Fujifilm GFX100S Review - It's not for everybody...

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you know all those jokes about me switching to uh so sony finally worked i got this baby in my hands it's right here guys fujifilm fujifilm sent me a review unit so i can make these for this review for you guys let's get started [Music] [Music] hey guys it's me i am tongue and today i got a brand new video and it's the gfx 100s review and i just want to start off by saying i got this as a loan from fujifilm here in toronto my threats about switching to sony finally work maybe i should keep doing that so they can send me the new 33 millimeter f14 and the 23 millimeter f14 in my hands you hear that fuji just send me those just let me send me those lenses otherwise i'm switching to sony oh man oh man that's so stupid i'm so stupid so i have had this camera with a few lenses for about three weeks i've been putting it through its paces i took this to a few studio shoots i took this outside to shoot some you know landscape stuff cityscape stuff with it but mainly i used it to shoot portraits and for the 90 of you guys who are watching this i know this camera isn't for you it's very specific and it's very niche but if you want to hear what i gotta say stick around and enjoy the photos shot with this camera now let's start with the build quality so as i mentioned in my first impression video i thought holding this was a bit uncomfortable this was me holding it with the 110 millimeter f2 but going out to multiple shoots with different studios i can say that the discomfort that i felt is gone maybe it's because it's in a controlled environment where i'm not always moving around like i normally do when i go and try to photograph the city it's also probably because i just got used to the size and handling of it after multiple shoots i don't feel it anymore but i can say that the best way to offset the weight is if you are shooting in a studio environment and you have like a designated area where you can put your lenses and you go there to switch things out but if it's a run and gun situation you may find this could be tiring to hold as you can see right here it's like it's a chunky fella it's really really chunky it feels like a dslr like a small dslr it feels good to hold right now that there's a deep hand grip right here and i really enjoyed this deep hand grip in my first impression video i said that you know this hand grip may be a little bit too big but after multiple use i actually got used to it so if you guys are you know one of those people that actually felt that this hand grip was a little bit uncomfortable just stick with it and then you'll you'll get used to it the evf isn't as bright and sharp as other cameras that i've used and once you get used to the bright evf it's kind of hard to go back to a camera with less resolution in the evf i know that the original gfx 100 had doubled the resolution making it a nice sharper and brighter evf i guess this is where fujifilm had to cut corners to differentiate this line from its flagship but i feel if you're paying this much for a camera why can't you just you know why can't we just get it in this one too you know be that as it may um i got used to it and i didn't feel that the evf hindered me from the shoot but it would have been nice to have we also have these custom dials right here this is where you can set different fujifilm recipes and settings for both photos and videos and there's a button on the top of the dial that locks it in place we got this nice switch right here to switch back and forth from photos to video and we got the back lcd screen it tilts out like this making it really great for getting low angle shots there's also this bump that protrudes out and that's really good for the thumb rest and overall i really like how the ergonomics of this camera is laid out it looks modern and sleek but it's still bigger than the xt4 obviously it's not as big as the original gfx 50s this is a significant improvement from the gfx 50r as well i used to own that camera and i hated the ergonomics on that camera it was just a huge brick but you know this camera solves those issues this battery that this camera takes is the same as the fujifilm xt4 which i thought was a nice touch uh for anyone shooting with both system you guys can use these batteries interchangeably which is really really good if you guys are you know running low on spares this battery is rated for 400 shots but during my time with it i actually got more i shot over like 600 shots and still had like one or two batteries left over let's move on to the auto focusing phase detect auto focusing and it's not the contrast detect from the old gfx 50 series which is surprisingly quick to focus when i was shooting with the gfx 100s i find it to be very snappy and very pleasant to grab focus there wasn't any focus posting that like i've experienced when i used to use my gfx 50r i shot with the 80 millimeter f17 and the 110 millimeter f2 and i do notice that these two are different at grabbing focus so i guess it's like the fuji x-mount lenses that it depends on the lenses that you have that will likely determine how good and snappy the auto focusing is with my experience i felt that the 80 millimeter f17 it would be a bit slower to grab focus it almost reminds me of my 35 millimeter f14 in a way of how it would just move back and forth before it grabs focus but with the 110 millimeter f2 i find that the auto focusing with this thing was snappier and i didn't have that issue where it moves back and forth before it focuses which is really really good and the way i use this auto focusing is single point af just because i don't trust fujifilm's eye tracking or face tracking every time you think you got the eye in focus it would end up getting the eyelash instead and that drives me wild and ever since then i just use single point it works every time it works a lot better than fujifilm's eye tracking once you put this camera into continuous autofocusing you're not going to get good results because you know it only shoots uh five frames per second it takes a long time to buffer and there's a lot of click glass moving back and forth okay so so this camera is best when everything is slow and a bit still i wouldn't trust this on fast moving subjects like i said this camera shoots five frames per second and depending on what memory card you have you may experience a waiting time while it buffers so i highly suggest you invest in some good memory cards i