Fujifilm GFX 100S Long Term Review: What I Discovered After Five Months Of Using It

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hey everybody what's going on so a lot of you on youtube and asking me like bobby when are you going to give us the gfx100s review when is it coming well i've actually had the camera in my hand since it was publicly launched and i have been putting it through its paces i've actually been using it on professional work jobs that i've been doing i've been taking out on variety of photo shoots and i really wanted to give you guys more of a longer term review on the camera to answer some of the questions you may have should i go into medium format what are the pros what are the cons with the strengths what are the weaknesses of this camera so here we are to talk about my thoughts on the gfx100s the 81.7 the 45-100 and a few other lenses let's talk about it [Music] so before we get into things i do want to let you guys know we are not paid or sponsored for this review uh fujifilm singapore has been very kind enough to loan me the lenses and the camera having said that these are my thoughts and my thoughts only and also a lot of you have asked me to slow down in my talking i speak too fast a lot of you have said so i'm going to slow down on this so if this video has become 35 40 minutes long you know why i'll speak very slow so you can understand me no i'm joking aside i get the feedback and so i'll take a breath here and there and go through this review with you guys okay now in terms of the camera we'll talk about the design right now we already have sort of talked about this in my first impressions video with ivan we'll put a link right here so check that out but if you don't want to watch that i'll just kind of give you the concise uh thoughts on the the build quality and the feel build quality is fantastic this is the best built gfx camera in fujifilm's lineup it feels very solid very robust fujifilm has really improved the design and the buttons and the overall quality of it over the 100 in my personal opinion the ergonomics are fantastic this feels like a full-frame camera system other people have said this and i will repeat it as well i have a variety of full-frame cameras out there including the lumix s1r that i you see a lot here on this channel i put those cameras next to each other and i would say that the fujifilm as roughly the same size as the s1r maybe even a little bit shorter so that just goes to show you what fujifilm has done with this camera system putting a medium format sensor in such a small body the grip is great if you have larger hands like myself you're going to really like this grip even if you have smaller hands the grip is very ergonomical you actually have this nice little indentation here for your fingers here it feels really good there is a bottom plate that you can get for this i think it's an arc swiss plate that will sort of extend the uh the depth or the length of this camera a little bit i if i was to own this camera i might get that because while this feels really good with all my fingers here that little extra room is always welcomed i like battery grips personally but you can't put a battery grip on this so that extra plate will come in handy besides that the weight distribution is really good on this as well it does depend on the which lens you're going to use and i'll talk about that in just a bit but overall build quality is solid the evf the uh rear display all is really good now let's talk about the evf because this has been a topic a lot of you have uh been asking me about on facebook and also on youtube we're kind of jumping ahead a little bit because look we've already talked about this with the initial specs initially it's 100 megapixel sensor ibis all that you pretty much know all that so let's talk about the evf now the evf is a 3.69 million dot evf a lot of people out there were quite upset that this was the 5.76 million dot evf that you were getting on the gfx 100 and now i do understand those concerns and i can tell you that from day to day usage and using this over the past couple months and using it on a variety of shoots in low light and in bright daylight like we're shooting today i don't notice much of a difference the evf quality is very good on this and this is something that you need to take note of on any camera system outside of the gfx for that matter don't look at the numbers actually look at the optical quality coming out of the evf it could be the glass the optics it could be the lcd panel these are all things you need to take into consideration case in point i had an a7r iv from sony for a while that i was testing and that is a 5.76 million dot evf on that i put it compared to this this was a much clearer evf at 3.69 then that was at 5.76 so it does vary quite a bit now you will notice sometimes the lack of resolution when you're in really low light situations and you really want to punch in and zoom in on something let's say if you really want to just fine tune that you're manually focusing you will see that you would like a little bit more resolution now you can do a performance boost on the evf to give you that higher