FSR 3 Frame Gen on GTX 10 Series GPUs?

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all right I've been doing a ton of FSR 3 testing but on gpus that are actually supported or even recommended by AMD for them to work uh and VI's RTX 4000 series recommended uh AMD 7,000 series and 6000 series recommended but uh even nvidia's 20 series is listed as supported I haven't tested any myself yet but their 10 series of gpus is lit like this uh 1060 we've got here this is going to be listed as supported for the upscaling but not for the new frame generation which is the main new feature now AMD says that their frame generation the interpolation and op Optical flow analysis happens using asynchronous compute and the 10 series of gpus is not known for good asynchronous compute so I'm very curious if we'll get any frame generation benefit at all because even though it says it's not supported that doesn't mean he can't click the button so what we're going to find out today is on a 1060 and a 1070 uh if we just click the frame generation button what happens now right now we have to test in Immortals of AVM uh there's also for spoken but I find it's working better in Immortals of avum and this game has a is very demanding it's Unreal Engine 5 it's very hard to run and low base frame rates will make this extra challenging but that's what we've got to work with today let's go ahead and just plug it in and see what happens all right Immortals of avum is an Unreal Engine 5 game and it does not offer a lot of scalability in its graphic settings I have already turned everything to the left we're on lows I think I left uh uh you know filtering at like 8X instead of 16 that shouldn't be that big of a deal but the point is um yeah we've got everything turned down and despite that the GTX 1060 is struggling we're at a native 1080p resolution and uh no upscaling on at this point so we are at 25ish frames per second staring this way and looking out over the city we've got uh even uh can drop a little bit lower into the lower 20s a lot more geometry there happening out into the distance this is a difficult scene to run and again screen capture cannot really like you're at 60 frames per second locked but it's not synced up to what we're seeing here the point is as I turn the camera it is very like you know you can see the gaps between frames if that makes sense we could use a higher frame rate it's also not very responsive feels very delayed on the mouse movement you wouldn't really want to play the game this way nvidia's uh performance overlay is telling me we've got about 170ish milliseconds 160 something it bounces around sometimes up as high as almost 180 or 200 uh milliseconds of uh PC latency and that's not even taking into account the um uh you know your mouse and and peripherals themselves anyway anyway uh if we kick on FSR 3 right we can't use dlss on a GTX card but FSR 3 has upscaling and the upscaling mode is supported on the 10 series but we can click the frame generation button we'll certainly play around with that but first of all uh actually you know what let's try the upscaling first so we could go native AA so this will run at Native resolution but using the FSR uh anti-aliasing at Full Resolution it looks like that actually does drop our performance a bit it looks like I'm down around 22 now looking at over here we're actually yeah a little bit lower so that does take a performance hit from there you could try frame generation uh let's see if it actually does anything for our frame rate remember this is technically unsupported and the uh 10 series gpus don't have great asynchronous compute which is how this computed however that did boost us to 37 now our PC latency did not really improve and as I pan the camera I mean I guess it's probably smoother but it's still very not smooth uh given that well I mean we're at a very low frame rate so this is not at all an ideal situation for using frame generation in fact um if my base frame rate was that low I think in a game that supports Nvidia reflex I'd probably get a better experience just kicking that on to cut down on latency so my mouse at least felt a little bit more responsive and if we go back to Native resolution without that uh that's cutting my PC latency down pretty significantly and while it's still large gaps between frames camera panning is not smooth I can tell you right now my uh hand motion and the screen feel a lot more tied together so it does certainly make the game feel a lot more responsive now the reason why I'm bringing that up is it doesn't appear to be compatible to use reflex with frame generation because if I kick this on again I've got to at least go to Native AA uh and kick on frame Generation Um it doesn't cut latency um when I when I have uh the Reflex on so for example here at least as it's reported here I don't have a hardware measurement tool uh we're near 200 milliseconds of latency around 190 something and if I go ahead and kick uh kick reflex off in the menu and apply the changes and back out here we're still pretty dang close to the 190 to 200 millisecond uh PC latency range meaning while the menu lets me turn it on with with frame generation enabled it doesn't appear to actually be doing anything when frame generation is enabled and so that actually does make a difference to how responsive the game feels if um anyway the point is this is honestly way too low of frame rates for frame generation to get have a good experience and frame generation is not a technology that's great for um boosting extremely low frame rates however we could try getting a higher base frame rate by using FSR 3 quality upscaling if I do that we can see that our performance now is around 37 frames per second 38 staring this way around 30ish going that way I have reflex enabled so it feels fairly responsive but it's still you know a very choppy camera pan but like I know a lot of us PC elitists with amazing Hardware want to pretend like playing a game at 30 frames per second is impossible but that's just not true you absolutely could play the game like this and the FSR 3 upscaler does look a bit pixelated especially in motion as I scroll side by side and I don't think we've had major improvements since the FSR 2 um uh upscaler however this is where again with a higher base frame rate still not very good let's see if it's able to compute both FSR quality and the frame generation and get any kind of boost out of that um latency gets worse uh but I think a lot of that is just that it's not compatible with reflex however staring this way we are around 60 frames per second now and as I Pan the camera again it's unclear how well this will pick up in a YouTube video because the camera shutter and your uh YouTube screen are not in sync with the frame being presented on the screen uh