Buying a New Cabin in the Woods

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oh my gosh i think we'd be in way over our heads  i'm like literally ready to put in an offer   but guys the view is impeccable there are up  to 45 campsites i like it i don't see one for   this place unreal she's exhausted just seeing you  again huh it's a lot of work this place is creepy   vibes oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah she looked  at your smile behind me yeah you love it yes it's true we are looking to buy another  property and while we've always thought about   doing another rental or investment property  seeing all the comments from the cabin tour   has really been the push we needed to get  out and start looking and the second push   to just get out there and start looking was  actually a health scare i've been going through   behind the scenes so about a month and a  half ago i found a lump in my right boob   and i decided i needed to get it checked out  i spent about 12 hours in the hospital one day   and i could tell by the doctor's reactions that  things weren't looking good for me i went from   the first checkup to an ultrasound to a meeting  with the radiologist to an immediate mammogram   and all of that was very troubling and isolating  because eamonn couldn't be there in the hospital   with me but in the back of my head i knew  it was likely bad news i just finished   i don't know why i feel emotional about it  but i do with all of these tests so anyways it's done follow that with a call from my family  doctor who basically called me to tell me i had   cancer so she sat me down asked if i was in a safe  space if i had support and then kind of laid out   what the next few months would look like for me  for the last month and a half i would say i was   fighting a lot of emotions um just  wasn't sleeping was super super stressed   and i finally had my biopsy appointment where they  actually extract tissue to double confirm that   what they're seeing is cancer and a few nights ago  i got a call from my doctor oh goodness basically   that that biopsy did not show any cancer in it and  uh you can you can stop it like your husband cry oh my goodness yeah i think you're still gonna  have to have a whole piece a bigger piece of   tissue taken out but by the clinic just to sort  of run through it because obviously there's it's   not normal but it's it is there wasn't they and  you know they labeled it right breast cancer they   labeled the rest that the uh the stuff in that so  obviously they were really concerned about it but   there's no sign of it in that specimen all of that  to say is i always want to share with you guys   what's really going on with us but as i was going  through i felt a little overwhelmed by everything   so now you know i hope you feel a little less  alone if you're going through something similar or   know someone close to you who is i'm so grateful  to amon for all of his support and my family and   friends please know that you're supported by us  and that there's no better day than today to go   out there and start living your dreams and one  of our major dreams is to find another property   fix it up again and share it with all of you  we love this community we love doing what we do   so let's go check out some properties just wait  till you see the second one we got planned for you   yesterday while we were out on the lake we  noticed a big for sale sign and we thought   what are the chances that  there's a cabin available on   our lake so we're headed over to check it out  in this new gatory thing bye gator hello general okay okay the road was windy i'm a little sick welcome to property number one  what really caught our eye about this property is   that it sits on i think about two acres of  land so we'll have lots of privacy for our   guests let's go check it out where's pauline  where's pauline making us wait that lady   okay so it's a little elevated probably even more  than our cabin but guys the view is impeccable   and guess what we're looking at that's my  home that's the little island i stayed on   right there protein baby protein where do you get  your protein from whole food plant-based beans man   oh my god stunning how you doing pauline  good to see you thanks to pauline i've got   the facts so we have 2.3 acres and 320 feet of  shoreline cathedral ceilings on the main level   large open air deck on three sides beautiful  clean deep water shoreline for swimming oh   oh my gosh very basically it is basic it's  uh reminiscent of your place originally yeah   no our place was in much worse no this has a lot  more potential yeah even the the real live beams   going through the white ceiling that's stunning  this is a teeny tiny kitchen rustic exposed brick   bathtub this feels like my grandma's house right  here you know even this toilet is like my granny's   toilet bedroom number one and i hope you don't  mind having a noisy neighbor no no ceilings   did half a wall what a good sized bedroom yeah  it's actually a very nice sized bed ceiling fan   i like that this is i guess the dining room feels  more like a cards table yeah yeah but very cottagy yeah that is super nice decks probably the code  it feels very private very like retreat oasisy   i'd say laundry room oh very basic water room   okay beer fridge freezer how  much do they want for this place bedroom number two with all the beds you know  it's interesting that they have like the i guess   that would be the master up there but it's two  double beds yeah so the partners don't like each   other huh they need their own space oh okay wow  talk about a tiny bedroom there's no light even   airport style i mean it's a beautiful view if i'm  being honest like sitting here waking up to this   is really pretty pauline just counted we've got 78  stairs minus the platform at our place we have 62.   