From Professing to Possessing // There is More (Part 3)

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we are continuing the series of there is more and today I'm going to share with you a message about going from professing to possessing many of us we profess God's blessings that God has for us we know that in Christ we are seated in the heavenly places can somebody say Amen in Christ we already have everything pertaining to life and godliness can I get a witness in Christ we are already victorious in Christ there is no condemnation in Christ we are healed in Christ we are blessed in Christ we are delivered in Christ we have victorious life is anybody happy and thankful that you are in Christ see people in the world live in crisis we live in Christ can somebody say Amen touch your neighbor say yeren Christ that's your neighbor and that your other neighbor and say don't live in crisis we live in Christ amen but the problem that many many of us have is the fact that we like to profess these things but then when we look at the reality of our life many times we don't possess the meaning we don't see the reality of them and the Lord wants to shift that and he wants to change that amen somebody say there is more there is more we believe that there is more that's why we show the testimonies we don't have put every testimony that we see sometimes people come up with us like so you know I I googled this guy I saw here's this and that the testimonies we show is not us saying we are proof and we know everything about these ministries when I read Joshua it doesn't mean I approve of every action Joshua did in the Bible when I read Solomon I don't approve of Solomon's idol worship uh-huh one time I had a person who said I can't believe I'm gonna stop listening to your sermons because you mentioned Benny Hinn I said well you better also stop listening to my message because I mentioned David he committed adultery and kill the guy and I keep reading in his films almost every day that doesn't offend you I don't know what could we're not we're showing God's glory he uses people in the Bible who are not perfect and people on this earth who are not perfect and we're also showing what's possible the potential that God has for us what we see today is not what God has for us God has more even Jesus who we see as the sealing of the supernatural he looked at the crowd and looked at his disciples and says you will do greater works if Jesus being the sealing always saw something more how much more will the floor we have to constantly be aware that is more that's why we sing I'm hungry I'm thirsty for the Living God I don't want to be a preacher who only explains the gospel I want to experience it I don't want to be a person who only gives information we want to see the demonstration of its power we want to see his power being manifested that's why I want to present the stories we come to church those of you who are visiting us for the first time we're a little bit crazy yes I know that you're getting that little smoke right now in your in your nose and stuff but the church in the hungry generation is not satisfied with just preaching cut sermons and eloquence of speech without providing an opportunity or your mascara gets ruined on your face well you get on your knees and say God I need you will you say God touch my body touch my marriage touch my finances because I'm here to taste God not just to kid about God not just to sing about God not just to read about God but the taste God can somebody say Amen and somebody say hallelujah anybody here tasted God and found him to be good found him to be faithful found him to be never leave you never forsake you if you are wave your hand at me come o somebody [Music] you can give me a little bit more juice thank you that is more somebody is getting it let's open Joshua chapter 1 verse 3 every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you as I said to Moses last few weeks we talked about this whole series is based on Israel entering the promised land we started to talk about the paddling in prayer how when you pray the promises of God you see what's available to you even when you stop being desperate you should never lose your desire if you focus on what God has promised to you also we talked about the supernatural supply how when you enter the promised land Moses the rod and man that doesn't enter there but God's promise still is intact meaning certain people will help you to get here but they will not help you to get there and when you lose them don't lose your hope of the future because your future is never attached to people who left you it's attached to God who is still with you that's a good preaching and shouting point right there thank you Jesus hallelujah [Music] this week I'm going to talk to you about moving from professing to possessing I want us to take notes that this success if you take now it's higher chance of making to heaven I just made that up sorry the first point I want you to write this down is that we have to move from waiting upon God to working with God wilderness was a time when Israel was waiting for the cloud to move I love those prayers this sounds so spiritual Lord if you don't go with us we will not go but these are not prayers we are to pray because God is already with us and he's saying if you don't go I don't go when the cloud moved so did God but when they entered the Jordan River the Bible says God changes the rules of the game he changes the rules of supernatural where he says now when your feet stepped into the Jordan River I go with you God didn't say I will split the Jordan River and then you go God says you go and I split the Jordan River with the Red Sea they were waiting for the river