and we clearly drop down into the 40s as we pan this way but overall frame rates are higher and I think we have a smoother camera pan although again the loss of reflex and the low base frame rate uh does make this feel a little bit floaty I don't think this is a great experience uh from a latency perspective although many people would probably find it playable and might might be okay with this uh personally I'm not now I did just kick on a controller and I've got to say that on a controller uh I think this feels a lot better so I I'm more able to uh deal with a little bit of latency on my camera push right like I hit the camera push and then you see it move you see what I'm saying there's a tiny bit of delay there just not like a crazy amount but it feels a lot worse on a mouse movement because a mouse feels like a on toone motion and the the joysticks I guess I'm a little bit um more okay with some latency on that but I would say that I still do not feel like this is working well from a base frame rate but here's the good news it is actually generating frames right the actual frame rate is higher so the technology does seem to be working it just doesn't feel good on this low of a base frame rate and if we had a game that was just less demanding to run than this one uh again we're already at the low settings um then I think what this might might actually work pretty well um but again we we don't have a lot of games to choose from at the moment now we could go to a more aggressive upscale so I'm going down to dlss uh sorry FSR 3 balanced so this is lowering uh the internal rendering resolution and with frame generation off I get uh reflex again and that helps it feel more responsive now I've heard some people say you can force reflex through Special K with FSR 3 uh active um I don't know if that's true I have not tested that myself but it's uh you know homework for you maybe you could play around with that okay this feels more responsive uh again I think it's it's more immediate when I when I press the button and when I get motion on screen but like I said uh we have a higher slightly higher base frame right now we could try frame generation see how that goes okay so it's boosting us into the 70s here uh scrolling this way we're not quite locking to 60 a higher base frame rate is now making my mouse Mo motions not feel um as bad so again the the the base frame rate is making this feel more playable and we do get increased smoothness as we Pan the camera uh due to the um you know generated frames which it does seem to be generating at least some amount of frames uh if we go down to a base performance resolution again if I could first try frame generation off it looks like our base frame rate now staring this way not moving is 60 but as we Pan the camera it can go a lot lower down into 40ish range but we have a higher base frame rate to work with now this feels pretty responsive the upscaling is starting to look extremely pixelated especially as things get discluded so like when this fence passes over that stuff in the background especially like the trees back there it takes them a second to kind of reconstruct what's going on behind them and it's pretty pixelated in motion as you kind of scroll side by side but again we're asking a lot from this upscaler and it is boosting the base frame rate and the game does feel fairly playable if I go ahead and kick frame generation on with that base frame rate uh let's see what happens here so we are boosting beyond what we were without it so it is working in the sense that it is generating frame and actually panning this way we are staying around 60 now this is a 120 HZ screen what I'm actually curious about doing next um what if somebody has a 60 HZ display I wonder if we could try to achieve a locked 60 with vsync um at these settings just for fun and see how that feels I'll uh go back to display settings and and do that I'll be right back okay it actually does look like we have achieved in almost locked we do dip a little bit at times in motion depending on what's going on on the screen but fairly close to a locked 60 frames per second again using all of the FSR 3 we're on performance upscaling things are looking pixelated we've got frame generation on which means I don't have access to reflex uh and that means that we are um uh I I definitely feel a little bit of a disconnect between when I push the button and when something happens so there's definitely a bit of a disconnect there however if I do a slow pan things are shimmery from the Reconstruction but like the um the image is looking smooth cuz we are at a nice 60 frames per second on that nice camera Pan and the frame pacing actually feels fairly smooth we did see a drop to 59 where I did feel like I had a little bit of a jutter now the the screen capture that you're seeing might not be as sync to what I'm seeing here but that camera pan did look very smooth uh I'm going to go ahead and turn frame generation off uh at this 60fps uh you know numbers although we're we're not 60fps anymore and if I try that same camera pan this is a lot more juty now I will also say that I currently have uh g-sync disabled so we're on a normal 60 HZ display as if you didn't have g-sync or anything like that so that's looking a lot more juty um however responsiveness wise again reflex enabled now it does feel a lot more responsive so I will say that it feels better to play with the generated frames off in this case it really does feel like there's a much uh better connection between my mouse motion and what's happening on the screen but I do think it looks better uh to have frame generation on in the sense that camera pans do actually look a lot smoother although um again it is taking a hit to losing reflex so there's the generated frame latency but there's also just the I don't get to use reflex latency uh which does seem to matter here pretty significantly um anyway I think the main good news is it does seem to actually be generating frames uh because the camera pans legitim do uh smooth out with it enabled so that is working I'd like us to see if a 1070 has a better job here but once again I want to point out that if FSR 3 ends up in more games and maybe at games that run at a higher base frame rate I think this card might do better and like I said it is generating frames um it's just not feeling particularly responsive coming from this low of a base frame rate um it feels a lot better coming from a uh a Higher One and again with reflex enabled that helps out let's try out the 1070 all right we're now on the 1070 and we're achieving 33 frames per second steering this way and uh little bit over I was going to say we do dip under 30 at times facing this way and especially in motion uh we can definitely dip into the 20s currently we are at the low everything