Top Tips for NEW Fujifilm Users!

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hello congratulations on your new Fujifilm camera my name is Omar I do a lot of Fuji film camera videos on this channel I'll link a lot below I have a lot of lessons on Fuji film so this video is for people who just open up their new camera and want to learn more about it alright let's get started alright my first recommendation is a total boring one register your camera I know that doesn't sound exciting but if something is wrong with your camera make sure that you register with Fuji film in your country in case you need to return it or send it back to repair I had a small piece of my camera fall off once and it got repaired because I had registered my camera so though it number 2 if you're a beginner photographer and you're totally looking for the button that says auto mode on your camera well if you have the Fuji XT 2 or XT 3 there is no auto switch some of the smaller cameras like the XT 30 XT 20x III they have a little auto switch and so you can just flip the camera to auto and the camera will take care of everything if your camera doesn't have an auto switch well then that's what all the A's are on your camera basically if you set ISO to a shutter to a and also your lens to a well now the camera will take care of all exposure so on the XT 3 XT 2 this is essentially auto now if you happen to have a lens that doesn't have an aperture ring on there that happens you're gonna have to take care of aperture using the back wheel or some of the other controls you may also see the a on the side of the lens now one thing you should be mindful of if you're shooting full auto on the smaller cameras like the XT 30 xt 20 is that you don't get to shoot JPEG and RAW for those of you that don't know raw is the full information of the photograph it even lets you take a black-and-white photo in camera and then if you have the raw file you can bring back the colors so it's kind of like it having a negative and the negative of shooting full auto on some of these cameras is you don't get a raw option it only shoots JPEG now by the way if you're wondering the modes are on the camera if you're coming from Canon or Nikon there are no there's a mode dial and so I'll link a video below it's one of my very early videos but it covers how the modes work on a Fuji film camera and I think it'll help you if you're so used to switching from you know manual to aperture priority so I'll link up that video below number three the great thing about these cameras is you can set up a lot of the buttons to be what you like to do that on most cameras you just have to hold down the display back button if you just hold that down for a while you'll come up to this little menu that shows you hey what do you want each button to become and this takes some practice when you first start with the camera just just start with the defaults until you realize some won't work for you and that happened to me a lot I had some some that I kept bumping that we're kind of annoying and so I would switch them to something that it didn't matter if I bumped them so it's a little bit of trial and error but start off with what your obably output mine up here so you could see them if you want to take a little screenshot of this you can set them up with how I have them and that that at least will get you started now if you up some of the newer cameras they also have swiped features where you can actually swipe on the on the what's it called the LCD and I'll give you more options and it's like having more buttons now below I also linked up a video where I set up a camera right out of the box and that'll help you too in case you want to you know set up the buttons like I do and change some of the options so I'll link up that video below and that'll help you if you're trying to set up your camera for the first time okay the fastest way to format your memory card is to hold down the little trash button for about one two three four five and then push down the little wheel here and it gives you which slot you want to format okay accessorizing your Fujifilm camera water some of the first accessories that I purchased the first one is the shutter release some of the shutters on the Fujifilm cameras are kind of wimpy and small they don't feel so great so if you just search shutter release you will see these all kinds of lishus buttons you can go on Amazon you can go on be an age now I'm not a fan of just having a neck strap on my camera I like to take off the neck strap and have a wrist strap you can see it here but I also enjoy a neck strap if we're walking around and traveling here's my neck strap so I recommend a system where you can remove and change out you know the little neck strap in the wrist strap and the system I use not sponsored by as op/tech USA I just like that they could quickly click on you can also take this tiny you know like this tiny strap here and you can also you know click it with a connector and get a bigger strap they actually sell tougher larger wrist straps if that's more comfortable and also there's a company called peak design that makes a lot of removable basically my recommendation is don't live with the neck strap alone it's kind of cool to go to a wrist strap neck strap or also if you're gonna put the camera on a tripod you can remove all straps next if you have some of the smaller cameras like the Fuji XT 30 some of them are so tiny that they are kind of annoying to hold so I recommend getting an aftermarket extra grip and that actually makes the camera feel more like an XT 3 or XT 2 it's like kind of bigger alright something else that helped me great if you notice the playback a button is on the left that I found that really annoying when I first started with Fujifilm so the first thing I did was I made this little function button a playback button the other thing you could do is if you have an ex t3 or an XT 2 is this front button is great so after you shoot you can actually push it and have this be your playback button so you could review your photographs but reaching across the camera I got rid of that right away because what happens is there's a little sensor here if you reach across to hit the playback button you hit the little eye sensor there and you know so sometimes it gets a little confusing so make a playback button on the right side to see a full right hand operation ok focus modes I made a lot of videos on focus mode so I'm gonna do this really quickly but just very simply the best way to shoot your Fujifilm camera if no one's moving around is single focus point and single focus mode