Motorized Walmart Toy Gliders?

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for few drivers like this is he's pretty far out there ready yeah so here's the thing Stefan and I were going through Walmart the other day weren't we stefaned yes we were we've literally just picked them up put them in the cart I say you and I each take one of these we have half a day to make the fly RC all right man let's do it it's done you think happens if I put this on upside down so before we take this apart before we do any modification we know it flies good just like this we're gonna find out where is our CG or center of gravity no matter what we do we'll most likely want to keep it I can't believe it's that far back that's ridiculous all right so it's like the last third of the wing instead of the first third but you know what that's where it flies that's what we keep it so when I balance this out in the future I'm gonna want to be balanced out in this area right here like oh all right so what's the game plan here so we're gonna take this we're gonna modify we're gonna get our seat so if we put a motor all the way out here on the front it's going to make it very nose having me in the bedroom a debate here so my thought is maybe if we hack the nose back a little bit okay that's understand because there's no rules in this game or a rule so the other thing I'm thinking about is control services and rather than trying to hack these control surfaces out I'm wondering if we should add like some little foam board control services but then I also have thoughts about whether or not that's going to change the because it's technically going to be changing the wing yes so therefore it might change the CG and so I don't know anything really oh my goodness gracious I'm cheating so do you guys remember the how to train your out your episode where we're just the twin sparrows yes and we destroyed them at the end because we do that I took the guts out of it so those are our twin micro pack I think it's a power pack each twin and I'm just gonna literally take this I think I'm smart I'm really lazy I want to make this so possibly doesn't need a writer to fly so literally you steer with a throttle oh it's a differential thrust differential thrust I want to be a steer with Rob and possibly if we do it right in the angles right make it a one channel airplane so literally give throttle it goes up back off it goes down I mean you steer with throttle no servos I don't think I'm gonna get there but that's gonna be the goal so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hack some small pieces of foam and try to mimic a control surface and hope that it doesn't change the characteristics of the plane too much it flew really good as a glider like really good so if I decrease that good flying characteristics by 30% it's still gonna fly by fine yeah all right so I'm going by the fly and that's typically not my style but what I'm thinking about doing is I want to make this so hopefully the fly's off of one channel all right I don't want to cut into this test flimsy so I'm gonna take some foam board and I will put an elevator on it I'm gonna use two servos and I'm gonna make the elevon so basically it'll work together okay if I want to roll it I'll hopefully roll it at the tail and then the differential thrust when I'm young and then a pitch now it'll be a two channel airplane I just want to servos but I want all four four functions hopefully it'll fly for one function but you know I'm gonna head to my best I made some control surfaces today we made these out of foam board now this is the brown foam board here this is the stuff that we make all of our planes if you guys aren't familiar we have about 50 designs of scratch-built planes that we provide free plans for we also sell speed build kits this foam board is actually the same kind of foam board that you can buy from the dollar store the reason why ours is brown is because our own custom formula it's a little bit better with water so we use this we have this stuff lying around and if you don't have this you can get some foam board from the dollar store this type of stuff to do your presentations on an elementary school so what I did here is I added full wing aileron control surfaces on both wings and basically it's as simple as cutting out a sliver of foam I taped it on that was a little concerned that this tape wouldn't stick to this foam but it actually sticks to the white foam even better than it sticks to our foam yes then what you do is you do a little bevel cut on the inside here you cut this right down here to about a 45 degree angle doesn't need to be perfect what that will allow you to do is get your deflection there so when we're flying we're gonna have a nice roll axis here there's the same thing on the tail I'm gonna be connecting these with like a barbecue skewer or something and this is gonna give you your up-and-down pitch it's like a whale tail I need to get servos on these those airplanes that I mentioned are 50 airplanes that we designed each one of those has a specific power pack which is basically just an electronics pack that comes with everything you need to power it we're gonna be using a power pack a for this one which is traditionally for a pretty small airplane but because this plan is so light and floaty I think it's gonna have more than enough power to fly I don't know if we'll see stick around there's the thing because the CG is so weird I don't want to COFF any of the notes so I'm trying to place my electronics in a way where I can keep the plane looking as original as possible so I'm gonna do is I got a little bit of weight up front here it doesn't look like much but a small weight up front is a big deal a lot of weight closer to the CG doesn't affect as much because of the the fulcrum the leaver I might use these servos I'm gonna Matthew service all the way at the back to hopefully take some of that weight because even though the servos light a little bit of weight between two servos is gonna counteract that I might try to mount my battery like right at the center here and hopefully keep all that up together so when it's done it just looks like we stuck two motors on two pieces of cardboard and we're good to go alright so here's my mounting procedure if we're gonna just take this we're gonna just glob some globulars on there you don't need to worry about getting to these screws ever again because they're not going anywhere so that's why it's totally appropriate to just glob this on there just want to make sure you don't get it on any of the moving parts of the motor because it needs to spin the propeller what we're gonna do is we're gonna just eyeball that right on there I have no idea how hot glue adheres to this type of foam but I have a feeling that we're about to find out so