Full Cabin Tour | Before & After 1 Year of Renovations

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Wild the kind of money that can be made from YouTube. Financed the house, renovations, boat, seadoos, not to mention daily living expenses. Good for them I suppose.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/backlight101 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I have a theory.

If building codes in their neck of the woods are like they are in mine, they are never going to get that deck permitted. Not without SERIOUS modifications that would take extensive time and money in paid labor and building materials. The images of those mailbox spikes holding up the decks still make me cringe. (Just for one issue.)

So just maybe instead of having to hide the fact that they are tearing the deck off the back of the house, they are ending their reno series.

I don't think they'd ever swallow their pride enough to admit that the work is so unsafe it had to be entirely undone, and this ending is coincidentally at the same time as they finally submitted for permits.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Mean-Leadership2049 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

Looks fine. A lot of finishing work they just didn't do. The kitchen looks nice, but that stove being crooked is an odd choice. Overall I'm not that impressed and if they are going to make this a habit to buy up these properties I'll find it disappointing.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/mkhrunner 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

What a great property. They really lucked out. I hope they can rectify the issues with the permits cause it really is a special place.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/randomandy 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can't believe they had the nerve to use footage of that poor puppy in the video. No shame whatsoever.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Old_Juggernaut_2189 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Who will take care of the cabin when they go back to Morocco? They can’t sell/flip it until the permit issues are rectified.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Throwawayfriendship3 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone we're eamon and  bec and this is our cabin   after years of living full time in our van  and traveling the world we finally borrowed   enough money from the bank to buy some land  this cabin was built in the 70s and sits on   three acres of land with over 600 feet of  waterfront come on in we'll show you around so we moved in last october not  really knowing what to expect   and we've done a ton of renovations  in the past year in less than a year   so everything you're about to see is pretty  much new except for this porch obviously   so right when you walk in you've got one washroom  on either side the only thing we actually really   changed inside this space is we got rid of this  old double sink that they used to have in this   area and added the washer and dryer i never  thought i'd be so happy to have my own laundry inside the little laundry room there's lots of  nice storage and a hand washing sink and then   private bathroom and shower shower is pretty small  but in the winter time it's nice to have both   options we've got a little laundry hamper here oh  that's where we keep the sheets so the old owners   renovated this beautifully with all the wood and  honestly i only noticed this about two months ago who would have thunk some privacy in the bathroom  fancy as anything but why would you ever need   that welcome to the ladies bathroom this is  where we always keep the seat down we have   candles going it always smells nice and another  key feature of this bathroom is the full bathtub   though in the summer months we prefer to use the  outdoor shower which we will show you in a second   in both bathrooms we've attached these little  bidets which are money absolute game changers   if you come visit we make you try it out because  a lot of people are weirded out by bananas but   i'm weirded out by those who don't use bidets i  agree coming from a girl who used to poop into   a bucket and a composting toilet and lots has  changed when we first moved in we thought having   both bathrooms down there might be a bit odd but  honestly when you're all hanging out up here it's   really nice to go into your own private area to  use them today use the bidet play with the bidet   of course use of the bidet is complimentary  very nice very nice good kitchen here we are   definitely my favorite part  of the kitchen is the massive   delicious solid maple counter it just makes  me happy every time i walk by i kind of just   glide my hand along here and i'm loving it we  also love the color we went with this is all   ikea kitchen would not recommend installing  it yourself it was a bit of a nightmare i don't get it i know i'm just i'm losing my mind  this is bananas we shelled out and got the ge cafe   series appliances big thumbs up love the range  love the dishwasher the fridge is on back order   and has been for nine months so every good tour  shows off your fridge right oh no no we did not   clean out our fridge or freezer oh i wasn't  ready for this uh we like to keep a lot of   frozen berries on stock lots of vegan perogies  i don't know we got leftover pizza in here you're not   oh my gosh something else i've seen on instagram  in like really fancy kitchens is pot colors so we put one of those in along the island we  got lots of extra storage this one's kind of   cool we put this drawer here so when you're  chopping you've got your compost right here little things like that that make your life a  lot easier speaking of making your life easier   after eight years together four bands traveling  the world what a luxury we've got a dishwasher so   this is probably my favorite edition of the house  and then this is our little coffee bar nook area   blender gets a lot of use every day coffee machine  every day snack drawer every day you'll notice   that we don't have a proper desk set up because we  enjoy working in all different spaces of the house   so we kind of utilize the pantry as a desk we have  electrical run through here so we charge all of   our gear we have a printer printer ink pens more  snacks yes i'll never forget