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Ro SC man this is so not cool why do I always end up losing this game one 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 20 21 22 30 31 32 41 42 kicken check it ow that's one funky [Music] Bridge rules are rules dude you lost so now you got to find it I mean I'm the one who brought you here and all wait where'd you go the early bird gets the worms or in your case early chicken gets the worm hope we not that first you be both of us come on please [Applause] me 97 98 99 100 Ready or Not Here I Come Oh man where can I hide now gotcha well well well didn't expecting to have kick in first oh man we're going to hide now found you found you found you found you H looks like I found everyone but just to be sure let's do a quick head cting puppy crafty corn Barber Pig I'm starving anyone wants bacon W hey how about I treat everyone to a big meal at dog day's Place heck yeah count us in let's hop hop hop we [Music] first coming coming may I present to you roasted pork just so you know it's from my mom Bona Petit oh man this is awesome [Music] yeah it's been ages since I had pork this good hey why is there's an extra chair did we forget someone must be catnap spot holy moly my heart almost jumped out of my chest yo catnap want to join us for grub that guy's so weird who cares it's just catnapp being catnap all right let's make this meal a party and cheer cheers I'm coming [Music] gotcha man this Summer's been epic I wish we could keep the good times going forever yeah let's keep the party rolling guys Che out these fresh ropes I just got this smell feels so good but Bobby S it's unbeatable right where's Bobby at yeah where's she been lately I really miss her warm freeh Hawks oh please you guys are just making a fuss I've just made a recent [Music] uh I know where Bobby is I'm going to fetch her right now what's wrong with kicken I don't know let's just steal him and find out Bobby where you at speak up Bobby come on out group please oh no the bridge Bobby heide I'm Coming For You i b i p is I my thing I guess this [Applause] one maybe Bobby managed to get out oh man Bobby's necklace no way Barbie no this can't be happening what kadoodle do here where's Bobby Bobby she's in there oh what a stupid little chick how'd Bobby squeeze into that Tiny Box [Music] right hold up is that yeah this Bob's chain she got stuck in the fridge and got squished she's gone can't be real how' this even happen oh my dear Bobby hey guys you guys looking for me Bobby you're alive we thought you were toting the bridge how did you escape actually it's tup who saves me then we had a really good time together what about our hide and seek did I win sorry for leaving you in that stiny fridge so selfish think about eating and forgot about you today wait I didn't even try to find me oh my gosh the game's not over yet I could have been the winner yeah you know that we can't focus that well next time don't hide in the bridge or your friends might leave you behind if you'll get [Music] squished all right folks it's time to address the elephant in the room oh not about me again oh Bubba don't take it personal not everything's about you all [Music] right poop in losers we're going shopping come on let's go just stop showing off kicken we're not riding in your car no matter how cool it looks save me a seat me too hey ready to roll fam ready all right let's rev it up and hit the track my Lord this is so fun stop catnap what are you doing here why didn't you say anything you're scaring me this turf's mine now now get lost buckle up catnaps got crazy I dare you to ever come back again oh jeez he didn't stop can anyone tell me what's happening now why is our precious cat now chasing us guys's on the road [Music] a looks like we finally cut him off H what the heck oops your car lost a wheel oh my frog make it stop my legs are dying don't worry it's just a small problem we can totally fix it oops this I'm not so sure my car my beautiful car we got to go before catnap catches us to get stop the drama I'm not leaving without my baby let's go no okay smiling Critters line up for the cable car chicken check bubin check crafty corn check and finally dog day check you think you're going escap me help help me watch this huh catap were you supposed to be on my side how could you betray me catnap why' you save me go now you fool you'll find another version of me and he'll explain everything to you another version what are you talking about stop wasting T Dog day let's go guys we got to go back and help catnap he's being murdered are you nuts he's not the same catnap anymore but he saved me there's got to be more to them is maybe he's facing some serious problems if you guys won't come with me I'm going alone dude where are you going don't do anything stupid like [Music] jumping huh what's that a catnap doll it's me catnap I'm so glad you found me a talking doll hold on is this the version of catnap that he was talking about he's confessing something I need to tell you something a truth I've always hidden actually I'm not the bad guy here I'm part of the smiling Critter's crew we're really close friends always have been that was the best time of my life honestly but one day I found a secret tunnel into the smiling Critter statue I followed it and found prototype secret hideout where he's doing some terrible stuff and hanging up creatures bodies in the factory what in the world unfortunately prototype caught me off guard and knocked me out cold he wanted to grab torture and hang The Smiling Critter's crew on the scaffold the more dead bodies the prouder he felt so I begged him to spare me and offered to be his