No Regrets | Full Romantic Comedy Movie

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nerdleneck 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] make this time [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] all right girl see y'all later bye it's my stop as well i'll see you bye [Music] and i can't stop [Music] all right okay my beautiful musicians of the future i want to know right now who's your favorite musician chris brown chris brown anybody else chris brown you know a little bit of chris brown you can give us a little chris brown right now not right now all the ladies love chris brown i'm telling you how about um drake raise your hand if you know who drake is drizzy who knows who drake is yo yo yo man everybody know who drake is oh everybody know who drake i thought that's what i just said everybody put your hands up in the head thank you thank you for that but um let me ask you guys something who knows who jay-z sean clark jiggerman yo titch this is stupid all right who in here don't know who jay-z is okay i get i get where you're going with this rasheed i get where you going with this this is basic for y'all right so we can keep them hands up throw them ones up you know wave them from side to side who knows who george augustus whole green bridge tower is oh silence silence now look everybody looking at each other okay jalil what's up he was an african-american music composer born in poland 1778. okay no because there's no black people born in poland were no black people born in poland actually you're wrong you're wrong rasheed jaleel you're right george augustus pole green bridge tower was in fact a composer and he was born in poland and he was a black man he a nerd man that's all that is nice hey how about you uh stay off war star hip-hop and use google search a little more constructive you know you'll be fine hey y'all see this watch me turn it more constructively thanks for the help i did what i'm saying right no sign language started hey hey all right man look teach it's all good i got him on the next one all right for the bonus this is for the bonus this is serious okay did you know that beethoven was a black man [Music] [Applause] what proof do you have of that uh that would be wikipedia serve the 2015. i look up everything on the internet just like y'all do [Music] hey baby hey you're making me late no no you are going to the club with me tonight baby i'm really really beaked you are going to the club with me tonight because you need to support your man how was class well class class was awesome but you're not going to change the subject you're going to the club tonight let go baby i want to go i truly do i really really do but i've been in the air on my feet for four straight days my big toe is killing me okay i'll tell you what i'm gonna massage the big toe and the whole entire foot later tonight but right now i will give you a piggy back to the club okay that's a deal okay okay i'll go but let me take a quick shower first quick quick i'm so mad at you right now i'm being dramatic come on let's go only if you do me a favor will you lotion my lower back after my shower stop it i know this is a trap no snow drop there's no trap another button please oh i'm much more relaxed you should listen to me more often a surprise really at the club your brother was in on it and everything you got dylan in on it don't let dylan lead you astray now so where's my surprise you know i've proposed to you 10 times over the last 12 years oh boy oh no oh boy no oh boy no oh boy my family thinks that i'm crazy especially my mother but i love you [Music] you don't think you deserve to be more than a girlfriend i don't mind being just your girlfriend you're my best friend and that means more to me than some ring or title that neither one of us is ready to live up to it's 12 years i'm ready i've been ready i just want to give you more [Music] you deserve more [Music] let me give you more okay okay [Music] okay nina you can say yes you could say no but i can't do this will you marry me round two [Music] do [Music] check out the love birds ain't this about us something my big sis and my new brother-in-law man i'm really excited for you guys now sis you know you're in good hands right here right you think yeah i do and if i didn't i would have been nipped this a long time ago seriously i'm really happy for you guys all right this is a great dude for you all right i got to break out though i love you love you hey take care of my sister man i got you clean boy he's a good guy no regrets oh see nancy that diamond is all that yay oh see that is why i love me some romance oh i think i have a tear oh tammy tammy tammy my sweet pathetic friend anyway there is no such thing as a perfect marriage but you can strive for perfection and honesty and everything okay okay stop stop with all that peace and harmony girl look where you about to go i've already been okay some advice you want to get married i want to jump the room with your badass go on jump jump do it you can do it but make sure you got some escape routes that's right because when he messes up and he will mess up bam take the route bitter bitter and mo bitter she's always bitter okay but listen nina you are the last one of us to do this okay and we are examples of what to do and what not to do okay whatever you must accepted his proposal because you're bored huh i don't know you don't know what do you mean you don't know to be honest i don't know the thought of marriage actually depresses me oh honey