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I got you this time you're all mine buddy ready go [Music] M no puppy you ruined my pie oops sorry piggy piggy didn't see you there yeah ew don't get your feet in it oh well oh she's fast she's a lightning fast others may try but there's no stealing the ball from hppy [Music] Hopscotch my painting it's ruined hoppy you have to be more careful whoops my bad crafty corn I'll help fix it after the shot a brief incident with the WRA but hoppy hop scotch returns to the field unscathed she's going to [Music] score Bubba watch out huh o my bugs poppy you could have killed Buster Beetle or Amanda ant you ran right into my shot that's it poppy we got a talk there's only so much space in play care and your sports are getting in the way of all of our Hobbies we need to share the field but it's a field it's supposed to be used for sports I know how about we all just play soccer together not everyone wants to play sports hoppy especially not with you you take them way too seriously oh okay I see how it is I guess I'll just have to find somewhere else to play there's clearly no room for me here I need my own space to play but where am I going to find that H maybe there's something [Music] here oh this this is [Music] perfect I don't have any real money all I have is pounds and pounds of pure gold [Music] do you think this is enough let's see oh my yes I'd say this is enough for the house and a tip too [Music] perfect just remember to mow the lawn the home site homeowners association can be picky we online to play as much as I want oh mine alone hone hone [Music] hone it's game time poppy Hopscotch races down the field oh it looks like Hoppy's coming in for the steel what hey that's mine but can she make it past the goalie you're not getting through me she [Music] shoots she stores I sure would be easier with a team funner too I know I should make my own team team of perfect athletes just like me I know just where to start here we go the makeup friend machine one star athlete please huh what [Music] gives it looks like it's jammed maybe I can grab whatever's in the [Music] way oh no my bones wao what happened to me these long legs I'll be so fast [Music] now where am I and who are you beautiful me beautiful I guess I did just get a makeover name's rowdy rowdy rabbit I'm hobby Hopscotch want to be on my team I think I do for life things so glad the machine worked W that was a crazy ride my head's spinning oh my gosh are you two like my kids I think we are now so do you guys like sports [Music] all right so you kick it as hard as you can and then you run it's like baseball with your legs throw it Mom I'm [Music] ready woohoo home run wow you can really kick maybe we should call you kicks that's my new name don't we it out oh oh I'm next I'm [Music] next catch me if you can look at you you're so fast you're like super sunic speed H maybe we should call you dash I love it kicks and dash that's our girl and boy happy darling you're up next here we [Music] go strike one beginners luck here let's go again yes sorry Mom you're too slow maybe we should try another game I like this one we're totally kicking mom's but yeah not our fault we're super athletes hey I'm a super athlete too sure Mom wow I guess I did ask for the perfect team hey wait for me go Dash go kicks hey what about me running in this new body is harder than I thought I'm not used to these long legs or big feet touchdown one more game and this time I pick uh-oh sounds like someone wants an unfair Advantage she needs it whatever you want to play mom we'll do it I choose soccer soccer is my specialty there's no way I'm going to lose this time coming in h hey no way I'm letting you get away with that gosh I got it let me keep it I said I got it nice try kid good luck getting through me honey I won't hold back and I'd never ask you to go for [Music] it no way come on hoppy you're supposed to be the best at this really she can't even score a goal want me to go easy on you honey seems like you need it laugh at this mom dad you're totally benched mom it was an accident accident didn't look like an accident to me you're just not that good mom and that's okay I [Music] just she seems really upset you think I didn't realize how much this game meant to her kids it's not just the game I think we've all learned a lesson today we need to go apologize and I've got an idea what you come to give me a participation trophy well kind of it's a different kind of trophy we're sorry we were such jerks we should have played nice we know now that that's what you wanted all along we took it too far will you forgive us of course after all we're a team right now huddle up
Channel: GameToons
Views: 1,715,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WAA6wk-uDQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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