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A surprise video! I obviously wasn't expecting this, but it was a nice treat to have a quick summary of the last year's worth of progress. I wonder what prompted this unexpected video - it's not like their views are decreasing or anything. Just a treat for us? An attempt to get more subs? Either way, nice video

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/unknown021 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
there are moments that mark your life where time is divided into two parts before and after for almost three years we traveled full time we made a choice to drive south to travel into the unknown and search out the best in every situation after 16 countries spanish immersion food poisoning dog quarantines car trouble attempted break-ins and countless adventures we made it to the very tip of south america the bottom of the world the end of the road this is surreal guys that's it we did it means the end of the world no matter where we made it to or where we were going we were always pointing south and now uh we're as far south as you can go [Music] when you live in a van home is wherever you park it we loved the excitement and unpredictability of travel knowing that we just needed to close our doors to feel safe in these 60 square feet but what happens when the world starts to shut down when no one knows what's happening or how long it'll last um so my partner and i are american citizens we've been traveling south america in our camper van and i was wondering if you had any information on whether the shipping lanes would reopen anytime soon or the border to uruguay would open again so that we could ship our van as far as we know um they are under the same restrictions as commercial flights so everything is cancelled so far okay what are you recommending for american citizens right now i mean to try to schedule your flights and leave as soon as possible after before more restrictions okay are implemented we made the heartbreaking decision to evacuate argentina and store our van in a campground unsure if we'd ever see her again and returned back to the united states oh there it is the last time you guys will probably see it for quite some time it's not because it's just our home that we're leaving behind it's because we made it and it's like very special to us and it's just kind of sad although it was filled with uncertainty those first few months back in utah were a blessing in disguise spending time with family transforming the family farm oh so much poop [Laughter] we built a greenhouse grew plants out of our own vegetable garden raised goats we even eloped what are you doing here i know you well what are you doing here so this is your brother dr taylor and suzanne devin and suzanne you know he's going to be marrying us oh soon right right [Music] in a now ceremony with just a couple people around we decided not to delay joy it wasn't the big wedding we had planned but it was perfect [Music] we made a monumental decision to slow down to set roots and change everything about our lifestyle [Music] so where do we start we absolutely love traveling we probably will never stop traveling but if there's one thing that traveling through central and south america over the past almost two years has taught us it's how much we appreciate our family here in utah if there's another thing that this pandemic has taught us yeah it's that it's really important to have a good solid home base so we decided last july while we were home that this piece of property was going to be the perfect opportunity for us to build a nice little home base and in july of 2020 we broke ground on the most terrifying adventure of our lives working with architects engineers advisors and contractors to help us lay the framework and foundation to build our own dream cabin in the mountains [Music] we ran into issues almost right away that's probably a foot of water in our basement which is not where we want it to be this literally makes me want to cry that's a lot of water and the crazy thing is that is a lot of water when they dug this up there was just a little bit of water but now that it's sat for two days there's a lot of water so i'm guessing all we have to do is take a lot of money and just bury it with the water and the water will leave us alone that's usually what happened but with every curve in the road we've tried to overcome it with gratitude and grace [Music] till the sun baby let me buy you a drink while we're dancing a plank i could go for some queen peter is [Music] [Music] we hired out excavation and concrete and then took over from there and have basically done everything else since then ourselves with the help of some incredible friends driving up here a lot of trees were down it was super windy last night and it still is luckily no trees are fallen on our property on our freshly poured walls or foundation which is awesome because we were that would be really bad it is a little bit windy though [Music] wow this really sucks supposedly like tonight slash tomorrow is when the chances of snow were going to happen in the mountains not last night insanely windy all this wood has snow on it which will in turn make this wood wet none of this wood should be getting wet this is really bad we knew we wanted to be in the mountains and our property is at 8 000 feet elevation which means the summer is short and the winter is harsh so from the moment we started working we knew the race against winter was on [Music] this time i know we're really thrilled [Music] but i'm never giving up on you [Music] and some water how does it taste tastes like plastic that's great [Music] to make the same mistakes [Music] it's a really big moment in the build this is the first wall that we've framed that's gonna get stood up and we're just gonna lean it against the wall but we're still the first