frame rate which does help out quite a bit but yeah there are some moments you might miss the 5.76 but i will tell you overall i could probably count on one hand the times that i was like you know what i wish i had it versus not so it's not a deal breaker i wouldn't take much weight into people that are complaining about it because to be frank with you i didn't notice it from day to day performance battery life on this battery life is actually pretty good now they are using the xt4 batteries on this which is different from the gfx100 day-to-day usage i mean obviously it's great to get a couple of batteries anyway but uh i can get through a full shoot no issues at all with one battery i never had to change batteries on that but again how i shoot is i take shots i turn off the camera then i reset take shots turn off the camera so that's how i utilize this camera system if you want to keep the camera on all the time then you might see some battery drain uh what else to take note of the rear display very good not the highest resolution rear display out there i wish it would swivel out but fujifilm is really targeting this more for photographers than for videographers hence we get that flip out in sort of that portrait tilt but we don't get that flip out rotatable display that you see on a lot of other cameras out there like the xt4 for example but again it's not a deal breaker because this is mainly for photography we'll talk about the video later on in this video and this review because some of you will have questions on that we will address that and show you some samples but we're just going over some of the basics first um outside of that the buttons and the dials were really really solid they remind me a lot of the xt4 and in terms of the build quality so if you really like that camera system you're really going to like the gfx100s in that regard um but that's pretty much in a nutshell it's really good i mean i would do wish it has two uhs two card slots i do wish there was a cf express type b card slot in this because at 100 megapixels if you want to shoot quite a bit of shots like in burst mode you get the buffering is going to kick in it had been a nice to have a card have that speed that right speed that would have definitely helped because these images are very large coming out of this camera especially shooting raw but it is what it is perhaps i'll put that in a future version of this camera system okay besides that that's sort of the outside of the gfx 100s in a nutshell let's talk about what it's like to use so in terms of day-to-day usage and how this performs let's first talk about auto focusing because this is a hot topic of conversation especially with this camera system i mean fujifilm was touting a very fast auto focusing system and it is very fast for a medium format camera so much so that you start seeing people trying to compare it to full frame camera systems out there and then when they're like well it doesn't shoot sports that well or maybe it's a little bit struggling with fast action you know photography they forget that they're using a medium format camera because that's how good the auto focusing is now in terms of its speed it's really good now in terms of eye tracking it is still hit and miss and i'm waiting for a firmware update from fujifilm i don't know if there was one coming this is just my guess because they are pretty good at updating but the eye tracking does work better on some lenses versus others case in point when i use the 45 to 100 i find the eye tracking more reliable when i use the 81.7 it is hit miss this is something that i've seen in the other lenses as well so these are just my personal opinions and based on my usage it may differ for you but i hope that there's more of a consistency coming from fujifilm in regards to that but regardless if the eye tracking doesn't work then i just use space or i just put the box on someone's face and i'm good to go but overall i'm really happy with the performance of this camera system i did review the hasselblad x1 d2 i'm currently testing the 907x and i can tell you that using this camera after those it is uh a big relief in terms of the auto focusing it is really that good and it's pretty precise sometimes if you're going to be shooting wide open at 1.7 on the 80 millimeter lens you will find that the focusing even though you thought it's only someone's eyes it could be on something else so it's always good to double check this is all like this with all medium formats so it always say take your time be slow be methodical make sure you got the shot but if you're stopping down no issues at all another thing to look out for is also uh low-light performance this is one of the great attributes of this camera and this is something that i really enjoyed using the 100s for especially when i was doing some night photography and i really wanted to get very good shots but not a lot of high iso you know like noise coming into the image now in terms of the iso like if i was to shoot around 3200 6400 or even 12800 those images are very usable with this camera system yes you're going to see some noise creeping in but it's not uh uncontrollable