Building and flying a Giant DIY Corsair!

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in today's video we're going to build a massive corsair warbird and take it for its maiden flight oh hey fans welcome to flight test i'm josh we have a really special project today because every day we get a little bit closer releasing our new mini series it's gonna be our mini corsair and also our mini zero now the cool thing about this is there's no more poster board in these we went ahead and reinvented the whole entire process working with our good friend john overstreet and now we have a mini corsair that has no poster board builds incredibly easy and is also insanely strong now the really cool thing about our minis is this can be built in as little as three hours but we want to upsize it here just a couple weeks ago my son actually built a huge monstrous zero and we want to do an epic battle in the air but we need to build a monster corsair so if this can be built in three hours we're gonna give ourselves three days to build a monster size corsair and then eventually put it in the battle so as per usual this airplane actually started on the computer it's actually a scaled-up version of our minis that we're about to come out with after we plant the giant corsair we went straight over to the laser and started cutting it out the fuselage was very easy to put together it was just like any other monster series that we've done but this one is a very round fuselage so it's very easy to get the shape now the next thing that we worked on was the wing just like our recent monster builds we've been beefing up the spars that way we don't fold any other wings so for this bar we use poplar and plywood to make a really really strong box bar this gives you a lot of strength and speaking of strength we're actually going to test this box bar out so guys what we have here is know about the box bar and what a box bar is it's actually two popular pieces uh sandwiched by uh plywood or even balsa wood this is real common with balsa wood airplanes it's also real common in general aviation and it's incredibly strong we use this exact same design when we did the red bull flue tog and the wing was so strong chad was able to walk out on top of the wing right when it landed it was incredible so we're going to go ahead and put this under the test because in the past we folded a lot of wings i really want to make sure that this plane is not going to fall apart later on if everything's working good we're going to move on and we're going to actually fiberglass this so we want to make sure it lasts so we have a scale here and each one of these bags is roughly about 12 pounds so that one's 13 here and we're just going to go ahead and lay this on here and we're going to lay this over now we're only gonna register roughly about half the weight uh right here and that's okay because basically only one half of it's uh being supported but we'll just take the weight as we put it on we'll know that if it grows by seven pounds it's a fourteen pound weight and we'll add up the total weight hopefully to the point of failure or maybe even not and that'll give us a good indication of how much punishment we'll be able to put this plane through so by the way the old weight of this airplane is only going to be maybe 15 pounds so we're already well in the safe zone we're up to about 40 pounds what we don't want to have done is we don't want this to actually rotate we want this to stay as horizontal as possible you know because once it rotates is the vertical this is the force we want oh my gosh that's heavy what are we up to about 50 pounds 50 pounds i didn't think it was that heavy because i'm picking up one at a time but when you actually pick this up it is straight up heaven oh yeah all right there's 50. this is just a quarter inch poplar ready i think we're gonna have to hang underneath it dang it yeah all right so what are we up to now about 60 yeah almost almost 60 pounds almost 60 pounds holy cow that's insane the cracking noise you're getting what is it huh it's uh what's 36 37 37 pounds yeah there's a register in there yeah so that's over uh 70 pounds 47 white chris we got 70 pounds on this so far i bet i can break it when i fly the plane you know challenge accepted he made an obnoxious comment which we're not going to share with you guys i turned around to address his obnoxious comment the spark turns and it blows up but it blew up after i put over 70 pounds on it you know what here this is for you chris i still think i can break it when i fly it yo challenge accepted we get to build another one we know what we're gonna do to make this plane last longer now all right so this is what was on the plane wing with no problem at all and then that's what we put it on right before it broke so that's 82 pounds so if the plane breaks it's not going to be the spar that let's go yeah so if i would have just simply not built um my wing for the uh cozy coupe this one i think had folding wing issues if i just would have actually done this from the beginning we wouldn't have all those awesome failures good job you ready to build another one though let's do it all right so while josh and i are building this giant airplane i want to take the time to thank the sponsor of this video and that is roboform password manager so if you're like me or like millions of other people in the world today people are writing down passwords in their notepad in their journal right on your phone or whatever it may be you can get rid of all of that messy hassle with roboform so the cool thing is not only does robo form store your passwords but it actually logs you in with one single click which is super convenient so roboform takes all the typing out of it all the hassle and also one of the best things about it is that you can actually pick your passwords for each site because at the end of the day you shouldn't have the same password for each site that you visit they should be different so another great thing about roboform is that they use industry 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about its wing shape is it actually was designed that way to get the landing gear further down to give the prop enough clearance so it wouldn't hit the ground during takeoff rotation that's because it had a massive prop on it there's a bunch of different variants of the corsair but it normally had a three blade or four blade prop that reached over 14 feet in diameter that's a huge problem so now the first flight of the original prototype of the corsair happened in 1940 but it actually wasn't until 1944 and 1945 that it began to enter service