Full Episode: “Meet the Singles” (Season 3 Premiere) | Ready to Love | Oprah Winfrey Network

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Lovers of love, the wait is over. Ready To Love is back. And a brand new set of sexy and powerful men and women are ready to open their hearts and get serious about romance. Somebody moved up into the top. -What? -I only want one. -Oh, good Lord. -[laughs] [Tommy] This time, we're in Hustle Town. My hometown of Houston, Texas. [all cheering] We're on top of the world. [Tommy] And romance is in the air once again, but we've got a whole bunch of curve balls to keep everyone on their toes. One of our lovely ladies will be going home at the end of this brunch. [woman] Oh, hell no. The stakes are high, and we got some jaw-dropping surprises. Thing's not gonna end the way you think. What? You'll find out who puts their heart on the line and who needs to take a seat and wait in line. Are you ready to get to know the men and women who are done playing games and ready to play for keeps? This is the Ready To Love: Casting Special. Here we go. What's up, y'all, I'm Tommy Miles, the host of Ready To Love. Before I introduce to you the eligible men and women who are ready to delete their dating profile for good, next to me is the first of those surprises I was telling you about. Someone who's perfect to help me help you understand this season's Ready To Love. My lovely and talented better half of over 30 years. The one and only Ms. Jaqueline Miles. Ms. Miles, thank you for being here. -Well, thank you for having me, baby. -Mmm-hmm. See that, "thank you for having me, baby." She told me if I don't get on this show this season, -ain't nobody gonna be loving nobody. -Nobody. [both laugh] Why do you think we work so well? We work so well because we work at working well. -Oh, we work at working well. -We work at working well. It doesn't come easy. Now, my wife, Jackie, she is a huge fan of Ready To Love. She watches every episode. -Yes. -Always asking me questions. -She is about that RTL. -I got to know. Now, what's the biggest thing that you would want to see this season? Hmm, I would want to see that couple that truly falls in love. They have that chemistry, and you know, it's like you could just see it oozing through the cameras. -Oozing. -Oozing. -That's right. -All right, all right, all right. -Yes. -I think it's time. Ms. Jackie, you want to kick this thing off? -Oh. Oh, no. You've been doing this for three seasons. -[laughs] You got that. Now, I always say, ladies first. So, ladies, get ready. Let's take a look at these desirable gods and see what's behind those amazing eyes. Here we go. My name is Joel. I'm 42 years old. I am a drilling fluids engineer. I'm ready to love because I'm a person who appreciates love, you see what I'm saying? I'm just gonna be real with you. Like, I'm here to find me an old lady. Yeah, you dig? I would describe myself as a carefree person. Sometimes people take that the wrong way, looking at you like you're nonchalant and all that. But I'm nowhere near nonchalant. I can make anybody laugh. I should have been a stand-up comedian. Like for real. But you know you only got one life to live so on to the next thing. A lot of my upbringing is self-made. All that plays a part in who I am as a person now today. So I was married. We have two beautiful children, eight-year-olds. We took a big blow when she, um, came to me one day and told me she was diagnosed with stage four cancer. Um, was given 90 days from when she told me. I know I lost a good person. I know I lost a good friend. Whatever I've learned from her, in her absence, all the good things, it's gonna make me be a better person for the next person. Because I have eight-year-old twins, a boy and a girl, single parent, I'm like daddy and mom at the same time. So for me to bring a woman around my kids, I'm all for that. I'm looking for a person who's definitely willing to love them more than she love me. I am a firm believer that love is real. I'm old-school, you dig? So I'm stuck on people like Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, Anita Baker. You know what I'm saying? But I ain't about to sit here and expire and not love nobody. I'mma die trying to love me somebody. I feel like I'm ready to love. Bring it on, you hear me? Shucks [laughs] My name is Jason. I'm 36 years old, and I am a teacher. Our youth organization's called I-AMM. And it stands for "I've yet accomplished my meaning." We've been going strong for the last eight years now [laughs]. I have played basketball pretty much my entire life. Played, high school, college, uh, semi-pro, professional. I was playing overseas, and when I came back to the States, um, I took a young lady out, and in the middle of the date she asked if I wanted to be her sugar daddy. When she asked, there was a row full of