for single focus mode that is the S that's on the front of your little camera there so just put it on s that just means the camera is gonna focus and stop and you will so also see here your AF mode I have it right on single okay so that's for things that don't move so when standing there focus the second thing you could do is use face or eye detection you can actually set up your camera to have face or eye detection so if you're photographing people it will find your camera will find an eye or a face and bam now if things are moving towards the camera or away from the camera then switch to C for continuous focus and switch your camera to a zone like this just go to the zone one and that makes like a little box and by the way you can change the size of your zone and so if you're shooting sports or anyone moving or a dog running towards you go to zone and continuous but for most generally shooting from work that didn't make any sense for most general shooting stick to single focus mode and a single point okay but that E has batteries you're gonna need about three if you're traveling one will get you through about 300 shots 250 to 300 shots and you should get used to kind of switching your camera off if you're walking around and traveling just walk around switch the camera off and that will save a lot of battery but I feel that when I'm traveling I go through two ish plus the last one especially if I'm doing a lot of video so buy yourself some batteries and batteries that first can be very expensive so you can get like the wasabi ones and the aftermarket ones I have some from 2017 that are still working okay so you could start with aftermarket ones and eventually build up your Fuji film ones I would say try to use those aftermarket ones as your backup and always have as many Fuji film ones as you can alright post-processing your images in Lightroom may be a little bit of a problem when you first start it turns out Lightroom is not the best with eugie film files now this kind of depends on how much of a stickler you are with pixel peeping and stuff but you get the most detail from your fuji film files number one if you use other programs number one the most popular is capture one they do have a free fuji film you can download and two if you're on a budget I highly recommend luminar luminar is a it's like sixty bucks and you don't have to like keep upgrading and there's no subscription but it deals with fuji film files incredibly the other thing you can do is there's something called a Rhydian developer it's kind of like a program that takes your fuji film files and converts them so they look nice and lightroom that's another option you can have but just know that lightroom isn't the best for your fuji film files okay next tip is customize your JPEGs to look the way you want them when I first started with Fuji film I actually didn't like the photos I felt that they were too contrast here there were too much there was too much black in them and I'd like to kind of lift my shadows a little bit in my photographs and so at first for the first few weeks all my photographs have kind of like a crunchy grungy look I prefer to shoot most of my stuff with a minus one on the shadows and you can also pick a film simulation that's softer instead of using the the standard one there's one called ostia which is the little less contrast theat which is nice but play around with the film simulations and if you're not happy with your looks just know that in camera you can tweak you can actually put more saturation you can reduce the shadows and tweak them to your liking then my next hint to bounce off that is start saving your looks if you go here and open up the quick menu you basically have the quick menu open and hold down this cue button and then it'll ask you hey which one of your custom settings do you want to save lenses okay I don't know what lens you probably got but most people get a kit lens when they first start out the 18 to 55 is one of my favorite lenses but my recommendation for lenses is to as much as you can stick to the Fujifilm lenses now if you are on a budget and don't mind manually focusing there are some Chinese lenses like this little guy I had a lot of fun with it's called the zone lie 22 millimeter it's like super cheap it's like 150 bucks up or whatever what happens is I end up I'm using the Fujifilm lenses more than the aftermarket ones and my other recommendation is the Rokinon I love this lens this lens a super sharp manually focuses and so if you are going after market I recommend the Rokinon samyang lenses but for the most part if you can build up your fuji film lens collection it's probably better to go that way now people always ask me what lenses to get first well that depends on how you shoot I would totally rock out the kit lens as much as you can and then try to go get yourself a prime and my recommendations for price to quality the 35 millimeter f/2 is always my first recommendation unless you want something wider and then I would go with the 23 millimeter f/2 or the 16 millimeter 1.4 which is a little wide for me but it's beautiful lens and fantastic so lenses are a very personal decision and it depends how you shoot you may be doing bird photography why the heck would you get a 23 millimeter maybe the bird is next to you okay and my last tip is you may want to turn touch off I found that I was loving touch on my Fuji film XT 20 until I kept finding my focus point was always to the right it just never was in the center and the reason was because my thumb or my palm would just touch the screen and it just kept moving that focus point all over the place so those of you with the smaller cameras that are always bumping the screen don't be afraid to turn touch off alright and the last hint is to check the comments below we actually have some awesome people in this community that love to help that will and guys those of you that been here a while let let people know your top Fujifilm tip and then if you're new to the system ask a question below we have awesome people that are here to help you and if I can't get to your question I'm so sorry there's just so many that come in but hopefully this video helps you a little bit try to subscribe hit the little bell all that stuff that people beg for you know YouTube videos alright I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Omar Gonzalez Photography
Views: 274,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, cameras, lenses, omar gonzalez photography, portraits
Id: YuPOh8cA0HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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