with the us military in very large numbers it actually came to the war pretty late but it was such a formidable force that they brought it on very rapidly now the corsair did a ton of rolls over the years in world war ii but it is most recognized as the best carrier ops fighter bomber of its time and japanese pilots regarded as one of the most formidable american fighters of world war ii part of that is because corsair pilots they actually were able to achieve an 11 to 1 kill ratio which is pretty crazy if you think about that now in terms of performance the corsair was a performer especially back in the day of world war ii in terms of speed it had a max speed of 446 miles per hour now the crazy thing about that is is that it's faster than the f6f hellcat and only 13 miles per hour slower than the iconic p47 thunderbolt which is crazy because all three of those airplanes were powered by the same pratt whitney r 2800 radial engine which had nearly 2400 horsepower imagine going that fast in general is crazy but doing it all the way back in 1944 1945 that's crazy if you think about it beyond that it also had a stall speed of only 89 miles per hour which is pretty crazy that's a very wide speed envelope which was necessary for the type of carrier ops that they were looking to do during world war ii all in all it went on to become a very vital tool during the war for the us specifically with the navy and the marine corps but also went on to serve under the royal navy as well as the royal new zealand air force and even after world war ii it also served in the korean war so all in all there was 12 500 corsairs made during the war and a little bit afterwards and the crazy thing about it today is there's only 30 examples left that still exist about 14 or 15 of them are still airworthy but the good news is you can actually still go see corsairs fly at air shows and if you haven't done so yet make sure you do it because it is amazing it's definitely one of the most iconic airplanes of all time it's a favorite of aviation lovers and also rc modelists if you go to any rc flying field you're bound to see somebody flying a model corsair because they fly just as good as they look and that's the reason why we decided to make the new mini corsair it's a revamped design and like i said earlier it flies as good as it looks and speaking of flying we have been putting these things through the paces uh we've been working with john overstreet who's the original designer and we've been testing these things uh back as early as july and all through the summer and we actually have had multiple flying nights where we had a ton of people out here people of all ages and we had a ton of these things built and we let everybody fly them to put them through their paces test out how they hold up in a crash and also gather feedback from all the different pilots to make it the best experience that it possibly can be so it's pretty cool because i've seen josh design all the plans over the years and we've been working with john over the years and i feel like this is kind of like a new era or a new chapter of ft planes and also just that size is pretty significant it's a great size because it's not too small that it's a micro and it's going to be thrown around in a little bit of wind but it's small enough you can still put it in the back of your car and so you're going to get the benefits of having the good flight characteristics of a decent sized plane without it being too big that you can take it around wherever you want to go so i'm excited about this big corsair that we're building but selfishly i'm actually super excited about this mini one that we're coming out with because i'm gonna build one and we're gonna have a ton of fun with them so we really learned a lot from building this bar now this is only made out of quarter inch poplar we're actually doing the center section now out of half inch and the fact that the quarter inch poplar held almost 80 pounds of weight is incredible what we're going to do is we're going to go back take what we've learned build the center section out of the half inch poplar the outer panels will still be the quarter inch power they're going to slide right into each other beautifully and then we're going to start building the wing around these spars and the really cool thing about this wing is it is a three piece removable wing which gives us the ability now to make this plane able to be transported and travel around so our friends in the community have been doing this for a long time we've only dabbled with it just a little bit but a really cool way to soften up your leading edges is just take either a hobby iron or even actually your normal iron that you use at home and you're going to want to experiment with a scrap piece of foam but what you can do is you can actually roll down the very edge here to make a nice rounded corner here now this works whether you do a fold-over piece of paper or even if you're actually just using like where it's a square cut like the trailing edge you can actually taper it down works really nice and also seals the paper really nice and for powering this we're gonna go to our favorite 40 30 monster series radial here swinging to 18 inch prop so we're on the home stretch here we're gonna get this airframe assembled and get it ready to fly this is really cool we actually dropped an ft or five in this not because the plane is going to be unstable just because it's so easy to hook it up and also i can do level assist later on so if i ever want to train someone how to fly this it could fly just like a trainer but the cool thing about this is programming for like servo reversing for checking your gyros it's all done very visually so if noah actually pitches this down you'll actually see the elevator go up now go ahead and go level again now if you yaws it my rudder's backwards watch what happens see how the rudder's backwards and it's also backwards with my control if i want to actually go the other way all i need to do is hold this for five seconds it's automatically going to reverse the rudder and also reverse the gyrus so now when he checks it it's easy it's always bringing back the center so everything's working on this ready to take it out and fly it so the guys are doing the final tune-ups and getting this thing put together and it is time to take it out to fly so if you guys enjoyed these types of flying videos do us a favor and make sure you hit that subscribe button we're doing flying videos like this all the time huge project like this all the time building something crazy from scratch and then hooking it into the air and seeing