FULL POKEMON NPC TRADES TEAM! ( Mindy Haunter Everstone Troll )

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what you'll be doing for today's video will be full mpc trades team these are pokemon you get in the game from npcs when you trade them remember that time when you traded the midi champ and the haunter but the horner was holding everstone yeah you remember that time man that was a troll so i'll be making six pokemon based off trades throughout all the games if you do want to follow me on twitch people that's what i do all my battles my theme teams my pokemon shiny hunts all the other storms of a salty entertainment let's get into the battles i've got three of them today and i hope you enjoy the first battle here this one was against anime monster this one was on the white cob and this was a pretty interesting battle now the first poker we got here is the blissey and i'm going to be starting things off with farfetch right remember the uh digging fast i'm actually going to use the ducks or cheating like both of them uh you could get farfetch in the game so we got an agility last resort set i've got max speed and max attack adam and nature now i gave this adam because i've got the agility to boost its speed and after one of those it could pretty much out speed every pokemon except for like a reggae like you're like really troy fast choice guard off so my opponent is gonna be going for a minimize blizzy here and you know how much i love reversing minimized policies i was like is this gonna use protect four times anyway so it's gonna go for another minimize here it's got two of them up so far i actually kept missing with last azorti which is very very frustrating now i was thinking right here maybe i should go for a dynamax against this blissey but i didn't really want to use my dynamics up on last resort because my opponent did have a good poker one to actually swap into that and i felt it was going to be a waste then the blissey right starting setting up the car mines here so i don't know what sort of set this is minimized car mine i gotta say properly softboard and maybe one other attacking whip i don't really know it it's a troll set regardless i wonder if it's got bright powder or leftovers i'm kind of curious now what it would be um anyway so this police you started seeing there's car mine's up there i was hoping i could land like i only needed to really like i reckon one or two attacks would have been enough depending on what the blissey was running i'm gonna probably go ahead and assume it was running like max health and max defense which is like the normal blizzy build run so bliss is going to set up i think that was carmine number two or three last resort is gonna land and blissey is going to go down in one shot to a crit that was beautiful karma right there i love that i love that so much okay so one pokemon down now the next pokemon remember i was talking about going for a dynamax against a blissey that would have been really bad with the dragon ball right now dragonball was going to go for a protector so i didn't really want to swap here um i didn't think there was much point doing that considering i only had a couple i think i only had like one or two last resorts left so it was pretty pointless now the dragon ball is going to go for outrage and my farfetch is going to get one shot of them that's okay um essentially they use our outrageous dragon dart now i can see my opponent's got the lightbulb as the item we're going to be going into maggie the magneton so there was a bunch of npc trades you could do over time i just went through and picked some random ones out that i thought were cool i also gave them their items as well that some of them had actual particular items uh they got traded to in the game so i try to keep those as well uh and the abilities and some of the moves too or work around the uh abilities with something so we're gonna steal beam uh magnaton here magneton is gonna drop that dragonbot there the item on this one is metal coat because that's what it gets traded with so that actually boosted the power of my steel type move now i only just managed to live there which is a very very close and then the rypeera came and said oh if i can get another one against it this will be great now the riparian is going to go for a rock polish i was like oh this has got weakness flossie but even weakness policy coming from magnaton's max smash that modest nature no way it's living that right and it's got a focus sash as the item you wouldn't read about it anyway magnetite's going to go down there the recall and rhypera is going to have a focus actually it's like okay hmm what should i swap into that so like okay we'll go into noi noi here this is the uh the noi bat if you if you ever tried it did you actually trade any of these pokemon here let me know if you've ever traded one of these pokemon in the game right let me know in the comment section below so i've got sub shoot i've got tailwind i've got air slash and dank pulse it's got to have endeavour i i gotta you know i gotta give them credit for that i did not expect the uh focus endeavor on right here so a