FULL VAN TOUR - For full time #Vanlife - It has EVERYTHING!

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this video is sponsored by surf shark what is happening guys we're craig and amy and you are watching it and this is our mercedes vario 814d called custard she's been through three rounds of upgrades but this is our final van tour showing you everything we've done in the last 12 months all of the upgrades and we think she's pretty perfect to introduce you to our channel and what king it is all about have a watch of this for the last seven years we've been put in our motto of rule your own world into major practice after battling cancer and surviving a broken neck we decided life really was too short not to experience this world after driving a camouflage via panda across the world and buying a tuk-tuk in india to drive the length of the country we arrived at our next challenge custard the bus as most people's van life journeys begin we won our bus on ebay without even viewing it this yellow pension are landing on our ebay search and we just knew we had to have her we had zero diy experience and she needed a full on revamp luckily we've got a lot of good friends and the first renovation we managed to turn around in six weeks with a lot of help from friends and family we then shot off to europe and it was sensational when we came back home we decided it was time for custard renovations 2.0 we well mark cut out the rest and rebuilt the bus with some new non-holy metal she was looking class just to add to her glow up we got her a new spray job and finally a vintage matte wrap featuring our king in it crown in a gloss finish our next mission was to the scottish highlands where we learned that in van life or just our lives in general not everything goes to plan the pipes just burst and if you're thinking about starting van life you better enjoy fixing things mate from being total noobs on our first trip to europe uh it's not turning on and learning a little bit more in scotland about what works and what doesn't in december last year we were forced to come home from scotland and decided to add a few more upgrades to custard and then we took her around wales for 10 weeks it was this trip that we knew exactly what we needed to finish her once and for all with a custard the bus 3.0 renovation now we think she is as close to perfect as we could get it come rain or shine winter or summer this bus has everything we need for a brilliant trip away stay tuned to see the game changing upgrade later in the video all right guys this is our tiny home welcome to coast of the bus let's start at the back look at your little robe babes why are you hiding under there nothing stop it it was two pounds at a car boot sale felt quite sassy i just want to say if you've got an outfit that you love i mean you're trying to keep it for a special occasion for a wedding or something don't just wear it whenever you fancy i put this on it's a bit over the top provento but i fancied it and it makes me feel good good for you babes so don't wait wear it so this is the bedroom area we've done three major upgrades one of our biggest upgrades being the air conditioning um i don't know too much about it it hasn't been installed properly yet we just rushed to do it so we could put it in the vanto but it is a 12 volt indel b air conditioner roof situation it wasn't recommended to us uh there's little to no reviews online so we're hoping and praying that when we go on our next tour next week follow along we'll be able to use it and it'll be good situated right above the bedroom we thought we'd put it there because in the night we can just have it honest if we're in a hot country like morocco or spain no spoilers this for me was an absolute must we're planning on going to hotter climates next week and none of our windows open in custard so it is like a sweat box i was just saying earlier if we wanted to grow marijuana creek 3 million is this is the perfect place we've got no idea if it works how loud it is if it's going to drain our batteries but we'll keep you posted so as soon as it is wired up we're going to test out in some hot weather yeah next week and we'll let you know if it's any good look at your little pole babes tell about your new pole with your lights well i was feeling really sassy um and i wanted some more i mean you're not a real van lifer if you haven't got fairy lights to you no so this is just a curtain pole and fairy lights from ikea super cheap i hope it looks nice and not random but yeah i like it i do like to take a fair few suitcases away with me when i go on holiday um much to craig's dismay so i felt like we needed a like a cupboard for our pants just for our pants so these here perfection and we've got another one here there's no pants in there because we're unpacked yet if you're new around here and you've never seen our bedroom this is it in a nutshell curtains magnetic ring blomers from ikea light switches usbs and a security camera slash only fans camera best thing about this is if craig's farted i can open the door and let some air in you want to see where i keep my clothes and the next upgrade is the gastro