depressing is not even the word okay i was married to my knucklehead husband faithful and forever and he walks away from my family because he wants to experience life well negro this is your life how about that but you know what i'll take a 38 and put it to his head and pull the trigger and end your life no joke [ __ ] nina listen to me honey okay marriage is an abomination don't do it abort run as fast as you can moonwalk hop the fence skip to the loophole uber whatever you got to do don't do it maris drains every ounce in your soul in your body but you know i love roman i do i think he's a good guy and if you're gonna do it then just make it an open marriage what no i'm not sharing roman i'd be devastated if you wanted me to share him with someone else okay nina thomas correct me if i'm wrong dear but uh isn't roman your first your last and your own yeah and i'm proud of that okay houston we got a major problem you you need to tell me you about to marry the only penis you've ever had y'all don't see nothing wrong with this i see something very wrong with this you got to get out there and hold at least one time air that [ __ ] out oh no you make it sound like horn is something normal it is something normal ask rebecca what don't try me hey before you were married anyway i'm saying it's the same for men and women it's as easy as ordering a latte girl dip with some random guy and take it to your grades yeah don't do it no okay y'all she at least got to even scale i mean come on even the scale oh roman is the i i'm roman even what scale hello you finished packing nope nope nope can you stop i'm trying to pack i'm making roman's favorite eggplant tonight don't you got an appetite for roman's favorite eggplant i'm trying to tell you i don't have an appetite for roman what's wrong huh what's wrong tell me which one i see you got a little attitude what what i do which you keep buying this stuff you know i don't like oatmeal okay it's good for you and i love it so baby you ain't got to eat it i don't like it just like i don't like that you slept with tabitha johnson you know the whole that slept with the entire football team who told you that though you know baby everybody was sleeping with her yeah everybody like the basketball team the soccer team and the football team i played football all four years oh really run-through you gonna keep going you know that cast iron skillet it is on the stove in the kitchen yeah you're gonna put some eggplant in it you need to wipe that smirk off your face so you're serious a thousand years ago something from college you're bringing that back come on what's going on here got a little cold feet why can't things stay the way they are where are you going don't follow me i'm following you what i thought i was your only one you were my first baby i'm not about no foolishness i'm the man to put that ring on your finger look at your finger that's me [Music] can i get you anything sweetie how about you sexy she's hot thank you thank you enjoy your stay thank you guys [Music] oh come on you gotta be kidding me oh i want to hear about your doll um oh my god um give me a second 42 8 41. um i'm sorry i'm sorry daddy's here baby in the wrong room who is this nia dude do i sound like a nina yeah who is this who is this you're calling my house no no yo who is this i'm calling my fiancee this is her phone who is this beyonce my dude are you just playing dumb or working off being stupid uh who gets married in 2016. just rent the chicks and get to love them for free you're a lame so stop calling me lame hey lame ass dude jesus christ i told her extra ham you gotta be kidding me where's my phone what i'm gonna track you down and i'm gonna find you and when i do i'mma beat the living crap out of you pretty racist in the air hold on a sec [Music] this is the waitress from the plane i knew she dug me i want extra extra extra extra ham i'm back okay since you like to steal i am going to slowly take your left hand and cut each and every one of your fingers off that's a pretty violent act i admit to taking your dual cell phone to see if you had any interesting nudies zilch your phone is boring and this conversation is over it's over culver city mall please oh i'm sorry ma'am you must be in the wrong car uh coverage city boss oh no i beat him to it it's mine now so leave i got a lot of stuff to do leave you got to use the app uber don't work like that really you just going to kick me out of the oh okay chivalry is dead gone never existed wait wait wait wait wait chevrolet is not dead or where are you trying to go culver city mall call for city mall it is quincy my father taught me never to talk to strangers you can gangster rides for me nina and stop smiling so much nina what's obvious who you were named after he'll find her waiting like a lonesome queen because when she's by his side such a change from old routine nina the other woman what you know about that you yeah no yeah i'm fine all right and what are you really a flat tire a huge flat tire my day can't get any worse where are you you just pretending to be this uptight i'm not an angry black woman no i shut up tight before yesterday i was a really really nice person you should have met me then no my loss nina hey are you okay oh well it was uh it was nice meeting um are you gonna be okay yeah yeah i'm gonna take that ride it's gonna be a while all righty then captain thank you well thank you for the company [Music] did you at least get the number [Music] come on cute it's been 14 months man it's time to get