very very nice set there i wouldn't expect that after seeing some of the other sets that i have but uh cool set there next pokemon oh it's a shiny dragonite and it's called barney okay i i get it's like this it's like the purple dinosaur so i've got a substitute set and i thought maybe i should go for that i was like no let's just go for a tacky move to break the model scale dragonite is going to extreme speed noi noi and noi noi is going to be no more next pokemon is cheekers and uh this is a oranberry set that's what the uh item you get i gave it a body slam belly drum crunch and seed bomb set max health and max attack and yep that's pretty much it for this set so dragon's gonna go for a dragonite i made a huge like risky play here to go for belly drums like well maybe dragonite will just attack my team or it'll set up and try and sweep the rest of my team not that it really would take my try so i went for the belly drum and i sacrificed half my up now i've got plus six in attack and i thought can i leave the next attack from dragonite in dynamics like this thing actually has a lot of health right like the whole uh you know uh line has a lot of health so i thought i could go for dynamics here and go for max strike i don't know if it's gonna take i mean it's gonna do a lot of damage if i managed to live right but i don't know if it will take it out but we'll see anyway right so going for the dynomax a squad video probably not the pokemon i really wanted to dynamax on this team usually i tried to dynamax um maybe my magneton that was quite a good pokemon too anyway so we got that dragon i go for extreme speed you're trying to drop me the good thing like if i didn't dynamax then i was done eating my rmb which is going to change this entire battle you know what and now right i could go for the max strike and max strike is going to hit very very hard on the dragon right here taking it out in one shot oh that was awesome so squabbit getting a nice chao there on the shot i was actually very happy about the shiny dragon i fight you know how much i love that color next pokemon it's it's shakers versus shakes you wouldn't read about it only your people shadow here so we've got cheekers and uh cheeks right so i've got max strikeout thinking why that's going to be my best play to go for matt shrike i i should be able to take graded out unless grading is going to be their dynamics pokemon because i only had two left so instead of dynamics and they're gonna stuff their own cheeks and this is this is bad people this is very bad so it's gonna stuff its cheeks it's gonna get a plus two on the fence and then i had a keyboard giving it a plus three it's a disaster so going for the other the max strike there it does half elf it's it's not a bad attempt then at least i got some form of damage off against it now they're going to dynamics their greedy here so scorpio versus green and this is like top 10 anime uh battles at the moment right so i know that i probably won't be able to take greater now now especially in dynamics and this thing's got plus three in defense so essentially in this matchup i've only got plus three in attack now right but i thought i could get very almost close to taking that uh they're gonna go for a max guard here and that unfortunately is gonna get rid of my last turn of dynamics so good play there i could go for a body slam that's gonna be my best shot i was thinking maybe it's not gonna take that obviously but i might be able to get a paralysis so let's go for the bodies then right body slam drops the cheeks and it goes down to a crit man that was so lucky like you wouldn't read about it so grief is going to be going down there and there's only one more pokemon left this squad is popping off today right it just started raining by the way next pokemon and the last pokemon is the toxicity so tox frizzy it's gonna have an air balloon that's gonna use sludge drama okay sludge one that's interesting i didn't expect that and down goes cheekers but absolute valley and effort there by little cheekers next pokemon i know you've got this pokemon for this is the haunter from snowpoint city from mindy and she's a troll because he trades with you and it's got an everlight right oh sorry not at everlight and never stone now i actually kept ever stone on this hoarder just for the memes so going for the paris song here it's their last pokemon right and now the top specs is going to go for a skull here on max out max speed that does a lot of damage that's got special attack ev's i know it does so swapping my gas for out here and going into uh red eye which is the fascicle and you get now if you do get the blue masculine it's called blue eye funny about that i'm not sure whether they predicted that swap but if they did that was a very good prediction there and my baseline got hit hard by sludge bob i've got the the citrus very as the item and this is a reckless uh baskin i gave it moose to boost uh you know obviously they'd uh work with reckless too right so my moves here on this we got head smash i've got double edge take down well and equital that was just their first step right so i was thinking