older black women behind me. They were like, "You better not do it." And I was like, "Yeah, no, that's not gonna work for me." I've had had a story where I was getting cheated on, at work. The day before I was gonna propose to her they made a group text, my co-workers, and they're talking about my girlfriend at the time, and how she's sleeping with this guy, and I confronted her about it, and her response was, "So?" I think I'm a little bit more old-school at heart. And I'm looking for consistency. A young lady that has her own goals. I am ready to love because I'm getting older and life is not getting any easier. And it'd be nice to have a companion to witness your life as you grow older. My name is Ron, I'm 40 years old. I do corporate sales, and then I own two small businesses: a small car lot, and I own an import casket company. I am ready to love because I'm like the guy that's been in college too long. What I'm doing, I know I can't do forever. I'm not gonna lie, I probably had a fear mechanism, too. I mean, marriage, in my eyes, is forever. I guess I'm more afraid of divorce than I'm afraid of marriage. I've seen my parents get divorced, and I seen it almost trample my dad, you know, financially, and even kind of mentally for a while. I seen him go through it twice. Dating in Houston is actually pretty tough. Because there's so many options, it's hard to really get somebody tied in serious, long enough to kind of weather the storm with you. Everybody kind of got one foot in, one foot out. Women in Houston, when they meet a guy like me, who's probably a little more alpha, a little more direct, has been a challenge. I think if the women are genuine, and they're really here for the right reasons, then I have a good shot, because they're gonna be forced to really get to know me, and I think that's when I present my best package. Now, baby, that's a wide variety of men right there. -But they do have one thing in common. -What's that? -They've been through some stuff. -Yeah. Well, I think they're really ready to find, like the right one. But, babe, do you think these men will be able to handle all ten women? All day, every day? I don't know, but if it was me, I'd... [stammers] If it was you, what? They just got to, take your time, see what's for you, what's not for you. See what's for you, and that's the part. -Whoo, I think I'm gonna get out of that one. -Find that one for them, yes. Okay, now you watched me do my thing. -I did. -All right, you want to kick the next one off? -Oh, sure. I think so. -Oh, you got this? -Oh, look who Hollywood now? -Yes. Ready To Love is known for having some powerhouse ladies, and this season is no exception. Take a sneak peek at the women that's gonna light up Houston this season. [laughs] -All right. [laughs] -Let's go, ladies. I'm Verneashia, 39 years old, salon owner, entrepreneur, mommy. [laughs] I'm a very, very, very proud mother of three daughters. For the majority of their life, I've raised them on my own. It hasn't been easy, but it's definitely worth the struggle and the fight. I pride myself on being a great mom. My kids are my number one priority. And I just lead by example and I want them to see me being a strong black woman so they can know that they have to grow up to be a strong black woman as well. I've been single for ten years but prior to that, for eight years, I dated a guy. He was very good to us, me and the children, and a great father, a great provider, but a habitual cheater. [laughs] Very controlling. For five years I was like a stay-at-home mom. He didn't want me to work. He wanted to make all the money, control all the money, control everything. I was just young and in love. But I just woke up one day and I was done. And I don't know what got to that mindset, but learned to co-parent. [laughs] My first thing I look for in a man is, I look at their heart. Having a man that can be their father figure, for my kids, that they need is a very important thing. Sorry. Because I have to be able to trust you, you know? Possibly meeting my husband within a few days is scary but exciting. I've been in mommy mode [giggles] for so long. I've done everything that I needed to do besides find a man. [laughs] A man that's perfect for me. My name's Chrisantheium, everyone calls me Chris. I'm 39 and I'm a flight attendant. Men are intimidated by me being a flight attendant. They think I'd have a man in every city, and I'm like, "I could, but I don't. And if you're doing what you're supposed to do, I'm not gonna need to have one in every city." I am a social butterfly. Like, I love to be out. I don't have to go out but you know, I like it. I'm single. Dating in Houston, I haven't really experienced it yet because when I do meet somebody, it's just like, "Okay, well, sorry, I ain't gonna see you for about six days." No one keeps in touch while