back out there man maybe you're right i know i'm right and she was fine weren't you cause you could have helped me man yeah it just got real uh thanks for your help [Music] is that our wallet find out yes it is [Music] [Music] the person you have dialed can't take your call now at the tone please record your message when you have finished recording simply hang up or press the pound key for further options you hold it down [Music] you later finding everything okay yes thank you let me know if you need anything thank you hey i like this wait a minute that's cute that's totally you have to get that i love it you ready to buy oh oh my god what oh my god what oh my god i left my wallet inside the cab what if that guy has it that's a problem that's a roman bubble it's not funny why are you laughing can't find my phone i have misplaced my wallet and you're laughing [Music] nina you should always listen to me because my great great grandmother was a prophetess and every now and then i got the gift too and honey you should sleep with him and take it to your great weight hold on hold on yes the spirit is telling me roman will never know don't you let that girl ruin your soul and have your sparkling cookie looking like her cookie's already like real what are you talking about no it's not no it's not nina her great-great-grandmother wasn't even some prophetess okay she was a slave and so you need to stop it at the end of the day you do not have any signs of any kind but you do be having those harmonic tendencies though nina keep your legs closed and do not give away your cookies girl we just talk about sex no no it's not just sex okay you need him hold on we gotta focus look at me look at me you must pay attention to the signs you finding out that you're not the only woman roman's been with sign you get to la and run into a hot guy and there's a connection sign your cell phone is stolen sign sign sign roman can't get in touch with you hello sign okay bam i'm on a roll hot guy gets in the car with you sign okay look i don't know what you [ __ ] see but i can see the signs clearly so nina the question becomes are you gonna sit up here and wait for miracles and floods and the locusts to fly out your ass or are you going to pay attention to the signs and honey get you some ass sleep with that man don't do it no i can't thank you your husband is causing you to lose your moral mind and am i right with that it's about damn time because you know i've been a good girl for far too long now i'm about to be a bad [ __ ] if you listen to our beloved friend you're gonna end up like our beloved friend lonely miserable headed for divorce you know misery loves company girl people aren't meant to be pure we weren't meant to be hoes either girl but you are killing the game your husband is gone really you need to stop uh no i hate his guts and i hope an entire block of skyscrapers falls and kills him to death wow damn so nina go honey he's gonna get you some ass don't do [Music] it [Applause] [Music] i promise i'm not looking at your muscles um something tells me that i'm not touching my wallet so can you please place my wallet in the palm of my hand [Music] let me freshen up [Music] is everything on the menu gmo free yes it is okay grooving so what is your relationship with los angeles uh my daughter and wife we used to live in san diego but my wife decided to move back to l.a to be closer to her mother i decided to stay in san diego and i try to get up here as often as i can so a long distance marriage oh no no we're divorced how long were you married 15 years 15 years that's a lot of years that you guys put in this looks delicious uh so i'm uh i'm guessing you're engaged well what's so funny oh um what did your fiance do for a living he's a music teacher and he's in a band nice nice uh you must be very proud i'm very proud very much so and i love him very much if we were to call you right now would you answer the phone or ignore it my phone had stolen answer the question what was the question if he were to call right now what we haven't did all right well we have in brunch would you answer the call or ignore ignore it why because i wouldn't want to lie [Music] hello what sofia just tell her to come down from the tree yeah yeah okay yeah okay i'm on my way um okay is everything okay my daughter uh climbed up into her tree house and refuses to come down and take her medication until i get there uh okay well no worries i can just get a ride back to the hotel come with me come with you what you're insisting you insist you want me to go with you to your ex-wife's house are you [ __ ] crazy maybe a little bit please come you sure it'll be quick i promise in and out i don't know you can wait in the car i'd really like to spend some more time with you really really uh okay well how much i owe you for dinner i don't know brunch is on me i'm feeling chivalrous 10 15 minutes tops daddy's here oh good um what happened to your face huh what what's that ow don't ask you changed your hair looks good oh thanks all right damn daddy's coming be careful sophia if our seven-year-old can climb this trash should be just okay okay yeah i'm just concerned you don't need to because can you get me over this place daddy q is coming now [Music] hi daddy glad you're here oh okay but then i need you to come downstairs and take your medication young lady okay drink your tea daddy daddy tea is meant to be sipped i need to make you another cup and take your time and sip it okay but then you're gonna come downstairs and take