FT Mighty Mini Corsair - BUILD | Flite Test

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[Music] welcome to flitetest I'm Peter and today we're gonna take you through the build video for the FT mighty mini course there so first things in order go into your power pack if you guys want to get your power pack you need to get its the power pack F which is under store or you can look at the power pack and then find similar motors and throws and UCS and all that so go ahead and build your power pod and get your servers all centered up and let's get started [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the first thing we're gonna build in the kit is the link for the FT money mini Corsair so to get start with the wing we're going to punch out these pieces we have the wing panels themselves the phone sparse and the jigs to build them alright so first things first we're going to attach these wing halves together so to do that I'm gonna flip them over I'm gonna take this and just kind of tuck it under there ever so slightly and get some tape and just tape it down now when I apply tape I usually go from one side to the other trying to avoid wrinkles because I just don't like them they're just not as pretty so do this I slowly work my way down apply the tape and then I get to the top it also helps if you take like something kinda like a stick or whatever and rub the tape down just to make sure it stays down real well it's important to Christmas its wing since it has so many bends needs to be really strong and stiff once it's done we're gonna put it back over go and remove the excess this amounts of tape so once you guys got the wing cast taped together we're gonna go and open this side and do their double bevels which is the beyond 45s on each side I'll show you what those look like in a second but to do this what I like to do is this score it ever so slightly first now when we're doing this do not press very hard and don't press all the way through or we're doing is simply just opening up this cavity to make this very easy to bend maybe ask to see I can just do this and it cracks open you can see it's not cut all the way through fold that down we're gonna start on this end you could really start on either end take your knife or if you guys are um kumble with a knife you can get a sanding block and just sand this down if you're uncomfortable at all doing this because this is kind of dangerous and you want to be mindful of your fingers at all times when doing this so do this I'm going to start by holding the blade at a very shallow angle and slowly just pull through it and also I can't stress this enough keep track of where your fingers are and your surroundings - you don't want to cut anyone or slip and slice the knife through something you don't want to slice it through there you go now we're gonna do the same to our side so do this since the fold starts over here I'm just gonna take this wash my hands and just make it so slightly and then push the blade through sometimes it helps if you come this way too but if I come this way I want to be careful of my fingers and I can finish off going the other way stop there fold this guy over and cut this as well now it's okay if you do cut the paper out if you do make a mistake I'm just gonna gonna make a mistake just to show you what it looks like if you do cut too deep so right now I'm gonna cut a little too deep you see I'm going through the paper on the other side and I'll continue on the cut and finish it so if you didn't make a mistake like this see how you kind of call away through all I should use you take a piece of tape and put it over that that's all you do you can fold it over all right so once we're all done with this we're gonna open up our next gaps which is these guys right here let's open them up you're simply just going to grab a barbecue skewer and move it through the groove once you've gone ahead and open up this groove where I move it to the table edge and just go ahead and just go and do a pre crease so I find a sharp table edge and just kind of roll it over so lightly the reason why I'm doing this is it makes it a lot easier to fold this over and then glue it without having too many problems when you're pushing it just pre tension to the phone we're gonna do the same thing this side just curl it down a little bit and that's how you do that all right now the next thing we're going to do this we ran glue the spars in which are these guys right here you notice there are two different lengths and there's four of them the two shorter sections go on the inside right here and the two longer ones go on the outside so do it simply just go into guman now when you pull it make sure you get this edge lined up with this just about right to the edge you don't want it too far or too out or too far out just just right up to the edge now once these guys are dry or somebody's gonna take her we're gonna take this over here roll it over one more time just get a good feel for the thing and how its gonna lay down and do the same with the other ends feels pretty good okay so first things first we're gonna go to the center section in which is this guy over here now if you guys are wondering about this right here we're not gonna put glue in that at all we're gonna leave that alone right now because that's where we're gonna do our Bend that's why I have not put any glue in there yet so to do this we're gonna take some glue put on this far right here and then put it on the trailing edge of this section right here take both sides and fold them over now when you do this you can actually twist this a little bit too but try to try not to do that and try to just line up with this edge right here where you can see the seam on both sides and simply just hold it down okay and for the next step we're gonna fold the outer panels in now before you do this go to roll or just one more time just to look at this and now if you look when you fold it over there's a little bit of a gap here and that's okay you want that little bit of gap because when the site curls up its gonna try to push this side into the either on portion of the wing we don't want that so the gap is fine now if you guys noticed I'm not putting any glue on the leading edge of the wing I just don't really find it necessary for a model this small and I'm trying to avoid as much weight as possible it's such a tiny airplane because later they are a little bit easier they are fly and the bear they are to fly glue on this bar glue on