walking into this   place and thinking it was so closed in and dark  and i said to eamon i'll move in if you promise   me we'll put a wall of windows at the front so  we put a wall of windows and it looks incredible   through the entire floor we laid vinyl planks and  this has been amazing because it doesn't matter   if you've got wet feet or you spill something in  the kitchen it's just plastic flooring and lasts   forever and this is the living room so the big  game changer that we did here when we moved in   the wood burning stove was actually in the  center of the room which didn't really make   sense because you're always staring away from the  water so moving that was bob's call great call   and now your focal point is out towards the lake  honestly i remember when we moved in and i thought   we had nothing because we've been living in a van  forever and then we filled the shelf in a day so   all of our travel books eamon's axe in case anyone  comes to visit that was not welcome of course the uke we're doing a cabin tour all right let's spare everyone almost  forgot to show you uh my girlfriend alexa   how you going there sweetheart sorry  i don't know that she doesn't speak   australian um but that's pretty key so  you can go like alexa turn on the heat it's set to heat takes a while but so we actually  put in all new hvac throughout the entire place   that was a big expense but we lived in this  throughout the entire winter uninsulated   just with that wood burning stove and it was  freezing kind of cute for the first month but   really romantic yeah for the first month yeah  we don't have ac yet but maybe next summer   at this point in the tour you might be wondering  why are we getting a tour when your cabin's not   done and to be honest it never really will  be but eamon and i are ready to close this   chapter because we are ready to  get on the road and travel again after a year and a half of living in one place  we are so excited to get back on the road   and if you're like us looking to maybe book some  flights hotels car rentals we're excited to share   with you hopper hopper is a free travel  app that's available on android and ios   that uses data driven technology to find the best  prices for you there are no hidden fees no stress   just accurate predictions and travel deals we're  currently using hopper to book our flights back   to morocco to rescue our abandoned van trinity  we're so excited to get back there and when you   compare hopper's deals to other booking platforms  we're saving up to 40 on these flights the app   is really quite simple to use and actually has a  color-coded calendar which shows you the cheapest   days to fly on and because we're flexible with our  dates we chose to select watch a trip and hopper   will monitor the prices 24 7 to make sure we are  getting the best price there's also this really   cool feature price freeze and it allows you to  lock in the deal for up to three weeks so it gives   you a little bit more time to think about it and  discuss with family and friends and on top of all   that hopper users get carrot cash rewards to put  towards their travel and who doesn't love carrot click the link in our description box to download  the app hopper and get ten dollars of carrot cash   rewards on us this can be eamon are you hopping in  the background this can be applied to your first   hotel booking on the app so make sure you use our  link to get that awesome deal and let us know in   the comments where you're planning on going we're  so excited to get back to trinity back to the tour   this guy's eating pizza again he's unbelievable  didn't you eat just an hour ago i just want to   remain giving the tour my full attention so i  just need two more minutes right off the kitchen   space we have our guest bedroom so in here the  floor continues through we put all new drywall   re-paneled the ceiling actually ended up  reinstalling these shelves and then the   biggest part of this bedroom was taking one of the  windows that were on the front wall of the cabin   and moving it into here so we have lots of natural  light the bedrooms are small but honestly all you   need in a room is a comfy bed and we got that  and a water ski well of course the water ski as we were wrapping up in this room eamon just  mentioned that it's quite boring and needs some   artwork yeah it's like white totally agree with  but i don't want to rush it and we're going   back to morocco and i think it'd be so amazing  to have pieces from around the world that we can   now actually collect for home so not russian no  just outside this bedroom you might see a little   doggie dish we don't have a dog but we have  lots of doggie friends so we have a doggy dish we actually redid these stairs by painting  them white and then adding a jute runner all   the way up and then we arrive in the loft aka  the hostel where we can sleep up to 10 people   if any of you are og's and can remember back to  this space when we first saw it i think there   were at least six single beds here they almost  looked like coffins it was very creepy and we've   replaced those with two queen-sized beds and  we had these custom cushions made so that when   we're watching tv on our big projector you're  kind of propped up as though you're on a couch   yeah the smell has also improved drastically from  when we moved in drastically and then on this side   of the loft this is probably the second best guest  bedroom suite bed because you do have a little bit   more privacy so we got this cool like privacy  divider although it's basically see-through but   it gives you like a little sense of privacy and  then we've got uh different options so sometimes   we set this up differently we've got the queen  and the single and not a lot of other furniture   right now but in the dead of winter ayman and i  were looking for fun things to build and create   enter the hammock now the problem with the hammock  is we haven't actually created a door or anything   any easy way to get in so right now  you literally have to step up and over   yeah and then kind of fall into the hammock which  is always you know its own holy shoot that almost   came off what's happening i'm terrified trust in  the process man trust the process okay holy shoot   i'm not getting out this robot this looks  relaxing this is a relaxing experience huh   heart's