OLED Steam Deck: Low Medium High Max AAA games tested

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today we're going to check out the performance of different AAA titles on the OLED steam deck we're going to progress from low medium high Ultra every single type of settings that you can do and just check out the different performances it's pretty simple but sometimes it's nice to see how far you can push this little device we're going to be playing through Elden Ring The Witcher 3 cyberpunk 2077 and stray also it's great to see your beautiful faces make sure to subscribe hit that thumbs up and leave some comments to get this party going we're going to start off with Elden ring we'll jump into the settings make sure that we're at 800p and I'm going to start off with what I normally play in which is medium settings and we'll turn off that garbage motion blur cuz why why the steam deck is all completely stock just set at the 90 htz obviously this game's not going to hit 90 htz a lot of people like to complain that these AAA games can't play on the steam deck when it obviously can we hit 45 frames all the time we're above 30 always there are no dips there's no stutters the game plays beautifully on the steam deck so I'm not sure what people are all in arms about but now we're going to jump into locking it at 45 htz which is what I typically do sometimes I feel like I get a huge imp Improvement when I lock the Hertz on the steam deck other times it doesn't seem to make much of a difference at all if your game's not going to make it up to 90 HZ you might as well cap your frame rate at something that you feel comfortable doing anyways Steam OS makes it really simple so you can just make all these settings per the game so it doesn't hurt just set it all up exactly how you want it for the game that you play Elden ring at medium I think this is the sweet spot now let's jump back backwards and set everything to low but the only thing I'm going to change is the anti-aliasing because otherwise all the Shrubbery and everything just gets all crazy and looks terrible so I bumped that up other than that this is elen ring at low settings and we're still capping at 45 HZ on the steam deck to be honest I feel like medium gets such close performance that playing at low doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me but for science we'll just run around here and check out low settings for a little bit all right that's enough of low because no one should played in that now let's jump up to high again turning off motion blur but other than that everything at high quickly reset the game and we'll jump back in and test this out it's actually pretty impressive that we can even maintain close to 30 sometimes it's jumping up to 38 frames per second at high settings however there is a little bit of jittering going on and I wanted to see if we could remedy this by maybe lowering the Hertz on the screen to 30 and see if we could get a more solid 30 frames per second experience at high settings in Elden ring it does seem to help stabilize so there isn't such a big variant in dips and highs and keeps it a little bit more steady there at 30 but it still cannot maintain 30 it's kind of Dipping Below in the high 20s but honestly it kind of feels like tears of the Kingdom on the switch that it just can't quite perform on there but it's still playable so if you really wanted to I think you could absolutely play this game on high on the steam deck now for the real challenge maximum settings and we're going to just keep it at 30 HZ cuz obviously this is going to be difficult all right again just so impressed with this poor little sad weak handheld PC everybody likes to talk about how these other handhelds are so much better so much more power power but then look at how efficient and how much this can handle yes I understand you're probably not going to play this game at maximum but the fact that it can even somewhat hang out in the maximum realm is very impressive just for fun we'll set the maximum clock frequency so it's 1600 on the GPU and see if that gives us any boost to help maintain a more solid 30 frames per second which it doesn't seem like it's helping that much again if you were desperate to play this game at the maximum settings you could do this it's definitely not unplayable but I really think The Sweet Spot is those medium settings now it's time to try out cyberpunk 2077 we're going to kick things off just with the steam deck preset that they've already created which is honestly probably the thing that you you should try we're going to keep this steam deck at 90 HZ but I'm going to click on the manual GPU to, 1600 because in this game it seems to be making a massive difference this game is very impressive from where it first came from to where we're at now playing at 60 frames a second on the steam deck is pretty dang impressive and makes this game a perfect candidate for the steam deck the pre-made steam deck settings are an awesome welcome in all the games that do this however this game performs so well you can really kind of tailor it how you want hey also I just remembered that you guys keep coming and watching these videos and you're not subscribing so that would be really cool if you did that jell you that I'm okay I'm fine I'm doing great as you can see like I'm so good just really cool if you did that okay bye anyways here's like a quick little with the manual GPU set on vers off it's making a huge difference so I just wanted you to see that real quick now we're going to click over to the low preset and check out what we can get compared to the steam deck settings it's not giving us that much of better per performance so again this is another one of those situations where everything on low doesn't necessarily mean better frames per second or performance sometimes these devices can just handle and they're better optimized for different things and performances and so it doesn't hurt them to bump some things up and keep some things low this is a great example of that because we're at low settings and the whole point of this is to get higher frames per second we're going to change the FSR to ultra performance just to see how close can we get to 90 frames per second we're also going to manually set everything even lower than the low settings that I'm going to deem super low and would you look at that we hit 80 frames a second there for a second which is so wild to see AAA games like this one I mean it's not looking so great with with all these settings at low but still that's so wild to me that we can play these games at such a high frame rate I'm actually very curious does anybody see themselves playing this game at these super low settings because you prefer the higher frame rate more so than the graphics because I personally don't see myself doing that all right there is more science to be had so this is the medium quick preset cyberpunk at the medium settings on the OLED set to 90 htz I still have the manual GPU clocked on at Max because again it just made a huge difference in this game but it is certainly playable and just flirts with the 60 frames per second but it is a little more vitile here on the medium settings compared to even the steam deck preset what's up huh we're going to jump on to high settings which I noticed actually changed FSR to Quality so this is a double whammy everything's getting boosted up plus FSR is not going to be giving us the performance and look at that we're actually getting 45 frames per second pretty consistently here which