the trailing edge fold that down and just hold it there now make sure you give it plenty of time to dry don't don't rush this step you'll probably regret it if you do alright and once you're done with that and go do the same to the other side put some of the spar and then some on the trailing edge fold it over all right so once you're done with the primary assembly the winger you get something looks like this now to start a next step we're gonna take where we take the top of this and we're going to cut this open and then we just do something like this just fall open so for the next step we need to assemble our jigs so to do this where I take this guy right here and just slide this foam triangle in there and go and do the same for the other wingtip jig things alright so once you're done with that you're gonna need to take our barbecue skewer or paint stick and cut off a little bit about it you just need about one inch of this close enough okay so for the next step I need you guys to not rush this this can be a fairly tricky step and also be worth since this is tape how cool can melt tape to some degree it won't melt it all the way but it will slowly make it soft and easy to work around so for this step you need to take your hot glue gun and take your popsicle stick and any scrap one we got and I'll show you what to do so first things first we run put glue right here on the bottom edge of the wing just enough get on the trailing edge to the top part of it and here get some of the spar get some down there it looks like kind of like a mess it also mind your fingers too because Hawk was really really hot and get some glue on the other side as well it's kind of a lot of glue but at least just to get the bend right now be careful with this you're gonna take your popsicle stick that you snipped off and rest it in there and fold this gap over and it's gonna sandwich in there just like that now you're gonna put this on top of your wing jig which is that little this guy right here slide it under and then go and press down when you press down you're gonna hold on to the tips right here and let this center part to find its own shape all right want you done with this you're just going to leave it there and you're gonna leave there for good with good amount of time too and also if you got some time if you feel like you can just kind of just shove some scrap poem in there I just do justice filler it's not super necessary but I think it just makes it a little bit nicer alright so once that's done we're gonna go and just let go of it you can see it's still let's bring up the shape but the center section is kind of stuck now and it's a nahuel shape so the next thing we're to do is we're actually going to do these guys we're gonna do one side of time so you're gonna open it and then we're in glue it now be very careful with this stage because right now you see this some of this part right here this is where we're trying to fish the server wire through so we're gonna try to keep as much glue away from this area as possible so to do this we're gonna go and put plenty of glue over here and the leading edge of the wing and inside this bar on the bottom but slowly put the glue back over here just try not to overdo it on the glue because if you don't do on the glue it's gonna be really really hard to fish the server wire through and simply just put it down on this jig you want your center section wing to wing jig and then you want to use this little guy right here the little guide goes up to the first ridge on this front part of the wing you put it like that and they're gonna take some scrap foam and just smear off the excess glue that comes out of the crack now go ahead and just let it wait and let it dry cuz this actually will take quite a while to cuz there's plenty of glue in there and it's kind of hot so it's gonna take a good time to cool so once it's done you're gonna get one side looks like this and there you go and repeat the process on the other side to just the exact same way so once you guys are done with that your wing should be pretty much complete and we're going to install the servos last things he's pretty stiff it actually held okay - it looks kind of mmm sketchy I don't know maybe bendable but for the size of a model with the power set up I have yet to fold the wings even on a full speed dive and yanking right up on the elevator it has not folded yet so to install the servos you're gonna flip it over and we're gonna lightly open up the side of the later on again now take note I'm not pushing all the way through them just very very lightly pushing my knife into this just built up the gap I'll make it easy to fold over all right now we're gonna bevel it so now since such a short Adron you need to be very careful where your fingers are because we're in a bevel on this side and looking this way so to do this out my finger over here watch where my actual hand is and bring the knife in this way move my finger over here put the knife facing the other way and then finish off the bevel and there's your the wrong so go and do the same thing on the other side so once your errands are cut out we're in another several pockets for these servos if you see if you see on the plans you'll see these little holes right here and if you get the kit it's these little laser holes you can simply just take your knife and just cut through the skin and cut these pockets out the reason we had to cut these out one for the build is to make it sturdier and easier to build so it's easy to cut them out afterwards when you're done go and do the same thing for the other side so the next step is install your servos so if you guys haven't ready go ahead and store your service and Center them for this step I types use the linkage Stoppers and for the hole on the servo use I go to the most innermost hole for the least amount of throw but the highest resolution so for this we're need two of the mirroring servos so looks like that one in this direction one that direction writes over this side you're gonna pick your servo which one it is it's gonna be this guy on that side and this one on that side now we ready to remove the ears or cut pockets for them for this I just like to just go and break off the ears and just stick them in so do this I just bend this back and forward a couple times you can either use a knife a bandsaw or just cut it off or for this I can just wiggle back and forward and break it off take your servo turn your wing around now for this step since this