to be split and then they went with the Jordan they went in the river split you are not facing a red sea you are facing a Jordan in the sense that God is not going to do it and then you go you are going to go and God is going to do it don't just wait on God work with him many Christians they know what it's like to say I have nobody without God Jesus says you're nobody you're nothing without me and we know that we say oh Lord I am nothing without you if you don't do it I'm not gonna be able to do it and that is true but that is only 50% of the truth the other percent 50 percent is when Paul says I can do everything through Christ I am nothing without Christ that's only 50% the other 50% is I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me you gotta combine both of these truths can somebody say men we see that Jesus tells his disciples go into all the world preach the gospel baptize people teach them and then he says in Matthew chapter 28 he says lo I am with you always the law is after the go first is the go and then is the law Jesus adds the law to go that means that he says I'm gonna go with you when you go he didn't say you know what I want you to wait he only said that once to disciples and they waited for 10 days and no longer is the church required to wait now we pray in our prayer and we wait upon God in prayer time that is true and that is extremely important we come to dependence on God but what I do not want us to have is this I don't want you to shift the responsibility for revival and your life on God we don't shift the responsibility for miracles and God we share responsibility with God for miracles in our life if revival depends on God every Church would have it if revival depends on God every nation will have it God doesn't play lottery with revival he doesn't just blindnesses ah I like the city yeah I like that Church I like that church God doesn't pick and choose we choose revival the Bible says it is the will of God for everyone to be saved why are people not getting saved because it's not your will when it becomes your will when it becomes your passion when it becomes your desire when we partner with God God begins to move somebody shout him in God's power is already connected to us you and I are like a faucet in the house the city connects the water to your house and then there is these pipes that go to every single bathroom every sink the water is already there the city did their job they connected the water they opened the water to your house but there will be not one drop in the sink of your house until you open the faucet the Holy Spirit has already been connected to you as a Christian the temple of God the Holy Ghost is connected God opened the wall in heaven he already sent the angels he already sent the spirit he already released the promise he already released and now everything is connected to you and so my assignment today is not for wait for God to send a city official to open the faucet my assignment today is to use my own hands and to open the faucet in my own house that the city has its water connected to I opened my mouth and God says do what prophet prophesied God tells you speak to the mountain God says pray God says God says trample upon the serpents God says open up your bosses somebody you've got a shadow phrase right now come on somebody give got a shadow place right now hallelujah in mark chapter 16 it says the following and as they went out and preached everywhere while the Lord worked with them Chintu your neighbor said God wants to work with you God is not working for you because some of you think you have God on a payroll I need this this this this there's no no no no God is not running errands he doesn't work for you he works with you we're partners you're not the boss if someone you said he is the Lord but he wants to work with us he says you step in I step in you step into the Jordan my glory steps into the Jordan when Samson caught foxes he put their tails together and put a fire in their tail not under nose in their tail means what whatever they went the fire went behind them we have to embrace a new testament mindset and the New Testament mindset is this we don't wait on God to preach the gospel heal the sick and cast out devils we work with God the idea that all if the Holy Spirit doesn't go with us really what else is he gonna do he will go with us now in our private time in our fasting time we wait upon God we come and say Lord I am nothing without you and the moment you come out of your prayer time you say Lord I can do all things through you never in public acknowledge that you're nothing because that's not true and in private don't come and make up something to choose something in private remain a beggar in public be a lion in private be a lamb saying Lord I love you so much I am absolutely nothing and I don't want to be anything without you but the moment you come out of that you better be a lion you better be a warrior and private I'm a worshipper in public I'm a warrior in private I commune with God in public I command the mountain because God's power is attached now to you God says let's share a responsibility don't shift the blame on me don't say revival is God's job revival is our job it's God's and my job we are yoked together that means we're carrying it together God is not pulling everything I'm pulling it with him and he got the heavy part of course I'm doing the light part can somebody say Amen the revival is our job with God it's not God's job if everyone in the city would live like you do would we have revival in the city if everyone in the city would pray like you pray would this city be changed if everybody in this city would read the Bible like you do if everybody in the city