I'm gone, and for some reason they think the phone doesn't work. It's like nobody is taking like, a relationship serious. [woman speaking] Girl, I ain't worried about that. I ain't here for the girls, but just know, girls, I will be your friend. if you wanna be friends. [laughs] But don't date my man. We can't have the same man now. I want a man that's like, he has to be like, a provider. I'm not building, like, you need to be earning to build. I'm ready to love because I want, you know, my best friend and my travel companion and somebody that's just, you know, live life with and we gonna ride that, we gonna ride till the wheels fall off. So, I-I think it's here in Houston. So, we're gonna see. Well, my name is Alexis "Fly" Jones, the one and only. I am 35 years old and I'm a local TV producer. On the street, they call my Fly. I kinda got it from my friends and they just would call me Fly 'cause they always be like "Girl, you so fly." It's based off of my style, the way that I like to dress. I was married for five years to a local pastor here in Houston, Texas. Lot of first ladies in the church feel like they are placed on the back-burner because sometimes pastors spend a lot of time making the church their wife. I had to share my husband with all these people and I didn't like it. For example, people would call in the middle of the night 'cause they needed something, you know and I'm talking about middle of the night, 2 o'clock, 1 o'clock, and going, "Oh, Pastor, I need prayer." Let me tell you something, I'm sleeping with my husband right now, you're gonna have to wait. -Wow. -Whoa. -You can't talk. -Can't talk right now. -You shouldn't be calling Jesus at that time. Yeah. -At that time, yeah. Now, don't you move, Alexis "Fly" Jones will preach to the choir when we come back. Plus the rest of our singles and more surprises from this season's all new Ready To Love, when the RTL casting special returns. I was married for five years to a local pastor here in Houston, Texas. My issue came down to being a priority. For example, people would call in the middle of the night 'cause they needed something, Let me tell you something, I'm sleeping with my husband right now, you're gonna have to wait, uh, for him to answer that prayer for you. You know what I'm saying? I do have a son. He is absolutely the love and joy of my life. He is just like me, very personable, very hyper. [laughs] I might not have a man right now, but I have a little man at home and he's the head of my house right now. And he shows it. I already asked Jett how he would feel if Mommy got remarried or had a boyfriend and he tells me, "I dunno about that, yet." Dating in Houston for me, it's like I got S, E, X written on top of my forehead. When guys approach me, it's like, "Hey, baby, you're cute, cute, you're so petite, you're a little tiny ting." But when it comes down to, uh, having a conversation about a committed relationship, their answer is always is "No." I'm trying to look for somebody who wants to treat me like a queen. I'm looking for the romance, I'm looking for The Notebook. I'm ready to compete, I'm ready to go out here and let these men know who Alexis Fly is. I don't like to go home, to my bed and sleep by myself. So, look here, I pray and hope and I am gonna be going hard in the paint as they say here in H-Town, to find the man of my dreams. -Hard in the paint? -Oh, I think it's the first time I heard -somebody saying we're going hard in the paint. -We're going hard in the paint -Looking for love. -I like her little cute style. -Little outfits. -Her hair and stuff, yeah. She had a son, I think she's ready. Okay. Let's keep this love train on the tracks. Our next two singles are very clear that they put family first. But that doesn't mean they're not Ready To Love. I'm Stacy, I'm 39 years old. I'm from Pass Christian, Mississippi. I own a small business in the insurance and financial services. I was married for over ten years. He was a professional basketball player. So, I had to give so many concessions until I looked in the mirror one day and I knew, like, this isn't happy. as much as you dress [bleep] up to look like chocolate cake, you can't fool anybody. I have three awesome kids Cameron is 19, he refused to go off to college following the divorce. He felt like the girls and I needed him and he didn't want to, like, [crying] leave us here, without him. So he is still here, he sacrificed a lot and he actually works for me. He supports my children and that's when I realized, "Hey, I got me a good squad." Dating in Houston, I found a lot of people present themselves as a lot of things that they're not. The most important thing for me in a relationship is that one person that just like, "I got you." Because right now, you know, I do everything. So, I look forward to the day that I can walk in the house