beating so fast okay come on bud we got a  tour to film oh this is super comfy tour the film come on in this is where we sleep uh it's got  an amazing energy in here we actually installed   the sliding door uh right off the deck so  when you wake up in the morning just boom   hammer outside give it a big stretch i've never  done that or in the middle of the night i just   found out that you actually go out here to  pee actually i do you notice it's quite the   walk then you gotta hit the stairs and get the  washer so i'll just whip it right off the deck   and it's beautiful i actually really i used  to hate that i peed a lot in the middle of   the night but now i look forward to it almost  because it's like just me time quiet the stars babe i didn't realize we were going to be  opening up all our drawers yeah i think this   is relatable i really do they also have storage  underneath the bed so so yeah that's huge these   are pretty key yeah and then whenever beck  grabs a pair of socks she goes like this and then all wake up in the middle of an angle  literally done it 25 times this is the most   unexpected room in the house i originally  thought the screened-in porch would be for   dining a big beautiful table but we turned it into  a gym y'all get after it get after it bro what yes just one you should really stretch that  sort of yeah but we love having a gym out   here it's been so great after many many  years on the road and going to gyms and   just like makeshifting our workouts to have  a set schedule it's one of my favorite things   that came with the cabin it's an old general  electric fan look how long it takes to start come on come on yeah it's a metal blade it makes  a lot of noise but it's like guys that like rustic   gym pod and then this fridge is really jokes  too it's like a classic beer fridge so when it   kicks on which is on right now you can hear it and  when it kicks on all the lights in the house dim   from the screen and porch we come out onto our  illegal deck yes i know a lot of you are asking   about our permit situation we are still in works  with the township hopefully everything will work   itself out but we'll show you around our illegal  space they haven't made us tear it down yet   this is the outdoor kitchen this was my favorite  project to build because obviously that's why i   bought this place to spend time outside we've  got the barbecue and soon to be pizza oven   you can just imagine it because that's what i've  been doing it's also on back order for six months   the barbecue we actually ran a line  directly to the big propane tank   we've got four monster propane tanks so that's  how we heat the house living out in the woods   you'll get used to living with a lot of other  critters in the sink here which is dennis   i think he's a doc spider he's always there a  little bit more storage underneath and then that   flows right on to the outdoor shower we've got  two waterfall shower heads we've even got a doggie   shower you think we have a dog coming soon coming  soon you gotta open this and you gotta turn over did you know that was on yeah amen so what are you doing why would you do that  why did you do that this is our gift from   santa this year our brand new hot tub i  would open it to show you but i'm afraid   that the cameraman might push me in after  what i pulled in the shower there no no so this is super sweet it's amazing in winter  we've been stargazing in summer if you're in   the market for hot tub and you're looking  online don't be fooled by the term water   feature as i was sold on it i was picturing  like a fountain like shooting water out that's it and our property is slightly elevated  so building this staircase down to the water was   a big job but well worth it we've got kind of all  these little landings so it if you need a break   you can take one bob usually stops here this is  the bob chair oh i was wondering where that chair   came from and why it's here the bob chair so we  got quite a few stairs down to this next larger   platform where we are manifesting a beautiful  cedar sauna one day right in this corner wouldn't   that be amazing and from the larger platform there  are two more sets of stairs down to the water   this is a really fun project we  actually built this floating dock using   30 massive plastic barrels and it's where we  actually gather a ton and spend a lot of our time   we've got all day sun jump off the dock  and just sit and enjoy this last section   of stairs was interrupted by the building  inspector so eventually we would like to do   like a little bit more of a permanent solution  maybe a larger platform that accesses the dock   but we're just grateful that we're able to get to  the water this season this is our pontoon boat the   couch of the seas it's definitely the best way to  explore the waters all right well that's the main   dock we actually have a second one on the other  side it's a bit of a hike we'll get there soon before we head to the second doc slash  boat house i'm going to show you the shed   this is where beck's kicked  me out bring all my tools   and as i mentioned you always have  roommates charleston lives here hi buddy charleston's the resident chippy he moved  into this corner about a month ago and   it's kind of my fault everything's  kind of open still at the rafters   i know he's pretty cute i might let him  live the winter we haven't decided yet   but yeah this is where i hang out  and uh smash some tools around how sick is this careful yeah dude  you do some damage with this puppy   we do have a security system  here but i'm telling you back stay back haters stay back don't leave that  comment when we first moved in this shed was full   of junk and then we cleaned it absolutely spotless  and not that it's junk in there but it's full   again what this is very oregon i would say this  is pretty organized yeah it's pretty beautiful   wait till you see the basement oh my gosh the  basement so as beck mentioned we are sitting   on three beautiful acres and we really haven't  done much with the property off the left here   so look out for ticks and snakes and spiders  and chipmunks oh geez so i wanted to take you   guys down to an area we like to call vex bay  we kind of keep this past a little trimmed   or aim and does because one day we'd love to  be able to build another cabin down this way so welcome