would sneak out at Friday night and Saturday night as you do would we have revival you have to ask yourself this question I ask myself regularly this question if every member in our church will live like I do would our church experience revival because nobody I shouldn't expect revival out of you until I expect revival out of me revival can only happen through us because if first has taken a place in us our desire is not to bring revival to the city are these desire is first to bring revival into our own life and let it spill into our sphere of influence and affect our cities take care of revival in your family actually men take care of revival in your personal life it was spill into your family it was spill into your marriage it was spill into your kids maybe not right away but sooner or later amen I want you to write down point number before the sword can conquer your enemy it will cut your flesh when Israel crossed the Jordan River the first order of God was not for them to go attack the enemy gods first assignment for Israel was to be circumcised now during the first service a young man and the drum started to drum it when I said circumcised and I wasn't sure if he was giving praise report for the fact that we no longer need to do that or or something but but it was very important we no longer need to do physical circumcision and I say Lord thank you for that amen but the circumcision that God wants to do in our life is using a knife Flint knives of the word of God God wants to cut away the reproach of Egypt God wants to cut away our old stinking thinking God wants to cut away bad attitudes God wants to cut away habits that do not glorify his name God wants to cut certain things off of us before he uses that sword to conquer our enemy the Word of God Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 it says it's a double-edged sword one of the reasons why one side of that sword doesn't cut the enemy it's because the other side hasn't cut me why should the devil respond better to God's Word than you do why should demons tremble if you don't shake why should the devil flee if you don't even humble yourself in front of God's Word I'm gonna give you a secret one of the reasons why our words against the enemy has no power is because God's Word in our heart has no power the Bible says submit yourself to God and then resist the devil rebuking is only as powerful as the depth of my repentance if I don't allow the word of God to come inside and pull some things shifts some things build some things make me weep make me shout make me praise make me change my mood literally mess me up if that word has no power in me why should it have power through me see before the word of God can conquer the enemy there is one part of that word that will cut you and that's a make you feel bad actually it will cut something bad it will bring comfort it will bring conviction it will bring power it will change you on the inside because God's Word is a double-edged sword one plight is for the devil one place for me come on Jesus hallelujah sometimes sometimes the Word of God is so dull to us it's barely gonna be sharp against the devil let God's Word be fresh in you you won't be surprised you'll be surprised how fiery you'll become against the enemy if you want it to work against the devil let it work first in you mainly become a student of God's Word pick up your Bible again the helmet the youversion app again I know you deleted it because there was not enough space on the phone get the streaks again start a Bible reading plan again you would say but I failed so many times start again begin to memorize the word again don't just read the Bible let the Bible read you have a time where the sharpness of God's Word makes you go ah this is God it's a bread it's a seed it's the hammer it's the oil the Word of God is a fire shut up in my bones a prophet said let it be something that feeds me only then it will fight the enemy if it doesn't feed you it won't fight your enemy and so what what he teaches us Joshua teaches us is this is that before you use the blade against the Philistines Midianites parasites and every other i'ts let the blade go this is so good this is good this is Minister when it's good to you it's gonna be the devil's gonna say here say this is so bad this is so bad this hurts they know why Jesus could say it is written and the devil was wounded because that it is written first was ministering to Jesus before he ministered to the devil before he administered that word god's word has two sides one blade is for your flesh one blade is for you and the other blade is for the enemy before you pull it out against your enemy pull it first for yourself and prune your own life with that word prune your thinking Thrun the negativity prune the defeated prune the trauma and the drama prune the heart and the pain the habits the hangups prune all of that out let it work in you before he works through you this applies also in marriage the principle of cutting before conquering you can conquer happiness in marriage until you cut back on certain things certain habits certain attitudes you can't conquer financial prosperity until you cut back certain subscriptions and leaks in your finances which take up a lot of money when I was 16 years of age you know I I realized that I don't need to compete to win public's approval because I was already behind my physical appearance didn't help me so I knew that I was way behind on winning people's approval so I'm like since I'm so behind I'm just not gonna even run that race so I did not need to buy the latest coolest the reason why is because I knew it will never help me to win the public approval so what I did is I didn't care what people