in terms of you know if you want to do some uh post production on those images it's very easy to kind of bring it down but even at 3200 the images are really clean 6400 also very clean and i'll show some sample images we'll go into lightroom and i'll show you some low light images as well with this camera system let's talk about just overall image quality because you're going to get this camera system because you want a 100 megapixel image you want the ability to crop in and really sort of reframe an image if you need to or if you don't have a lot of lenses and you so you want those different focal lengths that's 100 megapixels is really going to help you in that regard um the image quality of this camera is spectacular this is the best imaging i've seen out of any consumer grade camera to date i mean i'm not factoring in phase one guys or any let's say h6100c because those are different cameras for a different market okay this is coming in around 6000 usd those are coming in at 20 000 30 000 40 000 etc etc so i don't want to compare those cameras to this uh but in terms of just the consumer market this is the best image quality i've seen out of a camera having said that though you also do need to take consideration of the file sizes that you're going to be facing with that this is something that you will learn very quickly with this camera system in day-to-day usage let's talk about that for a moment 100 megapixel image out of this if you want to shoot uncompressed raw you're looking at around 200 megabytes thereabouts and if you want to convert to tiff you're around 600 megabytes this is a very large file we talked about this in my gfx 100 review i will talk about it here this is very taxing on the system and so much so that i would recommend for a lot of people out there if you're just going to post to social media with this shoot in jpeg you're still still getting around 60 to 80 megabytes of information on a jpeg image and you can still edit those images relatively well decent dynamic range and jpegs that it's going to be fine for social media but if you really want to maximize this camera system make sure you have the storage and make sure you have the processing power in your computer to handle what this camera can provide because it will tax your system photoshop lightroom whatever you throw at it you're gonna see it unless you have a mac pro or a big pc tower that's got the latest uh nvidia graphics card in it and latest processor you're gonna see some slow down definitely can work though i mean because you got compressed and uncompressed raw so you can play around with the size of the raw image in terms of his megabytes but it's a lot to take in okay but i did find that amount of information really did help me for a lot of the shoots i was doing especially if i needed to manipulate the light a little bit or if i needed to really you know hone in on something i had a lot more information to play with cropping power is also a great attribute some people say you don't need more than 24 megapixels and there's truth to that people are right but if you need to crop in on something if you're doing any sort of wildlife or sports photography and you need to crop in something higher than 24 megapixels does make a big difference 100 megapixels probably overkill for most of you out there to be frank with you but if you want future proof and you really want to have those file sizes because just in case one of you want to print on a building or you really want to crop in on someone that's far away in a distance and you know that you don't have the focal length to grab them this is where this sensor comes into play with that but let's talk about one of the questions a lot of people have is they said why doesn't fujifilm allow you to reduce the not the raw file size in terms of its file size but in terms of the megapixels why not 75 or 50 megapixels instead of 100 megapixels why can't we have that choice now you can do this in a phase one camera but you cannot do this in the gfx 100 yet um s or 100 for that matter now this has been brought up to fujifilm many many times i've spoken to management to them about this as well because this is something a lot of you out there want to do i think they're taking this in consideration but because they sell a 50 megapixel camera system out there and 100 megapixel they're allowing you as the consumer to choose what you want but having said that i do agree with a lot of you out there this would be nice sometimes where i'm like look i don't need 100 megapixels i'd rather have 50 megapixels why can't i do that so you you know maybe they'll add that into the future but here's a little bit of a tip if you do want to reduce the uh megapixels in in a very kind of it's a little bit of a tricky way you can go to 35 millimeter format on this so you'll get that crop and you'll reduce the files of the megapixels to around 60 megapixels thereabouts okay so you can do it if you want to shoot in 35 but if you want that full medium format frame size then of course you're going to be stuck with 100 megapixels okay it's it is what it is as i say the image quality is absolutely fantastic the dynamic range