Ultimate AK Meltdown: Reloaded!

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What does it take to actually buy a fully auto AK like this?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

"We got more ammo, screw it."

Laughed my ass off.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/x4vior 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

He needs to work on his cardio.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/fehaar 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

What's with the welding helmet?

Edit: Oh I should've watched a little more of this video. I get it now

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/The_Teege 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GustAvrakotos 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

AR15 meltdown if you haven't seen it


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2015 🗫︎ replies

I wonder what would happen if they added more modern materials instead of wood? Maybe that would allow for the barrel to have more surface area exposed and maybe allow a couple more rounds to go through it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2015 🗫︎ replies
welcome back everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8088 I know what you're thinking we're going to be melting another a.k today well guess what you're right the first go-round that we have with the ak-47 was not quite so favorable we melted down to Worcester ten it went about 265 rounds and met an utter demise a little bit more prematurely than we wanted it to so we've gone back to the drawing board I promise you guys that we would use a little bit more of a premium top-shelf fake a Tim over at military arms channel was kind enough to donate a copper customs pepper here very high quality 7.62 by 39 a kay and also chase over at definitive arms have done some awesome conversion work on this thing give it a nice new parkerized finish we've test-fired it everything's running nice we've got a really rigid barrel here's a slightly better aka it's got a 1.6 mule receiver very high quality gun overall I mean you guys know vapors are just great guns so we're going to give this thing a fair shake in order to do it we're going to run the mag magazines in the same order that we did with the Worcester 10 that way we're not giving an unfair advantage to this gun over the wasser and we're going to see how well this little puppy can hold up to the long haul so without further ado we're going to go ahead an get started have a little fun here here we go wish me luck here's the fun part oh she ain't even getting hot yet that's alright I got a cure for that smell some wood button I'm trying to make a deliberate motion to charge this thing pointing down in case we get a cook-off guys I'm running out of ammo I'll tell you what we're going to run this 75 I think she might be a little bit hot people you think pick it off let's cook it off one more Mel guys she's not going to run no more it's cooking off it's on fire I don't know this is a workout of endurance for me too and I'm the dang shooter we got more and more screw it well okay last March ah hang on where's that mag hell we got more mags I got a mag fairy coming to the rescue here guys I think we're done here it seized up well I think we can say that if you can bring enough ammunition the a cake can definitely help you out there well I mean what else can I say that's just impressive we got some nice kindling going here we started some fire but uh she definitely got warm we're going to pull it apart see what's happening even through this welding glove I can feel there's a considerable amount of heat working its way back into the front of the receiver right here the trunnions on these things and the gas blocks are kind of meaty so they will soak up a little bit of heat and act as a natural heat sink of course and the 1.6 millisievert on this thing will also aid in heat transfer I noticed that the heat coming off of this thing is Vitt is definitely a lot stouter even in the rear section for that big receiver that thick receiver is drawing like that heat away from the chamber so you're not going to run no more guys I'm going to let her cool down I mean this thing's burning me even with the welding glove that's an impressive result that's a little bit more like it guys I think we got some stretching we're going to look at it some more but there's a noticeable gap between the front of the gas tube and the gas block we might have had the gas block does look like it walked at all I'm not going to speculate we'll let it cool down get it apart and have a look that's a little bit more like it that is legendary khlestakov reliability ok this gun will shoot to the point of destroying itself or your foe or you but if you can bring enough ammo and a que is definitely going to save your life I've always stood by aks I think they're great weapons and they just they do the trick yes she's on fire good we're going to let that handguard cook off pull it apart and have a look well guys she went the long haul you know I'm honestly not surprised that it went this this far I mean if you use a good quality a.k it will go longer than you can it will outlast you imagine if you had to carry all of this ammunition on one person it's just not possible I mean we're talking a volume of fire that is indicative of a area weapon like a machine gun I mean that's what machine guns are designed to do is lay down tons of volume of fire have quick change barrels I mean ak's aren't supposed to do this are they well this is a very interesting result but something else that's interesting from a standpoint of science is to look at there's a lot of things that go on when you're talking about a falada weapon but you look at a 308 diameter bore like you're going to see in a case a 311 bore actually but you have a greater surface area of the projectile actually contacting the walls of the barrel and the barrel itself in terms of the stock size of the barrel that it's that the rifling