thought about me I started to save money more toward eventually building an investment instead of buying money to impress people that I don't like I don't have to buy things I don't need at the age of 20 I conquered my first real estate property but the only reason is because at the age of 16 I cut back certain things you can't conquer if you don't cut some of you you saying why why am I cannot conquer this deal this dream see in order to conquer you gotta come even right now you know one of the reasons and released the book three years ago I felt the Lord lead me in my heart to reduce my life to one thing not to do everything but to do one thing and and I felt in my heart that one thing that I'm called to do is to lead and to feed and that is to communicate and so I do one thing I did a little bit of real estate now I trim that what I want to do only communication so for me book is communication social media is communication YouTube is communication audio podcast is communication when I travel it's communication yes I do many things but in reality I do only one thing and the reason I'm able to conquer the area of my calling is because everything else is being cut to help me fulfill only that calling if you want to conquer you got a cut can somebody say man see some of you can have so many things growing right now and you're saying why not none of it really takes off it's because you're growing everything grow one thing and it will grow amen I want you to write down point number three when there is no solution to the problem seek to live in awareness of the promise or the presence when there is no solution to the problem seek to live in awareness of God's presence so we see this Israel coming to the Jordan and God is teaching them the importance of stepping in first instead of just waiting for God to step in first so you take the risk you move by faith it's actually incredible because if you read the Bible you will see that God called Israel and people until they got to Promised Land the moment they entered the promised land God calls them a nation I believe when you start living by faith begins to change your name and God calls you believer maybe you grew up being negative maybe a negativity pessimism being doubtful being full of anxiety is what runs in your family but when you begin to take that first step with God God begins to change your name and he says listen you're a believer now I've given you a word of faith I've given you a spirit of faith I've given you a measure of faith I've given you a household of faith I've given you a gift of faith so you can live a life of faith because I am pleased by faith God changes your name and then when we come out of that Jordan the Lord begins to bring cutting in our life he begins to allow his word to create a powerful change within us positive change good change and this empowers us to conquer the enemy Israel faced their first challenge in the promised land I like what pastor Iliad mentioned today how success is a lot of responsibility success is not paychecks coming to your mail and you're just buying toys and you're posting on Instagram how nice cars you have and that's not what success is success is that you're faithful what you have and your employer comes in and gives you more work your pastor comes in and says you're running this minish is so great can I put three more ministries on you success is more responsibility and responsibility it's not fun Israel comes to the promised land and they face the first problem this problem was something they've never faced before up to this point everybody they did not like and everybody the hated them came after them so it was easy you see the enemy you go find they come into promised land and their enemy hides behind walls and not only hides behind walls the enemy has walls so big Israel has no weapons to defeat them the enemy shuts the door and keeps the lock inside Israel is in the promised land but they have a problem have you ever been in the place in your life where there was a time you dreamed to be in that place and once you arrived there you met your Jericho when you were single you were wishing to get married until you get married and you met you Jericho yeah her name yeah that's Jericho and she doesn't want to talk to you she's closed and you've tried every five languages every King you stuck into that into the luck I'm talking back and this is Lady third day you're sleeping on the couch the woman that Erica doesn't want to talk back you're like I thought this will feel better this looks good but it's a problem you wish to have children children is such a great blessing from God they're the quyllur that they're the arrows in your quiver then they become teenagers then you face your Jericho when a spoiled brat that you fed and brought into this world things they got the world figured out and they're telling you how to run the world and how to run the family I never want to talk to you and you try to threaten them I brought you to this world I'll take you out and you see them calling the police from the phone number you are paying for when you finally get that business and you got that one or two people working for you and things are finally going great and things are going great until you stop realizing you gotta pay taxes until you start realizing do you gotta look for a job see you hated being an employee because being somebody always controlled me and I always have to be here till 5:00 until and the beauty of being a young boss is so great until you have to look for a job you have to look for contracts if that doesn't go through it's on your food on the table that goes out we don't realize but the promised land has its challenges and sometimes these challenges