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s r o w n y brownie nugget apple pie chocolate cake Oreo shake nugy L nuggies what the chicken Nuggie are you doing I knew you were trying to sing it all but that just made me frown cuz she made me think of about chocolate cake and I don't see any we the frowny nuggies wait what baby nug Saucy nugie and dippy nugie there are no frowning nuggies there is only frowning crit first in pop Play Time 4 and I obviously can't spill the secrets about that oh hey family I didn't see you there wait a second do you want to know a secret or maybe 10 because in today's video we're looking at brand new Browning Critters from Bobby blade time four four four four four four these are the brothers and sisters of the smiling gritters from poppy BL time 3 and if you want to meet them and know all of the secretes then let's get this video to four likes one like for every chicken Nuggie and the nuggy land fam and one extra like for me feel I don't know if this video can get to four likes but please please do it for me cuz I'm still sad about the chocolate cake all right family to meet the brand new frowning Critters first we have to see their brothers and sisters these smiling Critters just like over here we have these smiling Critter cat now hey bro weird to see you smile cuz usually you're super super duper eful and coughing up your red stinky breath all over our face thanks for that by the way you're the reason I have acne all right that is fin Critter catnap but are you ready to see the frowning Critter of him W look it's frowning Critter catnap for some reason he looks kind of happy then we got the smiling version of piggy piggy who is eating her apple but wait a second look at the frowning version of piggy piggy she is not happy with her food she's not even pink anymore and her apple is not red and juicy it's green and poisonous uh-oh no wonder she has her tongue out she's not doing that cuz the Apple's gross she's doing that because she accidentally drank the poison and now her tongue won't move Smiling Bobby bear is super duper cute and oh frowning bobby bear hug is super duper mad smiling dog day sad dog day oh there's a cloud around his neck instead of a sun then we have smiling OB H scotch and crying hoppy Hopscotch frowning hoppy Hopscotch is crying because she's not fast anymore and she's not super duper Speedy like smiling gritter Hy then we have smiling kick and chicken who thinks he's cool and then we have frowning kick and chicken who's super super scared of everything and doesn't even want to go to school cuz she's scared she's going to fail her test smiling crafty corn Brown and crafty corn she doesn't even have a unicorn horn on her head all it is is a broken party had for a birthday party she never got invited to oh no wonder she's sad we got smiling Bubba buba pint and Browning baba baba F probably because their ears dropped super duper low and now they're just flip-flopping everywhere like they are giant flippers you would use in a pool but I don't think those float but they do get ear infections s m i e [Music] I oh they all look so mad but now enough of these brand new frowning Critters singing let's see them in action in real [Music] life wait he was about to eat pizza but there's a cockroach on it my oh no oh this a disaster drowning Critter crafty can you do something about it h wait what are you drawing girl you're drawing everybody else you can't do that that would be super duper hard and you could literally never get them to stand up like that for the whole time that you need to draw them for to be continued wait what we're only going to get to see crafty G's final drawing at the end of today's video oh man well family you know what that means you better smash like on today's video right now before we get to the end and you also have to watch this video till the end to make sure you get to see crafty Corn's secret frowning Critter dry you do not want to miss it I remember how I told you I have a bunch of Secrets well that's because right now I'm going to show you a brand new character a new frowning Critter watch this look what we found we found brand new frowning Critter cardboard voice lines and once we press the buttons we get to hear them talk says fet go go as far as you can I'm hoppy hop Scott want to try hopping to the Moon with me look at all them I'm crafty corn can you help me with my painting all the frowning Critters this is so cool hey I'm chicken chicken want to go outside and hang out oh wo wo family look look look this is the brand new character I was telling you about the brand new foring Critter and Poppy play time for he's red he's a spider his name is snidey Spidey get it family whatever whatever you don't need to all you need to know is that he's a spider and we'll wrap you up in his web to catch you to make some Spider-Man soup so yall better be careful but now let's hear him talk hey do you know why they call me snidey Spidey you see your face white pale skin as if you saw a ghost hey it's sleeping hour time to Spook some kids if you're going with me step silently we don't want to get caught so early right just imagine their fearful faces this boils my blood spoty Spidey what are you doing hiding up there you don't want to Spook anyone do you