use the pro grade v90 memory card it's a lot better than my v60 v60 cards are fine but that's when that's where i experience the most stutter and lag when i had this camera uh the first time around so so if you want to mitigate that get yourself some of this v90 and it's not sponsored guys i these memory cards were expensive as i bought this with my own money the lagging and the stutter time and the buffering time will be will be a lot less i've only used this camera for photography so i can't really touch on the video some of the video specs on this is crazy man like 4k 30 with raw output like you can shoot raw with this if you had an external monitor but i wouldn't recommend you spending a butt load of money to use this camera as your video camera there's a lot better cameras out there in that price range that you can get so let's move on to things i like about this camera [Music] the image quality like oh my god every time i open up these raw files these gfx rawhides i am just blown away with these images it's one of the best images i've ever seen the colors are so rich i really love how this camera handles skin tones everything about this imagery from this camera is absolutely beautiful and i urge anyone who have not gotten a taste of that medium format life yet to just go to your local camera store and just try it out the medium format look is so awesome the fall off of the bokeh is just gorgeous one of the best i've seen it's not like this weird rendering that fuji x cameras make but it like but it has a nice even transition from the eyes to the face making it such a pleasant viewing experience and that's one thing i miss about having a medium format camera when i used to own the gsx50r i was so amazed by just the the roll-off on a person's face when i took the portrait it's a vibe it's a mood it adds such a mood to your images and it's hard for me to recreate with a fuji film x camera and lenses try it out if you can man it's honestly one of like the best things that you can like you can see like man like i'm just i'm just simping over this gfx 100 right now it will make you view your cameras a bit differently afterwards i honestly think my fujifilm x cameras are so worthless right now after shooting with this thing for like a close to a month it's going to be hard for me to give this thing back the 102 megapixels are so fun to look at zooming in and seeing all those details it's just freaking nuts man i like i feel like i shouldn't have all this power i can zoom in and get every fiber from a shirt or just punch in and see every strand of facial hair it truly amazes me the the power of the 102 megapixels another thing i like about having 102 megapixels is the cropping power now you can make so many different crops from one single images and i see that being so useful you can end up with a different crop and that will tell a totally different story from the original i've used this a few times in my shots as well i shot it vertically and and i ended up not liking the composition so what i did was i did a 16x9 crop to a vertical shot and made it horizontal and i still got enough megapixels to go around the images still look sharp and crispy and because of the new crop i feel it has more of an impact so i see this being one of those benefits of having 102 megapixels and i feel like you know if you are someone that shoots landscape and you have 102 megapixels to work with you want to you know put your images up on stock sites you can just go in and just make different crops of the same landscape image and then you you can just make money off of all that images and you know it still has enough detail in there nostalgic negative film simulation is a great film simulation the way i describe this film simulation is that it's soft and muted and also warm i like how it turns red into this rusty ginger amber color i've used it on my portraits and i kind of like the look of it still not one of the best for my portraits i would still use classic chrome or astia on portraits but overall it's a different film simulation and it has a cool unique look to it so i dig it if you're shooting like street photography or anything like that landscape or like you know cityscape i think it's i think it looks really really good and another thing i really like about this camera is the dynamic range the dynamic range on this camera is just incredible i just love how much shadow detail we can recover from these files and still have a clean looking image this is my buddy anthony over here and as you can see in this before and after usually when i shoot with my fujifilm xt4 or my xs10 the images would break down after you see some artifacts and a little bit of noise but this camera right here has tons of dynamic range for you guys so you have loads of information to play with and i just love how clean it looks like you can see the before and after not much noise i haven't done anything to it put any noise reduction to it it just looks super super clean i think that's one benefit of having a medium format sensor is the dynamic range and also the 16-bit color depth makes the gfx raw files such a joy to grade i could pull the colors that i want smoothly and get results quick without spending hours trying to get it right the colors on this baked into the raws is so freaking good you don't need to put much work into it and for me anyways whenever i work with a fuji x a fuji raw file like i can get the colors that i want and i don't have to put so much time into it i remember shooting with like a sony a canon and sometimes maybe a nikon like you know when i edit my friend's work my friend's photo i find that it was hard for me to get the colors that i want it doesn't it doesn't slide right with me like when you go and adjust your you know hsl your white balance and your tint it never sat right with me but with with this one it just pulls so smoothly i can get the colors that i want without having like you know any degradation to it and that's so so clutch like you can see that these colors are so beautiful and so smooth man like i don't know what else to say about this like it's it's honestly like like the best the best image quality out there right now man like obviously i have like fuji bias because i actually would fujifilm but like i have tried other cameras before but like with this cameraman it's just with the gfx100s the raw files man it's just it's just so easy it's just so easy to play with the in-body image stabilization um the one complaint that i had with my gfx50r was