your medication okay okay okay daddy yeah thank you for coming a little early i really wanted to see you hey peanut anything for you how you feeling i feel amazing also we're gonna take a cut for mommy okay all right i'll take mommy's cup let's go i'm now ready to take my medication and um some instructions on how you get out of your tree house am i holding the cups right yeah okay mommy daddy has something for you special delivery you see daddy you see how mommy sips the teeth you have to sip okay so since we're all cute and it's a few hours before dinner well maybe daddy can stay i'd like to hear your thoughts mommy oh no baby i can't daddy you taught me never to use the word can't you have to pick me up in a few hours anyway instead we could all have dinner together see that right there that's your half of the child yeah yeah yeah yeah she is um look sweetie daddy has a friend waiting for him outside so invite them grandma is also coming over it'll be fun baby i really can't there's a wood can't again mom what do you say sure yes yeah invite your friend your friend can come back for dinner um as a matter of fact you and your friend can take emily the park and then i can prepare dinner and just be back at five sophia oh it's a female i think that's cool yeah yeah just be back at five get a jacket somebody wants to go to the park yes all right [Music] now who's this sweet little person emily pleased to meet you well pleased to meet you emily now that's a sweet name thank you and your name is nina that's also a pretty name thank you sweet child that side of me is from my mom but most times my dad is also pretty awesome oh by the way nina you're gonna have dinner with us i think my dad is kind of afraid to tell you dinner so what's up q where to write down on the right two blocks [Music] yeah i like that yeah and then i go no it ain't like her i usually call it two three times a day she always no this is dope i like this you hear me man do you hear me just check this out man stop assuming things okay look maybe she just misplaced her phone look don't go brewing up some crazy scenario in your head like it's some other dude in the picture no i'm not saying that but what i am saying is that like some kid picked up the phone and now her joint going directly to voicemails what look i just want to know she okay man and then she was acting all weird when she left dude just chill all right chill out you saying that because that's your sister bro no i'm saying chill because that's what you need to do man chill i thought that women like you know weddings all that you know like why is she afraid to get married i'm starting to feel like the chick did you call the hotel room like a billion times yeah that's chick like stop playing with me you that's funny yeah i'm laughing man look let me give her a call before you have a panic attack all right you're right you're right you're right get the plan oh you're right i'm like you play i'll call up play go ahead she pick it up she picking up voicemail see yo i'm flying out there flying out you fly out there whatever man you ain't worried about your sister tripp anything could be happening to your sister play come on play it's terrorists out here she a flight attendant man slow down how did i end up at dinner with your ex-wife are you nuts promise it wasn't my idea uh uh look i don't want to complicate things i i i can come up with an excuse i'd uh i'm feeling whooping cough the measles mumps chickenpox you know they're contagious she's too smart that little girl is not from this world i see what's she taking medication for well we agree never again to speak diabetes on her because our little girl is kicking his ass big time and she is winning so we've started feeding her more fruits and vegetables more beans like navy and lentil when you know better you can do better i was really impressed you're so gmo conscious hey man i'm just trying to eat to live what are you what are you trying to do [Music] i'm just thinking you're a man he's he's a lucky guy really so then why am i sitting here eating ice cream with you [Music] enjoying the moment [Music] [Music] taking it to my grave [Music] [Music] i can look at you and tell through your eyes [Music] [Music] my is that an engagement ring that you just tucked under the table mama i'm just asking a question and i'm not starting anything that they didn't start when they came through my door and sit down for dinner now is that an engagement ring yes ma'am well quincy that's awesome news the ink isn't even dry yet oh wait wait wait a minute the two of us miss carrie are not engaged no no no no my fiance is in chicago i quincy and i just met today well i guess i can sense a one-night stand coming on in one two maybe three four hours why are you starting stuff i am not starting stuff and sophie you are quite understanding if this was happening to me that would be el green grits chris brown's teeth prince and and o.j simpson's butcher knife all over this house stop it baby i can't the spirit is willing but the flesh is absolutely weak pass me those string beans [Music] grandma definitely know how to finish it i'm a finisher ain't no baby let me try to be nice baby what did you say your name was nina nina as a nina simone yes ma'am oh one sweet pea your parents name do you have the wrong person they should have named you after one of them kardashians mama even a paris hilton would have fit wow oh uh excuse her excuse me did you just say excuse me or something sophie you need to stop being such a softie