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That's The Smiling Critters the frowning Critters are lost and they're going to ask the smiling Critters for directions uh-oh they're about to meet I am dog press dog press oh no the shredder no catnap turn Poppy and Boby bar into sausages do they sleeping oh who is that that looks like dog day feelings M like on today's video if you want your favorite smiling Critters to meet these sad sad sad Browning critter let's get this video to 10 likes family or else I heard your mouth is going to be permanently frowning for the rest of your life that sounds so sad wait look family look it's catnap from the smiling gritters and Cat be from the Browning gritters smiling gritter canat up puts everybody to sleep but Browning gritter canat up makes everybody awake with his coffee crazy and now both of these frowning gritters and smiling gritters are about to meet each other for the first time let's see their [Music] reactions [Music] oh [Music] testicle e frowning Critter hobby Hobs gun looks like you don't got a lightning bolt around your neck anymore you have one shooting out from your nose gross y there's the real hoppy crafty G didn't like it oh no they're all graving at each other now Family those were only the initial reactions of the frowning Critters meeting The Smiling Critters but what happens if we put all of them together in one playground are they going to play together are they going to fight together or are they going to destroy each other uh-oh what a nice day today yes what a nice day to eat The Smiling Critters I think we should come to this kind of picnic often meanwhile meanwhile um the frowning Critters I think we lost the way oh they're lost what Dumba you can't even do one job properly don't be mean cat be sorry what do this taste like can I sleep here crowning gritters guys what will we do now got me the you all are just ruining my day guys I think someone is there let's ask them the way oh the frowning Critters are lost and they're going to ask the smiling Critters for directions dog day sees them hello everyone does someone knows the way to know the way to where play time go a few moments later to me we look kind of similar what's your name you look kind of similar you think what's your name I am dog pressed dog pressed I'm Hy hop scotch want to try hopping to the Moon with me yesing to the moon so sad the energy to move oh I am crafty corn what's your name I'm unique corn ooh one crafty one unique I like them both W your name is so nice do you want to do some painting with me do I ever I am not that good at painting don't look at me like that she said don't look at me like that because the smiling version of kicking chicken is super cool but the frowning version of kicking chicken is a little shy hi I'm Bobby one of friends I would love to be your friend okay friends yes don't you already have too many friends wow rude gr don't like to be friends he doesn't want to be Bobby's friend I'm Bubba Bubba it and I always remember but I don't everybody's like the complete opposite of each other what's your name I am asking to you do you want some coffee no [Music] thanks Cat Man's not even saying words and I love to eat oh I don't like to eat just anything guys where's catnap good question where is C up and why is catnap sleeping right now oh it's cat Bean wait what how is cat Bean sleeping ain't cat being the one with all the cups of coffee all the time I guess not even coffee can keep these evil cats awake that's probably for the best the more sleepy sleepy time the cats have the less oofy oofy time we have if you know what I mean I'm sorry kitten but I have to do this do what bobby bear hug what you do No 5 minutes before is that baby catnap sleeping we'll sneak into the crib kit katnap out and no one will stop us from playing that's a great plan but cnp's Dad will come and eat us that's a great plan but I didn't actually hear you because I was too busy picking my nose come on baby bobby bear hug I know you're just a baby but ain't nobody want to give you a hug if you keep digging for gold we don't care how much money you got don't worry we'll think of something oh who's that now go and throw katnap off the balcony why me because I said so quickly take the catnap and run to the balcony why are they doing this just so they could play but I have to do this I'm really sorry about that don't do it no cab oh I miss my puppies so much can't wait to get them off a children Garden what is there someone scary behind my back right I'll show you yeah kind don't you ever do that again baby what did he do to you Daddy it wasn't him Critters tied me up and threw me off the balcony next time ask first then do sorry I was in a hurry that's all right sorry dog day great we got the wrong Critter Bon of te am I late for dinner I think this is going to hurt a few moments later oh no you're not touching my baby anymore the shredder no as I say we'll think of something shut up catnap turn Poppy and Bobby bar into sausages are they the barbec or breakfast kind nobody will ever know unless you're going to eat them she have family I don't think [Music] so everything worked out kind of maybe not really because family look at this we are still in trouble stop stop don't touch me no don't come any closer do you remember us what do you want from me 1 hour before how long do I have to endure I wonder what you taste like I can't take it anymore poor crafty corn now you will answer for everything wait I'm so tired of you super mad be bored oh no what she doing to The Smiling Critter babies we must take revenge on crafty corn and punish him let's go oh they want revenge that can't be good sleeping take control of him why are the smileing Critter so evil what's going on with me and taking over Dogg's body what crafty corn prepare to die [Music] uhoh huh I will kill you crafty corn what oh oh this is not good stop stop don't touch me no don't come any closer do you remember us what it's the critters that control the dog day I'm going to arrange it for them come here you you little bards oh we're busted I think I know what to do with you Critters here are you ready let's get started uh-oh don't jump no no no no no no I did it glad to see you what are we going to do with them we need to teach them a lesson [Applause] [Music] and what was that lesson supposed to be exactly smiling Critters cuz uh I don't think I caught it the only