and I can just take my cape off and just sink into someone's arms. I'm ready to love because it's been hard on a sistah, my kids are trying to hook me up with random TikTokers. I'm so tired of everyone trying to introduce me to their friend. And Lord knows I can't show up to Thanksgiving, uh... [laughs ruefully] ...again this year empty-handed. So, I'm ready to love because I want my partner, I'm ready to have somebody there with me. Your damsel's waiting. Come and get me. My name is Dedrick, I'm 47. I'm a private chef, most of my friends call me Chef. Or they'll call me Fresh. Because the name of my company is Fresh Cuisine. But they also say that I'm a pretty fresh guy. I've actually been married twice. I have a 26-year-old daughter and I have a 21-year-old daughter. And now I have a 3-year-old grandbaby. I'm very much still open to have other children. As a matter of fact, I really, really, really, really, want a son. If you not about having a child, we got nothing to talk about. Like, the conversation is... null and void. I've been single single about two years. Dating in Houston, it can be complicated. A lot of stuff is money-driven, instead of it being just genuinely caring about somebody, and that's a big issue that I see in Houston. I'm ready to love because, honestly, I wanna get on with my life. I feel, like, this is the only thing that's holding me back from just really having the life that I want. I wanna be with somebody, I wanna have a teammate. Kinda like Batman and Catgirl, you know? -Now, this brother, he got a lot going on. -Yes. But I'm not sure about these women, you know, how they might feel that you got this burning desire to have not only a child, a son. -A son, not just another child but a son. -Right. Because you've had two girls, you might not be able to have that boy. He got a grandbaby. -So, maybe your son, will be... -Your son, -your-your... -Your grandson is older than your son. -Hmm. -Yeah. Okay, get ready to meet two women who grinded so hard in their careers, they had no time to romance. Well, now they're ready to love. But will our guys be ready for them? Let's take a look at these two bosses who are now ready to change their priorities. My name is Andrea and I am 38 years old and I'm a flight attendant. I absolutely love my job, people are like, "Oh, I know you get hit on all the time." And I'm actually like, "You know, I don't get hit on all the time." It's a little more intimidating for men to try to talk to flight attendants. We're at work! Even though, one time this one guy at the window. This man is trying to hold a conversation with me with two other people in between us. Like, you can't even talk to me. [woman speaking] Um, so I have been single since-- Do I have to give an actual... -[woman speaking] -...time? I've been single since, like, right after I graduated from college. I graduated from college in '04, so y'all do the math. I'm looking for physically handsome, nice-looking. I like them tall. Jut kind of tight, you gotta...it's together. You got it together. I'm very loving and caring. I'm smart, you know, I think I'm kinda sexy. I think I have a really good package going here. Now, I'm almost 40 and, uh, you know, my fertility clock is ticking. I am ready to love because it is time. Okay? I have not been lucky in love, so, I'm ready, I'm ready for all of that. Hi, my name is Liz. I am 40. And I am the C.E.O. of my own production company. I put all my energies and my efforts into that part of my life, building my career and also building myself. Finding out, you know, who I was as a person. I wanna experience that with the love of my life and not some fly by night, not somebody that wanna talk the right things in my ear. [woman] How long have you been single? No, wait a minute, before we...so... wha... like a...okay. So, I have been single for 17 years. [woman speaking] -Whoa. -Whoa. -Sev-- -Seventeen years? -That's... -Pass the popcorn. This gonna be good. When we come back Liz gets real about her long dry spell and why she's ready to love and end it now. And get ready for more surprises, you might even see a familiar face or two this season. The Ready To Love: Casting Special will return in a moment. [woman] How long have you been single? No, wait a minute, before we... so...wh... So, I have been single for 17 years. My last serious relationship was right out of high school. He was cheating and so I was tired of it. Dating in Houston can be challenging. Sometimes I'm a bit of a old-school type person, you also find a man with like multiple relationships. Polyamorous, or whatever that word is. And it's like I'm not about to settle for that. Needless to say this has been a long, hard journey for me. So, I am really here for love. I want a man that's spiritually sound. Not a religious man, but a man that has a true relationship with