are so much bigger than the challenges of Egypt and it makes the promised land feel like pit of hell we loved having interests when we didn't have them insurance you're great but I'm just gonna tell you the truth until we got interest first year that we had insurance I remember I came to prayer and I said God I will never ever do intership again in my life I was like why did you Lord take the most difficult people all around the world and ship them all at once - hungry generation why because the first week I faced with challenges they came with problems they came with difficulties some of them didn't even know they had these difficulties but then by the end of internship I was like you know we can try one more time an XG we tried it again then this internship started and the first week as a close Jesus what did we got ourselves into 32 teenagers they are so amen [Applause] one person texting me this is happening that's the person this drama is happening this happened and sometimes I feel like it could behind us like my news report I'm like and then I was like man this is so hard but this is what I remind myself I said Lord if it wouldn't be for the entrance I wouldn't have these challenges I remember when we didn't have challenge because we had nobody at church I said lord I thank you for every problem every difficulty every Jericho every challenge I have because of the promised land I stepped in to never let you oh Jesus [Music] never lose sight of the beauty of promised land because you met you Jericho that's the that's the beautiful part about Promised Land is you get Jericho's you get challenges you get you get hardships but God is always with you and you will always overcome if you want to get rid of the Jericho you will lose the Promised Land so overcome the problem with Jericho but I want to speak about something right now that I believe will be a catalyst in overcoming our Jericho Jericho shuts its doors and Israel is facing a battle they're not equipped to win right now and instead of running from that battle or instead of Israel allowing this to overwhelm them I want you to see what God tells Israel to do he says I want you to take an ark of the covenant put it on your shoulders and walk around the city of Jericho seven times the first day I want you to walk around the city I want you to see what they were supposed to carry on their shoulders not to weight of the wall but the weight of the presence they don't know how they're gonna conquer it they don't have some secret weapon they're developing they don't have a tank they don't have a nuclear weapon they don't have any kind of explosives that they're hiding somewhere in the wall nobody is planning a secret secretly to remove to open the door from the inside Israel does not know how to conquer it have you ever faced something you don't know how to conquer let me tell you what not to do don't let the problem climb on your shoulders don't let the doctor's report climb on your shoulders don't let the fact that your kid is not talking to you climb on your shoulders don't let the fact that you promise you will never do that sin and you've done again don't let that climb on your shoulders I know you're struggling with that but don't let your struggle land on your shoulder keep walking around that struggle having something different on your shoulder you will say well it's impossible not to let that be on my shoulder think about this two minutes after you're dead it's not gonna be a problem no problem whatsoever and whatever financial problems you have two minutes after you're dead no more a problem I always tell them to myself whenever I say that it's so hard to get the problems off of me I said it's crazy how my heart stops beating and the problem leaves if my heart stops beating and any removes the problem why can I stop the problem with the power of the holy spirit right now I keep this rule 5x5 if in five years this problem is not going to be a problem I will not take more than five minutes to care about it move on from it five minutes okay 450 for 35 minutes is gone that's it you have to move on why because these problems I know they're big I know they scream the loudest you can never lend them on your shoulders because when they are on your shoulders they can't change you change they crush you they affect your knees they affect your back and instead of seeing walls fall you fall the presence of God when it goes on your shoulders I stand and then the walls God begins to put his finger on these walls because he sits on me so he hits closer to the wall so he goes in to the wall like this and I the reason why God wanted them to be closed so he could keep the finger on the wall did you know the walls fell supernaturally they fell supernaturally they didn't just fall supernaturally God put his finger on it why did he put his finger because they kept him close to the wall and he was on the shoulders when he walked through the valley of the shadow of death walk with ARC on your shoulders when you walk through divorce walk with the ark on your shoulders when you walk through a heartbreak or maybe abuse or maybe something very difficult and you're being healed as you walk through that still don't let the devil fool you and say you have to carry you're called to conquer it and the only way you can do it is if you don't carry it carry the presence somebody say I carry the presents say I will conquer the problem by carrying the presents that's what Jesus says you will receive what power when the Spirit will come what power is never released if he doesn't come upon but if we want to see power released he has to come upon but for some of us before he comes upon you got to do something he's saying you know