FSR 3 Steam Deck RDR2 Red Dead Redemption 2 Frame Generation Mod by LukeFZ #steamdeck #rdr2 #fsr3

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[Music] hello everybody Welcome to the channel today let's take a look at FSR 3.0 frame generation mod by Luke FC it's currently a paid mod and we're playing Red Dead Redemption 2 on the steam deck Steam OS I'd like to give a shout out to JD Ross this is a joint effort by me and him to get the mod up and running for Red Dead Redemption 2 on the steam de it's pretty hard okay so what I'll do is I'll show you the game without the mod and then I'll take you to my Steam desktop mode I'll show you how to install this mod and then we'll play the game with the mod and see if there's any performance gains okay so you can see I've got two versions of the game this is the steam version all right and I've got the non steam version because yeah I'll tell you why we can't use the steam version later okay so if you're on the non steam version make sure you're on GE proton 743 is the one that works right let's boot into the game without the mod okay so let me tell you why the steam version doesn't work because in order for the mod to work you need the game to be running on Direct X12 instead of Vulcan and for the steam version if you change from Vulcan to D X12 the game just doesn't boot I haven't found a way to make the steam version work on the steam Deck with d X12 so that's why I'm using the non steam version and you can take a look at the bottom right right now now the build is 14362 okay so let's go into the game first let's putot into the game and I'll show you my settings so my settings for my steam deck it's currently on um performance tab you can see I just disabled frame limit and everything else is left off and for power tools I've got smt enabled eight threads and Governor set to Performance and everything else is disabled okay and for my Steam OS it's currently on the latest stable version 3.5.7 and I've got cry utilities on recommended settings with 4 GB of vram okay that's my steam deex settings and for my game settings let's go into the in-game settings okay Graphics okay so res resolution let me move my camera a bit okay so resolution 1280x 720 window borderless vsync off triple buffering these are standard and you can see the quality preset is just bumped all the way up to the ultra you can still go further like you can set it to 16 but yeah let's just let's use the graphic preset the quality preset and you can see we don't have Doss uh we don't have the option for the default because we're on the steam deck we don't have an Nvidia graphic card but once we got the mod installed we have an option to enable dos which isn't really DS It's actually FSR 3.0 mod okay and then make sure here Graphics apepi it's set to D X12 so you have to turn you have to unlock the advanced settings and change it from Vulcan to D X12 okay so these are my settings all right and I'm currently at St Dene one of the hardest cities to like run and you can see my FPS counter at the top left corner hey okay I'll show you my map okay yeah I'm in St Den okay and yeah it's running pretty good like 30ish frames it sometimes drops into the 20ish but still you have to remember where like our graphic preset is set pretty high like at the highest actually you can go a little bit further up uh on the Minor Details but uh yeah what's so here's St Den get trespassing oh my God I just got okay yeah so yeah we're running round in St den and we're getting 30ish which I think is pretty decent really do you want to be safe this with the mod off all right so here you can see we're going to 20ish high 20s I've actually seen it drop into the teens and not it's pretty rare but I have seen it yeah actually this game runs pretty good oh that was the low 20s this game runs pretty good actually in my opinion on the steam deck all right so I think you know what we're getting into so let's go to my desktop mode and I'll show you how to get this game running with the FSR 3 mod so I'll see you in desktop mode okay so before we go any further I'd like to introduce you to my secondary channel it's called grown-up cooking other than gaming cooking is also a passion of mine so I like to share some of my cooking dishes recipes on that channel if you like gaming you like eating and you want to support me please go over there and subscribe to that channel I'll give you some sneak preview right now all right we're going to kill it you ready oh my [Applause] God oh my God all right oh God just put the sauce in so did you enjoy that watch the full video at gr up cooking links in the description welcome back to my steam deck desktop mode so the first thing you need to do is you need to locate your game folder so I've got mine right here home games Red Dead Redemption 2 this is where the aud2 exe is right right here so this is the folder where we're going to put our mod files okay so here's my mods Luke FC mods and I'm going to use the latest version of The Mod as of recording it's 0.9.0 okay and you've got a special like mod for Red Dead Redemption 2 okay so these two are the mods by Luke FC this is not but we need to install this first so make sure you drag all this I'll like put this file in the link l in the description so you can download this file okay so you just going to drag all these over to the game folder okay and you see this enable signature override put it somewhere like you can locate because we need to locate this all right and then what you need to do is you need to run the game at least once so you can go into its proton so I'm going to open up proton tricks then I'm going to locate my non steam game which is right here non steam shortcut Red Dead Redemption this is the