lesson I learned is how to make strawberry jam out of splattered smiling Critters cuz they hit that wall hard dog day sleeping oh who's that what is that get away from me we're I'll [Music] bite who is that I'm not going to hurt you yeah I've heard that before that looks like dog day I'm your father what son it's me no that's not true that's impossible my dad he's gone I'm back now dog day no get away from me please just listen listen to me why would I listen to you you abandoned me don't pretend you care now bye-bye daddy maybe he's right yeah he is You' left him so now he's leaving you dog day are you all right no I'm not all right I can't believe that guy just showing up out of nowhere but he's your father you don't understand catnap before I came here my my life was horrible I was like a lot of regular dogs born in a cardboard box in an alley but my family hated me I was the runt the weakling the weirdo honey look their first [Music] steps he's still learning just not as fast as the rest of you I was off to a bad start already it only got worse a didn't time dinner time guys wait for me no way you stink nobody's waiting for him and they called him stinky I wasn't allowed to eat with them or play with them ooh let me join nice job runt I'm sorry I didn't mean to it was an accident or even sleep with them and my my siblings may have been bad but my mom was the worst dog day there's clearly no room I'm small I can fit believe me we all know you're small find somewhere else to sleep I don't know why she hated me she was my mom she was mean to me all the time except when Dad was around here you are honey oh thank you Deary look kids let's all enjoy poor dog the reason they hated me what a cute bunch of puppies who would leave you behind and this little one oh he's the cutest of them all he likes dog day the best so excited finally I was the favorite I must take you home you're too tiny to defend yourself out here ah fine I understand family bonds and all that well I can't take you all so I'll have to settle for none oh no great job runt you ruin our chance at finding a home you're just jealous he wanted me don't you talk that way to your brother he started it I am so tired of your back talk you little freak you don't belong in this family you never did but Mom don't you love me get out sweetie mom don't talk back to me get out I knew I'd never see my family again and I didn't want to but I had no idea how to fend for myself all alone and so tiny on the street this is really sad family smash like if you're sad a whole meal just for me he found was so excited this would keep my belly full for a long time but in my heart I knew it would feel best to share it with my family maybe then they changed their mind but it was too late they'd abandoned me they're already gone no they left me I was stupid for coming back here you're not stupid dog day you're just brokenhearted you I was scared of where this man would take me but I had nowhere else to go at first I was excited to be warm and dry the place looked a little weird but it couldn't be that bad good boy oh you'll make the perfect specimen I was young and naive I had no idea what the CEO had in store for me uh-oh goodbye goodbye what's he doing to him what are all those chains what's all L electricity dog day H welcome to play I Was terrified if my family hadn't abandoned me none of this would have happened I'll never forgive them I understand dog day I'm sorry you went through that I think it's best if you get out of here not yet dog day I heard your story but I need you to know my side I didn't abandon you what get out that was our son how could you just kick him out oh please he'll be fine out there sh don't worry you're safe now bye-bye Mommy a man from the animal shelter snatched us up I barked and fought back I I didn't want to leave you behind but you managed to grab me anyway oh no we never abandoned you on purpose and our new life didn't last long one by one we watched the kids get adopted but no one paid us any mind oh no nobody wants them one day the door was left open and knowing we'd never be adopted ourselves we took our chance they're breaking out around looking for a home and stumbled upon something even better honey do do you smell that I know that smell anywhere that's dog day actually that's not dog day it's just baby nugie hello baby nugie go change your diapy oh wait a second family that's my job honey it's too dangerous I have to go I have to apologize to dog day so we snuck into the factory eventually we got split up well another pup for me to play with a before I knew it that man he turned me into this thing just like dog day what have you done to [Music] me this new form of mine was strange but at the moment it didn't matter all I wanted to do was find you and your mother and now that I found you we can work together to save her you didn't abandon me after all no son will you forgive us I forgive you not mom she was awful to me she wasn't always the best but we need to save her nope not interested but nope you can't make me peace fine then I'll go It Alone dog day aren't you worried about your dad by himself no dog day okay fine I'll do it for him dad are you in here he found Mom hello Mother you came to save me I came to make sure dad was okay oh honey I get it I am so so sorry I treated you how I did I loved you but I never showed it will you forgive me well okay thanks Mom let's get you out of here oh no a mother Sun bonding I'll give you something else to bond over oh mom you're going to pay for this you made me much let me go care to join in everyone yes please no bye-bye CEO cuz I think your name just changed to dog food yum yum family if you like today's video smash like and smash subscribe go get baby nugy s nugy and dippy nugy plushy at shop me and all the nug Land characters love you so much and we'll see you all in tomorrow's video
Channel: AnythingAlexia
Views: 257,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anything alexia, anythingalexia, reaction, reacting to, entertainment, smiling critters, frowning critters, FROWNING CRITTERS meet SMILING CRITTERS! (Poppy Playtime CHAPTER 4), CATNAP BUYS HIS FIRST HOUSE?! (Cartoon Animation) // Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Animation, DOGDAY: ABANDONED AT BIRTH... (Cartoon Animation)
Id: rHo3RG_auG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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