what that is the problem yes yes it's true it's a terminal illness yes it's true it's a challenge I have in my marriage yes it's true it's a problem I have but you know what right now if it's not gonna be a problem two minutes after death it's not gonna be a problem right now because the living God lives in me and in the midst of Jericho I'm gonna walk in the presence of God I will walk in the peace of God I will walk in the power of God and as you do that your walls begin to melt your problems begin to change and you are preserved can somebody say Amen somebody say praise God hallelujah and I want us to write this down the last point and we'll come to prayer build memorials to God's miracles not monuments to your mistakes when Israel passed through the Jordan River after they finished God circumcise them actually the Joshua circumcise them but after according to God's instruction the Lord tells Joshua sent 12 men back to that place and I want you to go into the bottom of Jordan River and I'm gonna come down I want you to go to the bottom of the Jordan River and once you reach the lowest point of the Jordan River I want the 12 men to find some stones from there take the stones out from there and bring them to the promised land and set up like a monument and God says this is to remind future generations that I was with you I did the miracle God wants us actually Joshua set up six more six or seven memorials during his lifetime sometimes he killed one king and put a huge pile for as a reminder the king is dead Joshua wanted the nation to have memorials of God's victories and God's miracles not monuments of what God has not done what has not happened the prayer God has not answered that person God has not healed at that time when God didn't come through that time where was God in that God does not want you to build monuments to unanswered prayers but memorials to his miracles in your life some of us struggle with our faith not because our faith is weak our memories short we remember things we should forget and forget things we should remember don't remember your mistakes remember God's miracles we tend to a mind gravitate to always remember what we've done wrong disciples were the same way jesus heals the Jesus feeds the nation's feet so many people and then finally he gets in a boat and he says stay away from the leaven of the Pharisees and the services remaining right in front of us about the bread we forgot bread man man we could take somebody to bring us bread but we're already in the middle like we forgot bread and Jesus was talking about we forgot bread this is why do you always remember your problems pieces do you remember how many people I fed and I watch the see Jesus gravitates to remind the world what he did instead of what they have not done don't let your mind like a magnet be drawn to your mistakes draw to God's miracles you see but I ain't got much miracles on the cross Jesus died for you that's a miracle he loved shoot that's why the Last Supper Jesus says do this in remembrance of me if you have nothing else to remember remember how much he loves you remember that he loved just so much like he died on the cross for you and rose from the dead for your justification remember me Jesus said promised land is when you set up memorial stones in your mind and these stones are of God's activity in your life do you know why you have to do that because there will be moments God is not going to speak you will have to rely and what he did before to give you faith for what you're facing right now the Opium moments when you will face the goliath and sam and samuel prophet samuel is not gonna pick up the phone and there's gonna be no word from god puppy from the bible to encourage you and you're gonna have to go back to your memorial stone of killing the lion and the bear to say if god was with me there he was with me here and he is with me now and this goliath will fall can somebody say man even an angel of God when he came to Mary and said Mary you're gonna have a child and Mary says that is not possible angel you understand I'm not married and it's gonna be controversial there's gonna be a lot of drama there and the angel instead of saying well you know what I was in heaven we kind of saw how God you know kind of created the gold out of nothing and stuff angel wasn't telling her what happened in heaven he says your relative Elizabeth angels watch testimonies angels reference testimonies angel didn't touch her so she feel the power he filled her mind with a stone your relative he never said something about Mary's life sometimes there are no memorial mirror miracles in your life borrow it from your neighbor borrow it from YouTube borrow it from someone else that is why we play these things at church that's why I regularly play these in my own life while I won my mind to reflect the possibilities in God not the problems of life not the challenges of life not my issues but my identity can somebody say Amen some of you you have a monument that's built it's what you've done I understand you'd end up in the newspaper I understand your driving record confirms it I understand you have a little blower thing that you blow before you can start your car yeah I understand you lost your virginity we understand you've been abused and you you feel like you're second best I am here today to ruin your Monument I am here today to devastate that Monument and say stop building that God says pull the stones from the lowest point of your life not to remind you you've been hurt but to remind you that it kills you to remind you God was there with you and that did not angel eyes and if it didn't get you there it will not end you hear God is still with you he did not leave you he