if it flies by subscribing you're helping us continue to do that into the future so to all of our current subscribers thank you guys so much and for those who aren't subscribed hit that button so we're heading out to ready made rc runway out there on the hill we got some good wind directions today it's a little bit breezy but not too bad but i'm looking forward to it i think this corsair is gonna be amazing let's do it i'm a little nervous but really excited this has been a really cool father-son project with noah and i think out of all the monsters it's number one or number two by far i love the p38 especially building with john but this project here especially with the removable wings and stuff it's like a plane i know is not gonna as long as i don't crash it or no crashes that i know it's gonna be around a while so really so i hope it flies good hope our cg is good these light planes especially in this kind of wind you never know what you're going to get give me about 20 degrees about like this yeah that's good uh you know a couple steps forward and it'll probably fly out of your hands i'll go full throttle that's perfect yeah you guys ready yep all right here we go three two one oh right there oh what not a clicking trim look at that oh listen to the sound of that it's whistling death it is totally whistling it's like the history books i can't it just it's hands off perfect oh look at that presents oh that's awesome oh my god that looks great in the air what's it feel like josh it's it's him i mean it's hands off even in this wind this is incredible okay i'm gonna do a couple of little passes it's trimmed up perfectly it is it's perfectly balanced it's light the trim is good has an aura in it hey chris if you're gonna talk you should come over here on camera look at that chris can you give me a toss it tracks up like so guys typically corsairs are not the friendliest to fly this is borderline trainer stable okay you ready holy cow yeah you want me to join you then yeah join me ready you good yeah all right warm up so we got the biggest corsair we've ever flown and one of the smallest corsairs we've ever flown i'm gonna just hover it all right now i'll go ahead and join up with you here [Applause] i love this that's excited i don't know how high and proportionally can you stevie yeah i could see you but i don't know where you are how does it feel compared to the zero so the zero is a lot more pitch sensitive and stuff this one's dialed in we learned a little trick here uh we actually used the level a lot more to make sure our our angle of attack and our wing instance and everything was dialed in with our motor to our tail to our wing and it definitely paid off no that's off so alex is is it faster than than uh it appears or no no it seems pretty seems about the same speed as his ear honestly it really does it's flying half throttle let's see if it goes vertical oh yeah let's do some i know let's do some maneuvers together okay all right oh i'm you good i picked the battery shifted up i'm down you're down oh i heard that oh i heard it as well oh it was fun while i laughed yeah that's okay you can fly this one let's do a roll oh my something about big monstrous airplanes flying are so cool all right i'm gonna do another couple maneuvers no then it's your turn okay okay all right let's go ahead and put her up for a loop i just oh my gosh two days the presence in the air is just so big lazy loop i don't think it has quite the vertical because it is heavier than the zero by far move oh yeah all right i'm gonna go around the other way now just look at those angled wings the old goldwing boomer let's do a big old lazy roll ready all right yeah i'm on it oh this is great all right nella yep i think it's your turn oh boy there you go oh you're just going to hand it to me yeah it's it's just great okay so one thing i realized is going from a mini to a giant is the wind doesn't touch you when you're a giant a lot of people are afraid of bigger airplanes but the truth is bigger flies better if you have the space to fly a bigger airplane you're gonna be a lot less likely to have troubles with the wind uh the way the plane feels is just really docile it does you know everything scales up especially out of foam board in your favor when you start uh building bigger it's when you go smaller is where it gets a little difficult you do do a fly-by okay ready we gotta do something to make that thing whistle when we paint it up look at the colors on the trees dude i just love the presence of it flying by go there give me a roll that's full throttle right there oh you may be low on battery i think i might take her in don't we have some uh extra batteries more batteries okay should i fly land into the one oh yeah definitely okay so go down that way that way you're good landing aren't you you're fine you got you got to figure out now pressure's on though yeah yeah pressure's on me putting my hands in my pockets all right hold that face nice look how good that looks boy this is the most beautiful time of the year isn't it oh yeah there you go ready it just it just floats did you hit him we both landed yeah i hit the ground that's what i hit oh that's awesome all right let's check it out i think that's the most floaty plane i've ever landed it was incredibly floaty so oftentimes typically with corsairs you got a lot of torque issues you got especially when you get slow it just gets really unstable something about both the master series corsair the mini corsair uh version two that we're coming out with and then this one they're just really gentle from launch to flight to landing and this is just definitely no no difference so all right friends so we're not done with this yet we're going to go back noaa's built to zero we have a corsair now i don't know which one's gonna fly which we've been arguing about that behind the scenes but we're gonna go and paint this up we're also gonna try to experiment with things like fiberglass and just really stepping up our game with scale details 3d printing etc we're going to go ahead and dress this up make it look awesome and then we're gonna put the corsair against the zero in an epic battle between you and i yep we know who's gonna fly what we'll probably flip a coin yeah actually leave down in the comments who you want to see fly what
Channel: FliteTest
Views: 172,005
Rating: 4.9499927 out of 5
Keywords: Flite Test, Flight Test, DIY, Science, Hobby, Airplane, Plane, Build, Craft, Kids, Crash, family, family friendly, fun, funny
Id: Ztzcr4jwB1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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