well let's go for head smash uh it's my only real option here head smash there's nothing to top specs obviously and top specs is going to go for a sludge bob and easily take out my vasculin now there's one more turn left here to the perishon goes down will skull take out my horner because remember scold on my like on the horizon did nearly half elf is that minimum damage is a max damage am i going to get burned i was thinking about this for a while should i go fit no miss or go for double team i thought about this for a long time and i was like you know what let's go for doubles and let's pay them back for the minimizer they did turn one right so getting that juicy evasion up there and hopefully toxins misses it doesn't miss and scolds gonna land on my haunter and i lived on 69 health there and the parish count falls to zero and now my friends is the first battle wow that was close i was so so close thank you and my monster for the battle wherever you are if you do watch this video ggs leave a comment below i always love to hear uh who i battle on the y cop okay let's go into the second battle here with the uh npc trades team uh this was a battle against jokerking and we've got a very issuing battle here as well we've got a little theme team happening i'm not sure if my uh my random opponent was running a theme team some of them had nicknames though i don't know if they meant anything so omanite is the lead here i've got my noise as late and i can see that it's got a damp rock but i'm not going to let that uh uh dampen my spirits so go for a tailwind here boosting my speed and now the omanite is going to go for a rain dance here so i'm gonna probably assume that omanite's got swift swim so we basically both went for a speed uh inducing uh status move there so i'm gonna have a dank policy hopefully i can get a dank flinch on the omelet doesn't do a lot of damage and now it's gonna go for sand attack oh man not i've seen like first minimize and now sound attack like you wouldn't read about it so now right i'm gonna go for a dank policy it's gonna land which is very very good and it's about a full heat care so i'm happy with that now the ammonite is gonna go for a toxic spikes now that's kind of bad because it's going to poison a lot of my pokemon obviously not my noibat but uh a lot of my team now the dank pulse is going to miss and now omelette is going for a roll at if i lose to a rollout ominot i'm understalling pokemon sword and shield i've got to take this out so here comes the second rollout in missed again baby and roll that takes out my noinoi oh noinoy oh man poor little annoying though so i've got to swap something in that can take a plus uh this is the third roll out from omelet right here comes the third roll out from the omni on my magnet on here desperate times called for desperate measures right so i went for zap cannon and it landed imagine if that missed i probably got swept so omar is going to go down to a zap cannon thank goodness i had to deal with that one very uh swift swimly so sorry i mean sweet i know that actually that was the fun that was fun so next pokemon here is the uh omni now i'm right it's a full limelight team by the way full lord here to save it's gonna go for a earthbound and maggie is gonna get rinsed man that destroyed me uh my ability was analytic as well and had quiet nature now next focus what we got is the uh surface sorry the farfetch and i was like okay let's go for agility and we'll go for a last resort it's probably the most useless poker on my team because they're all ominous yeah so now omni is going to go for angel power ancient power just destroys me in one shot i couldn't do anything anyway because i had to use the duot before i could use last resort so things are not going very good at the moment i've lost half my team already and there's still like five little fossils to take out next poker one is uh my gas was like okay let's go hypnosis and uh hypnosis misses like dang i shouldn't be able to tank like you know one or two more hits right so here comes another ancient power just does under half health there hypnosis misses for a second time in a row oh my gosh so i've got one more chance left to actually land the hypnosis and ancient power crits me i'm actually you know what i'm getting trolled more with this hoarder myself than trolling the opponent i always meant to troll the opponent with the everstone haunted but i'm getting trolled then again i feel like that's nothing like too new there anyway so going to red eye here going for that smash got to smash it up times and omni gets absolutely annihilated that's very very good i am going to take some nasty recoil but it was worth it i had to get i had to take another one out like i didn't want to lose that so while taking some recoil damage and i'm also poisoned as well so basklin well i don't think it's going to be on the field for too much longer right next pokemon we've got here is another omelette so i think they're all our shiny little omelets head smash is going to miss there and now omni is going to go for a water now i'm not losing to a water gun omelette that's just that's just