did not abandon you come out somebody give God a shadow praise hallelujah hallelujah the only thing Jesus left was a tomb and you're not a tomb you're a temple he is always with you that's why you got to pick up the stones from the lowest point of your life not to in mind that you cannot trust people not to remind yourself to listen you done with marriage because you got burned no God says pick up that stone to remind you even when you fail he was still there he was still there he is still here right now he's the god of second chances he's the god of birth chances he's the god of fourth chances he's gonna be the god of fifth chances of your life to remind you of how somebody drops you how somebody betrayed you and you relive these things I'm here to ruin those monuments pushed and pushed those rockers that I slip you were convinced you'll never succeed you will convinced you will never prosper you will never be healthy because everybody in your family dies by 50 from cancer I'm going to push those stones that to say this set up a memorial in your mind set up a reminder that God's been with you if he has not been with you he's been with your family he's been with this church and he will never leave you never forsake you halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah if you are surrounded with problems right now it's waiting you down and you came to they crushed quickly run out of your seat cover the front we're gonna pray right now if you feel like you know what I've been through stuff and I'm feeling it right now I just see some prayer like I just come out of your seat it's not enough looking for salvation this is God's gonna do something right now that's gonna begin to ruin the monuments and build a memorial you don't have to be a member of our church to receive prayer but just around the block see Lord I just need more of you place an ark about my shoulders place an arm on my shoulders place your presence on my shoulders I'm tired of getting these problems I'm tired of getting his issues right there I want one of you guard this fraud just run just run to the front God's gonna meet you come on with those hands and never get to worship this worship just worship can come out [Music] those glasses [Music] let the glory of God descending you right now as you lived here and the sake of Jesus fill me right now down my wall Bushnell my party bush [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want you to put it for the person next day right now place your head on their shoulder and I want you to pray for the Ark to descend right now miracles are gonna be taking place right now play for their shoulder begin to pray right now that others shoulder there is going to be a grace of God if someone is standing in front of me you can place it on their shoulder in front of you let's begin to pray right now that the the presence of God will descent on their shoulders and will live that will live in the awareness of the quality of God and Jesus made his father we pray Lord on the heaviness and the problems on the strollers brother we exchange for your presence Lord for your freedom for your peace that surpasses all understanding but we're not gonna be carriers of our mistakes we're not gonna be carriers of our problems of our worries of her anxiety of our fears of your presence [Music] my father will carry the presence of the one in spirit the promises of God everywhere that you spoken to light will be upon a shoulder Lord because your yoke is easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on lift those hands like a child raise it to the Father say come Jesus with power come with wonders come on inviting without your situation [Music] so Lord expect miracles or I carry your presence in my situation [Music] the finger of God is power at the hand of goddess power stretch your head do what only you can do in my marriage do what only you can do it my relationship God you see I can't do this on my own but you live in me right now beat this thing help me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I see in my spirit how the river Jordan the river waters close back that very place where Israel went throat and I feel like the Lord is telling somebody here right now is God is closing the wound and turn it into a scar and this car will become your testimony this car is something you will be a flee if you not no longer be afraid to even talk about it this scar will turn you into a star goddess closing the rivers God is closing that wound that thing is healing up right now the Holy Spirit is supernaturally stitching things up right now and you will no longer remember it as a place of your wound but as a place of your wonder as a place of your healing as a place of your destiny as a place of whatever you went through has become something that is a memorial to God's goodness not a monument to your mess not a monument to your failure not a monument to your past people will no longer see you that that way people will no longer call you that way Jesus thank you for watching this content I hope this was a blessing to you if you're like me and you like to click on things click on this subscribe to our channel and the content will come to you every time we post it and remember the best is yet to come
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 17,534
Rating: 4.8681316 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, exorcism demons, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, John Chi in US, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, freedom from demons, relationship with Holy Spirit, crazy deliverances
Id: lL3_3MlEYko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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