We Build a Tiny House! Pomni vs CatNap! Poppy Playtime 3!

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the dogs make nothing but a mess no please let us keep them this is a dog free house my place my [Music] rules gosh all your crying is tough on my ears stepmom kicked our puppies out you're invited to a Marvelous World with absolutely no rules that slaps so what are you waiting [Music] for what's that you are free to be anyone your heart desires [Music] wa I'm pomy come over [Music] here it's really something else you are allowed to have dogs here we miss them so much the feeling is mutual here's a problem we don't have houses for them I wonder where we're going to live we don't feel upset here what is it you are to build houses for your dogs we have but no idea how to do that or else I'm taking them away we'll figure it [Music] out great get cracking make sure you watch the happy level I'm going to [Music] check an idea hit me that's right we can actually buy houses you know I hope you hurry up the big teeth guy scares the life out of me fingers crossed they'll deliver stuff over here [Music] and that's it this is so basic get us nicer houses I'm doing my [Music] best we can't afford them or what I guess this is where we live I see the puppies are blue nah we're doing [Music] great we have a handle on it I mean what I said we should decorate them ourselves H who's that gangle that's a cool idea you should try [Music] [Applause] [Music] this are you making a smoothie I love yellow guys what color is your favorite comment down below the house needs painting how do we get the paint it hit [Music] me magn [Music] feig I'll borrow it for a second [Music] finally I figured you'd never be [Music] back purple is way better than yellow we'll see about that we'll ask our subscribers H nobody likes it the house doesn't look fun anyway [Music] H you're a [Music] superstar wo awesome it's missing a tiny little [Music] piece you're not going to put this on our house are you a moment [Music] what is she up to Picture Perfect I'm totally out of ideas you should use this you want me to clean my teeth that's a terrific idea now that's fun hm so what do you think it [Music] is a star studded sky can you see I'm here for my pain a bunch of [Music] rookies magnif wa it's divine it's nonsense if you ask me you've been very talkative [Music] lately now that'll come in handy [Music] that's really pretty our house looks every bit as [Music] good what's going on I'm hungry that's it now I'm hungry too were we at home what would we have for lunch stepmom's nasty food I love that we can have whatever [Music] here that's great hey what about us we're hungry too you know we're not eating that nah we'll fix that in a [Music] second here's something you're going to like that's what I'm talking [Music] about is that Kane can't tell what are you doing here oh candy grab it and leave who's the guy we're horrified [Music] something more fascinating I'm taking this guy too or this we're not giving up puppies help let's fight The Winner Takes the dogs let's make it big arm wrestling yeah come on come on P loses he gets to take us guys hit the button so pomy has [Music] power Help pomy win guys keep them [Music] coming I truly appreciate your help [Music] sear clear we're going back to our houses why is there a window over the door you can't really tell but I do have an idea you're back I'm not giving you anything magnet fig fair trade you've been MIA [Music] again what did you have on your mind wait till you see [Music] let's add some [Music] pieces all good that's perfect wo so pretty I Can Do Better should we do this that's actually a decent idea where do I get pieces happy birthday it's not anytime soon I'm kind of forgetful hold on it occurred to me it's actually my birthday here special for you what do you need the gift for we don't need it but this one might be of use so far so good apparently you're not even close to being [Music] done finished so that's it pretty much you're extremely gifted [Applause] [Music] why is she sprawling out here I wish I could take a break sure baby [Music] hey dogs come [Music] first a path would look nice here did you just sing of that now [Music] [Music] what's going [Music] on it's okay I'm bag much better stranger stranger [Music] that's all right we need a [Music] mailbox well who do I write a letter [Music] to I'd love to get a letter I'm exhausted that feels comfy are those fireflies no I was trying to sleep my subscribers are going to love [Music] it wa wa what are you doing there nothing this is where fireflies come in [Music] handy check out their string of lights give me a second I'll show you a magic trick pocus [Music] pocus this looks so much nicer now we're talking I'm here with a inspection I did give your heads up there we're all done this looks really cute yeah pretty good you didn't give them food did you we did you left me no choice but to take them away no don't take him hey Kane you took a little nap where am I you should get going oh party I'm a dance God [Music] yeah what's up with [Music] him he's dead pika pika pika he was so [Music] young knock it off right this second we have to get to the bottom of it it was let's call the s pika pika pika pika police come right now there's been a murder it doesn't take a cop to figure out the vampire did it you could be the murderer too could it be pikachu seea pika I hope the police will be here soon everybody get down please we're actually here so what's the deal H one of them killed [Music] Kane cutest puppy ever confess who did it I think it's going to take a bit more than [Music] that who do you guys think killed Kane comment down below h we'll expose their dirty little secrets partner help help be back in 3 minutes buddy you're responsible for the case now but what happened