disrespectful and i got credit too of course it did so i'm gonna eat my citrus spray here and that's probably gonna give me one more i reckon one more shot of using like head smash and then i'll probably you know die to recall and uh toxic and all those things so hopefully i can take this omelette with me right head smash is going to land this time which is very very good almondite takes out like a beast it's an everlight set and i'm going to take some nasty rocol here comes another water gun from the omanite and it doesn't take me up but i am going to go down to poison ah water gun omelette people only oppressed channel we used this fine fine content i'm down to one pokemon and you know who that is it's scorpio i've got a dynomax this again i can't believe you told me at the start of this thing team that i would be dining maxing squabbit like all the time like i would have laughed to you so go for the dynamics here i can't afford to go for a belly drum here i was not gonna get destroyed by the water gun so what i was thinking right if i go for dynamaxx and then go for a seed bomb that'll put the grassy terrain on the field on the field which would be great and that'll give me a really big advantage against the last couple of omelettes even a dynamaxx omni is not going to be able to you know like that one so that was a a bind water gun almanac what that and go for a high a max or overgrowth here coming off the sea bob and omanite is going to go down so i've taken half the omanite team at least i took half the team out so far right at least i didn't get that swept by that initial one now i'm trying to think of that i've done an omanite sweep i know that i've done uh uh almost a sweep um i'm not driving down on my one maybe maybe baby so i'm gonna get a little bit of a recovery there from the grassy terrain and then i'm gonna hit myself with a little bit of poison right and the good thing is i've still got oranberry which could change this entire battle right it definitely could with that whole 10 pp sorry hp so getting my pp's mixed up so now i'm gonna is the next pokemon in let's go for a max overgrowth uh this should drop it in one shot now they're gonna pop it into your now i had a nasty little feeling about this i was like okay this is probably going to have something like weakness policy or a pinchbury something along those lines right so firing off my uh max overgrowth once again and omnite is going to live on on the one health there the merchant available had to do it and it's going to be having a weakness policy like i my bestest greatest fears expected so now omen i can attack me i'm not sure if they'll dynamics on one health i think they'll just attack me with their strongest attack here i believe i can live it because squabbits got it like look at the help there that's pretty impressive for like a little baby pokemon right here comes a mud shot look at the damage that did and that's gonna be dropping my speed there so i don't think they really had to worry about me out speeding anything but i guess i just did that in case and it was probably their only like move right so omni is going to be going down to the max overgrowth but that's it for my dynamics i've taken four almanites out now and there's two left and there's still a dynamaxx almondite right on the back there but things are not looking too great here so i'm gonna take some more toxic damage there i'm around half elf and the next pokemon got here is the omanite number five so omelette number five hopefully i can uh stay alive now i've got my seed bombing which i know one tried it with the grassy terrano here comes a rockslide unfortunately it doesn't miss cheek is is going to live on 10 health you wouldn't read about it and i'm going to eat my oranberry here you know what the greatest thing has got to happen here since i ate my oranberry right that is going to enable me to leave the next turn like oren berry is broken so anyway the c bomb is going to easily take out that omni there now what's going to happen first is i'm going to get some nice juicy grassy terrain healing bringing me all the way up to 31 health there and i'm going to lose uh some health there but if i didn't have oranberry that was g-a-m-e last poker whatever we got is the overnight i've only got one i need one more c-bomb i need one c-bomb to finish this online even in dynamax i know that it could definitely uh take it out here right so dynamics omelette i wonder what it's going to do to me like take it easy on me please take it easy on me lord humans look at look at those big eyes man so i've got the c bomb here but the problem is right i had a speed drop from earlier and scovert isn't exactly what you call fast right my point instead of attacking me goes for a max gun and i'm gonna go down to the toxic that's that's just mean that's something that i would do so my scovert is gonna get a grassy terrain and dive to the toxic spike that's like the meanest thing ever poor little chicas oh he got smacked on his cheeks let's get on to the third and final battle thank you for the battle dropping that was very mean to max guard me at the game there you should