Fujifilm GFX100s vs Fuji XT4 (Photography/Video Comparison)

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hey howdy guys Connor McCaskill here and i am  a huge fan of Fujifilm cameras if you have ever   used a Fujifilm camera or own a Fujifilm camera  you know what i'm talking about there's something   about these cameras that just kind of speak to me  they're super fun to use i've had the Fujifilm XT3   and i'm currently shooting on the Fujifilm  XT4 which i love this camera but from time   to time through friends i've gotten a hold of some  higher end Fujifilm cameras which is really cool   i used the GFX 100 with Cameron Mackey if you want  to see that video it's a great video definitely   go check it out above i compare it to the Fujifilm  XT3 and in this case i've actually gotten my hands   on the new version of the GFX100 the GFX100s which  i thought okay well i've compared the other one to   the XT3 why not compare the s to the Fujifilm XT4  thanks to Zach Mayfield for letting me borrow the   GFX100s for the day and allowing me to compare it  to my Fujifilm XT4 i took both the GFX100s and my   XT4 through downtown Nashville with a good buddy  of mine Malachi Sallee who also has a youtube   channel Vlog City if you're into motorcycle vlogs  definitely go check him out he's recently rebooted   the channel and we went ahead and took the exact  same shots both on my XT4 and the GFX100s now i   know you're probably thinking how's that possible  XT4 is a crop sensor APS-C camera and the GFX100s   is a medium format beast um well it's not going to  be a one to one comparison unfortunately but what   i did is i threw a 50mm f1.2 lens on my Fujifilm  XT4 which equates to roughly a 75mm lens or so   once you convert it to full frame and then  on the GFX100s i was using the 110mm f2 lens   which equates to roughly an 85mm to full frame  don't quote me on these i'm i'm sure i'm off but   they're semi-comparable lenses so i  tried to adjust the frame accordingly   let's go ahead and keep this off with a photo  comparison now the Fujifilm XT4 is sporting a 26.1   megapixel 6k sensor i mean this thing is actually  a great sensor and i love shooting photos   on this camera and as you can see from these  photos which were all shot in RAW by the way   they do look quite nice there is something about  Fujifilm where the photos just look particularly   interesting and have a little more character than  say like shooting on a Sony camera now that being   said the GFX100s is sporting a 102 megapixel 12k  sensor and you can definitely see the difference   between the XT4 on the left and the GFX100s photos  on the right there's something almost creamy   dreamy about the GFX100s photos compared  to the XT4 in fact if i look at GFX photos   and then the XT4 photos i'm like ooh these look  good uh and they do so there's definitely some   magic some mojo happening on this medium format  camera now of course a lot of that creaminess is   gonna be due to the additional bokeh that you  are getting on that medium format sensor at   f2 or whatever aperture i shot these photos on  compared to f2 on the XT4 i do understand that   but again i really wanted to show the difference  between the crop sensor and the medium format   sensor when it comes to getting additional  bokeh additional bang for buck you could   kind of say although the GFX100s is a lot more  expensive but i will talk about some of those   differences a bit later now with these 102  megapixel sensor photos obviously it's going   to take up a lot more file storage in fact  the jpegs were roughly 40 megapixels when i   exported them out of Adobe Lightroom and when i  dump them into Adobe Premiere Pro a little bit   meta we're in the editor now how are we doing uh  it tended to kind of just immediately slow down   my computer there's something crazy about these  files that is just shredding my M1 MacBook Pro   i don't know what it is obviously the files are  big but i just i don't know why it would slow down   my computer so much and that is just the jpegs by  the way so pretty crazy but with all that extra   information and with all that extra resolution  we are able to get significantly more punch in   quality on these photos so potentially you  could do some pretty interesting reframing   if you are shooting photography on the GFX100s  whereas on the XT4 i really wouldn't recommend   reframing the photos all that much just like  cropping slight adjusting for the horizon but   that's about it so when it comes to photography  of course the GFX100s just slays the XT4 okay now   let's go ahead and jump over to video now video is  interesting when it comes to the GFX100s because   i'm just gonna say it it looks really good i shot  24fps 30fps and 60fps on the GFX100s and of course   i did the same on the