wall we're standing and it's beautiful it's really light oh my goodness you guys get upstairs [Music] [Music] i felt strong in the sun as i walked onto be with [Music] this is insane [Music] oh here we go [Music] [Music] careful trent get out of there trent [Music] oh my goodness [Music] oh my goodness you guys we have a wall it's standing upright it hasn't smushed anybody the crane is still attached to it and so while it's attached they're doing all the bracing it's basically an enormous wind sail and we need to brace it as much as possible because we're probably not going to be able to get another wall frame today and we do not want to come back tomorrow morning to this thing having blown over but i think the stressful part is almost over they still have to climb up to the top and unhook the straps after that we're in the clear we went from winter [Music] to summer 2 3. where we tried to get as much done as we possibly could while the weather was warm and sunny enough for us to be working outside [Music] uh two more inches and you're on the ground there you go oh my goodness how we looking it's not dropping oh yeah oh look at this wow [Music] redneck ingenuity at its finest back to winter and then back to summer which led us to the most catastrophic part of the build so far scary oh my goodness this thing is huge [Music] [Music] you're doing so good thank you oh oh [Applause] oh no no no oh my god oh my god [Applause] oh my god trent get out of the way [Music] it was a very tense rest of the afternoon trying to get the beam in place correctly needless to say it took a lot of time and effort [Music] but everything worked out in the end how's it look brandon is it in a good spot good enough that was terrifying what a morning i'm scared that was so intense are you freaking out for me one thing i'm so glad that we haven't had to worry about in the last year is where our meat comes from we get all of our meat from butcher box which is ethically sourced it's delicious and it's also the sponsor of today's video butcherbox believes in better they deliver 100 grass-fed beef free-range organic chicken heritage breed pork and wild caught seafood directly to your door they take the guesswork out of shopping to ensure high quality meat that is better for your family sourced directly from farmers with high standards for animal welfare and sustainable farming we absolutely love butcher box and if you want to check them out click the link in our description and you'll actually get free ground beef for life with your box i just want to say thank you again to butcherbox for sponsoring this video [Music] everything from that point on was a race to get the roof on before it snowed for real [Music] it's cloudy pretty overcast it smells like snow that like wintry smell the property is a disaster the snow is on its way luckily we have incredible friends that are coming to help today also good morning brandon good morning have you checked the weather recently i don't want to it's not good while trent is working on the roof i am going to winterize the rest of the entire property we got a lot of cleaning and organizing and insulating and preparing to do we don't have any time to waste today let's get to work [Music] with the help of our friends and neighbors we winterized the property and got the roof on with hours to spare that night we finished sealing up the roof and the next morning we woke up to this [Music] baby don't move down [Music] let's go [Music] you survived oh my gosh not not good huh no it's totally fine i spent an hour pulling a guy out of the ditch down at the bottom really yeah he was driving a ford for all you ford guys wow ford in the ditch if you notice the chevy didn't make it either this is ram country tough trucks i'm glad brandon made it i would have made it kevin last time you said it wasn't going to snow till christmas this is a dusting oh thank you this is not snow for this area this is a dusting within 30 seconds it's now gone from crystal clear blue skies no wind and no snow to harsh wind it's snowing again it's one of those days winter wasn't going anywhere anytime soon but that wasn't going to stop us we continued to work on the sunroom roof installing windows and enjoying the ridiculously snowy paradise all while starting to see the home that this build could become [Music] a couple of you have been sending us christmas ornaments which is incredible because we've never had a tree together much less a tree in our own house that we're building ourselves this is the very first ornament on our very first tree together it has begun it has begun [Music] of course we're living in a camp trailer in the mountains so inevitably it's not always picture perfect i wanted to show you guys what life looks like when things aren't going according to plan because tonight is the epitome of that we have no power we have no water we have no heat things are not looking good oh boy we signed up for this huh yeah we did and this is a good example of when good ideas go bad honestly this probably would have been fine if we left the water on but the problem is we left the heat tape plugged in and this was super insulated and we shut the water off in case there was a leak or we had any issues basically an empty pipe with no water in it got way way way too hot so i got some new heat tape after this got disintegrated i'm gonna put the heat tape on the pipe and then i'm gonna try to cover it with one of these metal exhaust pipes again if it doesn't turn on when i flip this breaker then uh we're in we're in big trouble so i have faith confidence but i'm also extremely nervous three two one ah yes yes i mean i knew it was gonna happen oh it's not even that cold out it's 18. what's the temperature in here right now 52. oh my goodness jerry held the heat pretty well it's 18 outside 52 in here pretty chilly that's pretty nice but the show must go