God. Someone that might have been through some things but actually found God and really understands God's grace. I am 40 years old, I don't have any more time to play. So, whoever you are, come get me. Come get me, I'm here. Waiting for you and ready to love you. -I like her. -I do too. -I like her. Spiritual girl too. -Yes. Now, listen, I got a question. Does confidence and swagger make a man sexy? I mean there's nothing like a confident man -to have that little swagger. Mm-hmm. Yeah. -Yeah. -It's a comfort swag. Confiswag. I got that? -Conifswag. Yeah. -Yeah, baby, you got that confiswag. -Okay. -You would tell me if I ain't have it, huh? -Of course I would. I would tell you. Listen, these two men think they're all that and an extra bag of chips. Get to know them and find out if you like what you see. My name is AJ, I'm 38 years old and I'm from Chicago living in Houston and I'm a music producer. Been producing music for well over 15 years now. Music-wise I try not to date any of those people. I've done it before. Business and love don't necessarily mix. I might get looked at as overly confident, you know, like, man, I'm attractive, you know what I'm saying, I'm doing it for the dark-skinned brothers. Like, you see this skin, it's smooth, the bald head, you wanna rub your hands on that. This all naturelle. When I moved here to Houston, I was 27, I got all my young stuff out of the way. I definitely hit the scene tough. I wouldn't be surprised if I know any one of these women already. I think I've grown a lot as a person, you know. So, the things that I'm looking for now are very different than the things I was looking for when I was in my twenties. You want the F's. Fit, fine, funny, feisty, freaky, family-oriented, full figured, financially literate, I want a complete package. Look, I know that I'm not everyone's cup of tea. I'm not gonna hold my tongue, I'm very direct in what it is that I want. But I'm also like, you know, the fun dude at the same time. Gotta have both sides. And she gotta be able to do both too. My name is Troy McAlister, I'm 51 years old. Born and raised right here in Houston, Texas. I'm a regional manager for a G.P.S. company I love doing what I do and my job is my platform that I will be able to build and build this world for me and my dog. Well, the big question is why am I always single? Well, because I-I keep meeting women that the connection is not always there. I've been a bachelor all my life and now I'm ready to embark on a new chapter in my life. The wild oat thing has changed, it's over. I'm ready to have a partner now and ready to have love. What I like physically in a woman, a woman who likes to work out of course. she like taking, you know, take care of your body, uh, you know, I don't particularly like full-figured women. I'm j-- Let me just take that back. I'm not attracted to full-figured women. I like a small, petite, young lady. Look, I'm looking for love. Man, I've been dating for so long. I am ready for love now. Listen to me, I'm the best catch in Houston by far. I'm ready to embark in this new chapter in my life, where a partner I can grow with and we can we can conquer the world. Best catch in Houston, by far. He's definitely confident. -Now, that's the swaggiet swag I've seen in a long time. -Swaggiest swag. Confiswag. You think our ladies are ready for all this confidence? -They're more than ready. -We'll see. If you like to have a good time, our next two gorgeous ladies are guaranteed to make you laugh. But what they really want is a man who's ready to love. My name is Ida and I'm 37 years old. I'm from Houston, Texas and I'm a development manager. My mom was a teen mom and these are just some kind of other things she shared with me. Always have your own, you don't need a man for anything. And so, I did that but I don't wanna die alone. What's the meaning in the days when I'm here by myself? No, I haven't been married but I've been proposed to. Keep that eye roll in there. I have at least 20 years of industry experience in love, in relationships and failing and attempting to be successful. My last serious relationship ended two years ago and we were together for three years, however, I don't like feeling like I'm not wanted or I just don't like feeling, like, you changed up. Even though that didn't work out, I'm not giving up. I'm ready to love because I feel like I have so much to offer. and I'm ready for quality companionship and love. I get on really well with people, the only time I don't get along with people who have a problem with me and I'm just very vocal. And I'm not willing to change that. I don't want to say this is like my last attempt at finding love, but, if it doesn't work out with anyone here here, I am completely okay with being the cool aunt with the two-door car, who gives cash out for Christmas. But I hope it doesn't