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[Music] hello and welcome to leica review and it is the time of the year when we do our reviews of the best lenses and cameras and the things that have come out in 2021 and what i want to also bring your attention to are different things that you could buy for your friends and family or if you are enthusiasts or someone who's passionate about like cameras and lenses these are the things that i think are great investments and if you have someone special this is the items that i would consider buying now without further ado of course we can start now the most important announcement as far as the cameras are concerned is leica q2 reporter now the outside of this q2 is a little different it's got this kind of this kevlar looking up exterior that over the time of use will have a raised feeling that will help the grip with the camera and also it has a different look as far as the the camera is concerned as far as functionality it is the same as q2 so there is not much of a difference in terms of the performance but the exterior the cosmetics is slightly different and for someone who's looking to stand out or be a little different or some something unique the reporter versions of any of these m or q cameras have been a collector items for many many years on that vein we can talk about the fact that we had like m 10 p and that has been kind of ruled out and has become into one of the older generations and that brings me to the am cameras the m cameras we have had the m10r and then the m10 monochrome those are the two current production cameras that are still available from leica all the other older generation the m10 cameras have been based at of course that would mean that they are making way to the introduction of a new like am camera but we do not know when that will come or if it will come sometime within the 2022 time frame having said that i would say the most important advancements that has happened in terms of sensor technology has been in the leica m10 r the completely designed a revamped 40 megapixel camera is actually a huge step up from the 24 megapixels not only does it have more light gathering capabilities despite the fact it has more megapixels it performs better in low light and provides better image quality that means you have more dynamic range and you are going to be having images that you are going to be able to manipulate in photoshop or lightroom to get the most out of your images for me that is groundbreaking that is a true statement by leica that they are intending to make leica's new generation of m cameras as standout feature for that lineup and i think that with this couple technology of having that low-light performance is going to really set the camera apart from anything that might otherwise be a competitor now you might say there are no competitors in the rangefinder series yes there are whitelanders and other ones but technically speaking the competition we are seeing is from fuji and fuji is sort of autofocus but design wise looks like a leica and it's the cheaper version of they say leica i tend to disagree there's a huge difference in the image quality between like a q2 like a m and the fuji lineup that being said it's not to say that leica is something that is fundamentally different in terms of what it is using is still using the cmos technology but their lenses and the matching sensors have been combined into a technology that provides a more unique look which sometimes has been referred to as the leica look what i also like is the fact that with this new sensor you're going to be able to get better and better performance from the cameras and lenses that you have had in the past so if you had the m10 r you could potentially put your apple lenses your older lenses and get the best image quality because your sensor is able to resolve for much higher megapixels that means you can crop you can get better dynamic range and create a more captivating image having said that let's look at the lenses now lenses there has been quite a few new announcements on the amp side we have the 35 millimeter apple i think it is the best lens that leica has produced for the m mount yes it is better than the 50 apple on the mtf charts if you are 35 millimeter shooter that is the lens to get now i'm still waiting for mine unfortunately i don't have leica sponsoring me so i will do that review as soon as i get that lens in of course it costs in the nine thousand dollar range which is obviously a high price tag but it is also the lens to have if you are going to make an investment in a kind of lens that will last a lifetime or maybe more now beyond that the leica sl sl2 system which is the autofocus system that is designed for semi-pro or professional use especially for wedding photographers has the 28 millimeter lens the sl that has a 24 millimeter sorry 24 centimeter close focusing distance which is wonderful that means you can almost get a macro feeling out of it also it is extremely sharp upper chromatically corrected along with other lenses in the leica's lineup is a big step in the right direction we are still waiting on the 21 we're still waiting on the 24 millimeters and i think somewhere within the 2022 to 23 range we are going to get those announcements hopefully we get those lenses in i certainly will be very happy to make a a pre-order on that and i think those lenses are also the ones that we are expecting but right now in the current light up i think 28 millimeter is the lens to get if you are looking for a wide angle lens that is very usable for street photography or general applications for wide angle photography like if you're doing family portraits or if you're doing landscape now having said that what would be the lens that i would suggest that you get if you are on a budget that means staying in the leica's lineup the lenses that are in the leica's lineup i think the one to get is the 24 to 70 millimeter lens it has f 2.8 for the lighter sl system now why is that it's because it is a very good quality image it does not have a big difference in terms of differences between a canon nikon and everything else but what it does it does very well for a very reasonable price it is priced half the price of a normal leica lens leica lenses for the sl lineup is between five to six thousand dollars you can get this for twenty five hundred dollars approximately so what does that give you it gives you the advantage of entering to like a system without breaking the bank if you are somebody who's doing it professionally especially our wedding photographer the 24 to 70 works perfectly now if you know like us previous zoom lenses they are all variable apertures so when you have a variable aperture the exposure changes it is not as functional if you are doing events photography or wedding photography which is what it was intended to be for the 24 to 70 millimeter range so having said that i would say we could look at the lenses that are from other lineups other companies that have been producing now of course the mentions that will be coming is there bt artisan lenses we have seen quite a few of them come out i have done