Don't Buy the WRONG GPU!!! BEST GPUs to Buy in February 2024

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last month was absolutely insane with GPU launches I cannot remember the last time we had what was it four gpus launch within about two or three weeks of each other we had three new super gpus from Nvidia as well as the 7600 xd6 gigabyte from AMD and all of these have changed the price performance calculations in their price points both with their own new price as well as how that has forced the prices of other products to change in reaction to it so last month I SK my best GPU to buy in each price range video but here we are back and the whole landscape does indeed look different and you know what certain price points have better value than others some have changed a lot some have changed a little so if you need to reach a certain price point that has the performance and value you're looking for don't forget to sell your old GPU to fund your upgrade so many people missed this and today's sponsor ja. can offer you the simplest and fastest way to sell your GPU honestly a lot of people take out their old GPU or or take their whole old system if they're doing a full new build set it in the garage or the closet and it just sits there make its value work for you on your upgrade now I know a lot of people avoid the sale of their old GPU because they're like ah I don't want to deal with like making the listing myself I'm not sure what to do do I sell this locally am I going to get mugged all of that so if want to take the hassle out of the experience ja. can do that for you you tell them their uh your GPU model and condition they give you an instant offer that instant offer includes shipping factored in so you print out a free shipping label and mail them the GPU they inspect it make sure everything checks out and most sellers get paid within one business day after the part is received now you can also list it yourself and you can also check out their used options uh using Code ow And1 you can save $10 off your first purchase by selling uh by uh following the link in the video description and or pinned comment again make your old Hardware work for you to fund that upgrade now today's video we are going to be focusing more on the new market and I'll be survey surveying a variety of retailers in the New Market to compare prices so not just msrps but they actual you know lowest prices available currently and recently and usually I start at the lowest prices but today I am going to be uh actually jumping in with what has changed the most since uh since the last couple of months you know after we got these new super launches what has happened and there's certain gpus right now that I think are the most exciting options and then we'll go back and revisit other price points if these uh more exciting options aren't in the price point that fits your budget so I think the most exciting deal I have seen recently L as a result of the Super Series upsetting the price points um that we had seen currently is seeing the 7900 XT 20 GB graphics card from AMD hit a price as low as $ 66999 now unfortunately that's due uh you know only getting that price uh with a temporary coupon code yes I say coupon Not coupon that's how I was raised anyway uh but even at $699.99 it's still definitely something to consider the coupon code has been kind of going in and out on availability so your mileage may vary when you click the link but that has been pretty exciting this GPU originally launched at a $900 MSRP then it was widely available for around 800 briefly Dro down to 750 at times but with the super lineup putting pressure on it uh hitting the uh the $700 down to 670 as we're seeing here actually makes this very attractive option if you're looking for a GPU that'll have a lot of longevity you will not have any vram concerns any of that however this is an AMD option and some people are going to be more attracted to nvidia's feature set so there are also some uh Nvidia options that are more exciting than what we had seen previously so uh I think the most exciting option from nvidia's new Super Series lineup is the 4070 super so the 40 70 super uh came in at a $600 MSRP a lot of people were worried it would not actually be available at that price but not only are there a bunch available at that price we're even seeing uh one model drop $10 below that MSRP and the 4070 super is offering uh I think the best value of nvidia's um you know mid-range and up lineup now it has 12 GB of vram not 20 like we just saw on the 7900 XT however 12 GB of vram for 1080P and 1440p gaming is fine right now but there are games right on that borderline which does mean if you're somebody who's going to be hanging onto your graphics card for you know uh several Hardware Generations we're talking you know maybe you're the kind of person who keeps it for five or six years yes it is possible that you'll be turning down textures and things like that to manage the 12 GB vram in a few years but I don't think it'll be by any means obsolete uh you just will have that uh that to consider now again this the 470 super and the 7900 XT are not really offering you the same type of performance the 7900 XT uh also again is costing about $100 more right now so uh these aren't direct competitors uh but I think this is the most exciting Nvidia GPU in this General ballpark I think most people would be very happy with either of these purchases now which one would you be more drawn towards again if you're concerned con erned about vram and that just makes you nervous AMD is offering a lot more uh with that 7900 XT or you could even step down uh to the uh 7800 XD but let's talk about this 470 super for a minute here uh this uh has basically replaced the for well the 470 is still available but has shifted down in the um uh in the pricing structure so the 470 nons super is still available its official MSRP is now 550 but it is now available as low as $530 on the actual Market with a couple of options