The Poppy Playtime "Movie"

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[Music] please don't do this you've been a naughty boy let's change that shall we no we girls though ooh I kind of like them ouch never mind turn us back into boys please what's with the Makeover Madness who are you who [Music] indeed crafty picky how dare you to free us now or or feel my wrath H I think I'll go with option two you asked for it some wrath you got there why are you doing this why I will gladly tell you why ever since I can remember you and dog day have been nothing but jerks hey leave some for the rest of us you ladies don't need to eat much but catnb and I need all the grub we can get to fuel our manly muscles these bad boys don't appear out of thin air you know you pushed us to the side like we were nothing hey guys can we play with you video games aren't for girls yeah but if you could make us some sandwiches that would be great py and I decided to break away have fun by ourselves but you guys came around and literally snatched our fun from us what's the big deal oh don't be so dramatic what did you just say dodgeball is too rough a game for fragile females safety first [Music] ladies that was the last straw so we thought we'd give you a little makeover first and then what are you planning to do to us now H just a game of dodgeball dodgeball that's not too bad oh but you didn't let me finish we will play dodgeball to the death oh yeah that's a lot worse wait what death wasn't part of the plan plans change piggy it's time we got rid of these pests once and for all we're sorry for treating you so badly yeah we were just stupid little boys oh here come the Waterworks don't be so dramatic you've gone too far crafty what on Earth do you think you're doing give me that [Music] boook now's our chance to get out of here but these binds are tighter than a jar of pickles we'd need a chainsaw to get through these wait a sec who needs a chainsaw when we've got these babies you're right by the power of manicure we shall be free [Music] who knew Fancy Nails could save our lives you're a genius catnap I know right I'm not just a pretty picture now let's get out of here yeah how did you escape let's just say I'm going to get myself a manicure after this cuz man our girls nails awesome so this is all your fault pigy and now they're going to kill us as Revenge I'm sorry but killing them just wasn't right go ahead do your worst I'd rather die than continue to be pushed around by you boys um guys we're so sorry girls we acted like jerks we promise from now on everyone will be treated fairly regardless of their gender really wow well we're sorry too now be a good girl and whip us up some sandwiches would you what it was just a joke too soon [Music] [Music] oh my whiskers what is this have I become a yes that's what you are now change us back right now let me think how about a big fat nope did you just bark no I didn't that's it you'll pay for this let us goow what cat got your tongue who side are you on this is just perfect with those colors on you'll be stuck as pets forever now it's time to get things ready for the grand pet auction I guess this is the end we're going to be someone's play thing forever I I don't want to live in a cage for the rest of my life huh she's back maybe we can beg her to let us go maybe we can charm our way out you know give her the puppy dog eyes how about the kitty cat eyes she won't know what hit her please there's no such thing there should be picky oh no cat Napp and dog day she got you guys already how did you know it's us are you with her on this well I was there when this madness started we were watching TV yesterday when this ad for a trip to Paris came [Music] on crafted desperately wanted to go but she didn't have any money then she got a brilliant idea to make money for the trip to sell pets to little children but how would she get the pets crafty corn decided to turn all the monsters in the factory into exotic pets and sell them to children I tried to stop her but she refused to listen she won't stop until everyone here is a helpless dumb pet I'm so sorry guys I wish I could help of course you can all you need to do is open this cage and remove this collar but she'll turn me into a pet too if I do we promise we'll protect you please picky piggy besides how are you sure she won't turn you into a pet anyway I guess you're right fine I'll free [Music] you crafty I knew it I knew you'd betray me please let them go there are friends will their friendship take me to Paris I don't think so only money can and honey I shall get now it's time for you to pay for betraying me help me too crafty remember I'm your best friend to heck with our [Laughter] [Music] friendship hey turn the lights back on so I don't miss yes ma'am huh where did she go meow meow a forget about missing piggy piggy look how cute you two are being pet should be your calling you should thank me for helping you find fitting careers [Music] Ha Bingo Bingo huh I think I will call you that though it's a common name for pet dogs please don't do it picky remember I'm your best friend to heck with our friendship no no [Music] hi hi guys I was just