as long as my thrust angle is not an issue seems to be sticking kind of look at that looks sick looks awesome all right so we're looking pretty good I got the control surfaces up I got a popsicle stick here too combined my elevators together and we're starting to add the servos now we're using the power pack F which comes with these custom flight tests five gram servos which worked really really well when you're building on any kind of plane the most crucial thing to make it fly good is going to be the center of gravity the main payload on most RC planes that are electric is the battery so I'm gonna put that right there I think the balance point on this guy about right there it's looking good actually might be on this side of nose-heavy but the nice thing is we have this velcro so you're gonna move him back back oh dude perfect actually the battery sits right on the CG so I could probably use all kinds of different sized batteries and it won't even matter so I think we're pretty much good to go Joshy ready he's wait he's just sitting there waiting he's been done for a half hour we're gonna get batteries charged up we're gonna get a chase quad to chase after let's go fly my phone plinks yeah don't you think you got the CG right another good thing is to just chuck it just like these things were made to be and see how it glides whenever we design any of our foam board airplanes we always take it out and see if it glides and it glides almost like they will fly you have a separate controller we want to keep these in one in one piece so we're gonna do a basic glide test with both of our planes to make sure they work I've got a minor breeze today and it's going that way so he's gonna throw it into the win a deflection is oh yeah sure little nose down yeah that's actually not bad though I'll take it if I'd rather have nose-heavy yeah if you toss it and the plane does this just kind of goes up in sauce yeah most luck let's tail heavy but nosedives its nose heavy but one rule of thumb is that a nose heavy plane is better than a tail heavy plane uh who's going first rock paper scissor Rock Paper Scissors shoot Rock Paper Scissors shoot ooh one two one Rock Paper Scissors shoot Rock Paper Scissors shoot planets off a little Hyperion 453 so it should give us about seven notes like time what if it glides well you can check the links below everything that we use in our videos we're gonna do our best to put them in the links below so we'll put that battery down there and anything else that you see on this video all right all right how you feeling about this thing dude I had so much fun dude you're cool I want I want a motor glider and actually this is one piece Posten says he wants it all right we're gonna give it to Boston so hopefully you don't break it all right man I ready ready oh it looks like an airline dude what's so cool Oh awesome dude is so uneventful I wasn't accepted to be a cool look employment the crazy thing is is the ailerons everything is docile on so as how's your elevator working is it is that the elephant's actually working from runnin just this is just one stick right now just one stick so you're not even using your differential no not yet matter of fact now let it go ahead and there's my differential they're so good and even differential turns it Courtney look it actually looks like a great airplane oh my goodness can't believe it that's so cool what we mean by differentials he has the two motors so you can use it to make the plane look left and right like this by speeding up or slowing down the motors this is this is hands off dude that's amazing all right you want to bring it for landing yeah sure and then we'll fly it see how my applies and we'll try to fly them together I'm gonna follow back I want to see how long it glides I think that's throttle off that's throttle on oh that's amazing I'm feeling I'm gonna like yours better than mine all right you got sauce to this oh my god this is a little bit saucy motor I got a race quad motor on there is it the power pack F and I have a larger battery so josh has one less servo than me but I have one less motor than him yes so it's a little bit different design I don't have any differential or rudder so this is all what we call Bank and yank meaning you bank the play with the ailerons and then you pull up to turn alright here we go we go oh it's flying very slow - it's definitely a little bit faster than yours it's torquey I have a big prop and a big motor on there I also kind of feel like the thrust angle is a little wonky just cuz I slap that motor on there it still looks like a fly is really good though that's rust especially a fly is good enough to get it up in the air and then you can just glide it around have you tried dead-stick yet yeah all right I'll bring it in for a landing here let's say that's dead stick right there that's good that's still dead stick so there's only one thing left to do and that is the fly together flat again again because the only thing better than flying through the air is fine - sweet plains through the air with your awesome friend all right Ian you ready [Applause] [Music] it is a little convicting that that you can just take a check lighter and do this this quick bill you got differential thrust if you try to flatspin dude I don't think it'll flat spit I'll take it up here I put the motors real close together so it'll help you turn but won't help me flat ready you could pray that's what we need friends for is to push the limits right yep alright so this is funny Mike my plane flies great you turn right the whole time Susie turn left is what happens I call that the windmill alright bring it in for a nice scale aircraft Lam landing through the gate through a gate through a gate see I shouldn't have wings after this another word I think my wings are bigger than the game it's pretty close here he comes they look at that approach it looks like a real airliner it's a clear winner took home the $10 Walmart challenged trophy 2018 we really recommend that you guys go out there and track projects like this it's really that once you get into the Hobby you really learn quickly that it's not about the plains it's about the experience it's about flying it's about spending time together in the whole build process it's all a ton of fun so make sure you go out and do it leave a comment what you want to see us fly mix hit that subscribe button if you guys haven't already and we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: FliteTest
Views: 1,684,869
Rating: 4.9248705 out of 5
Keywords: Flite Test, remote controlled, unmanned, drone, rc, uav, rc hobby, rc shop, walmart, glider, hack, conversion, toy, toy plane, rc toy plane, foam plane
Id: t2Y3ok-lTEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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