there was no image stabilization in the camera but this camera has it and i can't tell you how great having an image stabilization is having shot at the neon studio here in toronto many times we need that ibis to slow our shutter so we can allow more light to come in for my testing i got as low as 1.16 of a shutter speed and came out with a sharp photo ibis just helps with getting the photo sharp i've never got soft images with this camera like i did with my gfx 50r so ibis is welcome and i love ibis so thanks fujifilm for including that in there let's talk about things that i don't like [Music] there's not much that i don't like about this camera but it you know obviously the one thing is the price i wish it was a bit cheaper like you know don't we all wish this camera was a bit cheaper it's actually cheaper than the sony a1 like can you believe that that's that's just so mind-blowing but again they are just different tools for different jobs coming in at 7 799 canadian dollars this camera is mainly targeted to a specific demographic for the rest of us we can only dream of owning this camera one of these days factor in these gf lenses which is anywhere from like two to three thousand dollars you are looking at close to like a ten thousand dollar setup that's a lot of money for anyone to spend all of us right out there you know it's either buy a car or buy this camera i mean you know what even a car is cheaper than this camper oh it just depends on the car another thing is the uncompressed file sizes are about 200 megabytes they will eat up your memory card very quick and you know when i was shooting at multiple studios i would fill up my memory card 128 gigs of memory card and it just filled up so quick and i've never had this done uh with my fuji x camera so i was just really surprised that this happened to me not only once but like two three other times if you shoot uncompressed this will eat up your memory card so make sure to bring a lot more memory card but but if i were you i would just shoot lossless compressed to save some space it takes up about half the size at 100 megabytes and again just be aware that you're working with 100 megapixel raws your computer is going to take some time to process them i use a 2019 macbook pro uh 16 inch with an i9 with 32 gigabytes of ram to edit my videos and photos and every time i start editing one of these gfx raw files it really really slows down my workflow the the fan on my laptop kicks in and it's so freaking loud and this is something that you have to consider if you're investing in a system like this you are going to need to invest in a faster computer a faster memory card faster memory cards uh more hard drive space for storage and all this comes at a cost and this may end up being a lot more than just the original 10 000 setup the d-pad the directional pad it really drives me wild i really don't like this fuji needs to bring back the d-pad uh this stupid joystick nipple thing right here it feels fine like you know it feels better than the joystick on my xs-10 and this thing is rubberized and has a little grip for it but i can't use this when i shoot portraits and i find it i find it's hard to move with my focusing points around with the d-pad i would be able to just hard press it a few times to get to my spots i feel this nipple thingy isn't as responsive and tactile like the d-pad the removal of the d-pad means there's four less customizable button to program fujifilm has made the screen touch screen so you know you can do swipe gestures on it and uh you know you're like who uses that no touch screen just give us the d-pads man like oh man i should be nicer to fujifilm because they did lend me this oh god they're not going to send me anything i forget oh so who is this camera for who is this camera for it's obviously for rich people it's obviously for working professionals i think people who can afford this camera would already know if this camera is for them someone that shoots at a slower pace someone that doesn't need that high burst frame rates and someone who prints their uh images really really large maybe i'll get this camera if my wife gives me the green light as of right now she told me to save my money so that's what i'm doing i'm not spending my money but i could have i want to so bad god damn it maybe i'll just convince her or something i don't know overall i really enjoyed this camera i had a fun time shooting with this camera i really want one now but the price is holding me back a little bit but again this camera isn't for people like me rich doctors dentists lawyers you know who has like rich enthusiasts hobbyists even professionals the these are for that people are the people that want the ultimate image quality the 102 megapixels is so versatile again you can just crop it in so many ways and that medium format look man the colors man just the freaking colors the goddamn colors man i'm like obviously this camera is really niche so 90 of the people out there they do not need this camera but it's just so damn good i just i just want one i had a lot of fun shooting with this thing and this is the best image quality i've ever seen from a camera the gf lenses are stupid sharp it's ridiculous man like i said consider this system if you're like super rich and if you're rich can you buy me one too but anyways that is it for me guys i hope you guys enjoyed this week's video and i would like to give a special thanks to fujifilm for loaning me this camera with a few lenses even though i'm i'm like a small youtuber i appreciate you guys sending me such an expensive piece of kit don't forget to like and subscribe if you like my content this is the best way to support me just by giving it a like or giving me a subscribe button or leaving a comment and once again my name is tong and i'll see you in the next video i love you okay bye
Channel: Iamtongue
Views: 2,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iamtongue, fujifilm gfx100s, fujifilm, medium format, fuji, fujifilm gfx 100s, fujifilm gfx 100s review, fujifilm gfx 100, fuji gfx 100s, gfx 100s, fujifilm gfx100s review, fujifilm gfx100s video, fujifilm gfx100s vs gfx100, fujifilm gfx100s price, fujifilm gfx 100s video, fujifilm medium format, fujifilm medium format gfx 100, review gfx100s, fuji medium format, fujifilm gfx 100s reveiw, fujifilm gfx portraits, fujifilm portraits, gfx, gfx100s, gfx50sii, fujifilm gfx50s ii review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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