Fujifilm XT4 however at  60fps i could only record up to 2k on the GFX100   compared to 4k on the XT4 but aside from that  all of the settings were the same again the   XT4 footage does look good i've always been a big  fan of the Fujifilm color science it looks great   there's really nothing to complain about when  it comes to the image of the XT4 that being said   when we pop on over to the GFX100s that same thing  that was happening with the photos is transferred   over to the video it has that rich creamy dreamy  larger than life as my friend Zach Mayfield put it   character to the image to the footage  and it looks really really good   so yes the footage coming out of the GFX100s is  also better so does that mean because for photos   and video it is superior that it's just a better  camera than the Fujifilm XT4 i should just sell it   sell everything save up my money sell my car and  buy the GFX100s well no uh definitely definitely   not as much as i would love to own the GFX100s  which i was borrowing again from Zach Mayfield   uh i don't think that it is a very practical  camera there are definitely glaring issues with   this camera compared to the XT4 first off let's  just go over body ergonomics and functionality   with the XT4 you have the back joystick as  well as the d-pad so you're able to control   things on the screen like your focus point as  well as navigate the menus using the d-pad and   or the joystick on the back which all works  great i have no complaints additionally you   have the flip screen which is great we'll  just talk about that real quick flip screen   XT4 versus the weird trifold GFX screen not a fan  of that definitely prefer the flip out screen but   anyways on the GFX100s unfortunately all  you have is that joystick and honestly   i don't like the joystick on the GFX100s  as much as i like the joystick on the XT4   um it is there's something about it it's kind  of mushy i would put it and when i press down   for instance to navigate through the menus i  feel like half the time it doesn't work which is   really frustrating and because that's the only way  to navigate through the camera it's definitely a   pain and more frustrating than maybe you would  think it would be so that's definitely one issue   with the GFX additionally another issue is  autofocus now Fujifilm isn't necessarily   known for great autofocus but on the XT4 i'm  using it right now hopefully it's working okay   it works decent on the XT4 i would say it's  acceptable on the XT4 it's not amazing it's not   Sony it's not Canon i wish it was but it ain't  but the GFX100s is a different story using the   zoom lens which i can't remember what the  zoom range was so i'll just put it right here   but that lens it was practically unusable  i would just completely turn it off i had   to go to manual focus it would put a box around  the face but it would almost never focus to it   i definitely don't like that lens now the lens  that i was using in downtown Nashville because   i knew it worked semi-well was the 110mm  lens and it works okay it seemed like when   i had Malachi walk towards the camera it actually  tracked fairly well but when i had him dip out   a frame and then back in it just refused to  find him even though the focus box was put on   him and i was pressing the AF button to focus it  refused and waiting for it to get focused on you   it won't someone's mowing over there fantastic now  unfortunately the bad autofocus carries over from   video to photos even so continuous autofocus with  eye tracking i found to be pretty unusable for   the most part on the GFX100s so i did switch it  over to single point and pressing the AF button   on the back that worked pretty well i say that  was acceptable it still wasn't amazing but it   worked for what i needed it to do now we do need  to consider that this is a medium format camera   and we are dealing with very very large pieces  of glass so it does make sense that the autofocus   would be slower on the GFX100 uh especially when  you compare it to other medium format cameras   like the Hasselblad X1D which i have used in the  past working with Kinotika which was a fantastic   camera but the same kind of story autofocus was  pretty bad and the last bit of footage that i got   was a quick rolling shutter test and honestly it  was somewhat comparable between the XT4 and the   GFX100 which i wasn't expecting although i would  say it's probably a little bit worse on the GFX   but rolling shutter on both cameras was kind of  yeah of course considering the lenses that i was   using which was a 50mm on the XT4 and a 110mm  on the GFX100s now i just kind of want to chat   about other differences between these two cameras  because although they actually are semi-comparable   they are it got way dark they are