6 PEOPLE LIVING IN A VAN ft. Kara & Nate + Kinging-It

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eamon and i have spent the majority of the last  four years living out of sprinter vans we love   it so much that any chance we get we share  this lifestyle with our friends and family   so when we got to building a new van back  in 2020 we made hosting our top priority   and over the next 24 hours we're gonna get to  put that design to the test while we sleep cook   and live in this 80 square foot space with six  people question is who's gonna do a poo first   van life with two people is a lot van life  with four people just chaos do you wanna   stop and get these guys oh thank you finally  oh we've been walking forever come on maggot so ideal   oh good morning everybody and welcome to ragged  lake here in algonquin park we wanted to show   our welsh friends a very canadian adventure  you know the kind where you canoe for 100   miles and have to hide your food from  bears and you got to pee in the woods   yeah one of those adventures i hope they're  having an alright time hey morning vloggers oh yeah oh yeah the thickness and the comfort was  just incredible yeah these things here deluxe mats   i think we're gonna break our backs on them  we need some calories foods in the woods overnight oats oh yeah this looks  extremely healthy homes take a cookie these friends of ours they love their sugar love we're all packed up ready to hit the canoeing and  i have to say the weather is not looking promising   we have a probably 100 chance of rain on this on  this trip i mean we didn't bring any raincoats but   we're going to use the tent to cover everything so  it doesn't get wet this is going to be a disaster   it's going to blow out we're going to have to  jump in the lake oh it's going to be a sail   it will be a sail i said this earlier i'm  a genius we could just put it up and it   will take us straight through 20 minutes  we'll be home i can't wait to see that the plan originally was to do multiple  portages but we ended up only doing one   so pretty happy about that this morning just shooting a thumbnail for  the kinging-it youtube channel   if you guys haven't already checked out their  video it's part one of this entire adventure so   head on over i did this all in one goal yesterday  but we didn't spend 20 minutes doing a thumbnail i blame you craig they leave  amy and i to take all this i can see water oh roll it out way harder the second  time no worries ladies we got it buddy i keep catching eamon doing absolutely  nothing in the back come on charlie let's go boy these months come out the current is  sort of in our favor so i think we're   gonna just lay back get a tan and  see where the boat takes us oh baby wow i think i could rig up a sail to be  honest oh yeah this is gonna be great flying yes i can get that up a little higher it's actually working so well we're miles away  craig i thought we'd pull over for an apple and   amy suggested coffee so we're having a coffee  break fingers crossed the canoe doesn't go up   in flames are we getting off are we going to  do it i'll do right here yeah in your belt extreme yes cheers cheers cheers to friends who  are willing to go on adventures with you that   uh never again yeah that was supposed to be five  ten minutes turned into half an hour of good chats   so and now it's starting to  rain we've got probably another   four or five miles that way why did i keep  saying miles what are we married no idea   are you american when did that happen how  many more meters do we have miles brilliant yeah now it's time to unpack reload  the van and hit the open road van life with two people is a lot there's  a lot of stuff there's a lot of personality   you know what i mean van life with  four people and camping gear just chaos   pure chaos there's no there's no way you  can even no you can't keep it organized so we rented all the gear we  got the canoes life jackets   paddles all that stuff we're just gonna  drop off and then we'll get back on the road feels good to be back in the van tied it up a  little bit unfortunately i don't think we're   gonna make it all the way home to the cabin  tonight but we're gonna find a spot halfway   there park up and that is the beauty of van life  if you two have been dreaming of van life or   want to join the movement we're excited to say  that omaze has sponsored today's video and are   giving away a mercedes-benz 4x4 sprinter  van with an 80 000 eco-friendly upgrade   this van is snazzy best of all your sprinter is  sustainable and has rooftop solar panels to power   everything from the fridge to the interior lights  and you get to choose your exterior upgrades you   could choose things like a bike rack or upgraded  all-terrain tires for off-roading you can have   the van delivered to you or get flown out to the  van smith workshop in colorado and road trip back   the best part is you will be supporting the honold  foundation who provides grants to organizations   advancing solar energy access across the world  so to potentially win the sprinter van with up   to 80 000 in customizations and support an amazing  cause visit omaze.com forward slash eamon and beck   oh do you want to stop and get these guys oh  thank you finally oh we've been walking forever   my husband nate he just caught our van on fire can we uh can we hop in we need help uh well do  you mind if we film we have like a youtube channel   are you you're on youtube yeah and you're  that man life couple wait oh see you monday who we are right good morning we're here  Kara and Nate now now do you recognize him   it's karen and nathaniel um guys i hope you don't  mind we got a full house this here this is um   kinging it hi guys what does that  mean yeah i'm kinking and she's it you smell good   now i'm sure some of you have seen Kara and  Nate's faces all over youtube but if you haven't   to the closest town you're gonna stay in character  all day huh but if you haven't they're amazing   you need to check out their channel they've done  some incredible travel video journeys adventures   challenges etc where are we boo who the heck  knows but we're calling it home for the night so   it's definitely like a public boat launch kind of  situation but it's gonna have to work now the real   challenge