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hi there I'm piggy piggy let's eat roast beef delicious gr chicken Down the Hatch Fe elephant yum blade unicorn M feel hungry hey what do you say you and I friends today we're looking at all the smiling Critters cardboard voice lines so much like on today's video to make sure an evil Pizza cardboard does not try and eat you cuz I heard if we don't get this video too 10,000 likes then your head is going to get chopped off and put in a stew quick family smash like I ain't joking why is it my head oh man I forgot to smash like so silly look at this this is the original cardboard voice line of Bubba Bubba I'm Bubba Bubba hey I remember you wait a second you do how do you know me bubba second a family he's not talking to me he talking to player I guess he likes blondes instead of brunettes but family we're not only watching the original cardboard voice lines today because for each different smiling Critter we have the original the brand new animated version and even the craziest version yet a 360 VR version and we are going to vote which one's the best an elephant always remembers want to know what I remember about you uh you don't know anything about me I'm Bubba Bubba hey I remember you okay We Get It Bubba we get it you remember me you're weird and you scream like an evil monster next now we get to see the animated version of the Bubba Bubba cardboard voice lines I'm Bubba Bubba hey I remember you yeah an elephant always remember oh he's so cute know what I remember about you oh now he's looking scandalous do you want to know what I remember about you not really Bubba Bubba pin sometimes I do things and hope people forget even the last chocolate chip googie not doing the dishes and even stealing my mommy and daddy's pillows and I accidentally spill apple juice all over mine oh oh oh wait him a second I forgot Papa buin wasn't screaming in that scene cuz he was crazy he was screaming because catnb grabbed his giant elephant ears and tied them up into a bow oh no rip Bubba bua F your nose had a lot of boogies but at least you didn't smell bad and that family is what you call a true friend and now feel here is the 360 BR version of Bubba Bubba fin Bubba Fant hey hey I remember you you do an elephant always remembers want to know what I remember about you do you know what I remember about you oh family I don't know if we should be screaming or partying cuz Bubba Bubba fin either took us into an evil Dimension or brought us to a rave all right family it is now time to pick original animated or 360 VR which version did you like best comment down below but I going to say my favorite was the 360 VR version cuz we got the party oh next up we got kick and chicken this is the original hey I'm chicken chicken want to go outside and hang out a yeah I do what are we going to play basketball volleyball a little bit of pingpong it's looking pretty rad outside ooh maybe we're going to go surfing I've never been outside before wait what will you come with me wait I'm scared oh wait a second Ki chicken I forgot we're inside a playtime Cole no wonder you've never been outside you're trapped I'm scared who are you scared of kick and chicken here follow me I'll step out first no chicken chicken no wonder your name is that cuz bro you just kicking chicken my eardrums off and now I think I'm deaf or it's just a bunch of chicken greas I can't really tell I'm chicken chicken I know that want to go outside and hang out you already asked me that bro okay family that was the original version but now let's check out the animated version to see if he's a little bit less sassy hey I'm chicken chicken I know that want to go outside and hang out yeah it's looking pretty bad outside I've never been outside died before will you come with me I'm scared here follow me I'll step out first don't do [Applause] it oh family and that right there is how you make fried chicken or chicken wings or chicken strips or even chicken nuget family that was the animated version of kick and chicken and now we're moving on to the 360 VR version hey I'm Chen chicken want to go outside and hang out uh bro you're already outside I've never been outside before will you come with me I'm scared you're already outside dude what more do you want here follow me I'll step out first where where where are you going where are you K chicken just disappeared out of thin air do you think somebody took him or in other words do you think an evil cat monster at him I think it's option two ooh kick and chicken original animated or 360 VR which one was your favorite I like the animated version next up we got catnap here's the original version of cardboard cutout wait do you hear [Music] anything I don't know if I hear anything C up are you saying anything bro wait I hear muffling no I didn't like the sound of that now we have the animated [Music] version Oh that's where the sounds were coming from can I'm sleeping a he's not sleeping he's definitely definitely not sleeping you know what he's doing family he's screaming and jump scaring and heart attacking cuz I almost just passed out thanks a lot catnap that was very unnecessary well since that was so much fun let's see the 360 VR version he's sleeping wa I what was that oh my God I'm so sorry I just had a nightmare uh bro I don't think that was a nightmare I think you had a demon pass through you cuz that was not normal oh look family he's back asleep okay it's working out where am I what was that again bro go back to bed oh pH he's sleeping again so cute a that cat up you got to relax bro what are you evil or something oh family I forgot of course he is no wonder he's having nightmares he's living a nightmare in Real Life catnb original animated or 360 