48 Hours Living on a Raft with Kara & Nate

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good morning from what can only be described as  the strangest place we have ever woken up we are   24 hours into a 48-hour challenge of living on  this 16 by 16 floating raft with a couple of new   friends they're friends at least for now that's a  cue guys why aren't you crawling out of the tent? come on camera i haven't finished my coffee yet   everyone meet Kara and Nate live on the raft  they said it'll be fun they said this 16 by 16   floating raft was built as a stationary raft but  i had the idea that we could survive on it for   48 hours and it's going okay no one's used the  toilet yet but first let's give you a quick tour   this is our kitchen this is our composting toilet  from our van and this is a pile of wet towels   what is the use for these i'm not so sure here  we have the living room with a very essential   fire pit to keep us warm it's now october and  like 15 degrees what are we doing out here   this is kara sitting on a chair this is actually  engine number two the first one we broke and we're   actually still not sure if this is gonna run this  morning we have a backup paddle and lots of fuel   and then the sleeping arrangements behind you  after you as you can see we are the king and   queen of the raft so our servants open and close  our door for us and this was our bed last night   what's the deal with the beds we won the luxurious  sleeping arrangements because we're strong we're   smart and we love each other more we love each  other more two one what did you write cereal yeah we talked about this we said we said we  see you and then this is the loser um   quarters where you sleep on a mattress pad with  sleeping bags to keep things interesting here on   the raft we have a series of challenges and that's  how we determine who sleeps where i reckon Eamon's   put too much energy into yesterday's challenges  and we're gonna win today's oh you don't know   Eamon he's just an energizer bunny mate come  on baby come on show him what you're made of i want whatever was in his coffee this morning   i heard our buddy Nate had some  issues with the espresso machine   and went to instant coffee so  i'm making his wife a real coffee one minute Kara coffee up you want another one boo  always thank you thank you i can get used to this   hey bud do you want some of my  coffee yeah what what's going on here last night we were having some troubles  with motor number two oh no oh no yeah baby we've let it rest it's definitely  cooled down and we're hoping she fires come on baby oh come on oh yeah so we're cruising around we're in a pretty exposed  area there's a few other cottages around but   captain here needs to pee watch the magic trick she will  disappear she actually had to poop at least you can't hear it we're  leaving the motor running to   keep some background noise going you can't smell  it either that's good i'm not having a good time   yay good job buddy not the most enjoyable  washroom experience but not the worst   that little white tarp thing we really got for  papa booch he's mildly concerned about the whole   bowel movement situation he's been eating a lot  of plant-based diet the past week so any chance   you're going to go to the washroom yet no i'm  good i'm not quite there i genuinely think he   might hold it i almost forget how ridiculous  we must look until we pass another boat morning don't mind us crew's getting  hungry prepares the anchors   so far raft life has been very slow paced it's  almost noon and we haven't even had breakfast so   chef amy's gonna whip up  some pancakes that is kara's   favorite food and i think we'll have a couple  happy campers on board not just any pancakes banana pancakes eamon is getting fancy for y'all  i've never seen him do something like this before   maple syrup we're in canada hey guys Eamon  and Bec eat and cook a lot on their channel   and i just want to make it known that even  when the camera is off eamon would do this is this recipe in the cookbook? you  bet your bottom dollar it is link below bacon on top of the pancake eh that was a good pancake saltiness of the  bacon with the chocolate chips i love a good   sweet and salty mix um no i approve i need the  calories so i can win today challenge accepted i suck at holding my breath  i lose number one loser i think it's too cold too cold oh nate's going for redemption  oh my gosh oh nobody passes out yes baby this just turned into 48 hours  of aiming showing made up on a wrap   your hair is dry on the top for real i think my hair actually might  have stayed dry under this swim cap shower cap might have worked my baby boy's  a winner day two proud of you thanks baby   thanks for carrying the team what have i  contributed cheerleading it's important any words such losers i still love you  so the battle for the mattress continues   this is gonna be challenge number two couples  challenge now just keep in mind these two here   have seven years on us and have yet to win a  challenge all right question number one boys   which charity are the girls most  likely to raise money for oh what we have to just write the  charity not giving us an option   what like kind of charitable cause okay oh  i'm nervous this is an easy one oh was it   three two one show it please be right  what did everyone say animals no i wrote mental health and he wrote animals which  it's true i would say