and try to teach yourself the art of the smack because a bim smack would be perfect right about now listen baby i know you are a christian but when the word says jesus turned water into wine what he really did what it meant was he took the palm of his hand he turned it into a dangerous machine and he started whacking whacking please miss carrick please don't be a bad example bad example you calling me a bad example oh well i guess you must be the pope and your girlfriend here must be mother teresa sitting up in here having dinner with your ex-wife and your daughter i feel so happy that i am invited to the last supper i just don't know what to do i guess virgin mary over here that's sophie emily you luke look one two three four five yeah we missing about seven disciples i must be jesus because i can smell some straight up unholiness going on around here you were making this so uncomfortable so baby am i making you uncomfortable oh no everything's fine everything's okay oh damn i'm not doing my job oh i'm sorry baby grandma cuz hey um our ride is here and i just wanted to peek in and say thank you for dinner quincy's upstairs with emily so um i'm gonna go sit in the car nina so you're engaged you know it's been 14 months since our long stressful divorce it's not really a place i've enjoyed being in i understand but you know if i were gonna say anything to you it is to beware of the blame game it's a nasty game you know something goes wrong and then you place the blame on others and that gives you some false sense of security like you're guilt-free it's really silly stupid arguments that looking back now i know could have been prevented [Music] but you know i think i think quincy i think he also understands that we both were just determined to save only ourselves you know by sacrificing the other that's what killed our 15-year marriage i'm sorry to hear that well how long have you been engaged 12 years 12 years well marriage is never for the week hey um i'm gonna mosey on out of here and give you two some space [Music] take care i like her she's nice are you okay yeah i'm fine [Music] you know emily can stay here tonight and you can just pick her up in the morning that works quincy [Music] are you okay you know i am i just don't know sometimes thank you i'll see okay [Music] we're too cute back to the hotel sophie baby what is wrong with you at some point you are gonna have to learn that you just need to pipe down now listen i have been observing you too the way you look at each other the fire is not out even emily can see it your marriage is far from dead and if you want to save it all you need is a little gratitude appreciation and an apology and know when to just shut up listen and watch now baby when when your father passed i was done i was just so upset with him that he had left me in this world all alone oh no you're not alone i know that i'm just trying to tell you that quincy loves you and i want you to have somebody that you really love like i loved your father that young girl he brought here she don't mean nothing to him and she damn showed up on him they're like two kids just spinning around until they are dizzy they will snap out of it okay well the divorce is fine though mama what do you expect me to do ciao those papers don't mean nothing they sure don't define real love listen you think love died but real love it never dies baby it's eternal now i know you are emotionally drained but listen sweetie you have a lot of strength in reserve because you are my daughter you're divine and baby that gives you a tremendous amount of power see just when you think that you cannot fight one more fight when you cannot confront one more difficulty real love oh real love is powerful it will give you the energy to take on one more challenge your marriage your family they're worth one more try all you have to do is just listen to what quincy is not saying [Music] oh daughter i love you come here that's your husband [Music] what you wanna do long day look i know it's none of my business but i do consider you my friend and that engagement ring on your finger is a promise you made to yourself to roman to get married and you're entitled to change your opinion you that's your right but at least tell roman that's what you want i mean this dude he's a fantasy but what you a woman have that's real [Music] okay you're right [Music] i'll uh i'll tell roman exactly how i feel and what i want when i get back home and uh dude is fine as hell and i also consider you a friend as well so thank you you're welcome [Music] just be smart once you go there you can't go back tammy said take it to my grave girl [Music] i'll see you okay [Music] this place [Music] [Music] yeah i kiss you without a single word [Music] uh [Music] do it slowly so that i can think [Music] [Music] [Music] me stop it [Music] i'll be there in 15 10. is everything okay emily's blood sugar going up they're taking it to the hospital come with me what please okay okay thank you they said i'm amazing yeah well this little girl snuck some cake and ate too much you mean too much so you've got to do a better job monitoring her you already know this girl's the trip and the journey what do you mean do a better job modern i do what i care about guys please don't i'm saint thank you for calling me well i mean i know how much she means to you she definitely needs you right now well i need her you guys know what what's that baby i like how you guys look at each other it's kind of cute stinker you have got to stop scaring us what's