is actually a kind of a weird Ben dip thing this is why we just making a very good emphasis on not over gluing the crack we're gonna slide this guy up in there to do this you're going to take your push rod wire take the servo take this guy and slide it into the middle section about right there on the positive side and now you can actually kind of push this through there so do this just line up down there get centered may take a couple tries to get up in there [Applause] push it to the top then we'll come up through there so go and do the same for the other side so once you guys have got those through I'm just gonna pull the recipe excess wire off and glue the servos down once you've glued it down go and repeat the same process on the other side so what you guys are all done with that the last step is to install the control horns look at these guys right here so do this simply just take it and this copy cut out and just press it down that's all there is to it I'm gonna pull them back out for now we're not gonna glue them in just yet we're gonna take our push rod wire we're gonna look about where it stops over here and we're gonna cut the excess off just about a half inch above this stuff's a lot really really easy since we're using linkage Stoppers so do this go and slide the wire in like that go ahead make your screw yours take your screw on the link your stopper or just and do your screen don't take it all the way out the wand this one is just missing slide it through take a drop of hot glue and put it in the hole and it stick to control horn down in their ecology youth is part of the show back up and make sure it's centered and just tighten down the screw right here and lock the serval into position where the control surface is now centered now you can do the same thing for the other side all right so that's pretty much how you assemble the wing now after the some of the wing we're gonna move on to the fuselage so now we're gonna start with fuselage and you should get something looks like this when we're all done with it so this you're gonna need these compose right here the fuselage itself the bottom plate the power pod motor mount pod thingy and the fuselage formers so first things first we're gonna go and open up all of our square cuts now when you do this just use very light amount pressure we're not trying to cut through the foam we're just trying to open up this gap just to make it easy to pull this piece out be careful any dings and take your time and watch your fingers to and also you can also knock out these pieces to or cut them out if you get them in the kit so once it's done and you remove the cavities here we're just gonna buckle these little ends in right here and go and assemble the fuselage now for this it's a B fold which means decide so you kind of see this is kind of like a a cross section you can see this piece right here is actually this guy right here so it's gonna fold out into that crack so if you're thinking you're gonna look at it from the front like this and it's gonna be like this side so be beside it's gonna fold out like that I'm not oppressive Ian right now cuz uh I need to slowly work it in there but for doing this you're gonna need to come to the table edge and keep this part over the table edge to this part actually goes further down so just gonna roll it over like that just kind of checking it out actually is better to do this over a hard surface right here so once you're happy with that and it looks pretty good or to go and actually put some glue in there you can glue just one side at a time if you want to be extra careful about this we go back to the table edge mind word the edge of the table is and where that little rear part of the fuselage is fold it over get something about ninety degrees or so just to make sure this is very square and hold up the surface and let it dry completely or cool off I should say once happy with that do the same thing to the other side so once it's done look like this and we're going to take our bottom plate and buff out the insides and start the plate into the fuselage so I do the same thing again we're just opening up the cards with the knife just to make it really easy to pull that little foam piece and pop it out now I take this guy right here put around our table edge just the splat part right you can see right here is over that Ridge just go and travel fit this piece slide all over to the tail and let it sit I want you're happy with the fit we're gonna put some glue on it and stick it right in you know this part you get helps you also roll over this the fuselage too and use the table as your as a buffer to hold everything into shape now you sayin looks like that so the next step is student go installed the power pod firewall motor mount thingy it's in there be full so we're just gonna open this up put some glue in the cracks hold it over it also helps to feet here I need to be jig thing again and just put it up to the surface make sure it's nice and straight also this part tube be mindful of getting too much of glue inside via the pot we need to insert our power pod in this so I might smear off as much as possible making sure there's no extra glue in there that can cause interference when I'm trying to put the power pod and you should get some looks like that now the next thing we're do is we're going to start this into this to do this easily you're going to take this sky right here and kind of crimp this a little bit so it fits in the gaps just lightly crush with your fingers so I'm kind of a glue it put some the inside not too much just enough put glue there but there just a little bit back here take this go back to your table edge let's let this guy in there just sounds like that now what you can do with these since these are kind of like out here you can have take your hot glue gun put it down the inside the fuselage dot right there and spread these guys that part over here and lock them to the sidewalls of the fuselage alright so the next step we're in install our former there should be five of them that you have go this guy with the holes here this one's gonna go back here you got this kind of like higher one than these two and can't see you there that one's gonna go right here and these two same ones they're gonna go right there in the front yeah it helps you crush you down a little bit too just so they kind of slide right in and this little guy right here is gonna go on the bottom and this is scary there just like that so go and glue them all