come to that, I hope I'm like, "I have a family now, I can't be giving y'all money all the time." That's my goal. My name is Tressa, I am 42 years old, Originally from Chicago, Illinois living in Houston and I'm an entrepreneur and a stand-up comedian. I'm damn sure not gonna shave. For what? I'll shave what you can see though. -So, right here. From here to here. That's it. -[audience laughing] That's all you can see, right in the front. I'm not even gonna do the back [bleep] the back. You ain't gonna see the back, I just back away from you. You don't need to see the back. For what? Know what I'm saying? When I tell a man I'm a comedian, typically they just laugh. They assume that I'm not gonna be funny, some of them even said, "It's gonna be hard to laugh at you and be attracted to you at the same time." Which is weird. I got married when I was 19 years old. So, I was probably married for 13 years. I was the man of the house. And I didn't wanna be. It was just too much for me, just the financial stress on me and I'm like I gotta have a better life and have a better life for my kid and I was gone. My daughter, she's like my shadow. The man would have to understand that I do have a relationship with my daughter and want to spend time with my daughter too, as well. But I don't let my relationship with my daughter affect my relationship with a man either. In the past, I have attracted some, uh, hobo-sexuals. Hobo-sexuals. He don't have no house. Any time a man want to come over, "Do you mind if I do a load of laundry?" Yeah, he homeless. [laughter] -A hobo-sexual. -Oh. You know, I'm an educated man, but I ain't never heard of a hobo-sexual. That's new for me too. -She's pretty funny too, wasn't she? -She's pretty funny. Coming up, Tressa brings some receipts about what it means to date a hobo-sexual. Plus more singles, more surprises when we return. This is the Ready To Love: Casting Special. In the past, I have attracted hobo-sexuals. Hobo-sexuals. He don't have no house. Anytime a man wanna come over, "Do you mind if I do a load of laundry?" Yeah, he homeless. Sometime a man don't really like you, he like your apartment. He like your house. -[woman] You single? -I'm sangle. With an "A". For real. Yeah, I don't have no boos, I don't have no side [bleep], I don't had luck, I'm completely, I'm single. I am ready to love because I deserve it. I have experienced all kinds of different ups and downs in relationships and I'm just ready to do it right. I'm ready to have something real. Yeah, I'm trying to be Beyonce and Jay-Z I'm trying to be the power couple. I better meet my Kane. Okay? If this don't work I think I'm gonna be a nun or something. -Ooh. -Ooh. She got enough energy to light up Vegas, boy. -She does. She's fun. I like her. -I like her. I love her hair and everything. Now whoever she got her eye on -they're gonna have to match her energy. -Yes. B-b-but it's good energy. -It's good energy. I love her personality. Yeah. -Mm-hmm. All right. The world of love can be filled with bumps, pot holes and wrong turns. These two gentlemen have been there and done that and have the scars and t-shirts to prove it. And now, they've learned a few things to make them open their hearts and get back in the game. Take a look. My name is Christian and I'm 36. I'm from Houston, Texas and I'm a mailman. I've been a mailman for about six years. it's weird, it's like some weird infatuation about mailman, I dunno what it is. I think it's women like the fact that we wear uniform. I also do things on the side, I carry the events for Houston, I know what comes in what goes out. I kinda just know everybody. I used to be really wild, I used to have a lot of fun and just do whatever I want and stuff like that, I didn't care about what a woman wanted, it was just like I was just trying to get into bed with 'em and that'd be it. I didn't want nothing else. As I've grown, I was trying to figure out why I was still single. And it was a lot of things I had to change about myself. This one bad night that I had, well, I don't remember getting stopped by the cops, 'cause I was asleep at a stop light. Probably like a week later, I had rolled into an A.A. meeting. I've been sober for three years. Uh, it was a life choice that I had to make. I am ready to love because I am at the point of my life where I'm the most vulnerable, I am happy with myself and I just think it's time I wanna be in a relationship, like, I'm ready for that. Whatever it takes. Whatever I gotta do. Let's get it, let's do it. Hi, my name is Khaleel, I'm 41 and I'm a teacher in Houston. I love, love, love being a teacher. I teach inner-city kids and I feel there's a beauty in that. Not to just teach them some math or science but to teach them things of the world. So, that when the worlds comes for them, they're ready. In 2013, I met a young lady