is cut from you actually have a thinner wall than you would in a 556 so comparing this to the ar-15 almost is a little bit unfair because ar-15 has a smaller hole through a larger section of barrel which allows that heat to dissipate a little bit more readily and allows a smaller projectile to have less surface area against the barrel itself therefore creating indiri less friction and less heat so the a.k basically just creates more heat than the AR does anyway but it still lasted longer than the AR okay this gun went 895 rounds and kept on ticking and honestly if I would have you know racked it on the table and bash it open with the table I might have been able to get it run a couple more we were getting some cook-offs there highly unsafe obviously I would not recommend anyone try this but you know I didn't want to risk anything going awry there we're going to pull the gun apart look at it a little bit here the finish that chase put on this thing held up excellent all these empty mags everywhere so we had something that ended up slowing us down here and I believe what happened I can look at it very carefully we can see the barrel did begin to droop maybe just a little bit and what that might have ended up doing was pulling our gas block away and then causing the gas piston itself to not completely closed smoothly and causing it to kind of you know rough up a bit we're going to pull this gas tube off of here thing is stuck we'll get it apart here and we're going to have a look my thing is so soft from getting hot it's actually bending really easy so let's get this gas tube off and we'll have a look all right we had to beat the lever open to get the gas tube out no ill effects in the gas tube of course I figured that another thing about a 760 2 by 39 aka compared to an AR in terms of comparing apples to oranges which is essentially what we're doing is that the volume of gas is also very high so you have a very high amount of heat that is driven back into that area of the weapon so the gas block here is completely toasted I would I would definitely consider this to be of questionable safety we're going to take a look down the barrel of course the guns empty guys I see right here empty chamber okay I'm going to look down the bore the barrel is drooping okay but believe it or not guys it still has strong rifling it has strong rifling but it is drooping like that in fact you can probably see if you look closely you can see it drooping so what I'm going to do I'm going to give it a couple of wraps and see if I can straighten the barrel out because that's what happened the barrel drooped and the gas block also because it's attached to the barrel drooped as well and that's not allowing our gas piston to ride evenly into the block and that's causing a little bit of a pinch point in friction that's not allowing the carrier to close reliably and what's making it so hard to open so I'm going to give it a couple of wraps on the on the counter here straighten yourself back out nice well I think we pretty much determined that the aka pretty awesome gun everybody can say what they want about it haters are going to hate people are going to compare the AR to the a K all the time there's always going to be that debate but you know the proofs in the pudding and I think what it really comes down to is preference if you want a R by an AR if you want an a K inha but you know clearly by the way both of these melt down videos have gone with the AR running like it did and the a K running like it did why wouldn't you just have both I mean life life's all about choices right you know the AR is a more precise fighting instrument you know you can really you know get good shot placement there's excellent accuracy to be had in ARS we all know that the a K is definitely the the poster child for go to hell reliability and go in the distance so I think it really just comes down to what you what you need what your needs are what you like I love comm block weaponry I always have and for that reason because it's very utilitarian it's very you know throw in the mud and go to hell type reliability and that's what these firearms were engineered for was for reliability and consistency if you go with a quality a k like a vapor you're not going to go wrong okay do you guys enjoyed this video consider going over there and checking out copper customs as well as taste over it definitive arms they're great people to work with they're some of the coolest people in the industry really fun to be around I definitely want to take a moment to to thank all the people that supported us with Mankins we're living the American dream and we wouldn't be able to do it without your support so thank you for watching today's video we hope you enjoyed it we have more to come I'm going to get them on drop one little bit of inkling on you before we leave there might be a 5 for 5 in our future so we'll see how long the 5 for 5 can go and that we'll be a little bit more fair of a comparison to the AR because both the bore sizes are very similar the size of the barrels will be very similar and then that's more of an honest comparison but I tell you what we're going to take it one step further we're going to get a piston a our upper we're going to melt it first so then we'll have a true show direct gas piston and then the seven six two by 39 ATK and the five four five a K so expect at least two more melt down videos thanks for watching we love what we do for a living I get paid to do this which is awesome you have a good day see you soon you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 11,787,669
Rating: 4.8268337 out of 5
Keywords: AK meltdown, meltdown, vepr, ak-47, ak47, torture test, machine gun, full auto, ak, definitive arms, copper custom, ak-47 meltdwon, ak47 meltdown, iraqveteran8888, iv8888, eric and chad, eric and barry, eric and berry, eric & chad, eric & barry, eric & berry
Id: EwSJiAwoMpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2015
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