down alright and that's the first part of the fuselage assembly alright so this step we're in touch a fuselage to the wing so if you notice these little knockouts right here or not knockouts these little groups where a crush is a little bit so they fit in the slots easily never in a trial fit on our fuselage it's something we'll think about like that all right so once you're happy with the trial fit your somebody's gonna pull this tie off take your actually put a little bit in the crack right here on the other side too after this step two you also want to make sure your serve wash can't stay out of the way so you can kind of push them back into the little cracks take a fuselage simply and just insert it I can do so stable but also use a light amount of pressure kind of supporting both sides kind of like pressing this down not over overbearingly trying to crush it or re-establish a neutral line but just enough just to make sure it bonds really well to the surface so now once you're done with the tail section or the fuselage and the wings section and gluten together usually get something looks like this so for this next step we're in a set of fuselage aside and get ready to assemble our tail section so for this step we're assemble the tail section which consists of our horizontal and vertical stabilizer and the bottom post-award piece for the fuselage we're gonna need a little bit of poster board you're gonna need this weird-looking guy right here we need your elevator vertical or horizontal stabilizer and your vertical stabilizer slash rotor thing so first things first I'm gonna go ahead and just go and open up these Gorkhas like this and just go and double them now for this step also you know once again mind your fingers I'm kind of using the knife away from me it's kind of started somewhere over here in this vicinity cutting all the way to the end stopping right there take my knife and just nicking this piece out pull them back over and finishing off the bevel now one last step we're also gonna do our Haku hinge line thingy it just makes us keep this surface much different less likely at delaminate so do put a little bit blue there and you just simply smear most of it off just kind of smearing down to the cracks this keeps a paver from you know peel it off and stuff all right I want you done with this simply just leave alone let it set and let it cool down now we come to our rudder bevel right here first I'm going to open up the score cut pop it down take the knife wash my hands simply just cut into it it helps to if you do a little bit like a sawing action in case you're running to a lot of friction just use the blade just kind of like slice it go and do the hot glue image on the surface to and leave it alone to let dry off and cool now we're gonna take our rudder horizontal stabilizer and take out this little pocket piece right here take this guy and simply just slide it up in there have you notice there's three notches right there this one just goes right in the center and this guy comes down like that so if this next step we're got a small amount of tape and we're gonna tape this down there do the same thing other side and you're done with that now the next step is to go and align this it should be fairly well line because it's such a small part to the tail section you can kind of see it's just a little off I'm just gonna move it right to the center make sure my control surfaces move real well and easy that goes up and down that moves okay and then when I simply just take some glue and glue it on the side make sure uses a small amount of loot not too much at all we're done with that take a piece of scrap foam and just smear it down you'll want to make sure you use just the right amount of gluten not too much because uh this is all behind the center of gravity if you guys know anything about airplanes is that I tell how the airplane is always never fun to fly and chances are they don't fly very good at all so I try to reduce the amount of weight we put in the back of this airplane all right so once you're done with this we're gonna gather a fuselage flip this guy over let me see this pocket right here we're actually gonna finish this cut out to here the reason why this was left in here is to make it really easy to assemble so when you're using pressure and stuff it's less likely to break and buckle put that guy over take this guy over and slider right in it may take a little little bit to get right this because it's not right here it's a little bit higher so you may need to roll it around a little bit beside it now when you're doing this you want to make sure you don't glue the tail with incidence up or down so I'm doing right now is I'm not purposely slide it up you can see how this gap right here and this is not right up to the bottom I'm gonna roll this down a little bit until this is just flush this may get bent a little bit depending on how you fill this or if it's scratch builder kit built this sometimes didn't just come with a little bit off but don't worry about too much just really make sure this guy is lined up with this surface so once that's completely flat or an eyeball for the front two and just double-check it's little crooked so I'm just gonna take this and just turn down the hole to where it just looks just about right once you're satisfied with that take your glue gun and put some glue there and put some glue there take a piece of scrap foam and smear off the excess glue now we're also gonna put glue on this little morsel thing down here and also if you like you can also put some glue or a pin here now the next step for now for this part of the tail assemblies we're gonna install the poster board you don't want this guy right here with the two funny-looking pieces and a weird cut right here now poster board is always inside kind of iffy for me I didn't really like this stuff in the beginning because it's kind of hard to work with and it's honestly not very fun but after working after blowing like 10 of these things has become a lot easier and I found some new techniques to making poster board at least for me easier to work with one thing I like to do is go to a sharp table edge like this simply just roll this guy over a couple times so the reason why I'm doing this some kind of like putting tension on the poster board and pre curling it so it holds the shape so it's much much easier to work with so I'm not fighting it when it's on the airplane this would make it life a lot easier when you're building