also very  different let's talk about price of these   two cameras the Fujifilm XT4 is $1,700 brand new  body only and lenses vary in price point anywhere   from $100 like the TT Artisan lens i was using  and maybe even a little cheaper all the way up to   roughly $2,000 or so so wide range of lenses  there's a lot of flexibility when it comes to   glass on the XT4 now carry on over to  the GFX100s its body is $6,000 starting   and the lenses for the Fujifilm lenses  start at $2,000 and they carry up from   there now i did see on B&H Photo that there  were a couple cheaper options i saw lenses   as cheap as $600 i believe maybe they go a little  cheaper than that but honestly getting cheap glass   on the GFX100s just doesn't make sense to me i  think if you're bothering to use the medium format   camera you're going to want to put really nice  glass on your camera additionally glass kind of   makes your footage look how it looks right now i'm  using unfortunately the kit lens on the XT4 now i   do think it's probably the best kit lens you  can get out there but it's still a kit lens   so if i were to slap a really nice prime this  would look a whole lot better so yes price of the   two cameras is drastically different and of course  the XT4 if you're on any sort of budget is gonna   be a much more desirable option now interestingly  the GFX100s is capable of outputting 12-bit raw   video through a micro HDMI port i don't know why  we're doing micro HDMI ports still to this day   like the Canon EOS R even has a micro HDMI port i  it doesn't make sense can we just stop i like what   Sony did with their A7SIII they have a full size  it just makes sense both cameras have five axis   image stabilization but honestly on both for  the most part i don't recommend using it i   have never liked the image stabilization on sensor  inside my XT4 there's something janky about it and   honestly on the GFX100s it's even worse i would  say i'm always having to add post stabilization   the lens stabilization on the XT4 with the OIS  isn't bad so a lot of times i'll use that but i   definitely am not a fan of stabilization on either  of these cameras now Malachi actually asked for me   to give out this spec for you guys so hopefully  you find it useful but the maximum shutter speed   on the GFX100s is 4,000 shutter 1/4,000 of a  second whereas on the XT4 you are able to get   all the way up to 1/8,000 of a second so if high  shutter speed is very very important to you and   you are for some reason thinking about these two  cameras the XT4 actually would be a better choice   now one thing that i was surprised about the  GFX camera was the lack of "Premium-ness"   almost i would say it definitely felt like more of  a work camera now that's maybe not a bad thing if   you would prefer like a sleeker more low profile  camera that's pretty cool however i do kind of   like the "Premium-ness" of other cameras like with  the Hasselblad X1D there was like a "Premium-ness"   to it that i liked i also kind of like a camera  even the XT4 kind of has this cool look to it   that is very interesting uh the GFX100s does look  good though i don't dislike how it looks at all   but it did kind of lack a little bit of charms  hopefully i wasn't too harsh on these cameras i   am a big fan of Fujifilm cameras so i would like  to see them get improvements in the future and   i hope you guys do as well if you guys are also  big fans of Fujifilm cameras make sure to leave   a like on this video especially if you've  watched all the way to this point i would really   appreciate a like and maybe consider subscribing  i don't post that often um but when i do   maybe you'll get a notification and maybe you'll  see it i really would appreciate a subscription   come hang out you know we're just having fun we're  just talking about cameras leave a comment down   below on maybe what kind of content you would like  to see next i don't have my hands on the GFX100s   anymore that was a rented borrowed camera but i do  have my Fujifilm XT4 and occasionally i can get my   hands on other cameras so let me know if there's  anything in particular you guys would like to   see from this channel once again guys i am Connor  McCaskill thanks so much for watching i hope   you all have a fantastic day and i'll see you  whenever i post another video take it easy guys
Channel: Connor McCaskill
Views: 9,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fujifilm GFX100s, Fuji GFX100s, Fujifilm GFX Medium Format Camera, Medium Format Camera, GFX100s compared to Fuji XT4, Expensive Camera vs affordable camera, Fujifilm XT-4, Fujifilm XT4, Medium format Camera vs APSC Camera, Fujifilm Cameras, GFX100
Id: 6muszK5MN4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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