from the UK, I end up getting into a car accident and almost dying. I had blood clots in my left leg, she was by my side the whole time. And when you are in that scenario when you think you're about to die you make decisions that are long termed decisions. She said let's get married and uh, obviously, I wasn't in the right state of mind. Uh... We ended up getting married. She got me a visa. But I didn't have a job, I wasn't stable there. So I didn't feel comfortable uprooting my life. And so, ultimately, uh, we got an annulment. -Wow, that's... That's deep. -Pretty deep, huh? -Yes. -[whistles] Talk about not being ready to love. He thought he was. Just because he was in a... -You know, a very bad situation. -He was ready to live. -He was ready to live, yes. -Keep living. So, wait, you keep saying that this season -is full of surprises. -Right. Can you give us a little bit of a hint -of what you talking about? -[stutters] Then it's not a surprise. I know... But you're keeping me in suspense. -Uh... -Can you please give us a little bit of a hint? When we come back, Khaleel tells us why he's still in the game and has love on his mind. Don't go anywhere. This is the Ready to Love: Casting Special. It is tough in Houston to find true and genuine love. I've had the great experience of attracting gorgeous, beautiful women. But there's always, like, a double-edged sword. Like, they always seem to be like the cold-hearted, like, mean savages. Physically, I really like dark-skinned young ladies, I like big girls, or very voluptuous, proportionate women who look like they come from the continent of Africa. [laughs] I love intellectual women. I love smart...smart women. Like an Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill mix would be real nice. I'm ready to love because life is a journey, right? And love is what makes life worth living. Love is what makes you want to get up in the morning. It makes us want to go further and better and higher. So that why I'm ready for love. All right. He fine. He sounds ready to me. -He's definitely ready. -Okay. We're this close to your sneak-peek at our new season. But first let's meet our final three. All of them burning candles on both ends but now they claim to be looking for a candlelight dinner for two. Hey, I'm Amber. I'm 31 years old. And I'm a criminal attorney. When I say I am an attorney, a lot of people, they are shocked. They think in their heads, attorneys are sticklers, they argue all the time. Especially when you try and get into a relationship. I argue my cases during the day. When I get home, I don't wanna argue with you. Dating life! It is literally a job, it is so time-consuming. And it's really hard to find men that you actually wanna give your time to. Like, I'm a busy attorney. I don't wanna sit at a date, and it's just a waste of my time. Even though I have a hard exterior, I'm very loving, I'm very nurturing. In relationships, I would describe myself as... the all-around girl. Confident, someone who is authentic, beautiful, of course. When my mind is made up, like, literally nobody but Jesus can change it. And even Jesus sometimes has to struggle. But all of that together, it's such a beautiful thing. I'm ready to love because honestly, I just think it's time. And most importantly, I think the biggest thing about me is that I'm open now. You know, I feel like sometimes I had a wall up. Like, don't even try, you know. Now I'm more open. So... That's how I know, I'm ready. My name is David, I'm 44. I'm a real estate agent/investor. I did put a side hustle out there. I officiate weddings. I've married 59 couples. I am surrounded by love, right? I'm seeing it. I'm-- I'm a part of it. I'm bridging it together. I'm big on family. Me and my siblings, we-- We super close. Seven of us. I've been married twice, I've got four kids. I got married young. Didn't do it right, I acknowledge that. Then I got married again, I was ready to give a lot to it. Just married the wrong person. For me, personally. I wouldn't change it. My parents are not married. They just recently got divorced last year, after 40 years of marriage. So, it affected me. It hurt me. But the fact that I'm here, it kinda just shows that, man, I'm hopeful. So, they have those people, you know, that define themselves as a hopeless romantic, right? I am definitely hopeful for love. I think I'm single because that ties back into how picky I can be. This is gonna be my third one. So I gotta make sure I'm extra cautious. I want people to say, "She's beautiful." But if you can tell me how sweet she was, I love that. I'm ready to be in this room and see what doors open up. This is like Christmas. I'm excited, for real. I'm Kyra and I'm 34, a practicing attorney. And I'm ready for my man, where's he at? I've been practicing law now for about seven years. I am definitely your