this thing once you're done you should get something looks like about like this you can't see it naturally he's already holding a curve and for the step you're also gonna get a pencil too alright so this goes step here and flip the plane over your front with these little weird cutouts all right there that's actually prettier all the trailing edge of the wing can slip under just let that guy up over there kind of nudge it in there and you get something looks like about like that now we're gonna start to do is work this guy down before you glue anything in so take your time with this because this can be a fairly frustrating step for those are you that are need a poster board slowly work the tail down to I'm just gonna try outfit everything first we're gonna take these particular slow and stay you know in one part at a time so first things first I'm gonna glue the tail section down or the trailing eye section down if you notice there's all these little dots I made on the kit too this is just a little bit indicator to keep you lined up on both sides as a reference point so I'm just gonna kind of line the both the dots up they may go above that or below that you can see it covers it up that's okay you don't don't don't don't rely too much in the dots they're not a super essential thing that you're something just to help you a little bit in case you're eyeballing so once this is nice and tight enough this former right there I'm gonna take my pencil and make a light line right there I do the same on the other side it'll be the post-award and put glue on just one side just about where I started don't slip in and go ahead and glue the other side down to now it's a very careful when you're doing stuff to be be mindful of your fingers because hot glue is indeed hot so once you guys have glue this guy down we're gonna go ahead and work our way back on the tail assembly so I've kind of curled it up a little bit more I'm kind like eyeballing the center right here where this guy is and I'll hold my poster board up in there I'll take a pencil again draw a line to the bottom I'm actually just not gonna draw a line there so I'm not gonna worry about it I'm gonna glue this this side first so use a very small amount of hot glue go from the back to the front push the board over now be careful of your fingers too because hot glue is indeed hot and we're dealing with poster board and glue everywhere so if you do have a little bit of oozes out just take your scrap foam and just smear it down now on to the other side so now we're just going to take this and roll it up as tight as possible and hold it there take your pencil and draw another line [Applause] go and do the same thing and put some blue on it and that's like you still assemble the bottom half of the fuselage from the site for this step we're in a star service the channel deck top fuselage cover and the control rods and horns or a neater fuselage we're gonna need this top turtle deck part and two of our servos and your push rods too so as you get all this stuff we're we're gonna start off with a poster board now if you notice there's actually a different cutouts here there's like a weird like shallow angle and a like a higher angle now this part we need to pick out the top and the bottom of the poster board this is gonna be the top this side right here that's kind of more canted in words is actually controlling the rudder that's gonna be a rudder cut out and a shallower end over here is the elevator cut on this side so once you've got the top part figured out so we're gonna actually just gonna pre curl this just go to do the same thing on the table which I showed you so once you guys have pre-rolled and pre-curled it you should get something let's go like this kind of hold this nice raised hot zone we're gonna go and take it and simply just slip it in so with count here this goes out and that little knockout right there on the vertical stabilizer should slide right in now take your time with this here's somebody's gonna pull this guy down kind of hold it into shape as best as you can this is we're gonna have to flip-flop back and forward like look where this edge ends up and look at that side and look at this side right here and look right there and just try to line up as best as possible this is not like super precision a rocket science I mean anything you do will very much be fine it's just a little more of I don't know like a nitpicky thing if you're picky about that sort of stuff so once you're happy with the fit and finish kind of take references to where your points are I kind of like to pinch it about right here and keep this shape with this former up here hold it nice and tight take your pencil and make a quick marker over here and a quick mark over here just the bottom I'm not gonna worry about too much about the back yet so once you're holding this right here no it's good kind of work your way back here and just kind of take note to where that is if you got a free hand let go the front and make a small mark back here the small mark back here luckily it's already kind of lining up with this bottom up cheating already put in place so I really mean you would worry about the pencil marks too much but your builds may vary because some some races are tighter than others so it may be a little tricky to do all right so let's wrap you that we're gonna go glue one side so do this I'm just gonna lip that up put my glue gun right there draw a bead and stop over there press us down it's very nice s cooled off with this button to fix the spare piece of foam once you're down that's five you're gonna look at a reference March again just go ahead and pull this over to make sure everything still fits right and do the glue trick thing again then fold it over slowly work your way down and be careful because the hot glue is indeed hot and you got sound looks like that now last thing to do is just put some glue up here somewhere that glue down you shot sounds like that next thing to do is install the servos just take these guys they should be a mirror image once again go ahead and send them up and install your screws I have yet to do mine but I'll put the screws in a second just slide them on in gonna take a hot some hot glue I just kind of them but under these little several years and just put the glue under there do the same for front and just pop it back down that's all there is to it okay for the next step this is gonna be the tricky step for allow you guys will be very patient with this because