steam version so make sure you using the non- steam one okay we got to go into it's um proton okay just got some warnings about there's an update just skip those okay it's doing it thing don't panic okay select the default wine prefix okay and then go here run reg edit okay go to registry import registry file okay and I put it mine is actually here it's in um deck oh no it's in home back oh yeah I can't locate my that's why you need to put it somewhere somewhere you can locate I think downloads is the best folder okay so see that file um this one so make sure you enable signature override. reg put it somewhere you can locate so I'm going to put it in my downloads I already have it just going to overwrite okay because right here like you can't really access all the folders so I can access the downloads folder so that's why I put it here then I'm just going to select it enable signature override. rag okay and then you it says here the keys and values contained we're successfully added to the registry just click okay and we're done just quit out of it and quit out of proton tricks as well okay so once you've got that done we're going to move Luke FC mods over as well so the common. zip and I'm just going to drag the files I'm going to drag all the files except for the optional ones okay okay just move them over and then also the a 2.zip okay also need to drag this over extract it over to your game folder where the rdr2 exe is right so that's done now we've moved all our mod files to the game now you need to go to your Steam and add the at the launch option so this is if you remember this is my non steam game double check it yeah yep games Red the Redemption to a yeah this is the non steam one G proton 743 make sure you're on this proton it doesn't work on other protons and then I'm going to type Wine D overrides I'll leave this in the description so you don't have to like type it you can just copy it and then I'm going to load win mm equals Native Native okay my keyboard's going a little bit weird Okay native comma builtin quotation marks and then percentage command percentage okay that's it that's it okay now let's just test it before we go into gaming mode just want to make sure that everything works we should see a mod window and this a little bit different from other ones the mod window just disappears it doesn't stay here right that's a little bit different from other games I'm not sure why that is but uh yeah so now I've got the game booted let's see if we can like select dlss I think that's an indicator whether or not like the mod is working and if it does work I'm just going to go into gaming mode and show you like any performance gains okay let's go into settings Graphics okay so I think everything else is the same it's on Ultra we should see Doss here okay right here you see Nvidia Doss it's off right now okay so I think the mod is working how you get the mod working just going to press alternate F4 quit the game he quit the game and let's go back to gaming mode that's what we want okay go back to gaming mode so I'll see you in gaming mode and we'll show you the any performance gains okay welcome back to my steam Dex gaming mode yeah let's just boot the game up so we've already done all the modding so we can just boot the game all right there's the mod window you can see it's disappeared it just loaded up and it just disappeared that's just the way it is okay go into the game and we have to turn on DSs which is not really DSS CU some people will like leave comments in the in the comments section saying that you know it's not really DS yes I know that okay so settings graphic okay so we're not going to change any of the settings except for this Nvidia Doss so I'm just going to put it on quality yeah I think quality would be good for now yeah and I'm just going to leave all the other settings alone so we can compare if we get any performance gains you know make sure that the make sure that the mod is actually working okay so make sure you like this video And subscribe if you haven't already he just wait for the game to boot up okay you can see we got some like see the UI the map like it's flickering and if we turn the camera we' got some ghosting on the character but we do have performance gain you can see the top left the FPS counter we're getting 40ish 50 remember we before we were on like 30ish yeah we do have gains but uh yeah I think work needs to be done for this mod to get rid of that UI flickering and the ghosting what is so yeah you can see St Dene with ultra settings we're running at like 40ish 50 but yeah still yeah got that flickering and the ghost thing that kind of bothers me hope it gets fixed this like really early this is the first version of The Mod that supports Red Dead Redemption 2 before like other versions of the mod before 0.9.0 they don't work this is the first version so it's really early on so I'm sure improvements will be made and I'm sure Luke FC is working on it because I was one of the testers I've actually tested some of these mods for him for Red Dead Redemption 2 so I know he's like he wants to fix it so yeah it's good so yeah so the mod is definitely working it's just that we need to fix that ghost thing and UI flickering stuff okay so I think uh yeah you know what's going on I'll leave it here hope this video helped you out if it did please leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in the next one later
Channel: Grown Up Gaming
Views: 5,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, fsr 3, fsr 3.0, FSR 3.0 Frame Generation Mod, steamos, rdr2, red dead, red dead redemption, red dead redemption 2
Id: AqJa6TlPF_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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