is fantastic 16-bit 14-bit you are going to be blown away by what you see out of this and if you want to do portraits good luck on this skin retouching please have a makeup artist on set please use a diffuser because trust me when you shoot with this camera on someone's face every blackhead every pore every pimple every imperfection shows in great detail so you want to shoot your girlfriend or boyfriend or husband or wife diffuser trust me they'll love you for it um but besides that uh let's talk about burst mode for a second on this because burst mode obviously this can do to five frames per second is not gonna do sports in that regard it doesn't track that well don't try it you might get lucky with a couple shots but it's not designed for that some people said yeah you can shoot some sports with it you can shoot some fast action i have tried this on a variety of things from dirt bike riding to people walking i found zone focusing works the best performance boost on auto focus but it's still not going to get that hit rate that you're going to get out of let's say an alpha 1 or a 1d x3 or 1dx2 or an alpha a9 or even an r5 okay so if you're looking in that range to do those kind of that kind of photography this is a medium format camera you might get one or two shots but you're not going to be able to track like you can do on those other cameras okay so maybe that will improve in our future firmware update i don't know but as it stands today on may the 7th 2021 it doesn't track as good as full-frame camera systems do as of yet so before we go into lightroom and i'm going to show you images from the 81.7 lens the 45-100 the macro i want to talk about something that a lot of people have been quite passionate about online on the facebook groups on forums and et cetera et cetera and is is there a difference between full frame and medium format in 2021 well to answer this question for you let's kind of backtrack to the film days there was a big difference in terms of film resolution and the size of the image from medium format and 35 millimeter film but as we've sort of crept into the digital world things it's sort of changed and in 2021 with the very fast aperture lenses that we're seeing out of the full frame camera systems today the better dynamic range the 14-bit colors and and just the great iso performance and the sharpness and the resolution you're getting that difference is very very minimal to the average viewer out there so i'm not saying don't get the gfx100s no not at all i actually really like this camera system okay i've really enjoyed using this what i'm trying to say to you guys is that get the camera that speaks to you the most if you need 100 megapixels because you need that cropping power and you need that flexibility in your images because you're working for a client that you may need to print large or small and they want to have that or they want to crop in on a certain portion of a piece of clothing or a car or whatever it may be that you're shooting or even let's say you're doing wedding photography and you want to crop it on a certain portion of this grip shot you can do this with this camera and you're going to get a great sharp high resolving image now you can do that with some of the full-frame camera systems as well but it's going to be different 100 megapixels but just in terms of the average photo that you're going to see online you really can't tell nowadays what is medium format and what is full frame the depth of field has that uh that gap is closed with all the very fast aperture lenses out there um you know the while this has 16 bit you know full frame is at 14 bit right now when you compress an image and put it on facebook and instagram and on the web you really don't see much of that bitrate difference in terms of the color so it's a little you mean the compression kicks in and you sort of lose a little bit of that when you have to shoot in let's say lower light situations and the iso goes up that sharpness that resolution sort of diminishes a bit so everything's sort of on an even playing field so why i say this to you guys is this don't go down that road of medium format is better than full frame yeah you get a larger image in terms of its you know the dimensions of it and you get higher result resolution but that's not what this is about you want to get the camera that speaks to you that makes you want to take a photo and you know at the end of the day if you're a sports photographer and you're like look i want to capture a lot of fast action moving subjects and things like that and i would love medium format but it doesn't really work for me am i going to lose out no you're not going to lose out to be frank with you the client won't know to be frank okay but if you're someone that just wants to do really nice still photography maybe a little bit of movement but you really want to capture the beautiful colors you really want that 16-bit color because you're capturing the nuances of something and you really want the skin tone or the flowers or the landscape so whatever that may be or even a product this is where medium format still shines and i say that just so you guys know out