playing with you all you know right playing huh yeah right lab AI can you get us a nice cage and collar for a cute Pony here no not the color enjoy the taste of your own medicine who's in for some ice cream [Music] woohoo no par [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's talk about this please don't do it I'm making guys dog day hey what happened to dog day we better go [Music] check he's gone who did this to him did you seriously just ask that of course you killed him me no way crafty corn are you sure who else would it be remember when cat up and dog day were arguing yesterday you R how could you but I didn't kill him liar you off our friend and now we must avenge him ow what the this is getting real I'll have to prove my innocence later if we want to be Avengers we got to look the part I've got the perfect [Music] outfit I'm telling you you've got the wrong guy an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth are you even listening I didn't a even gravity knows you're [Music] guilty is this some kind of Epic Ninja movie where did the swords and outfits come from and why do you two look so good a thanks on stop full hurting With the Enemy we're trying to take him down remember prepare to girl catnap my love what in the whiskers is going on here hey killed dog day we're just giving him a taste of his own medicine you killed dog day I mean not that I liked the guy he was so annoying but really I didn't do it but they don't believe me I'm starting to think that they're the ones that killed him how can you say that I would never there is only one way to settle this wa how do you girls change outfits so fast that's our little secret now I'll be your detective uncovering the mystery behind dog day's death let's get started hey hey was my friend I was so shocked when I saw him this morning in my experience crybabies like you will always the guilty ones in your experience but you've never been a detective before I know but I've seen a ton of detective movies Witnesses claim you and dog day had an argument the same day he died yes but I didn't kill him okay dog day can be a bit controlling perhaps you killed him so you could take control for once I said I didn't do it don't make me break up with you hey I'm only doing my job catnap is the Mur murderer I saw them arguing last night then after dog day went to sleep for the night I saw catnap follow dog day to his room he looked so angry I didn't dare get in his way I think they had a brawl in there and then he offed him what makes you think they had a fight there's a bip mark on cnp's thigh it must be from do day crafty corn was right you attacked dog day in his room and he bit you on your thigh no this bite is from py piggy liar you are under arrest I found the bite mark on his thigh dog day got him good huh I'm the one that bit him I told you you lied come to think of it why didn't you check on dog day if you knew catnap attacked him what's wrong cat got your tongue oh I see now dog day and catnap did have an argument and yes catnap tried to enter his room after OD but I didn't go through with it I left and so you went in and finished the job then you decided to pin it all on catnap crafty move crafty corn I'm right a i yeah so oh my God why would you do such a say crafty you deceived me it's not my fault you're so pigheaded I was tired of dog Day always busing us around okay I wanted to get rid of him and then cat up so we girls could rule this place forever C power you know here's what I do know I will avenge his death um guys please let's talk about this I'll buy you ice cream chocolate a wise unicorn once said an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth attack how about some pizza finally I'm getting married to the love of my life oh catnap darling you have no idea I catnap take don't do it two craft corns how she's an impostor I'm the one you should be getting married to liar I'm the real crafty corn I don't understand how is this possible I will tell you how it happened that day I saw you crying in the sleeping quarters hey what happened girl catnap dumped me she said I'm stupid and a coward look you're none of that you're brave and strong and kind and a brave I I am hey you said Brave twice yeah I know here have this ice cream it's my favorite thing in the world makes me [Music] happy crafty corn can we hang [Music] out ew gross [Music] crafty corn I think I have fallen in love with you I want you to be by my side forever that's why can I marry you yes yes [Music] catnb uh um nice fit oh I can't wait to get married let's do it today at Twilight but I don't have a wedding dress I thought you'd say that so taada go get ready my love that your H it's so beautiful I love it I want it I'll have [Music] it I need to sleep just a bit before this special [Music] moment where is that sparkly dress where is it where is the gold huh gold you know what I mean I seriously don't jeez I can't just tell her to give me the dress it's embarrassing listen catnap is mine I will marry him not you what no way Over My Dead Body and Dad you will [Music] be oo [Applause] don't mess with my girl I will never marry you crafty corn now and always my hero come on