a little easier trip down to the water although  we're elevated once you get down to the water   the shoreline is stunning they have 320 feet and  it's quite level so from that last little platform   you can walk along here wow this is beautiful  really pretty hey oh oh my heart that is nice what do you think audience  you guys want to stay here   you guys willing to take the steps up  and down let us know in the comments   property number one let us know what you think  we're actually gonna head on to a very very   unique property we'll explain more when we get  there we got a new driver in town hop in bucko this next property is very interesting it's  going to be for all the van lifers out there   it's a big idea but we figured we'd come  check it out to see just how big it's the   opposite of the last place isn't it oh it's  the opposite of everything we're about to see   paulie and tell them where we are we  are at a beautiful site on the water   it's a campground we're gonna call this the  campground and it sits on five acres of land   with two sandy beaches on the waterfront there are  up to 45 campsites bathroom facilities flat areas   for recreation beautiful gardens and a year-round  home which we're going to call bob's house   go check it out like you have to run a full-blown  office babe this is the office because you have to   check people in he's a plant lady like  me i like that i love that i love that   okay i can see bob moving in here okay  so it's like a full-on house in here yes   we got a bathroom the bathtub here we  have bedroom one and here's bedroom two   oh oh wow lots of room up here holy smokes okay  so let's call this bedroom number three unoccupied   bedroom number three bedroom number four oh  my gosh and counting i mean they're tiny but   bedroom number five with a whole bunch of weird  that's kind of spooky what do you have in here this is cool i love that this is the kind of thing that spooks me  out about an attic and every attic has one so the idea of course would be to host all  of you with your vans or rvs there are 45   campsites like i said and they're really quite  beautiful amongst the trees little picnic tables   it's helping us really see the vision look at your  smile behind me yeah you love it but how about the   beach unreal that's really cool so all of  this beach so that dense tree line over there   is included in the property one wheels here golf  carts people can use that they can rip along here   horseshoes everyone's playing this would  be like the hottest place of the year man   i'm scared by how like how big your  smile is right now like you're actually   launched it's beautiful though  what a beach yeah unbelievable oh nice and clean i like the use of plexiglass  very smart you'd be the one maintaining that   though you'd have to keep it that clean it's  what we call the highland premium spots this   costs double you get the view there's four  lots along here all with power already   installed that's amazing not only do we have  outhouses here at the camp ground but we   also have proper toilets this property obviously  would be a little bit more complicated there are   existing trailers on lots so we need to look at  what the revenue is how long their contracts are   this is a beaut like every time i turn around  like look how beautiful this little camp spot is   they're really really really special stunning  very beautiful and we've been to a number of   campgrounds in our day so a few very nice  but it becomes an entirely new business   for us doesn't it 100 you look a little  too excited bye bud i like a challenge well that's a wrap on the campground   and i don't know man i can see it i can also see  it it feels really amazing here and it would be   so so special to not only be able to have you  guys rent one of our properties but for us to   be here and have 45 different couples and  families and vans and everyone hanging out   and playing horseshoes exactly like games we  could play spike ball over here we could have   saturday night vegan barbecues it would just be  like really cool anyways that's option number two we are running a little bit late  we're going to see another property   it's an hour away we only got 45  minutes so we're supposed to be there   so we're going quick good thing we got  the speed demon 3000 behind the wheel know that buying property is always stressful but  currently here in canada and i think it's similar   everywhere yeah the real estate market is  really really hot so we love this property   but they're accepting offers  this evening which means that   if we like it we have to move really quick  and it's definitely going to be sold by   tomorrow morning so you know driving there it's  like oh like it's just a lot i'm also excited   about this property but i do feel like there's  gonna be some tight neighbors it's amazing how   tricky they can make those little photos yeah  photographers they're sneaky must be nice first impressions this road is