a review and i will do more reviews on those lenses we have voigtlander lenses voigtlander has introduced some incredible incredible lenses that are just breathtakingly good and those lenses of course cost 150 amount of what leica lens cost and yet some of them are most of them actually perform better than their leica counterparts in terms of sharpness and resolution now does that mean that they are not as good as leica or that they are producing something that is significantly different well it is basically a marketing strategy that has been together with the voigtlander for decades and their quality has gone up the quality of their optics have gone up and right now they're at the pinnacle of the best image quality from any lens out there with the exception of course of the exotic lenses from leica like the noctuluxes and the apple range if you're comparing apples to oranges then you still will have a simalex versus one of the voigtlander lenses like the ultron ultrons which i have here which i'm going to mention are incredible bargains for what they are if i was voigtlander i will triple my price any moment to make these lenses more attractive yes it will make these lens more attractive because people will not discount these lenses as being cheap or inferior just because they are priced much lower than the leica lens you have to remember leicas are produced in germany and more now in portugal which i have made a video on i think those lenses that are still produced in germany hold a very good point has a great value retention of value but as far as investments are concerned if you're going to use your photographs to to for example display to blow up to print these lenses are incredible choices so what are those lenses the two lenses that i'm gonna mention is this one here this lens i really love and you can see the lens suit right here it is a very very nice 28 millimeter lens and i really love this uh older design it gives me this beautiful look and it is uh the second version of this lens far superior than the first version and i think it is a great investment it looks small on the body it's not large in the past the only way that other companies like zeiss and voightlanders could match their image quality to a leica was through a larger body of lens so it would be a larger elements or larger lens body and now they are really small and they that makes this lens an incredible value similarly if you are a 35 millimeter shooter we have this one here that i really love and it gives you an incredible image quality within the same kind of boundaries these are the ultron lenses and i seriously would recommend anyone who wants to purchase these lenses to buy them without any questions i would also recommend you buy the lens hood lens hood is an important part of this in this setup and i know that people are like grambling that is so expensive unfortunately voigtlander does make a big mistake in terms of not including the lens hood and just charging hundred dollars more by the lens hood you're getting a lens for a very cheap price and this is the way to do it and on that note let's talk about the leica sl system now sl systems i have quite a few lenses i know there are some lenses that have come out which i will be doing um that will be the panasonic 50 millimeter f 1.4 incredibly good lens we have also the lenses from sigma the one i really love is this one here which is their f 1.4 incredible incredible bokeh it is incredibly image quality yes it is big yes it's heavy but if you're doing portraits if you're doing weddings this is the lens to get i think there is nothing out there that matches the look and the quality of this lens at this focal length and at this price i think that is one of the best lenses to get i'm not suggesting all lenses from sigma are good but this lens is one that lens that i would buy without a question and there are two other lenses that i like from sigma's lineup which i will do a separate review on those this is going to be also reviewed so i have quite a few reviews to catch up on but that is the one lens that i would get and i really do love it now as far as other things are concerned what would be a good camera bag well there is always the bellinghams but overwatch are really good i love the george version of it and i think that's a great investment i'll provide some links down below you can check these so it's not necessary for you to all write it down you can find them in the section below the tripods the travel tripods that have been coming out incredible good quality and great construction carbon fiber extremely light if you are using and if you are doing for example architectural photography or landscape photography this is a great investment those are also down in the section below and also i will say if you are using camera straps other things the same company that produces the tripod which peak design also produces these straps and these straps are what i really love and i think they are great for the purpose of using them as far as other things are concerned i know that some people are reluctant to look at the leica's medium format cameras the s3 is expensive more expensive than the for example the fuji's and perhaps more expensive than the pentax that's out there but i think overall the quality of image you get from that 64 megapixel sensor that is in the leica s3 is a great investment and coupled with the lenses that are more reminiscent of the vintage look that is a part of the m system can be found on the leicas s lineup i know that some people are very reluctant to consider cameras that are medium format but basically they are weather sealed they're great to use you can travel with them and if you are comfortable with using like a sl system that's just the next step up and there is a huge difference in the image quality because there is more than 50 percent larger surface on the sensor that means you are going to get great images and also i would suggest that if you are in the market looking at all these lenses there are significant new announcements and i think the best lenses are still again from leicas and in that department speaking only on the ssl department that is still the domain of leica so like us apple lenses incredibly good the ones that are coming out from sigma are the cost-effective alternatives since there are no other competitors in that lineup it is the only panasonic lineup i wish wish that they would have tamron come in because they have some amazing optics but i would say if you are in the market and you're looking for a cheaper alternative to leica then panasonic serves very well the 50 millimeter f 1.4 lens is good again it's expensive is 2500 compared to what you will get from a sigma half the price of what you will have from the leica again this is for someone who is not feeling that they should have leica only leica is great but if your attention is to the image quality and you do not care what label is in front of your lens then this lens the from panasonic is great and it's also certified by leica so that gives you a great advantage so what are the lenses that have come out that i feel um comsicums are like not