VR which one was your favorite the one I'm least scared of is the original so I picked that one hey piggy piggy hi there I'm piggy piggy let's eat oh thank chicken nugi I'm so hungry Ro beef delicious I like that girl Chien down the Hat I love that D elephant yum no no no no no now was getting weird did you say elephant slay unicorn unicorn no feel hungry what you're hey what do you say you and I be friends um um hi there I'm p uh no thank you piggy piggy so I have a feeling if we become friends and you are going to try and eat me and I'm telling you girl I don't taste good here's the animated version of piggy piggy's voice lines hi there I'm piggy piggy you're so cute roast beef delicious Yum Chicken down the Hat ooh elephant yum BL unicorn still hungry hey what do you say you and I be friends no no stop looking at me like that pigy P I don't care how much you want to be my friend because I also know how much you want to take that unicorn horn on your plate and poke me with it and family that horn is sharp look now let's see if the 360 VR version is any better or hopefully less creepy hi there I'm piggy piggy hey girl eat time to eat e delicious chicken Down the Hatch Fe elepant yeah great unicorn m still hungry what do you say you and I be friends what do you say you and I be friends what do you say you and I be friends what do you say you and I be strangers cuz I don't know about you but I like my friends not biting my face off pigy pigy original animated or 360 VR version I think I like the animated one the original voice line of hobby hops God just is next I'm hoppy Hopscotch want to try hopping to the Moon with me maybe on three with me one 2 three again one two three listen this won't stop until we make it to the moon oh wait how are we going to get to the moon girl that's kind of far you know one two no no don't look at your feet none of that matters again okay I'm sorry I'm sorry why you getting mad at me not my fault I just got a pedicure my toes look cute again jump jump did it work oh man family we didn't make it to the moon surprise surprise but maybe we'll make it to the moon in the animated version that I'm about to show you right now I'm hoppy hop scotch want to try hopping to the Moon with me yeah I do ready with me one two three didn't get very far did we again one two three no still didn't make it man I knew I wasn't going to make it but honestly I kind of thought you were cuz family do you see the size of the giant rock hoppy Hopscotch was standing on she kind of had an extra Head Start call that cheating or call that smart well family that's up to you let's try again listen this won't stop until we make it to the moon one two oh no don't look at your feet no of what matters again again jump no puy or if I should even call you that anymore cuz now I think your name is droppy Noy H Scot I hope you're okay 36r for hoppy I'm hoppy Hopscotch want to try hopping to the Moon with me sure on three with me one two three didn't get very far to be honest hoppy neither did you why are you judging girl wait where'd hoppy go oh wait a second family she did make it far she made it on top of a star oh this is crazy one two three nope still make it listen this won't stop until we make it to the moon try again one two no no don't look at your feet none of that matters again again look how high she is jump jump no family hoppy made it to the moon but then she fell off and oofed hoppy hops got original animated or 360 VR which one wins I think it was the animated that one looked so cool bobby bear hug is next hi I'm bobby bear hug you want to know how much I love you I love you to the moon and back I'm crazy about you I'm lost without you what really I've been lost a long time please take me with you this time wait now she sounds sad you won't leave me will you I don't know hi I'm bobby bear hug want to know how I love you I'm please take me with you you won't leave me will you family bobby bear hug went from sounding super sweet and cute to super sad and depressed you think she's going to be just as sad in the cartoon version cuz let's check that out right now hi I'm bobby bear hug want to know how much I love you I love you to the mo Mo and back I'm crazy about you I'm lost about you I've been lost a long time please take me with you this time wait you won't leave me will you C up no PO beog I might leave you but catnap on the other hand oh don't worry girl he is never leaving your side cuz he's trying to steal you now let's see the 360 VR version do got not appear in this one I'm bobby bear hug want to know how much I love you we're inside Bobby's bedroom the moon and back I'm crazy about you why is your room pink and not red wait I've been lost a long time she's rolled over and sad take me with you this time she's crying you won't leave me will you and she got wrapped up like a slinky by catnapped tail how did that happen cuz I thought the only things you're supposed to wrap up is candy bars and zombies made out of toilet paper not cute teddy bears bobby bear hug original animated or 360 V which one do you like the best I think I pick original wow next up is Crafty corn here's the original there's a fire hi I'm crafty corn can you help me with my painting uh girl that's not a painting it's something flamy the floor is on fire now can you give me some red red what ketchup more red please I don't have any out yes but we can't be out you're hiding more red from me girl I don't know what to tell you I don't have red the only red I have are these tomatoes and honestly if you keep accusing me of lying and stuff I might just throw them at you I'm just saying you're hiding more red from me I know you are girl chill now that's much better what's better hey I'm a crafty corn can you