there and being real with you don't go down that road of the argument both cameras are really good just get the camera that's right for you anyway now let's go into lightroom i'm going to show you images from the 100s the 81.7 the 45 100 the 250 and of course the 120 macro all right guys we are now in lightroom taking a look at images from the gfx 100s long-term review now i have a series of images that i've taken for professional shoots also for fun and also testing on a variety of different lenses some images are in jpeg some are in tiff the reason being i've had this camera since when it was first released and lightroom did not have a lot of support for it capture one did unfortunately i'm using the apple macbook pro m1 chip and that does um capture coin works pretty well on it but it is a little bit slow and i think for the comparison i just find the lightroom interface a little bit more user friendly in this regard so i'm just going to kind of go over to some of the final images i've taken uh over the past couple months to show you what i've done with them and i will show you some before and afters as well so let's kick things off let's look at this mclaren here this is the mclaren gt and i actually shot this a a while back we use a bronc-colored lighting for this now the gfx 100s is beautiful and the tonality the 16-bit colors really comes alive when you're shooting vehicles especially like this i was using the 45-100 f4 lens at this iso 160 around 67 millimeters one over 640 of a second and i'm really happy with this image of course it has been edited quietly to get the sun rays in there and to sort of accentuate the colors a little bit but i'm really happy with the overall image and this is really where you see the power of the gfx 100s now this is a jpeg and even at 49 megabytes thereabouts this is plenty high resolving very high resolving as a matter of fact a lot of the times for facebook and for instagram i actually reduce the file size to about 2500 pixels on the long side just so i can uh get the maximum resolution when i upload it but again everyone has their own personal preferences in that regard now let's look into some action as i was talking about in the video the action you know shooting action with the gfx 100s is a little bit of a challenging experience case in point the tracking isn't up to par let's say with the faster full frame camera systems or even the xt4 for that matter so you're really going to have to you know know where your subject's at and fire away and sometimes it's luck sometimes it's settings i use zone focusing i put performance boost on autofocus as well and you know i shoot a series of shots about five shots and i grab one of them and i've gotten lucky with a few different shots in that regard case in point here's this motorcyclist who is jumping over this log he's sharp right here this is a tiff file at 610 megabytes so it is gonna take a little bit of time to render see the images has been resolved and it is tacked sharp right in this area look at this this is very very sharp and this is the nice thing about this uh lens and the system is that if you nail it you really get a good image okay let's look at some other images here since we're on motorcycles let's go to this priya the rs660 now this is something that i shot myself this is a tiff file at 590 megabytes guys you want this camera get storage 512 uh gigabytes on your uh your imac your macbook pro your pc laptop it's not going to cut it with this camera get some external storage you'll thank me later this is with the 45 to 100 at f4 one over 80th of a second iso 100 and this is tack sharp once it finishes rendering here in lightroom takes a moment or two but this is a very very sharp image here's another shot of me on the motorcycle this is a jpeg i had to reduce this this is actually set for facebook and instagram but just to give you an idea of the resolution even when i set that size this is at alongside 2500 pixels 3.69 megabytes but look at how this holds the resolution and the you know just the details this is really really impressive i did do some enhancement with the sky with luminar ai you'll see a couple more images where i do that as well i think that's a really nice tool to sort of uh enhance your images a little bit without making it look too fake you can go overboard but just a little bit does add a bit of a nice punch to it but i'm very happy with that now let's move on to portraiture here this is my friend allen for a hugo boss shoot now the final image has a lot of his skin cleaned up in the patches right there but i just want to show you in terms of the tiff file to give you an idea of the resolution and of course how it renders with skin tones is with the gf-80 f 1.7 at f 3.2 because i was using strobe lights on this and i wanted to make sure that his face is in focus so a lot of you out there that might want to use the 1.7 for portraiture for a medium format i would definitely recommend stopping down you're not going to get the entire face in focus at 1.7 unless you're far away from your subject all right so and even at f 3.2 you see some nice fall off here around the ears and the hair area but enough