let's quickly get married go get dressed and I'll get some other things ready finally you're awake you what do you want why am I here I just want to help you you want that dress right [Music] well I'm still going to help you find Crafty cat or Katy cord whatever make her unconscious eat her again whatever give yourself a shot with this injection and voila you'll become her get married to catnap so you can snag that dress he won't be able to tell the difference why are you helping me because I love chaos cab I'm not again hey wait I just want to give you a wedding present look you you really got me a present yes to ask your forgiveness you're right catnap doesn't deserve me maybe after this we could be [Music] [Applause] [Music] friends let's get this show [Music] started crap how do I know which one is the real crafty corn I am look I'm the one in the dress you got for me if you're crafty corn then what is your favorite thing in the world huh crafty Corn's favorite thing in the world wait she's a unicorn unicorns love Rainbow definitely a rainbow wrong the answer is ice cream Bingo crafty corn loves ice cream you're my true love oh come on who doesn't like rainbows apparently I don't now give me back my dress [Music] I'm so sorry everything I did was for this dress I've never had such a pretty dress you want the dress that's the gold you were talking about that's why you scattered my room will you leave us alone if I let you have it yes I will I promise I promise then take it I don't need a fancy dress to marry catnap oh thank you so much I'm tired of being so short when will I get back to myself no oh my pretty dress huh what's going on chaos will rain [Music] [Applause] this is so much fun this is not fun come on piggy piggy an apple a day keeps the bordom away I know but my life doesn't revolve around apples I want some fun too guys can we switch to marshmallow are something softer a said stop we stop now we stop forever that means you won't play or do anything with us again ever we will make you feel like nothing hey that's not fair wellow brain broth my [Music] favorite no one likes to eat with a dirty pig oink oink that's harsh picky no one likes to eat with a dirty pig oink oink we stop now we stop forever that means you won't play or do anything with us again ever we will make you feel like nothing make me feel like nothing I will make you guys feel like [Music] nothing boy where do I start from welcome to Smart Lab how may we help you um hey I'm kind of looking for something that could make my friends feel like nothing friendship is a beautiful thing in this tapestry of no I I ambiguity just get to the point all right since you don't want me to Showcase my AI smartness a little let to make your friends feel like nothing follow these instructions that one you know I think we were too harsh with pigy piggy I agree just because he doesn't like getting apples thrown at him shouldn't make us hate him he's our friend H you know I don't know how to say sorry let's do more than say sorry let's show him we're sorry yay we've got a surprise for you pigy a surprise for me no way I've got a load of apples to throw at me I won't let that happen I'll have a surprise for you too a gun what the heck is she thinking looks like she wants to shoot us she's mad at us sounds like she got crafty we have to take the gun away from her take the gun away from Hill say bye-bye to being on top of the food chain so guys how does it feel to be [Music] invisible did uh Miss where are they we're right here [Music] dude that where dude did you just turn us into ghosts we can see you but you can't see us Ghosts no I just wanted to make you guys feel invisible like uh nobody not Casper level invisible well congratulations we are now literally invisible no [Music] no as a ghost it is my greatest pleasure to haunt you stop it catnap why did you do this why would you even want to make us feel invisible because that's how you guys always make me feel I just wanted to make you guys see the pain I go through I didn't mean to turn you into ghosts I swear we are sorry for making you feel that way but we also tried to make it up to you too we baked an apology for you huh what do you mean go to the play area [Music] doofus this was the surprise you had for me you bed me a cake but you didn't give us a chance to show you I'm so sorry I thought it was something dangerous against me oh I'm so sorry I was so [Music] stupid know you guys are hugging me right now but the sensation is too faint I can't even feel my friends Hogs it's all our fault if we treated you nicely you wouldn't have been pushed to do this G okay can we cut the drama and get right back to solving this problem how can we go back to our former selves we have to go back to the lab stupid a why don't you give me a potion to make my friends invisible I just did as I was told Mr biggy biggy I'm it feeling not literal ghosts my apologies for misunderstanding your promt I'm afraid there is no available solution to reverse your friends invisi I'll keep checking for updates and we'll let you know if one becomes available I'm sorry guys look looks like you're stuck this way for [Music] now yay this is