just like we were on the 1060 we're at 1080P and right now vsync is off uh uh let's see uh uh reflex is off FSR 3 is off all of that so this is native 1080p none of that stuff going on latency is reporting around 130ish and turning the camera again feels a little sluggish but you know you can play games around 30 frames per second and at least we are achieving that at a native uh 1080p here on the 1070 but let's go ahead and see what happens if we try out some things once again um reflex is available if I'm not using frame generation and that does cut latency significantly and this part's a little harder for you to see but I can tell you that my mouse movements now feel a lot more connected to my uh to my game so while things still look very choppy I am getting um uh I am feeling like you know you you could play the game around 30 it's certainly a thing you could do now uh if we go FSR 3 upscaling we could now go to the Quality setting although uh we could try frame generation from the base of around 30 uh so if I go native AA actually first so native AA which can still keep again the upscaling can still keep Reflex on our base frame rates do dip into the 20s on camera motion uh which isn't great uh and and then uh I don't want to restart the chapter no thank you what I would like to do is kick on frame generation again frame generation is now going to lose my access to reflex despite what the menu says and now we are generating frames but it's still not super high I feel less connected to the mouse but it did actually increase frame rate 55 is standing still camera panning back and forth we do get dips into the upper 30s but mostly same seems to stay into the 40s and then if we go ahead and kick frame gen back off we can compare that okay standing still here we're only a little bit over 30 camera panning this way we dip into the 20s so it is certainly adding in frames smoothing out the video and all that and um I realize I should have had they do re AMD specifically recommends vsync on when you are using frame generation so when you're using frame generation they actually do specifically recommend vsync on and they also recommend a um uh sorry they recommend uh frame uh frame rate limiting at half your monitor's max refresh rate uh combined with vsync on in the game uh there's a some documentation about uh other such things but anyway so vsync on frame generation on we're certainly getting more frames but let's go ahead and try to get a higher base frame rate so again graphic settings are already as low as we can get so let's go head and kick on um Quality upscaling kick frame generation back off frame gen off quality upscaling standing still our base frame rate does get to 55 however looking this way it's significantly lower around 41 and Camera panning can drop into the 30s feels responsive enough to play uh again with reflex helping out with that um and then we can try kicking on frame generation from this base again now I'm going to lose access to reflex so uh PC latency is going to go up and there'll be a little bit of generated frame latency however we are hitting 83 just standing still here so it's definitely generating frames and I will say that the camera panning motion absolutely uh looks smoother to me in person so it's working and we do dip to around 60 or so uh we can dip a little bit below that at times and I will say that despite the fact I think you know we're losing access to reflex um the PC latency right now is a lot better than what we were getting um on the 1060 just because we have the higher base frame rate uh to achieve 60 FPS this way and this feels a lot less bad to me uh than what we were getting when we were getting to round 60 from the um from the 1060 I think we have the higher base for frame rate or something uh anyway we could go down to a more aggressive upscale if we go all the way down to Performance mode and again kick frame generation off so no frame generation just upscaling standing still we're at a base of around 70 looking this way does dip into the upper 40s and hover then around 52 once we're standing still in motion it looks like we can dip into the 4S again things are looking a lot more pixelated but our base frame rate's pretty good uh the game feels pretty responsive es especially again because reflex is now actually uh working and then now we can uh kick on frame generation from this base so from this base okay we actually are generating frames up to 97 while standing still looking this way it looks like it'll be at 80 standing still in motion we dip into the 70s hey maybe got a 75 HTS monitor you're trying to vsync too um or you could set your monitor to that uh we're currently not locked to that but I've got to say actually this feels responsive enough it does feel less responsive than when I had frame gen off plus Reflex on um but you know not every game is going to offer a reflex so that is another thing we could look at this particular game has reflex available if I have FSR 3 uh frame generation turned off but not every game's going to have that so I could just turn reflex off to get a better comparison for if this was a different game right so reflex off um I'm getting a feel for the the the responsiveness of the camera and then I'm going to generate the frames it feels slightly slightly more floaty slightly more floaty um not terrible though I think a lot of people would would actually be fine with this and if this did help you reach your monitor's refresh rate uh cool stuff and one of the main things is that this is actually working we are able to generate frames increase the frame rate and we can tell that it is actually smoothing out uh camera motion uh since on a smooth camera pan I do get less gaps in the frames than if we had frame generation uh turned off so frame generation turned off here less uh less gaps in the frames with it on so so it does seem to be actually working which is cool my kids are I hear them coming in the door right now getting home from school I was filming this video between getting home from work and them getting home from school so hopefully this was interesting it does seem to be working on 10 series cards I don't have a 1080 or a 1080 TI or time to test them right now if I did but hopefully you guys found this video useful and or interesting the main conclusion seems to be that you can turn on frame generation if you get a high enough it does seem to generate frames and if you can get a high enough base frame rate you should give it a whirl and you know maybe it will be something that you would like to use and I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 189,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uGkW-IGahrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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