subordinate and he agreed that fateful night I went back to the bedroom and acted like everything was normal then I got everyone to sleep planning to kidnap them later as prototype had asked me to but then crafty K's picture fell bringing back all those feelings I had forgotten it's the feeling of friendship you know we were really close friends and I didn't want to hurt my friends I needed to protect them no matter what so I pretended to become a bad guy trying to scare them away from this play Care by leaving they would be safe from prototype forever that's how it is prototype is a psycho he won't let this go I may even be dead by now if you find this recording get out of here fast always your best friend catnap that's what happened oh catnap you've given up too much prototype I'll kill you and make you pay for [Music] this what's all this noise what are you doing to me disappoint monic is catnap didn't follow my orders going to use catnaps body to finish off prototype statue wait it's not what you think just a big misunderstanding let me explain everything's clear now why waste time with someone who betrayed my trust The Smiling creds are gone your job's a flop time to pay the price you're a psycho man hope you rot in hell well it's you who will go to hell first don't sweat it I'll make it quick and easy then I'll use your in bir for the Statue where's this room catnap mentioned I've looked everywhere huh another Fool's walked into their own Doom huh prototype I know all your evil plans I'm here to save catnap dog day run he's really dangerous come Bight me if you did a stupid dog think your teeth are tougher than my steel great one more in my statue's perfect all right who wants to go first hold up more fools are joining the party today's going to be a massacre attack guys dang it you jerks how dare you mess with your master de Master we'll do you a favor send you straight to Hell we've won thanks a million guys that APPA looks tasty huh it's mine now chicken hold up chicken chicken settle down folks class is starting soon what do we do now she's almost here she's going to lose it for sure should we [Music] run look at you all dled after today but you went a bit overb with the BL H good morning class it's time for how dare you disrupt my class keep your apology and take it down to Hell a we got a bolt now I can't my legs are shaking too much that kids will be sent down to hell for a little re-education sorry for the weight students let's get this lesson started huh just you two left no no worries I've got something special planned for you I'm sure you'll love it is that clear yes we are happy to be here all right today we're going to do things a little differently let's [Music] start ouch why are you still standing there grab the plate for me yep coming ouch got your plate what else do you need you're a dog so use your mouth to carry the plate not your hands what are you still doing here move it yep [Music] coming [Music] uhuh ni [Applause] me oh I missed it catnap time to adult up I'm so sorry ma'am you dumb cat you guys seriously let me down we barely started and you're already flopping I need some perfect students here perfect you got it yes ma'am all right class [Music] dismissed tonight y'all better rest perfectly cuz my class tomorrow is going to be [Music] Flawless Kat up I'm not sure I can survive Mr light's challenges tomorrow you got this dude let's just go to sleep and things will be fine give me an a give me a b give me ouch dude you can't even cheerlead properly Sorry Miss Delight what is this totally deserve it you imperfect student someone please help [Music] me yo where is my Drumstick right here my bad miss the light no apologies needed kid time to face the music huh huh verdict in you'll all imperfect guilty guilty guilty guilty [Music] a this is nuts we got to bounce like no I've got a plan why are we hiding in the bathroom man trust me Doc day this is so weird well my idea is to sneak out through the water pipes that way we can Dutch Mr light ah what's next man one of these pipes leads out of here let's see H bunged it can I even believe this dude we getting closed right almost there Cranky Pants Freedom's just around the corner I can I can smell it see oh wow now let's hop on this keable bar and run we did it we did it come on man I'm The Mastermind here even smarter than bub Fant well well well what do we have [Music] here h on T hang on do what oh crap that was close uh well well well look who's in trouble now hey Mr light what word is always spelled incorrectly huh let's see is it Heria nope okay then it's anopia no teach perania no supercal fragilistic XP alidocious what no well then what is it am I too perfect to answer such a silly question oh my no no no we nailed it but kidnap what word was that again the word is incorrectly what I'm asking what's the word again and you claim to be smarter than Bubba fan seriously I'm out of here hey hold up I still don't know what the word is
Channel: SM Games
Views: 1,124,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SM Toons, sm toons, gametoons, rainbow friends, mommy long legs, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, project playtime trailer, smiling critters, catnap, CatNap, Vhs, Poppy Playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap, poppy playtime chapter3, poppy playtime chapter 4, poppy playtime chapter 4 trailer, poppy playtime chapter 4 teaser trailer, poppy playtime chapter 4 gameplay, poppy playtime vhs tapes, dogday, smiling critters animation, catnap animation, poppy playtime 3
Id: VqTF893oyTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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