now with that being said the 4070 super is still offering at least as good performance per dollar and possibly better depending on exactly Which models you're looking at and what time you're purchasing so in my opinion if your budget allows it and you're going the Nvidia route going to the 4070 super rather than just the 4070 does in fact make sense now um uh so basically I I think both of these would be really good options and they're the mo uh so the 470 super and the 7900 XD I think are the most exciting products um uh in terms of pricing adjustments and availability now if they're just too expensive and $500 is your limit uh the other nice thing about this launch is like I said it has pushed down the price of the 4070 nons super which is still available like I said 550 officially 530 on the actual retail market and by pushing down the price of the 40 70 it's also pushed down the price of the 7800 XT which has a $500 MSRP but had been selling for closer to 530 to 550 on the actual Market until we got that super lineup now it's not only had multiple models push down to their actual MSRP of $500 we're actually now seeing multiple models push down $10 below that MSRP to $490 which means if $500 is your ab absolute ceiling the 7800 XT with its 16 GB of vram and more raw performance when you're not Ray tracing than a 4070 is a very attractive option that being said um you know I do think you are getting more for your money if you go up to either a 4070 super or even the 7900 XT but we're starting to talk large price gaps right so at the $500 price point and you can't go up anymore uh the 7800 XD is by no means some kind of big compromise now the main difference you're getting here if you're considering what about the 7800 XT versus the 470 non super it's not that big of a price difference honestly in raw rasterized performance yes the 7800 XT is slightly faster on average but game by game either one can win and Nvidia does have a better uh you know overall feature set let's actually talk about that right now so the biggest differences between AMD and Nvidia um from a gaming perspective I'm not going to get into productivity workloads and all that that's not what this video is about uh is uh Ray tracing performance and image up the the quality of their upscaling so in Ray tracing performance I think the higher you go up the product stacked the more relevant that is because Ray tracing even though Nvidia is faster at the same product tier doesn't always mean it's fast enough to wear Ray tracing especially at the heavy settings that are actually meaningful to the you know game Graphics are going to be very usable the 4070 is kind of right on that borderline it's good enough rate tracing that you might uh might have that be a selling point okay um but that really is going to depend on some personal preferences and what types of Ray tracing experiences you're looking for uh as you go further down the product stack rate tracing becomes less relevant because you probably won't use it as you go farther up the product stack uh people who are interested in single player triple blade games um are uh you know might find Ray tracing to be even more compelling the other big thing like I said is the quality of the upscaling so FSR versus dlss they both lower the internal rendering resolution of the game in order to increase performance they then use temporal data to try to reconstruct an image that looks more like your monitor's native rendering resolution so they do the same thing but Nvidia does it better in general in my own testing as well as if you look at other channels that have compared these uh dlss does uh constructs a more stable image you'll see less flickering you will see less shimmering um especially as character models move and uncover and cover objects or move quickly FSR will look more pixelated and fizzly around the edges dlss will look more stable so in general if you will be upscaling you will get a similar performance boost for the from the two technologies but nvidia's output image quality will look better which can make it be a situation where you would use it or use it more aggressively than you would on AMD which can then B ultimately result in you running games at a higher frame rate if you're using these Technologies more because they are more usable uh you know it's it's hard for YouTube compression to really show the exact differences and you kind of need to experience it a bit in person uh but that that is I I my opinion a major selling point for NVIDIA because uh games are starting to be more designed with upscaling in mind uh where you know especially like Unreal Engine 5 and things like that scale all performance extremely with the rendering resolution so it's definitely something to consider when making the purchase that being said um they are both usable uh and uh let's go ahead and move on with our discussion here so at the 500 at the if you can't go above $500 the 7800 XT I think is the Best Buy and I don't think people are going to be disappointed with this and again you could spend a little bit more money to get the 4070 nons super and get a similar uh experience with less vram but a better upscaler and possibly more usable uh ra racing experience anyway I think we're kind of out of the big really exciting changes for this month so let's talk about the uh maybe still good news but possibly less exciting changes so the 4070 TI super um now this is honestly just going to be outside of most people's uh price range it's $800 MSRP and it is available at that MSRP the big deal here is this has now made it to where you can get a 16 GB Nvidia GPU for significantly less money than you could before and I mean technically had the 4060 TI 16 gab version as an option before but that one's just not very strong so if you wanted a strong 16 gbyte GPU from Nvidia not from AMD previously you had to buy the 480 which was a $1,200 MSRP and it was staying near that price point in that $ 11 to $1200 range with the 470 TI