help me with my painting you already asked me that I don't have any colors oh um sorry crafty corn I didn't mean to say that but uh wait a second actually I did cuz I don't want to share my crayons with you now let's see the animated version of crafty corn hi I'm crafty corn can you help me with my painting it looks so good give me the blue please there it is thanks now can you give me some red sure more red please you're hiding more red from me I know you are catnap did you steal crafty corns red you better give it back quick before bobby bear hog back there tumbles over cuz he is one balancing foot away from falling to the ground and smushing like a pancake hurry give it here now that's much better oh that's not much better you didn't even finish your painting and now you and Bobby are Sal pain probably forever now let's see the 360 version of crafty corn hi I'm a crafty corn we're in her room can you help me with my painting oh it's so good C me the blue please uh he can you give me some red um please but we can't be out you're hiding more red from me I know you are crafty Gorn made catnot mad and then catnot made crafty Gorn his snack M crafty Gorn original animated or 360 VR which one do you like best and next up we have dog day the original dog day says fet go go as far as you can why are you just standing there oh no you can't be here what you can't stay [Applause] why uh sir are you done cuz that was extremely unnecessary and also sounded like Mommy Long Legs getting shredded in the shredder no wonder you two are friends now that we saw that amazing original version that definitely didn't make my ears bleed let's see the animated version of dog day dog day says f o we're playing ball oh go go as far as you can cat's not going why are you just standing there um I don't know dog day maybe cuz you just made a giant golf ball on top of cat nap's head not very nice Mr doggy man not very nice you can't be here you can't stay you're kicking him out oh and that's how catnap got his revenge and honestly family if I was catnapped I would have done it too ain't nobody putting a golf ball on my head and now let's see the 36dv version says F wait who are you playing with as far as you can oh there's catnap why are you just standing there you can't be here you can't stay oh no The Smiling Critters family they got him without even chaining his arms to the wall like in the actual game and honestly that's t ENT dog day original animated or 360 VR which one do you think wins my favorite is the animated one and not s minut to the end of today's video I have some bonus footage for you here is the mik cardboard voice lines and then after that we have an extra something else there she is hello students find my sisters and I to learn facts across a variety of subjects my button to hear some facts on Anatomy okay did you know that there are 60,000 mil of blood vessels in the human body for comparison the Earth around the equator is almost 25,000 mil W the smallest bone in your body is the stapes in your ear still damage it and you risk losing your hearing want to learn more about organs pay close not really you're creeping me out o here's that little extra something else TR it's a cardboard voice lines but in a different frame and it even says exactly what they say hoppy Hopscotch unafraid to hop where others might sit happy is the friend everyone needs to maintain their energy and enthusiasm while sometimes Lou or impatient She'll always hop beside her friends even if it means sewing up once in a while to keep their pace so cute crafty corn a conscious Observer of both color and creativity in the world crafy corn understands the importance of Art and sharing it with others crayons pencils paint or words on the page unicorn can see Beauty in anything imagined given shape she's so magical Bubba Bubba buba buin is the brains of the critters and bright and attentive he keeps his friends steady and always steers them to make smart choices that way they all might grow up to be bright and Brilliant each in their own right kicking chicken the cool kid of the crew and he maintains that sense of cool through anything even the most tense of situations knock him down and he'll pick himself back up brush himself off and ask what's next bobby bear hug a kind caring Soul bobby bear hug shows compassion for everyone and everything large or small all are receivers of her love each is enriched by this attention and affection and in turn so is she dog day the sunny strong and determined leader of the critters each trust him to find the bright side in any situation and to have a friendly word of encouragement should they feel down he'll always keep his friends going no matter what and then piggy piggy what's more important than play and learning piggy piggy knows the answer a playful body Keen mind fueled by what's put into them which is why she encourages her friends to eat a well-balanced diet secretly PB and J are her favorite food figgy biggy what's a chicken nuggy your favorite food should be chicken nuggies if you like today's video smash like and smash subscribe go get baby nugie Saucy nugie and Tippy nugy plusy at shop me and all the N love you so much and we'll see you all in tomorrow's video
Channel: AnythingAlexia
Views: 503,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anything alexia, anythingalexia, reaction, reacting to, entertainment, poppy playtime chapter 3, smiling critters, voice lines, cardboard voicelines, All Smiling Critters cardboard voicelines animated (Complete), SMILING CRITTERS cartoon animation🌈 (Poppy Playtime), smiling critters cardboard voice lines animated
Id: vDbLgEeuUvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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