is gonna go down Sydney's beginning on like a very very small after that one so that was good I had a really good counter there with my are bulky relevant that had a salt fest - if you guys didn't actually notice that in my team okay they've got one more pokemon left and this pokemon wasn't very nice at all this made me very very salty and you know I was playing gen7 the last time play Jensen was like I won't have to see this pokemon for a long time you know since inner and here we go people the first battle I do a first couple of battles to do we've got the sin center and you arenot what said it's gonna run it's gonna run that scummy kings rock crap okay so we've got the big gorilla boom here it's gonna go for a rough ice like maybe they expect me to swap I'm not really sure anyway or they didn't want it like me so something like that then get all these moves canvas so I'm gonna get here two by five times in a row by the rock blast there yes you guessed I'm gonna fleet the first time okay I've got bulldoze you turn and drumming I wonder go for the bulldozer drop this thing speed right it's a very fast Pope on last couple of Pokemon probably aren't the fastest either okay so since in is doing its best to annoy me it's gonna be for rocks and the fifth rock actually takes my reel of boom out unfortunately so down goes real a boom now I can go I've got my real ability and I've got one in telangana left to so I wasn't sure if Intel and could actually take her since in around one child I knew that had a good chance obviously I knew there to be our doubts Peter I've gotten this one fell sing a liquidation icicles fear and a u-turn so I thought if I go for the I could go for liquidation I'm here and maybe take it out it I was thinking it's only gonna like probably live on a little bit of health it is a normal-type pokémon so the health isn't all that bad but I thought that that's going to be really good because I can do that and then maybe I can send my reel of boom out and take the attacks from really really well so go for that liquidation on the sin center regardless hopefully I can one-shot it there's some big damage but unfortunately and of course now it's gonna go for bullets see bullet is gonna be headed five times due to the skill and ability skill link always makes those are in multi ending moves hit five times I'm actually really light bullets he looks really cool the animation on so we got a that's a fourth bullet seed from the sin Center and down goes my intelli on and tele I'm not feeling too good after that one it's gonna mouthful of bullets okay the last paper I've got now I've got 60 seconds to move our we're gonna go into real a boom this is my physical one so it wasn't like my bulky bulky one but is it was like reasonably bulky and this one was that this is my max attack and maximum one so you may have noticed I have not Dynomax this battle what a perfect time to Dynomax that'll get make like really really bulky and health and now I can just go for a max overgrowth and take this little thing out hopefully so that was like my game plan here I knew that I could definitely tank a couple of attacks even hit me like five times there I get a flinch a couple of times I was pretty confident I could get you know one at the owning into like one attack against this thing the only problem was if it did flee to beat every single time like I feel like maybe 15 to 20 hits could actually take me out but I'd need to get like flinch like almost every single term for that Sabbath okay so now we're gonna rock bass there it doesn't really do too much damage to hotel house like would have done like a little bit more damage but not too much so I guess it really doesn't matter unless a fleet that's like though that's the main thing is this in Flint you see you sort of like God so that's going to be the fourth it and that's the fifth hit I just noticed relevant gets hit in the face there anyway I do not get flesh there and Mac's older group is going to take out sin Center finally and that my friends is the second battle hope you enjoy this it was a really fun night you're sort of like our fun experiencing generated for the first time doing my theme teams if you enjoyed it guys make sure you hit like a button and late make sure you are leave a suggestion on what team you like see all right people peace out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 130,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Starter Evolutions Sword and Shield, Final Starter Evolutions, Final Starter Evolutions Gen 8, Final Starter Evolutions In Pokemon Sword and Shield, Gen 8 Starters Evolutions, Gen 8 Starters, Pokemon Final Evolution Sword and Shield, Final Starter Evolutions Pokemon Sword, Final Starter Evolutions Pokemon Shield, Grookey Evolution, Sobble Evolution, Scorbunny Evolution, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon shield, pokemon sword, Pokemon Theme Team, PIMPNITE
Id: 6F6IjePTlOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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