on our bed go on babes put your back into it voila voila that's our beautiful gastro we don't really know much about it or how many neurons or neutrons it is we tried so many different versions with this but the one in the middle seems to be the one that works the best so that's what we've settled on so this one's got two little l brackets at the top and at the bottom so if you're gonna do a gas strap make sure it's a meaty one because this lifts the whole bed without any problems and we've got like a little rope here you just pull that up to lift it so under the bed is where we keep all of our things most of my clothes most of my five suitcases that i've taken but we haven't packed yet so it's pretty clean under there no this is thin material craig don't do that and just quickly while we're here these are our blackout blinds that we stick on on custard's windows when we want to go to sleep so we've got a very reliable chinese diesel heater under here don't drink there which heats the whole bus it's worked perfectly it's the best thing we own don't hurt yourself before we carry on with the van tour we would like to thank our lovely sponsor surfshark surfshark will protect you when you're on the world wide web in the physical world if you were going to australia you would protect yourself bloody rude if you were going on safari in africa you would protect yourself remember folks if you see any lions do not be scared if you were hiking in canada you would protect yourself we're out in a boot in the woods hey bud lucky i've got my taser oh my god it's a bear so why in everyday life when you're on the internet 13 hours a day would you not think to protect your digital life you're gonna need surf shark mate surf shark is a private network service that will protect and hide your personal data like your bank account details so hackers cannot gain access to them you simply turn it on and you can browse shop and bank online worry free just go to surfshark dot deals forward slash ryow for 83 off and three months for free next major upgrade composted toilet baby if you followed our videos especially our first ever van life trip you would have seen the dramas that we had with the chemical toilets i think it smashed me in the eye quick oh my god and there's a number of reasons why we hate the chemical toilet one because everything goes into one place you have to like empty every three or four days which means you have to find a campsite or somewhere you can empty it and it just becomes pain in the ass we've wanted a composting toilet for ages and you guys all recommended the simple so that's what we've gone for so let me show you this bad boy so this is here we haven't used it yet so it's all right for me to be this close and touching yeah smelling it it looks like a normal toilet beautiful it fits in here just perfect as well so there's a separator on the toilet your pee goes in the front poop goes in the back and there's also which i love about this usually you have to vent like any sort of composting toilet so you get an airflow the great thing about the simple is it's got this carbon filter so you don't you don't have to vent it out the side of the bus and there's a switch on it after you've done a little plop turn it on and it sucks all the bad air into a carbon filter ah on the side of the toilet i didn't know that you don't know that no no that's class it's brilliant so yeah it takes away all the bad smells the filter lasts for about a year i think and then you have to switch it out brilliant pea bottle comes with this little sensor and as soon as it touches the water like as soon as it gets to the top that's so cool your pee thing's full mate it's emptier so once you're done it's got a handle on it it's also got a lid so you can put the lid on first it's probably the better way yeah and then you just take it out of the toilet pop it in once you've had a poo you got a special container next to the bin which is full of sawdust we've all did a little scoop so you do a plop scoop some sawdust over the top like a little hamster and check it back down so if you use this code here you can get five percent off your very own simple you're welcome lads if you've never seen our bathroom before this is the rest of it we got a brush which hangs here this hooks for towels this little basket for your shampoos and stuff nice big mirror shower with a mixer tap and also an epoxy resin floor with our king and it crown on it another ultimate upgrade and custard the bus diesel heater plumbed into the bathroom becomes a drawing roommate if you're gonna build a van you have to do that all right before we show you the next upgrade i'm going to quickly show you our living room if you've never seen it before this is my favorite space we can have sleepovers with friends and we've also got loads of room to host people as well so we've had heaps of people in here for like mexican nights and cocktails and drinks board games we've had my nieces over to sleep we also have epic cinema nights in here as well it's pretty good there yeah i love it one of my favorite features surfboard rack holder saw on instagram it's really easy if you want to