i would have rather to get attacked that was disrespectful let's go on to the third battle here this one was against uh mama swan this was on my um uh twitch uh chat this one if you do want to check me on twitch the links in the description okay uh my first uh pokemon to come against here is baby bone which is a cubone so i've got chicas as my first focal one this time and i'm thinking here well you know what uh nothing a good old belly drum couldn't fix right so we got the uh maroc sorry the q bone go for the stealth rock there that's free real estate because i can go for a belly drum here and i was thinking well i've dynamics this so many times maybe i should just dynamax it right now again that could be great and i was like nah i won't do that just yet now the q bone right is going to set up the sandstorm i'm like what is this is you stealth rock she's sam sob i i detect a troll set maybe so go for the c bomb here on the q by right that's going to take q bone down to one health and it's going to focus ash as it's item right which is five then after the then i start the think why did they set up the sandstorm why did they have a focus that's right that's interesting why they would set the sand up because i mean i might benefit the other pokemon and then my uh my question was answered very quickly they went for an endeavor so endeavor is good because it's going to match the uh health with mine sorry with mine and i'm going to get dropped by the sandstorm so very very nice play there with the q bone and it's a good thing that i didn't dynamics my squad boot there i would have lost a lot of my health it would have been a waste right next pokemon is the cubone and marowak so this is a like a bones team right i don't think i've ever seen a bones team before so we've got the uh marowak going for the rock team here dropping my uh magna zone speed sorry my magnet i'm getting my pokemon mixed up today my magneton speedboat now maggie's gonna go for a magnet rise here just in case there's any ground type moves around which is obviously uh you know a very good chance of the marowak and now i'm gonna go for dynamics i thought okay if the marowak can't use a ground type move what can it really do to me outside of uh maybe ah fire punch that's about that pretty much all i could really do to me so going for the dynomax magneton i thought if i go for this right i can use steel beam in dynamax and the sand is going to help me out too right so here comes a double edge i think they just did that earlier on to drop my magnet on speed in case the mirror wasn't actually able to uh you know take the magneton outrun so while we've got the main top taking out the right there and getting a plus one defense this is very very good right now i'm in a very strong position next poker we got is the flaming bone i was like oh no this is a great swapping fire spin is gonna miss i went for the max lightning i was worried that they would have uh lightning rod though thank goodness i did and that only does half elves like that is definitely a bulky set like that's it's like a bulky like maxwell i want to say maxwell's max special defense that took that very very well right now though marowak wright is going to be going for a firespin this time it's going to land i'd say they probably got something like a bulky trapping set maybe uh on their marowak maybe a wrist sleep talker i'm gonna go for a max lightning and that will definitely be able to take the railroac out now that the lightning is on the field there all the electricity and the lightning's on the field all the same thing there bye bye marowak that's half the team down next pokemon is spooky bone which is going to be dust dust goal so you don't see dusk off very often that's pretty nice i've got my steel beam here to go if i was like you know what i've got absolutely nothing to lose let's go for steel beam now magneton will take out you know another pokemon that'll be three poke one it would have taken out so a solid performance there now we've got the dust gold go for a car miner i'm thinking well it would have to be maxell and like probably max defense whether everlight at least to be able to live this and it did the uh steel beam is not gonna take out the dust coil and maggie is gonna fight but uh that did a lot of damage though next poker we've got is the noido i can outspeed the dust coal and i can simply go for a dank pulse there and take it out as i can see with the frisk ability the dust coal does indeed have the everlight so bye bye spooky bone we got two more pokemon left now i was thinking with this team there's two more pokemon with the bones right and that is going to be the balabai and the mandy bar so this set was actually really really pocky i'm not sure if you've ever used a butler by with everlight before but man this thing is super super tanky like i'm talking real technology many bus itself is really bulky too but when you give this little thing of everlight it's so bulky it's got access to healing like it's a it's a great little uh support pokemon run so it's gonna poison me with a toxic there i really can't do a lot to it all i can do is go for