professional woman. But also, I am... You know, your everyday around-the-corner street girl. So, don't cross me because that side could come out. It's like I'm ratchet and I'm classy. I'm a little bit of Cardi, a little bit of Michelle. Yup that's... That's me. [laughs] My last serious relationship was with my college sweetheart. We dated for a good nine years, and there was some infidelity in the relationship on his behalf. I did not really date for about the first year or so after that relationship ended. But... [sighs] Time is ticking and I'm over it now. [laughs] So I'm ready to just settle down, um... and meet... My Lord, I only need one. Just one. Just one. Where's he at though? I like chocolate. The darker the chocolate, the better to me. [laughs] I am ready to love because I am over the single phase. I am ready to find my man, my boo. I'm like, "Okay, girl. You're here now." [laughs] Well, ladies and gentlemen, you've met all this season's men and women. -Who went-- -[stutters] Excuse me. Excuse me, we haven't met all of the men and women from this season. There's supposed to be 20. -[chuckling] -We've only met 19. -Okay, okay, okay. -You're keeping secrets! -Okay, you noticed that. -There is one more, yes. -You noticed that? -Of course. Of course. [sighs] All right, there actually is one more. See, I knew you's keeping secrets. But listen, that person's one of those curveballs I've been talking about. -Mm, come on, spill the tea. -Okay? I... -I don't think I'm ready to tell you who it is. -Why not? -Because I know how you are about this show. I know you! -Yes! -So keep me in suspense. -But it's too good! I know! So, spill the tea! -Maybe it's time to let the cat out of the bag. -Yes! In a jaw-dropping sneak-peek of this season of Ready to Love that you cannot miss. We'll be right back. Welcome back. I'm Tommy Miles. For the last hour, my gorgeous wife, Jackie and I have given you and up close and personal look at the singles who are Ready to Love this season. Any predictions? On who's likely to find love? You know what? I want all of my sisters to find love. -All of 'em? -Yes, all of them. -They deserve it. -Okay, okay. Okay, enough with all these clues and hints. -[chuckling] -What's the big twist this season? Okay, okay, okay, it's time. Check out this sneak-peek of the juiciest, and I mean the juiciest, Ready to Love season yet! -Houston is about to represent! -Represent H-town. -Y'all be good. Be good. -[laughing] -[both mimic explosions] -Yeah, you did. Guess who's back! It's your boy Tommy Miles. And I'm here again, doing what I do best. Helping people find love. I wonder how long it takes before it gets hard. Oh! [laughs] This time... Oh, this time... It's about to get real. 'Cause we bringin' it to my city, H-town! Houston, Texas. [hip-hop music playing] -[Tommy] For the next ten weeks... -Oh... We're bringing 20 singles together to find authentic and lasting connections. They say I'm supposed to let you win. Am I? Oh, okay. So I'm here doing sit-ups. "You look good, bro!" I like the way you rub my shoulders, let's do that one again. -Cinderella, you-- Yeah. -Cinderella? [laughs] You a mess. [man] Hey, hey. Make moves. -Can I get another one? -Of course. [Tommy] Create those connections... I like how you're holding me right now. [Tommy] Open yourselves up... -I'm kidding. -I know-- [laughs] You gotta answer it! For the first time in Ready to Love history, I've decided to give this brother a second chance. -[all cheering] -Chris! Looking like a nice tangerine! [laughing and cheering] Uh... You and these kisses. [Tommy] When you're in the presence of ten women, you can't kiss half of them. [all laughing] Am I in trouble? -Uh, yeah. -Uh-oh. [Tommy] We're not here to play games. If you're not gonna put yourself out there, your journey will end quick. Open your eyes We are headed to another place You're the first person that I grabbed. Look at you guys! Can I join you guys? Go sit on somebody else's lap, leave me alone! Honestly, much as I've been feeling you, I think you're the type that will break my heart. I'm not scared. I just wanna make sure nobody leaves again. This is stressful. [bleep] I'm glad you said it. I was thinking the same thing. You opened up a lot of [bleep] inside of me. You don't think we have a connection? You have made this whole situation about you. Don't act like you are trying to get to know me when you're not. [Tommy] Let's see if Houston's finest singles are truly Ready to Love.
Channel: OWN
Views: 497,073
Rating: 4.8769331 out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Haves and The Have Nots, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, how-to, season, episode, Ready to Love, Full Episode, Tommy Miles, Jackie
Id: mTjDVCRE6m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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