almost like  suburbia on the water it doesn't feel like   you're moving to a cabin in the woods no  yeah this is like like fancy the road is   so easy like getting to our place is  bumpy windy barely a road and this is   basically paved welcome to the panaboat property  we have two bedrooms two bathrooms and it sits on   point acres of land point acres point eight point  eight acres of water so there's the main cottage   then we have this little boathouse which i would  love to turn into a cute sleeping cottage bunky   and just so much beautiful flat land like  i mentioned it has a lot of flat land like   you can walk from the cottage to  the water with not a single step   that's not true 15 steps no i mean steps down to  the water like oh these steps down to the water   this is yeah this is nice oh it has a very cottage  feel smell it has a cottage smell oh no this is   a panda boat smell so it's like a bc cedar smell  like the whole thing is oh eamon it's like the dog   it's like our friends bought one like this problem  with this is if a piece of our rocks are screwed   yeah it's all intro also you can never  insulate this to be four seasons yeah   it's cottage it's a college vibe yeah but not like  gross cottage you know like cedar yeah you're so   right there's cottage smell and then there's  this beautiful cedar smell bedroom number one not really much of a view but very or maybe  this is like a double bed they're tricking us bedroom number one it's a  player piano look up here what does that mean or plays itself yes no no i'm  coming i just don't want to push don't break the   piano paulie you're probably not even supposed  to be touching this but look it's a player i was   going to say it's they're a little sticky but okay  so you can't use the fireplace oh what what not   could we certify it yeah of  course oh no here's the problem   oh do you remember why yeah it needs to  come out more oh yeah yeah yeah and chimney well there's i know a guy she's exhausted just seeing you  again huh it's a lot of work   i'm like no amen you know like you have to have  somebody who really wets or oh yeah yeah yeah   those people the real people's wetsuit is so  tiny little kitchen oh my gosh oh my goodness   tiny little kitchen is an understatement  tiny little kitchen you got half an inch   tiny little fridge you couldn't even put a full  sizer in here you could make this the kitchen oh yeah that would be the move  yeah i skipped a whole bedroom   hey if you want to wake them up hey get out  of bed breakfast is ready not bad okay so   pretty tiny again yeah what did you look up for  well i just didn't give up the ceiling all the   wall all the way up to the ceiling we only have a  single washroom and it's pretty rough metal frame   shower copper pipe going into the ceiling that's  the water heater that's small one shower at a time and there's no basement right so you  have to have all the stuff in here   does looking at other properties make you love  ours even more yeah me too okay welcome to the   bunkie patio doors there door's here wow yes they  got little bunk beds here place is creepy vibes   you and i are having such a different  experience here like i love it and you get it   oh look you could get rid of the whole ceiling  and use the pitch and get some tongue and grooves   yeah there's the even we know and love somebody with a little fun and energy oh yeah  oh yeah oh yeah oh look at he's smiling pauline   it's beautiful with the trees right   you can even do like a deck out here  a little illegal deck with no permits this is bee storage oh bunch of harness gonna fly  out of here we can make this a little bunky too   i think it is it's got a  washroom doesn't it yeah oh so these are all separate departments  this is weird well this is super strange   where do you wash your hands paulie no no  no no no no there's the hair that's the same   this is like this is not that weird but  wait till you come and just see like   this is not what i was expecting are they selling  it with all this crap in here you get everything   okay boat property i'm like literally ready  to put in an offer what i am that's how   i feel about this place i feel like it's  really special the land is really special   even is not so sold do you guys want to come stay  here it's pretty dope but i don't know man needs   a lot of work yeah i think maybe you are more  exhausted from all the work we've been doing then   you let on because you i feel like last year you  would have seen it and been like we could fix it   like this and it would be amazing and this year  you're like i think one thing i don't know if i   mentioned but the way the house is designed  it's all cedar interlock so you can't tear   down a wall like it once it's all built  it's already built so you can't insulate   you can't you know really alter the space that  much and that's what's kind of limiting for me and we're off to property number four which  is another totally left field idea we have   it's like how do we go from miniature cabin  essentially to campsite with 45 spots two   we know we're up for the challenge but we  just have no idea what direction we're going   exactly exactly so this would require  a lot a lot of energy but it could be   super super cool and uh we've got to get on  the cds to get there so rps i forgot the keys i never win i was just going to welcome everyone to  property 4 aka the island property i think   