so cool think of all the things we could do in this state all the trouble we could cause and no one will know it does we can pass through walls know everyone's embarrassing Secrets wait you guys aren't aren't mad you're the one who will miss all the fun this could bring not for long 2 [Music] 1 that must [Music] hurt yes I made [Music] it well thanks to Mr Avenger extraordinary we're soon going to turn into crispy Critters over here guys step out of the way I have a score to settle with the two behind you you would have to get through me first fine let's dance what the why am I pink yes seriously this is your Ultimate Weapon of d destruction making me pink guess what I think I dig the new look take a pick [Music] guys used to lay in this color doubt day what on Earth is happening you think a color change is all I'm going to do to you I'm going to give you a makeover that you won't recover from you and your friends oh no just stay still you OES oh my God what do we do now we shouldn't have listened to dog day you go in free all experiments and destroy all equipment simple no one deserves to be stuck in this dark Factory definitely count man great mission accomplished there's one more thing just to make sure we never have to do this again it's all my fault we were supposed to free all the experiments only I went ahead to burn down the lab don't beat yourself up catnb the scientist would have been mad either way you did the right thing that being said how do we get out of this let's just hide for a bit then come up with a plan um catnip your tail is kind of on [Music] fire whoa ah katnip are you [Music] okay it's do day fur color ew doggish orange I hate dogs who who's [Music] there hey Mr far eyes let's get this over with right now what happened to using the door I'm am not a fan of doors now what color shall I turn you into red blue or dust D is the color be gone you piece of smoke you saved my life thanks catnap now we have [Applause] [Music] to oh no oh the lon got [Applause] you um dog day [Music] they're not just a different color they've gone Bonkers among onas it's your girl pigy piggy snap out of it they're dripping slime I don't know what you guys need come out come out wherever you are we just want to play with you hey strong us looking for [Music] [Music] me yes I'm back thank you picky oh picky you saved us from the darkness all you guys needed was a bath thank you pigy piggy remind me not to mess with a crazy scientist ever again IA it first let me have it ladies first you're not exactly a lady no this is all your fault I'm so thirsty I could die it's like someone dried up all the water here stay still what why no what py Piggy look we're saved R juice yeah but where is it coming from who cares I'm drinking it all right now me too drink up my sweets it'll make you more delicious tender bite side Ed now I feel re strange yeah me too it's as if we have been [Music] tricked lunch time hey let him go why did you do this why to fill my tummy of course let me go you can't go far with those chubby little legs throw something at I missed [Music] ew gross so hot hey pigy Piggy crafty corn how did you become babies it's cat up she wants to eat us as babies when we're more succulent and he's lying I just thought I would learn the ropes for when I become a mother of our sweet babies a catnap you're already making plans for our future no she's I'll just go now and you know continue practicing why did she why did she run away like that something's not right finally I got you to forget about the sandwich I'll eat you like that Mama what is this thing I'm feeling it's like like my heart is melting I I feel like it Mama yeah like a mother I feel like cuddling you two and feeding you milk and I feel like not eating you anymore what is wrong with me you're finally seeing the light nothing is wrong with you ew I'll rather stay in the [Music] dark hey watch it hey what are you doing here hi uh when you said you were practicing to be the mother of our Future Kids it made me so happy I got you something yes what is that your favorite thing in the whole world this is our chance now that she's distracted we need to get out of here look the Orange is the potion that made us babies and the white one will make us grown-ups again but how do we get up there it's too high come on I have a plan hurry show me already just guess catnap I'm really busy now a flower humans chocolate nope nope and nope well what is it I'm kind of busy here trying to be a mom show me now or I will slam this door in your face okay okay cool it down here oh is a stupid Mouse my favorite thing but but honey all cats love mice you forget you idiot I'm not a freaking regular cat how did [Music] you what did I just do nothing Bud nothing at all let me go I'm not a freaking baby you're going to marry me remember marry you I might just adopt you now too cute call me daddy you fool I'll kill you all I will eat you all I'll the only thing you'll be eating is this [Music]
Channel: STA Animations
Views: 130,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zQVDs2fbm7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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