super you can now get that 16 GB of vram which can help increase uh you know or decrease your worries about that being an issue um and you're starting to get into the performance tier where 1440p heavyduty Ray tracing modes are very actually use able and so um you might want to go the Nvidia route so I think at the $800 price point the 4070 TI super is very interesting again if you're wanting to go with those Nvidia features Ray tracing is a selling point you don't want to get caught short on vram uh the 4070 TI super has I think done something but to be clear if you compare the 4070 super for $200 less versus the 470 TI super for for $200 more price to Performance Wise from a straight how many dollars you're spending per frame uh you know or how many frames per second you're getting per dollar the 470 non-ti super offers better value that being said it offers you less vram so you you know you're you're definitely paying more for that hardware and then also again as you buy more performance uh you can open up new experiences to be more usable and I do think that the heavy rate tracing experiences are a lot more usable again at 1440p I don't think it's great at 4K but a lot more usable on the 4070 TI super uh than um than when you're below that performance tier so not as good of value but it is offering something we didn't have before uh the Super Series launched okay so at this point let's start jumping into the other areas where I don't think we've had as exciting of changes the for uh let's start at the um you know let's just rule out the gpus at the top and let's get to the gpus a lot of people would actually be buying which is the lower pricing points so the other super launch we haven't discussed yet is the 4080 super uh this came in with a $999 MSRP and if you can find it at that price point it's actually pretty interesting and I do think it is definitely worth buying over the 7900 XTX from AMD this 7900 xdx from AMD needs to cut pricing and actually now that I'm looking at it it looks like it's starting to do so we're starting to get it dropping to it looks like about $920 here um I'd still like to see it drop further if you could find a uh a 480 super for around that ,000 price point I think I'm going to need more than a $100 price gap between these and I think the XTX needs to position itself closer to the 4070 TI super than to the 4080 super it offers about the same Riz performance as the 480 super it does have more vram but I think 16 GB is fine um so I don't think that's a major selling point but the 4080 super is strong enough for those heavy Ray tracing uh workloads especially uh at 1440p resolution and again you have the other feature set advantages like the better upscaler and things like that and like I said the higher you go up the product stack the more relevant I think those things are and so the 7900 xdx needs to be in a different price class than the 480 super for it to make sense now the 480 super hasn't been very available at its MSRP currently I'm seeing a couple models listed uh well one model listed at its MSRP but I actually checked this out and it's not really available it's like a notify me when it's available so if these actually come back in stock at their ,000 price point I do think the 480 super is the best value at a th you know the best GPU to buy at $1,000 but it's offering you again even less price to Performance than the 470t I super which is offering you less price to Performance than the 470 super but anyway the best GPU at around $1,000 if you can find it at its MSRP is the 4080 super but if it's going much above its MSRP I think just saving money and getting that $800 4070 TI super makes more sense now pass the the 4080 is basically exactly the same thing so the 480 and the 480 super um are the same performance so buy whichever one's cheaper although you know I it was actually striking me that I bet in the in the resale Market when you eventually sell your GPU in the future having that super on it might actually end up uh making it priced better uh just knowing how people function right uh it says super on it so even if they perform the same it might end up holding its resale value better although I can't guarantee that that's just a thought in the future anyway um but again if you're actually just looking for at the performance uh buy whichever one is cheaper pretty much between the 48 and 480 super they perform the same uh you also have the 4090 but the pricing on these well it's was well over $2,000 for a while it's starting to creep back down but it's still very expensive the cheapest models I'm seeing in stock are about $1,800 right now and it's only about 30% faster than the 480 super that being said if you want to use heavy Ray tracing features at 4K resolution I do think the 4090 is the only GPU that actually does that comfortably so um if you want that then maybe the 4090 can be worth that extra performance jump it's not good value but you are buying a new experience that you don't have available I think from from lower CL uh lower GPU classes so 490 Is Not Great Value so basically to summarize 490 if you have your money to burn it does offer you an experience at 4K that other gpus don't at about $11,000 the 480 super is the Best Buy if you can find it at its MSRP they they do Pop in stock but they're a little hard to find and don't spend much more than $1,000 for one and the XTX I think needs to drop close like the $850 price point before it's very exciting um like I said at $800 the 4070 TI super offers something compelling uh but below that point I think amd's 7900 XT makes a lot of sense at $700 or especially at 670 if you can get that discount code that we've seen popping in the um uh again at $600 the 470 super is nvidia's current I think Best Value in their more high performance lineup and then uh at the $500 price point I don't think you can really choose wrong between the 7800 XD and the 470 nons super they both make a lot of sense and if you can't go over $500 the 7800 