to where i've got the face and focus because of course that is what i want to get in focus there is a little bit of breakage up here because it needs to render for a bit give it a moment here because this is a very large file at 610 megabytes but let's just zoom in here on the face now that we're at full resolution and this is the power of the gfx 100s like i said before if you want to do portraiture get ready to do some touch up now alan's face his skin tone is actually pretty good so i just need to remove some dark spots here which i did in the final image i'm very very happy with the turnout of this the lighting broncolor lighting again complements this setup really really well and just tacked sharp my friend ed here we're doing a shoot with the tag hoya carrera watch it was in conjunction with porsha and i wanted something much more of a very vibrant very you know punchy blues punchy reds kind of more of a neon look to the image so it's a little bit more stylized this could be your preference or not just something i was trying different with it but again this was shot with the 81.7 i shot this at nighttime i like this lens for night photography because you know the versatility with the 1.7 aperture this was shot at f 3.2 1 over 40 of a second uh iso 2500 and as we zoom in on this it is sharp okay this is a jpeg actually this was 63 megabytes because i had to reduce the file size on this and i'm really happy with it i softened this area a little bit just to sort of take away the harshness on the skin tone but i'm really happy with the image and again it's a stylized choice so now let's take a look at this shot here this is much more of a stylized shot once again i'll show you the before this is the after before after here i'm punching the colors up a little bit i'm making it a little bit more vibrant again edits our personal choice you may like or dislike this but again 610 megabyte tiff file at 1.7 iso 2500 i'm pretty happy with this for what it was i mean this was going on instagram so we had to shrink this file size down considerably to go on instagram of course because it's not going to handle a 610 megabyte file but i like the look in the overall vibe of it now let's move on to landscape photography now i was actually testing out the laowa 15 millimeter f 4.5 i think it's a d0 shift lens we'll be having a review coming up very shortly on it if not by the time you're watching this with the gfx 100s this was a shot i did at the gardens by the bay this is the dale chihuly exhibition where it's all blown glass all around this uh serene gardens area it's very very beautiful this is a tiff file against 610 megabytes but this is why to remove some of the the lighting fixtures here took that here and then i went a step further i went into uh luminar ai and i really wanted to boost up the sky give us some clouds in there nice little sunset remove more all the lights here because they were a bit distracting and this is the final image now this is a 4.80 megabyte image very small considerably compared to the tiff file but again holds the resolution beautifully now this was interesting in how in terms of i shot this this was a three second exposure iso 100 i think it was stopped around f8 or f11 there about because obviously this is a manual aperture in the lens you're not going to see it in the camera system i'm really happy with the overall image quality coming out of this and this is with the laowa so it's very sharp in the center i'll talk about this in my review a little softer in the corners again but but you are going to get some of that the trees can be a little bit blurry due to the exposure timing on it so do keep that in mind but when you nail focus it looks fantastic i'm here with the 45 100 here these are these red reeds let's show you what it looks like after luminar ai it's actually a pretty cool software there's a lot of videos out there on it but it looks the business and finally let's look at some dogs here with the 81.7 these are jpegs out of the gfx100s at f 2.8 very very cute look how sharp this is iso 200 here is a french bulldog i believe absolutely stunning f 2.8 it's hard to get 1.7 and get into focus this one managed to get it out of a series of shots but look how beautiful that is but look at the depth of field on this i mean you got the eye in focus but everything else pretty much goes out so that in a sense is some of the shots i've taken with the gfx100s this is a fantastic camera system you need to learn how to utilize it a bit more in terms of its resolution in terms of the depth of field especially when you're using the 1.7 from the 80 millimeter but if you have the patience for it and you have the storage capacity and the processing power in your laptop or pc or computer you're going to be well rewarded with the best image quality out of any camera system i would say consumer camera system on the market currently it is that good so as we saw in lightroom the image quality coming out of this camera is pretty pretty fantastic by me so so myself but let's talk about the video quality coming out of this system and we're actually using the gfx100s right now with the 45-100 at f4 4k 25p