add one it's just these little d hooks and then this little thing here like you have for your washer line this seat actually pulls out into a bed it's for little people but if you're little then you come sleep over we've got storage under this one and also the duct in for the diesel heater which comes out from here as well as the bathroom we've got a carver water heater and the switch to turn on the water heater is by here it's older than my nan that was pretty ancient but it works like a treat it's fine water takes about 20 minutes to heat up we've also got the diesel heater controller here batteries and the inverter live under this seat and there's a little bit of storage this side let the people know what our battery setup is you know they're going to want to know so we got three 100 amp hour lithium batteries we've got our victron 3000 watt inverter we've got two b2b chargers and an mppt 100 solar smart controller something like that and on the roof we've got 300 watts of solar fabulous we also got more plugs here for charging our laptops usbs and also we've got sensors for the grey water and the freshwater tank retro as well but i love them final part of the living room is this table which is hidden in this box our good friend steve built this thanks steve we love it mate so it comes out of here it's a bit of a django puzzle but once it's up it gives us room to record our podcast we can both edit on our laptops we can have dinner breakfast whatever you like no more cholera for us the next upgrade we got a new filter for the water yay we're not gonna die the last one was terrible and it made the water taste horrendous but now oh baby wasn't it like 13 quid though the one we got before sweet sweet nectar the last one was very cheap this one was a little bit more pricey but our friends tanya adam put it in their van and it is a game changer what is it i don't know i'm just going to try and find the name of it for you guys so it's a nature nature pure nice i'll link it below everything in here that we can link that's possible to link we'll link so just have a look in the description uh plump that myself love so okay so a little quick tour of the kitchen we've got a fold-out drawer pull out pull out draw pull out draw which is wonderful for all of our food i've got lots of storage underneath as well my favorite thing is these little catches because when we're driving along and we didn't have them everything would fly out and it'd just scare the bejesus out of us so they are a must on any van we've got an 80 litre dometic fridge which is a great size for us and it also comes with a freezer so when you have margaritas and friends over you can have cold drinks and you can put ice lollies in there if you're big kids like us and just above we've got a little bit of storage just where we just keep our um our trays for when we do the dishes that catches all the water this is just our cleaning cupboard and with the fire extinguisher because when craig cooks curry sometimes you you it's dangerous you've got to be careful when he's cooking so that's that's all in there and a little bin as well the masterpiece of a sink this is our belfast sink that we got from ikea really deep really nice i love it sprinkle it this is craig's favorite thing ever look at that you can go for that and you can spin it all around absolute winner sprinkler tap on to our thetford oven if you just come down with me um want a pizza don't need to deliver you can come to casa de burst and have a pizza anything goes in there that's gas um it's really good you know it's all right like solid double the times for cooking because it's this low a little bit slow she's she's slow but she does the job she does yeah solid bit of ketta we don't need to see in there nobody needs to see that got some overhead storage on either side and these hooks here this is where we hang our cinema screen [Music] of course you've been like you you found like wanker you know i'm a van life anchor because i've got a spice rack there which never ever gets used ever it just kind of stops our curries from splashing on the wallpaper does the job we have a two hob burner what's it called yeah yeah to a two hob burner which is gas so let me just show you what we do with our gas this is one of our big upgrades also not forgetting keith's the kettle that puts in hell of a shift also it's not in the kitchen but we've got a nutribullet blender which is wicked for like watermelon shakes and protein shakes whatever you want to shake really stick with the pita love this little white plastic thing is where we connect our gas if you want to know where to fill it up you just google lpg filler it'll take you somewhere it costs about 11 pound to fill up so you don't have to get a new bottle every time i smile now i know what i'm talking about about 11 pounds google google rpg i'll take you somewhere lasts about three months for the whole bottle and it's basically recycling you can just refill the bottle so it's good for the planet google lpg fill up points and they're dotted everywhere google will take you to one our gas bottle is in the boot but we recommend if you're just starting your