we're a kind of fish this rod through this crack and out through these little holes right here so this will take a little bit of patience and quite a bit of time first things first take these the boards we're just live in a place so you've notice on this side of the rudder with this slot we're not press it in take this other side and pop it down into the yellow bear spot next step is to take a rod kind of line up about how far you need it you can see right here if I were to slide this in it would come out about right here so what to do that I'm just gonna take this and cut up bottom an inch beyond the word these several linkage would stop and do the same for the elevator so you get two rods up like that now we're gonna take them all out you even take the horns out - they're not necessary right now keep in mind which side you put them where and then you should get two rods like this a shorter one for your rudder linkage and a longer one for your elevator push rod so here comes the next step that's can take a little bit of time you're gonna put this over here you're gonna actually sight down the fuselage you can kind of if you move around see where those holes are and slide the rod in this can actually be a little bit tricky and this can take some time so just take your time be patient eventually you can get them in there once you're done with one linkage I have to take the screwdriver and just tighten this down a little bit just you can even do your hand just to lock it in place so once the rudders done we're to get to the elevator side it also helps to if you take the rod because the holes aren't always line up the straight you can just bend them up just a touch so you have a just a little natural bend in it so now I would take this and just kind of find out where that hole is it also helps - you can also even look to the other side find out where that hole is it comes up to the top once that's in I just go and pinch it down just a little bit and that's for me that all right for the next step we're going to stall the quadrants to finalize the serval installation I'm gonna go three just undo these this is touch just done screams ever so slightly and then work this guy in there so to make sure these are centered once again you can use your server tester or you can just send him later it's best dude all now though because we're gonna kind of seal this hatch up okay maintenance can be just a little bit difficult over there pop it down into place for the next step we're gonna go to finalize the insulation completely since this is now gluten we're just gonna undo this right here and just gonna line it right up make sure is nice and centered and just crank it back down now you want to make sure this is actually really tight too because if this comes off in flight you're going to crash it'll helps if you use a lot tighter something too but I find it's super sensible right now for such a small model go ahead and repeat the process for their side and do the exact same thing alright so this is pretty much what it looks like when you're done with the serve oscillation and the cache cover and your control warrants are installed this step we're gonna do the canopy cover and we're gonna do the fuselage cover as well and the battery hatch door installation all right for the canopy and the fuselage battery hatch cover thing for an EVP story here this guy and this guy so the first things first we're gonna figure out which is the top and the bottom it's not super important for this side because you can really put the hash on either the left or the right side I'm just gonna put it facing the right side of the airplane so first brush we're gonna do the same thing we just curl it over a couple times so once you got this guy right here it should be kind of curled and holding its position somebody's gonna slap it on top just like that now we're actually going to align the front of this guy right here but they're very front of the fuselage right here you can't see it right there so you're gonna look at some like this that's where it stops and the rest it should just fall into place so the nice thing we need to do is we're going to compare sides right here you can see the height here and the height here or a little too far on this side downwards so we're need to roll it up so once you're happy with that where I kind of hold down as tight as possible and take our pencil and Mark it we're also gonna mark the top two here now do the same thing for the other side [Music] and I take it off so you want to pick a side you can do you did left or right first I'm just gonna do this side right side put a small amount of glue there so glue up this way take your fuselage cover roll it down on there alright once it's dried we can do the same thing to the other side we're gonna just roll this side off a little bit a little bit blue up here and go down this way like I have the air move on out as you look you should get something looks like that now the next step is to go and open up the hatch so you can't see this is conda's a little little divot here and a little line here and here but no finish line so watch your fingers with this let's take your knife and just slowly go over here once go over there twice and at third time and chances are you probably cut through right now do the same over here and that's a pretty much open up the hatch now when I open this up I kind of like the sport right here and try to crease this a little bit my finger just kind of open that up I'm gonna tell you guys to your stuff now we're going to move on to the canopy first and I'll show you got installed a battery to make everything fit right so actually one to do is where I need to form the canopy so to do this I kinda like just to curl a little bit it's got to be a little bit of rolling around there it doesn't really matter which I used to top or bottom you can use either work grab some tape put some tape there pull this guy over there get some more tape and do the same Euler side get this side as well now we're just gonna keep taping this thing till we're all the way through this kind of part up here controls over like this you're gonna need a pre-stress adjust a little bit I'm gonna roll the tape up to the top and you should get something like that before we start the canopy I guess you can probably be painting ahead of time or whatever but since there's just the model that we're building for the build video I'm not gonna worry too much about that so I'm just gonna rested on the