is six people in one van question is  who's gonna do a poo first there's no privacy in   here you just pull the toilet out into the middle  of the room yeah nate give us a demo does it just   slide out oh this is today's worst nightmare this  is not happening for me i'm holding it for sure okay so it covers the privates yeah  and then uh i just look at everybody for support yeah you got this nate come on is all right and we'll leave the camera on for you   and you just talk to him and yeah  you can do a review after okay yeah so um just looking across the little this is  not really even parking lot there's actually   like a cottage with a neighbor with people on  a dock staring at us so i like i don't know   the situation here like if we're allowed  to be here we're not allowed to be here   so stay tuned like we'll find out  we haven't fan liked in a while   yeah posers if you um if you go ask for  permission maybe cover up the toenails   hey me i get it hey congratulations so we built  this van primarily to host we've had lots of   fun evenings with four people so we can actually  sleep another two here and then obviously our bed   but six we're gonna need some more space   that's an immediate shoddy knot  for me shotgun come on maggot gotta relax gotta keep it cool the vision  here is to get the brown tent up here eamon came up with the genius idea  that the poles should just strap around   this pole problem is that leaves half of the  tent hanging off on this side do you think   it's worth trying to squeeze it and see if it  breaks oh that's oh it might not blow off now   oh my gosh this is home for the night we've turned  four man into a one and a half man tent and um   right back here at the very back it's nice and  convenient because the same uh vent that you see   underneath the camera that's uh underneath this  side of the tent so you just have a nice place to   lay your head a built-in pillow wow who'd have  thought ladies more elevation in the vent yeah rooftop tent great success you guys good yeah who needs a man anyway   sleeping pad thank you sleeping matt he said sleeping man we've all sat around to play a game that's bound  to challenge our friendship our relationships it's   called mafia here goes nothing it's definitely  not amy i've ruled that out she she would   anyway it's not amy i think you are you and you  were really quiet at the beginning because you   didn't want to come off like i'm being really  defensive but you're coming i cannot believe   this is your first game and you guys were all  playing this extremely well where is it oh my god oh my this woman do not trust her do not trust her   and do not trust him we knew it was  him all along it's for dinner homes broccolini and s'mores that's all i know what's  broccolini this is like broccoli but really posh   what's posh um you know like fancy we're classy  people so we don't eat broccoli we eat broccolini one for my friends two for me two for you just slow movements you  want to keep that board nice and close   oh buddy you're ripping come on you're ripping it come on nate let's go find a bear are moving quick over here  and now begins the ever-challenging task of  sleeping all six of us in this sprinter van   i put on the heat for you though thanks boo  before we do that we gotta get ready for bed well where is everyone sleeping oh i can't wait come on up okay let's just  get cozy up here i'm gonna sleep on top   because you're a gentleman rock paper scissors shoot okay well yeah settled boys get out of here all  right peace and love do you know how to set up   a second bed no let's do that all right okay  watch me this is a whole bag what do you mean oh inches higher so we i don't think this is going to hold another human   no it'll be fine just don't lean too  much this way we've got wheels as well wow this is brilliant can you buy  the blueprint of the van online well it's funny you ask craig if you  visit eamonandbec.com you sure can no way it's perfect hi guys good night guys good night you guys  have fun do you have extra blankets just so   you know if you need to chat with us you  just pop the vent there we're right up top good to go you ready to do this oh i can hear  the heater going in the van oh my god what is   that frost which side are you less likely to  think i'm back on hey mama what's happening guys   two are watching king in it could you shut up up  there trying to sleep oh this is gonna be great   huh this is working out way better than i thought what a fun day with new friends i'm exhausted  i'm sleeping with nate good night guys oh what a beauty day we both had  fantastic sleeps who would have thought   wonder how the rest of the guys were doing cara get out of my bed come on get out of here hey buddy hi poop how'd you sleep   kara's a very nice sleeping partner  she doesn't have the bed or the cover   nicer than me nicer than you it's just quite thin  so when you turn over like you see if you sleep on   your side your hips all right all right enough  complaining cara how was your sleep really good all right i woke up the squad got a little bit  of weather but we're gonna tear down the tent   and hit the road it's unfortunate but  this is king and it's last day with us come on lads keeping the girls nice and warm in   here huh we're just watching we're  just spectating waiting for coffee we told you yesterday we only have chad anything you want to say  on your last day in canada i'll be back see that this guy's crying  for us now because they don't want to leave   but it's literally being the  best two weeks of my life per six persons in a little  tiny van what do you guys think   not bad so comfortable on the roof should we make  another one next week on how long we can last
Channel: Eamon & Bec
Views: 1,604,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, living in a van, vanlife, eamon and bec, emon and bec, bec and eamon, van life couple, kara and nate, 6 people living in a van, tiny house, kara and nate van life, kara and nate van swap, eamon and bec kara and nate, van life canada, van life vlog, van tour, van life tour, van life bathroom, van toilet, kinging it, kinging it eamon and bec, kara and nate vlog
Id: 2eknwRAXpu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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