max ah sorry not max my air slash here and that's as you can see does hardly anything at all i was pretty much go for flinches the bad thing was even if i did let's say i got continual flinches right the toxic was still going to take out my uh not my uh skull my annoying bat right so that was pretty much it for my no bat i knew that i i'd you know fail against this matchup so we've got the snarl as it's attacking move too that's also going to drop the opponent's special attack so it's got toxic snow i gotta say at this stage it's going to have to have ruse as a healing move i was thinking about that and maybe one other maybe foul play that'll work very nicely on so followed by as i thought is going to go for a ruse and it's going to get all of its health back there so noibat pretty much did nothing there not that it could do a lot of damage now the noise bats ev's if he were curious that was a max i think i just ran back speed max special attack i believe and the item was bright powder bottle and last uh last chance here to get rid of this lullaby with my uh gas bar i'm gonna go for the mean look here and then i can go for the paris song right because i do have a many buzz left and i do not want this thing swapping out so here comes the snow i can leave another one after this which is going to be okay and i don't have any attacking moves so snile's really not going to affect me hypnosis misses again oh man i'm getting trolled so hard by this sauna i live the next snow which is great there volleyball has got one more chance here i've got to get the hypnosis off here hypnosis hypno misses again haunter has if you've got a look at it it's trolled me almost every battle that i've used it with it's been absolute dead weight it's like the trade in the game right so bye bye haunter next pokemon and really my last resort here to take out the bulla buy is going to be my uh bar fetch run so go for the agility hoping a lot a couple of last resorts should put this volleyball down hopefully and now now by the way it's going to go for the toxic gear so there was one move i hadn't seen it used yet right and that was i was thinking maybe foul play that would do like a really nice uh little move on it too right so while i've got the toxic on there i'm gonna go for the last sword hopefully this will be a two-hit ko yeah so popping that last resort does a lot of damage that was a critical hit i was like man and the last move the volleyball had was iron defense holy smoke i'm so glad right that i got that critical hit because it might have had a good chance of actually living the next one and just completely stalling my far patch out there with topic so popping that last resort on the thick bone and thick bone is gonna go down i'm so happy about that the last pokemon is the mandy buzz this is definitely going to be their dynamic spoke one but the cool thing about this at the moment i can have a chance of actually hitting this with last resort so i've got one more powerful attacker so go for a last thought on the amanda buzz look at the damage that did was great and i've got another crew i was like wow two crits in a row that was really really good now manny buzz is going to get a weak armor boost so that oh oh no this is going to get a speed burst and now mandy buzz is going to use nasty plots like oh this is this has got to ease the plus two and splashtag and a plus two in speed will farfetch br to outspeed the mandy buzz now with a like one more last resort and then i'm thinking well saying my opponent doesn't want to risk that right they could go for a max guard here and i will go down to the toxic i was thinking about that but you know what could i do that it's not like i could swap out because then i would have had to go for the agility again to do another last resort so i was a little bit worried about this but i was thinking yeah max car is definitely coming my way but instead they just attacked me with max stark and it's like okay well uh five benches gonna go out and spin it is what it is right i've got one more pokemon and that is my basketland now basklin does have head smash and reckless that will be enough to take out the mandy buzz it's just whether i'll be able to out speed or not or lift this attack uh mandy buzz is gonna outspeed me with the max darkness and my basket is not gonna be living that one and now my friends it's the third battle hope you enjoyed the npc trade scene it was very very fun and yes haunted trolled me the entire time all right people peace out [Music] you
Views: 49,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon npc trades, pokemon npc trades sword and shield, pokemon sword all npc trades, pokemon shield npc trades, haunter everstone, haunter everstone troll, haunter everstone trade, mindy haunter trade, mindy haunter everstone, all npc pokemon trades, pokemon trade evolution, pokemon trade bot, pokemon trade only, pokemon trade theme, pokemon trade music, pokemon trades sword and shield, everstone haunter, everstone haunter trade, PIMPNITE
Id: AFLdNuG_X28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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