there's a hamster on a tree I have to help get down H I think I should go too stop the suspect [Music] P I'll hold you to it tell us everything we might want to use the light detector wow looks sick well I got to go sit tight yes sir I don't really like that you have the right to remain silent do I of course not I was just kidding I'll tell you [Music] everything I hate parties W everyone's so happy it's making me sick there was nothing else I had to give [Music] something I knew it'd scar her oh hey enjoy delusional she was hoping to get along with me I had a better idea is there a drink or something all of the sudden I see someone tastier help hey what are you going to do so that was the motive to kill him you might want to start telling the truth it's pure silver okay fine I'll tell you the truth to be honest I love parties I love cheating up my friends pika pika we even took a [Music] selfie [Music] Pik H as a matter of fact I hate blood it tastes bitter punch is much better it's sweet that'll be even tastier oh you're a miracle [Music] worker cutest dog I've ever seen I couldn't help but play with him seems like you're having fun can I join you I couldn't say no [Music] I didn't kill Kane he used to be my [Music] friend so if it wasn't vampire who was it I have a theory no it wasn't me H we'll check it nothing's working [Music] P [Music] Pika hit [Music] it it's not working you guys rush to hit the like button so we can fix our Gadget please like this video or we'll never know who killed Kane some more lights and we can keep going [Music] did I miss something stay focused tell us what's happened we fixed the detector switch it [Music] on P I showed up on time and everyone was happy to see [Music] [Applause] me Pikachu loved my gift Pika p yeah that's adorable I'm glad you like it I noticed we were at a snacks luckily I fixed it fast hey you guys over here we were [Music] thrilled I have something for you too really good thanks [Music] oh wow Kane and I hit it off right away he asked me to dance with [Music] him that's wonderful [Music] I don't remember that you're lying mea Biga slow down okay yeah that's not really how it happened I showed up late as [Music] usual H it felt really awkward woo H I got a special gift pika pika what's that it's me no one liked my [Music] gift I was so upset and I ate everything I had no idea what to do I'm not proud of this idea hey that's my food sorry buddy swapping the food seemed like the only option no one could [Music] tell H pika pika [Applause] [Music] hey that's my cup that was [Music] mean the dance wasn't any good [Music] either she's being honest it doesn't make her innocent though B [Music] Biga so we had a security camera all along she didn't do it your suspicions really hurt [Music] me you're down to Pikachu you pika pika confess are you behind it pika pika there's no one else to blame but you come on admit it Biga biger I got ready for the party everything looked FL I brushed Nai so everything would be [Music] perfect you're a gentleman and then I turned the lights on afterwards I got [Music] snacks when everyone was there I talked to everyone k and I even shot a Tik [Music] Tock that's all a lie I knew we couldn't trust you I don't approve of violence you'll have to tell the truth anyway biger biger this might help help you work with us the guests were supposed to come any second but it wasn't ready navi's fur was all over the place and then I see the lights are not working I wasn't [Music] ready there were more people than I expected no one cared about me I started live streaming to create the impression that I was having a blast B A Biga then I see k down on the floor but I didn't kill [Music] him there's no way we can figure out the case since she was live streaming she must have filmed the murderer pika pika [Music] hey stay focused we need [Music] evidence you're in big trouble want to know who's behind it or not the footage must be destroyed we learned absolutely nothing once again the mission was really tough H I was shooting at them and they were shooting at me you stretching the story did you find out who committed the murder this is a tough case [Music] h aha it's a no-brainer I know who did it who it's it out what who need me somebody help me baby I'm coming I'm right there help don't let him take me I won't let you grab the cute puppy I'll keep you safe and we both need to save ourselves good point let's run hopefully no one gets us here aw baby you're so weak I've been as stray for a while I'll help you baby first off I'll make you a drink I can't even get up I have a [Music] solution this should help [Music] oh no your heart rate is basically gone it's because I'm cold there this will keep you warm that's not enough this might help oh I can feel my Paws again H what's that uhhuh he's better off without you MH let go I'm well connected you know I'll handle you all you guys remember to give your pets anti-parasite treatment I haven't eaten today we can change that huh who's there we're here for teeth cleaning I don't have any free appointments today I have Deep Pockets you know nah it's just one patient this customer service is the worst baby are you feeling better yeah no one has ever been this nice to me before H I clearly said missed me hurry up come on baby we can hide from him over over here you can't run forever we're safe here surprise uh-oh I need my wacky watch to get out oh no it's [Music] dead we got to get out of here you guys we need your help hit the like button so we have enough power hurry up we need more thank you so [Music] much [Music] what it's time to relax unfortunately I don't have a home a don't worry baby I'll think of something oh wo any special requests for your home I wish something come out of it oh anything less tricky what about this that's super