van build is to put an underslung bottle under your van keep it all neat and tidy underneath and save some space in the boot and there it doesn't take up much room then all right welcome to the boot last time we decided to take out our 210 litre water tank and it was a massive mistake it was we had 105 liters and it just didn't last long at all so we've got a better setup now because the last one took up the whole this part of the boot so now we've got a lot of extra space for like tools and chairs and things like that but we've got the same amount of water that we had before which is class we've also added which is a really cool little section a water fillet point on the outside so before we'd have to open the boot like when it was chucking down with rain i'd have a hose pipe in here like everything would get wet but now we just go over here pop the hose on there and then there's like a little overflow pipe so as soon as it starts pouring out the pipe you know it's full absolutely class not sure if you saw the uh hole i put in the bus keeps trying to blame me didn't he i wasn't driving well i think it was someone else i think a driver came past in the night we didn't hear it knocked a big hole anyway it's fixed look at that i learned how to fire a glass and do bodywork with gary brilliant spray that up the paint doesn't quite match but no one will notice that's fine so we bought you an 800-pound license to be able to drive this bus and you crashed it is that what you're saying i was just trying to be a nice guy i was reversing for someone and there was a wall in the way oh happens didn't it show me little seat babes go on so this is my co-pilot seat where i sit put my seat belt on we drive around la la into the summer into europe and scotland and places like that got a fan just because the windows don't open and we didn't have the aircon not much breeze comes through just a little 12 volt fan um and just down here we've got motorhome wi-fi it's 5g it's super good we've got a booster on the roof because we work predominantly online uh we need to have wi-fi wherever we go so it is a very good wi-fi box if i want to work on the road which i usually don't because i get really travel sick um i've got some plugs that i can plug my laptop into i've got the light switches here a couple of usbs down there to charge my phone everything i need really drinks holder with a little crown engraved in it it's a lovely area if i do say so myself spoiled cow in you so she didn't mention this i don't know why because it's a masterpiece but this doubles up it's a shoe storage under there we need to clean that crate and also a foot rest good to you and i love it's literally nearly bedtime look how dark it scar you can tell how long we've been doing this for it's been a while we're a little bit rusty but it's fine uh so on to the driver's seat this is me nice little bouncy seat um what have we got here we've got some switches we disconnected the door so they don't work because they're just annoying yeah it's an electric door isn't it like a proper bus it's really cool it's really cool but it's also really slow and when you're in france and you have to get the tickets amy has to open that door because it's the opposite side yeah uh and so we just turned it off because it's just annoying now we've got a reverse camera here which um is no longer on the back because i reversed it into a wall so we need to reconnect that at certain point we'll do that stereo and also this is another upgrade here crown above my seat love it king in it baby if you haven't already go to our shop 10 off until tomorrow night get yourself some king in it merch wrap the crown put a bit of walnut there craig walnut on the dash there's also storage here as well which um i've got rid of loads of stuff because amy had like a steamer an iron and ironing boards bloody all kinds of crap in there so i've got rid of most of it but it's still full look at that brilliant so we've got it's mainly like exercise equipment in there that was using that it's got a lot of dust on it and then in the top one here is where we keep our drone and my surfboard fins another random bits of crap yeah so that is it but we have got one final major upgrades on cast of the bus you're going to love it i'm going to love it and you're going to love it yeah oh we didn't tell about the pull-up bag pull-up bar too look at this we built a boycott [Applause] ever since we bought custard we wanted a bike rack on the back so much so that we actually bought a scooter after our first build i got a license for it and then we sold it because we couldn't find the right setup for the back and now we've done it we've done it we've done it so it's actually an old piece of uh motorway crash railing oh i know that isn't hope it's not a bad omen yeah and we've put some uh bit of steel underneath and it's all bolted in nicely we've got a trailer board which is hooked up to the light so it's all legit legit um we've also attached it with this little uh clampy thing here on the seat post we built a wheel hoop thing here so we like strap it through there we've got a ratchet strap that goes around that there's