we'd be in way over our heads what even start  with this is a 26 acre island and it's a vacant   lot which means there's absolutely nothing  no hydro no septic no building of any sort   but then you own the whole island i know  like it's it's this very romantic idea of   welcoming you guys and bringing you on the pontoon  boat over to the island you know that's that feels   very romantic and cool but like to get there  uh very shallow getting in we're gonna cruise   around the other side to see what the waterfront  looks like the back side is actually not even uh   ridable right now because it's so shallow so we'll  head over there and see what the island looks like on paper this sounds really really  cool but once you actually get here   this is like wilderness first impressions  my first impressions are it's a hard no   yeah this is a massive project i wanted to  get off the sea-doo and show you around and   sort of like give myself and the audience an  idea of what we could make of it it's not even   possible to enter there's it's just woods it's  a 26 acre island full of forest and trees and   dense dense wilderness wilderness yeah it's  so cool but i think it's a no please not welcome to property number five on  our list trinity cottage you know   our first advanced name is trinity i did  not know that look at this trinity cottage   hello universe welcome to trinity cottage i'm  in love already haven't even seen the place   a central wood stove two comfortable bedrooms  a two-piece bathroom which is large enough to   accommodate a future shower so i don't think  we currently have a shower and it's on acres   with 300 feet of waterfront which is just chef's  guest chef's guest let's go check it out yeah perfect monkey wow it's huge yeah  you put a nice two bedrooms in here   you could do a little queen loft up there yes  i like it there's no heat in here anywhere it   says they have a central wood stove yeah all  heated by a central wood stove not operational oh panable all together now wow listen to this cruncher oh oh come sit with me pauline okay come here yeah tell me what else is missing oh my god welcome to the one and only bathroom  as we all just noticed we are missing a shower   oh wow you're not not even  bathtub lake pits and ditch this little scrub scrub principal bedroom numero  uno not too bad there's a good amount of space   little closet nice little window and bedroom  number two not a bad size but there's no lighting   in any of the rooms except for lamps and i think  i explained this in the last pan abode pan abode   these are this is how the home is built so it's  literally like lego pieces that are connected so   the walls are solid cedar that's why it smells  delicious but you can't get into the wall like   drywall and run a electrical wire if a piece  rots out at the bottom you can't replace that you   can't insulate this you're very much stuck with  this design i've just had my first major bummer   of the property when you're down here on the dock  looking out at the lake enjoying the view you get   traffic you can see like highway 7 traffic  and you can also hear it in the distance so   we just went from serene cabin escape to sort of  shocked back to reality in a way don't love it really rare to take every  single boxes on these properties   in this market but this  one's definitely coming close it's time to thank the sponsor of today's video  skillshare for those of you who aren't familiar   skillshare is an online learning community with  thousands of courses for creative and curious   people you've seen eamon and i learn all sorts  of things on skillshare from illustration design   learning to play the ukulele how to be a better  plant mom etc just found an awesome course on   skillshare called finding fulfillment using pivots  to power your creative career by emma gannon and   essentially what she's saying is sometimes you  don't know why these pivots happen for example   us moving out of a van and into a cabin could have  gone catastrophically wrong but before you take   that pivot you just have to find out what fulfills  you and what makes you happy and when you're   creative i think that really comes across in  your work which is why we've seen success in   our pivot to the cabin and maybe the pivot to  another cabin or to getting back on the road   the first 1000 of you who click the link in  our description box will get the skillshare   premium membership for free for one month so go  ahead check that out and we'll see you sunday yeah i'm okay i just got a call from woods office   yeah and um as of right now she feels  like she can share that it's good news oh my god what did she say oh my god oh my god  so what did she say what did you say she said   the biopsy showed that it wasn't cancerous and  my blood work didn't show any irregularities hey bro what's going on it's not  cancer what it's not cancer let's go yeah it's telly time buddy let's  go you can't get cancer as a vegan
Channel: Eamon & Bec
Views: 864,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eamon and bec, emon and bec, bec and eamon, cabin life, cabin in the woods, cabin, eamon and bec cabin, cabin tour, buying a cabin in the woods, buying a property in canada, cabin build, cottage country, cottage living, living in the canadian wilderness
Id: XzDOA1Wi25U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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