is really good at high settings with that said there is some pretty substantial stuttering going on so it might be a little out of it weight class now it's time to get a little crazy and go to ultra settings on the steam deck but again pretty impressed because we're chilling around the 40 high 30s but the stuttering is very intense it makes it pretty unplayable so I'm going to see if we can c thez at 30 and see if a 30 frames second helps with the stuttering it's doing a good job of keeping itself at the high 20s and the 30 but it still seems to be pretty choppy and stuttery even at this point maybe it's not unplayable but compared to the other settings that still look phenomenal I don't think I'm going to be finding myself playing cyberpunk at ultra settings on my steam deck now for a fun little secret guys I got a mod that allowed me to install FSR 3 Yes you heard that correctly FSR 3 mod on cyberpunk so we're going to test that out ultra settings 90 htz FSR 3 and look at that the future is here now we're jumping into the 40s guys this technology is really going to help push forward the handheld PC gaming world and it also might be showing that valve might be on the right path choosing making the most efficient handheld PC that just gives you the best experience believing that in the future technology is going to help boost performance okay now let's go check out the steam deck preset but with FSR 3 set on and check out if we can get much better performance um okay this is awkward it is actually performing worse this is a clip from earlier just the stock steam deck settings no mod and it's getting into the 60s but then when we jump back into this FSR 3 mod it's dumping way down to the low 40s I don't know what's going on here it made a massive difference in the ultra settings but in the steam deck settings it's performing worse interesting it's time to jump into The Witcher 3 make sure all the settings are correct and we're going to hit low to start things off it's just hard to believe that the Witcher 3 is becoming an older AAA title because it still looks as good if not better than some current AAA titles and at low settings we're getting a pretty easy 40 frames per second on this game I would have loved to see 60 frames per second or maybe even 75 80 frames per second it does seem like cyberpunk has actually done a great job optimizing its performance I'd really love to see The Witcher being able to be played at 60 frames per second at least on the theme deck and maybe FSR 3 will do that in the future but I don't have that mod installed so we're going to jump to medium settings at medium the game seems to chill right in the mid 3030smd Minish the quality so much that I would rather play at like a 35 frames per second rather than jeopardize the quality of how good the visuals look in this game we're going to jump into high settings which is making me a little bit nervous because things aren't looking so great here it doesn't feel super optimized and yeah what do you know just barely trying to hit that 30 frames per second at the high settings it's not stuttering too much so this is actually pretty playable I would say okay honestly this is very playable and it looks so good playing games at 30 frames per second on a handheld small screen it's no big deal see we justify all these things ultra settings The Witcher 3 this is maybe going to be the breaking point I'm going to bump down the Hertz to 30 to give it a little bit more of a chance but even with that we're experiencing some very low 20s and some pretty harsh stuttering so now we're going to use FSR bring it to ultra performance just to see can we play at ultra settings unfortunately that did not help as much as I thought it was going to it did stabilize it so it's not as stuttery anymore and it's chilling at that 25 frames per second making it just barely playable but who wants to play this game at 25 frames per second I mean nobody right so this this is a fail this does not work FSR 3 might be the key to unlock Ultra but I don't have that yet so we'll have to wait for another day set it to RT cuz why not let's just go crazy here get some Ray tracing sure I'm sure this is going to be great I'm sure this is actually going to be how you want to play the game and what do you know it is definitely not playable but it's not performing much worse than ultra settings with Ray tracing on which is kind of cool and again I wonder if FSR 3 is going to remedy this could it take it from 20 frames per second and boost it all the way to 30 or 35 40 frames per second that might be a reach but still that's very very interesting and I'm very excited to try that in the future because right now rate tracing Ultra is what we're going to try since Ray tracing alone wasn't doing too shabby what do you this is interesting it's still locked at that 20 frames per second even from the regular okay there it dipped to the 19 it went into the teens but still pretty dang impressive now all I want to do is get the mod and try FSR 3 and see if we could get 30 frames per second at Ray tracing Ultra how insane would that be okay and now for the setting that you actually would probably use on a steam deck the steam deck settings and there it is 60 plus frames per second scratch everything I said earlier about wanting to play this game at 60 for some reason the low settings perform worse than the steam deck settings which is actually what we saw on cyberpunk as well and so this goes again to show you that you really do need to tweak your settings because all low doesn't necessarily mean better frames per second I feel like I'm sciencing so hard right now so we're going to go to FSR Ultra performance cuz I want to see how many frames per second can we get and apparently the answer to that question is a little bit less by using Ultra performance so apparently it does a better job on the steam deck presets in Auto than it does if you change it to ultra performance very strange I don't know how this magic works I'm no rocket scientist over here it it feels like Ultra performance should perform Ultra now we're going to jump into stray at low settings first off this game looks so good it was really hyped right when it came out but no one really talks about it anymore but it's a really good game to accompany you on the steam deck for sure and look at this we're getting into the 70s at low settings and again even at low this game looks amazing it's handling low at no problem so we're going to bump up into medium and even at medium we're still getting 50 to 60 frames per second no problem and it's looking gorgeous it's interesting cuz there's no FSR available for this game but if there was I almost feel like we could get it into the settings to get us the 90 frames per second which would be so epic we're still cruising at medium so we're going to bump it all up to high now we're starting to get to the 45 frames per second it even dips right into the high 30 sometimes but this is maxed out this is the highest quality you can set this game to in all reality every single stage low medium and high are viable options it just depends on how you want to experience the game do you want higher frames per second or better image quality that's kind of just a personal preference cuz they all work great
Channel: Nophace Tech
Views: 104,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hk_oLn9bR5s
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Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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