top and I figure out how far I should do it because I why she going to do this a little over to place so figure out where the center is I'm looking at it and then also on the side you want it to kind of finish about right there kind of like where that top of that Ridge is take your pencil there and Mark the side can mark on this side as well now you have your choice here too you can either just glue the campi down or you can just put some tape on it I prefer to tape it even though it looks a little bit uglier mainly because reasons why is I can just cut more of this out and have access to the servos in case I need to adjust something so you can easily do that I'll just go and tape it down that's how you attach the canopy now the last step for this compartment / cover canopy hash is to figure out the battery installation so for this um most of you guys should probably run around like in 6 and 50ml m3s battery or up to an 800 we sell an 800 that barely fits in here so I'll show you to install the skewer in the tie down with the 800-mile light battery so if we're about the balance with this thing with the 800-mile lamp 3s it's kind of a little bit of a fat pack but it still fits in there just about right so for that I kind of push down like that and it kind of barely squeezes up to that spot right there so you need your barbecue skewer for this it's actually not very sharp so my sharpen just a little bit more I'm just gonna Whittle it down just for a nice poking action that's nice and sure I'm gonna come over to this edge right here you can't see up to the light where the edge of this is and you can't see where this is - I'm a poke a hole through that it's wrapped to the top almost to that hole supposed to come out the about right here be very close slow when you're doing this - because you really don't wanna pull the hole in your battery because that could be very very bad once I got this down you kinda know it's actually really tight - with this battery but it can still make it work so I'm going to go there side it slowly come out there's awful acts as a battery strap - so you really you really don't even need any velcro or anything like that because it's stuck in there so good work a stick back out I'm gonna hold the hash closed and slowly push the stick out again just watching being being mindful where my fingers are I'm doing it very slowly because I really don't feel like stabbing myself once you're done you just cut the excess off it basically acts as the barrier you just pull the stick out okay I need a little bit of push it's a little tight right now and pull it out and remove the battery you just pull the stick out and there you have it so that's rumors happens when you finish the canopy cover the fuselage hash cover with the battery door so now we're gonna move on to the step where we install the cowling and the motor power pot assembly so the step we're need a power pod and we're simply just gonna push the wires in here and clean up a little bit and slide it through this it's actually really tight fit but you're just gonna slide it right in there alright about to about right here just to where the look at the motor stops alright but the next step we're install the little cowling holder things you'll notice it has these little kinda holes right here and you're gonna need this piece right here okay there's two of these these are gonna be I think a seat folds but Josh prefers these as two but basically you remove out this intersection and folds over like that once you're done clean those you should get some of those like this now we're gonna take the airplane lay these holes are and just put some glue right in the middle of that these holes are diagonally across you just kind of just press the block in like that and solders to it and do the same either side and you're done with that step of the installation so for the last thing to do with the up our pod we're gonna stick our screw in there and lock it into place so I'm seeing it coming from one side and slowly push my way through out to here and just off the excess of this stick just almost like that now the last thing to do is simply you just roll over the cowling and install it now for this part it's gonna be the calyx not super well Tash mainly because the cowling is the sacrificial piece since this is nothing but a pure belly lander you can't install landing gear similar to Josh's p-51 that he has but I let them off for now because this is just really more fun to fly without landing gear especially because of its size it's just a really fun easy to fly sort of easy to fly warbird that really get it going fast so before we do this you don't want to take your cowling piece thing if you have plans or the kit and probably to make a few copies I have really damaged again most of our flying in crashes but just in case you do damage it it's really easy just to make a new one in five seconds and then put it on so to do this you're going to take the piece and pull the paper off of one side go at the table edge stop working away over you can roll up on the taste of it you can say let's like this so finish this off you can actually just tape it I don't even bother booing because it holds the shape so well tape the hair all that over and you're done from off the back part with the excess tape if you notice the cowling is actually kind of like cupped inwards so naturally the flatter outward tapered end is gonna go towards the rear the fuselage in wear tapered ends gonna go towards us we're just gonna slide on first trial fit it actually a little bit fat so what we're gonna do is we're actually going to squish these side cheeks a little bit until we form the cowling to where we want it that's pretty good now we're just a beach this I back off put a dive blue here and a dive loo here slightly counting back on I notice I'm not using too much and I'm also keeping this Ridgeline facing the bottom just for aesthetics this will make it easy to change out and just break off if we do damage the cowling and a rough landing or hard crash so once we're done with the basic assembly the airplane it's now time to installed electronics which is our receiver our batteries and also check our balance point on the airplane and see where its balances so let's go and get started basically you guys will have a receiver and a whole bunch of wires and doodads flown all over the place but for this you can either do flat fir'aun's I've never really done flat fronds in this airplane because well it's a