easy hey you don't have a name yet will you name me oh this thing will help us pick one H that's not going to fly with us F G H that's not good either it's not funny this thing's not working you guys help us pick a name for the dog I'll start working on the house H oh I have an idea and then I go he didn't notice it was me did he would something come out of it of [Music] course this is the foundation it's perfect I like it already hold on there's more I can pull this off [Music] again there it's Cozier wo I can use it some of my stuff is missing we got nothing I knew it give it to [Music] me a little piece is missing now it's done I've never had a house like this before your house needs decorations ooh that's a great idea where am I sleeping give me a sec that's so nice you know what's missing what is it there you'll always have a drink what about a snack just just a [Music] moment I'm afraid that won't fill me up oh no there's practically no food left I'm hungry I know what to [Music] do thanks that was fast oh right give me a moment unfortunately I'm out of money that's not enough whatever of course sweetheart M that's really good oh take a break I guess oh I don't really remember this being here you're not escaping me this time around hide in the house I'm so [Music] scared I'm not giving him up no please what [Music] the h [Music] huh fingers crossed he leaves us alone for a while this is really refreshing you're so [Music] cute we should give you a good brush now now we're talking that feels nice how does that look am I in Paradise you're so funny I got an idea we'll have a spa day first off we're washing your paws oh the water is so warm next we file the claws [Music] mine could use some of that as well it's okay baby I didn't forget about you now we can moisturize the paws one last treatment done head back to your house you can have fun with [Music] this what's this I think it's a milk tooth that's wonderful hold on we'll call the Tooth Fairy I hope you called me for a good reason my puppy's first milk tooth fell [Music] out congratulations you can have a treat now you can have your treat [Music] bye fairy I have a lot to do that's weird what happened I came prepared this time around the dog will be mine no oh no no I hope he doesn't see me I'll get you no matter [Music] what hey you're coming with me don't touch me I found a toy help me I'll save you [Music] what is this place what is this outfit are you okay welcome to the amazing digital circus my name is Kane I am the boss of this place you kidnapped us bring us back or I'll easy lady digital circus does not approve of bad language yeah what about [Music] this he deserves it dog I forgot your name I don't remember yours either we'll give you new names H Kanger XD DCC that's one lousy name we should change it up is that better it will be when we get out of here you can only do that when you get the key give it to me creep fine why are you so loud so what do we do I think we should go this [Music] way this doesn't look like an exit to me it's a hospital I hate them doctors freak me out lucky for you there there's no one here are you okay Hey ow it hurts is someone in pain it's a doctor run I'll fix it in the blink of an eye ker help I can't this is going to hurt a little no Kanger do something I'm scared of doctors you have to face your fears hang on fine pomy I'll save you good job kinger now set me [Music] free wa I'm dizzy I can treat dizziness in a moment me grab the other end mhm got you what take that doc whoops don't hurt me tables of a turn [Music] huh we're out of here thanks for having my back you're not afraid of doctors anymore right I'm not I have to thank you for that how did you make it out of there you're scared of doctors aren't you pomy helped me face my fear wait what she's not supposed to be helping you we'll see if you're any good without her pomy no I'm all alone I'm scared of being on my own what do I do what would pomy say face your fears right I should find the key it's not here or here not here either guys help me unlock the door I need your likes hit the like button or I'm going to be stuck here forever keep them coming I need to save pomy thanks pomy help is coming ker come back ker come back kinger come back stop let me walk you through it sure this is you and this is ker you'll never see each other again who's that don't worry about [Music] it ker I found you how did you get out you had no one to help I overcame my fear of loneliness so apparently you're Fearless now pretty much in that case we'll work with your fears my fears a thanks for having my back I owe you a bone a bone would be nice though looks like we're out you're right it's so bright lights off oh my bad better now no no no no it's a stage you have stage fright yeah it's her biggest phobia yeah it scares me to think I have absolutely no talents you can't overcome this [Music] fearo we show see they're looking for a show but I have nothing up my sleeve that's not true any chance you can sing I can give it a [Music] shot me me me awful hold can you play violin I'll [Music] try Boo stop it that was my last try I'll help you repeat after me awesome that's sick they actually like it py deserves an award for the best performance thank you hey here's the egg exit come on I'll catch up this party is sick okay catch you later
Channel: Troom Zoo
Views: 4,186,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: troom zoo, troom troom, digitalcircus, pomni, catnap, build, tinyhouse, secretroom, tiny house at home, kaufmo, caine, dogday, smillingcritters, troomzoo, troomtroom, woohoo, troomtrick, timtin, noobfamily, troomokitoki
Id: w6Ys7S0KZb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 6sec (2826 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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