girls what grooming product   could you not live without this is the most  confident i've felt in an answer oh my god oh dear   one two three do it what did you write hair  dryer what a hair dryer you love drying your hair i lived without a hair dryer for the  first seven years of our relationship   oh i didn't think all of this feels good i didn't  think like like grooming is like toothpaste though   i got one i actually do like brushing your teeth  i'm obsessed with brushing my teeth razor babies i hate this question number three girls what is  your partner the most afraid of i don't even know   the freaking answer to this okay guessing already  i don't think so ready everybody i'm like super   confident they didn't get it right one two three  do it what did you say i'm scared to even look i really don't like being alone you're not  afraid of it no but yeah i don't know where's   your head at so right now the score is one to  nothing we only have two more questions to do   girls what is your partner's most repeated  sentence or phrase oh that's a good one baby i'm   i'm like literally drawing a blank i really want  to win this sucks welcome to our last 24 hours what did you write babe something from super  troopers oh my golly larvae oh i love you too   no oh that's no question number five for all  the marbles girls what would the boys grab   if your house or tiny house was on fire and they  could only get one thing oh my gosh this is for   all the marbles three two one what's your right  boo passport oh my golly oh [ __ ] i would have   grabbed my camera you're right hot spot no  my external hard drive it's still a win baby   y'all are off today 24 hours on a rack  and you've just completely lost it   well we didn't win by much but i'll take it  okay so that's 1-1 we need a tiebreaker we   want to take a second and say a big thank you  to athletic greens for sponsoring today's video   and for making sure we get our nutritional needs  met every single day as two people who prioritize   our health and fitness but are always on the road  it feels so good to know that with just one scoop   of our favorite greens powder we have 75 vitamins  minerals and whole food sourced ingredients with a   brand new look but the same great formula i wanted  to introduce everyone to ag1 by athletic greens   we like to think of ag-1 as our nutritional  insurance so even we're out here living on   a raft for 48 hours we know our immunity is being  boosted energy levels are up and our digestion is   supported along the way and if you're thinking you  could use some nutritional insurance as well click   the link in our description box for ag-one's  immunity bundle it includes one-year supply of   vitamin d plus five free travel packs all included  for free with your first purchase want a greens welcome to the third and final challenge called  champagne bartender where we're gonna test the   couple's trust and communication holy  smokes this is so scary oh my gosh mate i'm so scared yeah come on come on come  on good good good good good good good   good good keep going keep going the hands  lower hand's lower yep you got it you got   it now grab the bottle no no no no no  the bottle's right here baby come here   a little bit to your left left left there now go  down to the water and fill that up straight down   straight down below yep yep perfect am i getting  it yep beautiful is it good yep that's that   doesn't feel very full okay come over here don't  touch me come over here grab a glass find a glass   grab one the tray is a little bit towards the back  a little bit towards move it back no the other way   the other way forward forward yep right there a  little bit more in the middle uh a little bit no   that's the other way right there right there right  there right now grab the other one one minute one   minute okay perfect nice nice nice that's good  now a little bit uh behind you lift it up up up   up up up and communicate up and a little bit back  towards you towards you and down right there put   that one down a little more on the right side yep  perfect perfect then and then there's one more yep   on the other side you have 30 seconds remaining  goodbye grab the trick no three go go go go go go don't spill the water this  counts this counts put it down oh my gosh hold on we got this much water we got a half cup i need you to be calm and don't get right and  left mix up cause that's really gonna throw me off   okay the way that eamon did you know three two one  two minutes on the clock come on come on four four   you got it you got it remember what i told you  remember use the lines to keep yourself on track   and reach your right hand forward yep there you  go now bend down use your hand use your hand to   find the edge there you go and just like shake it  shake it that's right i think that's good bring   it out bring it up okay good good that's enough  that's enough is that yeah yeah stand up okay turn   straight it's coming down okay stop stop stop  set it down right there perfect it's on the   tray now reach in straight back there you go keep  going keep going okay perfect perfect pull it up   nice it's another great stop oh okay right to your  right to your right okay perfect wow you're really   good wow okay 42 seconds 42 seconds should we just  carry three back let's just turn through back okay   carry through back to your right to your right  set it down to your right okay yeah i want to   hold