yes they all sleeping ready huh are they even sleeping [Applause] wait h snid Spidey I don't think everybody's sleeping I think they might be oing cuz I think frowning Critter catnap got here before you and by the way why do you sound like SpongeBob when you walk on all your feet I mean I get it you like to wear rain boots when it's raining outside bro you literally have six different feet how about you wear something a little quieter like I don't know a sock or a soccer clate oh wait a second family that would make even more noise okay fine snidey wear your squishy rain boots wait what crowning Critter catnap just sprayed bug spray all over snidey Spidey what's that going to do to him next up we have another brand new Browning Critter character from Bobby BL 4 let's see who it is more cardboard voice lines you look really tired hey I'm kicking chicken want to go outside and hang out I'm Hy hops Scot want to try hopping to the Moon with me free with me here's the brand new character and we're going to find out his name hi I'm Tiggy tigers do you have some Stripes Just Like Me O Tiggy tiger I love that name want to join my team we can play together let's team up and be best friends SOC oh can don't want to be friends with tigy tiger though he said I'mma boot the ball over here and I'mma boot your face that way if you don't walk away is you're annoying me TIY tiger family to be fair everybody annoy catnap no let's play some more we're having fun don't leave me alone again where are my friends Critters did you see them they promised to come back please tell them that I hate them the answer for abandoning me wait he's mad at them for abandoning him they were trying to play hide and go seek but then they actually left for real that c feel good I'll get ready I'll be waiting I am patient my revenge will be cruel did you come back for me family family I know I made jokes a bit ago about booting his face over there but I didn't know frowning Critter catnb would boat him over the cliff bro that is crazy I thought catnb just got annoyed with people and didn't want to play I didn't know he was like oh hey tigy tiger you know what today is your last day I'm about to kick you off this hill rude wait him a second more to be continued oh no family we need to know all the secrets we got to keep on watching Hy Hy Hy wake up Fring Critters off the hill I repeat drowning Critters off the hill wait that's that same cockroach in the pizza I remember you bro oh and look what we're going to do we're going to exterminate you happy happy happy it's cat happy happy happy happy Happ catnap with a lot of caffeine from coffee oh don't drink so much cine caffeine's not very good for you here lies cine by what she loved the most caffeine oh no that's not good cat from the Browning gritters went o married time why are you just standing there you can't be here you can't stay leave me alone frowning dog he's hiding from him no wonder cat Bean went o it wasn't from all the coffee it was from trying to get away from frowning Critter dog day cuz that boy's brother is stinkier than catnaps m [Music] i SM I frowning Critters it's so catchy hey I'm kicking chicken hey outside and hang out no no no I don't want to hang out with theing version of you I want the real life smiling Critter version they're happier I've never been outside before will you come with me I'm scared here follow me I'll step out first no Browning kicked chicken ended up in a chicken Frying Pan about to get cooked like an egg speaking of hot hot dog days what do they mean says fetch like hot dogs go go as far as you can why are you just standing there I don't know you can't be here you can't stay [Music] cing stop it stop it stop it I know dog day was being kind of sus but that doesn't mean you can dip his head in the toilet like you are trying to wash his hair with a very disgusting version of gravy spoiler alert family that ain't gravy in the toilet if you know what I mean hi there I'm piggy piggy let's eat I love eating tee delicious o chicken Down the Hatch Fe ENT yum elephant unicorn m still hungry hey what do you say you and I be friends no thanks no no biggy biggy why you so picky pukey while you eat cuz seriously girl it looks like you puked all over yourself what happened hi I'm bobby bear hug want to know how much I love you sure I love you to the moon and back I'm crazy about you I'm lost without you I've been lost a long time take me with you this time huh you won't leave me will you by bear hug why you holding a knife in your hand girl unless you are using that to cut me a giant piece of chocolate cake I'm going to need you to step away cuz you're scaring me I love hey I remember you an elephant always remembers want to know what I remember about you not really oh Pap Finn what happened to you is this a prank and you just rolled a bunch of toilet paper around your body or are you dressing up as a mummy for Halloween or maybe the unfortunate option number three he broke his whole body that's why he has all those bandages around him can you help me with my painting sure pass me the blue please heks now can you give me some red more red please out but we can't be out you hi any more red from me I know you are you're it here wait what Captain went o because he pulled on the crayon too