wrong i ate so much of the cake to make myself sick because i knew would bring you two together after our dinner dinner was fun i'm sorry oh baby look at me you know how much we love you right yeah but why do you guys dislike each other dislike each other we don't dislike each other i love you father hey no see what what did he say hey that's our secret he said he loves you too no secrets [Music] how's my emily fantastical good i need to get your blood pressure now okay [Music] out there in the dark [Music] is emily doing fine oh she's fine i'm waiting on my driver great idea i really admire uh your relationship with sophia i hope she understands how truly blessed she is to have a mother like you i didn't have that my mom left when i was eight you know what i just realized that's that's why i believe i've been running away from marriage i declined his proposal for for 12 years and he stuck around after all of that yeah 12 years honey your cookies must be laced with the holy ghost i guess he really does love me and everything i've been doing to sabotage that i don't want that feel stupid oh no you're not do you know anything about your mother oh i know exactly where she lives she's stuffed in brentwood hunter that's just 10 minutes away go talk to her i mean even if she rejects you at least you will have closure you know you owe it to your husband to give him the wife he deserves how you feel and get this thing out of your mind and clear once and for all thank you oh look like your car is here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is would you like some tea no ma'am how's dylan oh dylan he's fine he's uh he's got a band a jazz band and a club and he's uh very successful he always loved music i could remember when he would just bang on my pots and pans he's uh he's really good i think you'd like his music i've driven past a million times tears streaming down my face as you run your errands wondering why i just couldn't muster up enough courage to approach you [Music] um so this is what you abandoned us for look i can't explain why i did what i did and there's no excuse for it but i do understand why you hate me oh no no no no no i don't hate you [Music] i'm not a cold person well i just don't know what to say ah [Music] just call me stupid for coming here no i don't call you stupid it wasn't stupid you know i'm glad that you're here see i got this great guy back in chicago and he loves me [Music] he loves me very much and i love him we're engaged to get married oh congratulations but i can't seem to give him my all i keep running from him and i think it has to do with our relationship the abandonment i often think about that morning [Music] he made us oatmeal [Music] and that was the last time we saw you [Music] i hate oatmeal [Music] but see roman roman loves oatmeal that's his name roman and one day i'd like to be able to share a bowl of oatmeal with him i'm sorry mom my car is down again where's your keys i need to make a run oh sorry i didn't know we had company hi i gotta go no don't don't go let me finish what i have to say you can't do this i better go thank you [Music] nina nina please come back in i gotta go no just come back in all right give her a chance to explain you know who i am i've seen you around a few times i didn't know you were following us none of that matters right now just come back in for you and for her please [Music] all right go ride with your shotgun time is lost whenever we're now together as roses pass away time is not forever you were there when i was lonely some were to be found where do we go from here seems like time has gone away as the tears roll down my face your love reminds me [Music] why'd you leave me i had something to do i'm glad emily's feeling better you have a beautiful family that's what's next for you um going back to chicago to be a wife i think you're gonna be a very good one you think so i really do [Music] thank you quincy today was very special yes it was well i should go but i will be back out towards chicago in about three weeks maybe i can meet this lucky guy [Music] go back to your family until then good night good night service from the woman i missed really [Music] romantic [Music] i am not afraid [Music] roman can we talk you moved all your things out of the loft before i even had a chance to explain it's not what you think i was confused and i needed to straighten a few things out no more games from me you don't understand roman you are all that i have don't make me any more confused than i already am i loved you you wasted 12 years of my life [Music] um [Music] so much [Music] is the same tell me [Music] is [Music] you know i think it's the disrespect of women that have us in this condition that we're in today man [Music] and to be humbly honest i think us men have to do a better job at understanding these women and you know what i think she took that ring off and left the ball in your court for a reason now you already know i'm psychic and i can see into the future you gonna get back together we should go shopping for wedding dresses and red thongs and get you a brazilian wax brazilian [Laughter] wait a minute is it just me or is she glowing you know what i have noticed you got a little glow glow glow about you or something are you hating no i'm just saying i see the pearls and the glow i want some pearls i want a glow so what's up okay it's not about her it's about me this moment is about me we are in my house this is me time we're focusing on me not him but me i called my girlfriend i'm