on and every day we get a little closer to making this house actually habitable [Music] cold hand frozen feet raindrops falling on the street [Music] whoa well i think that was most of it and we did it safely here we go [Music] okay [Music] ah still some snow up here on the peak i forgot uh how scary this roof is it's pretty scary up here and if you're watching this at home right now and you're really nervous about shawn and i just know that we're trained professionals and we've done this before have you done this before we've never done this before [Music] ready to catch your brandon oh how you doing oh it's like popping a zit dude it's just blasting hot air out of this hole really yeah and it just blew so much sawdust into my face oh that was a that you would you could experience by doing that i would not do that again oh my gosh we're gonna build the first fire oh my gosh are you excited what better day to build a fire than when it's absolutely freezing outside it's like 12 degrees and snowing absolutely frigid in the house i cannot wait to get a little bit warmer in here [Music] paper doesn't even burn just like that you can burn your house down [Music] well we're just gonna sit here and watch the fire for a while and we'll pick you guys up when we start doing some plumbing [Music] [Music] oh no oh no frank this way the snow is so deep [Music] my gosh oh no look at the forerunner there's so much snow on it the land cruiser [Music] clearing some stuff out of the way and thought there was just a big stick in the middle of where trent is about to pull in the tractor so i was like oh i better move this stick out of the way it was a piece of frozen dog poop [Music] every day was a challenge in a different way and that's what makes life exciting we're still happily married so it must mean we're doing something right slowly we pieced together plumbing propane connections wired the electrical installed hvac ducting and decided hey why not add some spice to our life [Music] so everybody meet lika she's about 10 weeks old and she's a german shepherd malinois mix she doesn't understand what it takes to film a video yet she is really sweet and really adorable and frank does not approve unfortunately you have a sister you've never had a sister [Music] luckily it didn't take long for frank to turn into the amazing big brother we knew he would be [Music] after that life got a little crazy our four-way inspection electrical hvac plumbing and framing was a total disaster we are having our four-way inspection we are doing everything we can to get everything going we got the sewer system filling up and if this thing fills up and it's leaking remember last time we filled it up it wasn't leaking if it's leaking now i'm gonna burn this house down oh my god oh my god so [Music] oh my god yeah it was basically a plug that was in a drain it was under pressure and somehow it popped out and when it popped out all the water that was in the system came out of that drain our problem right now is that our ducks are all full of water right now so the pump is connected but if i don't come over here and pump it every so oft oh my gosh someone just needs to stand there and monitor it it's not my fault something that is the greatest excuse in human history it's not my fault hey who built the house trent kevin did [Music] and even though we try to roll with the punches it left us feeling pretty defeated all right i really appreciate it yeah thank you going down that's amazing basically uh we just have a couple pieces of blocking and we have to change some silver screws to some brass screws and then uh we're pretty much done that's amazing also i'm gonna go drain the water out of the sewer line so that we don't have another huge dessert thank you [Music] as spring approached the warm weather was a huge motivation and the build feels like it could be done in a few months for the first time the end feels like it could be in sight [Music] we like to joke that we thrive in chaos and after years of discussion we decided to try to start a family go to sleep every night and what's it dreaming of [Music] i wonder [Music] there's two bars there why does the rain always kill two bars is a positive when it's gray outside oh my god [Music] it makes me wonder [Music] it really makes me wonder we're gonna have a baby [Music] things really started to speed up after that [Music] by you and for the first time i think we've both decided we have enough going on in our lives and don't need to add any more chaos to the mix it's just [Music] the pressure is definitely on now as we get closer and closer to a real deadline this baby is coming thanksgiving of 2021 and we're doing everything we can to move in before he arrives [Music] it's been about a year from when we started building and we're loving this adventure and the memories we're making in the process hopefully we can get certificate of occupancy soon and move in before winter hits thanks again to butcherbox for sponsoring today's video subscribe and follow along every monday and friday as we post videos sharing the ups and downs of this wild ride and the joys of building our dream cabin in the mountains [Music] you
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 1,419,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timelapse, build timelapse, off grid build, container home, family, self reliance, rewind, start to finish, debt free, living off grid, home building, how to build a house, off grid cabin build, off grid tiny house, tiny home, tiny house, tiny house build, time lapse video, diy videos, tiny house timelapse, time lapse construction, build your own home, wild wonderful off grid, building a house, couple builds house in 20 minutes, trent and allie, cabin, couple builds, amazing
Id: S1O8HRPA5yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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