nostalgic negative in terms of his profile with you guys right here so uh yeah this is um it's impressive this is a very decent video camera uh if you want to do a lot of like fast tracking this camera might not hold up to the other camera manufacturers out there that can do that or even to let's say the xt4 but if you're just doing let's say interview shots like this or static shots or someone's talking or if you want to do a slight slow movement this is a fantastic camera system for it it's a very formidable hybrid camera system for a lot of you out there so if you want to do weddings and you want to record people you know saying their vows or if you want to let's say capture a moment between a couple or just someone like me talking this works beautifully the image quality coming out of this camera is stunning would you say so kai hong yup okay there we go we talked about this in the gfx100 review how good the video is and it's equally as good on the 100s now of course you can use the atomos ninja 5 you can record into that and all that but in camera alone is good enough for most of you out there my personal opinion now let's talk about lenses for a moment as i talked a little bit about them in the lightroom what are my favorite lenses on the 100s now a lot of people have been debating between the 81.7 and the 110 f2 and i've debated this myself and i've used both of these lenses and i really still can't decide between these two because the 110 f2 is a magical lens in the fujifilm lineup gives you a beautiful bokeh everything just kind of blows away in the background stunning sharpness slightly faster autofocusing than the 81.7 but it's around a 90 some millimeter lens so it's not an every day kind of focal length i mean depending on your shooting needs it may be for you but for me i tend to use something a little bit shorter but the 81.7 is unique in that sense because it's around a 60 millimeter so it's almost in that 50 millimeter focal range where you know for full frame users out there that if you wanted to do street photography you can do that you can walk around you can capture those moments and at 1.7 it gives you fantastic low-light performance the f2 is also very good but that 1.7 does give you a little bit extra in terms of that low light to give you to keep that iso down but if you're looking at image quality the 110 is still the king but if you're looking at versatility the 81.7 would be the lens i would recommend that's the best way i could put it for you guys out there of course the 45100 is a fantastic lens the 250 is a phenomenal telephoto lens out there if you want to do some wildlife photography or even some sports you can do that with that lens um the tele converter on it as well will give you that extra length it is a weighty lens it's it's not a zoom so that will limit some of you out there but if you know your focal range you know you're gonna be shooting at that it's a fantastic lens and it gives you some great great images but overall my final thoughts on the 100s is i really like using this camera and i know i say this on this channel and i've said it in multiple videos on almost every camera that i use because all cameras are really good but i found with the 100s for my shooting style fashion a little bit of lifestyle some sports at times some action i found that the 100s fits my needs most of the time yes if i'm shooting dirt bikes moving around or jumping in the air it's not going to capture that or if i want to shoot someone running down the track it may not capture those images let's say like a 1d x3 or alpha 1 would do but i don't shoot that all the time so i was talking to a friend the other day and he's like you know when the r3 was announced should i get the r3 instead of the 100s i'm like look if you're only shooting sports a couple weeks out of the year but mainly you are shooting landscapes and people and street scenes the 100s should be your camera rent the high speed camera when you need it but this camera can pretty much give you everything you need plus fantastic video at a really good price for medium format so the 100s is probably one of my favorite cameras of 2021 thus far and i've really really enjoyed using it anyway those are my thoughts on the camera system and the lenses let me know your thoughts in the comment section below if i miss out on anything i'll try to answer those comments for you but with that guys stay safe take care and i'll chat to you soon
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Views: 26,061
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Keywords: gfx 100s, gfx 100, hasselblad, fujifilm gfx 100s, fuji gfx 100s, fujifilm gfx 100, fujifilm gfx 50s, fujifilm gfx, fujifilm gfx100s, fuji gfx 100, fujifilm gfx 100s video, fujifilm gfx 100 sample images, fuji gfx, gfx50r, gfx100, best medium format camera, fuji gfx100s, fujifilm gfx100s landscape photography, fujifilm gfx 100 photoshoot, fujifilm gfx 100s review, fujifilm gfx 100 video, fujifilm gfx100s footage, fuji gfx 100s review, fuji gfx 100s footage, gfx 100 review
Id: Vdb0oaQQR-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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