pregnant what [ __ ] what oh get the hell out of here congratulations i found out this morning i'm so excited for real okay well this moment is clearly about you no but i i i talk a lot of mess but i do love my girls oh we love you too rebecca you mean to tell me yo hi sir diddy ass be having sex yes we do let me find out but seriously girl this is beautiful because i know y'all been trying oh hold on hold on hold on the spirits are telling me it's a boy oh i'm getting chills the children they are our base they are our future our future i believe the children are up future tammy put the glass down yes please let's go find you a wedding dress but first i have to get the ring back and the man before i can go get a wedding dress girl if you wax that swamp the man will come back [Music] all right sis here you go you good your big sister is depressed you know roman has that same disease nothing happened in l.a okay why do you feel you have to tell me [Music] that what's really going on sis i talked to her [Music] you look a lot like her what was she like sad very sad well did you get the answer you wanted do you think you'll ever be able to forgive her i mean honestly nina i don't even think about it anymore when she moved on with her life i accepted that for what it is did you really yeah are you able to forgive i mean i don't know i mean maybe if she asked but for me to just forgive when she hasn't even made an effort at all it's like a vanity move on my part i mean for me i just can't forgive because somebody offended me or bruised my little ego on my prizes come on she left us but my forgiveness is valuable and i'm just not in the business of giving that away dylan that's your mother yeah and she left her children let's just see what happens all right i mean i love to meet her honestly i want to meet her i mean what was her reason for leaving us sis she didn't intend to she moved to la to pursue her dreams mom was a go-getter but a few bad decisions met with hard times by the time she managed to get back up on her feet we were older and she said she couldn't face us dylan [Music] uh regina carter um violinist so that's next week okay you guys know i love you and um all right get on out of here see you next week [Music] hey guys yo teach what's going on with you man yeah you're right you look like you're about to cry i do yeah no i'm good yeah you sure yeah you know teach this is the first time i've come in this class and not learned anything we all love your class because every time we come in here you teach us something new and we don't get that from most of the teachers at this school especially at this school i just want to tell you [Music] right you guys are dismissed what can i do for you man i'm here with my students uh i came to chicago i came to chicago for some business my wife and and my daughter and i we met with nina today uh but i really wanted to talk to you i'm here with my students man listen brother i'm sure there's nothing more that you want to do than punch me in the face but i'm really hoping you'll hear me out before that happens can we talk take a seat [Applause] [Music] uh and i hope you don't throw it away i will ask you i saw something wrong i wish are you listening hey let's get these two um [Music] i spoke to my mother [Music] really quick wow okay i'm sorry roman how was she i wasn't i really needed it for me i mean i really needed it for us so you got the closure that you need definitely i'm proud of you i'm really proud of you go see uh yeah he came by them about a job and i really gotta show them some respect for that i mean at first i thought i was gonna have to put the chicago hands on them you know there is no one else [Music] if you want me to tell you what happened in la i'm ready to give you every detail but trust me it's not important but everything that happened oh my god it was necessary i don't know how to explain it so you don't have to listen to everything that i say i met quincy on that day and we became friends i met his wife and then she became a friend and you you are absolutely my best friend they needed me and in a huge way i needed them [Music] are you good i want better than good i'm ready to move on with you did you get a good price for the ring oh i sold that ring i got a good price for that too [Music] baby i would never sell anything connected to you i love you now will you marry me i'm all you need [Music] [Applause] me [Music] is in the morning when the sun comes look what i got right here is roman special special you know keep me strong how my father used to make it but that doesn't change [Music] baby let's stay together [Music] baby let's stay together you say sometimes i drive you crazy [Music] is [Music] [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] baby let's stay [Music] is [Music] [Music] together together if you still believed [Music] baby let's stay together [Music] let's stay baby [Music] baby let's stay together baby let's stay together [Music] let's stay together [Music] he makes me so happy [Music] is [Music] see this guy drives me crazy in this unexpected [Music] what would it be wait a minute
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 2,788,076
Rating: 4.7534933 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, No Regrets, Romantic Comedy, urban movie channel, movies with black actors
Id: lgiPiBTJ2gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 59sec (5279 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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