these i want to hold it like this oh genius  is there no is there another one on the track   yeah all right in the middle on your left hand  no middle it's close to your left hand uh it's   very close to your left running out of time there  you go in the middle okay perfect perfect okay   very slowly well you got it you have plenty of  time turn around use the cracks on the on the   dock to walk straight there you go perfect hey  no no no need to rest you're there you're there   right just a little bit to your right  now straight to your right to your right   straight down so always yeah back towards  you just a little bit okay straight down oh oh that bed is gonna be so comfy he's a terrible loser and a terrible i could feel  it in my bones i woke up this morning from that   tiny little mat and i just looked at your linen  sheets and i said those are mine tonight well we are proud to say our raft is 100 off-grid  we are using solar panels to charge all our   gear gas for the stove composting toilet i  think all those years of van life really uh   taught us well guys we are running out of ice  so i don't know if we can go any longer than 48.   i don't know if i could stand being on this raft  with cara the winner for longer than 48 hours   so we have very limited ingredients i didn't  really think to make a barbecue sauce so in the   soy chicken i mixed miso salsa and maple syrup and  i think it's gonna work looking like a true chef   kings queens do you want me to tell the  internet how good your food is again   no i think like we talked about one to ten on a vegan chicken caesar wrap is this like a one to ten a vegan food or one  to ten of like all food not all food ten out of   ten on my scale vegan or not i'm gonna go nine  of ten what come on i just finished my lunch   and i thought k n over there were being  a little nice nine and ten ten and a ten   but i have to say that was a ten out of ten  lunch the sun has started to set so we pulled   up our anchors and we're gonna find a nice  quiet calm spot to park again for tonight   it's about 36 hours in i can feel the team morel  is getting a little we might need to do some yoga   on the raft get some movement in our bodies i  think kara's making coffee all of these things   are very very necessary at this point our goal is  to make it in between those two landmasses there at hour 36 i think we've officially lost our  mind got love split like bananas three ways get   them pajamas got truth kaboom you got drama  real tough real tough bring out the hammers pasta for everybody let's eat i'm so excited  jeez cheers i'm so grateful we did this crazy   trip together and i'm so grateful we finally  met in person it's been such a boss and i   can't wait to see where we go next big things  happening on youtube guys 2022 is gonna be a year it has been a long couple days and i'm surprised  we even made it to 11 30 on the final night how many more hours do we have on this round   sleep great guys sleep well friends good  night k n good see you in the morning oh between the rain this morning  and my growing levels of seasickness   i am ready to get off this raft like now i figure the quicker we get coffee in everyone's  systems the quicker we can get off this raft hey care bear help you get wow  that is service this feels weird   don't even worry about me but i'm over here i  love living on a raft with david look at that   best for last a major is really special i  woke up this morning feeling rather seasick   and then i noticed outside we've just  been doing circles all night it's like   being on one of those terrible roller  coaster rides eight plus night everyone april's is it morning o'clock yet fire fire forward i really should have just resisted having coffee  until we made it home but i couldn't nature's gone   so lucky me i get to use the toilet  in the pouring rain morning neighbor honestly the worst part about that was not  having my bidet i miss my bidet otherwise   it's a pretty nice view we figured out that we  all have to stand out here in the rain to weigh   down the motor enough to go anywhere but don't  worry cara you can stay warm with the block don't worry about me guys we're literally  five minutes from home but i gotta go there are no two people i would rather  be stuck on a dock with for 48 hours   then you name it nice guys not only  did you make it a bunch of fun but   in all seriousness i think you all  both inspire us to be better people   so they're just as good as they seem on  their videos guys oh now i'm gonna cry love you guys i love y'all now  get me off this wrap let's go whoa solid ground feels funny guys leave a thumbs  up on this video if you want to see cara sing   she's a beautiful singer and actually  if you want to see nate wrap as well   fifty thousand thumbs up on this video it's  even our video nate will rap no yeah no the reactions what would you say is the  most diff what would the girls cheese please maybe eating grapes yeah can i have one sure
Channel: Eamon & Bec
Views: 1,693,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eamon and bec, emon and bec, bec and eamon, kara and nate canada, kara and nate, living on a raft, living on a raft for 48 hours, 48 hours living on a raft, tiny raft, kara and nate eamon and bec, raft life, tent life, float home, float home living, floating tent
Id: n7EkYe2K5Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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