a lock on it so it's nice and secure and there's also a cover so it's completely covered and there's a hole for the little bit on the back but how good is that so this is our new electric bike they're not actually available yet they're out of stock till september so we're going to be testing it out on our next trip and we'll let you know how it is but so far it's pretty sexy [Music] so lads that is it for our vanto thank you so much for watching and hope you've loved custard give us a thumbs up if you have so give us a thumbs up so if you want to stick around give us a subscribe because we are going away next week we're going somewhere very exciting and yeah just you can follow along like maybe you might want to go yourself you might want a little itinerary we'll make sure we pick out the best spots to go to also don't forget there's 10 off on the king in its shop so head over and use the code kingstergram for 24 hours only so get it while you can yeah other than that we wanted to say like this bus has taken us about two years to get to this stage yeah we bought it with no viewing no experience and we were just like let's just do it let's do it so obviously this is the end result of a lot of hard work and we've had a lot of great people help us out as well we've been lucky like that but if you're thinking of doing you obviously don't you know have to get a massive vehicle you could start with a smaller one if you fancy but just if you've got that urge go out there and just go for it save your pennies because it's one of the best things you'll ever do it really is this van for us is just like freedom you know you don't have to book a flight you don't have to pay like extra money because uk staycations are so expensive right now you just jump in it fill it with food fill it with water and off you go it really is it's such a dream and just a big shout out to the van life community as well you are a bunch of legends a few weeks ago we mentioned about our friend steve being diagnosed with cancer and how he's unable to work and able to finish his van so we shared the gofundme that his family set up and you all donated so much money and he's so grateful so we popped in to see him today with me in the hospital we did yeah and uh he wanted to record a little message for you all so this is it well look who i've had come visit yay thanks for coming to see me today guys um i just wanted to say to all your viewers thank you so much for all the donations you've given um it's been absolutely amazing don't you make me cry but yeah the support's been amazing um we put some uh the money towards um you've donated towards the van and i've been building and i've had so much help with it and you know i'd like to thank everyone that's given me um for the help for the van he's going to go towards the family sorry breaking up crying and um yeah their followers are amazing you're all amazing guys and keep it up and just do whatever you want to in your life make your life happy because you never know what can happen okay i can just take you from whatever you want to do too quickly so you make sure you leave your life and you you rule your own world okay your own will your own mod love these two they're amazing all right guys from the bottom of our hearts guys thank you so much for everything you've donated to stephen to everybody who is chipping in to help steve finish the van um i'm gonna go down and do some work with gary hopefully and fit some bits but yeah thanks again guys i think steve put it pretty brilliantly you know don't wait for something to happen for you to go out and rule your own world get it done if you've got a dream make it happen you know this is your life and you're the one that's in control of it so you can take it in whatever direction you want so just go for it guys always remember rule your own world one two three all right guys let's get into it [Laughter] all right nan welcome to the youtube channel welcome to your youtube channel welcome welcome back my channel i suppose so you google lpg and it'll take you lpg fill up so you go google lpg fill up and it will take you to a fill-up lpg and this lpg fill up points lpg fill up points if you were heading down under you protect yourself check yourself if you were going down under you protect yourself oh we're oot in the boot in the woods we're eating the boot and eating a boot out in the boot if you see any lines do not be scared get your belly out [Music] [Laughter] go and if you see any lines do not be scared
Channel: Kinging- It
Views: 42,561
Rating: 4.983294 out of 5
Keywords: van tour, van tour with bathroom, van tour with shower, van tour 2021, van tour van life, van tour jennelle eliana, van tour kara and nate, full van tour, full van conversion, full van tour uk, van tour uk, campvervan tour uk, camper conversion, camper van conversion, van conversion tour uk, camper conversion bus, bus conversion, full bus conversion, bus renovation, full bus tour, bus tour van life, van conversion for full time living, full size van conversion
Id: OXSo25DUl14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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