hard what's that even mean and why are all the frowning Critters almost going o are they cursed m i I love this [Music] song it never gets old oh family remember when we read to be continued well now is the time we finally get to continue let's [Laughter] watch 2 we're playing hide and seek 4 5 oh birdie I would get out of there [Music] ow oh here's where everyone's hiding is they going to get found it's the smiling Critters this time family it's are the frowning Critters uh-oh cat now found Ki chicken and now he found a bunch of his hair chunks cuz he just made him bald okay there's dog day oh no dog day your tummy's too loud they're going to find [Music] you and now he's eating super loud too yeah cat's going to find you like that obviously what about you Bobby bear hug where are you going to hide by the honey uh-oh K up says don't worry bobby bear hug I'll get you the honey for you oh maybe not if you can't even jump over this hill don't worry I'll help you by giving you this stink n [Music] good job family dancing at home too cuz now I think everybody danced a little bit too much and now we are very sleepy poo cuz look at this oh what is that there's evil zombies inside of doggy's house oh and him and catnapp are fighting who's going to win Catnapper zombies oh no I think katab is turning into a zombie he got cursed ah C zombie zombie catnap and now he's super embarrassed about it he says dog day don't look at me not like this the do says don't worry bro I just want my best friend back where did you go do is saving catnap from the lake but he's so cursed and evil that he has to chain up up to make sure she doesn't try and eat anyone or even eat dog day two but wait a sec a secret potion is this going to help cat na it did huh oh no but the zombies are back run run run and hide oh they broke the glass no oh somebody save dog day and catnap to be honest I think it's too late peace out bro all right family now since we've seen all of the different frowning Critters it is time to pick our favorite first up we got cathine the frowning brother of catnap instead of catnap making everybody sleepy caffeine makes everybody excited with all of the coffee and caffeine I raate him a 7.5 out of 10 next up we got floppy flopsies and this is the slow frowning Critter version of hoppy Hopscotch hoppy Hopscotch is super speedy and could jump very high but floppy flopsy has super long ears so it makes him not be able to jump oh it's so sad no wonder he's crying I rate him a six out of 10 then we got groggy Grudge bear who is the frowning brother of Bobby bear hug bobby bear hug is super loving and super cute but grudi Grudge bear is super angry all the time and very mad I rap grudi Grudge bear and a eight out of 10 cuz he looks cute then we got unique corn who is kind of sad and not really happy and this is the frowning Critter version of crafty corn but uni corn is super duper sad because she doesn't get invited to any parties because she's so unique and different that people think she's weird M I'm sorry uni corn if it makes you feel better I rate you an 8.5 out of 10 cuz your hair looks like Bubblegum and we got dog pressed the frowning version of dog day dog day is usually happy and cheery and dog pressed is super sad and depressed that's why dog day is orange and happy like the sun and dog pressed is sad and blue like a raincloud no wonder he's wearing one around his neck I rate dog pressed a six out of 10 cuz he makes me sad just looking at him then we got icky piggy the frowning brother of piggy piggy piggy piggy is pink and always hungry and icky piggy is green and eating a rotten po poisonous Apple at least they both have eating in common except piggy piggy is eating delicious food and icky piggy is eating um the ones that o you and for that reason I rate you a four out of 10 then we got Dumba dumin the frowning version of Bubba Bubba Fin and although Dumba Dumba fin is super cute and pink she is way sadder and more broken than Bubba girl until you fix that badge I'm going to have to rate you a five out of 10 and then family last up we got wimping chicken the frowning version of kicking chicken kick and chicken is always so cool and confident but wimping chicken is not confident at all and super duper shy and did I mention very wimpy I'm wimpy chicken and I'm sad we get it girl but to be honest how can you be sad if you are made of chicken nuggies if you ever get hungry all you got to do is eat yourself problem solved no more sadness family which one of these brownie gritters was your favorite comment down below if you like today's vide like and snap subscribe go get baby nugy sausy nugy and dippy nugy fudy at shop me and all the nug characters love you so much and we'll see you all in tomorrow's video
Channel: AnythingAlexia
Views: 870,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anything alexia, anythingalexia, reaction, reacting to, entertainment, frowning critters, smiling critters, voice lines, All Smiling Critters cardboard voicelines animated (Complete), ALL NEW Frowning Critters CARDBOARD VOICELINES! (Smiling Critters vs FROWNING CRITTERS!), Smiling Critters MEME vs ANIME vs FROWNING in 360 VR Cinema
Id: Kitq03EMsf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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