XD is a great product now let's go into where um I think more people are actually buying um which is in the $200 to $300 price point now AMD did launch the 7600 XT 16 GB graphics card at the $330 price point however I just don't think it's worth that it's just not exciting because the thing is am uh if you pair it up against the 4060 and the 4060 is nvidia's closest price competitor it's available as low as $285 right now and uh the 4060 and the 7600 XT are honestly kind of a tossup like in the end I think I'd rather have the 16 GB of vram for the sake of longevity keeping uh certain graphic settings up not having to think about it as much over the long term but it's really not offering you much more performance than the 4060 and it has a worse upscaler and because these gpus aren't very powerful if you're trying to use them especially at 1440p um You probably will be upscaling in which case the um the Nvidia GPU uh will offer that more stable image quality and maybe you could get by with more aggressive upscaling settings so like I said it it doesn't offer a strong like this is just miles better than the 4060 and it does cost a lot more it costs noticeably more at this price point so it's just not that exciting and AMD already offered the 6700 XT at around this price point for a long time which is actually faster the problem is these are finally drying up my my previous recommendation around the $300 price point has been the 6700 XD for a long time but at this point I'm only seeing one model in stock Bel $400 and it's at 350 which well that's not an awful deal it's a worse deal than we've seen for a long time um so honestly guys it's just I really don't see anything exciting around $300 I think um man like like honestly I'd probably kind of avoid the $300 price point either save up more money or uh you know maybe actually spend less and then upgrade set that money aside and upgrade sooner like like I'm not kidding there's really nothing that exciting there the 4060 I think from literally just a value prop proposition I hate that it's 8 GB of vram and I think that that will be a bit of a headache as time goes on but I think it's it's if you want the um if you're going to be using upscaling to boost performance uh and you're not getting a lot of performance here so that might be a very realistic use case then I think the 4060 might be kind of my my choice right now around the $300 price point because I'm just not sure the the uh the 7600 XD is worth that that much extra money even if I might rather have it if that makes any sense sense um I don't think at this performance tier Ray tracing uh is a major selling point in some games the 40 60s Ray tracing is somewhat usable but I don't think it's a major selling point I think it's that upscaler and you're getting about the same performance for for um uh noticeably less money compared to the 7600 XT now you could look at saving money with the 7600 non-xt which is also an 8 gab product uh and it comes in at $260 but the thing is if you're going to go with the AMD route on an 8 GB GPU at roughly this performance tier I actually think it makes sense to save money and go with the previous generation 6650 XT this card is not quite as fast as the 7600 or the 4060 but it's coming in at $230 and honestly if I'm buying an 8 GB graphics card I think the um you know the $200 is price point feels a lot better than the $300 price point and that's where we're at right here so I think um hon ly in the $230 to $330 price point that we're looking at here I think what I would choose is if I'm going AMD I would get the $230 6650 XT and if I'm going Nvidia I would get the 460 and I think either of those decisions can make sense and I think it mostly depends on how much are you planning on using upscaling to boost your performance and extend the longevity of the GPU um in which case the the premium to buy the the Nvidia GPU could make sense I wouldn't have Ray tracing be your main main selling point at this performance tier uh so the 46 uh so so anyway I think these would be my my standouts in this general price point now if you can't go over $200 I think amd's 6600 makes sense the 6600 is um not as good as a 6650 but it's not massively slower and it's available as low as $190 right now now does Nvidia have anything competing in this price point I mean there's the 3050 the 3050 is 8 GB and it's at about $220 right now so that's really competing against the 6650 XT which absolutely crushes it and even the 6600 uh non XT uh at at you know $190 is actually faster than the 3050 so uh I don't think the 3050 makes any sense now Nvidia is uh about to launch a 30506 g which are some of them are actually already available to kind of pre-order right now and the thing with these is I think they have a place in the market but it's not for most people uh again the 6600 non-xt from AMD already is faster than the 8 GB 3050 and the 6 GB 350 is being cut down considerably from there it's about 20% slower if not more and you lose the vram its major selling point is it it's is its power draw only doesn't require an external power connector so if you have a small small form factor like office PC that you're kind of trying to pop a GPU into to kind of make an extreme budget gaming PC the 3056 GB might end up making sense for that kind of Niche but in general for a normal gaming PC the 6600 is the best GPU to buy under $200 and I really wouldn't go much below this price point otherwise you're making too many big compromises and maybe look at the used Market or something like that if if you have to go Les less than this so um now some of you might be wondering what about Intel what about Intel okay you do have the a750 a price at about $25 to $210 right now the problem is while it can offer more performance than the 6600 um it's not that much more and again you're fairly close in price to the 6650 XT as well from AMD and the problem here is that Intel gpus while their drivers and software support has gotten significantly