to beck's bay everyone this is our  beautiful sort of the end of our property line   it's really nice and level lots of beautiful  birch trees and then we have a beautiful   little bay another favorite part about   this cabin is that we can host people and as  you've seen we have a few guest bedrooms but we   love to use our van as an alternative funky oh the  van gets parked here just next to the porta potty this has not been used yet but it's got the  original tp from 1972. and that smell from 1972. the van is a perfect guest cabin because it's  completely self-contained the composting toilet   is in working condition and it actually  sleeps two people very comfortably and   if we need to we could squeeze a third so  while the van hasn't had as many adventures   this summer it's seen a lot of guests  including some not-so-welcome ones oh my god those mouse traps suck dude   he actually took the tape off the peanut  butter let's see his poo everywhere oh no don't worry guess we'll clean it before you come  this loop has worked out really well you might   have thought we planned this but we didn't this  is our well so this drops like many many feet   into the ground and that's where we get our fresh  drinking water and then we actually also hooked   up a lake water intake so if we need to water the  garden fill up the hot tub right out of the lake   boat house boat house you want to tell them  about this path we did yeah this spring we   actually pulled out a lot of big rocks and  stumps and things you would stub your toe on   laid some wood chips down and just finish the  path a little bit more safely gently gently   and this path leads to our boathouse boat shed  where we keep our kayaks eamon's hip waders   and not much else life jackets life  jacket i kind of like it in here it's   a little bit creepy but sometimes i hang  out here when beck's asking me to do stuff   this is a pretty amazing potential here for  a beach it just needs some tlc but i guess   we technically have a beach and i guess we  technically have two sea dews not technically   we have two seaters this is something we bought  back in january we didn't get them till now but yeah we did it we bought two sieges   no one to blame except for lee and lee only  she made us do it and we're not upset about it this was eamon's christmas  gift from my parents this year   but it's where i spend most  of my time perfecting my swing oh catch me on a golf course near you let me show you the basement so we loaded up with  four i think they're 100 liters i could be wrong   it sounds no it doesn't sound like enough 400  liters anyway i have no idea how big they are   but last winter we actually ran out in  the middle of the season now we weren't   insulated so we're hoping that this  would get us through the entire winter   because sometimes there's issues with the refill  truck getting through there's supposedly that much   snow and the basement this is another space in the  house where we really cleaned it up really nice   and then just re-junked it up  eamon had this as a little workshop   really beautifully done and now it's sort of  just the overflow of things that eamon finds   at the dump and brings home yeah right and then  this is our kind of water utility room so we put   in the brand new furnace this year so we had all  the ducting ran throughout the house that was a   big job we've got our water heater our accumulator  and then we are on the well so it's hard water so   we put in a water softener when we moved in this  was all a dirt floor basement and i think there   were some snakes and rats and mice living in here  so what we did is we laid a plastic poly floor   and right up to each side of the wall and  then had a spray foam guy come in and seal   the entire area so you can see the floor is now  sealed with the concrete floor that was a great   move because we haven't had a critter in here  since what is left what else can we show you   well really all that's left to do is to thank  you guys we've had this unbelievable ride where   essentially we've been able to post a video  every single week for the last year and call   that a job we truly are living our dream and  without every single one of you tuning in   and showing support this wouldn't be possible a  few years ago this was all just a dream we were   two kids who moved into a van everyone thought  we were a little crazy selling tea across canada   and we always dream that one day we'd have a home  base that we could come to that we absolutely love   and this is it hopefully this just encourages  you to continue living your best life get out   there chase your dreams because they are totally  possible and we hope to support you guys in all of   your adventures just as you have for us that's  essentially a wrap on this cabin series we're   super excited to share some new content with you  maybe some international travel and as always   we'll see you sunday and go call someone you  love and tell them you love them we love you guys i do i love them i know i love them too i haven't  met a lot of you but i would love to one day i   can't wait for meetups to come back i know we  used to do a lot of really rad meetups and out   of everyone that came to the meetup i love them  i love you love you guys peace here oh [ __ ]   you gotta pick that up i've actually got  two washrooms on either side oh [ __ ] halfway through the tour that he's got shirt off of the kitchen space we have our guest bedroom  so come on in here this room the major work we did   sorry what are the highlights of that room uh whoa whoa what about the broomstick  oh you got to show them that   all right you guys need to lift to hogwarts this  year let me know and the off chance that you're   watching even and i for the first time today  you might think we don't look that outdoorsy   um i dressed up i don't normally  wear a skirt for a walk in the woods you
Channel: Eamon & Bec
Views: 826,439
Rating: 4.9546332 out of 5
Keywords: eamon and bec, emon and bec, bec and eamon, cabin, cabin tour, before and after, before and after cabin renovations, cabin makeovers before and after, cottagecore, cottage renovation, before and after cottage renovations, before and after cottage, diy, diy renovations on a budget
Id: LXLmSz4Wb9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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