Yes, DLSS 3 works on 20 and 30 series GPUs. But what does that even mean?

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this slide is an absolute mess I talked about this in a recent video with the introduction of dlss 3.5 and I was trying to clarify which GPU support which features and this is the official slide from nvidia's slide deck that's supposed to be doing this and this confused a lot of people and um I think people started getting confused uh when dlss3 was first announced and now the introduction of 3.5 is making that even more confusing I'm going to jump over here this is like a headline we saw from a PC Gamer article there's a lot of other articles from other places saying similar things when dlss 3 first came out saying things like dlss3 is exclusive to the 40 series and the problem is that that's not actually true is it's only true if you think dlss3 means frame generation and this is where Nvidia I think has gotten themselves into trouble with their branding of these Tech Technologies I think dlss was so um successful and so highly regarded that when they created the new frame generation feature they decided to call it dlss and I really don't think they should because dlssd deep learning super sampling is a super resolution technology you render the game at a lower internal resolution and then it outputs an image that it you know tries to reconstruct to look like a higher output resolution frame generation doesn't do that frame generation is a type of uh of of interpolation you're looking at a image a normal frame your game generates then you look at some game data motion vectors pointing to where these objects are going and then you get most of the next frame rendered and then a type of interpolation happens between those to generate a in-between frame right and and then that's why your frame rate increases but it's really not doing at all the same thing as super resolution which is just allowing your game to run into lower internal resolution right these are entirely different features and then with dlss 3.5 um uh we have the introduction of Ray reconstruction which is really uh a better denoiser for uh for Ray tracing it's a better Ray tracing denoiser this one at least is more of a super resolution technology it seems like more like the original dlss uh in that the idea is to have a smaller number of rays but then kind of reconstructed into a uh a more detailed image with better denoising that type of thing however the confusion now is that there's really three technologies that are not the same thing all under the dlss umbrella and with the introduction of 3.5 um it's now even more confusing which gpus support which Technologies and once again uh this uh slide right here that was supposed to be explaining this from Nvidia I think is very hard to read because this isn't how most consumers want to think about it so really what they're doing is that dlss 3.5 well let's start out with this when dlss was just version one and two it was just a super resolution technology with the introduction of dlss3 you then introduced the frame generation technology but you still had super resolution under that umbrella and then DLS 3.5 is now adding on a third technology but the problem is these are supported by different gpus right so let's try to um fix their chart I think this might be useful for people I might blind you because I'm just opening up a Google Docs okay so here's the thing I think that Nvidia honestly should have dropped the whole numbering scheme when it came to introducing the new technologies this is what's confusing people so I think what we what we're going to do is we're going to make this chart without putting dlss 2 or 3 or 3.5 in the chart at all instead let's show which gpus support which feature so dlss super resolution is supported by RTX 20. uh sorry uh yeah 20 RTX um 30 and RTX 40 series gpus and we would assume as more RTX gpus come along we'd get more of them but you can't support it on any GTX gpus uh that didn't have that same kind of tensor cores that that is running on then we had what Nvidia called dlss3 but really it was uh introduction of an entirely new feature called frame generation and I think putting the DL in front is reasonable because it is a you know a deep learning you know there was an AI training uh that uh assisted making this technology um a frame generation is just not doing the same thing as super resolution right which was the original dlss anyway frame generation this is only supported on the RTX 40 series nvidia's um stated reason for this is that it requires a certain amount of optical flow accelerator Hardware dedicated Hardware on the GPU in order to run their algorithm at least well enough that they're happy with it and it gets the results that they want now of course the 20 and 30 series still have some Optical flow accelerators whether Nvidia could get a version of it running on them who knows but this is nvidia's stated reason for it being only on the 40 series and until now a lot of people just kind of called this chart dlss2 and they called this dlss3 but that was already kind of wrong and let me get to that for a second here what I mean by that being kind of wrong is let me take a screenshot of a file from my cyberpunk library right now so I just opened up my my steam Library I opened up cyberpunk I dug through the game files and you can find the version of the dlss dll in cyberpunk right now is version 3.1.13 and this absolutely does run on a 20 series GPU and a 30 series GPU and it even has updated um super resolution the the uh you know the AI training that they do to to create that out super resolution algorithm does improve with these 3.x versions it does improve and this is where we already had a problem um with the numbering scheme versus the feature set and that gets confusing for people in fact um actually has an Nvidia dlss dll library that they track anytime a game comes out or is updated to have a new version of the Nvidia dlss dll um uh Tech PowerUp adds it here you can just take the folder out of your game file and they track it here and you can download these and like even the dlss 3.5 dll's on here now but you know we had 3.1 versions and all of that was a bunch of 3.1 versions all of these had updates that did run on the super resolution element of it on your 20 and 30 series gpus not just your your 40 series gpus so in my uh recent video when I said that dlss 3 does work on 20 and 30 serious Series gpus this is what I mean your Game can have a dlss three point something dll file in it which contains updates to the super resolution technology G and it does run on your 20 or 30 series GPU it's just that you cannot enable the frame generation feature from that okay and then with the new dlss 3.5 update where again I feel like the numbering scheme doesn't uh doesn't really help make sense it's not helpful this will run on RTX 20 series and RTX 30 series and RTX 40 series um so dlss when we say that dlss 3.5 runs on all RTX gpus it means that the new Ray reconstruction the new AI denoiser for Ray tracing runs on the 2030 and 40 series gpus that's what that means so this I think is the chart that people that that like right this is the chart Nvidia released but this is the chart that I think people actually want to want because it helps them better understand what is happening with their with their GPU okay so games with the 3.5 dll uh will Pro have you know super resolution and Ray reconstruction and both of those will run on any RTX GPU 20 30 and 40 series um but you won't be able to turn on frame generation and that hasn't changed I saw some people in my comment section on the DLS 3.5 video thinking that because dlss 3.5 runs on all RTX gpus that suddenly you would finally get access to frame generation on the 20 and 30 series and that isn't true and this is where I think maybe it's too late now but Nvidia like I said I think should have just considered these three different Technologies each with their own you know update versions as the Technologies improve um but by calling this you know dlss 2 and calling this dlss3 and calling this dlss 3.5 we run into a problem because the dlss 3.5 dll you know actually contains all three of those Technologies and some of them work uh on uh on some gpus but not others in others it's really just frame generation that's locked down and that's uh getting pretty confusing and that's what this chart was trying to explain um DLS the dlss umbrella supports multiple um uh multiple different Technologies within it and the super resolution technology runs on all RTX gpus and so does Ray reconstruction it's only frame generation that is locked down to the 40 series um but then by adding in these these version numbers that's getting really confused so this really did clarify it uh because when I try to explain this more briefly in some other videos I had comments misunderstanding it and people arguing about it in the comments section and all of that hopefully this clarifies everything and I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 102,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v9EXsBaO06Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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