so happy about them but they again brought something new to the table you have this one this is the 28 millimeter at 5.6 i made a review on this one at f 11 it's got decent amount image quality at 5.6 it's not usable it can go on to different cameras but i do like the fact that its compact size cost 1 10 yes you heard it 1 10 summer on lens that is out there for me i think that if you have no other choice and you don't want to get a used lens lenses such as the tt artisan lenses can be an option personally i would rather buy a voigtlander or buy a zeiss lens than before i buy anything else zeiss on the other hand i would mention they have not come out with any new lens for a long time i wish they would take their loxias and other lenses that they've been producing for other brands and then somehow adapt them to the leica system and i most certainly would wish that they could adapt the size lenses to the sl lineup but unfortunately they are not part of the l mount alliance and if they were they would change the world quite a bit for all the other people who are producing lenses for the system that we have here the leica sl system personally getting the choice between the leica q system which is the lucky q2 or the q2 monochrome or the leica m system which is the m10r the m10 monochrome or the leica sl2 camera system i certainly would suggest that you make your decisions based on your style of photography but for someone who is just doing it for pleasure the m camera is a great camera if they have not used it there's a learning curve which takes about six to eight months and i'll suggest you take a workshop but if that's not your case then i would suggest you go with the q2 now people have been asking me and i'll answer that question very briefly the differences between the q2 sensor and the and the monochrome r sensor the m10r sensor there's a significant difference and the difference basically is that the m10r is a customized sensor that produces far greater image quality than the q2 again you need to do pixel peeping you need to do analysis you need to comparatively look at them differently but again the difference is one is five six thousand dollars and the one with the m10r and if you put a similar x on it you're talking about triple the price why is that because there is more that goes into an m10 then that goes into q2 q2 is just one choose a 28 millimeter focal length and the other one you can adapt any lens on it that is being in the leica m lineup personally i like doing that and i like putting different lenses on the system again i mentioned to you that i have the voigtlanders that i really love there is one other lens if you said i want to splurge and get the best lens that i would recommend besides the 35 millimeter apple it is this one here this is the lens to get if you're looking for a 50. my favorite focal length 50 this is the one to get for the m system this is the apple 50 millimeter summicron that's an f2 lens cause about three times the regular simicron rightfully there is a good reason why it costs that much more and i do love the design the compact size and the fact that you have extendable lens so just like this one here that means you don't have to have external lens hood and this is a great lens to have i would suggest that if you are in the market for looking at any of the camera systems i would start with the m cameras if you are have it like a user or are interested in like amp system that is a great investment on that note there are quite a few cameras that have gone very cheap especially the older versions of the m systems the m9 and the fact that m240 they sell about three thousand dollars great great bargains for what they are what they offer again there are 24 megapixels for the 20 m240 which means you're getting same megapixels as the m10 of course the performance is a little different but for the price of what an m10 used to sell for it is a bargain if you are in the m10 lineup looking for that kind of thing right now you can find use intents for about four thousand dollars u.s and that of course means that you need to do a bit of research and i thankfully have done something for you you can find those links down below in the section i suggest you subscribe to our newsletter where i send occasionally these kind of deals that i've found from different vendors including uh mpb camera west and keh and all the other ones we roam them when we scope and we find whatever is seems to be a great idea and of course we get phone calls from different sellers and people who deal with lenses and some of those lenses are great bargain and i hope to pass those on to the people who watch my channel and who attend my workshops i would strongly suggest if you have already the cameras the lenses your next step is to get the presets we have some of the best presets that is exclusively made for leica m system you can find that we have made special presets for the cmos sensor the ccd sensor now one thing that i want to dispel one thing that you should know not all presets can fit all camera systems if you're using a canon camera has a different science for canon cameras than for nikon cameras if you're using a sony system it is very different than a fuji system so if you take one preset and apply it to all across the board it's not going to work it's going to give you very different results that's why when we design our presets we design them to specifically adhere to the system that leica has whether you're using the high megapixel ones that are like the sl2 that is a preset system there we also have it for the older ccd sensors whatever the thing that you like or the style of photography there is plenty to choose from and that's why they'll price a little bit higher but they provide you with a great advantage of making sure that your photographs are getting the best image and the best look that you could possibly extract from that image and on that note i think it is important that you understand why presets are essential part of your workflow or your image so i would suggest you again visit that link and we are offering a discount on that for christmas of course and you can get a good hundred dollar discount by using the code provided in the section down below i will suggest that if you sign up you again will get additional discounts for other things i hope you have a great year and i hope that you have a wonderful holiday season and i hope to see you in our next review thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Leica Review
Views: 2,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leica, Leica review, leica camera, leica lens, Best leica camera, best sl lens, best l mount lens, best voigtlander lenses, best 50mm lenses, best 50mm lens for leica, best portrait lens for leica, best rangefinder lenses, leica summicron vs voigtlander, best travel lens for leica m, leica m11 lenses, best tripod for travel, best camera bag for leica m10, best accesories for leica camera, best sigma lenses for leica sl, panasonic s pro 50mm lens, sigma 105mm art lens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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