better over time it's m it's just miles better than when they launched I am currently testing out my a770 and I'm still running into issues and game support issues that I don't see on AMD and Nvidia AMD and Nvidia gener not they never have issues but in general games will just kind of work and you won't often run into major problems the same still cannot be said about Intel gpus even today the the issues are much less frequent but they are still there so I think for a general audience um the a750 is probably not the safest bet although it's not a terrible Choice it has gotten a lot better and the a770 for that matter the 16 GB card is coming in at basically the same price as an RTX 4060 and despite the 16 gbes of vram uh I think the 4060 is a better choice there and I am updating my testing on the a770 right now and I will have a head-to-head ref refreshed head-to-head on this um but uh this the spoilers I I still think it actually makes more sense if you're going to go inel the a750 is the better value but I think it'd be a safer bet to go with the AMD products in that price range okay so at this point we've talked about almost all of the price points um again my recommendations around $200 are if you can't go uh if you have to be below 200 get the 6600 from AMD if you can spend a little bit more get the 6650 XT and if you can get to around $300 and you want the Nvidia upscaling maybe grab the 460 but that kind of leaves us in in the uh I had a $500 recommendation and I have kind of a$2 or $300 recommendations what is going on in between and the bad news is really nothing interesting AMD has the 7700 XD uh which at $420 just honestly save the extra $60 to buy a 7800 XT and you get more vram and more performance uh enough more performance that that it just makes a lot more sense to save up the extra money for the 7800 XT um the previous generation 6800 non-xt used to be available for around 380 is from time to time but now it's 410 so that's not particularly exciting either and um the then Nvidia is offering its 4060 TI products which are just not exciting the 460 TI 8 gbyte is $375 at the cheapest and goes up to $390 and $400 quickly from there and 8 GB of vram is not worth it at that price point this is just bad value you maybe if you're going to be playing Esports games the vram doesn't matter and you'd like to have Nvidia reflex and just the raw performance so maybe in that situation uh pick up some the 4060 TI 8 gab uh there's a 16 GB version which solves the the the vram issue but now it costs $435 at the cheapest and most models are $450 and if you're spending $450 uh just please save up the $335 extra what $40 extra and buy yourself a78 00 XD it's just significantly better um graphics card so um honestly I don't recommend any gpus between the $300 and $500 price point they're just bad value now I'm not saying you can't buy them or you shouldn't buy them they're just not good value and today's video is what are the best value gpus on the market so anyway uh these are my recommendations the overall summary is if you can't spend more than $200 uh buy an RX 6600 from AMD if you can in the $200 to $300 price point the 6650 XT from AMD is the best value and it gets you very similar performance to to uh uh more expensive products like the 7600 the 4060 and even the 7600 XT 16 gab isn't all that much faster if you want nvidia's upscaling uh feature set um then the 4060 is uh the best value in this below $300 price point and there are you know there's arguments uh that that is the GPU to buy past this point nothing's very good value until you hit amds 7800 XT 7800 XT so if you're kind of stuck in that mid in that in between price point honestly look at the used Market can you find any good deals on like a used 3080 or something like that it kind of depends on the prices you can find but explore the used market and things like that but on the new market the 7800 XD is the next GPU that makes a lot of sense and the 4070 can also make some sense if you want to spend a bit more to get the better upscaler and more and some pretty usable Ray tracing performance uh the 4070 super is the most exciting product from a value proposition in nvidia's high performance lineup um uh and so I think at $600 if that's if that's your price point if you can go up to that point I think this is a very uh a very good value product honestly um amd's uh most exciting high-end product is the 7900 XD coming in at $699 9.99 and occasionally getting discounted below that um and so if you if you're concerned about 12 GB of vram and you just want a lot more raw performance you're not that excited about Ray tracing the 7900 XT uh getes you a lot for $700 past this point the 4070 TI super makes sense if you want to go Nvidia you want Ray tracing you want their upscaler and you want 16 GB of vram everything Beyond this not very exciting um if you want a recommendation past this point if you can find the 4080 super at its actual MSRP uh of $1,000 it is I think more exciting than the 7900 xdx if it's priced anywhere near within $100 of each other and then the 490 offers things that that the other gpus don't if you're playing 4K with with like path tracing features and things like that but it's not great value all right that's it for this month I do one of these every month so stay tuned to the channel and um I hope all of you have an excellent day also huge thank you to channel members who have clicked the join button to directly support the channel financially that allows me to do things like uh buy the 7600 XT 16 gigabyte for that big review and things like that uh and more it also uh but you know I totally understand that not everybody has uh you know is in a financial position to do that so huge thank you to viewers subscribers uh commenters all of that you're all beautiful people and again I hope you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 98,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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