small sport airplane so most of us are using wire harness if you can get a smaller one because this one arms is huge for this airplane but it's what comes in the kit and we'll use it so plug it into the two aileron servos it doesn't matter what order you do this in either because they don't serve those are mirrors of each other I'm actually gonna slide this back into the wing trying to save some space as much as possible now for that we're using the grappler so that's gonna go into slot to your radio your rate it will vary too depending on how your channel mapping is that up now we have our air on or our rudder and elevator I put those guys in and then you can just neatly tucked all the stuff as best as possible into the back half of the fuselage also with your antenna - if you have one kind of router as best as you can away from the battering stuff it's better if it's up high or just facing completely down vertical like that now for keeping mind with the spectrum stuff for the two and four gigahertz stuff usually the attentions of last couple of inches so this part here is the actual antenna part the rest of this is shielded cable so if my antennas facing out this way that's from Chinese install the receiver so once you got the propeller on and everything we're actually gonna check for our center of gravity which is their balance point it'll determine how well our plane flies or how horrable flies so for the center of gravity it's about 1.5 inches away from the leading edge of the wing which is the front right here you can go as far back as 1.75 and have em sketchy results but it's best around 1.5 or even 1 inch 1 inch for newer fliers if you're new to the really fast airplane it's better to fly just a little bit nose-heavy your first couple of times so that's where the center gravity is now the last thing to do is your control throws the last thing we do is we need to check the control throws and stuff for this I highly actually recommend using the throw gage that's coming in the kit so basically do you have a high and low for the air rods and the rudder I'd go with a high or you can even go more I'm actually not gonna really do anything to them because I can fly squarely like that so for you guys you definitely use them now the most important thing on this airplane that I found out real early one the prototype testing came along is this is really really really really touchy so definitely some Expo and definitely dial this thing down so to do that first I'm gonna go and do my um endpoint adjustment it's channel 3 on this radio so I'm actually gonna reduce the travel let's go set the high side that's about as much as you'll ever really need in this airplane if you guys wondering how much Expo usually fly with this plane I use about 30% Expo on the elevator surface I'll use some among the iran's and rudder about probably 20 to 10 percent not a whole lot it's just really on the elevators where you're gonna find the most trouble will come from especially if you're flying tail heavy so if you guys just don't need expo there's actually graph on this radio that shows you what it is and they say that means you it's your deflection so you can kind of see this bar moving right now it's moving in a linear state so what's going from 0 to 100 it moves completely in a flat curve but that's okay for most people but for a really fast airplane you want a little bit of like softer movements in the center and then more outrageous towards the ends of the stick movement so do this I'm simply just gonna increase this number and you can kind of see it right there how it moves like that yeah you can watch on the tail too cuz i'll it makes my adjustments superfine in the in the center and then i move close to the end it goes a lot more so that's basically a nutshell what expo is so once you set that up you're pretty much ready to plot so let's go fly it so we're all done with the build now and now it's time to maiden but I have Josh here with the Corsair or the unproven thing go on so we're gonna fly together because you know flying together is a lot more fun it's better to do that but if you guys want to see the bill view for the p-51 be sure to check out the link below and also if you guys are new to made anything check out our video on quick six quick tips to success is that tongue twisters it's a tongue twister sure is it'll help you keep you from crashing mm-hmm sorry so without further ado let's go and fly these things in the air you first all right all right better man yeah it's a windy day today I'm always worried about the turbulence no funny thing is this is actually the best flying one route right out of my brick right out of the box never ever built usually our final versions or the versions we're doing the build video with you ever notice that yeah now these can fly off a two cell or three style with a 2204 motor right uh yeah let's get it closed today yeah mine's trimmed in not I took them down I haven't really touched my kids at all either listen the best one so far [Laughter] now what do you think this would be uh it's an intermediate don't you think um intermediate or say as far as the flyer goes yeah intermediate to advanced building style I think yours is a lot easier to build that was funny it does not like that turbulence over the roof yeah all right I'm gonna go for a little very good inverted the roll rates ridiculous on this yeah yeah they are and for you guys weren't wanting to build a fly these things I highly recommend some expo in there I normally don't really do expo for most like normal airplanes but this guy's fast and so small and touchy it's best run some add some dual rates especially if you're flying low to the ground ya want speed it's best to run some Mexico these are really perfectly matched yep which they're going to say anything steel I gotta paint this yeah we just did a whole video on painting flames I'm still flying light planes there we are friends I wanna thank you for watching if you haven't already check out the plants below course there's gonna be speedboat kits available as well and scenic [Music]
Channel: FliteTest
Views: 2,932,023
Rating: 4.8241568 out of 5
Keywords: ft mighty mini, mighty mini corsair, how to make a paper airplane, cheap paper airplane, peter sripol, flight test foam board, swappable, mini
Id: 1CrhcdwYfpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 19sec (3499 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2015
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